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04-10-02, 04:48
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01-09-03, 12:50

Day 2 (yesterday). BTW, Andres, ´normal position´´ is MISSIONARY.

Typical tourist activities until about 6 PM. Nap, then called Maria Cristina, Eliana, and Anael. Machine, recording, not available, respectively. Figured I'd have dinner and try again. Walking E on Paraguay across Nueve de Julio, saw the same woman I'd seen the previous evening on the same bench, therefore determined to be hooker for sure. Cute face but a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and about 5 years past the sell by date.

After dinner and some wandering around, I headed back towards the Dazzler to call some more chicas. Same gal was on same bench, joined by another, younger buxom blond who was quite cute but about 10 kilos over the weight limit.

So I did the math. 5 years plus 10 kilos times two hookers raised to the power of one Dickhead equals 40 pesos, which is what I had in my pocket. I sat down between them on the bench and went into my act entitled "No One Could Possibly be This Much of a Dickhead." We quickly determined that either one could be had for 40 pesos (although the madatory initial quote of 100 was met with the mandatory hysterical laughter) and both could be had for 60. They said they had a room nearby. I said I wasn't about to do that in that neighborhood. They promised not to rob me. I wasn't too worried about the 40 pesos in my pocket but was a bit concerned about the approximately $800 worth of dollars, Euros, and pesos that were adhesive taped inside my socks (Dickhead doesn´t trust hotel safes). I said "Look, all I have is 40 pesos and let´s go in that parking lot behind that van and you (the older thin one, Monica) suck me off while I play with your (Susanna, the younger fat one) tits."

They thought that was pretty funny. I said I liked doing it "en el aire libre." They said something about policia. I said ten minutes max and no one will have their clothes off so how about it. I pointed out to Monica that she had been sitting there for several hours and sitting is in no way remunerative. What I was also thinking but not saying was that she wasn´t getting any younger sitting there either. So they suggested the underground parking lot, I countered with the bushes in the esplanade, and finally we decided to go behind the van.

I had been telling Monica that she had to suck really hard and not just lick. Boy, did she take that seriously. I doubt very severely that this woman is a casualty of the recent economic crisis; an obvious life long hooker in my estimation. So between her sucking really hard (she, like Gabriela, preferred banana over strawberry; no way did I want BBBJ in this situation) and me sucking on Susana´s big firm tits, the 40 pesos worked out to about 10 pesos per minute and then we were all laughing hysterically and got the fuck out of there.

Conclusion: definitely not recommended unless you are a dirty, sick, perverted bastard with absolutely no self respect. In other words, a Dickhead.

The trouble with blow jobs is they just make me horny for a fuck so that is my current status: horny for a fuck. I am killing time now waiting for the art museum to be open, but I know that by 5 or 6 PM I will be on the phone to the Platynum girls.

I am having a hard time seeing any advantage to going to the clubs and paying covers and buying drinks but I suppose I´ll get around to it eventually. I reconaissanced Recoleta and I think maybe the J & B could be my kind of place, although it was of course empty in the afternoon when I went by.

I just read where Saint said the weather is very mild for January and that really scares me because it is only 10:30 AM or so and I think it is mighty damn hot.

01-17-03, 10:36


I leave tonight and I am already starting to bum out. Maria called promptly on schedule last night and I had my way with her (well, really, a lot of it was her way, which is a damn good way) for hours and fucking hours. This gal is Linda Lovelace reincarnated. She can suck for half an hour nonstop. I had taken the last of the four Viagra (I definitely get a headached 10 or 15 minutes after I take it; kinda reminds me of amyl nitrate) and I laid some serious pipe on this gal. Finally got off aftre about three hours. We went out to eat. I asked her if she wanted to go to Pippo's and she said I didn't have to take her to a fancy restaurant and just someplace for a sandwich was fine with her.

Well, I wouldn't really call Pippo's a fancy restaurant although I do recommend it (there are two I know of, Santa Fe and Callao and Corrientes also near Callao) but it was closing so we went went elsewhere. She is pretty naive as far as she did not understand what I was doing when I pulled her chair out for her. If I wanted to open a door for her I had to hurry; she's just not used to it.

Then back to the hotel and more fuck and suck. She did not know those words in English (imagine a hooker who does not understand sucky fucky!) so I taught her several useful phrases such as blow job, suck your dick, very good head, etc. This is part of Dickhead's professional development series. I educated her about escorts b-aires and the like and encouraged her to get on the internet so as not to waste time on the street (she said a lot of nights go by without a customer). I said look, if you are handing out flyers for a tittie bar a lot of guys won't be forward enough to say how 'bout you instead? (In other words, there just aren't enough Dickheads to go around). I hope she takes the advice but I doubt she will. I showed her some of the pics of Gabriela and Elani and said look you are way better than these girls and they charge more. I gave her 250 pesos for a 6 hour session, plus some little gifts of toiletries and the like. She especially liked the fact that I had some new toothbrushes available so be sure to pack plenty.

Also I went through an unbelievable number of condoms. I had packed what I perceived to be a ridiculously optimistic amount and I almost ran out. The ones here are not as good so bring plenty of those. All the girls appreciated the flavored condoms for blow jobs, at least those who were so inclined to use them at all for blow jobs. Karen and Maria don't. Actually I got at least some BBBJ from everyone except Elani and street girl Monica (whose odometer had turned over too many times for me to want that anyway).

I never felt unsafe in any of the areas I went to. I took a cab to Marta's place near Plaza de Miseres and the cab driver recommended quite strongly several times that I watch my ass and this was in the daytime. I didn't think it was anything that nasty but night time might be another story. I wandered the side streets late at night every night. One night a group of 4 youths were fairly aggressive in requesting moneda and followed me for about half a block. I was getting pretty close to putting the pedal to the metal (I was a sprinter in high school and I can still burn pretty good at 45 after four knee surgeries) but they backed off. I also did not run into the problem another poster mentioned about a lack of small bills. I brought 65 US $1 bills and 15 $2 bills and never really needed them although the $2 bills were quite popular. Only once did anyone ask me for a smaller bill.

Oh well, now it is back to the land of squishy bread and squishy women.

My sole and only caveat about this town is that it is too hot and I wish I had come in March instead. I am supposed to go to Mexico in March but I may come back here instead.

I hope my fellow posters have found my posts useful and that I have discharged my obligation to the board sedulously.


01-17-03, 20:23

Originally posted by saint
Just a quick update. No offense to Dickhead but anyone that is missing the clubs at night is making a MAJOR mistake. The clubs are where it's at. There are a lot of hot chicks at the club. You can get tons of phone numbers from the club girls. BA is VERY slow now though. I'm glad I'm in Rio now. I've been posting my Rio adventures in that section but anyone that comes here and doesn't go out to the clubs is missing out.

But have your own fun. Do what makes you happy. It's all about having fun. The clubs in BA are different than anywhere in the world. Also, it is a late night town so if you're not used to that then sleep during day so you have energy at night.

Have fun. I come back to BA tomorrow.

Saint No offense taken. Very hard to offend a Dickhead which is part of the fun. But what you say is part of the problem. I have problems with insomnia at times and it kicked in pretty bad here although it's been OK the last few days. And, I cannot sleep during the day no matter what. Hard to believe but true. Eye shades, ear plugs, pounding drinks, tried it all.

But, I mean, I would have gotten around to the clubs if I hadn't been getting SO MUCH PUSSY without going there and I do appreciate the reviews. I don't have your kind of money as I am in an underpaid and underappreciated profession by choice that provides ample time to travel. I don't care how hot the clubs are because I know for sure that there is not a better value in the world, anywhere, than Maria for an asking price of 80 pesos. Unless I have a math fart somewhere that is 25 dollars for two loads, deep throat, no time pressure, every position I could think of, DATY, BBJCIM (which I couldn't). Yeah, I gave her 100 pesos instead but she would have sucked my dick down to the root regardless. I think if you add up door fees and chica drinks and cab fare home (which she did not ask for) I am on the right track. Also those who hang out in the clubs will have the additional expenses related to lung cancer and will not be able to outrun the youth gangs. If her body is not a 9 I don't know what is and it is a 10 to me because I don't care if she has 40 inch hooters. (Did I mention I like women with small tits and women with big tits and women with medium tits and women whose tits have been gnawed off by coyotes?)

Speaking of 1 to 10, I have 15 minutes before my cab arrives so I would like to provide two useful alternatives to the traditional 1| to 10 scale.

The first we will call the Dickhead scale in my honor. I deserve some honor from this trip; in fact I am thinking of having my dick bronzed. The Dickhead scale ranges from 0 to 5.

0 = a woman you would not fuck or eat.
1 = a woman you would fuck but not eat.
2 = a woman you would fuck or eat.
3 = a woman you would eat and then fuck.
4 = a woman you fuck and then eat.
5 = a woman you would eat after your buddy just fucked her.

Haven't seen any fives yet but they may be out there.

The second scale we will call the Budweiser scale; this corresponds to the number of Clydesdales it would take to drag her off your face.

Your faithful servant,


01-18-03, 23:25

Originally posted by Guillermo
Dickhead, me Boy-o! Sure and you've got a heart o' gold and a shillelagh of iron. May the wind be always at your back and the road always lead downhill to your next BBBJ.

I take it from your posts that every female in BA over the age of 18 is proposition-able. Would you say that's a safe assumption?

Guillermo Well, it is a Dickhead assumption. I don't know if it is a SAFE assumption. Like, I hit on the clerk at the kiosko but only when her husband was in the back room and there was no way she was going for it, and the breakfast buffet girls weren't going for it, but I don't think there's much harm in asking. I really never realized until now that the girls handing out the cards for the tittie bars are hooking. I asked Maria why she didn't work at Hooks or Ness or somewhere and she said they wanted too much of a cut.

I am back in the US now and have been awake for about 40 hours straight.

01-24-03, 00:11

OK, lads, I booked another trip arriving March 7 thru March 13. Dazzler unavailable for all dates so will be staying at its sister hotel, the Bisonte Palace (Suipacha and Marcelo T. Alvear). I booked a second name of Norma J Baker (Marilyn Monroe's real name for those who are unaware) so ask for Ms. Baker's room if you want to hang out with a Dickhead. This trip is with frequent flyer miles so I should have a bit more cash so perhaps I will actually try some of the clubs. Plus I have free pussy lined up (well, we know there is no such thing but should be pretty close after all the groundwork I have done) and that should cut the expenses somewhat.

This is an excellent location in that it is only three blocks from Maria the human vacuum cleaner and Karen the ultra tight chocha. I think I will have them both Day 1. Of course, it would be a shame if they were temporarily unavailable because it is very difficult to find women there, almost as difficult as finding a turd in an outhouse.

I don't make much money but God I love my job for having so much free time. Money can't buy poverty.

Dick for Brains
12-25-03, 01:35


I want to chime in on the perpetual discussion regarding Dickhead's Maria. I just got back from a two week jaunt in BA and had the privilege of seeing Maria on the first Friday night (12/??) of my trip.

I was walking around the area of Galerias Pacifico heading north on Florida from Catedral towards Cordoba after seeing a show and having dinner at Cafe Tortoni (highly recommended) in Centro. Tortoni, I believe is the oldest cafe in BA and has a magnificent interior and excellent Lomo.

I recall from an earlier post that Maria hung out around Paraguay, a block north of Cordoba on Florida. Specifically, I found her sitting down with a friend, at the last store on the left (West) side of Florida, just south of Paraguay. I walked up to these two girls and asked if anyone knew Maria after which this delightful woman said that she was Maria and then asked if I was a friend of "El Toro Rojo."

It turns out that Maria hands out little cards for a nearby Boliche and I believe this is the source of most of her income. She mentioned to me that not too many people have come by as referrals of Dickhead ("ETR") and was fascinated when I translated some of the reports of her that I had cut and paste onto a cheat sheet which I had carried around BA.

She was very proud to be famous on the Internet.

I must agree with much of what Dickhead has already said regarding Maria. She is not the most beautiful woman in BA by any stretcch of the imagination. Her buttocks could not be called firm. She is not the best kisser or the most passionate lover. What Maria is is someone who excels in wanting to please her man.

Our first discussion centered on where to go. Should we go back to my hotel in Palermo (see report under hotel section) or at a short stay hotel in the area? She was willing to do either. We could check out the short-stay hotel nearby and if I didn't like it we could head back to Palermo.

She also offered to do a three-some with her friend at the same price. We had agreed that if we went to the short stay, it would be $100AR for up to 2 hours, and this would include the hotel cost which she would cover. Alternatively, if we went to my hotel in Palermo, it would be $80AR but then I would pay for her taxi back. In either case, I could either go with Maria alone or with Maria and her friend at the same price. I asked her why she would do this. She replied that it was a slow night and I guess she and her friend do this as a way of "diversifying risk."

I decided to go with Maria alone and we decided to check out the short-stay. It was a great facillity. Very clean. Fully-windowed shower which I prefer so that you can keep an eye on your belongings while showering. The facility also provided clients with two toothbrushes, toothpaste pre-applied on the brush. Mirrored ceilings, porn movies -- the works. We decided to stay.

After showering, we DFKed for a while. As hinted at previously, I don't think Maria is the best kisser I've ever had. It actually appeared dispassionate. She seemed more interested in almost keeping a little distance, focusing purely more on my pleasure, keeping her own pleasure at bay.

After some kissing, Maria gave me a lap dance, got me interested, told me to lie back and provided the best bbbj I have ever had. As I believe DH as previously reported, Maria knows how to work a man, maintain the erection, keep a man on edge for as long as possible, withdrawing when near climax, fingered my asshole expertly and kept me going for over a half an hour. The bj was absolutely perfect.

After I came, we spoke a bit more about the website, how I had heard of her. She told me a bit of her story. I believe she said that her husband died in a car (or motorcycle) crash. (I'm a little confused on this, for another provider from Madahos told me a similar story - one or the other's husband died in a car crash and the other in a motorcycle crash. Perhaps this is due to the shortage of Stop signs at intersections in BA.)

All in all, Maria was a great provider for someone who wants to lie back and have a woman do all of the work. While I didn't have the opportunity to penetrate her, I didn't get the sense that she was the greatest of lays as she was the greatest of head-givers.

Consistent with earlier reports, Maria confirmed that she works every night other than Sunday, after 9pm at the corner described above. She did give me her phone number but asked me not to print it on the web as she preferred to meet her clients in person the first time.

All visitors to BA should visit Maria at least one time on their trip.

Highly recommended.

Okay, that's it.

One more Maria report and she will qualify for her own section.


12-26-03, 13:53

I just come back from my one week trip to Bs.As. and I was happy to meet finally Dickhead's Maria, nice provincial girl, very down-to- earth provider, she seems an innocent woman, anyway I spend my last two days or I'd said my last two evenings with her. Every thing was as DH said, the incredible BJ, massage and great company with a simple girl, agree with previous poster, she's not a great kisser, but I was able to to get her in some greek connection, not easy, but after some slow beginning, I went all the way on her, later she told me that "entregar la colita" was not her thing, but it was OK with me. She spend about two hours with me, we talk about many things, one topic were about how the portenas are so stalk up in relation with people from the interior cities (provincias). Mi second evening was even better, because i was able to get more action from her, some small show of strip-tease, greater love positions, and greek (she was more confortable), actually I pounded her for about good 10 minutes legs up on my shoulder until I exploded deep on her, What an end for my trip.

I really recommended Maria to anyone who want to try a sincerely and honest girl.

12-27-03, 16:27

I saw Maria a number of times in October and November and really do recommend her for all the reasons suggested by Dick for Brains below. I do disagree with DfB on her appearance; I think she is very pretty, but dresses down due to a long and possibly dangerous commute each day. To me she looks as good or better than the club girls or the internet girls that I have seen.

She is not a GFE; as DfB has indicated she is a giver, not a receiver, and likes to direct the action. She is an oral wonder; totally focused on satisfying her clients.

She is tall, about 5' 7" and often wears high heeled boots that make her taller. She usually wears levis and a red or white top. She has beautiful, long black hair and a lovely smile. She does not drink or smoke. She is intelligent and really a nice person.
She is a single parent.

Maria is really concerned with safety. She will go to hotels or to the love hotel which is close by, which is fine. She is very hesitant to go to apartments until she knows the client. The easy solution there, if you are in an apartment, is to use the love hotel the first time or so. She is very good about keeping apointments; the only time she was late was when her train ran late or if there was a child care issue.

Some local men and a few Europeans have been very mean; most of the North Americans and Australians are just fine as clients. There have been a couple of women who identify themselves as "Maria" in the area where she works and drive her nuts. The test is if she comes up to you and asks about "El Toro Rojo", that is her. If she does not have an ID card that says she comes from Santiago Del Estero, that's not her.

The anal activity reported by Razor is a new thing. She always indicated previously that it was too uncomfortable.

If you want to fly Air Maria, just lay back and let her drive, in my opinion. This is probably as good as blow jobs get in BA.


Dick for Brains
12-27-03, 16:53
To Stormy's point regarding the "counterfeit" Marias floating around Floriday and Paraguay:

She mentioned that I should not have come up to her and asked if she knew who Maria was. She proposed that I walk up to a girl, introduce myself and ask their name (don't lead the witness.)

I strongly recommend this approach for all first-time Maria seekers. This way we can stop the counterfeiting.

Remember Maria gives out cards for Pub Chicote. She uses the Nomme de Guerre of "Maria" (her real name is something other than Maria) which appears on the back of the cards that she hands out.

If you follow the directions from earlier posts you should have no problem finding her if she's not already occupied.

Why doesn't somebody just post her photograph? It doesn't have to be a nude shot, or even a body shot. Just a portrait would be sufficent.


12-28-03, 14:20
Regarding Maria and pictures on the internet -

I asked her about that, if she wanted any pictures taken and put up on the internet and she emphatically said no. The publicity was okay, apparently, but she didn't want a picture there.


12-28-03, 23:05
I had taken pictures of Maria, but I just don't want to put here, because she told me not to do that, even so her understanding of the Internet is almost nothing. I remenber when she told that she never being in a airplane, is that of kind of girl is, so wonderful in her simplicity. A beauty, actually I told her she looks a little bit like Maria Conchita Alonzo, the cuban-venezuelan actress.


12-30-03, 13:15
Let's not exaggerate the problem of finding Maria or the false Marias. There are only a couple of women who claim to be her. Many of the other women are her friends and will tell you that she has not come in yet or has gone off with a customer and they will give her a message. However, they have customers themselves and may not be around to pass on a message, for a while. She is often around there until 3 AM. Chances are, if you are a gringo and walking through there, if she is there, she will come bounding up to you with a big smile and greet you with the Spanish equivelant of "Hi, Sailor".

12-31-03, 15:27
Anybody who gets a false María after all the info and description I have posted did not do their homework. I am glad that my friend has her own section and that I, El Toro Rojo, have taken an innocent girl from the wilds of Argentina and elevated her to world-wide fame.

Treat her well but don't spoil her. She won't be back until well after New Year's Day, though.

01-09-04, 23:00
I met Maria and took her to dinner but had no session. all reports of her pleasantness are true. As I´'ll be heading to BA sometime this January, those who did her please be specific on:

1) pussy tightness

2) sexual body odor

3) accepting DATY (heard she wasnt into it earlier)

4) does she move well when fucking, or rather the passive and uninspired .

Thanks from the Bodhi.

01-10-04, 18:44

I would refer you to the earlier posts below which pretty well summarize my experience with Maria. She is an oral giver, not a receiver and not much into DATY. She is very clean. She calls intercourse "gymnasium" and does not move much, though possibly others may have a different experience. She is definitely not into anal. She works very hard to satisfy her clients. She has a very sweet way about her that is very attractive to me.


02-18-04, 02:51
OK, I finally see what the big deal is about Maria. She is a really sweet girl. I specifically went looking for her Tuesday night and came across a brunette & a blonde about where I thought Maria would be. They called out to me and offered both of them for 100 pesos. Tempting offer, but I was on a mission. I called out to the brunette and she introduced herself as Maria. Was this one of the fake ones or was this the real deal? I asked where she was from and she told me Santiago de Estreno (sp?), She led me to a hotel that was a bunch of blocks away, passing many along the way. The hotel cost me 32 pesos and I was so excited to be there I left my 8 pesos change. Being the sweety that she is, when we got to the elevator, she noticed and told me to go back.

Anyway, we had a great session. And yes, that BJ technique is incredible. We talked about El Toro Rojo and she said that she hadn´t seen him since July, but was amazed that I ´knew´him. She said that he must have a lot of friends.

I decided to bring her back to my apartment the next night. Mistake. She was scared almost shitless. At first she would not let me close the front door. She wanted to look in all of my closets and when we got down to business, it was good but her performance seemed to be affected by her fear. She wanted to do everything in the living room and was too scared to go in the bedroom. I should have just stuck to the love hotels.

Maria is truly a genuinely sweet person, but she does have serious self esteem issues. We had set up dinner for the next day, but she never showed up for work.

I've got some other bits about BA and some about 2 of Maria's colleagues when she didn't show up that I'll be posting in the main section.

02-19-04, 20:55
Ya, I agree with Jackson.

Why doesn't someone just post a pic?

It would make it simpler.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add standard capitalization throughout the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no capital lettering. Thanks!

02-20-04, 08:45
Because she does not want her picture posted! Get it?

02-20-04, 10:02
Regarding Pictures -

Maria has told me emphatically that she does not want to put pictures up on the internet. For what ever reason, I think we should respect her wishes in this regard.


02-20-04, 23:54
Got it, yeeesh. I was just re-iterating what Jackson suggested.

Boxing Rule 222
02-28-04, 21:57
Okay she does not want her picture posted but how about if someone pms and ask for the picture.

This way Maria has her wishes respected and you (who ever took the picture) has the promise kept.

Forgive me people but it is just my opinion.

02-28-04, 23:23
Regarding Maria and pictures.

She emphatically stated that she did not want her pictures on the internet.

That to me means, pm or public. Because if you put out a pm with a picture, it can easily become public. Please note moondogs comments on his pictures which are taken and reproduced.

why do you need a picture? You have plenty of information on the posts to find her?

Why not try to respect her wishes in this regard? She wants privacy in this aspect of her work. She is very hyper about her clients because of some serious problems with abuse in the past.

Please pm me if you wish to discuss this more.



02-29-04, 00:19
Slurpee and Boxing,

Just have someone introduce you to her.

I already got pinged on a pay board. A girl that I had posted was seen by a guy who recognized her and promptly told her brother. We got this resolved, and I took down the photos, and masked out their faces on the other boards.

I thought I was relatively safe from the girls seeing it, but not in this case.

If someone does not want their photos posted or given out, it is only right that we respect that wish.


03-28-04, 12:46
Largely because of what Dick For Brains did, showing her translations of postings about her, some issues arose that made me stop posting about her. I did see her once but she no showed for our second appointment, and that was no show #2, so I don't know if I will see her again or not. If I do, it will be sperm of the moment and not by appointment.

I did meet another gal on this trip who kind of pushed María onto the back burner.

Dick for Brains
03-28-04, 23:16

Hope that I didn't create any problems with you and Maria. I basically cut and paste directions on how to find her along with a couple of sentences praising her to remind me that this was one person I should definitely see on my trip to BA.

When I saw her, just before our session, I translated a few of the sentences into Spanish for her. She seemed genuinely happy to be talked about so positively on the web. She was concerned, however, that neither her picture nor her phone number appear. I believe that we have respected her requests here.

I am sorry if anything I translated that night was in any way embarrassing.

Hope you and she patch things up. She sure is a gem.


03-29-04, 04:07
Well, I can't say any of this surprises me very much . . .

Imagine you were a poor girl from the provinces, with an 8th grade education and afraid to eat in a nice restaurant for fear of people making fun of you . . . and suddenly, men from all over the world are searching you out, know your life history and show you posts from the Internet about yourself. You're an international star . . . pretty amazing, no? It would be overwhelming!

And you find out that you have your very own thread dedicated to your sexual skills, how you suck dick, whether your pussy is tight and what is your sexual odor(!?). One guy says he came in your mouth while another explains he did it twice. Someone else tells about fucking you in the ass and yet another guy fucked your sister while you were busy. What if your mother read it? Or your friends or a possible boyfriend? Maybe a little tough to accept?

While I believe in sharing info, which after all is the point of the WSG, I also think that the girls should be as shielded as possible from reading/hearing it. Finding her and translating the posts for her was a very bad idea. And a little respect is in order from all of us in describing the ladies and their activities. Actually, most people have posted relatively nice things about Maria compared to other threads where way too many guys seem like 16 yo punks bragging about their first piece of tail. Always assume that they can read these posts and write accordingly. And pictures without consent is definitely wrong. I am thankful that no one has yet crossed that line with Maria, but it is only a matter of time.

Dick for Brains
03-29-04, 04:24
To keep things in perspective as to what was translated to Maria, I have recovered the "cheat sheet" that I carried with me around B.A. I quote below the entire portion regarding Maria contained in this cheat sheet:

"Per prior requests from posters, more specific directions for finding Dickhead's favorite, Maria, in Microcentro. And yes, she is a truly nice person. From Cordoba and Florida (and Gallerias Pacificas) walk just under one block north, towards Paraguay. Maria hangs out in the doorway of the shoestore on the right, the last doorway on Florida before it hits Paraguay. Hours vary but Dickhead said after 9 p.m. and he seems to know her best. Sometimes she is yakking with a newsman whose stand is in the middle of Florida walkway. He will clear out fast if she has a potential 'friend' (you) so don't assume her talking to a male is a sign she is busy. Two other working women hang out in that doorway less often. So ask for a name and if it is not Maria ask the person for Maria - they are friends and may be able to locate her. "

This is the entire transcript that I had with me regarding Maria and thus is the maximum amount of material that I translated to her.

I really don't think there is anything at all in here that would have generated the reaction described either by Dickhead or Prokofiev.


03-29-04, 11:09
DFB, what happened was it caused her to have one of her friends read and translate everything ELSE that had been written about her in this section. But hell, she told me I could post about her on the internet, and I did, and it is a free forum so you were free to do what you did as well. I'm not worried about it either way and if I see her again, great, and if not, not. Right now I'm more into the GFE thing anyway and that is not her deal.

03-29-04, 14:35
I think that this story revolving Maria give us a very important lesson: To be VERY CAREFUL of what we mention to girls about forums.

In another web forum (CH), a guy had no better idea than to show to a girl her pictures posted on the website. Needless to say, that brough a headacke to the forum administrators. Results? The CH Admin configured the site so as to not allowing to browse girls pictures on computers connected to IP addresses related to the girl's country. So everybody losses: Girls not being able to get known and guys not being able to see the available offer.

Let's be smart, guys.


03-29-04, 15:45
Regarding Maria and the Internet

Maria told me that one of her friends, an older woman who works in one of the bars on Lavalle reads English well and knows the Internet and this site well, translated a lot of information and told her about it. Maria was quite unhappy about this at one point, saying "I have no secrets now." Another time, she was more philosophical about it. It should be obvious that the information on a public site would become public, with what ever consequences. I know that she does not want more exposure on the internet, enough is enough.


Dick for Brains
03-29-04, 17:22

In light of Stormy's comments below, perhaps it makes sense to eliminate this thread entirely. While this won't entirely eliminate postings about Maria, in the absence of a thread devoted to this one poor girl, perhaps you will reduce the number of postings to that of the typical working woman. With Dickhead having lost interest in her, perhaps postings about her will just fade away.


03-29-04, 18:15
Maria thread.
I would agree that this thread of Maria be dropped/ erased, for the good of Maria. Although I have never seen her, this is the gentlemenly thing to do given the uncomfortable stance she has now professed. It is the right thing to do.
My vote, if there is such a thing here.

03-31-04, 21:40
I agree the Maria thread should be dropped.

Now that I know where to find her due to excellent posting I do not want her running away and saying not another Norte Americano!

Honestly, I agree-there is to much information on her and anyone looking on the board would know who she is. On the other hand why would anyone show her the postings from the board??

That only can spell trouble.

04-01-04, 05:18
If I got a vote I would also vote to cancel this thread. I would also vote to ban anyone making a reference to this site directly to any working girl. Has anyone ever heard of flying below the radar screen? The last thing we need to do is call attention to this website or our hobby. Lets just appreciate the great info here and have fun.

DFB I realize you meant no harm but no good will come from discussing this site with the girls. Let's remain discreet.

One Tree Hill
04-02-04, 02:01
100 Rules to follow:


Keep your mouth shut as far as the telling the girls goes.
They do not need to know. If you have "info" on them and wish to
let them know, then make up some BS story about a "friend" telling you.

This board is a tremendous resource for the MONGERS.
We should protect it and keep the contents therein among ourselves. I do not even pass this site along to other close friends who are non-mongers. They simply do not need to know.

If we do not "self police" then this will go away.
I took lots of pics of chicas last trip, but do you think I am bragging to them that I am going to post their pics? Hell no.
That being said I would be severley pissed if some jerk wad was to see one of "my" chicas and mentions "oh by the way, One Tree Hill posted some nice pics of your pu**y".

We are a fraternity of sorts and need to follow some rules of participation whether written or unwritten. Read, post and view, but be careful who you refer to this site. And for the love of God NEVER tell the girls.

RULE 2-100

See rule #1

Mickey Mouse
04-02-04, 03:13
One Tree Hill,
I will second that and Drink to that! Just one thing, I don't think we should post photos without permission.
Well said,

Dick for Brains
04-02-04, 03:21

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think it's a great idea to post facial pictures of these ladies without getting their consent, not just for the photos per se, but also consent for the posting of the photos on the internet. Keep in mind that many of these women have real professions, real families and real reputations to uphold. They live in a world with severely depressed economies and are doing their best to survive. Some of these people are doctors, students, and soup kitchen organizers. How do you think Exon's Roberta would feel if a picture of hers was posted in her comedor?

Pleasse think twice before posting non-consentual, face-revealing pictures of these ladies for the whole world to see.


04-02-04, 03:52
I would suggest that NO photos of any kind be posted when the person in question requests that. In fact, assuming that permission to post on the internet is given by permission to take pictures is pure fallacy. Maria from the start never wanted any images on the internet. She now does not want any more graphic verbal descriptions of her activities posted. She does not plan to be in this business forever and would not want to start civilian life with this kind of public background, especially when it is already known to friends. If you have a question or comment about this I would be pleased to talk to you by PM. Thanks


Dick for Brains
04-02-04, 04:05

I would go even further than your suggestion. I don't think face-revealing photos should be posted unless the person in question is aware of the potential posting and specifically agrees to it.

You suggest not posting only if the girl in question specifically requests this. Keep in mind that a woman being photographed may have no idea that this is for any purpose other than for the monger's personal collection. Thus they may not even think to ask that you not post.

As you suggest, permission to photograph is not to be interpreted as permission to post.


04-23-04, 21:11

Never been in Latin America, but in the hobby in the rest of world. Don't know how I got to this thread, but boy has it got me interested.

So - I'm planning a 'Just for Maria Trip' straight from Europe!

Has anyone seen her lately? Has all this fuss around her impacted her?



04-24-04, 10:07
She is on duty at her usual location. Do NOT mention the internet!!!!

04-24-04, 21:52
Yes, this was not the wisest thing to do.

The only thing I'll mention is Intercourse.


07-17-04, 12:08
Has anyone seen or heard of Maria lately? Is she still around Florida or how can I find her?

08-10-04, 14:57
Still there. Very nice and cute girl. Totally devoted to your pleasure. Almost embarassing how dedicated she is. Definitely sets a high bar.

Went a little early as I had nothing else to do. Had to buy a fleece (they call them polars here) and knit hat as it was so cold. Paid a ridiculously low $13 for the fleece. Hat was $6. Gotta love the low peso.

I asked the other girls pushing whisky bars about here but they all pretended not to know her. However I just hung around chatting with them and they pointed her out when she arrived at 930.

08-12-04, 18:29

With a little luck, I may be there myself looking for her, in the not-to-distant-future.

Just curious, did she arrive and 9:30 am or 9:30 pm?



08-12-04, 19:28
It is always pm. Also, she is not normally there on Sundays.

Last call for her is around 2AM or 2:30.

03-09-05, 12:31
Status report:

Last week about midnight I strolled past what I understood to be Maria's hangout on Florida. While one girl in the particular doorway claimed to be "Maria," when I mentioned "El Toro Rojo" she gave me a blank stare. Probably not the much-discussed Maria. She wasn't worth doing, anyway, so I kept going.


03-10-05, 03:00
She is a leggy brunette. Great smile - very friendly. The others will test you and tell you she is not coming or they know she is somewhere else. But if you wait she eventually shows up and they will tell her you are looking for her. Maria is a great experience. She lives up to her billing!!!!!

Hot To Cool
03-11-05, 09:28
To all,

Maria was at her usual corner and is the sweetest gal you´ll ever meet. Just ask some of the hawkers nearby to point her out and tell Maria the "Toro Rojo" sent you. She goes to the top of my list for quality and value. I found around midnight on a Thursday night.

Hot To Cool

03-11-05, 19:52
One more time for possible Maria fans:

Maria is tall, about 5' 7" and with sandals or boots even a couple of inches taller. She has long black hair way down her back and usually wears jeans and sometimes a denim or dark jacket when it is cool.

She is very pretty and has a lovely smile and one tooth on the right side is a little crooked. She has a very nice personality and is very honest, you need not fear her taking anything.

She is an oral specialist, not a GFE, and does not do anal. She will work very hard to make sure you are satisfied. She is a kind of unique experience in BA.

She might be right at Florida and Paraguay or might be down the block, she moves around a bit now. She has asked me to list her cell phone number:


So if you get there, you can call her number from your cell phone or if you don't have one you can go to the locutorio right on Florida across the street and call her. She doesn't speak much english, but you can just say "Florida and Paraguay" or "Locutorio, Florida and Paraguay" and she will say something like "dos minutos" or will be right there looking for you. This should help to solve the misidentification problems. If her phone is turned off, she is not at her post or is occupied.

She normally comes to work at 9:30 pm,
5 or 6 days a week, not on Sunday.

I have been seeing her for a long time and highly recommend her. If she asks where you got her number, please tell her the "gringo viejo de Chicago".

Hope this helps


03-19-05, 11:35
I´d like to add my 2 cents to the Maria discussion.

I met her last night at Florida and Paraguay, and told her she was famous on the internet, which she kept saying it wasnt true. I even mentioned Dickhead´s name, which she had never heard of???

So we went to my hotel and I told her I´d like a tongue and chupa job, which she agreed to. She then tongued my verga, huevos, and culo and gave me a super blow job. We then tried screwing in various positions which was alot of fun. She actually had more energy than me since I had just finished a flight from San Francisco this morning. I liked her attitude and time was no problem. Definitely would try her again.

She also told she doesnt have a computer and doesnt know how to read them. She also doesnt know how to spell!!!!

I think the secret is safe about Maria.

take care -- bayboy

Daddy Rulz
03-19-05, 15:06
Nothing but harm can come from mentioning this board to the chica's Bro. They are aware of it but personally I think it's a bad idea, based on a lot of mongers experiance, to tell them. I'm not sure you found the right Maria, some other guy showed her posts to her a few years ago and her reaction was the stuff of legend.

03-19-05, 15:29
Second the motion on not discussing this board with chicas.

If you go back to the earliest postings in this thread you would know that
Maria has a friend who speaks English and has some computer savvy and who gave her detailed information on what was being said about her on the internet.
This was very disturbing to her.

She is well aware of the internet. And did ask to have her phone listed, but just contact info. She has no idea who Dickhead is. She knows him by another name and it would be better to leave it that way.

03-19-05, 16:12
Amazing!! I have absolutely NO idea why some guys feel the need to tell the chicas about our internet communications. I also see absolutely NO way it can be beneficial to any of us. I would love to know what makes guys think it's beneficial. Except for the internet girls, all the others try to keep a low profile.

Jesus, guys, think before speaking. I guess some guys think it will make them more attractive to the chicas or will turn the chicas on. That's not necessary, they will cheerfully let you fuck them for money-trust me. Telling them how famous they are will only make them nervous.

Most, if not all, will only get pissed at having this info about them spread around the world. Their families do not know what they are doing, in most cases.


One Tree Hill
03-19-05, 17:40
Its a can of worms you should not open. Or better yey, like tipping off your poker hand.

03-19-05, 19:11
It sounds like I made a BIG mistake last night with Maria. First of all it was the REAL Maria, secondly I figured that after a couple of years, when this all started with her that she knew the internet discussions about her very well, thirdly she kept denying that she was famous and pretended?? that she didn´t know very much about it. When I mentioned various handles of different guys she said she had never heard of them. So go figure.

My fault, lo siento -- baybay

03-19-05, 19:33
Nothing but harm can come from mentioning this board to the chica's{.}

Truer words were never spoken. Discussing the forum with the chicas in anything more than a cursory mention is a loss/loss proposition for all. Also see here (http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1988) and add your comments, if you care to.

03-19-05, 22:57
I believe I met her three years ago and her girlfriend at their same spot on Florida. I have her picture, which I will not post.

My question is, is her girlfriends name Addreeana? Spelling not sure.

I also have lots of pictures of Addreeana from last night. And are they great, and she is great. I asked she wanted me to email them to her and she did not understand, or it might have been my SpangLish.
All done with my new Canon 20D. Also will not post.

03-20-05, 01:40
I think you are referring to Andrea. Thank you for not posting pictures. Maria has made it very clear that she does not want any pictures out on the internet as it might create personal problems. I'm sure Andrea feels the same, and I doubt that Andrea has any email access.

Hot To Cool
03-23-05, 05:12
One more time for possible Maria fans:

Maria is tall, about 5' 7" and with sandals or boots even a couple of inches taller. She has long black hair way down her back and usually wears jeans and sometimes a denim or dark jacket when it is cool.

She is very pretty and has a lovely smile and one tooth on the right side is a little crooked. She has a very nice personality and is very honest, you need not fear her taking anything.

She is an oral specialist, not a GFE, and does not do anal. She will work very hard to make sure you are satisfied. She is a kind of unique experience in BA.

She might be right at Florida and Paraguay or might be down the block, she moves around a bit now. She has asked me to list her cell phone number:


So if you get there, you can call her number from your cell phone or if you don't have one you can go to the locutorio right on Florida across the street and call her. She doesn't speak much english, but you can just say "Florida and Paraguay" or "Locutorio, Florida and Paraguay" and she will say something like "dos minutos" or will be right there looking for you. This should help to solve the misidentification problems. If her phone is turned off, she is not at her post or is occupied.

She normally comes to work at 9:30 pm,
5 or 6 days a week, not on Sunday.

I have been seeing her for a long time and highly recommend her. If she asks where you got her number, please tell her the "gringo viejo de Chicago".

Hope this helps


The Maria I met fits all of the above except that I didn't take notice if she had a crooked tooth or not. Mine did say she was from Santiago de Estero. Is this another verifying factor?

Thanks in advance,

Hot To Cool

03-23-05, 07:42
That is her. But several of her associates are also from Santiago Del Estero.

Member #1164
03-24-05, 15:29
Anyone know if Maria is available durring the daytime?

03-24-05, 18:01
She's not usually available in the daytime. You could see her the night before and see if she would come in earlier than 9:30, but that's about it. She works that 9:30 to 2:30 AM shift and has a long commute. Though, as we say

06-14-05, 18:38
So, hooked up with "El Toro Rojos" Maria yesterday. Funny thing was, she looked like a buddy of mine from my army days. Had his exact same face! Delicate little pale skinned bunny rabbit. It was odd being with her and finally i had to turn her around to get mine. Not to throw a wrench in your BA fantasy, but imagine a friend of yours giving u a blow.


06-14-05, 18:58
The Maria that I know is not a "delicate pale little skinned bunny rabbit" in any way. She goes about 5' 7", 130-140 lbs and is broad shouldered with big hips. Are you sure you were with her? A lot of the folks around Florida and Paraguay identify themselves as Maria and a lot of them know El Toro Rojo as well. (He does get around.)

06-14-05, 22:11
I didnt mean Maria is petite, i meant her face is like a bunny rabbit. I say this of all women who have small noses. Ill try to put more panache on my descriptions, just that ive been boning so much lately im starting to feel a little dizzy. Called her at 15-5181-4440 and she answered. Asked me to walk to Florida and Cordoba and she matched her description, i was pleasantly surprised. I speak spanish so we had a nice, funny conversation. Mostly we laughed bout a female friend of mine who lives in the states; she asked me to bring back sea shells for her from buenos aires, i told her sea shells in spanish (concha) is a euphamism for poontang. My friend said "hmmmm bring me one of those too".

06-14-05, 22:49
Lunico and I have conferenced and it was definitely our María. But, I am looking at her picture right now and her nose doesn't seem too small to me. However, I have had that schnozzola right by my asshola so the bigger the better. I don't see the whole bunny rabbit thing but the more I think about it and the more I look at my (fully clothed) pictures of her, the more I am getting a woody and thinking about calling her or her sister or the more whorish Mélani for a quick session. But that would be counter productive as Cele is back from Paraguay and misses either me or my wallet very much but must soldier on at Madaho's tonight.

To wait for Cele or to fuck an office girl? Such are the choices I face. I think I will have a few Brahmas before I decide. I am over budget on prostitutes so far this month but not grossly so, and things like food and clothing are overrated so I may just go for it.

Daddy Rulz
06-15-05, 04:22
Nobody picked up on "had HIS face" I've met Maria and she doesn't look like any guy I know. Was that a mistake? I can see how you would have to turn her around to get yours.

06-15-05, 12:36
Yup, she had his face. He is of italian descent and had a small bunny rabbit face. If youve ever seen christie brinkleys dad, youd understand my predicament.

06-25-05, 13:32

I would go even further than your suggestion. I don't think face-revealing photos should be posted unless the person in question is aware of the potential posting and specifically agrees to it.

You suggest not posting only if the girl in question specifically requests this. Keep in mind that a woman being photographed may have no idea that this is for any purpose other than for the monger's personal collection. Thus they may not even think to ask that you not post.

As you suggest, permission to photograph is not to be interpreted as permission to post.

DfBLuckily I was reading this rather peculiar thread when it dawned on me that yesterday I posted a pic of two girls that I hooked up with in Hong Kong on the WSG site. Then I remembered that their family in the Philipines thinks that they are there as maids, and one girl has a boyfriend back home. WTF was I thinking? I guess I just figured why would they ever see the post?

Nevertheless, I completely agree with the above logic, and I blurred out their faces. Thanks for the insight.

08-14-05, 03:42
She told me her name is Mery. I picked this chica up on Av. Cordoba, somewhere between Cafe Excedra and Cafe Orleans. At the begining, she insisted on going to her "hotel", I can pay her 60 pesos but to cover $$ for the hotel. I counter offered 100 pesos with her taxi and tip all included to my Recoleta apartment. I tried to convience her my apartment is more comfortable, and to let her guard down by showing some nice images of my apartment from my digital camera. The night seemed to be slow for her, so she agreed and jumped into a cab with me.

The rest was all peaceful and happy!


08-14-05, 03:47
This is not her. She would never willingly allow pictures to be made to be put out on the internet. If you would read the previous postings and still would put out a picture you must be a total asshole.

08-14-05, 06:06
Okay, so she is not. I don't necessary read every post here. Since every one was wondering about her looks, I thought I could be some help. Take it easy man, if you are not her pimp, there is no need to jump the gun!

This is not her She would never willingly allow pictures to be made to be put out on the internet. If you would read the previous postings and still would put out a picture you must be a total asshole.