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10-31-02, 14:44
Originally posted by Fat Bastard
Concerning the Mellizas Twins.....I just noticed they are now off of Platynum.com. I was looking at them yesterday and they're off today!

Did anybody happen to get a contact number?

Was looking forward to fulfilling a fantasy. Any help would be appreciated.



"In Search of the mythical Melliza Twins"
Rent the movie, read the book, buy the CD.

The Mellizas Twins are off because they don't exits except digitally. I contend they are just an Argentine monger fantasy.

If anyone knows otherwise let us know.

10-31-02, 16:41
Originally posted by Admin
Because the subject of prices and practices continues to appear in the forum, and because there is apparently a lot of mis-information on the subject, it appears that I'm going to need to continuously re-post these guidelines.
Ok, Ok, point taken. These prices are all for short time and I guess I just enjoy having the girl for a longer period of time such as all night and into the next day.

Anyway, thanks for the post.

Hi Moondog,

You wern't wrong, I just wanted to clairify the difference in the correct price for a 1-2 hour session (150-200 pesos), and the correct price for "todo la noche" (300+pesos).

There have been many ocassions where I've had a particuliarly nice chica stay with me for a couple of days or longer, usually to accompany me on a trip into the country or to Mar del Plata. Of course, to me 300 pesos per day still seems a little high given that I'm paying all the travel expenses, but it's certainly subject to negoiation. Just today I was talking to a chica friend who offered to accompany me for free if I took her with me to see the Rolling Stones in Rio de Janeiro next month.

I also wanted to clairify that the girls are receiving the same prices now as they were before the devaluation, with the same purchasing power in Argentina as before the devaluation. The only difference is that when you go to exchange your dollars for their pesos, you now get more pesos.


10-31-02, 20:34
james bond...re your question about pricing.....I went to BA twice before devaluation of the peso. In August of 2001 I paid an average of 200USD for a 4 hour date (for the evening)....sex/dinner/sex.....and 150 for a shorter date, and 200 to 300 for overnighters. These were the same prices I paid in pesos after devaluation, until just recently when I have had a harder time finding chicas for 200 for an overnight date...most now want 300 for TLN....but since the price is in pesos, that's 100USD now vs. 200-300 a year ago....so, yes, prices in dollars have fallen dramatically.

Jackson's post makes very good points about informed hobbyists paying informed prices...it makes it easier on everyone if all of us know and adhere to the prevailing price structure....otherwise the prices will escalate. A caveat...if you pay only the same amount as last year, the girl's purchasing power will have declined somewhat due to inflation. Things cost more now.

10-31-02, 20:58
I am a one year reader, first time poster. The info. I have read is 90+% bang-on for the one area I know a bit about, BA. Thanks to all. I have been to Argentina 5 times in the last 3 years and just returned from a 2 weeker in early Oct. I have been to many places around the world but never had the inclination to hobby until BA.

BA, as it turns out, is candy land. How can one help themselves?

On prices, I have a few notes as a gringo vs. a latino buddy I was with from outside Argentina. The prices in general were the same off the internet, (making phone calls) and the clubs for each of us. As my amigo is more into bargaining, he tried, with the response that 'you are now from one of the rich countries' to which he replied, 'not for long'. Basic prices were 100p/hr, (+cab), all night 300p. One hr sessions turned to 1.5 or so, same charge. Some club girls looked for more, some internet, but only 10% of the girls, and there was no moving their prices.
I went to BA this time looking for a bit of a GFE, which I got, same girl 2 different days. This cannot be done in 1 hour. If someone can provide a tactful method to do the following, please write. While looking for the GFE, the chemistry might not be right and I will settle for 1.5 hours. On the other hand, looking for 1.5 hours, one might want to turn it into an all nighter. How does one arrange this tactfully knowing the girls want to schedule their time?
IMHO, I enjoyed the internet experience because it was not as hard core as some of the clubs can get, totally opposite to what my expectations were. I would never go to BA without checking the clubs out however as they are a lot of fun, more English speakers then I have come across in the past.
Will provide more direct insight next post.

11-01-02, 04:46
Like middleageguy, I've also been lurking on this board for a couple of months now and I must say that the Argentina section on this board has been a tremendous source of information, so much so that I have planned a short trip over thanksgiving to explore BA. Though it will be my first time in BA, I by no mean am a novice to the hobby scene, having been to Brazil 5 times in the last three years. I was pretty content on continuing my periodic trips to Brazil but after reading the glowing reports from this Argentinian section I figure I owe it to myself to check out the scene in BA.
My question to the experts on the board is, given that I am an Asian-American, can someone tell me whether this poses a problem in BA as far as mongering goes? I know from personal experience in Rio, Sao Paulo and Fortaleza that it is not a problem at all (In fact girls seem to zero in on me amongst my caucasian friends in the termas or boites of Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo for some unknown reason.) Just curious about BA girls attitude toward asian males?
I am pretty pumped up about this upcoming trip and would like to find out if other WSGers will be around in BA from 11/26 to 12/1 so that me and my buddy can hang out with you. Certainly the first couple rounds of ceveza will be on me. Am currently in the process of securing some lodging options from Mayri from argentinago.com. As I said, I have been a frequentflyer to Brazil and am a huge fan of the Brazilan garotas but certainly look forward to a change of venue/pace in the form of BA. E-mail me @ apstarNOSPAM@attbi.com (delete NOSPAM from the e-mail address)if you want to hook up or if you just want some info on the Brazil scene.

11-01-02, 05:18
Originally posted by middleageguy
I went to BA this time looking for a bit of a GFE, which I got, same girl 2 different days. This cannot be done in 1 hour. If someone can provide a tactful method to do the following, please write. While looking for the GFE, the chemistry might not be right and I will settle for 1.5 hours. On the other hand, looking for 1.5 hours, one might want to turn it into an all nighter. How does one arrange this tactfully knowing the girls want to schedule their time?

Just treat them so good that they will not want to leave you. Make them laugh, and enjoy the time. It does not always work because of prior commitments, but it will get you off to a good start.

Enjoy the life,


11-01-02, 05:25

Thanks for the post.


11-01-02, 10:14

Thank you for the great post(s) on costs in BA. As a first timer for BA, it's the kind of information / clarification I needed.

Rolling Stones indeed, excellent, I wish I could be there too!



11-01-02, 13:07
Apstar. Trust me. You will not have any problems at all. I have met up with guys of all different backgrounds in Buenos Aires and none have had any problems. You will really like it there and the chicas are very affectionate and friendly.

There are a bunch of us in Buenos Aires over Thanksgiving. Actually probably too many of us. I stopped responding to emails because there is no way I'll be able to meet with all of you in 4 short days. Maybe you'll see some of us out at the clubs. I'm meeting up with 3 amigos during Thanksgiving weekend. I've received emails from about 5 or 6 other dudes wanting to all go out together. There is no way a group of 9 or 10 of us is gonna work in the same club.

Maybe we can have lunch or dinner together though. Also, maybe since so many of us are going to be there on Thanksgiving I'll put together a dinner party at a nice restaurant for all of us. Then we can split up in groups of 3 or so and go out to the clubs. That probably sounds like a better idea. Anyone that wants to be included, email me at saintofba@hotmail.com and "RSVP". I'll make the reservation somewhere really nice and we can give thanks. I arrive on Thursday morning and leave on Monday.

Life is good.


11-01-02, 13:37
Great idea. A WSF monger Thanksgiving dinner in Buenos Aires. Certainly have lots to be thankful for....

Maybe it might be interesting to see if we could do it at one of the clubs:-)

Life is good INDEED.

Bond, James Bond 69

Don José
11-01-02, 13:44

this is my first post to the board, and I first want to thank Jackson, Saint, Otto, MCSE, and all of you frequent posters for all the valuable information that you so generously shared. It made my 15-day trip to BA many times better.

As about myself, I've been into mongering for the past 25 years, and had a try to 13 countries over 5 continents. As a frequent business traveller, I always try to discover the specifics of the hobby scene of any new country I'm travelling to.

This trip was carefully prepared. I took 3 months of intensive spanish classes, thus adding a 6th language to the 5 I already speak at various fluency levels. I think this is a must if you want to skip the more touristy experiences and dig valuable info while you are onsite. I also read a number of books about Argentina, including one of the first reports on the hobby scene there. This is "The path to Buenos Aires" by Albert Londres, a world famous reporter in the 20's. (re-published in 1998), who describes in some detail the BA world of brothels at the time. I also studied extensively all the posts on this site, the web sites, and... a map of the city.

Following my general strategy to "blend-in' as much as possible, I decided to rent an apartment there, not in the obvious Recoleta, but in Palermo, which seems to be (upper) middle-class neighborhood. The apartment was found through ByT Argentina website (Mariana speaks perfect English and French), at a weeky rate of 200 USD. It was in perfect condition, clean, comfortable, and conveniently located. Renting an apartment offers, i my view, the aditional advantage of discretion, which the kind of lady I'm after generally seem to appreciate, avoiding the embarrassment of checking in at the hotel front desk, etc.

Just to be sure I wouldn't miss anything, I started by a quick review of the top bars scene, beginning by Playwomen (why do most posters stick to the erroneous "Playwoman" spelling?), the Recoleta Affaire, Sodoma, and the like (skipping Black's, which I was sure was a waste of time). Much as I anticipated, none of these places was to my liking, the girls being, in my humble opinion, much too old (late 20's, early 30's) and professional looking.

The street scene being a bit too adventurous for a first-timer, I decided to concentrate my research on what I call the "middle-market", which, for the sake of definitions, shall be deemed to cover: i) bars in Palermo and Belgrano (including the Puyrredon Affaire, the Pampa Nuevo Estilo Boliche); ii) the websites and iii) the "classificados" in Clarin and La Nacion.

My main finding can be summarized as follows: the middle-market apparently consists of two distinct niches: the first one is the bar scene, the second being the "departamientos". However, both might ultimately be under control of the same people, my source of info being the girls themselves.

The bars, as in Recoleta and Cento, ask for a small entrance fee (15 to 20 pesos, which include a drink); the choice varies with time and places, but is generally among 10 to 20 girls, generally in the 7-8 range. Prices are fixed (80 to 120 pesos an hour, and the scheme is described to you by the bartender or the "encargada", i.e. the supervisor of the place). There is generally a higher proportion than elsewhere of foreign (i.e. Brazilian, Paraguayan, Cuban and Dominican) girls, as well as Argentinian girls from the provinces (Misiones). They appear to be a bit more relaxed and less professional than in Recoleta, possibly due to shorter exposure to big city stress. However, they are under strict control of the management, with strong "contractual" pressure to generate revenue. The money you give them is remitted to the "encargada", and they generally receive only 50% of it. These girls do not end up there by mere chance. There ARE import-export arrangements to bring them there; a Cuban girl explained how the (real) owner of the place (name witheld for obvious reasons) arranged for an official invitation to Cuban administration to get her out of Santiago de Cuba, short of which invitation she couldn't have left the country. This shows, if anything, that the schemes described by Albert Londres some 60 years ago (whereby the French mob exported prostitutes to BA) still exist, albeit with different characteristics.

The Departamientos. Now you may think that the girls on Platynum are, as the site claims, "independent escorts". Of course I didn't check all the girls there, and my conclusions rely on random sampling. I leave it to our independent community of research minded mongers to confirm more thoroughly my tests. What I can state by first hand experience is that at least a substantial proportion of the girls there work in "Departamientos".
The "Departamiento" (which in plain words is nothing else than a small-scale brothel) is an appartment (the well famed 2254 French Street being one of many) where various shifts of 2 to 4 girls work; generally, an older lady serves as attendant, answering the phone and keeping track of each girl's business. She reports to an "encargada" who supervises several "deartamientos". The main task of the encargada is to collect money from the girls (the girls I hooked up with consistently reported they had to pay a 50% cut out of the price agreed upon over the phone). A girl will be fired if she has less than 1 or 2 sessions a week over a period of 2 weeks. The money collected by the "encargada" is paid to the "dueño" (owner) of the Departamiento. Now, this person never appears as the legal owners of the place, who seem to be men of straw.
What precedes explains why the girls in Platynum and the Clarin classified are the same as those in the Departamientos. The owners are well organized pimps that use every available advertising media to promote their business. To be fair, this certainly justifies part of the 50% cut on the girls' fees.
I was told by 2 independent sources that many of the Belgrano's Departamientos are owned by the same family (4 brothers).
The worst remains to be said: a girl is NOT totally free to leave. If she wants to avoid serious problems (and, remember, many of them have kids), they only get to leave by finding someone to replace them; and the replacing girl should display, prima facie, the same revenue generating capabilities as the would be leaver.
This was confirmed independently, although with some variation in the details, by 3 different girls I met in 3 different Departamientos.

I'm not sure this post is as entertaining as many others on this board. I'm not sure either which conclusions we should draw from the above. I can only say it came to me as a shock when I realized half the money I had so happily given to some of the sweet girls I met did not end up in their pockets, but in those of... you name it.

11-01-02, 15:40
Mohctep (Monster in Russian?):

To me, it's easy: Argentina has better girls, more ratio of stunners and I feel literally at home.

Hope this helps,


11-01-02, 17:47
Don Jose

Thanks for your input. It is good to get confirming information on what others have posted. This information is important to have for several reasons.

From reading your post I'll venture to say that you seem to prefer your companions in the highschool senior to college junior range.;>) If so, then, did you find these type of women in the Clarin Classifieds and, or, the Palermo bars?

Congratulations on doing your homework. I am impressed.


11-01-02, 21:48
I was in BA last June and had a great time (I am an Asian) - So stop worrying and pack your bags. I will be in BA for Thanksgiving (A ton of guys are going there). If you are staying at Etoile say hello to me and I will buy the first beer!

11-01-02, 22:19
Never been to Argentina myself but I am interested in learning a bit about the place for a visit. Does anyone know of any websites that have information on the sex scene there. I could just unload a bunch of questions here such as....Are there localized areas where the action is concentrated such as in Amsterdam and Thailand?....Is the scene predominantly escorts, massage, streetwalkers, brothels or clubs?...or a mix? Are the services
available pretty much open to anything? Any help to get me pointed in the right direction would be appreciated.

11-01-02, 22:49
Originally posted by Don José

The Departamientos. Now you may think that the girls on Platynum are, as the site claims, "independent escorts". Of course I didn't check all the girls there, and my conclusions rely on random sampling. I leave it to our independent community of research minded mongers to confirm more thoroughly my tests. What I can state by first hand experience is that at least a substantial proportion of the girls there work in "Departamientos".
Don Jose,

Thanks for the good post and insight.

By "Independent Escorts," the owners of Platynum mean that they are just a hosting service for the girls photos and personal information. They are not an escort service per se, and the girls are free to do what they want with their time as far as Platynum is concerned.

The owners have confirmed to me that about 85% of the girls on Platynum have managers, which may fall into the area that you described in your post. If you want 100% accuracy, and total independence, stick with www.escorts-argentina.com. This is own by the same people as Platynum, but the photos are accurate and the girls are completely independent. That is a pre-requisite for being on the site of www.escorts-argentina.com.


Don José
11-02-02, 09:06

I understand your point about what "independent" means on the Platynum website. I figured it out, too; it is a standard disclaimer for the owners of the site not to be considered as sharing into the revenues of a working girl, which most likely would be legally considered a criminal offence under argentinian law, which I'm told prohibits prostitution. However, as your source informed you, most of the girls have "managers".

Now, I would like to qualify your statement about girls on escort-argentina being "independent". For one thing, I met a girl from this site (her picture has since then been removed) who works in a departamiento. Hence your statement may not be 100% correct.
But the main point is that even those girls who claim to be "independent" (and who are, to the extent they don't have a "manager") all have to arrange for regular payments to the police in order to avoid trouble. Now this seems to me to be an economic arrangement between various classes of pimps (private vs public), rather than anything else. To this extent, there is nothing as an "independent" escort in BA, but various shades of dependency.

Ferolga 777

Yes, I rather go for the fresh and young thing. But attitude is more important than age to me. What turns me off is the professional attitude. I like to befriend my girls, treat them as a person, and receive similar treatment from them. I think getting this type of relationship requires openness on both sides, a lot of respect, and some sense of humor. The hardened pros won't provide it, but then almost everybody else will, with some time and patience. Some of the girls I was with ended up explaining the economics behind the scene, showing pictures of their kids, singing songs to me, etc. It's a matter of confidence. I don't overpay them, and never pay in advance, but always give more than their asking price, if I think its right. I always make small gifts, like perfume, or books (after knowing the tastes of the lady, of course), or flowers... I want to be seen as a giver by them, and they almost invariably reciprocate...

11-02-02, 14:25
Originally posted by Don José
I don't overpay them, and never pay in advance, but always give more than their asking price, if I think its right. I always make small gifts, like perfume, or books (after knowing the tastes of the lady, of course), or flowers... I want to be seen as a giver by them, and they almost invariably reciprocate... My philosophy exactly, and I couldn't have said it better myself!



11-02-02, 16:43
Ditto, it even surprises me sometimes how the little gifts, kind words, and treating them all like ladies improve the quality of the sessions I've had. I've even had some refuse payment after an extended session, and believe me I'm no movie star in the looks department. I think even working girls, maybe them especially, want to feel special and be pampered.

EZE :)

11-02-02, 18:44
Don Jose,

RE: Escorts-argentina.com. I think the operative phrase from your comments would be "her picture has since been removed." Adriana tries to maintain a site free of chicas with managers. She will remove a girl who does not tell the truth about her status as a true independent. So, while mistakes may happen from time to time, Adriana will correct such mistakes as quickly a possible.

Adam Bomb
11-02-02, 19:05
Hello, folks.
Upcoming will be my second visit to BsAs, and I've been scouring the websites and boards for a list of women to call. I have not, though, seen any mention of the area-vip.com site. Has anyone had any experiences with these women? By and large, they seem to be more attractive/polished than those on platynum or escorts-argentina, but some of that may be due to the consistency of the photography....

Also, when I was there last, about two years ago, I tried only one internet girl. On my first day, I called a girl who had been pictured on several sites. When she arrived, it was not immediately clear to me if she was, indeed, the same person I thought I was getting. She was, though, beautiful, but MUCH older than the pictures suggested - that's why she COULD have been that person, but long ago. I believe she may have been in her mid to late thirties, although the pictures showed someone in the prime twenties. Needless to say, I was not happy with the experience, and I became hesitant to take such a risk again. I know I could have sent her away, but as it was my first time doing anything like that, and she was quite sweet, and probably was the same person.... well, I gutted it out.

So. The girls you've been calling from the various sites - are they often not what you expected? Age is a factor for me, as I'm used to Rio, where the girls are almost invariably 18-22 years old. I know the girls in BsAs are more 'mature,' but that wasn't a problem for me last time. I did have a great time in Playwomen and Black, usually with girls 22-26, so I'm not setting any limits, but I'd like to be assured that what I think I'm 'ordering' online is what will show up at my door.

Thanks for your responses.

11-02-02, 19:27
Thank you for that offer, an e-mail is on its way even as we speak. I would very much enjoy meeting you along with other like-minded individuals in person in BA. I think it's terrific idea to get together in BA so you can certainly count me in. As a matter of fact, I've partaken in quite a few similar type of gatherings as the one you proposed in Rio de Janeiro and they have all been trip-enhancing experiences. In fact, the friend who will join me in BA will be leaving for Rio de Janeiro on 11/7 to join a bunch of hobbyists from another board and then fly to BA from Rio. I am sure he is going to have a great time considering he is going to spend more than 3 weeks in Rio and Buenos Aires with some of the finest looking women in the world!! If we get together I am sure he is gonna have some good Brazilian tales to tell not to mention some pictures of the garotas!! As you are of the resident experts on this board, I want to ask you what your opinion is regarding hotel vs apartment in BA. I've always rented an apartment in Rio because it allows me more freedom than the hotels and I am wondering whether this applys in BA as well?

I would certainly look you up if I stay at Etoile, but if you like to get together in BA regardless, shoot me an e-mail and we will figure a way to meet. I am arriving on Tuesday 11/26 and leaving Sunday 12/1.

11-02-02, 20:08
since it seems the secret is out on giving gifts... i'll offer a tip:

there is a small "market", like a flee market type thing (small tables/booths with arts/crafts stuff) right out from the etoile - just walk west a blk down quintana, next to the cemetary, infront of the what is it ...a community center?. this is a great place to obtain little, inexpensive gifts for giving to the girls, things like jewelry, candles, etc.

11-02-02, 20:31
I think this forum is very good. However, i really disagree with all the posts about paying too much. I especially dislike that somehow anyone who goes into Blacks and takes a girl home is an idiot. For some of us, Money is not the issue. Sorry if some of choose to pay more that what you think is right. AS for Blacks, regardless of the posts stating otherwise, as of 2 weeks ago, the chicas at Blacks were by far superior in quanitity then any other place i went to. Yes, Black's is expensive compared to the other places. That doesnt mean you shouldnt check it out for yourself. And remember, money isnt everything.


With all due respect, you're wrong. I live down the street from Blacks, and I make the circuit through the clubs, bars and other venues every night, so I know the situation first hand. If you believe that "chicas at Blacks were by far superior in quanitity then any other place i went to", it only tells me that you just don't know where else to go.

As for your stated desire that "money isn't everything" and that you like "choose to pay more", please stay in the USA where you can pay hundreds of dollars.

On second thought, from the tone of your posting, my guess is that you are somehow associated with Blacks and you've decided to use this forum to post disinformation to counter the dissapointing reviews Blacks has received from numerous experienced travelers. Don't worry, Blacks will always stay in business catering to foreign business visitors on expense accounts who are too timid to venture outside Black's safety perimeter to find the real Argentina.


11-02-02, 22:21
Originally posted by Adam Bomb
Hello, folks.
Upcoming will be my second visit to BsAs, and I've been scouring the websites and boards for a list of women to call. I have not, though, seen any mention of the area-vip.com site. Has anyone had any experiences with these women? By and large, they seem to be more attractive/polished than those on platynum or escorts-argentina, but some of that may be due to the consistency of the photography....

Area-Vip photos are air brushed so that the girls look better than in real life. Take a look at Indiana's photos on www.area-vip.com.ar and compare them to Bunny's photos on www.escorts-argentina.com. Same girl.


Adam Bomb
11-02-02, 22:53
With all due respect, Jackson, I believe the comments about Black were valid, regardless of the accusation of rb1's association with the place.

I've only been to BsAs once, but I did go to almost all of the establishments discussed here, or whatever was in existence two years ago. I found that, for my tastes (my standards are unreasonably high), Black and Playwomen were head-and-shoulders above the other clubs with regard to "quality/attractiveness" of the women. The dollar wasn't worth what it is now, and i still felt compelled to spend the money at those two places, rather than "compromise" with the women i found in the other places.

But, regardless. There's a place for clubs at all price ranges. It's ludicrous for anyone to be labeled an idiot for choosing to spend a bit more to get what one wants. It's not as if anyone's driving the prices up at the other places, as Black just has its own individual structure, and is rather independent of everything else. It's kind of like the large, vocal group of travelers who despise Centaurus in Rio, because it's so much more expensive than the other termas. But, for those who's tastes are satisfied by Centaurus, the price is justified. I know that there have been countless times where I have left other termas, not finding what I wanted. But, with Centaurus, there are invariably many women for me. That is worth the cost, in my opinion. I don't travel so far, and only four or so times per year, in order to pinch pennies. That doesn't make me extravagant or ignorant. But, if I'm paying, I will pay for what I want, with as few compromises as possible.

Similarly, there are many who don't find that the "quality" at Centaurus is any greater than in the other termas. Personally, I can take great issue with what passes for 'taste' in those people, but that's another thread.... But, the whole point is that if the consumer perceives a qualitative difference, then There IS One, whether or not that perception is commonly shared. Then, it's up to that consumer to decide if the cost is too high or not.

I do, of course, agree that no one should be overpaying based on what is the common price structure - but that must be seen in a context. Black is entitled to it's pricing, just as the streetwalker is entitled to another. They aren't the same thing, even though many people will say "pussy is pussy."

And, no, I have no association with any of the places discussed.

Adam Bomb,

I appreciate your position, and I agree with your observations about Centaurus, having been there a few times myself. However, let me clairify a couple of points about Blacks.

First, there isn't anything about Blacks per se that's expensive. They charge the same entry fee and have approximately the same drink prices as many of the Recoleta establishments. In addition, I've never received anything less than polite and courteous service on every one of the many ocassions that I've been there.

Second, Blacks doesn't establish the prices that the chicas try to charge. The chicas, as in most (I hesitate to say all) clubs, are independent and may choose who they may or may not leave with, and what they may agree to charge, all without involvement by the club.

Third, the chicas in BsAs aren't bound to work only one club, and in fact I've seen many chicas in Blacks also in other clubs, the discos and other establishments. For example, it's not uncommon to find the same girl working the early evening "shift" at Cafe Orleans, then later at Blacks or another club. It's common practice for the girls to work different clubs depending on what club is hot and where the action is at any given time.

Fourth, the chica's price will differ depending upon the venue she is in at the moment, my point being that if they're in Blacks with their tenacles around a foreigner, they will try to get two or three times their regular rate, but only because they're in Blacks.

Fifth, the biggest thing that turns me off about Blacks is the fact that simply because I'm a Norte Americano in Blacks, the same girl that would reaidly accept 200 pesos elsewhere, wants to play me for an idiot by asking for $300 USD. Attitude does count, and it's pretty hard to be "man and woman" if they're playing the "stupid foreigner and smart chica" game.

As I've said before, it's not about the price, it's about respect. The object isn't to pay the cheapest price, but to pay a fair price, all while maintaining your status as the man. Don't forget, this is Latin America, not North America.



Adam Bomb
11-02-02, 23:00
Thanks, Moondog.

Yes, I'm aware of the potential of airbrushing, as I've done a fair bit of it myself. But, I think actually that the images on area-vip are at least as 'honest' as those on the other sites. I just think it's 'good' photography/lighting/makeup that "helps" these girls. There is a lot of Photoshopping done on Platynum and escorts-argentina, too.

Have you called anyone from area-vip? I find it odd that these women are not being discussed, as the 'agency' seems to be on a different level as far as "representation" goes. Is it that they're perceived as being too expensive? Are they new?

Thanks for any further comment.

11-03-02, 12:59
Originally posted by Adam Bomb

Have you called anyone from area-vip? I find it odd that these women are not being discussed, as the 'agency' seems to be on a different level as far as "representation" goes. Is it that they're perceived as being too expensive? Are they new?

Thanks for any further comment. [/i]


I know two of the girls, Karina, and Indiana. They are both very nice. You will find most of the girls repeated, sometimes with different names, on almost every website in BA.

Pick one and go have fun.


11-03-02, 13:06
Originally posted by Don José
I don't overpay them, and never pay in advance, but always give more than their asking price, if I think its right. I always make small gifts, like perfume, or books (after knowing the tastes of the lady, of course), or flowers... I want to be seen as a giver by them, and they almost invariably reciprocate...

My philosophy exactly, and I couldn't have said it better myself!


Finally Jackson and I are on the same page. :) All good points.


11-03-02, 13:46
Adam Bomb,

There ARE some cuties on Area-vip.com.ar. I've seen several girls from that site. Some are still on it, some have left and some come and go. Yeah, like all these guys are saying the photos are airbrushed. All of the girls bodies though were almost exactly as pictured on the website. The only thing I noticed is that most of their faces aren't nearly as good as on the site. Case in point, one of the girls I saw is dressed up in all this sexy outfits, her make up is done perfectly, her hair is great. When she came to my hotel, she was wearing a ratty pair of jeans, a white shirt, no make up, her hair was a mess. Don't get me wrong... I still had a great GFE session but just don't expect the exact same girl pictured on that site. Keep an open mind.

I also noticed it was more difficult to reach the girls on Area-Vip's website. My last trip in September many didn't answer their phones, many were "out of the country", or some changed their phone numbers. It is still a website worth considering though. There are a few hotties on that site.


Thanks for the nice words but I'm NO expert on BA. Yeah, I love the city but there are plenty of guys on the board that know the city better than I do. I would suggest an apartment hotel like Art Suites or Design Suites if you're only there a few days. But if you're there a week or longer you may want to consider an apartment. I am in contact with several people that have offered good rates. I have yet to see the apartments in person but they seem to be in a nice area. One is described as, "Luxury building with marble and glass entrance; the ground floor hosts an Art Gallery, Two elevators, two apartments per floor". The prices are very good at around $125 US week!!! (Please don't ask me about the info until I get a chance to look at it).

I'm going at the end of November and also in December for a few weeks where I hope to learn more about renting an apartment or apartment(S).

Remember that we can all agree to disagree with one another. It's good that people are being civil about it. Everyone should give their honest opinions on things. Personally I think Adam Bomb posted a very good post. I'm one of those guys that does think Black's has ridiculously high prices for some girls but you know what? FREE WILL baby! Nothing forces you to pay her asking price and you can always walk out. In fact, I did that more times than not but please note that I had a great time in there hanging with my amigos and looking at the eye candy.

I'm NOT against paying more for a girl that I really want. I do set limits. Anyone that has read my old posts can see that I'd rather go find someone else if a girl isn't being reasonable. At Black's you gotta work harder. It IS possible to score with a Black's chick for not an outrageous price but it helps if your Spanish is at least decent. I took home an "older Brittany Spears" look alike from Black's my first trip. I think I paid 250 pesos for a short time 2 hours visit. At first she wanted $200 US! I just worked her a little and her price came down. I've said it before and I'll say it again....the place is hit or miss. One night you could go and 30 hotties. The next night it could be 3 hotties.

Like Jackson said...there are many better places to go but I don't think you should purposely avoid it. Go in and check it out. Have a drink with your cover coupon. If you don't like it then leave. No big deal.

I wouldn't call anyone an "idiot" necessarily for paying too much. Some guys pay too much out of sheer ignorance, some are temporarily in "love", and some are so freaking wealthy that they don't have anything in their wallets less than US $100 bills. Everything is relative in life. I think what everyone is trying to say is that it often times is not necessary. Think of it like this (I always like analogies). It's like a guy that walks into a BMW dealership. He knows what he wants, he is ready to buy. He already has his checkbook and is determined to buy. But the guy doesn't even bother to look at the sticker on the window, find out what the MSRP is on the car, other options, etc. He just tells the salesman that he will "take it"!

I think that is a perfect example. Yeah, even if you have the money to do that it's just plain silly. EVERYONE is willing to deal a little bit in this economy. Negotiating doesn't make you a cheapskate. Only BEING a cheapskate makes you a cheapskate. If you find the one you've been looking for and you must see her...see her. If you have to pay a little more so be it but at least try to negotiate.

I'm not like Jackson in that he cares if the chicas respect him. I could care less if the chicas respect me. I only care that I get good sex. Ha, ha.

Good luck amigos. Life is good.

11-03-02, 22:06
Hey guys. I just got off the phone with a chica from Buenos Aires. She called me in a panic asking me about "the internet". I guess one dude named "Eric" emailed her and told her that he saw all these pictures of her on an internet site. She barely knows the dude but he had her email address and he probably thought he could score a better session with her the next time he is in Buenos Aires.

Guys do NOT be stupid!!!! NEVER tell the girls about these sites. NEVER tell the girls you read about them, saw their pictures, etc. You are NOT helping any of us by doing this. You are NOT scoring any points with them. I'm probably gonna stop posting names of girls I see because of morons like this "Eric" dude.

So now not only is this girl freaked out but she is telling all her friends that work in the clubs NOT to let guys take ANY pictures of them because they will end up on the internet. Guys, have some loyalty to your fellow 'brothers'. I've made tons of friends with the girls of the clubs but I never tell them about what I read about them or pictures I see.

Use your brains.

11-03-02, 22:25
What an unbelievably stupid thing to do. There were already enough girls that shied away from the camera. This will make me think twice about posting any pictures in the future.

EZE :(

11-03-02, 23:17
Jackson, obviously you have had some problem with Blacks in the past. accusations such as the one you made show not only how ignorant you are, but how shallow your mind is. Just because I disagree with you, doesnt mean you have the right to insult me. I know more about Argentina than you ever will. I will come and go as i please. and i will pay whatever price i think is fair.

Your comments about how Argentine women respect you more if you negotiate is laughable. If you are looking for respect from an escort, maybe you should reevaluate your life.

11-03-02, 23:18
? on web sites. Some look definitely fake. If I don't see any of the women, like Indiana, who are on numerous sites, I get very suspicious. Some sites have a lot of the regulars, but I still have my doubts. Has anyone used the services of a woman, where she was one of two women on the same site that had the same telephone number? In this case the site is attencion digital.

11-03-02, 23:38
RB1. I don't know if you are aware of the fact, but this is Jackson's website. He could remove your posts if he so chose, but he has left them up. That is not the action of an ignorant person with a shallow mind. Jackson did not post that paying more than the market rate makes you an idiot, but that the women would perceive you as a sucker (idiot.) In addition, several others have posted similar experiences about Blacks. I noticed that some who had wonderful trips, had their worst experiences at Blacks. They didn't specifically mention it, but it was clear in their descriptions of the sessions with the women.

Most of us are looking for a gfe. Some mutual respect is necessary for that to happen. If you cannot see that these women are also human beings, deserving of the same respect as any other person, it is you who has problems.

11-04-02, 00:02
i really dont care if this is his website or not. if he chooses to remove me so be it. I didnt state anything other than what i believe and what i experienced. Isnt that what a forum is for?

Where in my posts have i disrespected the women? please enlighten me.

you can choose to believe I am an idiot for going to blacks. thats your choice and jackson's as well. dont insult me for it and certainly dont make up lies about my intentions.

I will say one last thing. You gentleman have no idea how lucky you are to be able to get what you are getting for the prices you are paying. Believe me it wont last forever. Many of the girls know how much they can make in the US, Mexico, Europe etc etc.


11-04-02, 01:07
I was all set to apoligize to RB1 for calling him an idiot, because it's never been my intention to personally insult any fellow member of this forum, but in reviewing my responses to his posts I couldn't find the word used even once.

I continue to maintain my opinion that Blacks is a tourist trap. No, I've never had a bad experinece there, largely because the chicas's attitudes have turned me off so many times that I've never been motivated to pull one out of the place.

RB1's last two posts add nothing in the way of practical information to the forum. Therefor, after a week or so in which everyone may read them, I will delete them.


11-04-02, 01:25
jackson, maybe i read it wrong but here it is:

your words:

"Fifth, the biggest thing that turns me off about Blacks is the fact that simply because I'm a Norte Americano in Blacks, the same girl that would reaidly accept 200 pesos elsewhere, wants to play me for an idiot by asking for $300 USD. Attitude does count, and it's pretty hard to be "man and woman" if they're playing the "stupid foreigner and smart chica" game.

Here is some info for those who may be interested. the chicas at blacks were asking 150-200 dollars. i negotiated to paid 150 dollars for an all nite on 2 seperate occasions. is that too much? for me its a gift. another night i went to playwoman and paid 200 pesos for an all niter. you know what? price had nothing to do with the service i received. its all about how you click with the girl.

At blacks, the girls will not approach you, i like that. at playwoman and at solid gold, they are all over you the minute you walk in the door. i dont like that.

peace and hopefully no hard feelings.

The above quote was NOT addressed to you, and was NOT in a direct response to any posting made by you, and that's my point! In addition, the quote written by me specifically says "wants to play me for an idiot". I don't see how anything therein could possibly have been construed as an insult to you.

Yes, in my opinion, 550 pesos would be paying too much for an all night session. I typically expect to pay 300-400 pesos, and that means all the sex I can muster until noon the next day, none of this leaving at 6am crap. Still, this is just my opinion.

Your statement "price had nothing to do with the service i received. its all about how you click with the girl." only reinforces my point that there is at best only a causal correlation between price and service.

You're right in your observation that the chicas in Blacks are under instructions not to approach you unless beckoned, although they are undoubtedly the most "on parade" chicas I've ever seen, and to me it's so obvious and repetitive that I find it annoying. Personally, I prefer that they either sit quietly or simply dance on the dance floor.

Your observations about some of the other clubs is accurate, but there are other clubs where the girls are also under instructions not to leave you alone unless beckoned. Personally, I've learned to tell the girls that approach me that I think that they are attractive, but I like to see all the girls and then make my choice later. No big deal. In addition, I also know that I've been in many of the places enough times that the girls already know that they'd be wasting their time because I'm going to make my own selection.


11-04-02, 01:57
You are right Jackson. Get over it rb1

11-04-02, 02:23
LMAO.... I could only expect an argument like this from a person who doesn't care about the costs. dammit, your an idiot!!!
1. For overpaying. And claiming I'm the IMF, price means nothing to me.
2. For keeping up such a bullshit argument, in a vain attempt of people actually taking your obnoxious side.

If the money means nothing to you. Why not do what my uncle does(he does it because he doesn't leave his desk, not obnoxious), Import them!! In fact you can bring women from all over the world to your doorstep. Search the escort sites..read the reviews on this forum..set up the trip thru her agency...Tada, fresh poon at your doorstep, and you can pay them as much as you want. Such an expense should mean nothing for you, so that we can enjoy are mongering destinations trip after trip without being forced to pay the "stupid tax" that you implemented..

11-04-02, 02:37
i forgot, you all shop the kmart bluelight specials as well.

11-04-02, 02:57
Thanksgiving Dinner set for Friday, November 28th @ 9 PM.

I'm kind of "wow'ed" by the tremendous response to my invitation for dinner during Thanksgiving. In two days I have about 8-10 guys that have already RSVP'ed. To give each of those arriving a little later in the week a chance to make it I have made reservations for 9 PM on Friday, November 28th. Those that RSVP'ed have been emailed the name of the restaurant and the details of this meeting. I'm not posting publically due to privacy and safety concerns.

The general game plan will be to meet at this restaurant at 9 PM. Some of us will probably meet a little earlier to have some drinks and get to know one another. We'll have a great dinner, dessert and drinks. A good time will be had by all. After dinner we will split up in groups of 3 or so and hit the clubs. Bring your appetites!

If you will be in Buenos Aires and want to be included, email me and I'll add you to the list. Looking forward to seeing some of you again and looking forward to meeting some of you I haven't met.


11-04-02, 05:15
I was told by one of the girls at Black, that they will ask Norteamericanos $250 for short time because, and I quote, "it seems that to them that's nothing." So, if that's nothing to you, I say go ahead an pay it, 'cause you are making it easier for her to keep her "managers" happy.

In my trip I found that Playwomen had the same quality of girls as Black, and they were charging me 200 pesos for short time.

My advice to cash flushed Norteamericanos is to go, on their first night in BA, to Black. Once in Black, look for the prettiest girl that you can find there, take her to a well lit area and make sure she's still pretty, then take her to your room for a short time session paying 100 dollars . That will be your baseline, as it is for me.

Then, on your second night, go to the other clubs in Recoleta so that you can see for yourself that the one thing that Black has going for it is location: it's in front of the Alvear Palace

11-04-02, 07:16
Since you want to give the women of argentina the gift of overpaying, why stop there, argentineans are very hospitable people, Why not just over pay in every way(hotel, plane ticket, tips, meals etc)In fact since money doesn't mean a thing to you why not, help stabilize their economy, by depositing all your us cash into their government(i've seen the owner of the Sandals chains do it for Jamaica). Since your are SO WEALTHY it shouldn't be a problem. If you pulled that of the government would subsidize your hobby fees so you wouldn't even have to worry about paying for sex again.

Seriously, What do you get out of overpaying. You know that you are overpaying, because you noted it. Is it to show off to fellow mongers, to gain the attention of your girls or is it to take away the guilt from the activity? if it is for any of those reasons, you aren't accomplishing them. I would guess that a man of your stature would never bed the same woman twice, so if overpay after the act what good is it? it doesn't change what just happened, all you did was make her underperform when her next client is only able to give her asking price, all you do is put an idea in her head that if she could get that from you she should get it from everyone else(at least tourists) and even if you do plan to see her again, wouldn't it suit you to follow the veteran hobbiest by giving her a cumulative tip on your last encounter.
Your actions are no different from people who litter highways, you think," oh my little garbage won't dirty the whole highway" See how wrong your approach is? too bad we can't fine you. ciao(pimsleur is working)

11-04-02, 10:20
rb1. Many guys are convinced that if they are in an upscale environment and pay an inflated price they are purchasing a "quality" product. Some times this is true. I don't mind paying for quality when the product for which I am paying is superior to other products on the market.....Hence, I own a Tag rather than a Timex....I drive a Volvo rather than a Honda....and live in a well appointed, upscale home rather than a cheap apartment.

The key is to be discerning.....sometimes there is a difference when paying more, sometimes not. Even when there is a difference between products at different price points....it is still possible to overpay for a quality product. For example, I bought my Tag for several hundred dollars less than I might otherwise have paid by shopping around. This is called being a smart consumer!

I have been to Blacks several times, usually after having visited other boliches. To me: A. There was little or no difference in quality, other than the fact that most of the chicas in Black seemed older and more "professional" (read: hardened, jaded) than the chicas in Hook or Madahos. B. The prices were higher. Consequently, I choose not to return to Blacks. And if I did take a chica home from this location, I would not pay her asking price....

This having been said, if you are convinced that the chicas in Blacks are superior and worth the extra cost, go for it....but, please, confine your impulse to overpay for what many of us consider at best an average product to Blacks. This boliche is already well known as an overpriced location, so you do the rest of us no harm. But if you venture into other boliches and start paying similar amounts you will have the effect of driving up prices, which does a disservice to every other monger in Buenos Aires.

Let's make a deal....we won't laugh at you for paying inflated prices for an inferior product if you won't refer to the chicas we choose as kmart blue light specials.......Cheap shots don't serve any good, other than to make you feel smugly superior.......

Meanwhile, Thanks , Jackson for posting payment guidelines.....as informed consumers we will be able to make better decisions about what to pay for the chica of our choice.....and FWIW, I was in BA two weeks ago and found your post right on target re:prices.....

11-04-02, 12:12
to the board:

sorry if i offended some of you. not my intent at all. the point i was trying to make was simply this:

the going rate in Blacks is 150-200 us dollars. thats it plain and simple. i chose to pay the rate. to ridicule me or anyone for choosing to pay that rate is ridiculous. i did not overpay by the standards stated by jackson and others when i went to playwoman.

to ridicule and insult me becasue i may have the means to pay 150 dollars is also stupid, as is asking me not to go to argentina.

at least 3 of the posters responding to my messages and attacking me have probably never been to ba, and have never posted any information on ba that would be useful to anyone.

I think Saint and others have said the same thing: there is no harm in checking it out. It was stupid of me to use the kmart line, but its just as stupid to attack me.

11-04-02, 15:49
Saint, EZE et al, will be in BA, staying in Recoleta, first time later this month. Have read all reviews, etc., but wondering if one of the old pros can give me a specific recommendation at chuponalgasSPAMyahoo.com (SPAM =@). I like GFE type 18-24 skinny, fun good-humored chicas. Large chest, big act not necessary. Prefer sweet and funny. I am clean non-smoker, light drinker, middle-aged and very respectful, so I promise I won't embarass you if you refer your favorite chica. Not a lurker, see my very specific reports on the Panama City board. Any leads appreciated!

Adam Bomb
11-04-02, 15:55
Wow, EZY. I'm not going to get into the middle of this, but...

Has Blacks changed so much in the last two years? My experience was rather opposite yours. I found the girls in Blacks and Playwomen to be young and MUCH more attractive than any of the women in ANY of the other establishments. So great was the difference that after seeing the offerings in 8-10 places, i returned exclusively to B and P repeatedly during my stay. From what I saw, there was no reason to go back to the other joints.

I say that only to make this point: Everyone has a different set of experiences with any given place. Perhaps things vary based on the day of the week, or the time of the year, or the year.... Those things, in addition to the variances in people's tastes and expectations means that a given person's preference for Blacks may be quite valid, although it's all a very 'liquid' situation. Things, no doubt, may change. And, just as your experience with Blacks has discouraged you from trying it again, and has elicited the Tourist Trap label from some, other hobbyists may see your prefered establishments as Wastes of Time....

Who really cares who likes what place, and for what reason? If one goes to Blacks and pays what they charge, isn't that the same as buying a Tag? I'm sure the majority of folks would say that the Tag is an extravagant waste, since the Timex keeps the same time.*

If the current rate in Blacks is, indeed 200 US, it seems to be far out of proportion to what is being discussed as the more "common" rate elsewhere. But, I can guarantee you that if I were in BsAs now, having traveled 5,000 miles to get there, and I didn't see anyone I wanted in a lower-priced club, that 200 US would be spent. Certainly not ridiculous.

By the way, I'm only defending a different point of view, whether or not I concur with it. I don't, however, subscribe to the vulgarity in which the various opinions are being expressed.


*Personally, I favour a Rolex Daytona, so I obviously don't hold this perspective. But, I don't disagree with it. It's just not MY perspective.

11-04-02, 18:01
Ok. Everyone has made their peace. I think it's time to move on. It's good to get different perspectives on things. Everyone is making good points. Remember one man's trash is another man's treasure. I liked Ezy's TAG analogy. I have a Rolex and a TAG and I'm sure many would consider anyone that spends thousands upon thousands of dollars for a watch is an "idiot". I happen to disagree. Same goes for Blacks.

Some things in life you can't put a price on. My theory is to do what makes you happy. I'm not saying I'm correct on this but it's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. I really don't think anyone is gonna "ruin" the price market by paying more at Black's. Black's will always cost more. No one is saying you can't find better girls at other clubs for cheaper but if paying $200 US for a girl at Black's (or any other club) makes you happy, you have the money, etc. then do it.

Adam Bomb, YES a lot can change in 2 years. Heck, alot can change in 2 months let alone 2 years. I also think too many dudes are trying to over analyze or over plan their trip. Just relax and wait till you get to ground zero. Everyone will be fine.

P.S. Remember it like this. Some of the girls at places like Black's are like jewelry stores that sell Rolex's. They have their price, they will not deviate from that set price, not everyone can afford them, not everyone wants to spend that much money in the store, and many think it's a complete waste of money. However, there will always be a certain segment of the population that not only can afford to shop in that "store" and they will spend that kind of money. These kind of stores could care less what every other store is charging for a "watch".

I hope no one thinks I'm advocating spending that kind of money at Black's because I'm simply NOT. Read my reports. I've walked away if girls wouldn't come down from crazy pricing. Everything to me has a risk/reward ratio. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sex to me is like a precious commodity no different than gold, silver, diamonds. Some will always pay more than they need to for these "things" but if it makes you happy...so be it.

Life is good amigos.

11-04-02, 20:07
Fellow Argentina Viewers,
On to a little different philosophy then the latest thread. As promised, some insights from my last trip, (end Sept, early Oct.) and other trips.
As mentioned earlier, with a latino amigo, called up a large number of girls from the sites: (area-vip, platynum, gemidos, hotwomen, sensualbaires). My spanish is somewhat limited but with the extension phone, could follow mi amigos conversations. Also had a number of my own, in Enlgish. First off, the phone conversations themselves can be a good source of entertainment. The girls never seem to be at a loss for words, and in English, I noticed they handle delicate discussions with pause and an ear to replying in a manner that the ****** may appreciate.
One of the English speakers on area-vip was very intriguing but there were a number of warning signals that made me uncomfortable. First, she much prefered I come there, but was willing to come to my hotel. Second, other phone calls kept coming in so she had to place me on hold, (could hear her looking for another deal on the other phone in Spanish. Even one at the door finally which shortened the phone call that time.) All understandable but maybe too active for my mental picture. But the strangest experience was when I called another time, to have someone answer in Spanish, saying they were the same girl, pero no inges, (even though the vip ad says english). Got my amigo on the phone, he did not recognize the voice either. Finally, someone else comes on the phone with english, another girl from the site, (not my type), saying the other girl was not available, but I am. Sounds a lot like one of these apartments discussed earlier.
Other phone calls on other sites indicated a few saying they were not the one in the picture, she is out, but that they are just as nice. (offers to come by the hotel and if you did not like what you saw, 10peso cab fare, and goodbye. My amigo did this one night when he brought phone #s back to the hotel, no internet there, and he was VERY pleasantly surprised, with no goodbyes for 2 hours.) My fifth or sixth choice was from sensualbaires, (due to many no answers or change-ups, keeping in mind my limited, self imposed field, they need to speak some English. It is amazing that with all the choices, one can get so picky, but knowing spanish certainly widens the field). A great time and the pictures are true. Availability was without limits, on two separate occasions, no hassle, but not at her place, (never asked to, but later learned young one at home with the housekeeper/nanny.) Great conversations also on the economy, how the coralito has changed things, personal, etc.etc. All internet phone calls were the standard 100P/hr, (1 or 2 at 150P/hr), culo 30 extra if into it, all night 300P.
The nightclubs, playwomen, shampoo, etc. all a lot of fun, but sure get to slim good pickings by 3am to 3:30am. So, when things really don't get started until 12:30am or so, you do not have a lot of time to him and hah. My advice is to get to these places relatively early, and hop fast to the next place if you do not like what you see at the first one after 1/2 hr or so.
Newport is a nice low key place that I have been to many times, with more English speaking girls now then I ever knew in the past. A high number of them were however asking more then most places, and not just to the gringo. One wanted to go in the worst way but just was not my type, (that night). Bought the drink, had some nice rubs, wet ears, etc., told her to go on if she liked as it was not going to happen here. She was then with some portano, quickly came back and she said how about you and me go now, or wait till I get back in an hour after this guy! Her amiga, (cutest little blonde), said to my amigo, call me after 4am when she is off and if I am not with someone, I'll come over, more reasonably priced. He would have but by then too tired to enjoy.
I noted a lot of club girls from Tartagal, Tucuman, etc., some of them very exotic mixes too.
Hope I get back soon.

11-04-02, 22:47
Let us stop fighting - pay what you think is the right price. As Saint said, let us agree to disagree and move on.

11-06-02, 00:19
Anyone been there? Supposedly 150 rooms in "heart of Recoleta"
Regular rate = $79, but Travelocity can book for $55 a night.

11-06-02, 12:51
Jamesbond69, DownBA, bandy, cuponalgas, etc...

I've been reading this forum regularly and seen that some of you is going to be in BA in November.

If anyone like to get together with a fellow hobbist for some hunting I will be in BA from the 12 November - 26 November. I will be staying at hotel Etoile when I arrive at least.

I have experience from other parts of the world (some known and some less known) but this is my first time in BA and my spannish isn't that good to be honest, so I could really use some help. So lets get together to exhange war stories. Feel free to email me at: voice_mixer@hotmail.com


11-06-02, 14:39
James Bond 69 will be in Buenos Aires, Nov. 12-Dec 11. Expect some lively reports during that time.

First night is at the Etoile, then I might move to an apartment hotel or apartment for the long stay. My Spanish is OK and have a good deal of monger experience.

Email me - ww2001us@yahoo.com if you want to hook up and hobby on.

Bond, James Bond 69

11-06-02, 19:59
this message is part of another one I have just posted in the "General Info" section.

Anyway I have to say few words in defense of Black, which has been "attacked" in the last few days ... I went there 5 nights out of 7, had a great time in there, especially on Thursday 31st (Halloween), you guys should have seen the talent in there on the 31st, it was just amazing, even for Eropean standards - also it was my 29th birthday and few of the girls (for a very strange situation) knew about it and they were very nice & friendly to me ... I can tell you, some of them are real sweethearts, not pros or cold as they might look like ... but I will post extensively in the next few days about my "adventures" ... A special greeting to Saint ... man, I had the best time of my life, I'll send you few pics as soon as I can ...

11-07-02, 14:07
Hey Rob. Glad you're having a great time buddy. I knew you would!! Mayri was worried about you. She said you never called her back after the first time you talked to her. I told her that you were most likely too busy enjoying all that BA had to offer. What a wonderful city it is.

I'm looking forward to reading your adventures and seeing your pictures.


11-08-02, 21:52
Hello everybody,

I will soon arrive in BA. I can hardly wait any longer.

Can anyone sheed some more light on the atmosphere in the clubs like Blacks, Playwoman, Hooks, Solid Gold etc...

Is it possible to have a meal? Is there usually a dance floor or just a bar? Are there shows? What kind of shows?

Is there any special rules one should be aware of?

Whats is the dress code for a monger? Suit, casual, Jeans? Is it different in different clubs?

Does one approach the girls directly (like in the "real world"), talk to a waitress, flirt or any other way? Is it pretty much like other monger places in the world?

Who should one tip and how much? The doorman? Your waitress?

Do anyone of you experienced soldiers have any successful trixs to recommend?


11-09-02, 00:33
Blacks and Playwoman are like bars anywhere. Blacks is more upscale, Playwoman more like a neighborhood dive. Solid Gold is like going to TJ. I tend to avoid it other than to check it out from time to time. Shampoo is classier than Blacks, but the girls aren't as pretty.

You can't get a meal at these places. You do get snacks at Blacks and Playwoman. Even if I don't feel like snacking, I always say yes to the snacks. I let the girls munch on them.

There is a dance floor. You can dance on it, but then all the girls will make fun of you.

Blacks and Playwoman both have shows. Blacks is kind of tame. Playwoman has a traditional strip show.

Wear anything you want. You'll see guys in there in suits and casual wear. You'll also see guys in jeans and shorts, but those are Americans. I've never seen a local dress like that. I wear a nice shirt and slacks.

Just talk directly to the girls. The girls are more standoffish at Blacks. Make sure you've decided on one before you talk to any of them. Once you talk to one, the others will tend to avoid you. At Playwoman, some of the girls will come up to you others you have to make the move. I like Playwoman more because of this. You can actually talk to a few without a commitment. They don't mind at all. In fact, if you're not interested, most of the girls will recommend someone else. It's not as monger like as most places in the world. Especially Blacks. The main difference is that the woman are trying to make eye contact with you that anywhere else wouldn't give you the time of day.

I generally give the waitress a 20 and the doorman 5 and the cabby another 5 as well.

Don't pay too much. They know me so I get away with 150 pesos. The girls tell me that they charge some of the foreigners 300-500 dollars. All you have to do is say no. The price will come down. Other than at Blacks, I've never had a girl refuse 150.

Have fun. BA is great. It's my second favorite place in the world.

11-09-02, 02:42

thanks for all the good info. Feels like Iam there in my mind already.

In what way is schampoo more classier? What about Newport?

"There is usually a dance floor!" However, can't one have a nice dance with a girl?

"Wear what you want!" What do girls tend to like and go for? Is there any difference among the clubs?

If you really looking for classy girls, whats the best club?


11-09-02, 06:36
You can dance with a girl. Some of them even ask you too. But a lot of times, there's some drunken guy up there dancing by himself. It doesn't leave a good impression.

I would look presentable. The guys that wear shorts just look like American sex tourists. Which is the case, but why not go along with the fantasy of it being a real club. I try to blend in like a local. The locals wouldn't be caught dead in Blacks in shorts. Blacks and Shampoo are more dressy, Playwoman less so.

Shampoo is classier because it's newer. They also have a more professional show. There are always a couple of go go dancers going. Beware though, there are woman here that aren't working. Although a majority of them are.

Newport is just a regular bar. No entrance fee etc. It's much more neighborhood bar like. If you are looking for Classy girls, this might not be the place for you. Although my favorite girl of all has taken to hanging out there lately. The classiest girls are at Blacks and Playwoman.

11-09-02, 08:48
BArobert. Additional info & slightly different take than justgotback on a couple of points, although I totally agree with most of his post.

1. Don't forget to try the downtown clubs...Hook, Cattos, Ness, & Pipers are concentrated in the 900block of Suipacha(near Paraguay). Ness is not as darkly lit, and the volume of noise is lower until they begin the "entertainment," which consists of a well-past-her-prime singer who, as SFhombre noted recently, seems to believe the men are there to listen to her sing.....

Hook sometimes has some amazing women available.....You will need to lower your head as you descend a few steps into this basement level club....the dance floor here is for chicas....and an occasional drunk gringo....

2. Blacks, etc....It isn't that the women in Blacks or several of the other clubs are more standoffish than women in Solid Gold, etc.....it is that some clubs have a strict policy about approaching guys. In Blacks, Ness, Cutty Sark and several others the chicas cannot approach you without an invitation.

Here is where I am different than justgotback...I find in the clubs that permit chicas to approach guys there is a law which seems to dictate that the chicas I find least attractive are the ones who seek me out, attach themselves to my arm and start cooing, "mi, amor." This leaves me trying to get rid of a chica I don't want while at the same time trying to get the attention of the chica I do want.....sonrisa....

3. Try the newly opened and totally remodeled Madahos, my new favorite club! On the corner of Vincinte Lopez and Azcuenaga in Recoleta, next to Solid Gold. Classier than all of the other nearby clubs and as nice as Shampoo, etc....in terms of decor and sound system.

More importantly, in October there were LOTS of available chicas. Lots. Two-for-one drinks for the guys (20pesos), and a two drink minimum if you want to leave with a chica (20 pesos each). They have a show on the main dance floor, and many of the guys dance with the chicas after the show. There are also two elevated platforms where "go go" dancers perform....Alas, the dancers are usually not available and more attractive than the average chica.

4. Newport....a slightly different take than justgotback. Depending upon your definition of "classy," there are some very classy women available in Newport.....I have taken home a lawyer who spoke perfect English and who only worked a couple of nights per month to supplement her income, and a runway model from Brazil who works in BA for several weeks at a time before going back to her "normal" life in her home country. These were among the classiest women I have met in BA....I could have taken them to restaurants or museums or the theater without worrying about their dress or behavior.....

Enjoy....and here is another place where I differ from justgotback....BA is my FAVORITE city in the world.....

justgotback: If BA is your second favorite city, what is your favorite haunt? How does one improve on paradise???? sonrisa

11-09-02, 15:07
During my October trip to BA a taxi driver told me about two boliches that are unknown to me....does anyone have any info about chica clubs at either of these locations:

Cordoba near Billinghurst

Pueyrredon between Cordoba and Paraguay

11-09-02, 16:48

The one in Cordoba and Billinghurst is Salomé, the one I referred during my previous visit (see my posts from December 2001-January 2002). It is a place that cater to locals, so no English there.

The one in Pueyrreon between Cordoba and Paraguay is La Saison, which used to be the most upscale place in the city. I heard that it is still pretty good. They used to require ar$90 for entrance fee. Since you never know the quality of the girls, I prefer not to pay such fee. A half block from there are Afffaire and Big Boy.

Hope this helps,


11-09-02, 18:42

I visited Salome recently. It is very small, and the talent always seems not to be the best on the numerous times that I have been there. As always, ymmv.

Salome is located at Cordoba 3401


11-09-02, 20:52
Damn, another one of my favorite non-tourist clubs exposed! What can I say, it's my website. Anyway, here's the scoop on Salome.

Salome is a quiet little club that rarely, if ever, gets any foreigners, which means that the price that the girls expect and readily accept is 100 pesos. I know that some of you have your dicks attached to your wallets, but please try to refrain from volunteering to pay double and triple the regular rate. Those of you who wish to pay more are encouraged to cross the street and try another club called Havana, which is notably expensive, but where you are treated like royality. Be careful, some of the girls in Havana provide company only and aren't available for sex.

Salome doesn't have an entrance fee. Standard drinks are 20 pesos, 10 pesos for my club sodas. There is a 2 drink minimum to take a chica out.

There is no stage or show per se, and there is no dance floor apparent in the main room, although you can go downstains to the lower level with the chica of your choice which does have a dance floor who's only apparent purpose is to provide a place for the chicas to demonstrate their gyration skills as a prelude to further adventures.

The action at Salome starts a bit eariler than most clubs, with the best selection of chicas being available at 8 to 10 pm, thinning out considerably thereafter. Don't expect any English-speaking girls. Again, it's a local's hangout. The club offers the usual mix of 4's through 8's. In the past year since a local friend first introduced me to the place, I've met several nice chicas there, including a cute blond that I have a dinner/movie date with tomorrow night.

Again, if you go there, please try to exercise some consideration with regard to the price. I'd just as soon not go in there one day and be confronted with $200 USD offers because a bunch of Americans were in there the week before acting like tourists and throwing their money around.

Just so everybody knows where I'm coming from, in Salome I always negoiate 100 pesos but almost always give them 150 pesos if the service was good. Of course, as with all clubs, the word of my generosity gets around among the girls, so I enjoy the benefits of a good reputation as soon as I enter the door, a reputation that did not cost me $200 USD per session to develop. Remember guys, I live here and I have to pay the going rate every day, not just for a few weeks each year during vacations.


11-09-02, 22:16
Originally posted by Admin
Damn, another one of my favorite non-tourist clubs exposed!Thanxxxxx

At the risk of sounding like a syncophant Jackson is the MAN.

You are much appreciated by mongers all over the planet. Monger on.....

11-09-02, 23:48
I will have to try havana.



11-09-02, 23:51
Jackson, Gentlemen

In preparation for my December visit, I have read every post (on every topic from general to hotels) in the new section, plus a few from the old archives. I’m building a list of clubs, a name list from the internet chica sites, I have a reservation in Art Suits, and initiated contact with a couple of well posted masters from here. I hope to learn about BA from them. More respect to you guys! I’m going prepared, both tactically, and mentally; although still working hard to resolve Spanish conjugated verbs!

I just wanted to say: your honesty in sharing your experiences / information and indeed at the same time in providing this forum should be honoured by all visitors to this site. I for one will not disgrace myself, my nation or indeed disrespect the obviously excellent chica-pool in BA. If it were not for your efforts I would never have managed to make the contacts which I have, and certainly not had the enormous amount of information which I have gleaned here. Thank you.

Having agreed without reservation with your “rules of engagement” post, I feel that every BA visitor should pay heed to your final few sentences “Of course, as with all clubs, the word of my generosity gets around among the girls, so I enjoy the benefits of a good reputation as soon as I enter the door, a reputation that did not cost me…..”. I have also managed to gain this distinction in a number of bars, clubs and restaurants in Havana. This tactic works gentlemen! Enough said. Thanks once again Jackson.

Regards, Havanaman

11-09-02, 23:55
Originally posted by ezy
justgotback: If BA is your second favorite city, what is your favorite haunt? How does one improve on paradise???? sonrisa Of course, it all depends on your tastes. I like tall, young, blue-eyed blondes. There are plenty of those in BA. Although not quite as young as my favorite place. You run into a lot of working girls who claim to be students. But this was the only place where I saw one doing calculus homework while she waited for a customer. The girls will also do anything the girls in BA will do. It is about twice as expensive as BA, which still makes it a bargain. I hesistate to tell you where. I've never seen a non local there. I was turned onto it be a local once when I travelled through. It's one of the last places you would think about. There's a section for it in the forum, but there are only about 4 posts ever. It's English speaking, first world, legal, no negoitiation hassles and the locals (women and men) don't have any hangups about it. The guy who turned me onto it was with his wife as he wrote down the addresses. Which isn't saying much since the people most hung up about the hobby are Americans. Even the Canadians don't have a problem with it.

The Answer: Edinburgh, Scotland

11-11-02, 11:01
I´m staying at the Etoile since Saturday and am having the time of my life.....this is my 4th trip to BA in 5 years and it just keeps getting better and better for me each time!!! As for YMWV, I´ve just spend the better part of 48 hours with Sandy from EscortsBaires and if you use the analogy of MPG I´m getting about 500 miles per gallon. I feel like I´ve just about died and gone to heaven with this chica. Forget about her pics fellas, as nice as she looks in them they don´t do her justice. She´s about a 24 year old Peruvian with very fair skin but just a touch of that gorgeous Latin olive color and I think this chica is about as sensual as they come...she just wants to be caressed, kissed, touched everywhere while she plies you with one of the greatest sessions you´re going to find on the planet and she coos her delight at what you´re doing like a little kitten. She´s totally natural with curves everywhere you´d possibly want them, not an ounce of fat anywhere on her body. This chica has provided me with an awesome GFE...in between bed wrestling sessions we´ve gone to the movies, gone out strolling around town window shopping, gone out to eat lunch, dinner, dessert, coffee. She´s taking English lessons at the moment and I don´t gather she speaks much of it yet but she says she understands it, so if you´re Spanish is limited you might not be able to converse as well as I can with my Spanish but I can´t recommend Sandy enough. Apparently she also works at Cutty Sark and goes by the name Cassandra.

Saturday night we went dancing at Newport which is a minute walk from the Etoile and I can tell you that there were plenty of young girls there to chose from in the 5-7 range, a couple in the 7-8 range but fellas, between the internet girls and the club girls you simply don´t have enough hours in the day to do as many chicas as you´d like.

Have had no trouble whatsoever withdrawing pesos from ATM´s all around the city....very cool because they also convert your balance on the receipt to pesos so it looks like you have 3.5 times as much cash in your account as you do...if only that were truly the case.

The main thing that seems to have changed since the last time I was here last September is that the number of people asking for handouts on the street has multiplied several fold. Other than that it seems like Argentinians are living much as they´ve always lived with their indomitable spirit and good nature. And fellas, many people here believe that Argentina´s turned the corner and is now slowly on its ascent back to economic health and many signs confirm this.....foreign countries are coming here to use their low-cost labor (including AOL), film crews are filming more movies here due to the favorable exchange rate, they´re making transmissions here that are being exported to Germany believe it or not (not even the Germans can resist a favorable exchange rate). But fellas, the Argentinians are still out in droves at night, the movie theatre in la Recoletas JAMMED last night, the restaurants are doing a very brisk business so try to take the American sensationalist media with a little grain of salt, this place is still one of the great cities in the world despite the obvious problems.

Will try to report on my next project who is going to be Nicole of EscortsBaires. Enjoy you´re next trip to BA fellas, DownBA

11-11-02, 14:02

I am currently in Room 607 at Etoile. Call me if you are alive!


11-11-02, 16:21
Hola amigos. Just got back from California (and Tijuana). Had a great weekend. Certainly NO Buenos Aires but a different kind of fun. Just posted on it. God I miss BA!

DownBA is right. Sandy is great. It was Moondog that first turned me on to her and since I posted I know at least 12 guys have seen her. Good for her.

All that that emailed me for Thanksgiving Dinner the location has changed. I think I emailed all of you but if you didn't get an email with the new location then email me and I'll give it to you. Saintofba@hotmail.com

I look forward to trying out the new clubs that Jackson mentioned. Jackson, I promise if I go I'll pay "local" prices. I intend to be a resident of Buenos Aires too and I know what you are talking about. I agree with your approach though of paying 150 pesos instead of 100 pesos if the service is good. You're definitely right about getting a good reputation. These girls definitely talk to eachother and compare notes about us.

Also, "justgotback". Your post is intriguing to me. I would have NEVER guessed Scotland had an active scene. Are there any websites? Your taste in women, "tall, blue-eyed blondes" is my favorite too. Please email me if you don't want to post on the board. Thanks in advance.


11-11-02, 17:34
Saint, try www.punternet.com. It's a UK review site. Just do a search and type in Edinburgh in the location. My personal favorite place is London Steet. They always seem to have a few 18/19 year olds. Which is a good and bad thing.

11-11-02, 20:20
I will be in BsAs for the first time in late Nov./early Dec. for a couple of weeks. I speak very good Spanish and have lived in Mexico so I am used to bargaining but wanted to know more what to expect as far as what is included in the rates from the experienced BA mongers.

$150 peso short time session. Is this for one go at it, or for a specific amount of time, say 2 hours? Is it also normal for them to give BBJs or do they as in Mexico, tend to shy away from that?

$300 peso overnight. Is that unlimited sex or the one time at night and one in the morning? Do they also include BBJ as well.

I know that in both cases, YMMV, but I just wanted general experiences.

I will also be renting an apartment in the recoleta area so I should have a lot of freedom, extra money etc. to really have a good time. I will also pay the standard rate and believe that as in Mexico, latin girls lose total respect for a guy that pays them $250 USD for a quickie. Just my experience.

It would also be great if somebody could list all of the clubs that are worth visiting (not Blacks) for U.S. mongers.

Saludos y gracias por la informacion - johnguapo

PS I will post a very detailed report after my return!


Send me an email when you get here.


11-12-02, 19:15
Originally posted by italopower
hi DownBA and others...this girls from escort baires.......what you think from your experience....how many of them are the photos fake or is trust in this photos?

www.escorts-argentina.com, and www.escortsbaires.com are 100% wysiwyg


11-13-02, 04:37
I have a request Jackson. Could we have a thread that is just a list of the clubs and the addresses? It's easy to find the Recoleta Clubs with all the hawkers out. But I've never been able to find the downtown ones. It takes forever trying to dig through all the messages looking for a vague reference to a club that's on the same block as another club that you don't have the address for either.

Fred Flintstone
11-13-02, 06:26
Can anyone please comment as to whether Wanda and Barbarella on the Escorts Argentina site are in fact the girls who show up at your door? If so, and they are anything close to their online pics, they receive top-tier billing on my list of girls to see when finally in BA (damn these clients for persistently delaying my travels). If my inability to reject new clients is any indication of my wavering discipline, I will have major problems rejecting the BA chicas. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Yaba Daba Doo!


11-13-02, 07:04
juatgotback....just for you.....others please do not read this post...grin

(all this info has been posted several times in this thread...but you are right It does take some time to go back)

Downtown clubs:

900 block of Suipacha (between Paraguay & Cordoba)


The first three clubs are on the same side of the street. Ness is on the opposite side.

Cutty Sark. Reconquista 873. between Paraguay and Cordoba.

Periplo. M.T. Alvear 554.(known locally as Marcelo T. rather than Marcelo T. Alvear) . Near the Marriot Hotel...

Cafe Orleans (a chica cafe rather than a chica club). Cordoba, on the corner of San Martin).

There are others, and many of the others are rip offs. For example, in Ladies, which is near Cutty Sark... many of the chicas do not 'date" guys...in other words, they want to sit and drink with you...nada mas. avoid...

happy hunting

11-13-02, 11:49
Re: are the girls from the sites the girls in the photos: so far I've only connected with Sandy from escortsbaires.com and she was definitely the girl in the pictures only she far more attractive in person than she looks in the pics.

I tried hooking up with this fox in escortsbaires.com named Nicole but when I spoke to her on the phone she wouldn't budge from $300 US per hour. I tried telling her that I was quite sure her prices were high, that I'd had other girls for $100 pesos per hour, tried negotiating a fixed fee for a few hours but this girls just kept repeating that those were her charges so I said hasta la vista.

Last night, Tuesday night I went to Playwoman with a friend and left with two young girls, one Argentinian from a northern province and another Paraguayan girl. Big mistake as these girls wouldn't go near my private parts uncovered and they didn't have the foggiest idea how to do a covered bj (unlike Sandy who's got it down to a fine art). I was having trouble performing due to lots of drinking, virtually no sleep for 4 days and having had sex with Sandy about 8 times in 36 hours - without vitamin v and well, fellas, what can this 45 year old middle age stud tell you, I guess nobody's perfect. These girls had good intentions but they just weren't going to do it for me without a bbjj.

I also went to Solid Gold and decided right off the bat that I wasn't going to leave with any of these girls on principle because their house rule is not to talk about price with the customers until they buy at least one drink. One of the barmaids explained to me that the law doesn't consider it prostitution as long as you buy the drink first but I'm not buying that explanation. By enforcing this rule I'm sure the house sells a lot more drinks when you buy a drink and then can't agree on a price and wind up saying hasta la vista anyway. At Playwoman they didn't pull that crap and that's why I went with the two Playwoman chicas. By the way, there was a pretty good selection of chicas but a lot of them were packing artificial enhancements up top which is a turn off for me generally speaking.

Am going to try contacting Katherine from escortsbaires today for a quickie and will report back but unfortunately I've got to do the souvenier shopping thing and I'm leaving tomorrow night so my time for the chicas is quickly becoming very limited.

ONE LAST THING, TAKE THIS AS A FRIENDLY PIECE OF ADVICE...I'm scared to use this pc at the Etoile since when I first went to post this message WSG was indicating that Ezy-Amante was logged in, I guess he had been here before me but WSG had been logged ou of so I shutter at the thought that people are somehow able to access my email account by the same token...by the way, Ezy-amante, I did log you out before I posted the message, I'm a pretty honest guy.)

11-13-02, 12:49
[QUOTE]Originally posted by DownBA
Am going to try contacting Katherine from escortsbaires today for a quickie and will report back


Save your money and avoid Katherine. She is not affectionate at all, and everything is covered. She will be in and out in less than an hour. She is a very pretty girl to have on your arm, but it is not such a pretty story behind the door.

Reference Nicole, very pretty, but pricey. There are many others to choose from.


11-13-02, 13:14
[QUOTE]Originally posted by italopower
hi moondog

thanks much for your response..............but what about this two here:

www.lazonaroja.com and www.hotwoman.com.ar

No experience with those, but many of the photos are lifted from other websites. For 100%accuracy in photos, stick with www.escorts-argentina.com and www.escortsbaires.com.

i told i'm from a magazine from europe and i want to book her for shooting in europe

Are you really from a magazine in Europe, and do you really want to book her for photos in Europe? If this is true, then more power to you. If it is just a way to get photos, please drop the charade, and do not lie to the girls.


11-13-02, 14:28
Are the prices on www.escortsbaires.com in dollars or in pesos? It's really cheap if it's in pesos.

Originally posted by moondog
[QUOTE]Originally posted by italopower
hi moondog

thanks much for your response..............but what about this two here:

www.lazonaroja.com and www.hotwoman.com.ar

No experience with those, but many of the photos are lifted from other websites. For 100%accuracy in photos, stick with www.escorts-argentina.com and www.escortsbaires.com.

i told i'm from a magazine from europe and i want to book her for shooting in europe

Are you really from a magazine in Europe, and do you really want to book her for photos in Europe? If this is true, then more power to you. If it is just a way to get photos, please drop the charade, and do not lie to the girls.


11-13-02, 14:43
Originally posted by justgotback
Are the prices on www.escortsbaires.com in dollars or in pesos? It's really cheap if it's in pesos.


The prices are in U.S. Dollars, and that is a maximum price. A half day means 12 hours, a full day means 24 hours. Everything is negotiable.


11-13-02, 16:09
Originally posted by DownBA
Re: are the girls from the sites the girls in the photos: so far I've only connected with Sandy from escortsbaires.com and she was definitely the girl in the pictures only she far more attractive in person than she looks in the pics.

I tried hooking up with this fox in escortsbaires.com named Nicole but when I spoke to her on the phone she wouldn't budge from $300 US per hour. I tried telling her that I was quite sure her prices were high, that I'd had other girls for $100 pesos per hour, tried negotiating a fixed fee for a few hours but this girls just kept repeating that those were her charges so I said hasta la vista.

Last night, Tuesday night I went to Playwoman with a friend and left with two young girls, one Argentinian from a northern province and another Paraguayan girl. Big mistake as these girls wouldn't go near my private parts uncovered and they didn't have the foggiest idea how to do a covered bj (unlike Sandy who's got it down to a fine art). I was having trouble performing due to lots of drinking, virtually no sleep for 4 days and having had sex with Sandy about 8 times in 36 hours - without vitamin v and well, fellas, what can this 45 year old middle age stud tell you, I guess nobody's perfect. These girls had good intentions but they just weren't going to do it for me without a bbjj.

I also went to Solid Gold and decided right off the bat that I wasn't going to leave with any of these girls on principle because their house rule is not to talk about price with the customers until they buy at least one drink. One of the barmaids explained to me that the law doesn't consider it prostitution as long as you buy the drink first but I'm not buying that explanation. By enforcing this rule I'm sure the house sells a lot more drinks when you buy a drink and then can't agree on a price and wind up saying hasta la vista anyway. At Playwoman they didn't pull that crap and that's why I went with the two Playwoman chicas. By the way, there was a pretty good selection of chicas but a lot of them were packing artificial enhancements up top which is a turn off for me generally speaking.

Am going to try contacting Katherine from escortsbaires today for a quickie and will report back but unfortunately I've got to do the souvenier shopping thing and I'm leaving tomorrow night so my time for the chicas is quickly becoming very limited.

ONE LAST THING, TAKE THIS AS A FRIENDLY PIECE OF ADVICE...I'm scared to use this pc at the Etoile since when I first went to post this message WSG was indicating that Ezy-Amante was logged in, I guess he had been here before me but WSG had been logged ou of so I shutter at the thought that people are somehow able to access my email account by the same token...by the way, Ezy-amante, I did log you out before I posted the message, I'm a pretty honest guy.)

11-13-02, 16:14
Originally posted by italopower
hi DownBA and others...

i did read your post........sounds great ;);)

this girls from escort baires.......what you think from your experience....how many of them are the photos fake or is trust in this photos?

I did found some another websites like www.lazonaroja.com and www.hotwoman.com.......incredible girls....two of them 9+ ...on pics...i called them....they said the photos are real but you never know....but they speak mostly only spanish.......no problem for me im italian ;) at least not so big problem ;);)

so if anyone of you did try out one of these girls from the site mention drop me a line...;)

i plan my first trip to buenos aires soon in january i guess.........is anyone for you runing adult business over their? or intersted in building up something with webcam girls? just drop me a line to earn $$$

my e-mail: dazzato@electronic-group.com



Not to pour water on you enthusiasm, but if you take the time of reading back on this section you will find someone that tried the adult business already and found the industry to be well protected - that is, few 'exclusive' power groups runs it and they doen't like newcomers. Also I suggest you take some Spanish (actually latin-american) class before visiting Argentina, I speak Italian too and can tell you that despite the many cognates just Italian won't do, there is about a 30% of words that are totally different, not to mention verbs conjugation and guess what, these are invarably the ones that you always miss in most conversations, so to avoid to imbarass yourself it's better to focus on learning the differences rather than count on similarities.

11-13-02, 16:15
DownBA (if you are still in town) and others...

A group will be meeting in the lobby at the Etoile at 10pm to tour the downtown venues - Cato, Ness, Cutty Sark, Orleans, etc.

Feel free to meet us if you are interested in joining the posse...

We had a great time last night in Recoleta and I will report shortly to the forum about our adventures....

11-13-02, 19:47

Ok, thanks.


11-14-02, 03:31
MOONDOG!!! I owe you a steak dinner next and first time we meet up in BA or anywhere else!! I took your advice and didn´t call Katherine and called Gabriela from escortsbaires.com instead. She's a really nice, personable, FUNNY (and I stress the FUNNY part), very attractive 28-30 year old Brazilian chica with an 8 year old son but never mind....when you start out by taking these girls out for a drink or a bite to eat and you just get to know them a bit they turn into Princess Charming and that's what happened tonight. We went to one of the places behind the Etoile that had a live duo playing jazz and pop standards on electric bass and keyboard and nursed a drink for about an hour and a half. Then we went up to my room and Gabriela got right down to business (after freshening up in the bathroom with the bidet of course). The "business meeting" went great and the chica left me feeling like a new man, what can I tell you. I think we both screamed so loud that Evita Peron rolled over in her tomb across the street! So if it hadn't been for you Moondog I probably wouldn't have experienced this GREAT Brazilian lover.

And get this, me and BA_Robert went out to dinner at one of the steak houses just around the corner from the Etoile where they have gorgeous chicas standing in front and playing hostess, and this gorgeous and I'd underline and CAPITALIZE GORGEOUS Porteña of about 20 years figures out that BA_Robert is Swedish and starts taking practically perfect Swedish to the dude whereupon I think BA_Robert practically feinted from the shock! Anyway, afer we shared an awesome steak dinner that came out to about 16 dollars with the exchange, BA_ Robert went off to hang with James Bond and Bandy while I went back to the Etoile to get ready for the Brazilian honey.

You guys should have seen this WSG reunion in the lobby of the Etoile tonight where there are at least 6 WSG Forum guys staying, funniest thing when these strangers start saying "Hi, I'm James Bond" and "Hi, I'm DownBA" yaddie, yaddie, yaddah. As Moondog would probably agree to, "LIFE IS GOOD". Heading back to late fall in the northeast tomorrow night but the good news is I might be a little bit closer to some business that could give me a great excuse to visit my beloved BA several times a year. DownBA

11-14-02, 03:50

Glad to have been of service. We will definitely meet up in BA sometime.

Enjoy the life,


11-14-02, 14:45

Buenos Aires Monger CEO Summit & Field Trip to Palermo and Belgrano
Date: Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002
Time: 10pm
Place: Meet in the lobby of the Etoile Hotel at 10pm to launch a fact finding expedition, to research local haunts catering primarily to the indiginous native male poplulation in the regions of Palermo and Belgrano. Mission includes research at the Puyrredon Affaire, the Pampa Nuevo Estilo Boliche & Rosie.
Dress: Casual Attire
All Mongers Welcome

Full report will soon follow. Below some recent uncredited critics by highly established & fully certified BA mongers of the Palermo and Belgrano scene:

"I'm not a night kinda guy, which really has its limitations in Bs As. Oscar picks me up and takes me to his favorite boliche called Rosis, or some such, in barrio Florida, which seemed to be behind (away from the river) Palermo. We arrive around 10 and the doorman tells us they won't open for an hour or so. Oscar wants me to see this place as well as the place Estilo Nuevo Boliche on Pampa, says I'll like Rosis more.

We arrive at the Estillo Nuevo Boliche, and the door guy wants 15 pesos each for entrada (which includes a drink). Oscar is pissed off. "This must be a tourist trap. They're looking to stick it to you gringos." We ask if we can just go in to check the place out. The dude agrees, and we go in. It really is still too early--there are a couple of guys and maybe 10 chicas, mostly 4s, 5s, and 6s. Oscar is steaming and doesn't want to pay the fee, so we leave and head back to Rosis. By the time we get there, the action has picked up. As you enter Rosis, it's a fairly long room. The first half has a bar on the right, tables and chairs in the center, and a small stage on the left. Further in, there are three pool tables on the left, with a single row of tables/chairs going down the right. The entrance fee is 7 pesos, which includes a drink (VERY large beer or mixed drink). Oscar says, "That's more like it."
I'm one of the guys who's reviewed the place on La Pampa, it's called Nuevo Estilo Boliche, at least that's what they called it last year. It's on the corner of La Pampa and Figeroa Alcorte Ave (think that's the cross street) and I highly recommend it. It's exactly as you said, pool table with a bar and strip show including some great lesbianism on stage with real cuties doing 69 and various other giving-receiving positions. Also, this is the place that your buddies take you just before you get married and often the strippers strip the groom on stage, lots of fun to be had there. The rooms are part of the place and the sessions are either 1/2 hour, 1 or 1-1/2 hours. There were lots of cuties in the 6-8 range. Lots of young girls, mostly very natural looking. There it'll really help to speak Spanish as this is most definitely predominantly a local's hang but there gold in that place. Please post later and let me know if you agree that this is a fun place. DownBA

The card I have says Confiteria "Nuevo Estilo". It is at 687 La Pampa, almost at the end on the river side. I came at about 6 p.m., and there were 4-5 girls, two of whom lit my fire. Roxanna gives really terrific "francesa" on the suggestion of a tip; her looks and figure are adequate. She told me that after 9 about 25 girls are there, with the strip show at 1:30 a.m. But I never did much at night because I preferred to be getting stewed in one of the restaurants.

11-14-02, 15:45
This is great. I look forward to your report. Please include addresses as in Nuevo Estilo at 687 La Pampa at the end of the message. The following quote is far less helpful. Wandering the entire barrio looking for one place is not fun.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by jamesbond69

Oscar picks me up and takes me to his favorite boliche called Rosis, or some such, in barrio Florida, which seemed to be behind (away from the river) Palermo. We arrive around 10 and the

11-14-02, 17:28

Has anybody more info upon the GOTH scene in BA????I know that in LIMA a GOTH scene is at present.
From what I know most Goth girlies are NOT that pretty....but they are always in for some (freebee) sex action and they are horny as hell:-)
And that's what we are here for....right?

Right now I still haven't decided were I will go in February next year. But I want some real hot puzz action,beach,sun and good food!



PS: also needed info on swingersclubs in BA. are single men welcome or not??

11-14-02, 18:01
DownBA, Gentlemen,

Quoted from: DownBA, 11-13- 02 13:49

(( ONE LAST THING, TAKE THIS AS A FRIENDLY PIECE OF ADVICE...I'm scared to use this pc at the Etoile since when I first went to post this message WSG was indicating that Ezy-Amante was logged in, I guess he had been here before me but WSG had been logged ou of so I shutter at the thought that people are somehow able to access my email account by the same token...by the way, Ezy- amante, I did log you out before I posted the message, I'm a pretty honest guy.))

When using a computer in a public place, especially a well frequented (by mongers) hotel, it may be advisable to delete the C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 folder contents. This will delete “where” the computer has been at a basic level, and remove files (including images) and cookies. It will not damage the machine, as long as you just delete the contents of this folder using windows explorer or similar browser.

I shouldn’t worry about the email situation as long as you logged out of your email account. I hope this helps.

Regards, Havanaman

11-14-02, 20:00
Urgent Request from Buenos Aires Pilgrims!!!

Apparently several Turkeys have been located and ready for a certain execution and consumtion for the upcoming First Annual Monger Thankgsiving Dinner and Chica reception.

However to the best of my knowledge cranberry sauce is not available in Argentina; hence I urge any mongers traveling from areas where it is readily available such as the United States to bring a few cans down for the dinner.

Bond, James Bond 69

Yams would also be appreciated but of lesser imporance.

11-14-02, 21:05
Jamesbond....I leave for BA Tuesday night, arriving Wed. morning. I will return to the U.S. before thanksgiving, but I will be glad to bring a few cans of cranberry sauce.....Yams may or may not be available in BA, but in the spirit of embracing the culture you might include calabaza puree(mashed pumpkin) as a side dish....very tasty and readily available in Argentina.

email me with the specific number of cans you will need and how I can contact you. unpocoloco@hotmail.com

hope you are enjoying yourself!

11-14-02, 22:28
Ha, ha. I will be on the ground in BA Thanksgiving week so I'll bring some Cranberry sauce too if it's needed. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you. Should be a good time.


11-14-02, 22:56
Originally posted by saint
Ha, ha. I will be on the ground in BA Thanksgiving week so I'll bring some Cranberry sauce too if it's needed. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you. Should be a good time.


Thanks Saint. Between you and Ezy looks like we are covered for cranberry sauce for the BA Monger Thanksgiving Dinner

Maybe we can convert the Argentines to the joys of turkey and set up a nice cranberry and turkey inport biz down here.

11-15-02, 06:06
Hello Gentlemen: I have 3 choises: fly to BA for $350; San Jose $350 or Mexico city $250. I was wondering which of these 3 countries is best for a hobby, especially when one takes into account a price and STDs. I was also wondering about the crime rate in Argentina, I was informed that there are lot of armed robberies going on and that the best health and other ensurance is adviced together with Western Union account in case of kidnaping. I love sex, but I also love my life. I do not speak Spanish and I am blind so a bit volnerable. I would apreciate your honest replay. You can contact me at: vopat@sympatico.ca. Thank you very much for your help! Happy hunting.

11-15-02, 13:01
Stick with the program Gentlemen.

Once again, another arduous fact finding expedition in hobbyland. (God I love this job)

We meet in the lobby of the Etoile at 10pm for a tour of the Top Five in
Buenos Aires. Bring your wallets!!!

Definitive Guide to Mongering in Buenos Aires will follow soon (promise, promise).
Right now we are busy day 24/7 with the experts going over all the data and breaking it down for analysis for input into our super computer in Langley, Virginia.

11-15-02, 13:39

I'm not sure if you are literally blind but that definitely leaves you a bit vulnerable wherever you go. Relax on the worrying about crime and "being kidnapped". Is there crime there? Yes, of course. Any major city has crime. But also look at things like the sheer number of guys going down to Buenos Aires. Have you read about anything personally happening to them??? Because you can sure bet that if something happened they would be posting on this board lickedly split!

As far as comparing those 3 cities I'd honestly tell you that BA is far and away the best city. I've never been to Costa Rica but have good friends that have and tell me it's no comparison. I was in Mexico City 2 weekends in a row last month and I can tell you with 100% accuracy the city is very very expensive and there is a good chance you'll end up doing a girl from BA or Rio anyway. I saw 2 girls. One was from Rio and the other from Buenos Aires.

I guess if you're literally blind that the surroundings might not bother you but Buenos Aires is far and away the more beautiful city. Good luck.

11-15-02, 14:18
Our research on the ground by certified international professionals prove conclusively that Buenos Aires is the top hobby destination in the world, based on the ratio of price to the perceived (deluded?) value of services rendered.

Crime in Buenos Aires, violent or otherwise?

So far no problem personally - or that I have heard of from anyone here now or on the forum - although of course I read the same press as everyone and take precautions, such as hobbying in a group of three or more for the extra sense of security.

11-15-02, 14:30
Hey Guys,
I'll finally be down in BA on the 27th until the 30th(November).
My friend bailed on me. Anybody need a room ?
I got a 1300sf apartment in Recoleta with 2 balaconies,
fulll kitchen, dining room, maid service, and a parking spot
I'm not planning to use.
Also, just got the new Sony TRV50 camcorder, which you
can use occassionally if you bring your own MiniDV disks.

You can check out the apartment at www.parera156.com.
It is 3 blocks away from the cemetary in the heart of Recoleta.
I got the 11th Floor.

Looking for someone laid back and doesn't mind all the girls
I plan to rotate out of there. Its gonna be $40/night + tax.

email me at djjmiami@yahoo.com if interested.

11-15-02, 14:36
Hi Guys,
I forgot to mention, if any of you guys want to meet up
and have a great party in my apartment one day or night ..
Let me know.
I'll take care of the drinks and snacks, but BYOG ..
I think this is going to be the best Thanksgiving ever ..


11-15-02, 19:54
Sorry guys ..
The room is no longer available on the 27 -30th.

11-15-02, 20:49
Greetings to the board. I appreciate all of the info shared by all.

I am a first time visitor to Buenos Aires, leaving tonight and will be staying at the Emperador Hotel. I have no idea where it is or what kind of a hotel (client booked on my behalf). Does anyone know if this is the type of hotel that will charge me for female visitors? Or if they might have a book of girls to choose from? If choosing a girl from the hotel book, what is an appropriate fee?

Secondly, I will have Sunday all day to myself including the evening hours and was looking for suggestions on clubs for during the day/evening. I should point out that I don't speak a bit of Spanish. I am a very adventurous person though and would love to just check out some of the clubs. When I visit Mexico, I typically hire a driver (who speaks english) out by the hour to interpret/negotiate for me. Is this possible in BA?

I don't know what it takes to hook up and hang out with all of you WSG guys who stay at Art Suites, but I would love to be shown around by some experts. I would be more than happy to cover a few rounds of drinks for anyone who was interested in going out.

Lastly, I would certainly appreciate if any of you could pass along some names of some internet girls that can be recommended. This may be what I have to resort to if the clubs don't work out and was trying to narrow the list down. I can't believe how many beautiful women are on those sites. Is the appropriate fee to pay equal to the amount listed on the sites?

Please feel free to e-mail names if you are uncomfortable with posting names in the forum.

I hope I can go down there and not be a typical American fool.




11-15-02, 21:23
I don't know what it takes to hook up and hang out with all of you WSG guys who >stay at Art Suites, but I would love to be shown around by some experts.

Very few mongers at the moment are staying at Arts Suites although there is nothing wrong with it. I personally don't know about internet girls or the hotel you are staying in but there is lots of info on this site, if you search it.

Here's the drill. It's very simply.

We all meet in the lobby at the Hotel Etoile on Guido Street in Recoleta every night at 10pm and go out mongering until the sun comes up. A few of us leave with a ten, most an 8 or 9 and no one goes home alone unless by choice.

Some of us speak Spanish ( I do and it's a definite plus), most don't. You don't have to pay us or a guide anything or even buy us drinks. in fact the first drinks on me.

Get with the program and it will be like you died and ended up in Islamic heaven with 61 virgins (well maybe not virgins, better)

11-15-02, 21:33

I meant to say Hotel Etoile (not Art Suites). Sounds like a plan! Do you all meet up on Sunday nights as well? Just to be sure.

Looking forward to an outstanding time.



11-15-02, 21:52
[QUOTE]Originally posted by MalibuTX

I meant to say Hotel Etoile (not Art Suites). Sounds like a plan! Do you all meet up on Sunday nights as well? Just to be sure.

Never on Sunday. On Sunday we all meet in the morning, go to church all day and pray for our sins. Takes lots of time to cleanse our souls from the other six days of hard core mongering:-)

11-16-02, 11:18
James Bond, Bandy, BA_Robert and crew from my recent stay at the Etoile, you know who I'm talking about, I'm back in the US now and I had an unbelievably great time in BA and even did some good business in between bed wrestling sessions, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend any time with you guys on your "research" projects as you guys really seemed like a barrel of laughs. Please keep me posted on when you're going back to BA the next time in case I'm able to coordinate my next "research" project with you guys. How was Nuevo Estilo Boliche? On the plane back to the US I sat next to an Argentinian who went there at about 4-5 PM and said he was greeted by a drop-dead model type? Does that jive with your "research"? Enjoy the rest of your time fellas and please spread my regards around.

What was the name again that you decided BA should be called? Was in Mongania or Mongolia? I forgot what BA_Robert told me but I remember it was really entertaining. DownBA

11-16-02, 16:12
Will tomorrow night I finally make my return back to Buenos Aires. Can somebody give me a recap on where to pick up freelancers?

I know about Newport, and Café Opera. But anymore places that could be listed, I would be very grateful.

It seems I always picked up Brazilians in Newport my last few times. So I don’t think I’ll do Newport this trip.

I don't really need to go to all the tourist traps either!

I'm worn out on Newport myself. I've been going in there for years, and I live so close to the place that I can see it from my apartment, but I've concluded that it's totally unregulated environment just attracts too many Brazilians, hard-core pros pretending to be amatures, and vultures with good English skills looking for "the Accidential Tourist" (a tourist who stumbles into the place by accident). It's not that you can't find the rare gem, but there's an awful lot of clutter in the way.


11-17-02, 15:23
Where is Cafe Opera ?

11-17-02, 15:35
Originally posted by maddur
Where is Cafe Opera ?
I think the poster means Cafe Orleans in Recoleta, right?

I haven't heard of Cafe Opera. Please clarify.

Editor's Note: Cafe Orleans is not in Recoleta. It's on the corner of Avenue Cordoba and San Martin, near (but not officially in) the Microcenter.

11-17-02, 17:46
Sorry guys.

I meant Cafe Orleans.

Does anyody have any other locations for freelancer locations?


11-17-02, 19:17
Anybody wanna have a beer and swap notes? Jackson can we buy you a much-deserved dinner?

HOTEL: Staying in Apart Recoleta this week, directly across from Affaire, 1 block from Etoile. Adequate rooms for $45 nite. List price $95, $55 online, $45 at the door "because pool and gym closed", They also have bigger nicer rooms for more. VERY good location, near the park and restaurants. Good security, English speaking staff, Motel 6 quality rooms, safes, stove, phone, small tv, hobbyist friendly or at least indifferent, they just call and tell you guest is here, can we send her up? As far as I could tell, you could bring 5 girls and a pony up and they would not blink. Probably because no real lobby, no guests hanging out. Overall, nothing special except for EXCELLENT location, probably best location in Recoleta. Very small lobby. Not well known even to cab drivers, tell them across from Club Affaire:


CLUBS: Affaire and Closers girls quote $100, will take 150p($70) and they love that my hotel is right across the street, allows them to hang out and watch out my window to see if club gets busy. They stay for hours on a slow night.

PLATYNUM: Would like to put in a good word for Estefanie on Platynum. Not my usual type but very worth it IF you like a friendly, tiny skin and bones girl with nice smile, Maybe 5 foot, 90 LBS. Could pass for 16, but I checked her ID. No English, despite claim on ad. Smart college student GFE, very sweet and cuddly and VERY young looking. Studying to be a teacher. Belly ring, shaved, a few tatoos. I named 200 p´s ($70) fine with her, arrived on timre, which is a monor miracle here. Stayed 2 hrs. If you wanna pretend you are back in high school, but legally, this is a good choice. Also called Lizzy, based on prior comments. Asked in Spanish for 150p rate, insisted on 100 USD, nothing less. I figured why not, but then she stood me up anyway LOL.
Would like to put in a good word for Estefanie on Platynum. Not my usual type but very worth it IF you like a smily, friendly, tiny skin and bones girl with nice smile, Maybe 5 foot, 90 LBS. Could pass for 16, but I checked her ID. No English, despite claim on ad. Smart college student GFE, very sweet and cuddly and VERY young looking. Studying to be a teacher. Belly ring, shaved, a few tatoos. I named 200 p´s ($70) fine with her, arrived on time, which is a monor miracle here. Stayed 2 hrs. If you wanna pretend you are back in high school, but legally, this is a good choice.

Also called Lizzy, based on prior comments. Asked in Spanish for 150p rate, insisted on 100 USD, nothing less. I figured why not, but then she stood me up anyway LOL.

11-17-02, 23:21
Argentina v/s Brazil

I was wondering Argentina (Buenos Aires)is as good as brazil (Rio).

any one have dual experience please post....

11-17-02, 23:28
[QUOTE]Originally posted by chuponalgas
[i]Anybody wanna have a beer and swap notes? Jackson can we buy you a much-deserved dinner?

I'm game. I'm mongering 24/7 in BA now, staying at the Etoile. Post a day, time and place to meet.

Looking forward to it.

11-18-02, 01:33

Thanks. I was certain I logged out and deleted the files, I only used the pc there twice, and I may have forgotten the second time.


11-18-02, 13:36

You're welcome for the basic computer information, but your thanks should go to DownBA, he spotted your login...

Regards, Havanaman

Quoted from: DownBA, 11-13- 02 13:49

(( ONE LAST THING, TAKE THIS AS A FRIENDLY PIECE OF ADVICE...I'm scared to use this pc at the Etoile since when I first went to post this message WSG was indicating that Ezy-Amante was logged in, I guess he had been here before me but WSG had been logged ou of so I shutter at the thought that people are somehow able to access my email account by the same token...by the way, Ezy- amante, I did log you out before I posted the message, I'm a pretty honest guy.))

11-18-02, 20:21

Correct me if I'm wrong but I logged you off on November 11th....weren't you in the Etoile long before that day? I would think that you'd be logged off as soon as you closed out of internet explorer or whatever browser you were using, wouldn't you? Very strange. DownBA

11-18-02, 22:07
Originally posted by chuponalgas

Would like to put in a good word for Estefanie on Platynum.

Hi Chuponalgas,
There's no Estefanie on Platynum as of today.
There is an Estefani, Estefania, Estefany, Estefi, Estephania,
and Esthefany.
Can you clarify, which girl you were talking about ?

11-19-02, 01:13
NESS on thursday night at 12:30AM only one guy sitting at the bar and about 30 chicas in the 6-7 range and a couple of 8's. By 1:00AM about 10 guys swowed up. The chica I took asked for $250 pesos and I just looked at her and laugh and she immediately said $100 pesos without me saying a word.


11-19-02, 06:35

Yes, the last time I used that computer was at least three weeks prior to that. I was sure I logged myself off, but I was pretty rushed that evening, so I could have forgotten. I also thought I deleted the temp files and history. It's a habit of mine to do that on public computers. I usually even delete the addresses in the browser bar, but like I said, I could have forgotten, I had a chica in the lobby waiting for me. :)

Thanks though, I do appreciate the help.


11-19-02, 17:40
Attention All Mongers in Buenos Aires:

A high level Monger field trip meets TONIGHT, Tuesday Nov. 19 at 10pm from the lobby of Hotel Etoile.

Please be prompt, as we have lots of areas to research, including Blacks, Madahos, Affaire Recoleta, Closer & Shampu.

11-19-02, 17:52
jamesbond...can't join you tonight,as I will be en route. Post again when you plan your next Monger field trip!!! or shoot me an email...unpocolocoenba@hotmail.com. I have 3 cans of cranberry sauce.....

11-20-02, 05:41
Hello again: Please let me know whether I understand the scene correctly. Full service for two hours by a girl from a club costs on average about 100 pesos. Is that right? I was also wondering when are you meeting for your research? I would also appreciate some info whether it is possible to get a female guide for a day. I believe since I am blind that might be my best option at the begining, especially since I don't speak Spanish. Also do people speak English there? I believe a gentleman named Havsanaman described his elaborate system of picking up the college girls. Personally I would not might learning more about history of Argentina and get bj every 100 years. So if you have any contacts on the students' unions there I would appreciate them. You can guys mail me at: vopat@sympatico.ca. Also if some would like to show me a round a bit it would be great. By the way except sex what's there to do in Argentina? Is there any interesting place around BA, or any other country closed by? I heard that culturally speaking Argentina is very boaring. What's your take on the issue and what can I expect if I come down. Thank you very much for your help. I hope to hear on teh forum about your research. Happy hunting.

11-20-02, 11:38
back in April me and a buddy spent some time in Argentina. Buenos Aires has some good whiskerias for women. Along Avenida Cordoba theres 3 good ones. Exedra at 9 de Julio, Castelar a few blocks down which has mostly older women from 30-50, and Orleans at San Martin st. has a good selection. The women charge 50-100 pesos for short time in a hotel. Theres also alot of women on Florida st. at night near Paraguay st. they start at 50 pesos. The women are really good looking with a variety of blonds, brunettes, and redheads. Happy hunting.

11-20-02, 16:07
I went to that new club, the one on the corner by Solid Gold. I can´t remember the name. It´s nice inside. I got there about 10:30. I was the first customer and there were only a couple of girls there. I know, it´s too early. I was just stopping by to have a look see before going to my old haunt, Playwoman. I was there until 11:15 or so. About 10 more women came in. One of which was hot. The others, not so much. I´ll check it out again later this week.

When I got to Playwoman a couple of minutes later. The place was packed with woman. About 5 minutes after I got there, the place was packed with guys. I wouldn´t head out to these places before 11 or so. I do because I get bored. Either my standards have risen or the quality has dropped. I remember my first trip here a few months back. I was amazed. Now it´s not so good. It seems like most of the tall busty blondes are gone. They were mostly Brazilian and I heard that most of them went home. The girls left tend to be more on the plump side. Not fat, but not model thin. I was going to head over to Shampoo when a old favorite came in. She´s the cutest one there but her performance is just OK. But for old times sake, I went with her. She´s gotten enhanced since I saw her last. She asked for 200 pesos. I didn´t negoitiate because she´s an old ¨friend¨. I know I could have gotten her down to 150 though.

I´m checking out the downtown clubs tonight for the first time. I´ll let you know how it goes.

11-20-02, 16:41
A big THANK YOU to Jackson, Saint, Moondog, Otto, Ezy, EZE_amante and all others who have kindled my desire to visit this very beautiful place and helped me plan this trip of 9 days with their expert advice.

DownBA, although for a short time, I was very glad to meet you finally on last Wednesday. May be we can hook up in some future trips. Thanks for your excellent contributions to this board.

Ricardo, hope your trip back home was safe and uneventful. Jamesbond69 and BA_Robert— carry on the mission.

ZDE between BA and Costa Rica–there is no comparison. Go to BA.

Let me start with a confession. Since we access so much free information through this forum, it is almost a obligation for the board members to detail some sorts of report after the completion of their trips. Here is my problem, I almost have nothing to add as far as new information goes regarding the hobby scene. So what follows below, is a short summary of personal experience and critical observations. I just like to point out one thing that it is a very dangerous game we are playing where sometimes fantasy can takeover reality. So as is always reminded in horse racing "bet with your head not over it".

Internet escorts:

In my initial attempt to get "Venus" , the same girl EZE_amante reviewed, I ended up with a different girl. She is "Baleria" under Platynum. Not my type at all. But being a gentleman, I could not refuse her. Excellent service, but my heart was not into her. Almost all the escorts you could get 100P per hour. Paid her the money and learned my lesson first hand. In my opinion, if the telephone number does not start with 15 (indicating a cell phone), there is a significant chance that it could be a brothel. And your chance of a "switcheroo" is very high. On my day of departure, I entertained one lady named "Milagros" from Area-VIP. While checking out, I saw her at the reception requesting the clerk to call her client that "Cynthia" is here. I asked her how come in the span of less than two hours she became "Cynthia" from "Milagros". Obviously, she was quite embarrassed and gave me a big kiss goodbye. By the way her service was excellent.

Venus- I had a 3 hr. session with her, 200P. She is of Italian origin and has an extremely beautiful face. However, she is anorexic to a point that it is quite alarming. Her service was excellent. I had another date with her, but she never showed up. After our session, Venus left the bottle of massage oil at my room. I passed it to Jamesbond69 before leaving and betting that it will end up with our man EZE_amante.

Clubs in Recoleta:

Madaho: In my personal opinion, as of this moment, this is the best club in this area. It is even better than Black. There are many girls you will be happy to go home with, unless you are obsessed with one particular one–which was the case with me. For my taste , the prettiest girl there is Andrea, an Elizabeth Hurley look alike. She is 26 yr old has a 8 yr old daughter. We were at a impasse for 2 nights, because she won't do "Toda la noche" (TLN), my only preference for late night action. Finally, I did a 2 hr session (200 P) with her and got the beast of obsession out of my system. Don't miss this girl. A gem!

Solid Gold: Don't bother

Playwomen: I am really sorry to say you guys, I was never been so disappointed. I gave this place benefit of doubt and went back on another night, but the result was the same. This place did not cut it for me. For my taste, the girls were very unattractive. I even invited one on the sofa. But when she came close and smiled, the sight of her crooked teeth made me run for the exit.

Black: Here, as opposed to Playwomen, there were many beautiful girls, although most of them are not my type. However, I took one blonde Goddess, Jovana, for 2 nights . She is a 22 yr old Brazilian beauty. Negotiated price was 400 P for the first night (TLN). I was so happy with her that the next night I paid her the full asking price 500P without any hesitation. Heck, I would pay this amount of money just to be with her in the same room. I never saw such a flawless body. Every inch of her face is a painter's art work. Both nights she came to the hotel around 3 AM and left after 2 PM. Two unforgettable nights of forbidden adventure!

Sampoo: A notch below the others. But there were few, I could have been interested. Just ran out of time.

Newport: This is the place I found what I was looking for. She was no beauty by any standard. She was actually over 5'10", a little bit taller than me ---which I never prefer. But those eyes—that did it for me! I knew immediately I found my TLN girl. "Paola", 22 yr old, never married, studying general emergency room procedures. Strictly doing it as a freelancer "as needed" basis. Newport has flexible working guidelines as opposed to other clubs. That's why she is there. Her service , in traditional sense (that means for guys who are looking for moneys worth) is " No Vale la pena" (not worth it). Lights off, everything covered, but what a passion! She fulfilled all my emotional needs more than I expected. I could have been lost in those big dark eyes for hours without even touching her. I immediately knew she was a keeper. We agreed on 150 P for TLN. By any standard this is low. I gave her 200 when she left around noon. Later on she told me that she normally charges 200P for a short session and 500P for TLN. When asked, why I was so lucky to get this deep discount, her answer was "the way you touched me". Out of eight nights, I spent four nights with her. We went to " Senior Tango" show, diner at "Cabaña Las Lilas at Puerto Madero (Highly recommended by one of the girls at Etoile who made the reservation for us, and really it was worth it), movies and all nine yards. She provided me with the much needed tranquillity in this whole mess of the "hunting" game. I always knew who to come back to if I was in trouble. She is not a fit for everybody but she was for me. The greatest drawback of spending multiple nights with one girl is that there is a significant chance of development of mutual feelings and saying "goodbyes" become difficult. I miss her already!

Downtown Clubs: These were not in my agenda. I passed by once and never liked the look of them. May be Jamesbond69 can review those. He liked one of the clubs.

Café Orleans: Generally dogs, but I lucked out. I had a session with "Roscio". 26 yr. Old from Paraguay. Very pretty and amazing service (100 P plus tips).

French St. Brothel: Had a session with "Belen". She appears as "Victoria" under the Platynum site (face masked). 22 yr old, very pretty and perky. Fake boobs. Excellent service.

Nuevo Estilo Boliche: Thank you DownBA for discovering this gem of a place. Five of us went there on last Tuesday. If I were alone, I had no problem to have sessions with at least two chicas. They are very pretty and very young local talents. A nice change from the other club scene. Next time!

I had sessions with some other girls but nothing stands out. Now I will let you in two of my personal secrets;

For the last 25 years I only used one particular cologne-my very personal favorite. The first enquiry I get from almost every girl (four continents and large number of women, so it is statistically quite significant) is what kind of cologne I am wearing. They come in the room and everyone wants to see the bottle first. Last year in Thailand, one girl was so obsessed , that finally I placed the bottle next to her and left the room. Although she was smart enough to come down immediately to fetch the real thing. Now that I have generated enough interest, the name of the cologne—– Estee Lauder for Men!

During my last trip to Costa Rica, I was introduced to this neat personal massager for female by the forum members. Guys if you want to witness, pelvic thrusting, eye popping female orgasm, this is one gadget you should not leave home without. There is one drawback though. It will be hard to get it back from the girl. This is the best gift you can give them during your mongering sessions. I used it on Venus, Jovana and Andrea. Andrea was the one who wanted it for herself. She never saw this thing and I never witnessed such a female pleasure. Since she did not do TLN with me, she promised me that this gadget will be her TLN partner from now on and she will always remember me while using it. So what's the name of this wonder toy? Drumroll please-----Pocket Rocket! Do a search on the net. The original sells for roughly 30 USD. However, there are many cheap imitations that will do the job.

I will be in Costa Rica from Dec 7 -15. Also, will be in Thailand for one week in January on my way to India. If any of the board member is interested, let me know.

Hope I have been able to contribute something!


11-20-02, 17:50
First of all Bandy GREAT report! Yeah, judging from all the reports I'm hearing from amigos the club scene has deteriorated since the summer. Keep in mind it's still probably good, especially if you've never been there and had nothing to compare it to but each subsequent trip the quality of the girls seem to have gone down. Many, many girls are moving to other countries to make more money.

When I was in Mexico City last month there were tons of girls there from Brazil and Buenos Aires. They can make more stripping in the strip clubs there than "working" at clubs like Playwoman. I'm friends with several of the club girls and talk to them often. In fact, "justgotback" I know the girl you saw very, very well. To give you an idea, she is very happy the quality has gone down in Playwoman. You see, before she was one of the mediocre girls compared to some of the hotties. Now, she is one of the more popular girls because many of the super hotties have left. Even she is going to go to Mexico to work in January (or so she claims). In cities like Cancun you'll see many girls from Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires. In fact, I would guess that many more will continue to flock to cities like Mexico City and Cancun. I don't blame them.

Even though the economic situation is dire in Buenos Aires you gotta remember that many of these girls were used to making much, much more money. Many can't cope with these low rates and are fleeing the country. The good/bad thing depending on how you look at it is that many new faces will continue to stream in. It's one of the only ways to make a good living in Buenos Aires for young girls.

** I just posted a great article on the economic situation there. Read it in the General section. ***

There are still many, many hotties there. Probably more than any of us could see during a trip. It's just kind of is a bummer compared to earlier when there were tons of hotties. Looking forward to next week in BA!

11-20-02, 18:10

Glad you had a good time.

Regarding the escort scene, it is hit and miss with Platynum. For 100% wysiwyg, use www.escorts-argentina.com.


11-20-02, 18:50
[QUOTE]Originally posted by saint
[i]First of all Bandy GREAT report!

Second the motion. Bandy's report is a monger classic. I should add that it was great mongering with him last week in Buenos Aires, and promise to pass on the abandoned massage lotion to Venus and hopefully meet up in the near future with the Elizabeth Hurley lookalike at Madahos. BA_Robert unfortunately missed the opportunity last night, as she is a star and we didn't move fast enough.

As for the quality going down in BA this is my first monger visit so I have nothing to compare it with. If Playwoman was once filled with top chicas its not now but there are gems among the skank and there are still plenty of hotties in Affaire Recoleta, Blacks, Shampoo and Madahos. The ratio of men to women on an off night - Saturday, Sunday and Monday - can be as much as three to one, with the Argentine men not taking anyone out because they can't afford it. So it's still very much hobby heaven.

A Monger research team assembles as usual in the lobby of Etoile at 10pm to carry on the noble mission of the AMA (Argentine Monger Association) and our illustrious founder Jackson.

All Mongers are Welcome.

11-20-02, 19:55
good reports from the latest travel team, looking forward to more from this trip.

but with numerous mention of "10p etoile lobby" as the jumping off point for each night, and combining that with the questioning thought of just how many women/establishments really follow along here online...

- - - i mean, if i was a ba working chica that could read english, and knew about this board and read it frequently, i'd certainly be stopping by or very near the etoile around 10p... whether to 'get picked up', maybe just to be noticed, or maybe just to without-being-seen see the faces of the men that i might run into later and take note - - -

... if it happens, and you figure it out, please be sure to post the interesting story!

11-20-02, 20:42
Originally posted by leo
good reports from the latest travel team, looking forward to more from this trip.

but with numerous mention of "10p etoile lobby" as the jumping off point for each night, and combining that with the questioning thought of just how many women/establishments really follow along here online...

- - - i mean, if i was a ba working chica that could read english, and knew about this board and read it frequently, i'd certainly be stopping by or very near the etoile around 10p... whether to 'get picked up', maybe just to be noticed, or maybe just to without-being-seen see the faces of the men that i might run into later and take note - - -

... if it happens, and you figure it out, please be sure to post the interesting story!

Yes indeed. This is a good point. I've only met one chica so far in the clubs that can speak English well other then the few hobby words like "hundred dollars", "fucky fucky sucky sucky". I suspect the chicas most be from the lower classes, since far more middle class chicas have studied English and speak it. If the economy continues to go down I suspect more middle class chicas will join the ranks of the chicas and there will be more English.

However I haven't met a single chica that didn't have an email account at Yahoo, Hotmail, etc, so I think it's only a matter of time before the scene evolves, more English speaking chicas work the trade and chicas are online reading this forum and collecting valuable infomation as well, and using it to advantage. I know on the Romanian WSF forum there is a poster called Frenchman that is really Bucharest Girl, that promotes her service under the guise of being a monger, linking to her website and extolling her erotic skills, albeit at a high price.

I expect soon all this will evolve and there will be a World Sex Forum from the other side, in Spanish for chicas, reviewing mongers, not so much from the performance level, common on a monger list, but more concerning the rates and what one can charge what and to whom. That will be interesting.

11-20-02, 20:53
Saint, yes I was there when you met her. You came in to Playwoman with your large size friend many months ago. Ah.. those were the days.

Saint, there´s something I want to mention to you but don´t want to send it to the list. Do you have an email I could send it to? Do we have PM on this board?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by saint
them often. In fact, "justgotback" I know the girl you saw very, very well. To give you an idea, she is very happy the quality has

11-20-02, 20:59
I agree with this. I´ve met a few women in the internet cafes, they lean over to ask me a computer question. All of them spoke great english. Most are just standard office worker types.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by jamesbond69
words like "hundred dollars", "fucky fucky sucky sucky". I suspect the chicas most be from the lower classes, since far more middle class chicas have studied English and speak it. If the economy

11-20-02, 21:06
I think 100 pesos is a little low. I generally agree to 150 pesos. 200 if she´s very hot or if I know her already. Trying to be generous. I´ve also been known to give out 300 if the girl is unbelievably hot.

Don´t forget about the other costs. 20-25 pesos to get in a club with one drink included. I generally go to 2 or 3 clubs before deciding on a girl. Sometimes I go back to a previous club if the later ones are dry. Then the bar tab for the girl. I´ve been charged 60-120 pesos. Even at the same club. One night I go in and it´s 60, the next night it´s 120 for the same drinks. Playwoman is especially bad at this.

Figure another 20-30 pesos on tips for the waitress, doorman, etc.

In total, I generally budget 300-400 or so for a short session with a girl. TLN is better value.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by zde
[i]Hello again: Please let me know whether I understand the scene correctly. Full service for two hours by a girl from a club costs on average about 100 pesos. Is that right? I was also

11-20-02, 21:22
Justgotback. My email is saintofba@hotmail.com. And please just refer to my friends as my friends. No need to mention size, race, religion or any other descriptions. No offense but it's not very polite.

The vast number of girls do not know of specific website addresses and hopefully it stays that way for a while but many of you have big mouths. Do NOT ever mention internet sites. I agree that public sites are helpful to the vast majority but due to indiscreet guys I am looking forward to the private site going up soon and utilizing the other private sites I belong to. In fact, probably all future trip reports might not give specific names of girls I see and I won't email any more pics out to you guys. (Sorry but most of my pictures are on pay sites that ensure that girls can't see them without a password).


11-20-02, 21:25
Originally posted by justgotback
Even at the same club. One night I go in and it´s 60, the next night it´s 120 for the same drinks. Playwoman is especially bad at this.

These clubs all have so many tricks, most around the price of the drinks/exit fees.

Some clubs, some nights exit drinks can only be champagne and cost 60 pesos each for two drinks, some nights they can be two beers for 40.

I think it's what ever they can get away with. If you argue it and they think you will return they will usually give you a break. The scams are endless. Some clubs like Playwoman and Solid Gold ( I call this club Solid Silicon) have free admission - no drink tickets at the door but once you enter the waitresses are all over you to buy a drink, so why not just charge at the door like most of the other clubs?

If you come early to Solid Sold you see the prettiest chicas dancing, only to find out when the customers arrive that they really waitresses and not for take-out.

I made the mistake of setting down with one of these "waitresses", only to have another waitress rush over and set down a drink at our table. Presumably i was set up to buy a waitress a drink from another waitress.

it's all kind of interesting to get into the mindset of the clubs and figure all the schemes they have to get as much money (drinks) as possible from the customers.

11-20-02, 21:57

Some people speak English, but not most of them.

Respect to cultural venues, Buenos Aires is as active as New York or London:

- Corrientes Av between Callao Av and 9 de Julio Av has dozens of cafe concerts, movie theaters, libraries, music halls and the like.

- The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Libertador Av and Pueyredon Av, Recoleta) has great collection of local and European artwork.

- Teatro Colon is a place to go if you are into Opera and classical music.

- In Clarin newspaper of Friday, you can find all the shows and performances that are in town for the weekend.

- For visitors, there is a lot of tang shows and concerts.

Argentina is a very big country in extension, so it's difficult to go to nearby countries like in Europe, with the exception of going to Uruguay from Buenos Aires.

Student unions are usually not much organized for foreign visitors, as far as I know, so don't count on them too much. They may ask you for money.

Hope this helps,


11-20-02, 22:06

Even though the issue was discussed before, please try to stick to the local price as much as possible. Otherwise, girls will start raising the bar and I will become reluctant to report from places that cater to locals.


Exactly how I feel on the subject.


11-20-02, 22:59
I agree. And really appreciate your posts about the local places. I don't just want to go to the Recoleta places all the time and really enjoyed myself at Nuevo Estilo Boliche. And even in Recoleta i make a point to never pay over 200 pesos, even for TLN.

For example last night I turned down an offer to leave with one of the superstars of Blacks on principle, since she wanted 300 pesos short stay and my limit was 200. Now the 100 pesos difference wouldn't kill me - it's only $25us - but I just didn't feel it really represented realistic real market conditions, as I could get a great chica downtown for 100 and in recoleta for 100-200, so that's the price guidelines i stick to, in line with the local rates in the clubs I go to.

And mind you. 300 pesos for short stay is real money in Buenos Aires now. A waitress makes only 500 a MONTH

What, do you mean to tell me that your dick DOESN'T get bigger if you pay more?

11-20-02, 23:03
Nice Report Bandy.
In regards to Area-VIP, Cynthia y Milagros:
I had metioned earlier about some 'switching', on the phone even. I had talked to Cynthia over the phone previous nights, in english, and when my time came to make an arrangement, it was someone who only spoke spanish saying they were Cynthia. That didn't work so Milagros was put on line, who spoke english. I just checked Area and Milagros does not seem to be there anymore, but appears to be Cami on Platynum. So, Bandy, are you at liberty to confirm whom your report refers, the pictured Cynthia or Cami on Platynum?
You may have a point with the cell phones but some do have land line #'s and cell #s.
Can someone please provide a quick general location for Madahos as I cannot remember seeing the place or given any cards on the street. Went back a ways on messages, failed to see where it is. Sounds like a good place.

I do envy you guys down there, while myself and the majority play working grunt far away. The posts freshen the memories. Looking for a good business excuss to hit BA again soon.

11-21-02, 00:13
Jamesbond69 and others:

Thanks for the compliments. Actually I had written a very detailed report which reads like a movie script, including narrative details leading to each score. It is still in my hard drive. However, in the interest of public space and to save all of you from boring details, I opted for the very abridged version. I had agreat time going out with all of you and missing the actions very much. Some withdrawl symptoms are expected. How is your real estate hunt going on?

Middleageguy: I think the girl who showed up is real Milagros and not Cami. I had a picture of Milagros printed out before. And she somehow resembles her. I have no idea who Cynthia is. The girl who speaks good english is their receptionsist, and she will pretend she is the person you are looking for. This is what Milagros told me. I still think internet is hit and miss. You will have much better time if you pick somebody from the club, even she is not a 10.

Regarding the price of exit fee: In Black it will cost you around 200 with tips. The chica drinks are 50P each. Your drink will run atleast 60P. Then entrance fee, tips etc. Since I do only TLN, I had no problem with the girl's fee at Black. In other venue like Madaho's exit price will run you close to 100 P, with admission and tips.

Regarding english speaking chicas: In my encounters, all but only one could speak fluent english. She is Violeta from Madaho. Her father is american and mother is an english teacher. It was a very interesting experience. I was attracted to her because of her green eyes, shoulder length jet black hair, like Connie Celeca, and perfect english. I was tired of conversing with my not so perfect spanish throught my all other encounters. So I thought here is my chance to learn a lot of this business. we decided on 300 P for a TLN encounter. In the club, cab rides and in the room we talked a lot. I learned lot of details how the club scene works as well as her personal life. She is a second year veterinary student who goes to school everyday from 1 PM to 7 PM and happened to have an Anatomy test next day. We came to the hotel at 4:00 AM and by 5:00 AM, our bedroom olympics session is over. I told her to sleep. However, her eyes was wide open. I asked her what was bothering her. She said she remebered that she parked her car outside of Madaho and it will be towed away after 7:00 AM. Also she has to walk her dogs and study for the test. I immediately paid her the entire 300P and told her to go home, sleep and study for the test. Her whole face got frozen. She repeatedly asked me whether I was angry at her. With all her predicaments she was still willing to keep her end of the bergain and stay at least until 10 AM. During all these discussions, I never mentioned for one moment about paying her less. She gave her phone number and begged me to call her at 6 PM. She will come with her car and show me around Buenos Aires. She was so much taken up by my generosity that she wanted to pay me back any way she can. At that very moment a very ordinary one hour session became a very memorable experience.


11-21-02, 00:29

Madaho is at the corner of Vicente Lopez and Azcuenaza. It is the first club in the same block of Playwomen. Madaho, next is Solid Gold and then is Playwomen. All on the same side of the street. Hope it helps.


11-21-02, 01:33
You guys still getting toether at Hotel Etoile at 10:00 in the lobby? I am a newbie and plan to be in BA this Friday. I thought it might be a good idea to tag along with the group and get my feet wet in the city. Please let me know if you guys are still getting together, and how I find the group in the lobby. Also, thanks to everyone for all the great the info on this board.

11-21-02, 12:36
[QUOTE]Originally posted by saint
[i]Justgotback. My email is saintofba@hotmail.com. And please just refer to my friends as my friends. No need to mention size, race, religion or any other descriptions. No offense but it's not very polite.

The preceding message was brought to you by the office of political correctness. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I went to check out a couple of the downtown clubs last night, Hook and Gattos. I was planning to go to Pipper and Ness as well, but I didn´t make it. In short, I´m impressed. I had never been out of a Recoleta club before. Both Hook and Gattos had better quality women than Playwoman or the new club that starts with an M the night before. It was almost like the Recoleta clubs of old. They were stratified though. A quarter of them were 2-4s but about 66% of them were 6-8 with one or two 9 and 10s.

I got to Hook at about 11:30. The place was packed with women, 25 or so. There were about 5 guys, many more came in the 45 minutes I was there. It was a younger crowd than the Recoleta clubs. Early 20´s as opposed to late 20´s. The girls definitely had that teenage rebellion thing going on. This is one of those clubs were the girls will approach you. I hadn´t even taken a sip of my beer before the first one latched on. I politely declined and then another one came up. This happened until I left. This solid 9 came in about 5 minutes before I left. Short blond hair, great body, your basic model type. I held off because I wanted to check out the other clubs. My beer was 12 pesos.

I did the 10 second walk to Gattos. My first thought was that I should have come in here first. As I walked in, this absolute knock out 10 was walking out with some guy. I was soon comforted by a 21 year old 8. This club is classier than Hook. Hook kind of had a neighborhood bar feel. The guys were wearing jeans or casual attire. Gattos had a lot guys in it wearing suits. There was a singer on stage initially. Later a dancer came on. The women were also dressed better, some were in evening gowns. About the same proportion of 2-4s vs 6-8s. There were many more customers here. As I mentioned, I didn´t make it to the other two clubs. It was because of that 21 year old 8. She talked me out of it. She asked for 200 pesos. I said OK. It could have been easily negoited since her response was ¨Si? No problema?¨ Sorry for upping the costs, but 200 is the high end of my range. I tend to negoitiate hard if they ask for 300 pesos or 100 dollars, but let it slide otherwise. Cost of drinks, her´s and mine was 30 pesos. That half to a seventh of what it would cost in Recoleta.

What a surprise for me. I thought the downtown clubs were a cut below the Recoleta clubs. It doesn´t seem the case at all. Another plus is that you can just walk in and check out the girls without paying. There were a lot of guys that just came in, had a quick look around and left. Doing that at most of the Recoleta clubs will cost you 20 to 25 pesos. There´s no entrance fee at Hooks or Gattos, just the cost of the drinks. With the plentiful selection of younger women and dirt cheap exit fees, I may never go back to Recoleta again. Who am I kidding, sure I will.

11-21-02, 12:39
Originally posted by bandy
Jamesbond69 and others:

How is your real estate hunt going on?

- I'm still at the early stages with looking for an apartment or house to rent/buy in Buenos Aires but like anything else right now there seem to be some real deals around.

Regarding Violeta from Madaho - she sounds terrific!!!Could you PLEASE email me as soon as possible her telephone number and/or email . I definitely want to get together with her.
My email is ww2001us@yahoo.com

- TONIGHT - Special Invitation
Monger Research Team of the AMA (Argentine Mongers Association) has been invited to attend the Special Aniversary Party of Blacks tonight, featuring a bevy of famous Blacks alumni, extra assortment on two floors.

The Research Team meets tonight in the lobby of the Etoile Hotel at 10pm

All Mongers Welcome

11-21-02, 13:00
Originally posted by justgotback
[QUOTE]Originally posted by saint
[i]With the plentiful selection of younger women and dirt cheap exit fees, I may never go back to Recoleta again. Who am I kidding, sure I will.

Recoleta vs. Downtown is a question I agonize about every night.

I think if you are staying in Recoleta it's worth staying there most nights, since you can walk club to club while the downtown clubs are several blocks apart and you will have to taxi between them, with Cutty Sark, Orleans and another club in one area and Ness, Catto's, and Hooks in a different area. And then you have Salome in another area entirely.

Of all the downtown clubs IMHO Hook's is the best and different from the others - more light, more of a dance floor for the chicas to show off their wares. I took a tremendous twenty year out of there for 100 pesos

All the other downtown clubs have this dark paneling , gentleman's club feel to them. It's really hard to get a good luck at there faces, particularly in Catto's. which is as dark as a cave. In general I find the darker the clubs, the older the girls/women.

I find the girls a bit younger and prettier in Recoleta but there are pretty girls in both areas, you just have to look a bit more downtown.

MAJOR plus of downtown: If you are on a budget the price is defintely lower downtown. You can get top girls for150 pesos no problem while in Recolata you might have to bargain them down from asking prices as high as 400 pesos. And the local price/offer of 100 pesos by a gringo are accept, albeit reluctantly - with a chicas hope of a tip for good service.

11-21-02, 14:20
now that's a post, from justgotback. great detail on times, quantities of girls and guys, costs of entrance, exit, hourly rates, and drinks. excellent!

looking forward to hearing about the blacks anniversary night!

11-21-02, 14:45
Do Ameriacans need visa to enter Argentina?Can anyone supply me with the answer?

11-21-02, 14:50

As a tourist, you do not need visa for 30 days. However, if you are in a business trip you might reqire one.


11-21-02, 15:16

Nope. Just a US passport. When you enter Argentina they will stamp your passport with a "90 day" allowance to stay in Argentina. No visa needed. Have fun.


11-21-02, 15:41
Does anyone have any eperience with Karen#22 on escortsbaires-thanks for any imfo

11-21-02, 16:02
Does anyone have a really nice internet girl in Buenos Aires to recommend? I'm getting a bit tired of these hard core club girls that have several men a night.

I'm not particularly interested in the "porno" star type. Big chest, big ass, little chest, little ass is not really important to me. It's all the same.

Looking more for a semi-pro "independent" that does this part time to support herself, maybe just a college girl trying to just pay the bills during the economic crisis, who probably doesn't have the time and inclination to work the clubs at night and has something on the ball, but ever so often picks up a client to pay rent and tuition.

I like the "girl next door" type and GFE. Email the list or privately to ww2001us@yahoo.com

11-21-02, 19:12
Saint`s right. The stamp in the passport says 3 meses, 3 months.

Originally posted by saint

Nope. Just a US passport. When you enter Argentina they will stamp your passport with a "90 day" allowance to stay in Argentina. No visa needed. Have fun.


11-21-02, 19:21
To break with the program for a sec. I just wanted to mention a couple of things.

First, if you suffer from hay fever, bring your favorite antihistamine. It´s spring bloom season here. I didn´t and got some from a local pharmacist. It doesn´t work for me at all.

Second, there´s that big craft market in the park by the Recoleta cementary. I´ve bought a lot of stuff there and I thought the prices were good. If you wander around the city, there are a lot of markets like that selling the same "handmade" goods. The prices are about half what the tourist prices in Recoleta are.

Third, I wished I bought a $200 Armani suit earlier in the year. Those are all gone now, but the locally made suits are still dirt cheap. Has anyone gotten one? Can you recommend a store?

11-21-02, 19:40

In Callao Av Between MT Alvear St and Santa Fe Av, there are 7 or more man apparel stores. One of them is called Masters. They make awesome shirts from British fabrics and nice suits from British and Italian wool fabrics. One of these shirts costed me ar$60 in December, while a 3 piece suit was ar$500 (something similar would cost $400 otr more in the US).

In Paraguay St between Florida St and Maipu St there are some shirt stores. I paid ar$70 for a shirt that whould cost $80 in Brooks Brothers.

Also, the Cacharel store in Galerias Pacifico Mall (in front of Cafe Orleans) made me a very good suit 3 years ago, a suit that I use for my interviews in the US. Should be $200.

Hope this helps,


11-21-02, 19:56

Maru from Platynum may serve you well. Her only weak side is her teeth (some of them are skewed but don't hinder her oral abilites :-)). She was down-to-earth, charged me ar$100 for 1 hour but stayed 2.5 hours. Was close to a GFE.

In December 2001, she was in Downtown, near the Obelisco. Her rates were $60 for a short time and $100 for an hour. Don't know nowadays how much she asks.

Small letter: YMMV. As you know, this is not a 6-sigma process that assures quality.

Hope this helps,


11-21-02, 22:25
Hi List,

I've been reading this forum probably since 1998 before I took my first trip to Asia. Believe it or not I came to this site in hopes of using it as a guide to find cheap accomodations, but quickly found the posts to be very entertaining.

Well, here I'm finally posting. I will be going to Europe for the first time (this will be a lot of firsts for me as you'll see) with my fiance and I'm trying to stay on after our trip is over. I want to sew my wild oats there or in South America if I can't stay in Europe. Your posts for BA have really helped. I've been looking for flights incase Prague doesn't come through.

I went out with my fiance for 11 years before proposing, she was my high school sweety, and she's the only person I've ever been with. Lately(last 3 years), I've been feeling like I should go and discover what other women are like. I've often wondered but never acted on it even when women have approached me. Partly because of lack of experience but mostly because I wanted to stay faithful. I guess I've convinced myself that it's better I do it now with a "pro" than after we're married with emotional attachments.

It's taken me a decade, but I've arrived at the decision to "put those thoughts to rest" once and for all by going to either Prague or Buenos Aires for a "fuck fest" till my legs can't support my weight no mo'. I have a feeling my facilities will be those of a teenager getting some for the first time...2 min. man.

I'm not particularly picky as the next woman will be only my second, but I do tend to gravitate towards the light hair, light skinned look. I've been lucky enough to have been with an athletic, well tanned dark haired girl...well always.

This is a self-introduction, as my plans become more concrete, I'll start asking more relevant questions for the appropriate location.

11-22-02, 00:32

Next time a chica asks for $200 pesos just give her a very polite but sarcastic laugh and she will lower the price. It works for me. Enjoy your stay.......


11-22-02, 01:01

I enjoyed meeting you and JameBond, BA_Robert, etc, at the Etoile. I think when everybody's back in the NY area we should covene the first reunion of the N.A.M.A. North East Division...North American Monger's Association North East Division. Bandy, yes I'd like to get together somewhere in the NY/LI area to talk over our trips, ditto Bond. Please email me privately at lllllnnnnn@aol.com. Hope Bond and BA_Robert are still enjoying their "research." I'm back home here in the NY area and while my body's physically here my heart and soul are back in BA smelling the aromas, strolling the wide avenues, sampling all the great food and drink, especially the wines (I brought back 2 dozen premium bottles of wine) and of course most of all, sampling the lovelies. Now that I'm back home I've got a few nice email relationships going on with a few of the girls I was with and hopefully these relationships will tide me over til the next visit. Talk to you guys soon. DownBA

11-22-02, 02:02

Here in Boston most girls look much worse than her.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention a girl with whom you could get a GFE. Since you mentioned that "Big chest, big ass, little chest, little ass is not really important to me. It's all the same.", I though it would work.

Anyway, no problem.


11-22-02, 16:42
I broke from my downtown scouting to see if I could find Violeta based on Brandy´s excellent post. I got to Madaho at about 11:30. It was much better than a couple of nights earlier. Based on his description, I started asking ladies their names. The first was this striking 9, but her name was Cassandra. The next was a really young beauty. Not Violeta either. I decided to ask one of the bartenders. He says he knows her and runs off to get her. It turns out that she was the girl talking to Cassandra when I interrupted them. Everyone´s taste is different, but Violeta doesn´t make the cut for me. She speaks english better than most girls in the clubs, but I´ve run into others that have spoken as well. For me Violeta is about a 6 or so. I then looked for her friend Cassandra hoping that she wouldn´t hold a grudge against me for blowing her off earlier. Sadly, she and the other beauty were both occupied. I left with my head hung low. 20 pesos for the attempt.

I took a taxi back downtown to continue checking out the downtown clubs. I got suckered into the Banana Pub by a hawker. Stay away from here. There were about six 1-3 girls and no customers. This was at about 12:30. I next stepped into Pippers, not much better. I left after about 20 secs. I´m glad there aren´t entrance fees downtown. I passed up Ness and headed back to Hooks since it was the best last time. I must have been drunk the night before. No way is it as good as the Recoleta clubs. I sat down for one drink. There were a couple of beauties there, but they were taken. I paid my 12 pesos and decided to call it a night.

After an hour in my hotel room, I got my second wind and debated going back to Recoleta or trying Gattos. I decided to walk over to Gattos to see if I could find the ¨10¨ from the night before. I walked in and had a seat at the bar. The 21 year old from the night before came over just to say hi. After fending off a couple of 2s, I noticed the ¨10¨ was sitting in the dark recesses of the bar. I gave her a smile and she came over. We settled down at a table and listened to the singer for a while. By the way, the singer is good. I talked price with the ¨10¨. She asked for 200 pesos, I offered 150. She agreed. Back in the light of the hotel, I would give the ¨10¨ a 7 for her face at most, maybe a 6. But her body!! Easily a 12. She looks like she´s an Anime character come to life. I can´t believe she´s all real. There can´t be implants for all those places. But try as I did, I couldn´t find any signs of enhancements. I want the address of her surgeon so I can send him a tip. Her performance was a solid 9. Since it was after 2 by the time we got to my hotel, she was in no hurry to leave. We talked for an hour or so before she asked me if I was up for another round. I was tired and said I was done. I think her name was Aria. She´s about 5 foot 6 inches. Blond hair, very busty, very firm ass and a great tan. She said she was 25 and originally from Mar de Plata. Total cost 150 for the girl, 30 for the drinks and about 20 for miscellaneous tips and taxis. I always give out cab fare to the girl afterwards.

11-22-02, 20:43
Hi Guys,

I'm a frequent poster on the Philippines side of things but I thought I'd get some intel over here since I'll be heading down to BA in January.

I checked out Area-VIP and was wondering if anyone had a chance to bang Barbi? How real is that site as far as who's knocking at your hotel door compared to who's on the picture at the website?

Also, what are the rates? I don't wanna get bamboozled on my first trip down there.

Thanks in advance!

11-22-02, 23:07
Internet girls as of this week, about 50% are the girl in the photo, the rest used someone else´s photo or have changed a lot. The going rate, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO ASK, is 100 pesos ($35 USD) for a one hour session at her apartment or your hotel. If you do not speak spanish and/or sound inexperienced, they will sometimes say 100 USD, or 200 pesos an hour, or whatever, or just say Cien or 100 and leave it vague and then ask for 100USD. To avoid any games, I just say when I call, "¿cien pesos por hora, como siempre, verdad?" ($100 PESOS AN HOUR LIKE ALWAYS, RIGHT?) and they sometimes whine and say ok but a little extra for the taxi, OK? Ifyou are feeling generous, one hour for 120 pesos including tip and taxi is a good rate. Some girls ask 150 pesos an hour, and promise they are worth it and I just pay them if they sound really nice, or say OK but then I get 90 minutes, YMMV. By comparison, the average salary for a shopgirl or hotel maid here is 150 pesos A WEEK. Do not base any decision on the fact that the girl says she speaks English on her page, they never really do, maybe a few words. You will be MUCH happier if you learn a little basic spanish B4 you come, or you can hire a tutor/teacher for $5 an hour or less. In general BA is not nearly as wild, cheap, or GFE as the Phillipines, but far less dangerous and more modern. Also the girls are surpirsingly lightskinned, some real blondes and blue eyes, so you can pretend they are the prom queen from back home.

11-23-02, 02:26
[QUOTE]Originally posted by chuponalgas
a little extra for the taxi, OK? Ifyou are feeling generou, one hour for 120USD including tip and taxi is a good rate. Some girls ask

I hope you meant 120 pesos an hour, not 120USD. I'm sure it's a typo.

I´ve only tried one internet girl ever. I called Camil who had been recommended on this list. I got the old bait and switch. She looked camil like, but unless they airbrushed out all the freckles on her body, it wasn´t her. The girl had a lot of attitude, but not in a good way. She just seemmed angry the whole session.

11-23-02, 02:44
I went to Neuvo Estilo tonight. It´s a fair distance away. It's to say the least, nondescript. The cabby couldn't find the address so I just asked him to let me off on the corner of the block. I found the address, but first thought that it was closed. Black facade with just a blue light shining along the window. I tried the door and was met by a receptionist. I paid the 15 pesos entrance which includes 1 drink. It's basically as previously described. Real casual bar hangout. When I got there, there were about 15 girls with a table of 7 guys. It was about 11:30. There were about 5 girls I would have liked to have a session with, but I just didn't know how to go about it. The guys were talking amongst themselves. The girls were talking amongst themselves. At the clubs, at least some of them try to make eye contact. In a new place, I try to see how the other guys approach the girls so that I figure out the protocol. A half an hour and one drink later, the only that had changed was that 4 other guys came in. Two sat in a corner table, two sat at the bar. Since the strip show was starting, I ordered another drink to watch it. It was good, but only lasted about 5 minutes. After that one of the guys at the table went over and talked to a girl. She came over to there table and sat for a while. Then she got up and talked to another girl and went back to the table of 7. After a few more minutes, she went back to a table of the other girls. The guy then went over to talk to the girl she had walked over to talk to. That girl joined them at their table. About 10 minutes later the guy and the girl went over to talk to the first girl. All three then went out the front door. I guess he arranged a double. They were only gone about 15 minutes. All three then came back and everyone applauded. By this time the place had filled up with guys. No more girls though. I decided t try my luck with one of them. As I approached from behind her, she got up and smiled and then walked away. Feeling like a fish out of water, I left. By this time there were a couple of bouncer types guarding the locked gate out front. It was open when I came in.

I went to Blacks just to browse. It´s still a den of hotties with prices to match. But even here a lot of the beauties I remembered are gone. There was this spectacular 20 year old blonde, but the last time I tried to arrange something with her she wouldn´t budge from 100 dollars an hour. Does anyone else think the blonde waitress that works at Blacks now, but used to work at Playwoman is hot?

11-23-02, 03:52
It's good to read about your exploits justgotback. I do think that you're being too shy. Don't hesitate to talk to these girls. There really isn't a right or wrong protocol in my humble opinion. These girls are not nuns. They know why you are at these clubs. Make the initiative and just talk to them or attempt to let them know you are interested in them. Too many times I'll see an American that is drooling over a hottie only to not make a move and then get pissed that he didn't try.

You type, "There were about 5 girls I would have liked to have a session with, but I just didn't know how to go about it". No reason not to score with one of those 5. Make the initiative.

Even in Black's one of my best friends was down on the place because he thought all of the girls were "cold". This one girl he thought was the hottest never even made eye contact with him. I went over and told her to sit with us. As soon as I did this she warmed up and he was so glad I did this. Don't be shy. He saw tons of girls and had his best session of the trip this this girl he initially thought was "cold".

As mentioned many, many times. Black's is another world as far as prices go. No one should be surprised at the prices girls ask here. It's simply not a surprise and all of us have pointed this out. If you see a hot girl you want to do then do her. If they won't budge from their initial price at least try to negotiate more time. Most will deal a little.

Yes, I think the waitress that use to work at Playwoman is a cutie. Not "escort hot" but pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way. I believe her name is Veronica. Very friendly girl.

The other thing that people need to keep in mind is to disregard any guy's rating system. Most of us have different tastes. A "10" to one guy is a "4" to another. Also, don't be afraid to use the internet girls. I had some of my best sessions with them. There are some true gems out there waiting to rock your world.

11-23-02, 11:26

Doing business in Nuevo Estilo Boliche is just like anywhere else and in fact when I was there last year the girls were circulating and trying to make eye contact with you and in some cases coming and latching onto guys just like they do anywhere else. But it's really very simple: just go over to a girl you like and say "queres tomar algo conmigo?" And I'm sure she'll say something like "Si, como no" or "Por supuesto" and you're in, that simple. There will be little if any negotiating that you can do, they have fairly rigid, fixed pricing, like $100P or $150P for one hour including the room upstairs. You just walk outside and take two steps, then turn right and walk up a short flight of steps into their own private "albergue" and you're in. The girls will want to shower with you to make sure you're clean and most likely they'll only want to give you a covered bj but hey, there are some real gems to be found in that place. This is like the MacDonalds of sex in BA but both times I was there I had a great time.

Last year and the year before I stayed at the Golf Tower Hotel, a 5 minute walk up la Pampa toward Libertador from Nuevo Estilo. By the way, if you want to get there in a different way, get on the Subte and head towards Belgrano and get off at Juramento and either walk or take a cab from there. The Subte's really a great way to get around once you figure it out and if you think the cabs are cheap right now wait til you see how much cheaper the Subte is.

11-23-02, 11:41
BANDY, please post your email address or email me at LLLLLNNNNN@AOL.COM. Thanks, DownBA

11-23-02, 13:12
Buenos Aires dairy...eat your heart out Saint!!!

When Moondog is in town he usually sets up a dinner with other visiting hombres,and Adriana the Webmistress for Platynum and various other sites. Several weeks ago Dog and Adriana made reservations at Estilo Campo, a restaurant in Puerto Madero not far from Adriana s office.

Two weeks before the dinnner.

I like to make plans well in advance. So I had phoned a new amiga, Eliana, from the United States several weeks ago to set up a date for toda la noche. She told me her birthday was the night before, so we could continue the celebration. Bueno, I thought, this could be fun...

Thursday before the Friday night dinner

I phone Elians on Thursday to wish her happy birthday and to confirm our date....Her mother and sister were in town from Mendoza she informed me, so Friday was out....No problem, I thought...

I phone my ex favorita with whom I had spoken earlier in the week. She had told me she wanted to see me and talk about things. Without hesitation She accepted my offer to go out to
dinner and talk afterward....bueno.....

3 pm Friday, the day of the dinner

Just to be sure I phoned my ex favorita again at 3PM to confirm...no es posible, she informed me. Sick child. One of my ex s less enduring qualities is her lack of consideration for others...so had I not called she probably would have simply stood me up....no problem, I thought,

I have a short list of phone numbers from girls I want to see for the first or second time....no luck reaching any of the three, but I left two phone messages...something will turn up, I thought...

Friday 4 pm

Meanwhile, I headed over to Cafe Orleans at 4 PM to meet a group of hombres and check out possible dates....I met several nice guys, but the one chica I found attractive was already booked with Moondog for the evening....

Friday 6 pm

So, back to the hotel to try the chicas on my short list one more time....no luck....so at 6 I head to Cutty Sark, on of the few chica bars open early...no chicas, none, are at work....Julio, the bartender, just shrugs, and says maybe later....

Friday 8 pm

I go back to the hotel and take a nap....at 10 till 8 I still have not heard from the chicas with whom I have left a message, so I head back to Cutty Sark....determined to grab the first cute chica who shows up.....

4 girls have come on duty....10 guys are sitting in the bar...and not one of them is in a hurry to buy a drink for the 4 available girls, which should tell you something about their looks....none better than a 6, and that is with a very generous curve......

I sip my Cuba Libre and wait...dinner is at 8 30...it is now 8 15....and the restaurant is about a 10 minute cab ride away.....looks like my luck is running out, I am thinking while anxiously watching the door in the hope that the girl of my dreams will walk in....

At 8 40 Celeste saunters in...slim, youngish, girl next door type in her early 20s....just my type....not exactly the girl of my dreams, but she will do....what follows is the fastest pick up in the long and storied history of Cutty Sark....she walks by, still dressed in her street clothes...I stop her and ask her to share a drink with me...one drink is required, or <i would simply have grabbed her hand and said come on baby, we are going.....

Hi my name is ezy I tell her...Soy Celeste, she replies prepared to settle in for a get acquainted chat while I decide If I want to take her out for the evening....She must have been surprised when I said..that s nice, look I don t have time for much chit chat...I am late for a fiesta and want you to go with me as my date....I don t have time to negotiate...300 pesos, TLN, si or no....por supesto she says, and we head for the door...as we are leaving Gisella, one of my exs good friends walks in .....as I pass her I say...no soy un perro, es la culpa de su amiga...I am no dog, it is the fault of your girl friend that I am here frantically searching for a date....she busts out laughing....

Friday 9 pm. Celeste and I arrive about half an hour late...whew....Moondog asks how long we have known each other...5 minutes, I respond....a slight exaggeration since by this time I have know celeste for a good 17 minutes...good dinner, but Celeste worries me slightly when she tells me she is a good Catholoic with valores and is only doing this cause she needs the money...I ask if she can forget she is a good girl for this one night....her response is a sly grin.... we discuss my flight, and she tells me one of her fantasias is el sexo in the bathroom of a plane...Surprise, thats one of my fantasies too...and I add I also like to idea of el sexo in an elevator...turns out this is one of her other fantaises as well...As we are nearing time to leave, SF ******, seated to my left whispers that he has dropped his viagra on the floor and wonders if he can borrow some of mine. I have a 100mg tablet handy, so I place it on the table and cut it in half...my half goes sailing across the table and lands in the sauce surrounding my pink salmon....SF ****** grins as <i fish mine out of the sauce....

When I feel the effects of my viagra starting to kick in...I give Moondog enough pesos to cover my share of the dinner....and Celeste and I head back to Howard Johnsons....on the way she tells me she likes the idea of sex in a taxi tambien....and strokes me in just the right spot....we arrive at the hotel and while we did not have sex as Bill Clinton defines sex (blow jobs are not sex according to Bill) we did have a very nice ride to the 11th floor, with Celeste on her knees in front of me performing what felt like a sex act, regardless of what Bill says...

Celeste does a slow strip for me once we arrive in the room, followed by a very nice session
.....Celeste falls asleep and wakes with a start at 7....an hour after she told her ninera she would return...so a couple of quick photos and she is out the door.....and I have added a new phone number to my short list....

Sometimes when plans fall apart, what follows is a nice substitute.....

11-23-02, 13:44

Check your e-mail.

How is your spanish? Places like Nuevo Estilo Boliche, you need to have some elementary command of spanish. That is a real local place and the girls hardly speak any english. In other clubs, you should start asking her name. I always enquire whether she is with somebody already. Otherwise, I offer her a drink, and things gets rolling from here. One thing, if it is too early in the evening, like 11:30 AM, you may not be successful to score with your lower bid. I tried to hit the club around 1 AM and started dealing around 2 AM and close the deal by 3 AM. I always try to stay in one club for the entire night as opposed to bar hopping. By 3 AM, panick sets in among both parties. Even in Black, I was propositioned by Claudia and Ivana, two Brazilian beauties, for a threesome around 3:30 AM. Ivana was the aggressive one who was detailing all the moves they will do to each other and on me. Claudia, having talked to me earlier that night, was feeling very shy. I expressed my surprise about her lesbianism and respectfully declined their offer saying that I got only one instrument and had I got a spare one I would have definitely been interested. In this game, you got to be aggressive. If one refuses, go to the next one. There are plenty of them you will be happy to go home with. Hope it helps.


11-23-02, 14:03

The suit I ordered in December 2001 was ready in less than 24 hours. The shirt I bougth didn't need to be tailored, but I know they make customized shirts. Usually, these places have 2 or 3 attendants idle, so when you go in you are the only customer. Thus, I understand why they prepare the orders so fast.


11-23-02, 14:09

I don't recommend to walk from Juramento subway stop to Nuevo Estilo, at least not along La Pampa St. The park may be dangerous, so it's easy to be mugged.

A cab should be a few bucks from the subway stop. However, if in mood of walking, I would do so along Juramento or Sucre streets (parallel to and north of La Pampa St).

Hope this helps,


11-23-02, 14:23

Way to go amigo! Sounds like you're having fun. I wish you were still in town when I arrive next week. I would have loved to have shared some laughs with you. Oh well. I'm sure we'll talk more via emails and phone as always. Have fun and save some chicas for me!


11-23-02, 15:44

You are absolutely right. In beauty scale, Violeta could be somewhere between 6 or 7. She is nowhere in the league of Andrea (Madaho) or Jovana (Black) regarding look. Also, the session was very ordinary. What made the experience memorable that she offered me to show around BA to make up for the lost time. These girls are ready to run once they get their money. Instead she was willing to somehow keep her end of the bargain. I always get attracted with educated girls. I feel quality of the level of conversations improve tremendously. And I am always a sucker for the total experience, where bedroom adventures play a secondary role. If I gave you an idea that Violeta was a beauty, I am sorry. The perfect 10, at Madaho is Andrea, go for her. You won't be sorry.


LA Larry
11-23-02, 18:07
Hey Boys--

I spent three crazy weeks in Thailand (mainly Bangkok) and on December 13th, I am flying to BA to look for an apartment to purchase. (Recoleta or Palermo)

See my post on the Bangkok board--I was pretty shocked at how amazing the scene is there. It sort of blows BA away in certain respects. Still, however, I much prefer the idea of living in Argentina long term.

If any mongers are in BA around Dec 13th, lemme know via this board and we'll connect.

Also--if anyone is curious about the mongering scene in Bangkok (insofar as how it compares to BA, by all means, feel free to ask me any questions).

My BA count down is 20 days!

11-23-02, 18:09
I rode out on the subway earlier that day to see how far away it was from Estilo. It was walkable, but I was a little concerned about doing it in the middle of the night. I might just take a taxi from the station as someone suggested.

Does anyone know when Estilo opens? I fly out Monday night and I´m wondering if I can get some late afternoon action there?

My spanish is so so at best. I can speak enough to order at restrauants and negoitiate at clubs. But during the after session hour long converstations. I mainly just say ¨si si bueno¨.

I checked out Newport last night after I posted. Nothing to write home about. I was looking for Fabiona. The first time I was here she worked at Affaire, but the last time I was here I found her at Newport. Sadly, she wasn´t there last night.

I think I´ll go back to Madaho tonight. If that´s a wash I´ll go out to Estilo again and be more aggressive.

I found a little tiny out of the way tailor that´s selling Givency suits for 240 pesos. They´re probably fakes.

Originally posted by DownBA

either walk or take a cab from there. The Subte's really a great way to get around once you figure it out and if you think the cabs are cheap right now wait til you see how much cheaper the Subte is.

11-23-02, 19:47
LA Larry

Just read your post RE: Bangkok.

You know I've been to Pattaya and Phuket many times, never Bangkok though.

All I can say is that Thai women have nothing on Argentian women. I want to keep this civil as I can, but that is my IHMO.


It like comparing a Yugo to a Porche.

11-23-02, 20:59
Amazing tales of Saints and Sinners in BA - Part One

I've read the press about the kidnappings and street crime in Buenos Aires but so far I haven't experienced either in the week I have been mongering in BA.

I travel with some little very expensive by Argentine standards electronics, such as an Apple IPod and Canon digital camera, both worth about $300....and I have a more expensive and considerably larger laptop computer. All are kept in my room.

At the Hotel Etoile where I stay I like to show off the IPod with 1,000 songs and take some digital photos, usually before intimacy with the chica to break the ice and enjoy their wonder at seeing these marvellous devices. The result is I suspect a more GFE.

So far none of them have stolen anything but I am very careful what chica I take to my hotel with my possessions . I play it safe. if I have any qualms about a chica I take her to a 30 pesos short term (love) hotel, which are all over mongerlia.

Last night a group of mongers had dinner together in Puerto Madera, then separately went out into the night on the hunt. My posse of four, lead by Monger guide and chica wrangler ended up at a little known haunt for locals in Palermo Crocodile at 3:30

Crocodile is an after hours club, that starts to fill up at 4am chica time when the other clubs close. The stays open until 8am, when it is light outside. The Crocodile is where the chicas come that haven't got lucky at the other clubs, looking for a last ditch chance. Prices can go low accordingly, and Argentine mongers have been known to leave with a 7 or 8 for a mere 50 pesos (around $14US).
But be careful....the club is very crowded and some chicas press Mongers to the wall, grind crotch to crotch throwing the unsuspecting monger off-balance, then dip into pockets for a wallet. I was walking by a chica, a small innocent looking one of no more than five feet, when I felt two slim dexterous fingers in my pocket. Since my wallet is attached with a string to my belt (a money belt filled with ...well...folded bills) I wan't worried and gently removed the preying finger, scolding the wayward chica for her futile attempt.

I left Crocodile at 7am alone last night, since I didn't see anyone up to my standards.

(to be continued)

11-23-02, 21:23
Amazing tales of Saints and Sinners in BA - Part Two

The next day I ran into Fat Bastard and BA Robert, feasting on a five dollar lunch of mad cow and seemingly suffering the early symptoms of hoof and mouth disease.

I immediately ordered chicken to save myself a similar fate when Fat Bastard's cellphone rung, After chatting on the phone with another monger Donald, whom we met at the dinner the night before Fat Bastard related that Donald was now $1,300 poorer, not a large amount stateside but enough in Buenos Aires to spend quality time with 26 chicas!

This is unconfirmed and we all await further developments but apparently he had rented a private apartment to entertain a chica that evening. The chica appeared to be in the saint category except for some noctural moral lapses but the maid "possibly" cut from a different cloth. in the morning he went to check his stash of Franklin's in the kitchen and withdraw a small sum from his make shift bank. Upon returning he was $1,300 poorer, apparantly the maid had cleaned him out.

A bit shaken from this revelation, the first account so far of a monger victimized.

Upon retuning to my room at the Hotel Etoile I opened the door to find two maids and several of the front desk staff in the bedroom of my suite. One held a Franklin in his hand, and another pointed to three Franklins on the floor beside my bed.

I put "most" of my cash in the hotel safe box in the lobby but one day i forgot to put $400 in the box, so hide it under a table beside my bed. Apparently the maid had lifted up the table to clean beneath and discovered my hidden treasure. She immediately called down to the front desk, to inform them of her discovery and they had arrived to safely remove the money and return it to me.

Maids in Argentina make about $150 a month, about as much as a chica makes in two nights. Say no more, in this tale of Saints and Sinners.

I look forward to leaving a far larger tip then usual for the saints and angels that clean my room and watch over me at the Etoile while I go out in the night to monger until dawn.

11-23-02, 21:36
Justgotback, An Argentinian guy sitting next to me on the plane ride home told me Estilo Nuevo Boliche is apparently open as early as 4 PM....I didn't know this as I usually went there at 11 PM or later and always found nice talent. Remember not to by shy, these chicas won't bite you, er, well, they might bite you a little if you like that sort of thing. In the daytime I wouldn't hesitate to walk from the train station although it's probably a good two miles, at night I wouldn't risk it. But remember that you can also take one of the Colectivo Busses down Libertador and get off at La Pampa and then the walk to Estilo is maybe 1/2 mile at most. But hey, from la Recoleta the cab ride might cost 10 pesos tops or U$2 and change, not too bad. I could really get used to this lifestyle. DownBA

11-23-02, 21:42
Originally posted by LA Larry
Hey Boys--

I spent three crazy weeks in Thailand (mainly Bangkok) and on December 13th, I am flying to BA to look for an apartment to purchase. (Recoleta or Palermo)

See my post on the Bangkok board--I was pretty shocked at how amazing the scene is there. It sort of blows BA away in certain respects. Still, however, I much prefer the idea of living in Argentina long term.

If any mongers are in BA around Dec 13th, lemme know via this board and we'll connect.

Also--if anyone is curious about the mongering scene in Bangkok (insofar as how it compares to BA, by all means, feel free to ask me any questions).

My BA count down is 20 days!
"If you have never been to BBK then I heartily recommend it to all mongers. I can't believe that I am saying it--but BBK beats Buenos Aires for the sheer expereince. " - LA Larry, from the BBK forum....

What's up with LA Larry? Has he gone MAD!!!! How can he dare to compare BBK favorably with Buenos Aires??????

He is so wrong and misguided. I'm sure he will repent in 21 days!!!!

11-23-02, 22:14
Great tales jamesbond69. Yes, there are truly some "saints" in Buenos Aires to look over us. I've found the people of Buenos Aires to be very honest. Even a girl from Black's one day saw that my friend dropped 200 pesos and gave them to him.

LA Larry. I didn't read your Bankok report and probably won't. I have zero interest in Asian women. It's all a matter of personal taste. If I had the choice to pay for a $1000 ticket to BA, $75 US a night in hotels or someone offering a free flight and hotel in BBK, I'd still choose to go to Buenos Aires.

Sometimes more is really more.......

11-24-02, 00:05
Saint, having been to Bangkok I agree with your assessment. Well if it was free .... BA is still great, but since the quality has dropped from a few months ago. I´m lowering it from 2nd to 4th on my personal list and it´s quickly headed toward 5th.

Jamesbond, I think you were the guy with the loose franklins at Etoile. Each Etoile room has a safe. It´s that metal box in the closet that looks broken. It´s just missing the lock. I didn´t realize this my first couple of times, but all you have to do is go downstairs and they´ll give you the lock for it. Just keep your valuables in there. Having said that, I personally have not had any problems at Etoile. I used to leave my money, passport, etc just sitting in a drawer. I trust the staff there.

Where´s this crocidile club?

11-24-02, 02:14
This is a great board. I read a lot and learned a lot. Thanks.

Just came back from a great trip to BA, my first as a monger. I met another poster the first night, which helped, thanks DMOHIO. My Spanish is decent, but it helps to have

My hotel - Hotel Dolmen, was 1-1/2 blocks from the clubs on Suipacha (Hook, Ness, & Catttos). I reserved thru Mayri at arentinogo.com. She was VERY helpful.

Hotel Dolmen, Suipacha, just off Sante Fe - US$50 per nite, tax included, buffet breakfast, 4 dinner vouchers for 2, pool, gym, sauna, 24 hour free internet off the lobby. Discrete & chica friendly (but only 1 at a time)!

I've been to Costa Rica many times and love the women there. But the BA women have totally blown my mind. They are classy, elegant, etc. . . . I guess you guys know that.

Went to Hook, Ness, & Catttos. Good luck in all 3. Drink costs are reasonable. Hook had a lot of women the night I was there.

In Recoleta, I liked Madaho's best. But all the clubs work at some level, or just move on.

I met EZY my last night. We tried several downtown clubs (not on Suipacha), fun night, but somehow we ended up at Afaire in Recoleta.

EZY, that last girl I was talking to, Marcela, was begging me to take her home for 100P. I was hesitating as you left, but she talked me into it. OK face, but tiny body (my favorite), no boobs, lots of energy. I took some photo's on Wed. She's getting a boob job Monday. She'll be back in action Thursday (she says - I don't think so). Then she's going to Reyonsa, Mexico (Texas border town) to make more money.

As my trip was coming to a close, United offered more great fares ORD-EZE. So I booked another trip. I'll be home 5 days and then try to do even better.

I arrive Wed, Nov 27, and would like to hook up with others. I'd like to try some internet contacts or other afternoon options. Email me at danmccarthy99@hotmail.com to compare notes or search for more adventures.

Again, thanks for all the great advice.

11-24-02, 07:47
Originally posted by justgotback

Jamesbond, I think you were the guy with the loose franklins at Etoile. Each Etoile room has a safe. It´s that metal box in the closet that looks broken. It´s just missing the lock. I didn´t realize this my first couple of times, but all you have to do is go downstairs and they´ll give you the lock for it. Just keep your valuables in there. Having said that, I personally have not had any problems at Etoile. I used to leave my money, passport, etc just sitting in a drawer. I trust the staff there.

Where´s this crocidile club?

I'll post info and address of the Crocodile Club in a later post, and other of my discoveries of the estimated 100 chica clubs in BA. For now let's just say that I regard the Crocodile Club as a complete waste of valuable Monger time.

I knows most rooms in the Etoile have in room safes but some of the Diplomatic suites don't have in safe in the room, such as the Diplomatic Suite I am staying in. I left all my valuables in the safe in the lobby except for four Franklins, which I hide for the night in the room. I didn't count on the maid doing such a good job cleaning that she would lift up the furniture and discover my stash....but as I said the hotel staff is as honest as they come and I didn't lose a penny.


BA MONGER TIP #1 - How not to sleep with someone's mother.
Probably the majority of the chicas are single mothers. I personally have a problem with having sex with someone's mother; other mongers feel the same way while some (most) could care less. A few will even mount a sheep if it doesn't cost them too much and certainly if the sheep doesn't charge.

If this is a problem for you I recommend that you look around the necks of the chicas. In Argentina (and maybe other places) a chica with a child will wear a gold necklace that has a small charm for each of her children with their name(s). I was about to make the move on a chica that looked no more than twenty two years old but passed when I realized she was wearing five charms in her necklace.

Women certainly have lots of children down here, unfortunatley most have more than they can afford.

BA MONGER TIP #2 - How I deal with the "sex for money" issue.

1. The market price ranges from 100 to 200 pesos. Anything over that is above market, even for a solid "10". I always stay with in that range, even at Blacks.

2. My high price to leave with a chica is 150 pesos. I always pay after the deed, never before. Never has a chica insisted on payment up front and never has a chica asked me for payment after the deed. I always walk up to her and hand her the money.

3. If a chica asks for less than 100 I naturally accept glad but tip 100 pesos.

4. I never give "taxi" money.

5. I've always have GFE, although sometimes more GFE than other times, just as it is with my "amateur' girlfriends.

6. I actually ALWAYS pay 200 pesos, no matter if I leave with the chica for 100-125- 150 pesos. With the devaluation and four years of recession the economic situation is dire now in Argentina and I can't in good conscious as a relatively prosperous North America pay less for than 200 pesos service for these wonderful women who seem to enjoy me as much as I do.

7. Of course if I received poor services I wouldn't pay a cent more, but so far this has never happened. The service couldn't be better. So far I always have DATY, usually BBBJ and always great coitus, with little "hurry up and finish" on the part of the chica. Short 1 1/2 hours sessions can extend all night with any additional request for payment. Business sometimes gives way to pleasure.

8. I never insist on doing something that the chica doesn't want, such as anal, spanking, etc. Since I'm not kinky this is never a problem.

9. I don't monger to dominate or humiliate women or myself, nor prove how long my cock is. I genuine love having sex with the women I am with and they seem to enjoy it as much as I do.

10. I can't tell you how much good will my "vendis operati" creates with the chicas. I'm down here for a full month and return to the same clubs over and over. The chicas who I have gone with run up to me in the clubs and some even offer me a freebie if they are not busy with another customer. Naturally I always take them up on their offer but slip them 200 pesos any way after mission accomplished.

11-24-02, 09:45
BKK or BA. I visit BA several times a year and BKK once or twice a year. My normal visit to BA is one or two nights while BKK is about 10 days. Only reason I visit BA more often is proximity to the US. I find the quality of the girls in BA to be much higher than in BKK but the treatment from the girls in BKK is more nicer, more girlfriend like. The Thai women, by culture, have to satisfy the men while the Latin women is more liberated.

IMHO BKK has the edge because they have perfected certain experiences that every man should try at least once in their lifetime. Experiences like choosing a girl from a fishbowl, a soapy, an oil masage, etc...

For the nonadventureous traveler Argentina might be their destination of choise since it is a developed country to the standards of the US or Europe and Thailand is a third world country.


11-24-02, 12:05
JamesBond, great post but I just want to add that I've had some of my absolute best sessions with young mothers in BA, one notably named Silbana over at Estilo Nuevo, another named Gabriela just last week in la Recoleta. So I'd recommend loosening up on that standard a little bit and I genuinely think you're going to have your world rocked one day by a chica who says she can't stay past 6 am because she's gotta return to little one. DownBA

11-24-02, 13:06
Great post Jamesbond. I agree with virtually all of it except the "mother thingy". I agree with DownBA. In fact, some of the girls you've already seen that claim to, "have no children" might in fact have children. Some of the girls know that some guys don't like a girl that has kids so they just lie.

Kids no kids. Makes no difference to me. To me it's the equivalent of a chica saying she avoids married men because she doesn't want to sleep with 'someone's husband'. We're all consenting adults. It's all about having fun and not getting too wrapped up over details sometimes. BA is a good place to let loose and relax.

If you're in BA for any length of time or plan on going back it pays to be a gentleman. Many of these girls have good memories. They often talk with other girls and compare notes on EVERYTHING about you. These girls have loose lips.

Just have fun. Life is good.

LA Larry
11-24-02, 15:34

Believe me this is not meant to incite a flame war about Buenos Aires vs. Bangkok. I only wanted to clue in those (like myself) who thought that BA was the "be all end all" at the present moment. (Christ, I'm going to be buying an apartment in BA soon!).

When mongering--I have two goals:

1) To find a glamorous, LA/Las Vegas, stripper-like girl (ie. a woman with a downright perfect body, shaved beaver, perfect tits (fake or not), perfect hair, nails, teeth, etc. (I want to find a perfect ten, a perfect porn-star----a lofty goal--wouldn't you say?).


2) Where ever I am, Argentina, Thailand or Russia--I enjoy experiencing a real connection with the girls. Despite the fact that I am paying for it--there have been several instances where the gal I was with--threw "caution to the wind" and really let herself go (probably acting) but at least I was made to believe that she was having the time of her life, both in the sack and out.


let me be perfectly clear when I say that the vast majority (there are thousands upon thousands of girls in BBK peddling their asses) do NOT interest me in the slightest. BUT there are easily 500-1000 girls in BBK that have very WESTERN FEATURES--I dare say some of them look like latinas! (I have scored mixed race girls who had Philipino, and American blood). This small "handful" of 500-1000 girls are the cream-de-la cream of Bangkok--and all of mongering the world over. I'm talking about statuesque, busty porn stars with beautiful faces, tits, asses, etc. This small percentage of elite Bangkok girls would be considered the very best specimens in strip clubs of LA and places like Blacks in BA.

Now here's the rub--

When you find one of these incredible creatures (amongst the thousands and thousands of (average to unattractive) looking girls clogging the streets of Bangkok) YOU WILL BE SHOCKED BY THE INCREDIBLE SERVICE YOU RECEIVE.

In Buenos Aires, the girls generally provide good-to excellent service--BUT IN MOST CASES: they are on the clock and they are out the door after they've serviced you TWO TIMES (unless you negotitated for Toda La Noche)

But Thai girls are a different animal!

Granted--I was staying in a Hefner like, luxury tower (called the (CenterPoint Silom)--so that had a certain amount to do with it--but JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY--these Thai girls (for the total price of 2000-2500 baht (40baht = 1 US Dollar) humped me silly, everyway possible until the cows came home. The next day they would bring me presents of cologne and candy....THAI GIRLS are looking for Western Husbands and will do everything to prove that they are worthy for your consideration. They practically "prostrate" themselves before you, kneeling down and bowing. They massage your back eagerly between rounds, they cuddle--in short they put on an Oscar worthy perfomance. [Best of all--they speak passable English! I enjoy pillow talk and after awhile in Argentina my Spanish tires, and I can only think in English. I was thrilled to discover that the majority of Thai girls can "confabulate" in my mother tongue.]

Morevover, they all offer to come back the next day "for free" Of course, in the back of their minds--they are now going after bigger game--and the are shooting for a wedding ring or some kind of renumeration--but the fact remains that these incredible sex machines visted me for regular dates. I took one to the Oriental Hotel for Steaks and then squired her back to my apartment, humped the stuffing out of her ears for 5 hours (thanks viagra) and then asked her to leave (she would have stayed forever). I tried to pay her (really I did) but she began to tear up. "You think that I am a bad girl" she groaned. I counterd, "we did meet in a go-go bar, and I paid you the other night!" She became furious and went on the explain that "now is different and that as long as I want her, she won't work anymore". This was an aburd scene and I stuffec the cash into her hands, and politely hustled her out the door.

But it illustrates my point--you get "off the scale" girlfriend-like, pornstar experience in thailand. SERVICE that you would be hard-pressed to find in BA. (Although, from what I've read about Brasil, it seems like such service is possible there).

I'll end this by addressing Saint's preference against Asian girls. (I agree that most Asian girls are not to my taste, BUT every so often I open Penthouse or Playboy and I will see a spread of an incredible Asian goddess and she transcends my tastes.

Beleive me you can find that girl in BBK--and she will jump through hoops for you. She isn't easy to find. It might take all of two nights to dig her up. But when you find her, you will understand why Thai girls are probably the best mongering "partners" in the world.

(Lastly, BBK doesn't hold a candle to the rest of BA--the climate, the traffic, the pollution, the chaos--all add up to burn out...Whereas Buenos Aires is a dream city in virtually all respects).

That's it for me. I agree to disagree and only posted this to aprise my brother's who are interested in sampling the fruits of Thailand.

I'll see everyone on December 13th!

Viva Argentina (and Thailand!)

11-24-02, 17:40
I started last night by going to Madaho. I got there at about 12:30 but the weekend drought is in effect. For those who have never been here, the weekends suck compared to the weekdays. I´ve asked the girls about this and they say that both the clients and the girls have to spend time with their families during the weekends. A lot of the girls are moms and I don´t think they want to brush off their kids on the weekends. I stayed for about an hour waiting for one of the two hotties from the night before, but they didn´t show. At least the one girl who always lashes onto me finally took the hint and didn´t try this time.

Then I took a taxi to Neuvo Estilo. No drought here. The same girls were here as the night before. I got there in time to see a bachelor get gang stripped and put on a table by his buddies. There was a english speaking first timer there. He was in front of me when I was waiting to pay at the front door. Was it someone from this forum? I don´t see the casual tourist wandering into this place. I decided to make a quick move this time. I went up to this girl I was eyeing the other night. She´s no raving beauty, but the pretty young girl next door type. She remembered me from the night before. She even pointed out where I was sitting. I bought her a drink and we sat back and watched the strip show. I didn´t notice before, but the strippers are just girls that work there. She had only been working there a month. She said she used to work at a club on P. Quintana which runs through Recoleta. So there´s another club to be on the look out for. The prices are fixed. There for 20 minutes, 45 minutes and 1 hour. I thought I agreed to an hour for 150 pesos, but I must have errantly said si to 20 minutes because she only asked for 80 pesos when we got to the cabina. The downside to a brothel is the time limit. Before I knew it, there was the knock on the door saying time was up. She told me I had a few minutes left but I don´t work well under pressure. I just paid for another 20 minutes. She looked like the innocent girl next door downstairs, but once we got to the cabina she was an animal. Very sweet. I give this place a thumbs up with a couple of caveats. The time limit and BJs are covered. I asked when they are opened and was told between 9pm and 5am. Havannaman, this is another option for you when you arrive. Total cost 160 (2 20 min sessions) + 25 for entrance and the girl´s drink. You don´t have to buy the girl a drink if you really want to be cheap. But it´s only 5-10 pesos depending on what she orders. Another plus is that additional beers are 5 pesos as opposed to 20 in the Recoleta clubs. I hope we don´t ruin it by flooding it with tourists. It really is local. Oh, hailing a cab afterwards is a pain. Most of the ones you see are occupied this far out from the center. I tried for about 10 minutes before a couple of kids came up to me with orange vests on. They got one for me in about 30 seconds. I gave them a couple of pesos.

If you´ve made it this far, I´d like to reinterate my comment about the prices at the Recoleta craft market. I browsed yesterday and was planning to buy somethings for Xmas. Later that day, I found the same stuff from the street vendors along Florida street for less than half the cost. The things I would by at Recoleta are the paintings. They´re cheap for the quality.

11-24-02, 18:37
Hey Guys,

I will be in BA on 29 and 30 November. If the mongers are going to meet the night of the 29th at Hotel Etoille and I would like to join. I have been to BA before but I had not read this great forum for info. I know where the clubs are in Recoleta but where is this new place everyone is now going to called Nuevo Estilo. Where is it located (what district?) and what is the address? Will the taxi drivers know how to get there? Any other info would be apprieciated.

Also is there a website or sites for any of the clubs in BA. Are there any clubs like the termas in RIO. Thanks for the help.


11-24-02, 19:12
Astroglide, Estilo Nuevo isn't sounding so nuevo anymore, hahahaha. It's located on la Pampa between Cazadores and Figueroa Alcorte, actually it's virtually on the corner of Figueroa Alcorte and la Pampa. It's in Belgrano, so just tell the cabbie "La Pampa y Figueroa Alcorte en Belgrano, por favor" also just add "Estilo Nuevo Boliche" and that ought to do the trick as most of the cabbies know the place anyway. When I was being driven to Hotel Golf Tower just up the road on la Pampa for the first time, the cabbie pointed out the place and told me that was a good place "para coger". So I do believe a lot of cabbies know the place. Fun place, you can shoot a game of pool or watch the chicas strip or both and all in a very relaxed, local atmosphere.

Justgotback, not only did I get an uncovered bj from Silvana, she got down on her knees in the shower and didn't stop til we were dried off in bed, so I guess this is another example of ymmv. I suppose the girls use their senses and their judgment and I don't think there's necessarily a house rule that calls for covered bj only so don't fret it, try another hottie there. I saw a groom get gang stripped too, pretty funny stuff. This is the type of place you take your buddies to the night before they get married to make sure they're sent off with a bang.

Now I'm really brimming with pride seeing so many of you mongers in Mongolia follow my suggestion and check out this fun place!!! Happy mongering guys, DownBA

11-24-02, 21:12

The club at Pte. Quintana is Shampoo.


11-24-02, 23:39
LA Larry:

Hola or Sawadee. You got it. Both countries are great for the mongering hobby. Whether you are a turista or farang, BA and BKK are heaven on earth.

11-26-02, 14:15
Does the AMA still meet at 10:00 PM in Etoile ? I am in BA and would like to meet up with forum brothers. (Yabba & Umgman - Where are you guys ??!!). I was at Madahos last night - not a bad place. There were a couple of cute ones - but didn´t partake, as I did not have any mojo left after 3 chicas from Platynum!
I am in 809 at Etoile if anyone wants to grab a beer and swap stories!

11-26-02, 17:37

Thanks for the information. For my day-1 I’m more and more drawn to an internet adventure, if that fails, Neuvo Estilo it is!. After a long haul flight, the prospect of a club seems a bit too much: is it age I wonder?! Thanks once again.



11-26-02, 18:44
Originally posted by maddur
Does the AMA still meet at 10:00 PM in Etoile ? !

Yeah. An AMA field trip meets promptly at 10pm in the lobby of the Etoile tonight, departing for destinations unknown.

All mongers welcome.

11-26-02, 19:19
ola everyone,
I`ve been here in BA for a few days now and thought I'd contribute my "experience" so far. I've been to Madaho, Affair, Playwomen, and Shampoo (oh yeah, and New Port). They all have there plus's and minus's and seem to very alot depending on the day you go.
First engagement was with Evelyn from affaire - not a stunner but a very nice girl with alot of energy and the service was excellent. BTW, there is a short term hotel very near the Cemetary in Recoleta that is convenient if you don't want to make a trip back to your hotel (only 30 peso/hr).
Second night with Corena from Madaho. Liked her alot, she is VERY young and from Peru. Very nice body, small chest, but a very good time and definetly GFE (YMMV).
Third night with Paula from Playwomen. She is a dancer there, she is also Bruna from Playtynum. She is hot, all natural and speaks decent english. The service was very good but she was all business and that kinda turned me off. She did let me take pic's though!

Some general notes on BA:

The women of BA are very attractive - not just the girls in the business. If you're coming from the US with it's fowl obesity epidemic you will enjoy the view.
The food is great and incredibly cheap. If you are a wine drinker you will think you are in heaven with these prices and quality.

Very few people speak ANY english. I was very surprised at that for a city this large. I have traveled extensively in Europe and Asia and was quite suprised to find so few english speaker in a country with a fairly well educated population. So, learn some spanish before you get here.

Question for the BA experts...
What is a polite way to say that you are not interested in a chica in spanish? Or that you are just having a beer and hanging out. It seems that the lesser attractive chicas are a little more agressive in the clubs and while I enjoy the conversation, I'm usually not interested.

thanks for the info on Estilo Nuevo, I may go check it out.

11-26-02, 20:14
LA Larry and others,

I know some of you are considering buying condos and property in BA. I just contacted a person with a flat in the Recoleta area who is renting it out to travellers for $60/week. It's not a two room place like you guys want, but that's a pretty attractive price. If everything goes right, I should be there mid Dec. Anyone going to be there then?

11-26-02, 20:43
Originally posted by bandy

You are absolutely right. In beauty scale, Violeta could be somewhere between 6 or 7. She is nowhere in the league of Andrea (Madaho) or Jovana (Black) regarding look. Also, the session was very ordinary. What made the experience memorable that she offered me to show around BA to make up for the lost time. These girls are ready to run once they get their money. Instead she was willing to somehow keep her end of the bargain. I always get attracted with educated girls. I feel quality of the level of conversations improve tremendously. And I am always a sucker for the total experience, where bedroom adventures play a secondary role. If I gave you an idea that Violeta was a beauty, I am sorry. The perfect 10, at Madaho is Andrea, go for her. You won't be sorry.


Thanks Bandy for your recommendations.

re: Andrea and Violeta - Two deals closed at Madahos last night.

I was with Violeta from Madaho last night. True she's no 10 lookwise - more a 7-8, but I like the "girl (with a rack) next door" look and she was great fun to be with. I recommend her without reservations, a credit to her gender.

BA_Robert finally managed to spend the night with Andrea (Elizabeth Hurley lookalike) Again a strong BUY recommendation from an extremely satisfied customer, who just left for Sweden and the post BA Blues....pray for him:-)

Madahos Chicas ROCK!!!!!!!!!
Some Black level chicas in the looks category, better attitudes, at close to Hook prices.

11-26-02, 21:08

I am glad you guys achieved the mission. As DownBA said, my body is only here, but my heart is still in BA reliving all the immortal moments.

By the way, Violeta was very proud of her natural racks. She mentioned, most of the girls at Madaho had the silicone jobs.

First of all, this numbering system is all subjective, although a clearcut pretty girl, like Andrea, will hit everybody's radar immediately. I realized my best experience is always with a girl who is not a reven beauty but got a very expressive eyes with some degree of intelligence to complement. To me these are the gems which are hard to find.

James continue your adventure with your unique style. Leave no stone unturned. May be some new talents like Andrea, Violeta, Jovana are still residing in unchartered territory.


11-27-02, 00:24
I'm sadly back in the states so I have no more tales to tell. Let me finish off with a funny little story. Saturday night, I went to get ice cream at the Freddo in Recoleta. There were a lot of people there. I couldn't figure out what number on my receipt was the number for my turn. I asked a lady standing in front of me. Instantly from no where, her guy is in my face with this don't talk to my girl look. What makes this funny is that she was 60 years old if a day. Darn, I was thwarted in my attempt to get some non pro action.

Regards to all that are still in BA.

11-27-02, 01:46
[QUOTE]Originally posted by CO2

Question for the BA experts...
What is a polite way to say that you are not interested in a chica in spanish? Or that you are just having a beer and hanging out. It seems that the lesser attractive chicas are a little more agressive in the clubs and while I enjoy the conversation, I'm usually not interested.

Gracias, pero por el momento prefiero estar solo.


11-27-02, 01:58

I was at the same freddo's Sat. night or should I say Sun. morning. 15 minute wait even at 3:30 am, but it sure is good helado and the girls love it. Actually several chicas and I found some new ways to enjoy about 2 half gallons several days earlier.

Thanks to Saint for posting about Colmegna Spa awhile back. I found this spa to be a great way to rejuvenate both body and mind after the long flight down. Although this place is definetly showing its age the showers,steam,sauna,and lovely masseuses got me ready for the night better than any nap would accomplish. Just a hunch but I would surmise that many amongst the large number of elderly overweight men enjoying the pleasures of this place are probably members of the mafiosa style goverment who are largely responsible for the economic crisis. Regardless, anyone travelling on a coach ticket will be well served by hopping in a cab and heading to 839 sarmientos.


Like Saint I was not too keen on the asian look. That is until I visited. While I still prefer BA, Thailand was great as well. Completely different experiences but for cheap prices, great food, and lovely women, you can't go wrong in either location. LA If you find yourself in Hong Kong don't miss Macau just a short high speed ferry away. Some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life working in the clubs.

One last thing:
In BA try to avoid the taxis the doormen attempt to put you in that are waiting outside the clubs. They will charge more. Also if paying with larger bills check your change as I was slipped a 50 australes bill instead of 50 pesos. Australes are no longer accepted and a quick glance at your change will not alert you to the difference in currency. Certainly the 13 dollar scam did not spoil my fun but it was slightly embarrasing when the bill was rejected in Playwomen.

11-27-02, 02:59
Justgotback....damn that ain't right...ha, ha. Funny story though. I'm the friendly type and talk to alot of locals. I've always found all of them to be friendly. (Maybe the same dude was in Playwoman the night before and saw you with the girls...ha, ha). I really hope the clubs aren't as bad as in September.

Slick1, you're welcome for the Colmegna tip. Yeah, that place is awesome and very relaxing. I never get sexual services there. I just like to relax and rejuvinate in that place. It's funny because the last time I was there the massage girl asked me about 20 times if I was sure I didn't want a "masaje especial" (special massage).

I'll most likely never "tag" an Asian girl. I don't care how hot she is. My true friends that know me think I'm nuts. I've even had a State beauty pagent winner hit on me and I shot her down. Not my cup of tea. If you really want to hear funny something funny you should have been there that night. She said, "do you know who I am". I just replied, "take it easy beauty queen".

CO2, just be honest. Just tell them you are ok now, just looking now or something like maybe later: "Gracias pero estoy bien ahora." "Gracias, pero estoy mirando ahora..quizas mas tarde"
Sometimes the girls will really be aggressive. Case in point, a few times while at Black's I'll make eye contact with a girl that looks good from far away. Inevitably she will come closer and maybe even chat then won't leave. If she doesn't look that good up close and won't leave I'll say something like, "gracias pero prefiero rubias" - if they are brunettes which translates to "thanks but I prefer blondes". Or vice versa, "gracias pero prefiero morenas". They always get the hint after that.

Don't be afraid to just be honest and tell them you're not interested. Most of the girls are really nice. I've never had a girl get pissed and in fact, most guys will probably tell you that the rejected girl will even offer to help you find a girl you're attracted to.

Good luck. T-minus 1 day and counting before I'm back in the arms of my beloved BA.


11-27-02, 16:14
I will ne in Ba for a little more than two weeks starting on Friday 11-29 and will be renting a very nice apartment in the Recoleta area for $250 per week. I will give an update on the apartment as I think it is being offered by a service in BA. The funny thing is that the lady renting the apt. said that it has a private elevator and that I can bring whatever guests I like as long as I don't damage anything. This should prove for a wild time as one of my fantasies is to get multiple (4+) girls together for a party fueled by my vitamin V.

I want to thank everybody for the information that they have provided and I will repay via some very detailed reports on my part. I like to travel off the beaten path and locate value in my mongering - hot women and great services for a bargain. I don't fault people for going to Black's or others, it just isn't my scene paying top dollar for a hot girl. I would rather go to some off the beaten path and pay half the price for a non-hardened pro that is also hot provides a better GFE service. That is what my reports will involve.

I will try to go to Etoile at 10:00 pm to meet up with fellow mongerers. If anyone is interested in hitting the scenes, email me at johnguapo69@yahoo.com.

Also a friend of mine has compiled all of the internet girls in a powerpoint so I can see their webpages, pictures, numbers, etc. without having to go to an Internet cafe. It is a huge file - 350 plus slides and over 750 girls that is almost 95 meg. If anyone is interested I will try to figure out a way to email this file to interested parties.

Saludos - johnguapo

11-27-02, 16:35
Originally posted by chuponalgas

Would like to put in a good word for Estefanie on Platynum.

Hi Chuponalgas,
There's no Estefanie on Platynum as of today.
There is an Estefani, Estefania, Estefany, Estefi, Estephania,
and Esthefany.
Can you clarify, which girl you were talking about ?

I liked your write up too, but I can´t find the 5´0", young looking Estef* on Platynum. Can you help? How about a phone no. Thanks.

11-27-02, 16:52

God luck!

Just take into account the following:

1) If going to places that cater to locals, please try to keep the prices as standard as possible.

2) Be aware that Spanish is somewhat needed in these places (or at least helps much more than in Recoleta for negotiating).

3) From my own experience, guys usually don't dress up when going to neighborhoods' boliches. It will only raise the fee from the lady and make you a target for being mugged. Just go neat and average dressed.

Hope this helps,


11-27-02, 17:23

Thanks for the information about not dressing up - that type of info is what makes this board so great.

Regarding pricing - I love to haggle and do not want to pay higher prices than what locals pay as a matter of principle. I know that there will be a little inflation as far as pricing because I am a foreigner but will not ever negotiate in dollars or pay much higher than locals. I love a bargain and speak Spanish so this should help as well.

I lived in Mexico City for a while and realize that people do not respect you if you are stupid and pay too much - even if your currency is string versus the local currency. I will also keep a low profile and not draw unwanted attention to myself as well.

Also, thanks for the information about the mens clothing stores as I will be in the market for some custom tailored suits and shirts. Any other information that people can provide regarding custom made clothes will also be appreciated.

Saludos - johnguapo

11-27-02, 17:33
I am pleased to announce that I was just informed by the manager of the Lola Restaurant that their private dining room is available for our 1st Annual WSG Thanksgiving Dinner. Because of this change, we now have room to accommodate any additional mongers who would like to attend.

The dinner will be held on Friday evening at 9:00 pm at the Lola Restaurant in Recoleta. The menu is the traditional turkey, plus baked ham, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, etc. The price is $30 pesos per person, plus drinks, desert and tip.

We currently have 16 reservations, all men, including a couple of local friends who will be joining us for the occasion.

After the dinner, at approximately 11:00 pm we will continue the festivities at a reception at my apartment in Recoleta one block away, where we will be joined by a number of chicas from some of the websites and any other female guest(s) you may wish to invite. If you don't meet someone you like, the bars and discos of Recoleta are so close you can see them from my window.

If you are in Buenos Aires and would like to attend the Thanksgiving Dinner, please contact me ASAP at the email address below so I may advise the restaurant by Friday morning.




11-27-02, 19:40

If you want to buy high quality, classy shoes (those for a Board of Directors meeting), you can go to Lopez Taibo, Corrientes Av between 25 de Mayo St and Reconquista St.

This store caters to bankers and people from the City (the financial district of Buenos Aires). In fact, the BA Stock Exchange is located around the corner from the store. In the good times, their shoes used to cost U$S 250 and up. Now, you can buy a pair of great shoes (that I doubt that Cool Haan and the like have for such price and quality) for ar$ 200. You get only flip-flops for this price in the US.

Hope this helps,


11-27-02, 21:17


You had a state beauty queen hit on you and you turned her down cuz she was Asian???!!! And yet you still pay women for sex?

Am I missing something or are my standards just too low?

No thanks beauty queen, but I prefer whores...

11-28-02, 19:09
Saint - Thanks for the spanish tips. On my next trip here I plan to stay for a while and learn the language better.
Jackson - I sent an email re the Thanksgiving dinner.

I will restate what several people have mentioned already - Check your change! What is the deal with these notes that are not peso but some sort of bank notes? The bartender at playwomen gave me a 50 note and nobody would take it. I had to go to a bank and they gave me smaller denominations of these notes and people seemed to accept them.

BTW, the las cañitas area in Polermo is really cool - lots of great restaurants along Baez street.

I broke the rules and overpaid for a chica at Playwomen. There was apparently a communication problem (she said 300, I said 200, she heard 300). Oh well, she gave an awesome massage, apparently she is a message person by day. I can't remember her name, Fran-(something). She was VERY thin, tall, no tits, long brown hair, and very pretty. She wears glasses but did not put them on until we were leaving. Overall, very nice, speaks english, and excellent service.

11-28-02, 20:39
DownBA - Where is Mongolia ?
I missed the thanksgiving dinner as I am in MDP. I will post if I find anything other than Madahos. I will meet the AMA at Etoile on Sunday or Monday (whenever I get back from MDP). Meanwhile, enjoy the dinner at Lola.

11-28-02, 20:50
Will be visiting BA in Dec, and would greatly appreciate a bit of advice/clarification from the pros out there:

1) I would like to stay in an apt or apt hotel (Design suites or Art suites possibly). Prepared to pay up to US100 per night (incl tax) but would prefer cheaper (60-70).
Both the above quote higher fares - how do you get it lower.

- There was some debate 4 or 5 pages back that Art suites might not be chica friendly anymore - any updates on this?

2) Who is this lady (Mayri?), what exactly does she do (book hotels/run chicas?). What is her cut, is she worth it and what is the best way of making contact with her.

3) Internet options - seems to be a lot of comments that girls never answer the tel numbers provided. Do you need to take 50 numbers in the hope of finding one or two? What is their current rate?
- I won't have a computer and don't want to surf platynum in the hotel/cafes so I will have to take down preferred tel numbers before I leave.

4) Mar del plata: Will spend a weekend there, are flights easy to get or should I pre-book. Any updates from recent visitors on acommodation - Manantiales or Costa Galena or any others. Prices?

Finally, are items like digital cameras cheap to buy in Argentina?

Thanks in advance.

11-28-02, 21:12
LA Larry:

I am also interested in looking at apt's, not to buy just now but just to get an idea. I arrive around the 10th, for 10 days, if you want to meet up for a drink and swap notes let me know.

11-28-02, 23:12
Here's some answers for you:

1) Art Suites is about US$80 (incl tax). Is that okey? If there's ever any problems when bringing a girl home, 20 pesos always solves the problem... :-)

2) There's no need to book your hotel thru any kind of agency! Just call the hotel, they always speak english at the higher class hotels.

3) My own expirience regarding internet girls is that about 5 of 10 answer when I call. Rates can be anything between 100-300 pesos. If you don't speak spanish, don't bother calling them, or let a friend who speaks spanish make the call for you.
There are cafes with private cabins where you can surf whatever sites you want.

4) Flights are easy to get. Don't pre-book! You'll get better prices down there!

Digital cameras are not cheap. All imported items are expensive!

Have fun!

Originally posted by dkell70
Will be visiting BA in Dec, and would greatly appreciate a bit of advice/clarification from the pros out there:

1) I would like to stay in an apt or apt hotel (Design suites or Art suites possibly). Prepared to pay up to US100 per night (incl tax) but would prefer cheaper (60-70).
Both the above quote higher fares - how do you get it lower.

- There was some debate 4 or 5 pages back that Art suites might not be chica friendly anymore - any updates on this?

2) Who is this lady (Mayri?), what exactly does she do (book hotels/run chicas?). What is her cut, is she worth it and what is the best way of making contact with her.

3) Internet options - seems to be a lot of comments that girls never answer the tel numbers provided. Do you need to take 50 numbers in the hope of finding one or two? What is their current rate?
- I won't have a computer and don't want to surf platynum in the hotel/cafes so I will have to take down preferred tel numbers before I leave.

4) Mar del plata: Will spend a weekend there, are flights easy to get or should I pre-book. Any updates from recent visitors on acommodation - Manantiales or Costa Galena or any others. Prices?

Finally, are items like digital cameras cheap to buy in Argentina?

Thanks in advance.

11-29-02, 02:30
Hey Maddur!
Just saw your post. I have been laying off this forum, since it basically just depresses me now. Unfortunately, I am "here" rather than "there." There is snow here. I don't see a return visit in the near future, dammit.

Anyway, I'm sure you are having a blast. I wish I could join you. Good luck with the mojo.


11-29-02, 14:43
Mazen is right - however, the rate quoted by Etoile was more than 200 pesos and Mayra got me 172 p. Contact the hotel directly for their best rate, then contact Mayra and see if she can get a better deal. She also got me a better deal at the Manantiales in Mardel Plata.

11-29-02, 15:14
I don´t have anytime to read the posts or post too much. I´ve been VERY VERY busy this trip. I´m having the time of my life. God I love my life. I just arrived yesterday. Saw two girls yesterday (one from area-vip.com and one from Salome).

Weather is perfect. Exchange rate is 3.51 pesos to the US dollar. I looked for apartments yesterday and I´m excited to report that I´m signing the lease today. I leased it for an entire year. I´m spending more than I want to spend but it´s awesome and in a GREAT area in Recoleta. It´s just a few blocks from Black´s and the Alvear Palace hotel. (A special thanks to Ezy who told me about this place. Hey Ezy...you´re real estate agent is gonna make a nice commission. She was complaining that she has been looking over a month for you and you don´t bite. I told her to be thankful that she knows you because you referred me to her. ).

Ha, ha. She was laughing because within 15 minutes of meeting her I was making an offer. It´s gonna set me back over $4,000 US plus commissions and deposits but I love it. I´ll probably be renting it out to a select group of individuals. Stay tuned.

I´m gonna see some more girls today and do some shopping. Then the gang is meeting for our Thanksgiving dinner. Wish you all could be here.

Life is good. REALLY good.


P.S. I will post a detailed report when i get back including specific info on girls, pricing, etc.

11-29-02, 15:15
re:booking hotels.....Mayra's rate at some hotels is much lower than you can hope to obtain by booking direct...eg, Design Suites....I usually check multiple sources....sometimes Travelocity or other internet based reservation services provide the lowest rate, sometimes Mayra, sometimes contacting the hotel directly works best.....comparison shopping

11-29-02, 17:54
Many thanks to Maddur, Mazen and Ezy.

Can someone supply me with Mayra's number. I know its on this board somewhere but have looked through the posts and cannot find it.

Saint, Ezy pls can you supply name/number of the estate agent.
What was the $4000 for - how many beds and per month/year?

Also, looking forward to seeing your posts Saint. It should wet my appetite for December...

all the breast

11-29-02, 17:56
I have been trying to book a flight to EZE for anytime in dec or the first part of january from lax but can't find anything below 1400, any ideas. thanks

11-29-02, 21:04
saint...glad to hear you liked the apt. and especially glad to hear my pobre agent will at long last earn a commission...she really has looked hard for me! The apartment you rented is great!! Maybe I will just sublet from you when I am in town.....I am thinking of another apt that is 400pesos less per mo...smaller, but still very nice....Are you going to use my attorney as well to look over your lease?keep us posted, amigo...

dkell70...email me unpocolocoenba@hotmail.com if you are serious about a realtor....I would rather not post the info here....

11-29-02, 21:42
Man..what a day. Ezy. No need for your attorney. I spent over 1 1-2 hours today at the ¨closing¨today. Everything went great. I paid for the entire year ahead of time. I also am getting cable, telephone, tv, vcr, cable internet access and I will most likely have a computer hooked up in my apartment. It´s awesome! I love it.

I agree with Ezy. Best not to post names and numbers of realtors on this forum. Just email him or me. saintofba at hotmail.com

I was all set to see an area-vip girl today. The front desk calls my room and tells me my friend is here. I tell them to send her up. Well it wasn´t my girl from area-vip. It was a girl I am friends with from the clubs. Long story short....we start going at it hard and heavy. The hotel calls my room shortly after and tell me my friend is here...ha,ha. I had the guy come up. I told him to take this money down to the girl for her trouble (100 pesos). I ended up having a 3 hour session with my amiga. She just left. She didn´t want any money but I gave her 300 pesos for the gum that she gave me. (she gave me a stick of gum and I told her I was paying for that). Oh yeah....during the session Sandy from escorts-argentina calls me and asks if i want her to come over now. Is this a great city or what?

I take possession of my apartment in 2 weeks when i return. I have the apartment for an entire year with an option to renew at the end of the year. Meanwhile I´m looking for 2 or 3 more apartments.

I only slept 2.5 hours last night. My girl from Salome left at 7 am and i got a phone call at nine thirty. I´m dead tired. My eyes are blood shot but i´m looking forward to the party tonight with all the guys.

Dkell70. There are a lot of options for apartments but unless you are coming down alot it won´t make sense. It´s still cheaper to get a hotel. Also, it´s very difficult to sublet an apartment. I had to take special measures and wording in the contract and I still didn´t flat out tell them i was gonna sublet it. I just told the owner I had some friends that might use it. He told me no problem as long as i wasn´t having a big party every night. I´ll probably rent it out to selected individuals. Probably around $40 US a night or so. Not bad when you consider the location and all the amenities. I took some pictures and can email later to people that are interested. Also, remember that the hotels tack on a 20% tax.

I think Jackson was gonna do the same thing. His location is better than mine! Also, it´s not as easy as you think to rent. All kinds of special laws. Be prepared to have a BA company vouch for you or if you own a company in the USA it will be easier. They had to verify all kinds of information on me before they would rent it.

More later.

P.S. Ezy, you´re agent is very very happy now. She made a nice little commission in a day´s worth of work. Í´m having her look for 1 or 2 more. Life is good my friend.

11-29-02, 22:50
Originally posted by ezy
re:booking hotels.....Mayra's rate at some hotels is much lower than you can hope to obtain by booking direct...eg, Design Suites....I usually check multiple sources....sometimes Travelocity or other internet based reservation services provide the lowest rate, sometimes Mayra, sometimes contacting the hotel directly works best.....comparison shopping

I would just like to give a heads up to mayra at argentinago.com

I was a bit skeptical at first but I am not now. she is a wonder, probably the most efficient person on earth. many thanks for saint and others for recommending her services.

she saved me money on hotels, got bookings from "full" hotels, etc, etc. Now I am looking for an apartment and will seek her advice.

11-30-02, 03:19
I will be making my first trip to BA Jan 7 - 17th. Based on advice from the board, I am staying at the Dazzler in a suite with a sitting area for $34 through Travelocity. My Spanish is decent although not perfect. My game plan is about 75% escorts, 15% clubs and maybe a street ho or two for variety. So keep the escort reviews coming, especially platynum.

Question: Given that all platynum prices are "negotiable," how far down have guys been successful in getting them down from $100 that they mostly ask?

Question: Not looking for restaurant recommendations but in general what is the best seafood to eat there? I am not into beef.

Question: Are jeans acceptable in most clubs? I know it'll make me look like a gringo but I'm gonna look like a gringo regardless with me red hair and map of Ireland on me face. I heard BA was sort of dressy and my wardrobe is either very casual or business suits. If Dockers are more beneficial, I can go that route.

Question: Platynum girls do BBJ or no? Or maybe?

Thanks, guys.

11-30-02, 04:18

You can try very good Spaniard seafood at Plaza Mayor (corner of Venezuela St and San Jose St), at El Globo (Hipolito Yrigoyen St and Salta St) and at Nihonbashi (Moreno St and Rincon St, the best Japanese restaurant in the city, where Japanese diplomats go).

We have a fich called merluza (similar to cod fish) that is tasty and usually fried wrapped in bread crusts (Filet de merluza). You can order that almost anywhere.

Jeans are OK, in fact better than slacks (young people use jeans everywhere, and 40+ in Buenos Aires also), unless you go to a too classy place.

Experiences are YMMV everywhere in the World, so nothing is guaranteed with Platynum girls.

Hope this helps,


11-30-02, 10:34
Dickhead....Re:pricing with Platynum girls.....clarify if the chica is asking you for 100pesos or dollars per hour (about 350pesos)...I prefer longer than an hour, so if the chica is asking 100 por hora, I usually offer 150 for two hours....if she wants 100dollars, I offer 150pesos for two hours or 350 for an all nighter. Some accept, some don't....but 100dollars is outrageous in BA....

RE" Seafood...two additional recommendations....Salmon Rosada (pink salmon) is very tasty local fare....also, try octupus stew (I think it is pulva)....wonderful, rich dish!!!

Chicken verdeo is another local dish worth trying that is not beef....

Saint: Glad to hear you had a good experience with my realtor....and that you like the apartment...nice view from the 12th floor!!

11-30-02, 11:39

Salmon rosado (pink salmon) is imported from Chile (we have a white salmon from the Atlantic Ocean, no as tasty as the Chilean one). Used to be very cheap when the Peso-Dollar parity 1-1.

Octopus is "pulpo", and usually is served as "Pulpo a la Gallega" (Octopus á la Galllician), cold with paprika and olive oil.

A popular, cheap and tasty fish dish is "Arroz con Camarones" (Rice with squid), a stew made of rice, chopped squid, garlic and onions.


11-30-02, 15:24
Hi guys. Quick report. Having the time of my life. This might be my best trip yet! The quality in the clubs isnt as good as previous trips still. I dont care what anyone says..Blacks has the hottest girls! Last night we hit a bunch of clubs and they all sucks except for Blacks. Man, I pulled a cutie out of there that I knew from before. I never saw her before but took her out to eat with her friend. She was hands down the best session not only of BA but of my life.

Simply amazing. Maybe its just because she clicked with me but no holds barred best sex ever. Very GFE. She asked for a pie in the sky number at first but I got it down. It was 4 AM by the time we left Blacks. I got her down to 200 pesos but she asked if i was happy with the session if she could get 300 pesos. I thought this was fair. I told her if the session was good Id give her more. Needless to say I gave her 300 pesos. We arrived at my hotel shortly after 4 AM and she left around 7 AM. Needless to say Im tired. I slept only 3 hours last night because my chica friend called me at 10 AM and woke me up wanting to come over again.

Exchange rate yesterday was 3.55. Today is 3.51. Im going through tons of money. Yikes! The party last night was simply amazing. GREAT, quality guys. This was monumental. It was I that first started the plans for a Thanksgiving dinner. I had about 12 guys. Then Jackson contacted me and asked to plan a bigger one. No problem. There was no way I could have put together a better dinner. We had a private room with about 20 people including Mayri of www.argentinago.com and two of Jacksons female friends (Maria and Roxanna) that were simply delightful. Two of the most intelligent, non-judgemental, sophisticated, articulte women Ive ever had the pleasure to meet. Many of you should definitely meet these girls. They are NOT providers but can help you with appointments if you dont speak Spanish.

More later. Kick Stand and I are going to eat. He did a 2 girl show last night with Paola and Andrea of Playwoman but I guess he was disappointed. (Maybe its because the guy is simply too ummm....grande. I dont think many can handle him). Oh well.

Life is good. Im in love.......thank god its not a girl. Its Buenos Aires.

Nibu Raphael
11-30-02, 15:41
Hi Saint I am in Santiago Del Estero now. My exchange rate in San Slvador Jujuy was 3.40 in Susques by San Padro De Atacma Chile 3.30. In yesterdays Santiago del Estero there was an article that some Cambis are giving the rate of 3.75 and I heard by March before the elections it will be 4 pesos to the dollar. Ok Man I should be in BA in a week. Tommorow I am in Posadas. Saint How is the action now with Clarin babes????

11-30-02, 18:26
Nibu. I NEVER have called a Clarin girl and I know I never will. Simply not my style. But many dudes do and some have good luck. A dude last night was telling me he saw a cutie for 40 pesos plus taxi fare. Keep in mind many guys have different standards. I saw pictures of the girls all these guys were raving about at Madaho´s and I thought she was marginal at the very best. Just my personal opinion. She looked older.

I´m seeing yet another Area-vip girl in 2 hours. Kick Stand is seeing a girl from Platynum that I set him up with. 250 pesos for 2 hours. The girl wanted 300 and it took a lot to get her down. The premium hottie girls aren´t coming down too much from their asking prices. Speaking spanish definitely helps.

Kick Stand and I went to Congreso area to eat today. Soap opera story that I´ll tell later. I think my one girl from the clubs is stalking me. She was there! She was the same girl that just showed up to my hotel. Oh well. Be careful with these girls. The name of the restaurant is Toronto. It´s great and a good chance of pace. Buffet style food.

Also, be very careful. I noticed some of the clubs are trying to sneak in extra prices. At Playwoman the girl tried charging for extra drinks for me and 2 other dudes. We corrected her. Also, I was paying Kick Stand´s bill and the girl charged for 3 drinks per girl instead of 2 saying that if you pull a 2 girl out of there it is a 3 drink minimum. I didn´t argue with her but not sure if this is true or not. I paid it without incident and still tipped her. (Ask for Mariela there...she is an honest waitress that speaks english and is very nice). I asked our waitress for her and she lied and told me she wasn´t working. Then when i was leaving with the 2 dudes..she saw me and said hello. Then asked why i didn´t ask for her. I told her and then she confronted the other waitress. Oh well.

Also at Black´s the door girl tried scamming me. The entrance fee is 20 pesos and I gave her a 50 peso note. She only gave me back 10 pesos. I told her she owed me 20 more pesos. What a scam artist. If you´re drunk or not paying attention they will try to scam you. Also, she asked if this was our first time here. ALWAYS say NO if they ask you this. She had a walkie talkie and I´m sure they will signal upstairs to let them know you are a rookie. Always tell them you´ve been here several times. The restaurant today didn´t try scamming me but the guy was joking I think. Our tab was 36 pesos for both of us. The guy told me the bill was noventa pesos. At first I gave him 100 peso note and told him to keep the change. Then he laughed and said he was kidding. I wasn´t paying attention. I ended up giving him 50 pesos and letting him keep the change. Be careful.

Many of the girls remember me from previous visits. Every club I have been in the girls come up to me right away and say hello. Í´m not sure if that is good or bad...ha, ha. Same at Blacks. I knew many of the girls there and some of the waitresses.

I´m dead ass tired right now operating on about 8 or 9 hours sleep in the past 3 days. I´m gonna go shower then get ready for my girl. So far all of the girls have allowed me to take pictures. Damn...some real cuties! Design Suites has been great. The staff here is excellent. They allow 2 girls at one time and they are pretty much the best service of any hotel in BA so far. I´m still looking forward to moving into my apartment. I was showing girls digital pictures of it and they were lusting after it. All have said once I move in they want to come over to my apartment for FREE!! Damn I love this city.

Today I talked to a lady that brokers apartments. She needs SIX apartments so I´m in the process of negotiating to find 6 apartments so this might be useful to some of you. But an American company wants 6 apartments for six months. I´ll keep everyone posted.

More later. Gotta rest up a little and shower. Florida street was great. Lots of great deals on clothes, leather products and suits. The only thing that was more expensive here is electronic products which are about 40% higher than the US due to import fees and taxes.

Life is good.

P.S. Another special thank you to all the gentlemen I met last night. You really are a great group of guys that I had the pleasure of meeting. I´m sure I´ll see many of you here again.

11-30-02, 20:13
Your posting have inspired me to make Argentina my next destination...

Originally posted by saint
Nibu. I NEVER have called a Clarin girl and I know I never will. Simply not my style. But many dudes do and some have good luck. A dude last night was telling me he saw a cutie for 40 pesos plus taxi fare. Keep in mind many guys have different standards. I saw pictures of the girls all these guys were raving about at Madaho´s and I thought she was marginal at the very best. Just my personal opinion. She looked older.

I´m seeing yet another Area-vip girl in 2 hours. Kick Stand is seeing a girl from Platynum that I set him up with. 250 pesos for 2 hours. The girl wanted 300 and it took a lot to get her down. The premium hottie girls aren´t coming down too much from their asking prices. Speaking spanish definitely helps.

Kick Stand and I went to Congreso area to eat today. Soap opera story that I´ll tell later. I think my one girl from the clubs is stalking me. She was there! She was the same girl that just showed up to my hotel. Oh well. Be careful with these girls. The name of the restaurant is Toronto. It´s great and a good chance of pace. Buffet style food.

Also, be very careful. I noticed some of the clubs are trying to sneak in extra prices. At Playwoman the girl tried charging for extra drinks for me and 2 other dudes. We corrected her. Also, I was paying Kick Stand´s bill and the girl charged for 3 drinks per girl instead of 2 saying that if you pull a 2 girl out of there it is a 3 drink minimum. I didn´t argue with her but not sure if this is true or not. I paid it without incident and still tipped her. (Ask for Mariela there...she is an honest waitress that speaks english and is very nice). I asked our waitress for her and she lied and told me she wasn´t working. Then when i was leaving with the 2 dudes..she saw me and said hello. Then asked why i didn´t ask for her. I told her and then she confronted the other waitress. Oh well.

Also at Black´s the door girl tried scamming me. The entrance fee is 20 pesos and I gave her a 50 peso note. She only gave me back 10 pesos. I told her she owed me 20 more pesos. What a scam artist. If you´re drunk or not paying attention they will try to scam you. Also, she asked if this was our first time here. ALWAYS say NO if they ask you this. She had a walkie talkie and I´m sure they will signal upstairs to let them know you are a rookie. Always tell them you´ve been here several times. The restaurant today didn´t try scamming me but the guy was joking I think. Our tab was 36 pesos for both of us. The guy told me the bill was noventa pesos. At first I gave him 100 peso note and told him to keep the change. Then he laughed and said he was kidding. I wasn´t paying attention. I ended up giving him 50 pesos and letting him keep the change. Be careful.

Many of the girls remember me from previous visits. Every club I have been in the girls come up to me right away and say hello. Í´m not sure if that is good or bad...ha, ha. Same at Blacks. I knew many of the girls there and some of the waitresses.

I´m dead ass tired right now operating on about 8 or 9 hours sleep in the past 3 days. I´m gonna go shower then get ready for my girl. So far all of the girls have allowed me to take pictures. Damn...some real cuties! Design Suites has been great. The staff here is excellent. They allow 2 girls at one time and they are pretty much the best service of any hotel in BA so far. I´m still looking forward to moving into my apartment. I was showing girls digital pictures of it and they were lusting after it. All have said once I move in they want to come over to my apartment for FREE!! Damn I love this city.

Today I talked to a lady that brokers apartments. She needs SIX apartments so I´m in the process of negotiating to find 6 apartments so this might be useful to some of you. But an American company wants 6 apartments for six months. I´ll keep everyone posted.

More later. Gotta rest up a little and shower. Florida street was great. Lots of great deals on clothes, leather products and suits. The only thing that was more expensive here is electronic products which are about 40% higher than the US due to import fees and taxes.

Life is good.

P.S. Another special thank you to all the gentlemen I met last night. You really are a great group of guys that I had the pleasure of meeting. I´m sure I´ll see many of you here again.

11-30-02, 22:11
Kevin..you´ll love it. I promise you. It´s a paradise. NO place quite like it. Plus, unlike many other countries...they love Americans here. I´ve NEVER had any problems whatsoever here. Everyone is friendly and I feel like a local now.

Ok, I just finished just short of a 2 hour session with Lorena from Platynum (she is also on Area-vip). She looks like her pictures so what you see is what you get. The only thing not noticeable on the pictures is she has a scar on her face but it won´t bother anyone. Just a very pretty girl. She speaks Portuguese and Spanish. She is from Brazil. (did I mention that I love these Brazileras also...). She let me take tons of pictures of her. Sexy girl with great natural breasts if you´re a breast man. Very funny too. We spent a lot of time joking around. She is a TRUE independent and doesn´t work for anyone else. Very GFE session. I paid 200 pesos plus taxi fare but she said she usually charged more. She said usually 200 pesos per hour so YMMV. Of course she doesn´t look exactly the same or as good as the site but what girl does...

Also, if you stay in the Design Suites..beware. The only negative I´ve come across is the rooms in the back tower have 2 rooms per floor. The walls are paper thin. When the other person is watching tv or talking on the phone I can hear them clearly. Alternatively, I´m sure they can hear my activities too. Last night as I mentioned I arrived home around 4 AM with my Black´s girl. She stayed until 7 AM and we played almost the entire time. We were both quite vocal.

Anyway, this morning when I was leaving the hotel I bumped into my neighbor. She was this Argentine woman. She looks very noble and wealthy. She was dressed very nice. I said, ¨hola, buenos dias¨. She didn´t respond. She just gave me a look of disgust...ha, ha, ha. Oh well. I´m very discreet in the hotel but can´t help my activities in the bedroom.

I´m going out to eat with Mayri, UWphoto, Kick Stand, Ezeamante and maybe one or two others. Should be fun. Plan on hitting the clubs afterwards. I want to hit Black´s again. If it was as good as last night I should be in business. I´ve had very little luck at the other clubs. I´m kind of picky and didn´t see many that I liked in the clubs this trip. I could have easily tagged at least 5 girls last night in Black´s.

I just bumped into two guys from the board in the lobby while I´m typing this. One was at the dinner last night. He also said he saw Lorena. He said she was ¨cold¨with him. This is wear speaking Spanish comes in handy. She was kind of distant for the first 10 minutes. Then I started joking around with her and she was cracking up laughing. First she started just with small pecks on the lips then within a few minutes we were in full blown deep french kissing. YMMV with her. I usually have great sessions with girls even other dudes have cold sessions with. I´m NOT shy and I joke around with the girls alot. I´m also younger which may or may not help.

I´m going through money faster than any trip I´ve taken for this short of a period of time. Oh well. You only live once right....

Weather is PERFECT in the 80´s during the day and nice at night. Exchange rate is good. Many of the stores on Florida Avenue today were letting you buy clothes at an exchange rate of 4 pesos to the dollar. Also, a lot of guys asking to exchange money. I´ve never used these guys and don´t intend to but they seem safe. Just look at your money closely.

Many people begging for money. Seems like there is more this trip than before. It´s very sad and my heart breaks saying no to them. I´m a sucker. I usually give them $1 US. I know many of you are against this but I feel better. I always over tip too. Just a personal thing. I usually bring 150 - 200 $1 US bills and I always go through all of them by the end of my trips. I´ve only been here a few days and I only have about 30 left. I also use them in the taxi´s since I usually find it hard to get small peso notes.

I´m starting to hit the wall. Every trip my eyes are always usually bloodshot. Those of you that see me here will notice that...ha, ha. I just have to learn to take naps but seems like my hotel phone or cellphone is always ringing. I´m loving life right now. Lots of good American dudes in BA.

Oh yeah...I´ll reiterate about being careful with the girls. I think it´s great if you have a ton of money and want to buy the girls presents, clothes, etc. Some dude just bought one of my amigas that works in a club a ring, tons of clothes and gave her $200 US. She didn´t ask for any of it. It was her birthday. Afterwards she is telling me how great it is and how this dude is professing his love for her. All the while she is asking if she can come over to my hotel. I just feel bad sometimes for dudes that let their hearts get into it. Most forget that it´s all business with most of these girls. There are exceptions to this rule but be careful.

12-01-02, 00:40
Saint, I have been reading this website for over a few months and you always give great posts. I have seen your posts in tj, and mexico city. I have to go to argentina and am planning a trip in dec or jan. don't kill yourself.

12-01-02, 06:58
Go saint go ...

You have out smarted the devil i guess you deserve it..

Life is beautifull, after checking out the scence at TJ and Rio , AMP at Los Angeles .. i just don't feel like wasting my $ and time trying to pick up girls ..

Now there is still so much to be explored..
Thailand,Argentina , Prague , Moscow

It just keeps getting better.

Originally posted by saint
Kevin..you´ll love it. I promise you. It´s a paradise. NO place quite like it. Plus, unlike many other countries...they love Americans here. I´ve NEVER had any problems whatsoever here. Everyone is friendly and I feel like a local now.

Ok, I just finished just short of a 2 hour session with Lorena from Platynum (she is also on Area-vip). She looks like her pictures so what you see is what you get. The only thing not noticeable on the pictures is she has a scar on her face but it won´t bother anyone. Just a very pretty girl. She speaks Portuguese and Spanish. She is from Brazil. (did I mention that I love these Brazileras also...). She let me take tons of pictures of her. Sexy girl with great natural breasts if you´re a breast man. Very funny too. We spent a lot of time joking around. She is a TRUE independent and doesn´t work for anyone else. Very GFE session. I paid 200 pesos plus taxi fare but she said she usually charged more. She said usually 200 pesos per hour so YMMV. Of course she doesn´t look exactly the same or as good as the site but what girl does...

Also, if you stay in the Design Suites..beware. The only negative I´ve come across is the rooms in the back tower have 2 rooms per floor. The walls are paper thin. When the other person is watching tv or talking on the phone I can hear them clearly. Alternatively, I´m sure they can hear my activities too. Last night as I mentioned I arrived home around 4 AM with my Black´s girl. She stayed until 7 AM and we played almost the entire time. We were both quite vocal.

Anyway, this morning when I was leaving the hotel I bumped into my neighbor. She was this Argentine woman. She looks very noble and wealthy. She was dressed very nice. I said, ¨hola, buenos dias¨. She didn´t respond. She just gave me a look of disgust...ha, ha, ha. Oh well. I´m very discreet in the hotel but can´t help my activities in the bedroom.

I´m going out to eat with Mayri, UWphoto, Kick Stand, Ezeamante and maybe one or two others. Should be fun. Plan on hitting the clubs afterwards. I want to hit Black´s again. If it was as good as last night I should be in business. I´ve had very little luck at the other clubs. I´m kind of picky and didn´t see many that I liked in the clubs this trip. I could have easily tagged at least 5 girls last night in Black´s.

I just bumped into two guys from the board in the lobby while I´m typing this. One was at the dinner last night. He also said he saw Lorena. He said she was ¨cold¨with him. This is wear speaking Spanish comes in handy. She was kind of distant for the first 10 minutes. Then I started joking around with her and she was cracking up laughing. First she started just with small pecks on the lips then within a few minutes we were in full blown deep french kissing. YMMV with her. I usually have great sessions with girls even other dudes have cold sessions with. I´m NOT shy and I joke around with the girls alot. I´m also younger which may or may not help.

I´m going through money faster than any trip I´ve taken for this short of a period of time. Oh well. You only live once right....

Weather is PERFECT in the 80´s during the day and nice at night. Exchange rate is good. Many of the stores on Florida Avenue today were letting you buy clothes at an exchange rate of 4 pesos to the dollar. Also, a lot of guys asking to exchange money. I´ve never used these guys and don´t intend to but they seem safe. Just look at your money closely.

Many people begging for money. Seems like there is more this trip than before. It´s very sad and my heart breaks saying no to them. I´m a sucker. I usually give them $1 US. I know many of you are against this but I feel better. I always over tip too. Just a personal thing. I usually bring 150 - 200 $1 US bills and I always go through all of them by the end of my trips. I´ve only been here a few days and I only have about 30 left. I also use them in the taxi´s since I usually find it hard to get small peso notes.

I´m starting to hit the wall. Every trip my eyes are always usually bloodshot. Those of you that see me here will notice that...ha, ha. I just have to learn to take naps but seems like my hotel phone or cellphone is always ringing. I´m loving life right now. Lots of good American dudes in BA.

Oh yeah...I´ll reiterate about being careful with the girls. I think it´s great if you have a ton of money and want to buy the girls presents, clothes, etc. Some dude just bought one of my amigas that works in a club a ring, tons of clothes and gave her $200 US. She didn´t ask for any of it. It was her birthday. Afterwards she is telling me how great it is and how this dude is professing his love for her. All the while she is asking if she can come over to my hotel. I just feel bad sometimes for dudes that let their hearts get into it. Most forget that it´s all business with most of these girls. There are exceptions to this rule but be careful.

12-01-02, 20:41
BA is GREAT!!!

I arrived here on Friday morning and have had the best time. The best was Thanksgiving dinner with Jackson, friends and the WSG crew. First I would like to say that all of the people at the dinner were really cool and all were enjoying BA. Thanks Jackson Roxanne and friends for planning such a great night and my fellow WSG posters who are all good guys. I have always wondered who posts here but all were super cool.

Down to business. The girls here are outrageous - everywhere you look, beautiful and sophisticated women. First, I am renting a nice two bedroom apartment on the street behind Etiole and the recoleta restaurants and clubs for $250 per week. It is very nice and private with a view of the park and the river.

I have begun my stay a little differently, as I have yet to visit any of the clubs. Since I have a very private and discrete apartment, and can speak Spanish I have been using the classifieds to call girls to my place. A summary is as follows:

Friday: Lorena - 19 year old half Peruvian and Argentina that was very pretty and had a pettit and very firm bod. She was very playful and we had a great experience - just like a boyfriend and girl friend getting together. She was not a hardened pro at all and the cost for three hours was $90 pesos. $40 pesos per hour plus $10 for the cab. She was very affectionate and did not want to leave.

Friday: Michaela - 23 year old Argentina - exactly the same as Nicole below.

Saturday: Nicole - 19 year old Paraguaya. Long black hair and very smooth skin and a slender body - overall very cute. Not quite as good as Lorena but gave complete GFE experience and was very, very affectionate and did not want to leave. cost - $35 pesos for 1.5 hours.

Saturday: Tatiana - 23 year old goddess. Beautiful body and face, blond hair, very tanned and offered excellent service. Very fun and liked being with me. Natural C cup breast, great ass and was perfect - the cost $25 pesos per hour plus $10 pesos for taxi.She was awesome.

Sunday: Forgot her name. she was not very cute and paid her $10 pesos to go home.

Sunday: Lorena from Friday again.

Sunday night Tatiana the goddess is planning a visit.

In summation, if you can speak Spanish and ask direct questions, the classifieds - Clarin - is a good option. I always ask the girl the cost, what she looks like, what services she will provide before she comes and am honest with them if they are lying they will go home with just cab fare. This method is not for everyone, but I like it because I save time not going to the clubs and for the overall value and services, to me it is the best. Other people prefer the clubs with the perfect 10s and that is cool - everyone has different tastes and preferences.

Money is not the issue with me- I just prefer younger, sweeter and honest girls that are not hardened pros. That is they stay longer and actually enjoy the experiences and I actually will have to encourage them to leave after the hour(s) are up. In fact, they will all want to continue fooling round until you are completely finished and seem worried about providing a very good experience.

That said, I also treat them very well, talk with them at first, offer them champagne or wine and we talk first and then ease into it. Once they are comfortable, we then begin usually by them initiating the action. I also offer them little gifts that they love - natural soaps that I by in the market in the Recoleta, flowers, candy, etc. that are all very inexpensive here in BsAs.

I will however this week start visiting boliches that are out of the way and off the beaten path as I still have two weeks here. If anybody is interested in hooking up for a night on the town, drop me an email at johnguapo69@yahoo.com.

I also enjoy the fantastic restaurants here and went to a concert in the park, drinking quilmes in the recoleta where they were playing protest music. The weather is also great - in short I am in Paradise.

Saludos de Buenos Aires,
John Guapo

PS More reports are on the way!!!

12-01-02, 22:57

Sounds like you are having a great time, and I can't wait to get there myself.
Apartments - I appreciate the advice. I don't want to waste everyone's time on this board, however if you are still in BA on the 10th I would be grateful of the chance to discuss ALL the delights of BA further - not just apts.

If you have the time pls e-mail me at dkell70@hotmail.com

12-02-02, 16:52
Another great night in BA!!

James Bond, DBoy and a couple of other of the crew hit the boliches of BA last night. Here is the rundown in the order we checked them. Also it was a sunday night:

Blacks - increadible girls but chicas and the drinks are very expensive. If money is not an issue then there are definately some hot girls there but for me, they are too professional and too expensive.

Shampoo - they wanted us to pay to enter - "in BA terms that means that there are not any hot girls inside" - paraphrased from BA expert James Bond.

Newport - seems like a bar but is really a boliche. Some OK girls and some real skanks. I can see how some tourists get scamed in there by some of the pros there.

Madahos - I hear good things about it but it was slow that night with a few girls.

Solid Gold - a few gems amongst the other not so fine chicas.

Hooks - Dboy, James Bond, d. and myself all headed to Hooks in the centro. Much younger looking girls that seem very similar to the girls that I have been getting with the clarin. Everybody went home with someone and it ended up that James Bond, his hot hilary swank look alike Valeria myself and my chica (forgot her name) all go back to my apartment for a little champagne and fun at 4:00 am.

We get there of start with my new best friend Viatamin V. Then James Bond and his chica are going at it on the coach and both chicas start undressing right there in the living room and start rubbing all over us. More champagne and wine, and my chica is getting plastered walking around in her undies enjoying the wine. 30 minutes later, the V kicks in and we go back to the room. She opens the windows and blinds and turns on a few lights and starts undressing - I told her that she will be giving everybody at Etoile a show and she said that she doesn't care commences in blowing me.

We start going hot a heavy at it and she really starts getting into it and makes a lot of noise. Meanwhile Mr. Bond is in the next room going at it with his little hottie Valeria. Anyway, the sun is coming up over beautiful BA, I can see the recoleta cemetary, the sea and am having this great sex with this little hard-body who is moaning, biting, slapping, kissing etc. Five positions including one I learned here and we were done.

We finished and finally got James Bond out of the room and proceeded to give the chicas some little gifts and took soom pictures. proceeded to fool around with my chica in the elevator as she was still pastered.

Bottom line - my chica had a great body but in the morning I moticed that here teeth were a little messed up. Valeria, James Bond's chica was very hot and looked even better in the morning. the chicas were with us for a couple of hours and it cost $150 pesos for my chica.

Was it better than the Clarin? It was just different as the girls in Clarin go for $25 to $60 pesos per hour and are just as good as the chicas in Hooks. In Hooks the benefit is that you get to see them first, spend time with them and enjoy scenary.

Anyway, tonight I will try to check out some of the out of the way boliches that some of the WSG posters have recomended. to them thanks a lot and will post the outcome tomorrow.

John Guapo

12-02-02, 19:34
[QUOTE]Originally posted by johnguapo
Critic by James Bond of Sr. Johnguapo Sunday night in BA.

[i]Another great night in BA!!
>Yes indeed. Saturday and Sunday are traditionally the worst in BA. I've been told that the Argentines have to put in time with their wives and girlfriends on those days but for a skilled monger there are gems to be found - and we found them.

Blacks - incredible girls but chicas and the drinks are very expensive.

>yeah. Like asking price TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS/hour. A lawyer's rate.

If money is not an issue then there are definately some hot girls there but for me, they are too professional and too expensive.

>We arrived at Blacks a a good hour for Sunday - Midnight. The ratio was about three chicas to every monger. We played it cool with the pros fishing for the great $200US El monger, not taking the bait but I think if we had returned at 3:30am we could have left with a 9 or even one of the few 10's for 200 pesos. As usually Blacks had a few 10's and more than a few 8's and 9's. The highest quality but worst value in Recoleta.

Shampoo - they wanted us to pay to enter - "in BA terms that means that there are not any hot girls inside" - paraphrased from BA expert James Bond.

>correct Sr. Johnguapo, pay per view is particularly silly at a third rate chica bar as Shampoo. Every indication is that Shampoo had no more than three 6's at best.

Newport - seems like a bar but is really a boliche. Some OK girls and some real skanks. I can see how some tourists get scamed in there by some of the pros there.

>The enigma of Newport is that on some days such as last Saturday semi-pros work the mongers, paying 8 pesos to the management to work alongside the pros and reel in the accidental tourist. Don't write off Newports. It has its moments.

Madahos - I hear good things about it but it was slow that night with a few girls.

>Sunday is never a good day at Madahos but it rocks on all other nights. Pro girls with semi pro attitudes in a great space with cool staff.

Solid Gold - a few gems amongst the other not so fine chicas.

>Solid Gold aka Solid Silicon is skankville. IMHO a level below even playwoman level.

>Conspicuously absent from Sr. Johnguepo's report is a critic of Playwomen, our second to last stop, where we unfortunately spent most of the evening, caught in a bizzaree thirty minute "show" featuring the same music that they have played for a decade and featuring a collection of overaged strippers with incompetent boob jobs. The only highlight was Johngruapo's arm, indiscretely drapped over the side of the stage that the strippers inventively managed to work into their acts. One hopes that Johnguapo doesn't make the same mistake as Monica Lewinsky did with her dress. Please send the shirt immediatley to a skilled dry cleaner!

Hooks - Dboy, James Bond, d. and myself all headed to Hooks in the centro. Much younger looking girls that seem very similar to the girls that I have been getting with the clarin. Everybody went home with someone and it ended up that James Bond, his hot hilary swank look alike Valeria myself and my chica (forgot her name) all go back to my apartment for a little champagne and fun at 4:00 am.

>actuallly here is were Johnguapo lost some monger points on monger technique, making the novice mistake of taking the first chica that approached him, one of two paraguyian sisters and the less comely of the two. In a monger movement he quickly recovered, boldly dumping the attacking chica and deftly replacing her with a foxy Blonde at the bar. A brazen movement, well executed...

>We left Hooks around 3:30pm, my arms drapped over the Hillary Swank lookalike. I am sure at least ten chicas from 7-8 left the club pesoless that night. What a waste of a valuable resources.

>We get there of start with my new best friend Viatamin V. Then James Bond and his chica are going at it on the coach and both chicas start undressing right there in the living room and start rubbing all over us. More champagne and wine, and my chica is getting plastered walking around in her undies enjoying the wine. 30 minutes later, the V kicks in and we go back to the room. She opens the windows and blinds and turns on a few lights and starts undressing - I told her that she will be giving everybody at Etoile a show and she said that she doesn't care commences in blowing me.

We start going hot a heavy at it and she really starts getting into it and makes a lot of noise. Meanwhile Mr. Bond is in the next room going at it with his little hottie Valeria. Anyway, the sun is coming up over beautiful BA, I can see the recoleta cemetary, the sea and am having this great sex with this little hard-body who is moaning, biting, slapping, kissing etc. Five positions including one I learned here and we were done.

We finished and finally got James Bond out of the room and proceeded to give the chicas some little gifts and took soom pictures. proceeded to fool around with my chica in the elevator as she was still pastered.

>I was quite content that evening. leaving with a twenty one year old dead ringer for Hilary Swank, an Oscar award winner and one of my favorite actresses. It was also my first experience with V and I am a believer. What this little miracle of sexual chemistry does is lenghten the staying power, a problem for a sprinter like myself. I was able to go the full distance although it's claims for "refresh" powers is still an open question. As always, I was knocked out in the first round but the round was long my brothers, long and hard and one can never expect to outlast a chica in the ring. It's the law of nature.

>As for pre and post coital performance Johnguapo is as smooth an operator as they come. He starts off with some little flirty jokes in above average Spanish, then brings out the Champagne which he puts down on his living room table beside a copy of Business Week and the Economist, then conjures up a lapdance from his chica, easeing her into his bedroom, the floor unseemly littered decorously with condoms from past Clarin prepubescent conquests.

>His post coital skills win him points with small five pesos bars of soap that he extols for their exotic and natural scent. A cheap ploy for sure, but one that he knows well will pay off in any return engagements.

Bottom line - my chica had a great body but in the morning I moticed that here teeth were a little messed up. Valeria, James Bond's chica was very hot and looked even better in the morning. the chicas were with us for a couple of hours and it cost $150 pesos for my chica.

>Johnguapo closed a better deal...I paid 200 pesos with a 50 pesos tip and ten pesos taxi fee, for a grand total of 260 pesos, nearly double what Johnguapo paid but then I spent the night with Hillary Swank and he didn't!!!

Was it better than the Clarin? It was just different as the girls in Clarin go for $25 to $60 pesos per hour and are just as good as the chicas in Hooks. In Hooks the benefit is that you get to see them first, spend time with them and enjoy scenary.

>Johnguapo Monger rating:
Club moves -- 8, making the final monger mistake of taking the first chica that approaches him. A swift switch at the last movement saves his evening.

>Pre-Coital - 9 - excellent seductive techniques, a real pro. It was like being in high school again, with two faux virgins.

>Coital - no first hand experience naturally but the symphony of moans coming from the next room played well , with the proper amount of silences and rising crescendos, seemingly inspired. At one point his chica with no name appeared in my door stark naked and told my chica it was time to go, then mysteriously disappeared in Sr. Johnguapo's room, where she performed a deafening encore. He probably rates a 9 but who knows for sure?

>Post Coital - 10. The gifts set up a second act, if he so desires.

Anyway, tonight I will try to check out some of the out of the way boliches that some of the WSG posters have recomended. to them thanks a lot and will post the outcome tomorrow.

>Bottom Line:
>Hooks, far the best of the downtown clubs, always comes through in a crunch but I would have liked to test my theory of market economics and supply and demand: that prices at Blacks on a slow night can come down to reasonable levels if one strikes at the first minute of the "magic" half hour before closing, precisely 3:30am. I look forward to any research on this subject.

>Sr. Johnguapo is a mission from the Monger God to push the limits and blaze new paths, to go where no monger dares to tread...Clarins, off the beaten path boliches, etc..who knows what is next for this daredevil monger on a quest for total knowledge.... Pray for him....

...to be continued.....

12-02-02, 21:11
Yo, fellas.

Let me say that Jackson, Roxanna, and Maria did a great job getting us all together. Mayri was a pleasure as always to deal with. Other than an error on the hotel´s part, I had no problem getting here and settling in to my first session nicely.

It was great meeting some of you other hobbiers. Nice to put faces to the posts.

Thanks to all of you for helping me to enjoy my Holiday break.

On my way to the airport, so expect a large report when I get the opportunity. In the report you´ll learn of interesting things like

1. A wonderful website called www.gemidos.com
2. The professionalism of Mayra Brill
3. Jackson, the Host with the Most
4. Design Suites
5. 3 of the Best Sessions ever
6. 2 of the Worst Sessions ever
7. My full contact wrestling match with a chica that tried to take my money and steal my sunglasses.


8. The Evil Death Touch of Saint!

Until then,
Kick Stand

12-02-02, 21:56
I too enjoyed the Friday Thanksgiving monger dinner. The setup was perfect and I enjoyed meeting everyone. Jackson & Saint, thanks for a great concept.

Hanging out with JamesBond and Johnguapo is a great way to get experience for an almost first timer in BA. Planning to do it again tonite. Johnguapo, maybe at these out of the way boliches, we can even beat some of your Clarin prices. But the quality has to be there. We all did all right last night.

My girl from Hooks, Moira, wasn´t the hottest, but she sure was sweet. I´m finding more and more, that I look for friendly and fun chicas who are petite. Then if the face is great, that´s a bonus. But her attitude is what will make the time memorable.

JohnGuapo, as I told you before, you´re the man.

12-02-02, 22:01

I think you meant www.gemidos.com.ar
www.gemidos.com is an awful pop-up screens website with zero value.


12-02-02, 22:14
Oh man. I can’t even begin to remember all the things that happened. Now that I’ll probably be going down so much more often I’ll probably post less and less. In all reality I don’t need to post anymore. Before my first trip there were barely any posts on Buenos Aires. Now there are tons and tons of guys and I’ll let them post their adventures. I’ll probably keep my postings to the private boards but I’ll always post some tidbits to this general board if time permits.

I just returned to the USA and was in my office before noon. I’m exhausted. I had a great time. This was probably the most fun of all my trips even though it was a short trip. I’ve been really lucky to have met some class acts. Guys like UWPhoto and Kick Stand are life long friends now. I also enjoyed meeting so many of you that I can’t even begin to remember your screen names. I apologize. Just too many dudes and not enough days to get them straight.

Yeah, Kick Stand had one 24 hour period where the dude was cursed. Seemed like no matter what he did he ended up getting screwed. Although I gotta say that my last day before I was leaving I call his room after my chica left. I told him I’d say goodbye and stop by his room. He told me he had a 7:30 PM session but I should still stop by. I told him if he was in the middle of the session he need not come to the door. Well, a little after 7:40 PM..i go to his room. I knock on the door and I can hear this chick moaning really loudly…..so I guess his bad luck ended…ha, ha, ha. Way to go amigo!!

After I saw Lorena from Platynum, I hooked up with Kick Stand and we met UWPhoto at Café Orleans. As always I didn’t see anyone that I would pay to see. There were a few ok girls but nothing that I would seriously consider. Most of the girls seemed older than my preference. UWPhoto got a number of this chick. We ate some snacks here because we weren’t meeting Mayri and her friends until 12 AM.

Well, afterwards we had some time to kill. I had the bright idea to go to this way far away area. One of the girls I know told me about this club a long way from town. She told me there were some cuties. It was in a neighborhood that most would never visit. It was past Flores. Our taxi driver got lost and had to ask about 4 times. Our taxi ride was 16 pesos if that gives you an idea of the distance. Long story short….we get there and they did not let us past the main room. It was kind of a private club. They didn’t like Americans here. Me, UWPhoto and Kick Stand stood out like sore thumbs. The dude tried telling me this wasn’t a ‘boliche’. Anyway, I’m pissed but don’t want to create a scene. We leave. I can laugh about it now but I felt bad for UWPhoto and Kick Stand. Oh well..yet another adventure.

I can tell Kick Stand at this point is frustrated because earlier in the day a girl no showed. I set up an appointment for him and the girl was really nice on the phone with me but she clearly told me that my friend would have to pay more simply because she could charge more since he didn’t speak Spanish. I got the price down to 250 pesos for 2 hours. I set the time for 6 PM..same as my appointment for Lorena. I guess she no showed. He called her at 7 PM and she made up some story how she thought it was for 7 PM then wanted more. Not sure if she even knew it was the same appointment. Long story short she screwed him. He might want to provide her name so people can avoid.

So after our adventure to no man’s land Kick Stand has to go back to hotel to change his clothes. Of course, UWPhoto and I are not about to just wait around in our rooms for even ½ an hour. Why waste 30 precious minutes in BA??? I can’t stand just hanging out in my room. That’s why I never nap. We head to Cutty Shark. It’s dead but we have a drink and talk and joke around. We always have a good time together. One of the other dudes I met at the dinner walks in. We chat with him a little while and we have to leave. I forget his handle but a super nice guy that I enjoyed meeting.

Uwphoto and I duck in to Hook’s and it looks ok but we have to go meet the gang for dinner in Puerto Madero. Traffic was killer and we were a little late. We meet up with Mayri, her 2 friends who were sisters (who were gorgeous and what I consider to be GFM- girlfriend material), Ezeamante, and Kick Stand. Great restaurant that I’ve been to every trip. Great service. Puerto Cristol is the name of it. Our waiter was awesome. Only in BA will you see a restaurant packed at 2:00 AM. Our dinner was great! Us guys split the tab and I gave the waiter a 100 peso tip. It was 2:30 AM before we left the place.

UWPhoto and Kick Stand decided to hit the downtown clubs and Ezeamante and I decided to hit Black’s. Ezeamante is a super nice guy that I enjoyed meeting. If any of you get the chance to hook up with him definitely do it. We are planning to hit Cuba together in February if any of you want to join us.

Black’s was dead. It really sucked. We left before finishing our first drink. We hit Shampoo and he wanted to introduce me to his waitress friend. The place was extremely dark. I don’t like this place but I’m sure there are girls to be had here. Next we hit Playwoman. It also sucked. At this point it is like 3:30 AM. We leave and he decides to go home. I don’t plan on going home alone. Earlier in the night my girl from Salome called me and asked to come over. I couldn’t because I was busy but I told her I’d go there if I had time. Well, I did. I went there and she was sitting alone by the door. BINGO. One drink and I was out of there with her. We never even discussed money or prices. The first time she wanted 150 pesos.

She was great just like before. She stayed until like 5 AM. When she was leaving she never asked me for any money. She was halfway out the door when I told her I didn’t pay her. She just replied, “no problema amor”. I always pay even if they don’t ask (which believe it or not happens more than you would think). I gave her 200 pesos. She is half Brazilian and half Paraguayan. Man did I have a GFE session.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Earlier in the day when Kick Stand and I were shopping on Florida Street I stopped in a CD Store. When I was in Mexico City last month 2 girls in a row asked me if I had music from Christian Castro when I asked them what they wanted to listen to. I had this big cd case full of music but nothing from this dude. I never listened to anything from him but I was sure to bet if two girls asked me (one was from Buenos Aires and the other from Rio) it was probably ok. Well, at the CD store. I tell the story to Kick Stand. I ask a girl and she smiles and says..of course they have it. We look at the cd and the cover looks really gay. Some photo of the single with his face up close. Kick Stand just starts laughing. He said no way he is standing in line with me to buy it. I’m sure it would be the equivalent of some dude buying an Air Supply CD here in the USA.

Ha, ha. Oh well. I wanted to see why these girls asked for it. Before Lorena came over I put it on. Let me just say I’m glad I bought it. Like 3 girls that I saw this weekend were serenading me. Even the hardest of hobbyist will have their hearts melt when a hottie is serenading you to the song, “Cuando me miras asi”. Basically slow songs in Spanish. Check it out if you’re so inclined. All the girls liked it during my private time with them.

Another thing is be original if you can. When you call them up I realize that many of you can’t speak Spanish. This is a bummer for you. Keep in mind before my first trip I couldn’t speak Spanish barely at all. I took it in high school but never paid attention. Never had a reason to learn. I studied hard and now it’s decent. I can understand almost everything if the girls talk slow. Get a course like Pimsleur Spanish. The 90 thirty minute set is expensive at around $1,000 but email me at saintofba@hotmail.com and I can help you get it for next to nothing. Also, you’re local library will probably have the basic starter version. Check it out. No books involved. Just listen to lessons. It’s great.

When I call the girls I’ll usually say something like:

Saint: Hola, amor. Vos puedes ayudarme? (Hi love. Are you able to help me?)

Girl from internet: Hola. Si. Claro que si. (Hi. Of course!)

Saint: Estoy buscando a mi amante. (I am looking for my lover).

Girl from Internet: She will be laughing….

This breaks the ice. I’ve learned that making a girl laugh is priceless. Of course I hope all you jokers don’t steal my line now. Ha,, ha. Just use your own creativity. Before you leave think of things to say and get it translated and then write it down and use it when you call them. As much as we all would like to think we are Prince Fricking Charming……we aren’t. Some of you think that we are doing the girls a huge favor and paying them a fortune to sleep with us. (Which is generally true). But everytime you do. Remember this…..if you were a girl how much would you pay to sleep with yourself???? I’m serious! Look in the mirror. These girls have some difficult work. Also, this is common sense but practice good hygiene! This shouldn't even need to be said but take a shower immediately before (and after if you're going back out). Do you want to sleep with a girl that didn't shower before seeing you?

Anyway…..I’ll post the rest later if I get a chance. I enjoy posting because it’s almost like a journal to me. My problem is my schedule is at a hectic pace now. I leave for Mexico next week. The following week I will return to Buenos Aires then to Rio then back to Buenos Aires. If I can convince myself the office can function with out me, I’m gonna take most of January off and stay in Buenos Aires.

A special thank you to Jackson who planned a wonderful dinner, UWPhoto and Kick Stand who were excellent partners to go out with and BS with, Mayri at www.argentinago.com, and all the rest of you that I bumped into. It was a fast but great couple of days. Oh yeah, a special thanks to the girls of Area-vip.com.ar Ha, ha. Damn I love those girls. You guys might want to note that almost all of them that I called answered their phones this trip. All but one were willing to deal. One of the girls wanted some crazy price like $200 US. She told me that she was a famous model in her country. I told her that I was a famous model in my country too. She just laughed. I think I could have negotiated but I didn’t need the attitude.

Guys, also something important. Yes, you can survive without spanish in BA but I'm 100% positive that you can have a better experience with it. Mine still sucks but it's good enough to hold conversations in taxi's, with chicas, etc. Kick Stand's experience can show you why speaking spanish can be better. I've NEVER had a girl do a no show on me. I always ask her if this is 100% sure and that my time is valuable just like her time is valuable.

I think Jackson's friend Roxanna was starting a seperate company to assist guys as almost their personal assistant. She could probably help with setting up appointments with girls. Sure, the hotels can probably help you but you want to be more discreet. She would be perfect for this! She could also make reservations for restaurants, etc. She can negotiate a fixed price for you and probably could be on call with a cellphone if you need help with things or translating. Her English is excellent. I met her and if she really was serious about doing this I'm sure it would be very good for her and for all you guys that don't speak Spanish. I'm sure she will post a message if she decides to do this. Whatever money you would be paying her you would be saving in the cost of the appointments and in no shows. Definitely two thumbs up!

More later.

12-03-02, 00:06

Just got back to the stateside and want to give out a shout to you. This trip to Buenos Aires was fantastic not only because of the beautiful girls we were able to score (this is pretty much a given) but also because of the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and the reception with the website girls that you organized. All in all a most excellent affair and one that should probably be continued on a regular basis given your capable and lovely assistant Roxana so long as there is a critical mass of mongers in BA. I personally observed 4 or 5 deals that were struck between mongers/chicas as a direct result of the reception. Think about it, a get together between mongers and chicas in an informal/party type of atmosphere where the mongers can check out girls first hand while the girls can ply their ware to a good size potential client base. A win-win situation!! Anyway, thanks again for the hospitality down in BA, you were great!!

As for the rest of the esteemed members of the AMA(Argentina Mongers Association) such as Saint, Kickstand, UWphoto (thanks for the 200 pesos emergency chica fund that one night), EZE-amante, JamesBond, JohnGuapo, Dboy and others, it was really great hanging out with you guys and exchange war stories/chica data/chica recommendations etc, what a collection of great guys. I guess I'll cut this short because it's starting to sound like some sort of award speech but suffice to say that for all you lurking prospective members of AMA you should definitely make your way out to BA sooner rather than later, trust me, you are going to love it.

12-03-02, 01:27

1) Do you remember the neighborhood away from Downtown?
Was it called Liniers or Mataderos?
Did the cabbie mention that the place was in Provincia de Buenos Aires or in Capital (within the city limits)?

I wonder if Liniers has picked up again. I wouldn't go there, since it's dangerous nowadays. And I wouldn't cross the General Paz Avenue (the one that divides Provincia from Capital) unless necessary.

2) In Argentina and Paraguay, we use a diferent Spanish verb conjugation for the 2nd person (singular and plural).

Instead of saying "tu puedes", we say "vos podés". Similarly, we don't use "vosotros podeis" but "ustedes pueden". Some newcomers to Buenos Aires may be confused when listening "ustedes" (meaning "you") since it sounds as "Usted es" (meaning "you are") .

Just a comment, since these things are not usually taught in general Spanish.


12-03-02, 03:04
Damn I'm tired but I wanted to finish before I went to bed. I've only been back a few hours and already talked to some friends on Instant Messenger and one of the amigas called my cellphone today! I miss BA already.

My final day one of my amigas called and asked if I wanted to have lunch with her. It was my last day but sure why not? Then she tells me how she was talking to Paola (whom I saw on an earlier trip...see trip report from May 2002) and Andrea were talking about their session with Kick Stand. They were telling her how he was ummm.... "well endowed". They also were saying how he was easy money and very easy. Those of you that know Kick Stand know that he is VERY laid back and easy going. Maybe too much so with the girls.

Guys don't be afraid to be a little agressive with the girls in telling them what you want to see. Also,it is very difficult if you don't speak any Spanish. So try to learn a few phrases before you go. Anyway, she is telling her amiga the story who just returned from Brazil. A girl from Brazil. She told me her friend wanted to meet Kick Stand based on his description alone.

I call Kick Stand and tell him the story. I ask if he wants to go to lunch with us. He is game. So we take a taxi to this one girl's apartment. Oh man. We were cracking up. My girl I know is a little loca but very very funny. She had Kick Stand and I laughing. His girl came out and she was really cute. Great tight body with nice breasts and a pretty face. The typical Brazil looking girl with lighter dark skin. She seemed nice.

We go to a nice restaurant in Puerto Madero. On the way the girls are telling us how Luciana (Kick Stand's girl) works at Black's. How she can drink like 25 drinks each and every night. Yikes! We get to the restaurant and the girls aren't eating much. We order a bottle of wine mainly for Luciana. She doesn't like it (so she says) but manages to drink about almost the entire bottle herself! I ask for a different bottle of wine since she "didn't like it". Of course the one she wants is 140 pesos a bottle. No problem.

She liked the second bottle. Kick Stand and I had one glass and she pretty much drank the rest of the bottle herself. I paid for the lunch. With tip it was a little pricey at 300 pesos with a very generous tip for 4 of us.

In the restaurant we're having a good time laughing and joking around. I thought Kick Stand was gonna have a blast. His girl was looking good in her tight jeans. She wanted a lot but we got it negotiated to 300 pesos for 2 hours. On the taxi ride back to the hotel things got kind of funny. Kick Stand is in the back with the two girls. Along this time I am thinking I want to see someone different on Area-Vip. I casually mention that maybe the two girls should have a session with Kick Stand and I'd go off alone. My girl asks if I don't want her? Ooops. She says that yes maybe she does want to do a 2 girl with Kick Stand. She tells me to call my girl from Black's..who she knows and HATES. So, guess what? She kept saying to call this girl. So I did. BIG mistake!

I'm calling her and asking if she can come over. Nope..it's sunday and she is with her son. But asks me to call her in 2 weeks when I'm there. She told me she wants to see my apartment. All of a sudden...my girl is reaching in the front seat and slapping the hell out of me. I was laughing. So was Kick Stand, his girl and the taxi driver was laughing so hard I thought we'd crash!

We get to the hotel. I was just gonna have my girl leave but ended up having like a 3 hour session with her. After about 2 hours I call Kick Stand's room to see how he is doing. Man oh man. This guy is jinxed. He tells me some crazy story how the girl took a shower then demanded her money. He gave her the 300 pesos and then demanded more! I thought he was joking! Nope. The girl was nutso. I guess she tried ripping him off. I felt so bad. My girl felt very, very very bad. She was pissed. She thought I was lying and asked to talk to Kick Stand. She calls Kick Stand's room and attempts to talk to him in English. Listening to her talk in English is funny as Kick Stand can attest to. Pure comedy.

Anyway, I end up going 2 more rounds. It's close to 7:15 PM and I was supposed to check out at 6 PM! I was gonna pay 1/2 a day rate to check out at 6 PM. At 6 PM i call downstairs and tell them I want to check out at 8 PM. The guy tells me I will have to pay a full day. Nothing I could do since I was buck naked and in no position to argue. It's 7:15 and I take a quick shower and change and I ask my amiga to pack all my clothes and stuff into my suitcase. I know this girl well and can totally trust her. I left out over 1000 pesos in my wallet while showering and it was all there when I came back. Plus I had another couple hundred pesos lying around all in the same place on the table.

As we were leaving she started to cry. I gave her money and she would NOT accept it. I kept giving it to her and she threw it on the bed. While she was in the bathroom I put 300 pesos in her purse. She called me today and was pissed and gave her money. I justified it wasn't for sex.

I was worried because one of the normal non-working chicas that I met on a previous trip called and wanted to do dinner. I couldn't since every night I was busy. The only time I could meet was on the way to the airport and I told her she could wait at the airport with me. She didn't get off work till 7 PM. I told her I'd wait and if she showed up before I checked out I'd have my driver take her to the airport and then pick her back up. I waited till like 7:45 PM and she wasn't there so I had to leave. I hope she isn't mad.

I checked out of the Design Suites. I gave the guy a 100 peso bill to share with all the other guys who were always great. My driver was waiting for me. Same guy as always, Sergio with the Mercedes Benz. I always book through the agency. I think you can call him directly but if you book with the agency they charge a lot more if you specifically request the Mercedes. I never do but he knows my name and always picks me up. I always leave him a very good tip and I think that is why. It was like 56 pesos or something. I gave him 55 pesos + $10 US (aprx. 36 pesos) for tip.

When I arrived at the airport I ran into two dudes from the board. We had a few drinks and I ate a huge Empanada. I picked up the check. I'm not sure how much it was (I think like 45 pesos) but I gave the guy $5 US for tip. I know the tipping can add up but sometimes I like making people's day. I also think it makes it easier for other Americans. If you can help it at all...try to tip at least a little. I noticed some guys paid their bills at the clubs and didn't tip the waitresses anything. To me this isn't cool. These girls work their asses off.

I ran into Superjeff..another dude I met on another trip. I'm not sure if he is on this board or not. Great guy. He happened to be sitting in the same row as me. Before the plane boarded we were swapping stories. The guy in between us was quite interested in hearing all about BA (he just had a few hours layover from Chile). Then Jeff whips out his digital camera. They guy was the one controlling the camera from shot to shot! It was hilarious!!!

Sometimes I ask myself what I did to deserve the life I live. When I get back, my friend tells me that one of the girls we went to dinner with that night liked talking to me and thought I was cute. I thought the same of her. Like I said...GFM (girlfriend material). I end up talking to the girl and I have a date with her when I return!!! Once I live in Buenos Aires at least part-time..I'll probably slow down the late nights every night and do more normal stuff. I'm looking forward to going back.

I know that probably 97% of you that read this board will never go to BA. I hope you can live vicariously through my (and other dudes) posts.

P.S. Andres...it was in an area of town I'm SURE you've never been to. Basically it was Barrio Koreano. And I know my Spanish isn't always 100% correct but the girls sure know what I'm saying or trying to say..ha, ha.

Oh yeah... LOL! At the airport during the drinks with the two dudes...I'm showing them some digital pictures. I still had some pictures from my Tijuana trip last month on it. The dudes hadn't been to Tijuana in years. They couldn't believe some of the pictures I had. They were impressed. They said that when they read my trip report on Tijuana they couldn't believe I'd go to such a place. After looking at the pictures they said they were going to make a trip there. (One of the dudes lived in LA!!!). Ha, ha.

Life is good.