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12-20-04, 11:51
Hello Gents,

I'll be visiting BA around the end of January. I've got three weeks vacation but not sure if I should spend the whole three weeks in BA or maybe hit Rio too. I was actually gonna go to Costa Rica at first until I saw how fine the women are in Argentina.

Anyways, I'm in Iraq now so my internet time is limited and plus people are usually looking over my shoulder so if some of you BA regulars could give me a couple of tips, like are the girls on platynum as good as they look? Has anyone been with Barbarella on there, girl #31 I think. She is fine as hell in her pictures but how about in real life?

Sandy Roses is pretty cute, I might try and get together with her while I'm there.

It seems as though Roxana and maybe Mayra are good contacts, I'll probably email them, and what's the deal on the WSG Mansion? Is that a local mongers house (Jackson's maybe?), or? Can I stop by there and say hi or is that invite only?

I was thinking about maybe renting an apt. since I will be there for a few weeks and it seems Recoleta is the place to be? I see Saint has some apts for rent so I'll drop him a line too.

Any tips or advise would be greatly appreciated, as this is my first trip to BA and I'll be going solo.

My normal mongering AO is Southern California so if anyone needs info for there just let me know!

Thanks much!


12-20-04, 12:47
Yesterday was my worst day in BA so far. I went to the mansion pool party, but the twins were coming and going with everyone else so fast I could not get a hold of one. The masseuse went home just when I was wanting to do her and would not stay for me, saying she was tired. The Paraguayan I wanted to fuck quoted me 100 dollars, and I think she is more into girls. Then when I changed out of my bathing suit, I discovered all my money had been stolen. Edit: I was mistaken about that and I apologize. See my later post.

So I left via #29 bus since all I had left were coins, but then when the bus turned off Santa Fe I realized I was right near 3373 so I hit an ATM and rang the bell, 5C. But the madam came down and said no one was available. I didn't want to wait so I hopped on the #39 and went home and started calling numbers.

First choice Patricia no answer. Second choice Rafaela was happy to hear from me but was at a friend's birthday party and unavailable. Third choice Jhana some guy answered her phone and that's the second time that's happened so forget about her. Got a hold of Mabel from Tucumán and she agreed to come over before work and said she could be there in forty minutes.

She never showed up. So overall I spent 40 for the topless ping pong tournament prize pool, got 255 stolen, and got no pussy. I am going to lay low for a while.

12-20-04, 19:27
Like Dickhead, I had my worst day in Buenos Aires. Maybe my life. I consider myself to be very careful. I have traveled around the world and I am aware what´s going on around me. Anyway, today I was with a client that is closing on an apartment tomorrow. We had lunch at La Strada in Recoleta Village. It was a nice day so we sat outside near the entrance of the restaurant. I had my laptop computer with me as usual in my case along with several other important documents. I had it no more than 1.5 feet from me. It was literally right next to me. I had my client sitting across from me so he could see anyone that was approaching the table. Anyway, I got several calls throughout the lunch. One moment my laptop is there and the next it is gone. Neither of us could believe what happened because neither of us saw anything.

It´s clear this was done by a professional thief. There was no one suspicious around me. I remember reading Dickhead´s post about getting ripped off at the Mansion and I had an eery feeling that wasn´t good. I guess it was a bad omen because a few hours after reading it I was also a victim. Only I didn´t have just a few hundred pesos. My life was on that u$s 3,700 laptop. All my personal stuff, business stuff, photos, etc. I also had my digital camera cord along with many important legal documents.

I´m really in shock and I´d give a thousand us$ just to see a video of how they got it. No one in the restaurant saw anything and I don´t remember anyone suspicious walking by us. I heard nothing. It is really amazing. Be very very very careful with your personal belongings. I´d honestly rather have been robbed at gunpoint so at least I know how it happened. Anyway, my life will be a mess the next few days trying to get a laptop, changing keys and getting the personal documents again that I had.

Oh well. Nothing I can do. I filed a police report and waited in line a long time. Probably one of my worst days of my life.

Daddy Rulz
12-20-04, 20:40
I had a camera stolen from off of the desk I was using at a cyber cafe WHILE I was sitting there answering emails. Not nearly as bad a loss Saint but I understand your amazment at how slick the thief was. I doubt you can wait long enough but I would be glad to bring a laptop down for you in January as it will save you tons of money.

Keep an eye on your stuff guys, these thieves are very good.

California Guy
12-21-04, 06:22
Just curious if anyone has advice on what else to do while in BA? I won't be in town for too much time, a week, so not the greatest to travel around. I thought I would just enjoy some of the highlights of BA or anything within the surrounding areas.

Also that really sucks that Saint and DH got robbed, especially Saint because he had so much on that computer. I have heard a variety of stories about Argentina so I am hoping I don't have much trouble. I know at the same time that all places have there problems so this isn't different than any other spot. Still it really shows you that you need to be cautious regardless of where you are at!

12-21-04, 13:44
Well, it was worth the wait. Major thanks to Capt Dave, Jackson, ex-pats, Aussies, Britts, lawyers, their significant others, the chicas and the Quilmes Brewing Company! While I can never have the 34 months back lost between trips, the return was special enough to compensate for 1/2 of the time, anyway.

Amazing, considering I never made it to the triangle, Recoletta at night, a restaurant for dinner or called an escort service. Instead, a great time was had hanging out at the mansion for the first of many Sunday BBQ’s. Capt. (who knew Hugh Heffner piloted a boat?) Dave cooked the burgers to perfection, barely keeping up with the chicas’ shocking demand for red meat. They must have averaged a pound of beef each. What is that, 1% of their body weight in burger?

Anyway, you guys couldn’t have been better hosts. It was great to meet dickhead. He IS the real thing, guys. dickhead, perhaps, but NOT an asshole. We should all aspire to achieve his clarity of thought and purpose. Also have to say that I verified he gets terrific advice from counsel, as I too shall benefit from the only truly liberated perspective on things. Yes, they CAN just go F themselves...

One of the new guests, I believe, to the mansion was Viviana. She was the female equivalent of a “super ball.” Singing to songs on the radio, improvising with her own between songs, in the pool, out of the pool, wardrobe changes, and games of pool and ping-pong, where she was the runner-up to Maya. If it weren’t for her ability to wolf down several burgers, I would have suspected the influence of foreign substances.

We all agreed that she was sexy and playful. We also agreed that she was a bit wacko. We knew that she had done a number on the mamosas. So, after told to go F herself by Dickhead after asking for Cien dolares por una hora, I stepped to the plate ready to bargain. I immediately countered with Cien + a free taxi to town + access to the mini-bar (not articulated, but evidently implicit), and a ride for her bitchy female lover who wanted to triple the rate so I could spend 1/2 of the time with Viviana.

However, to avoid losing too much face, I did request 3 hours. I thought she would counter with 2, which would have been fine. Instead, she agreed, leaving me to wonder if she played Texas Hold’em or something to pass the time between my performance and the timer. Oh, and I took Dickhead’s advice and changed from dollars to pesos. So, I cost myself 12 pesos or so, as I gave myself a 3 X 1 exchange rate in a 2.9 world.

In the cab, I began to really tire of Viviana’s friend, who’s name I cannot recall. She was freckly, had a hard body, spoke good English, and everytime I told her no, she stuck her tongue farther down Viviana's throat. I dismissed her at her apartment. She can go F herself.

So we made a rather dramatic entrance into my hotel. While I was glad none of my colleagues were there to see, I figure my pro-bono advice from counsel would definitely apply: “They, too, can go F themselves...”

I still had no sense of what to expect. A loose canon necessarily yields unpredictable results. I could not possibly have imagined what a performer she is. Perhaps it was the right amount of alcohol, and YMMV, but I have never enjoyed a 3 1/2 hour period in my life more. Don’t give me any grief about kids being born, etc. This is different; this is fun.

Nearing the end of my 4th decade on this planet, I became a porn star, albeit on the verge of being a bi-polar experience. From sweet and tender to desperation for raunchy sex. Like going from the Snow White ride to Tower of Terror and back, all in a few minutes. Of the 50 pictures I took, even I can’t look at some of them!

For those who prefer bottom-line acronyms, just assume all of them apply. Those that we didn’t actually do were offered/ requested/ demanded. If you want specifics, I’d be happy to pm or, if necessary, post. I worry a little that the comfortable environment experienced at the mansion and a good deal of alcohol may have affected her performance, so I’m looking forward to other reviews.

Check for pics.

Just landed. Off to sleep.


12-21-04, 20:10
Oh well. Nothing I can do. I filed a police report and waited in line a long time. Probably one of my worst days of my life.

Saint, I am sure that in time, you will be able to reconstruct your records. It probably feels like a bigger disaster than it is. Good luck.

12-21-04, 22:17
See my post in the mansion section. Nobody stole any money from me. I am an idiot and I apologize to all concerned. BA rules.

12-21-04, 23:28
Glad to hear it, DH. Turned out to be a money-making day as you spent a lot less than you planned, huh?

I'm really glad for you and even more happy that I can now love ALL the girls at the mansion again.

12-22-04, 00:54
Hey DH,

Glad to hear the good news. Still had a bad day though, because there was no sex to be had.

Always another day and another chica.

See ya in a few days. Can't wait to see the Flores clubs, Salome.


12-22-04, 06:59
Jav Mav,

Most excellent report. When will we see the pics?

Member #2113
12-22-04, 11:32

I am gathering my list for Roxana, and would like to know if anyone has had any contact with Arubi on Platynum.



California Guy
12-23-04, 22:28
Just wondering if there are any Brazilian looking women in BA? I mean from the tan to the booty :) Please let me know if there are and where to find them!

12-24-04, 13:25
I really liked Bárbara from Salomé but like every other chica in Buenos Aires, she got her cell phone stolen. Bárbara is a home girl and she does not waste her hard earned money on cabs. This turned out to be a bad decision as she took the bus home to La Boca late at night and they stole her purse, cédula, cell phone, everything but her keys. Fortunately she has a passport. This gal has been a lot of places: Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Australia, and the US are ones she's mentioned. Anyway she was moving up the ladder and approaching favorita status when I lost track of her. I kept going to Salomé and not finding her. I was about to give up but I figured I would take one more shot last night and there she was. Bueno. Vámonos.

She does not smoke, which is rare and very important. She has no kids, ditto. She is 30 so not young and dumb. She does not drink much which I would prefer a lush but you can't have everything. She has a new phone. She told me she has no interest in having a boyfriend and since I have very little interest in a girlfriend that is also good. She mentioned "amigovios" but I told her I needed a favorita once or twice a week instead. I explained the essential requirements of this excellent part-time temporary position, along with the benefit package, and she said "puede ser." But what sealed the deal for me was when she put hot sauce on her scrambled eggs.

I foresee a beautiful, poignant, tender relationship for about three months before I cut her from the program.

12-24-04, 15:59

Could you expand a bit on what "amigovia/o" means? Is this something between a novia/o status and favorita or what?

12-24-04, 16:49
Hey Stormy,

"Amigovia" is a common local word here. 1/2 amiga and 1/2 novia. In Buenos Aires where the concept of having a serious girlfriend is difficult sometimes with all the gorgeous girls... many times people just use the word, "amigovia" or "amigovio". It's a lighthearted word that means basically more than friends but less than a girlfriend. I have many amigovias and they are perfect for just seeing when the mood strikes. There is no obligation to take them out a certain times a week or call them. Just basically friends with benefits.

Happy holidays,


Daddy Rulz
12-24-04, 18:06
My friend married a Argentine and I was asking her about this same subject. She says it means first amoung many and has some negative connotations (sp) for the girl, ie. good enough to fuck but not good enough to bring home to Momma. She is from the North and a little more traditional (don't fuck around or I'll cut off your dick type, but in a nice and loving way) so the Portena's may think of it a little diffrently. I was hanging out with a Cordobessa for a while and she was fine with the idea that while we were together we were together and when we were apart, no questions asked. Probably Saint is closer with the "friends with benifits".

Mickey Mouse
12-24-04, 20:48
and Happy New Year to all!!!

A Merry Mouse

El Chavo
12-25-04, 04:17
Feliz Navidad y un Ano Prospero a todos los amigos de BA.

One Tree Hill
12-25-04, 04:34

Could you expand a bit on what "amigovia/o" means? Is this something between a novia/o status and favorita or what?

...friends with benefits!

12-25-04, 16:56
I meant to post this last night but I was called upon by my attorney to assist in a matter of great urgency: obtaining fireworks. Well, and beer, too. And ice.

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the cathouse
Not a monger was stirring, not even Mickey Mouse.
Condoms were hung from the chimney with care,
In hopes that some hookers soon would be there.

The mongers were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of nooky danced in their heads.
The madam in her kerchief and I in my cap
Had just settled down to knock off some snatch.

When in the next bed there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the next room I sped in a flash
It seemed that some monger was a bit short of cash.

With my hand on the breast of the crestfallen ho
I stared at her pussy which lay just below.
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
But the house's big bouncer - I think he is queer.

I knew in a moment I'd have a hard dick

More rapid than Andrés the hookers all came
I whistled and shouted and called them by name.
"Now Rosie, Now Mabel, now Rafi and Carla,
On Karen, On Lourdes, On Vale and Luli,
To the top of my cock! To the top of my balls,
Now suck away, suck away, suck away all!"

They spoke not a word but turned straight to their work,
I filled up the condom and came with a jerk.
But I heard them all say as they flounced out of sight,
"Merry Christmas You Dickhead, and have a good night."

With profound apologies to Major Henry Livingstone, Jr., I wish all my fellow mongers the best in the coming mongering season.


12-25-04, 17:29
By the way, Stormy knows good and damn well what "amigovia" means. He is just being a dickhead.

12-25-04, 17:58
What a truly inspiring and creative piece of literature. Such a perfect way to wish all a happy holidays.

Happy holidays to all.


12-25-04, 18:19
Merry Christmas Mongers

And lets hope next years Mongering will be as good as this Years


Norman Stormin
12-26-04, 00:09

The cabinet above the toilet is well stocked with relatively new, matching towels, which are nicely laundered and uniformly folded. I have been coming here 2 or 3 times a week because of its cleanliness and high quality of merchandise.

The blond hostess you speak of is Monica. I too, would like to penetrate her. She works Monday thru Wednesday. The chunkier dishwater blond is Sonja who works Thursday thru Saturday.

Last Saturday (noon) there were only two there. A short Portena I had done (I have tired of Portena's attitude problems). And a stunning tall one from Missiones named Vicky. She was sooo good I asked her to marry me. (this is something I have asked of nearly every girl I have done at 921 Suipacha). She appolgized that she was happily married with children and only did this once a week on Saturday to supplement the family income. Knowing that the next 2 Saturdays are holidays, I returned at 2AM for seconds.

12-26-04, 12:59
Visited last week this great classic from areavip.

In short, one of the best pro from BA, performance on par with Heidi,another star from areavip.

short girl with long balck hair, silicone tits, good firm body (a triatlon athlete).

excellent bbj with lot of deep throat. great anal sex and also cum in mouth.

excellent service and nice chica.

160P the hour in her flat (Sarmiento suites). One of the best ratio price/quality in Buenos Aires.

I went also last week to Madahos and did not see any striking girls , on top of that the price structure at Madahos is now almost on par with German FKK.

In short I strongly recommend Antonela to any mongers visiting BA.


Main Man
12-27-04, 04:08
I scanned the forum but didn't find much pricing information.

From what I've seen, BA seems to offer some real lookers.

Can anyone make a rough generalization for hourly and overnite rates for the better lookers?

12-27-04, 14:58
I have posted prices for just about every one of the 73 women I have fucked in Buenos Aires.

Mickey Mouse
12-27-04, 15:54
I have also posted pricing or my price ranges for all or most of My Women which I believe may come to more than 73, but I don't keep count except for my weekly tally. Let's see: 7 trips this year alone at an average of 6 days/ trip and a minimum of 10-15 girls/ trip = ?
I guess I have a problem with committment,

Norman Stormin
12-27-04, 23:18
Based on a lot of research, I have settled into a comfortable routine which was rudely interrupted by the holiday weekend. I have discoverd that apartments are busy during lunch (1-4 pm) and after work (6-9 pm). The busiest days are Monday and Friday. To have the largest possible selection, I try to arrive at 11:55 am on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The girls are also freshest at this time having just arrived and many with their hair still wet.

I got out of sync Friday knowing everything would be closed from 6pm until Monday morning. All weekend I longed for my favorita at 921 Suipacha. I overslept this morning and did not arrive until 1 pm to my worst nightmare, all of the girls were occupied. I was horrified. I propositioned Monica. She thanked me but said she is retired from the service end of the business.

In a state of panic, I pulled out the cheat sheet I had compiled from the Forum over three months ago. What addresses did I have in the micro center? 522 San Martin and 429 Maipu. I headed for San Martin as it was one block nearer. This place rates a seperate post but for now let´s just say I passed. The tall stunner that answred the door had balls.

429 San Martin turned out to be an oasis in a desert of businessmen getting their nooners. So much so that it also rates a seperate review.


For elevating me to the rank of SENIOR MEMBER and allowing me the priviledge of posting timely reports.

May you live long and prosper.

Daddy Rulz
12-27-04, 23:24
I also have posted much on pricing.

Norman Stormin
12-27-04, 23:52
I got this address out of the Forum 3 months ago but can not find the post I gleaned it from. I may have transcribed some numbers. I had written 4th floor apt 6. Normally I just buzz an apartment, they say hello, I say hello, and they buzz me in. This time they said hello, I said hello, and they said something else. I didn´t understand and simply said chicas. I was buzzed in.

Now comes a doorman who wants to see my documents. Normally the only documents I carry are 100 peso notes. Today I happened to have my passport as I was booking a trip to Ureguay. I proudly produced my go anywhere (except Cuba) document. He actually logged my name and number into a journal (strange). I would normally never have allowed that but my little brain was working overtime at the moment.

I find my way to the 4th floor apt 6 and a gorgeous tall thing of about 20 greeted me at the door and started rubbing her tits on me (also strange). I´d never been greeted this way before in an apartment. She tells me her name and that she´s a transvestite. I was devistated. I felt violated. Never had I allowed myself to be tete a tete with such a thing. I said I was sorry but I must have the wrong address. I was looking for girls. Could you possibly tell me where I might find some in this building? No help. I left.

If someone posted this address as some sort of perverted joke, may your anus be forever filled with cayanne pepper and a thousand aids victims fill your mouth with come.

12-28-04, 00:52
Greetings Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that Silvina and I will be hosting a New Year's Eve Party at the WSG Mansion which will (of course) be held this Friday, December 31, as follows:

1:00 pm: The pool party begins (bring your swimming suit!)

2:00 pm: Lunch with American style hamburgers.

9:00 pm: Dinner featuring the usual Argentina BBQ of steaks, etc. cooked on the Mansion's charcoal grill.

Midnight: Fireworks for everyone.

The fireworks should be particularly interesting as Dickhead, Dude n BA, and myself discovered on Christmas Eve that there are few limits on the firepower of the fireworks one can purchase in BA, most notably including "firecrackers" the size of shotgun shells and rockets that achieve altitudes of several hundred meters. Anyway, I'm visiting a fireworks wholesaler tomorrow with a 1k AR budget, so everyone should have the opportunity to fulfill their latent childhood pyrotechnic fantasies.

Chicas: All guests are strongly encouraged to bring a date as this is a BYOC event (bring your own chica).

Costs: I will be providing all the food, ice, etc. However, this is a BYOB event (bring your own booze), and thus all guests are encouraged to bring their favorite beverages (soft drinks, beer, wine, etc.)

Please RSVP to jackson@argentinaprivate.com or call me at 15-4048-2827 for reservations and to receive a map and directions to the Mansion.



Norman Stormin
12-28-04, 01:01
I arrived at 2:35 pm after some previous disapointments (see previous posts). The building and foyer were unimpressive but the hall on the 5th floor was beautiful. I was greeted by an attractive, vivacious, 35 year old named Lillian. She was very pleasant and spoke a little english. I asked her to explain the ground rules. Open Monday thru Friday 11 am to 10 pm. 70 pesos 1/2 hour and 100 pesos the hour.

Lillian ushered me into a beautifully appointed suite. I was impresed and told her so. She said the apartment had four such suites, all with private baths. Out of the 20 some odd apartments I've thusfar been to, this one far exceeded any others in accomodations and cleanlines. She offered me a drink and left. I noticed a bottle of teacher's scotch on the table.

Six girls were presented. All doable in the 6 to 8 range. I choose a petite spinner named Daniella. She is a 20 year old Portena about 5' 2" 90 lbs medium legnth curley streaked brown hair. Perfectly formed pert B cup with a nice round ass. Unmarried, no children, and claims to be a first year medical student (doubtfull).

Daniella wasted no time going to work. Without prompting she went down on me bareback and never came up for air until I protested (unusual for a Portena). I wanted my 100 pesos worth. No premature ejaculation for this boy. We went the rounds and I got my money's worth. We took a smoke break and she went down on me again. I told her she would be cannonized if she got me off again in such short order. She tried her damndest and almost made it. But alas, my milk had already runneth over. Appearance 8, attitude 9, performance 10. I contributed 20 pesos to her college endownment fund.

This is the best overall apartment I have been to. I'm happy that 921 Suipacha had no vacancy as I was getting into a rut. Twice a week there and then I'd try a new one once a week. I had tried this one before but it was a Saturday and closed. I shall return until I've run the gauntlet.

12-28-04, 05:17
Started at Pelvi's on Callao to work up an appetite. A bit disappointing in that only one gal danced but she did a fine job and gave up the kitty. Sometimes they, and even she, give up the kitty at the very last minute but she pranced around quite a bit afterwards. I think paying 5 pesos to see a nice pussy is reasonable. That gal is a very good dancer in any case.

Then a huge strong Brazilian drink "caparinha" or some shit from the Russian bartender at Piola. Waitress Sol gets even better looking after one of these drinks. Then dinner, then the "other" Pelvi's on Callao was pretty dead and can we lose the guys in the underwear?? Please.

Then Salomé. Favorita Bárbara was not there. Buck toothed Daiana was, and had some nice leather pants on, but disappeared downstairs with some ostensibly deeper pockets. Connected with a nice looking flaquita named S??? but no real chemistry, she wanted 150 la hora, and was quick to say everything was covered. So she can go F herself and I thought about Nuevo Estilo but went to the Triangle instead.

Catto's initially dead with no known chicas. After a while Susana and Rosa María flounced in in tandem, having undoubtedly just tandem fucked some guy. Amazingly they walked right by me without noticing me, which was good. I was thinking about getting the fuck out of there before they changed and came downstairs, and then when the old, ugly singer took the stage I did so immediately. Not that there is anything wrong with Susana or Rosie but I just was in the mood for something else.

So across to Ness which was also dead but Daniela said it had been very slow and in fact used some bad language, "mierda," referring to the past week's business. I suggested that I was also fairly impoverished but that I could come up with 100 and buy her one drink, if she could stay for a while. She suggested that since it was a holiday I could pay her 125. I indicated that a 30 peso drink was pretty expensive, and that holidays were very tough financially on everyone. I then began to make out with her and otherwise assure that the goods were of sufficient quality. She said she wanted to drink a couple of Fernets as they got her buzzed without bothering her stomach.

I then tipped the bartender 10 pesos to make her a very strong Fernet and also leave the rest of the bottle of Coke. This was a good move and led to a lot of gratuitous fondling and high school type tonsil hockey, and we eventually left. It was a nice long session. This gal is good in that she opens up really wide and lets you get in very deep, and then begins to go into contraction or Kegel mode. Other than that she is not all that great. I gave her 110. So 110 plus 30 for her drink plus 10 tip plus 15 for my beer = 165 and so from a marginal cost standpoint I would have been better off with the gal from Salomé since I had already bought her the mandatory drink BUT I had doubts about her attitude and attitude is everything.

20 20 hindsight maybe I should have just fucked buck toothed Daiana again as she is a bit better than Daniela from Ness but I think Daniela stayed longer than Daiana would have, and she BJed me some more afterwards. Daiana wanted more money last time to stay and do that.

Not a great night but better than being in the US and watching Monday Night Football with a bunch of my fat friends and their fat wives and fat kids. Quite a bit better, actually.

12-29-04, 16:58
Will be in BA at the end of Jan. for three weeks. Can anyone recommend providers that look like Vida Guerra? Doesn't have to be her twin but that's the type I am looking for. Someone mentioned Heidi at Area-Vip and also Salome at Guemes. Any others you can recommend that fit this type?


Norman Stormin
12-29-04, 18:20
I had been informed on good authority that this was the new address for 1828 Sarmiento 1A. This was my first visit and was suprised to find such a large apartment. I was even more suprised to have such good quality merchandise presented (5 girls in the 7 to 8 catagory). The third suprise was the price quoted (I thought it was 30 1/2 hour and 40 the hour). These were prices posted in the Forum for 1828 Sarmiento. No such luck, rather 90 1/2 and 120 the hour. Three suprises and I was out. I appologized to the hostess saying it was too expensive for me. She was not upset.

On to my newest favorite apartment, 429 Maipu. I Arrived about 12:30 pm.
I was presented 5 girls. 4 of Monday´s 6 plus a new one, Vickey. This is the same Vickey I fell in love with at 921 Suipacha the Saturday before Christmas. The same Vickey who was good enough to do me at noon and again at 2 am. The same Vickey who told me she is married with 2 children and only works 1 day a week to supplement her husbands income. I´m begining to think these girls are a little less than forthright. But then again, neither are their politicians.

I chose to repeat Daniella (see 12/27 report) only because Vickey had fibbed to me. I also asked Lillian to use one of the other suites . I wanted to see if they were all of the same quality. Not so. No comparison with their showcase suite I used on Monday. I was also informed that the 3rd suite was not quite as nice as the 2nd and that the 4th suite was currently being renovated. These folks tend to exagerate the truth a bit. Monday I was told they were all of the same quality.

However, I knew I could count on the quality of Daniella. Tried and true, her performance far exceeded Monday´s. Perhaps the 20 peso contribution to her college fund helped. But I even caught her in a fib. The reason she was so affectionate, unpretentious, and orally proficient was because the is a Paraguayan, not a Portena as she told me Monday. She considered herself Portena as she moved here when she was 13. I never believed the 1st year medical student but will not call her on that one. I like her too much. Asked her out and she said any Sat or Sun when she´s off work. So I guess the living with the sister part is true. We´ll see.

Art Fartzalot
12-29-04, 21:11
I'm here on a ship in midst of cruise to Antarctica and got a free pass today from the Port to the Gallerias Pacifico Shopping Mall, along with a free coupon book , had to go to informacion desk to request but gave me a free Galleria hat and a coupon good for 2 cafe´s con leche at Starbucks like Bookstore on upper floor of Mall, Aroma or something like that with small cookies not bad for Free.

Anyways, while back I saw something about Cafe Orleans on this board and noticed when getting off Free shuttle bus was like cross the road on Cordoba so after walking down Florida street and buying a Financial Times of London walked by and decided to go inside.

Place was packed with working girls and most lets say 6 - 8.5ish at 5 30 pm, ordered cup of cafe con leche and made eye contact with several , and kinda invited one over to talk and she told me that nearly all the girls there were working girls with different prices.

She was attractive, tan, Latina, with colored hair a bit, nice body, and I asked her how much she would charge for a couple hours of her time and she stated 300 Pesos which I countered with 100 pesos in a nice way as I´m just a poor boy from FL on his way to Antarctica via Falklands, she came down to 200 pesos, plus 30 for what turned out to be a nice Albergues Transito round the corner.

Having been in Rio on Christmas Eve day for about 8 hours and finding Termas Aeropuerto and Luomo closed in Cocacabana after traveling there and banging on the door and hearing phone ringing off wall in background, got her down to 150 pesos for 2 hours and we went off.

X rated movies in room, nice room, king size bed, plus nicely shaped love seat, clean, marble floors.

She sucked and fucked me real good, got me off , then gave me great foot and back, neck massage and when I come back to BA on enero 11 plan to get together with her again so I thank this board again for all the good info that is on it as Cafe Orleans was mentioned sumtime and stuck in back of my mine.

Went to good Tango show last night at La Ventanna with 2 gals from ship and was my first tango show but was very well done, food was decent though ate in dark mostly.

I like Buenos Aires, leave for Falklands tomorrow and afraid I´m not going to find much there or in Antarctica except sheep and penguins so hopefully will have some nice new passengers boarding ship today but if not will be back in BA for couple days then.

Happy New Year everyone.


12-30-04, 04:35
Tuesday night was not fruitful. I was not really in any need but in the Christmas spirit I did go to Nuevo Estilo, which had a lot of hot chicas but was very crowded and smoky. I felt the fine Paraguayan ass of Patricia but could not get near Antonella or Melena. BTW they charged 10 p for beers and said they will be doing that only through the holidays. I'll bet beers are up to 10 pesos here for good. That will suck.

We entered Ness and Catto's but did not even stay long enough to buy any overpriced beers, then went to Jaz where there were some very nice chicas. I bought one a 30 p drink; that's the first drink I have bought for anyone in there. Her name was (I have no clue) and she had a very nice body. A bit of bad breath, though, and would not go below 150 so FOAD. Ended up playing some pool at Deep Blue and calling it a night. BTW between the Triangle and Jaz we stopped by the shoe store to chat with María and Melanie. María has put on a lot of weight and has taken up smoking. Good thing I wrote her off several months ago.

Tonight tried the other branch of Deep Blue on Ayacucho. I have to say that although I am not a very good pool player, if I were I would be even more frustrated than I already am at the pool situation. Deep Blue has some decent tables but HELLO YOU NEED TO FUCKING LEVEL THEM. And now that you've spent thousands of dollars on these nice tables, could you spend 50 pesos for a bridge? And 40 more for a cripple stick? This is how you run a pool hall. Also here is a news flash: Cue tips need to be replaced periodically. You know how the oil in the car doesn't last as long as the car? Same logic applies. I haven't found any decent places to play. The place next to El Yugo really sucks and so does the one on Paraguay near Florida. I guess I will try 36 Billares on Avenida de Mayo next. Okay, end of that rant and I suck anyway and I got my ass kicked several times in a row.

Then dinner at El Yugo which was very good as usual. On to the Triangle. Catto's first. And, last too as it turns out. I was accosted by a part-Asian gal who asked me if I was El Toro Rojo. I said, "yes, but how do you know?" "Oh, a Brazilian friend of mine told me about you." Well, that would be Rafaela, of course. So I figured maybe this would give me a bit of a new slant on things and she was affectionate and had a nice ass. I suggested a drink in the dark corner and we went there and it was immediate tonsil hockey which is a good sign.

"So how much?" "200." "Well, that is too much because I am not a tourist and I am just a public employee and blah blah blah." "Yes, Rafaela told me you would probably never pay that much so how about 150 and I promise you the service level will be just as good for 150 as it would be for 200." "I don't know; let's make out some more." Smooch smooch fondle fondle. "How about 125?" "No, I haven't been working here very long but I am not going to go for less than 150. Hey aren't you the one who likes to cook?" "Yes that is me." "What have you been cooking lately?" "Well, now I have a nice lentil stew with carrots and potatoes and tomatoes and and and." "Come on come on give me 150 and feed me first." "Well okay 150 IF you stay at least two hours but I am going to feed you after because there is a lot of garlic in the stew." Okay vámonos.

Quite nice. Aggressive in bed which I like. Enthusiastic BBJ although only moderately skilled. Lots of long dark hair. Regular cowgirl and then reverse cowgirl which I am not all that familiar with. Said something about cogerme por cola which I pretended not to understand. Then more BBJ then condom then some wilting took place so more BBJ and then CIM was mentioned but I wasn't sure if she said come in my mouth or don't come in my mouth so I clarified and she said the latter. But, then she started knob topping and shaft jacking so I felt her heart was not really in it. Thus another condom and drillage and then thinking about doggie arf arf but she was near completion and when she finished so did I, somewhat unexpectedly. Bueno.

Then I fed her some stew and we chatted. She has only been separated from her husband for a month, one kid, 23 (maybe she said 24) alleged years which I don't necessarily disbelieve. She said that Patricia, the singer from Catto's, and she have birthdays one day apart in March (23 and 24 but I forget which is which). I'm sure that is true. She also says that they are the same age. If Patricia is under 30 I would be very surprised and she damn sure ain't under 25. Whatever.

Anyway no whining about taxi fare. 150 even, no más. Really the session was only a little over an hour (not including snack time) but I had no more to offer. I would repeat. Her name is Ángeles. She saw some chica phone numbers on a piece of paper by my phone and aggressively crossed them all out (I have them in a spreadsheet anyway) and put down her name and number. I'll probably call her, or not. I forgot to ask whether she lives in town or not.

So that was my first Asian in BA and I am starting to think about needing some brown sugar pretty soon.

12-31-04, 05:34
Acually 2nd time, but the 1st time I had no idea of the wsg... =(

Happy holidays to all!

I am planning on 2 nights of midnight fun... one will require Roxana's help, I have yet to contact her but I have excellent reviews from everybody here so this is a no issue.

On the other night I would like to go to one of the clubs... I have narrowed my options to 3 based on comments throughout the board (in order of preference):

1) Cattos
2) Shampoo
3) Salome (although I read on Jackson's post something about no police "protection" that makes me think twice...)

I need your help here please... do these clubs have their own rooms? or do I have to go to a hotel? If so, what's the best nearby option for each? I am also waiting to see in the hotels thread if someone can answer my post about Hilton being chica friendly or not.

I visited several Sao Paulo clubs & one Santiago club around August and posted some reports back then... are these clubs in Bs. As. similar to the ones in other countries?

All comments (here or PM) are welcome and appreciated!

Also, any chance of visiting the famous WSG Mansion? How does one get to do that?

Thanks to all!

12-31-04, 07:39
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (CNN) -- A fire in a crowded Buenos Aires nightclub has killed at least 169 people and injured 375, officials said.

The fire began about 11 p.m. (9 p.m. ET) on Thursday during a rock concert in the Republica Cro Magnon disco, in the Once section of Buenos Aires, according to a spokesman in the mayor's office.

Witnesses said there were as many as 5,000 people inside the club when the fire broke out.

Happy Cat
12-31-04, 18:50
Hi all, sorry to interrupt but I`m here in BA looking astonishing scenes of a mad crowd in a ¨boliche¨ that fired bengals in a closed club in ONCE, killing hundreds of very young folks and with near a thousand in hospitals. Contrasting madness of Club owners an Mayor´s officials letting a facility designed for a thousand people to house 5000 and letting people with fireworks inside!!!! On the other hand, emergency services, hospitals, ambulances seemed well trained (we must not forget that Buenos Ares suffered two major terrorist attacks). Check if our girlfriends or relatives were near or inside this place, very close to PLaza Once.

01-01-05, 05:28
How It Started: Knuckhead's Unexpected Return

Happy new year everyone!

I wanted to make this the first post of 2005 reports, although the events of this post happened several weeks earlier. For now I will make it the last post of 2004. Once Jackson creates the 2005 section I will probably move it there.

On a not too distant Saturday morning, Knuckhead found himself the very first passenger standing by the front door of a Boeing 767 that had just pulled up to the gate at Ezeiza, impatiently waiting for the door to roll up. Why the impatience, you might ask? Simple! Standing on this side of the door inside a flag carrier of a sovereign nation, Knuckhead was still “technically” in Sex Prison, whereas on the other side of the door sexual freedom awaited him. Soon the door rolled up, and Knuckhead crossed the threshold. Indeed, it was one small step for man, one giant leap for his manhood.

As he was rushing through the Jet way in order to be the first passenger at immigration and as such avoid the line, he couldn’t help being amazed by the strange sequence of events that had placed him on that very spot at that point in time. Just 15 hours earlier, that is, a mere four hours before this 11 hour flight, he did not even have the slightest idea he would be walking through this Jet way at that moment in time!

Allow me to digress backwards, just by a few hours. On the day Knuckhead boarded this flight, he had gone to work as usual, expecting to come home after work and sleep in his own bed. Sleep he did that night, not in his own bed, but rather in a comfortable sleeper seat bound for the land of happiness!! All this was courtesy of an unexpected, last minute cancellation being announced to him at about 2pm. This left him with the next 3 days off, and nothing to do. At that point he had a choice: A) Do nothing, and spend a long weekend being dragged from one meaningless suburban mall to another by his ball and chain, or B) through some devious plot get himself out of Sex prison for the same period of time. But what could he possibly arrange in a matter of only a few hours? Surely, last minute travel like this could cost an arm and a leg, well beyond his reach… or….NOT! Those accumulated frequent flyer miles came in VERY handy, and literally on a whim, Knuckhead was able to book himself on a flight bound for Buenos Aires leaving in 4 hours, using an award ticket. Total spent on the ticket= $37 (for taxes)! A few minutes later, realizing he had nowhere to stay, a frantic call was made to Saint to inquire about his options. Despite informing Knuckhead that most apartments and hotels were full, to his credit, Saint was able to make a few phone calls and in short order had him booked at Art Hotel. He drove home, packed in a frenzy (read: dumped an unrelated assortment of objects rather haphazardly in a large suitcase paying special attention not to forget his MongerPack®), and took a quick shower. Minutes later, literally with his airport taxi waiting for him at his door, Knuckhead sent an email to Roxana explaining his predicament and asking for her to arrange meetings with few old favorites as well as a few new chicas, the choice being left to Roxana herself. My friends, this last decision proved to be a smart one.

And as such, after a frenzied departure but a very restful night, he was now the first passenger standing in the immigration queue, looking at the empty boots. The officers arrived in a matter of minutes, and Knuckhead was out of Ezeiza with his bag in less than 20 minutes. Sadly, not having had enough time to request Anna, there was no cute remisera waiting to greet him with a peck on the cheeks. Instead, a very official looking, mustached remiss driver met me, or shall we say, I had to find him! He had no idea I would be getting out so fast, and therefore was not holding the card with my name up. The ride into town was uneventful, meaning exactly that: uneventful. Unlike my last few rides into town, the many religious figures plastered all over the dashboard gave me the feeling I should not discuss any mongering with this fellow, so we stuck to a completely “G” rated discussion.

I checked into Art Hotel (http://www.arthotel.com.ar/english/habitacion.html) (not Art Suites), which sight unseen, turned out to be a very nice boutique hotel within 2 blocks of Santa Fe in Recoleta. The rate was $65 (U.S.) for the only room type that was available, including all taxes and breakfast. I thought it was a pretty good deal for a hotel, although not as convenient as an apartment. The rooms were tastefully decorated and the staff were very courteous as well as monger-friendly. My only complaint was that the rooms were microscopic! My particular room’s height was longer than its width, for example.

I unpacked, and tried to hide my large suitcase somewhere in the closet to no avail. Although the room was very nice, it was so tiny that it appeared I had to hide the room in the suitcase, not the other way around! After a nice shower and shave in the artsy bathroom, I descended to the lobby to check my email at the free computer. I was glad to hear that Roxana had been on the ball immediately after receiving my email last night, and had worked on my appointments as I was in the plane flying down. A quick call to mission control indicated that we were a “go” and in fact, “T minus 150 minutes” from “launch”. The “mission” was Cari (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=18056&stc=1) (Area-VIP photo), for $200AR per hour at 3pm, followed by Bany ( http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16135) at $150AR at 6pm.Since I had about 2 ½ hours before my first appointment, I decided to take a stroll down Santa Fe and perhaps have something for lunch.

Instead, I soon became sidetracked into buying a pre-paid SIM card, and ended up re-inventing the wheel ( http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showpost.php?p=326421&postcount=1272) in the process. Before long, I was back on Santa Fe and just realized that I happened to be standing within steps of the infamous Santa Fe 1707. “Why not”? I asked myself as I pressed the buzzer for the third floor. Cecilia, a rather pleasant late 20’s Madame, buzzed me in and opened the door. I was a little disappointed, having always had a “thing” for Soledad, the other Madame. As it turns out Cecilia works the day shift and Soledad works at nights, and I had actually never been to SF 1707 that “early” in the day before. Five chicas were presented to me in the “viewing room”, ranging from 5 to 8. The first one was Paola (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16928) (photo credit: Flexible Horn), who despite not being the cutest one, gave me the best vibes as she jumped up and kissed me on the lips.

I handed Cecilia $100AR for the hour option, and Paola handed me a postage stamp sized towel for the shower. I returned to the room, and found her lying down on the bed in anticipation of Knuckhead :D. We DFK’ed for a while (not the norm for “on-site” SF 1707 sessions), and proceeded at a very deliberate pace to some mutual massage, caressing, more kissing, and finally to the main course, skipping the BJ completely (hence I can not tell you if it was a CBJ or a BBBJ). She maintained a nice grip on my instrument all the time, and after many positions I delivered my intercontinentally carried ballistic load to her in the doggie position. That having been done, my mind began to clear and I decided to save further loads for the regularly scheduled program due to commence shortly. With about 10 minutes left in the hour, I kissed her goodbye and was accompanied by Cecilia to the door after a peck on the cheek. I started walking back towards Art Hotel, knowing I had gotten off to a good start.

Once in my room, I showered again and got ready for Cari (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=18050)(Platynum photo). There are now a number of her photos in the picture gallery ( http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showpost.php?p=317362&postcount=908 ) shared by a few of our generous fellow mongers, most notably punter 127. Back at the Art Hotel, as part of the contingency planning for possible technical difficulties in following the rigorous schedule relayed by mission control, 10 mg of Cialis was consumed. Exactly at 3pm, there was a knock on my door. Considering that the choice was entirely left to Roxana and I did not have the slightest idea whom to expect, Cari’s appearance pleasantly surprised me. I was more surprised when she started to talk to me in decent English. She is a 23 year-old student (I forgot her major), takes English classes, is quite intelligent, and to top it all, is smoking hot. She mentioned that she has Lebanese roots from one side of the family and Eastern European from the other side. We proceeded to chitchat a little, but I soon realized one of the advantages of this microscopic room was that there was nowhere to sit except on one of the twin beds. This facilitated Knuckhead’s “transition” from “civilized” mode into “caveman” mode tremendously. We did a lot of caressing and light kissing, but alas, no DFK. She then proceeded with an excellent BJ. I do believe it was BBBJ, but now that it is almost two months later, my memory may be wrong. To all the BJ enthusiasts out there, please accept my apology if it turns out I was wrong on this piece of detail. I then put her on her back and took a look at her incredible “female anatomy” (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16159 ) (Photo Credit: Punter 127). I cannot begin to tell you how inviting it looked, and hence the dilemma: to DATY, or not to DATY, that was the question. I went for it, and the action naturally evolved into 69. For about 20 minutes we engaged in a succession of missionary and doggie positions. She subsequently jumped on top for a very inspired cowgirl ride, and then turned around for some reverse cowgirl. Friends, the image of her perfect bottom moving up and down on my instrument was thereby permanently tattooed on my retinas. That picture was as beautiful, if not more, than the smile of Mona Lisa, only without the guards at the Louvre. On second thought, I would take Cari’s butt over Mona Lisa’s smile any day of the week, as I highly doubt La Gioconda would have been any good in the reverse cowgirl position. Needless to say, the reverse cowgirl did the job for me. We cleaned up, she dressed ( http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16129), we chatted a few minutes, and off she went after receiving her gift of $200AR with 20 pesos for cab. Although she completely ignored it, her phone (which was thoughtfully turned to “vibrate” mode) went off a few times during the session, indicating that this girl gets quite a few calls and was probably off to see another client right after me. Still, I fully recommend her, if you can do away with DFK. Sadly for me, I really need this one thing to completely enjoy the action, much more so than, say, a BBBJ.

After Cari’s departure, I cleaned up a little, called Saint to set up dinner for the next day, and Captain Dave to let him know I’d be joining him in the mansion that night. I then got out of the hotel one more time and visited a local eatery called “nueve gattos” for a few very tasty empanadas. I was back in the hotel in time to receive Bany. She was late for about ½ hour, and just as I called Roxana, the front desk called me to say:” a young lady is here to see you”. Emmmm,…well, send her up! I wondered how Cari was able to come up without such a call.

Meet Bany (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16136), 23 years old from Misiones. She had a very sweet demeanor, giving you the vibe that she feels she has won the lottery to be with you. She does not speak any English (Excellent!), and says she is a first year medical student (I do have my doubts… lots of them!). As you see, her looks are “reasonable”, but it was her sheer, raw passion (almost hunger) for sex that made her the pièce de résistance of this trip. Before I could say hello, she was in my arms and jumping up and down with joy, while giving me a tonsil-tickling DFK. She was absolutely glad to be there, and it showed. Without prompting, she jumped into the bathroom and returned with very tasty lingerie. I was a little surprised at the pace the action was proceeding, but before I had a chance to think any further, she literally ripped my pants off and had my member in between her ample breasts. The feeling of warmth from her chest surrounding my instrument was wonderful, and she definitely knew how to utilize her ample assets. She then proceeded with a good (but not outstanding) BBBJ. I returned the favor with the combination of DATY and the pocket Rocket, and she went crazy, trashing around like a nymphomaniac after having a number of orgasms back to back. Then we had a little bit of an odd moment. I whipped out my own condom, and she almost begged me to use hers. I inspected the packet and once I made sure it was not tampered with, I agreed. We then decided a girl from Misiones needs some missionary. As she was having another orgasm shortly after entry, I began to take notice of how nice that particular brand of condom was (As best as I can remember under the circumstances, it had the word “Silver” written on the packet). She then tried many, many positions to get this third load of the day out of me, and was eventually successful. We cleaned up a little, and asked what I was doing later that night. I replied that since I already had plans to go to the mansion, I would be unavailable to spend time with her unless, of course, she was going to accompany me. She said she wanted to come, and asked if she could bring along her girlfriend. While she went to the bathroom, I checked with Capt Dave to make sure it was fine before agreeing. Once out of the shower, as she began to put her clothes back on, I once again noticed those huge “melons” ( http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=16139 ). Given that it was less than ten minutes from the third orgasm of the day, I was amazed at the immediacy with which I became afflicted with a bad case of “wood”. As any self respecting Latina in a similar situation would do, she quickly doused this flame with some superb Russian action, receiving a pearl necklace as her reward.

By this point it was 8:30 pm, and the two of us dressed up and took a taxi to Bany’s home, to pick up her “sister”. On the way, she was kind enough to explain that the girl we are going to pick up was not her real sister, but a close friend. In about 15 minutes we arrived at a typical residential apartment building in Palermo, and this girl (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15768) let us in (Photo Credit: Punter 127). Although I had never met her before, I immediately recognized her from these and Platynum pictures as Alexia. She was very surprised to see that I “knew” her, but I said I had seen her photos on Platynum, not mentioning this site. Both girls changed, and we got into a radio taxi and left for the mansion. I found it very interesting that despite the fact that I gave the driver the exact street address to the mansion, he still acted very confused. He had to ask several times in order to locate the street. During the ride I availed myself of the fondling opportunities on both chicas, and especially Alexia.

25 minutes and 20 Pesos later, we were dropped off at the door of the mansion. I rang the bell, and Jackson himself opened the door. We entered, and the atmosphere was like one of a reunion. In addition to Jackson, Captain Dave, and other non-posting mansion regulars, I immediately spotted Flexible Horn, whom I had met in a previous trip in March, as well as Exon, standing in a corner and nursing a drink, There were about 15 mongers in total and about 10 girls in presence, so I suppose I was glad to be able to positively affect the chica/monger ratio. After some very interesting conversation with many mongers who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time, it was time for dinner. The steak and chicken dinner was, as usual, outstanding, and the deserts were great as well. A little after the dinner I noticed a Canadian monger friend as well as Alexia were missing. A little while later both of them were spotted descending the stairs with smiles on their faces. Personally, I wanted to take Maya up for a spin (for a three-some to include Bany as well), and just as we were about to go upstairs Captain Dave gently mentioned that there were guests staying in all of the rooms, so it was a no-go for Maya. After some more conversation and after-dinner drinks, it was time for the mongers to hit the clubs. Bany and Alexia asked if I would go dancing with them, and I happily obliged.

Cabs for different groups of mongers were ordered, and ours arrived in about 10 minutes. From there, it was merely a 5-minute cab ride to a very large dance club called “Sanset”. I want to give you a web reference, but as much as I have searched, I cannot find one. However, I simply cannot believe a place that large has no web presence. In any event, after paying a $25AR entrance fee each, we went through a metal detector and entered the large courtyard. The place reminded me of the very large, 20-something dance clubs of southern California. It had 3 very large halls with live music, techno dance, and Argentine music respectively. There was a nice open courtyard with a pleasant fountain and an open-air bar. We spent about 2 hours there, essentially “bumping and grinding” between the three of us. I had such a “wood” it was literally embarrassing, let alone the fact that it was almost painful as well. Never mind the whole story above, and never mind the eventful day so far. Knuckhead just HAD to have that fourth session of the day. But alas, fate did not have this in store for him. As much as I dislike loud, smoky places, I wanted the night to run its “natural course” and for the girls to end up in my bed by default. I figured, contrary to my usual mode of action, that I would simply wait this one out.

The girls asked if I could accompany them to another dance club. By this time it was 2:30 am and I was getting tired of this perpetual “wood”; however, I wowed to myself that I would simply try being patient for once. We got in a cab and drove off to downtown. Bany and Alexia wanted to stop by their apartment first to get changed. We then drove off to another very large dance club called “Museum (http://batop.8m.com/fotosmuseum.html)”. This was an interesting building with at least over 2000 hot, steaming, drunk (and probably high on something) people rubbing bodies against each other on the dance floor and on the two upper mezzanine levels. Again, this was a loud, smoky place I would not have ordinarily sought out, but it was nonetheless interesting to see how much “free” bumping and grinding was going on. We ordered a sangria type drink on their upper level, and watched the mass of humanity mingle down below. About an hour later, Alexia was finding her next catch of the day, a nice clean-cut Porteño fellow. The poor guy tried and tried, but she was only a tease. Fortunately, the guy spoke English well (and the girls spoke NONE), so I could fill him in as to what the situation was without being too obvious. To my surprise, he said “no problem, I pay”. So, I left them to their own vices, but apparently this was not going to be a fruitful customer for Alexia. Later (see future posts) I heard Alexia woke up in the arms of a Gringo the next morning.

By this time it was 5:30 am, and not only was I almost in tears due to my “wood”, but also very tired too. I then remembered why I had given up non-P4P action very, very early in my mongering career many years ago: I absolutely have no patience whatsoever for this type of suspense. As early as my teenage years, I had figured out the efficient “shortcut” and never really bothered with wasting my time with the “normal:rolleyes:” way. I do realize opinions and personal experiences vary widely on this subject, so just read this as one person’s angle.

I told Bany I wanted to go home to sleep, and she said she wanted to wait 15 minutes for Alexia and see what happens to her. Been there, done that! After 30 minutes I simply said I was going home and she could join me later if she wanted. She said she would come to my hotel 30 minutes later. Somehow I knew that wouldn’t be happening, and just smiled and left with my “wood”. It was almost 6:15 Sunday morning by this time, and not being a Dickhead I had no idea where to get laid. Consequently, I just went to my hotel and hit the sack without expecting Bany.

I took comfort in the fact that in less than 5 hours, the tried and true Maria (of Argentina Private) would be in my bed. Still it was too bad, as I really needed that fourth session of the day :(.


01-01-05, 09:40
Nice report, nicely done, and thanks for the re-cap.

Have a great year in 2005.

Enjoy the life,


01-01-05, 15:49
I unpacked, and tried to hide my large suitcase somewhere in the closet to no avail. Although the room was very nice, it was so tiny that it appeared I had to hide the room in the suitcase, not the other way around! FYI,
I had a similar experience in the Hotel Prince (http://www.princehotel.com.ar) in Barrio Norte (just a few blocks from the Recoleta). However, the rates at the Prince, 80 pesos per day, are much less than the Art Hotel and the Prince staff were chica friendly. It's a very nice area and convenient for short stays, IMHO. Mayra booked it for me on a relatively short notice, and got an even lower rate: Mayra Brill (mayra@argentinatravelservices.com)

Hope this helps.
-Happygotlucky :)

01-02-05, 13:53
Gentelmongers: I'm touched! Thank you!

I'll try to post the events of day 2 and day 3 in the next month. I wish I could do it earlier, but the writing doesn't come to me easily and it takes a lot of time.

Monger on, fellows!

Daddy Rulz
01-03-05, 03:53
I usually stay at the Wilton but it is a little pricey (not really but I'm a cheap fuck) and I was wondering the neighborhood and found the Prince. I talked to the lady at the front desk (ok I slaughtered some Castillano in a poor attempt at communication) and she showed me a room. It was a regular double bed, clean enough room and servicable bathroom. I'm thinking I've maybe found a good backup hotel. I go downstairs and ask how much the room is and her answer is 100 a night. I mutter "cien pesos, bien" and ask for a card. She says "dollares no pesos, cien dollares". I repeated just to be sure, "cien dollares?" Her response "si", I walked without further word. Looking at the web site it says 90 pesos for a double. Wonder what was up with that?

01-03-05, 15:55
"For as long as I am reading the trip reports, this is one of the best I have ever read. Knuckhead, thank you!"

The above line I wrote on October 31, 2003, when I first read your reports in this forum. Looks like you kept getting better with time. Take as much time you need to finish up writing about rest of your adventures. Some day, you ought to compile all your reports and publish as a book. I am sure it will be a better reading than the Amber Frey's foray into the literary world.

I am little curious about a small detail missing from your report. What kind of "cock and bull" story you came up with for your "ball and chain" in such a short notice?


01-04-05, 02:59
Was in Buenos Aires from 12/27 through New Years day. It was a great mini-vacation and was pleasantly surprised to find a good selection of chicas except for New Years eve and day. However, expecting that, I was able to arrange in advance for the company of chicas for those times.

Enjoyed hanging a bit with Dickhead-thanks DH. He is a cool guy to hang with and show one the real Buenos Aires. And I have noticed that he is still on great terms with all his past 'favoritas', they still consider him a good friend. This says something about how he treats his women.

Never once stepped foot in Recoleta except for 1 night at a restaurant bordering Bario Norte and Recoleta. Learned alot more about the real Buenos Aires by visiting a number of non-tourist clubs, bars and restaurants. This is the only way to learn about the real Buenos Aires, not just the P4P chicas. In the two trips made this year, I have come to love the city and it's people. The city is filled with a level of energy (other than New Years day) I greatly appreciate and the people are welcoming, warm and truly friendly. Yet, while being consumed with this energy, there is still a sense of peacefulness. But enough with my poorly descriptive prose.

I will post specifics regarding my chica experiences soon but I am already wishing to return.


01-04-05, 03:25
I am little curious about a small detail missing from your report. What kind of "cock and bull" story you came up with for your "ball and chain" in such a short notice?

BandyDear Bandy:

Thanks for your kind words back in 2003 and again, now. Reading my 2003 reports, I myself am amazed at how things have changed. Imagine, when I first came to B.A., I thought the best I could ever do was to visit a few privados. The reason I came here in the first place was ONLY the excellent posts in this thread by those friends who chose to share. I knew that with my brief trips of 3-4 days, I would prabably never have any original info to contribute. With that in mind, I decided I could at least provide some entertainment with my posts in exchange for the wealth of information I have received from this board over the years.

To answer your question without taking too much of a risk in loss of my "plausible deniablity", I can tell you that the Ball and Chain herself has been fortunately pretty chained up, albeit in a completely different sense. That has turned the tables a little, affording such occasional windows of opportunity.

Hope to see you one day.


Peter Pan #3
01-04-05, 08:52
Would love to discover the real thing with fellow boinkers.

Will make the attempt to hook up next time. Hope you guys will be able to spare some time!

Norman Stormin
01-04-05, 18:29
Time on target 11:03 Zulu. The Madame came down to open the door. At least I thought she was. I introduced myself in the elevator and stated she was too pretty to be the receptionist. She was a bit miffed and made it clear she was not the recptionist. It turned out she was one of 3 girls working and was covering for the Madame. I don't remember her name. Open Monday thru Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm except Friday they stay open all night. 70 pesos 1/2 and 100 the hour.

Above average apartment in appearance and cleanliness. 2 bedrooms 1 ba.
The two other girls were presented: Carolina (a bottle blond) and Brit, a brunette with curley shoulder legnth hair and green eyes. All three were a bit too big for my taste and I would class all three in the 5 looks catagory. I chose Brit because she seemed the friendliest of the three. She was also still wet from the shower. (I love being the first customer of the day).

Brit had a beautiful smile with perfect teeth. 5' 5" 140 lbs puffy breasted C cup. Her real name is Alehandra, 25 from somewhere 2 hours west of the city. Never married, no kids, on the rebound from a bad 2 year relationship. Bad for her and bad for him too. Or he should be horsewhipped for not training her better.

No DFK, jaw tightly clenched, I only got to brush those beautiful teeth. Only a cursory BBBJ, tip of the tounge on the tip of my dick and her lips barely made it over the head. Let's try cowgirl, she had a beautiful face and those puffy nipples were made to knaw on. No go. Nipples too sensative. I was only allowed to tickle them with my tounge. How about doggie? She responded well but when I started rubbing her clit, she bolted in pain. Well lets get this overwith, I'll just pound her missionary and look at that beautiful face.

Not only was I the first customer of the day, I believe I must have been the first customer in this girl's lifetime. She fucked like you imagine your mother would fuck: to make babies. Pretty face, pleasant personality, but fornication is for the purpose of procreation, not recreation. Performance gets a 2.

This place is overpriced for the quality and selection. Should be 40/60 the hour. I will not repeat.

01-04-05, 22:43
Maybe the Prince gives a lower (local) price to Mayra Brill (mayra@argentinatravelservices.com).
Since tourism in BA has skyrocketed over the last year the Prince may be trying to apply differentiated pricing, i.e. gringo pricing; I know some of the local airlines do that too. I guess sometimes it's better to have a local make the reservation.

I usually stay at the Wilton but it is a little pricey (not really but I'm a cheap fuck) and I was wondering the neighborhood and found the Prince. I talked to the lady at the front desk (ok I slaughtered some Castillano in a poor attempt at communication) and she showed me a room. It was a regular double bed, clean enough room and servicable bathroom. I'm thinking I've maybe found a good backup hotel. I go downstairs and ask how much the room is and her answer is 100 a night. I mutter "cien pesos, bien" and ask for a card. She says "dollares no pesos, cien dollares". I repeated just to be sure, "cien dollares?" Her response "si", I walked without further word. Looking at the web site it says 90 pesos for a double. Wonder what was up with that?

01-05-05, 01:54
Hope someone on this thread can give some advice on long-term stay.

I'm here in florida trying to get a student visa to stay in BA for 6 months. But the documents that the Argentina Consulate make you obtain are really a pain in the ass to get. I've spent over $300 so far getting official copies of criminal background reports, all sorts of notary stamps and apostilles on my birth certificate (I did'nt know what an apostille was until this process), physical exams that have to be certified by a medical board! And on and on. Holy shit.

I am now thinking I should just go down there on a tourist visa and then try to extend it another 90 days somehow.

Anyway, I am getting really frustrated. I just want to bone Argentine chicks. Can anyone offer an alternative to getting a Argentinian student visa while here in the states?



El Aleman
01-05-05, 13:04
If you want to stay 6 months:

fly down

stay 89 days

On day 90, take the boat to Colonia, Uruguay and back. that gives you an exit stamp within the 90 days period and a new entry stamp.

stay 89 more days

on day 180, fly home.

You are allowed 90 days on a turist visa in line, and 180 total per year.

everybody does it like this.

And welcome to bueraucracy.....
(I once needed some Argentinean documents. Took a bunch of notarized copies and 3 Apostilles)

El Alemán

p.s. you might want to have a return ticket within the 90 days period, so don't buy the cheapest one, but one you can change, even with a penalty.

edited 01/07:

I have to add, this only works once. As a tourist, you are allowed max. 180 days a year, and max. 90 during one stay. So, it's not good forever, but for the requested hakf year, it's perfect.

Norman Stormin
01-05-05, 17:30
Is it me or is it the after holiday blues? This has just not been a good week. The week before Christmas it was rush hour at the apartments. Now it seems to be the doledrums. After yesterday's noninspiring visit to 3221 Guemes, I thought I might invoke Dickhead's price/performance inverse relationship law. I´ll try 3373 Santa Fe for 60 pesos. I was pleased my last visit (see Nov 9).

Time on target 14:60. Lunch hour rush is no longer a problem. I was the only customer and it took 15 minutes for the madame to roust 4 unhappy girls from a deep siesta. A very unenthusiastic greeting from each and every one of them. I should have passed, but chose Tamara, the tinyest of the four.

Big mistake. No kissing, not even closed lips. Only covered, very lifeless BJ. And very limp fucking. I sped things up just to get the hell out of there. I hate wasting a bullet and try to make it last. I was outta there in 30 min (15 min intro and 15 min business) even though I paid for an hour.

I am downgrading this apartment from a C plus to a D minus.

01-06-05, 03:53
Hello guys,

This is my 1st report from Bs. As.

Yesterday, based on Jackson's comments on the Clubs topic I asked a cabbie to take me to Salome.

Upon arriving to the place it turned out to be Sodoma. I asked the cabie and he apologized and was honest enough to tell me he was obviously getting paid for bringing me here (duh!).

I recalled that this particular club had no comments from Jackson so I decided to give it a try. Entrance fee was P$35 and the doorman told me it was good for 2 drinks. My first impression of the club was that it was way too small (about a third of Madahos) and all of the (about) 30 "girls" were either too old, fat or sub-par for my taste. Before the waiter had brought me my drink I had decided to bolt. Before going I tried to enjoy my glass of Bailey's which counted as 2 drinks according to the guy... so long dude!

On the street, 2 doors down, I found a place called “something” rouge (sorry, can't really recall the exact name). It looked as bad as Sodoma so I didn't bother. I turned around and headed for Madahos.

Entry fee was $35 (I am 90% sure really on this one, sorry) and it gave me 1 free drink.

Inside I found very pretty girls and soon was talking to two of them. I managed to get them down to both for 1hr for P$300 (both, not each), then again, I could pass for an Argentinean so I don't know if this was a factor.

I was not told anything about a minimum drink quota for the girls.

They told me, though, that if I took them to the hotel down the street from Madahos I would have to pay for 2 rooms. I had never heard about this before so, there you go.

I am thinking of going back to Madahos tomorrow just to meet one of these two girls again. She was soo cute and pretty. Though I have another of Roxana's appointments coming to the hotel.

I will get back to you tomorrow.

Next up: Tonight’s meeting with Celene.



PS: I came down from the airport thanks to Anna Luna. Excellent service! Highly recommended!

01-06-05, 04:02
My second report from Bs. As.

Celene from Platynum just left. She was an arrangement through Roxana (Thank you! Thank you!).

I am happy to report she was a GFE so I guess YMMV since I had asked a fellow monger/hobbyist about this particular characteristic and he replied negative. Then again, I did execute the small gift trick and managed to connect in conversation. I have had non-GFE meetings with GFE rated girls before so I always try every trick!

Celene is a cutie. Very nice features, spinner body, a to-die-for behind and very happy to please. DATY was accepted but CBJ was the only option the other way around.

She came to Hilton and told me she had come here before. That answers my pending question on the Hotels thread: Hilton is chica friendly (Roxana too confirmed this over the phone). I was nervous because I usually stay here along with many co-workers.

The bottom line: P$230 + Cab fare for 1.5 hours. She didn't pillage the mini-bar either as some girls usually do. She only took a bottle of water.

Definitely a repeat.



01-06-05, 14:40
My first time in BA and I have bad luck. After finding out that the soccer season has a break until March, the next dissapointment was that all discos are closed until 15.1.05. These 2 things were the ones I looked forward the most. After hearing so much of the excellent nightlife of BA I was quite dissapointed of the bars in San Telmo and Recoleta. I was back at the hotel at 12.30.

01-06-05, 21:07
I forgot to mention this.

Celene told me about this other website in which she appeared under another name (Natasha) and wearing a twig. Personally, I don't like these pics of her. I believe FH's and the ones at Platynum do her more justice and she's stunning in person.




01-06-05, 21:40
Well, it is good to be hear after almost a year.

My first free day I decided to visit some of the common apartment places. First called Santa Fe 2036 to inquire who is there. This was quite interesting experience. Since the madam speaks some english I spoke english to her and got a quite of 100 uSs per hour!

I told her thanks a lot and went to visit Pamela at Santa Fe 1707. Quite good experience, as advertised.

Next I went to Santa Fe 3307 3C. Male voice hanged up on me when I asked for an apartment with chicas. Anybody knows what's up?

Next stop was Corrientes 1965. No answer. Post-holiday blues.

Finally, for the fun of it I stopped by Santa Fe 2036 and tried my best castellano, which is not very good. However, now I was given a quote of 200 pesos per hour which went down to 150 - still too much I'm sure. However, not too bad. bbbj included.

Btw, I'm here till 1/12 and will be glad to meet with others who are around and have not departed for Mar del Plata yet.

Looking forward to Alexia's visit in few minutes.

California Guy
01-06-05, 23:46
My first time in BA and I have bad luck. After finding out that the soccer season has a break until March, the next dissapointment was that all discos are closed until 15.1.05. These 2 things were the ones I looked forward the most. After hearing so much of the excellent nightlife of BA I was quite dissapointed of the bars in San Telmo and Recoleta. I was back at the hotel at 12.30.Damn that sucks!

01-07-05, 01:17
All good things must come to an end so this will be my last post. I want to thank Jackson especially for providing such a great forum, and also I want to thank all the contributors who have helped to make the forum such a success. I will lurk for a month or so if anyone wants to contact me to exchange e-mail addresses via PM.

Tonight I went to Bar Iberia to meet a friend for a drink. Nothing was really going on there yet but I recommend the place for its professional waiters and reasonable prices. I had a double whisky for 10 pesos. Before I drank it I was completely sober and after I drank it I was completely drunk. Probably 5 ounces of whisky.

Then I headed towards Pelvi's on Callao. When I was approaching it I ran into Ale from Pelvi's on Corrientes. We had a nice chat and I think she will have dinner with me, but not in my apartment, at least not the first time. Then I went to the Callao branch and there were a LOT of good looking women and NO ugly ones. Also the men were wearing shorts and not their fucking underwear and I appreciate that. Hey Stowe, you remember the one with the dimples in her lower back? She looked fucking GREAT.

I left after two beers. I picked up a SW on Callao between Tucumán and Paraguay and we ended up in not a transitorio but a nightly hotel. I told her I wanted to make sure she had a place to spend the night. She was 22 years old and from Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. Said she had just arrived that afternoon. No AC in the hotel so I just lay there and she blew me to completion and swallowed it all, which was not that much. 30 for her and 20 the hotel. When I went downstairs I paid another 20 to the clerk so she could stay another night, and he gave me a receipt which I slipped under her door.

So that is Buenos Aires. I wish all my friends here the best of luck.

Richard Head, Esq.

01-07-05, 02:55
Revered Señor Head,

You have become the unsung hero of our beloved Buenos Aires,
our humorist, scholar, epicurean,
quintessential poet of the underbelly,
and caballero a las chicas.

May all your exploits bring as much pleasure as you've brought to
reading this board dear Head.

My hat is off,

01-07-05, 04:02
My 3rd and last night in Bs. As.

My luck turned bad tonight. Roxana had scheduled Nicoll from the Platynum website for me.

This morning I wanted to check out her pics again and discovered that her phone number was gone and she was now unavailable... I called Roxana and she told me Nicoll had called her and confirmed.

When she arrived at the hotel at 1am (on time) she called me and asked if I could come down and pay for the cab... I was already in bed so this was not a good start.

Anyway, when I saw her I knew she was the girl from the pictures but with a few extra pounds and not so good looking. She told me she had just begun working a couple of weeks ago and that she was nervous because it was the first time she had had to go far from were she worked for an appointment. Allegedly, the cab fare was P$28 (I didn't go down to pay).

I gave her the agreed upon money (P$250 for 1.5 hours plus cab fare).

We began DFK and just when I unclipped her bra she asked if I had condoms (WTF?). She said she was so nervous that she had forgotten them! At 1am I was in no mood to go out looking for a place to buy and I really didn't want to ask for them to any of the guys in the lobby. Not for her at least. Maybe if she had really looked like in her pics.

Long story short, I asked for my money back (less cab fare) and she still had to wait for 1.5 hours until they came to pick her up.

No repeating here. Next time I am down here I will go looking for Adriana from Madahos or repeat Celene from Platynum (who, by the way, does not have a twig in her head as I stated in a previous post but a wig, he he).

There are very beautiful women here. Hope you have fun in this city (which also happens to be the most beautiful in Latin America. Bogota being the second).



Daddy Rulz
01-07-05, 06:44
I'm hoping He was just drunk and will forget it in the morning. Bubba your the most entertaining poster on this board.

(actually Looking for Lefty is more entertaining if I'm in the mood for fiction)

01-07-05, 12:19
Dick Head there are so many dark days here in sex prison. Many of us need your insite, wit and wisdom to brighten up our lives.

This very morning as an example. I wake up, its dark, its cold, Ive got "Wood" and theres no exceptable pussy around to Fuck, Im depressed. But I could always come here to the board and read the DickHead cronicals which always put a smile on my face.

Why are you leaving us, we Mongers need you.

At the very least you owe us a reason for leaving the WSG board.

Please reconsider.


P.S. Jackson look into this matter for all of us

01-07-05, 15:50
Hey Dickhead,

Wish you would reconsider. Your posts always add value. You give great information regarding new apartments and chicas at the clubs. Without that input, many of us would be hobbying blind. I appreciate all the information you have given to me in your posts.

Having said that, I understand why you might end your association with the forum. Living there, you have so much information to impart but there is little information that this forum can provide TO you, so what is the benefit?

However, this forum needs your input to maintain it's viability. That also applies to most others who either live or are very frequent visitors to Buenos Aires. Without the input of the 'experts' the forum is diminished.

Again, thanks for everything. Stay in touch.

BTW-I have seen 2 other chicas with the dimple asses. One in NEB, the other I forget where. In both cases, they were NO where near a sexy as the chica at Pelvi's. It is incredible how hot she is and those dimples just make her more so. Wish she were in the program.

Also, continue working on Sol at Piola's- perhaps someday.... What would man be like without such unattainable challenges. Besides, it's a great little fantasy she provides for both of us (and a million other men, I suppose).

Hope to visit there again soon.


01-07-05, 15:52
Here is the report on Buenos Aires regarding my December vacation..

In my 5 1/2 days there I had 8 different chicas and 1 chica I had more than once. Too bad work interferred and I had such a short visit to this great city. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so no photos.

Cele – Works independent out of an apartment with Jessica (Amanda). Both were at Santa Fe 1707. 150 pesos for 2 hours. She stayed about 2 ½ hours.

In her photograph, Cele was a rubia, however when I saw her she had dark brown hair. She was absolutely beautiful. Having natural medium brown, Cele prefers being a blond. She has a fantastic attitude, smiles, laughs and talks easily. Even though my Spanish is not very good, she tried hard to communicate.

She is 24 years old, 5’ 4” tall with very nice 34c breasts. Her nipples are long and she enjoys a lot of attention to them. Cele is a bit nasty and active (not passive during sex), which I like. She has a fantastic ass and beautiful pussy and enjoys FUTA during oral and sex-also enjoys Beso Negro on her (possible she is open to doing it, I did not ask). She likes to cum and is not difficult to make cum. The BBBJ was excellent and CIM is an option. In fact, I didn’t have to ask she just took me there. Greek is available and so enjoyable with such a beautiful ass.
Will definitely repeat.

Gabriela – Salome (150 pesos for 2 hours-stayed 2 1/2 hours)
Pretty chica with long brown hair. Very thin body with a nice figure and trimmed pussy.

Gabriela is 25, 5”3” with small breasts-about 32a. She has very long nipples with nice dark are areolas. She is a bit passive during sex and her BBBJ is just ok. Greek not on the menu and I am sure CIM is not either. She enjoys oral on her but is fairly quiet and is not easy to make cum.
Will not repeat.

Tamara – Suipacha 921 apratment (100 pesos for 1 hour)
Tamara is a very nice chica, though she is the least attractive I have ever done at an apartment, she is not unattractive, just not hot-perhaps a 6/10 in the face but an 7.5/10 in the body. She has long blond hair.

Tamara is about 26, 5’4” with 34c breasts, nipples normal size. She has a very small, tight ass. She is very active during sex, giving a nice long BBBJ with a lot of attention to the balls. She is not in a hurry and genuinely enjoys pleasing men. Greek is available depending on size but not CIM. She enjoys oral on her and wants to cum.
Will not repeat.

Salome – Guemes 3221 apartment (100 pesos for 1 hour) Actually paid for 2 hours.
Salome is very hot. An example of an apartment chica that could easily work at any of the clubs. Though a bit quiet (possibly due to my limited Spanish and her zero knowledge of English), she has a great personality and enjoys sex.

She is about 24, 5’7” with 34c breasts. Her skin is a nice creamy brown and she has a fantastic ass and sweet pussy. While she enjoys oral she does not want to cum. While doing oral with FUTA, she removed the my finger and kept pushing me away from her pussy each time she got close to cumming. Salome give a very good BBBJ and CIM is available. She enjoys greek a lot and likes it a bit hard. Sex is best in missionary so as to look at her hot face and beautiful eyes.
Will definitely repeat.

Rosa Marie - Cattos 160 pesos for 2 hours (stayed for 3 hours).
Rosie is great. We got together a number of times during my September visit. Always a sweet chica.
Great blond about 28 years old but looks much younger. Thin build with small breasts but somewhat puffy nipples. She has a beautiful and sweet fully shaved pussy that is delicious. Great BBBJ (can be CIM depending YMMV) She is the best kisser I have ever had! She has a great smile and a fantastic attitude during sex. Loves to play during sex and is an active participant and wants to orgasm. Is not difficult to make her cum. During our session, she came twice and I fucked her two times. No rush, in fact she prefers to take it slow. Ended up doing her multiple times, one time a TLN where I fucked her three times. Allows photos.
Will definitely repeat.

Paola – Santa Fe 1707 apartment (100 pesos for 1 hour)
With long brown hair and a great figure, Paola is a very pretty chica. I rate her about a 7.5/10. She has a great personality and is interested in people. Often, she initiated conversation before and after sex. There is no rush with Paola.

She is 24, 5’4” with 34c breasts and a very nice ass. She allows greek and CIM for additional pesos. Even the BBBJ is for an additional 20 pesos. Although it sucks (pun intended) it is the typical pricing policy at Santa Fe. A few more rules than other chicas, no FUTP or FUTA but she does want to cum both during oral and sex and is not difficult to make cum. BBBJ is excellent with a lot of attention to the balls. She is VERY energetic during sex, often asking me to go faster or harder.
Don’t like the rules and pricing but will probably repeat because she is fun.

Lorena – Ness (150 pesos 2 hours, stayed 2 hours)
Dickhead’s Savage Beast. Lorena is a nice chica that enjoys talking and laughing. She has a great personality and is a good conversationalist. She has long reddish-brown hair I enjoyed the warm up with her at the club.

She is about 27, 5’5” with full and firm 34c breasts. Nipples normal size. Lorena is a nasty chica-very active and responsive. She gets incredibly wet! While she loves oral sex, she is literally impossible to make cum. Spent over 30 minutes doing oral on her and while she enjoyed it, she didn’t cum. She has a unique kissing technique where she uses both her lips and teeth-interesting method that lends to a more nasty feeling to her. Her BBBJ was very good (not sure about greek or CIM, but given the way she is in bed, I would guess at least one of those would be available).
Would repeat.

Milagros – Suipacha 921 apartment (100 pesos 1 hour)
Milagros has very long almost black hair. She has very rich, dark skin and a very beautiful smile. She figure is fantastic. She enjoys pleasing her men and also enjoys conversation.

Milagros is 24, 5’3” with 34c breasts and very large nipples. She is super hot in bed and gives a breast BBBJ (not sure about CIM). She spent along time with the BBBJ slowly building up the intensity. Milagros is very active during sex and wants to try various positions and enjoys a hard pounding. Greek is great, she has a fantastic ass and enjoys greek a bit on the hard side. She is very accommodating and wants to have a good time.
Will definitely repeat.

01-07-05, 16:09
I know it was mentioned before and I've looked through the past reports and I can't find it, but could any of you tell me which apartment is it where the chicas wear schoolgirl outfits?

01-07-05, 17:26
First I have to start with the excellent food.I had an 400g steak at a restaurant in Lavalle pedestrian street for 2.50 Euro.Try it.

It is fucking hot at the moment but the women are so beautiful here.

I tried some appts.If you are not sure just ask the doormen at the entrance.Here are my expieriences which I remember:

Corrientes 1628. I do not remember the floor but the sex was quite good.She was a portena,27,beautiful face but a little belly(30A$/h).

Downstairs there is a massage casa called sirena spa;nice girls and good massage with HJ(40A$/h).Sex is available at additional 70A$.

Corrientes 1645. WARNING.This seems to be a rip-off joint.They want that you pay upfront without seeing the girls. I do not pay nothing if I do not like the girl.She said o.k. and presented me one ugly girl.I wanted to go and she said 10A$ or she would call the security.Go ahead and after one call I left the house without paying a centavo. AVOID!

Aernales 2465? So far the best one.Nice flat and 2 nice girls.I took a paraguanya.25,just worked 2 days,petite with a nice ass,long brown hair and firm small tits, for 40A$/h.Unfortunately she was quite unexperienced and that was my 2nd time this day I had a hard time to cum with the fucking condom.

Today I try one more and tommorow I am off to Sao Paulo.

More to come from bundaland!

Norman Stormin
01-07-05, 17:52
Stowe: Magnificent Report

Dickhead: Take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning

We all have bad hair days but I've had a bad fuck week. It's probably an attitude thing. I've been looking for that perfect woman for 12 weeks now.
You know the one I mean; gorgeous, hard bodied, nymphomaniac who just inherited a million dollars and a pub, is mute, and worships the ground your seeds fall on kinda girl.

I'm afraid I've had the best and don't want to recognize it. I am on a quest for that impossible dream. Aristotle said happiness was the achievement of successively more difficult goals on the road to that ultimate (unachieveable) goal. Time for a reality check. I'm going to fall off that ladder and start all over again.

I studied the Clarin classifieds looking for the raunchiest value meals I could find. I started in the 20 peso and under price range. I new these were teasers just to get you to call but thought I may come up with some interesting ones. I gleaned a list of eight which were well under my 100 peso budget. I chose one close to me which read as follows:

Carol 22 95-60-90 Bucal s/ globo depilada 1/2 hr 15p

I had been to a few of these low end places in the past and went prepared for the worst; condoms, lube, anticeptic wipes, toilet paper, and only 60 pesos spread in 3 different pockets.

The madame was standing in the doorway to the house and asked me what I was looking for. I told her the number, she smiled and ushered me upstairs. It's a house with a business downstairs. There appears to be about 4 bedrooms. I asked for Carol knowing Carol did not exist. Carol was off today.I asked about the Bucal sin globo. That's between you and the girls. The 15 peso advertised special is a covered blow job. If I want 1 hour of sexo completo it's 40 pesos. Condoms 2 pesos each. Bring on the girls.

Five Paraguayans were presented, none less than 25 years old. They were all average looks (4 to 5) and builds (no spinners and no fatties) and all very unenthusiastic. I chose Claudia about 28. She started working the Monday after Christmas. Tried in vain to get her to smile. Lavished her with false compliments. Got nowhere. No kissing, covered BJ, and even tried to fake that by sticking her ass in my face so I couldn´t see her rubbing my dick on her cheek instead of sucking.

I had a difficult time staying hard and ended up pounding her missionary while she stared at the ceiling and looked at her watch. Obviously these low end girls don't get the benfit of the theatrical education the 100 peso girls excell at. Perhaps someone fluent in Spanish would do better. I will not repeat.

But I have not had enough of this self abuse. I will continue my pennance tomorrow. To wit:

ACA bucal completo Patricia 23 tomo todo 20p 1/2 hr

BTW, if any of you dare to go where no gringo has gone before, I'd be happy to share my list of untried addresses.

Jaimito Cartero
01-07-05, 18:31
Stowe and Norman. Nice reports! Always nice to have reports with good details.

One Tree Hill
01-07-05, 19:07
OK....If you agree to keep posting I will paypal you P150 for a decent session from the estalishment of your choice! Anyone else?!

That should help out the old budget! (Could I get a tax write off? LOL)

01-07-05, 21:21
Looking forward to Alexia's visit in few minutes.Love quoting myself! Well, one should always be ready for suprises... Alexia apparently figured that it's ok to send me Bany instead, of course without letting me know first. I must sound real dum when trying to speak Spanish!

However, no complaints there. Bany is a nice girls and we had a good time. Great sex. Very enjoyable.

01-07-05, 21:37
I’m with One Tree Hill on this. I second the motion to paypal you AR$150 !! Your input is too valuable to end like this.

I had to postpone my December visit in lieu of Havana for “personal” reasons, and so I’m trying for A march visit… I would consider it an honor to monger with you. Will you not reconsider?

Regards, Havanaman

Jaimito Cartero
01-08-05, 00:08
I’m with One Tree Hill on this. I second the motion to paypal you AR$150 !! Your input is too valuable to end like this.

He didn't mention money being an issue. Maybe he's fallen in love?

Daddy Rulz
01-08-05, 03:56
Jaimito reality check, Dickhead remember :)

01-08-05, 17:34
Here are some experiences which I thought I would share with the forum.


Paulita - from platynum - beautiful body, as reported earlier. Similarities stop there though. She tried with 300 $ per hour, we agreed on 200 $. Very professional performance; she provided some services which are difficult to find even in BA. Mostly CBJ though. She left ahead of time. Basically, if you are into great, great boobs and cute little pussy, go for it. Little or no english.
Btw, she fixed her teeth :)


Visited Catto after dinner with couple of mongers from the forum. There were plenty of girls there, to the degree that soon I was left as a last one sitting. Mira, short very cute girl from Paraguay joined... I wasn't really sure about her, but decided to follow my instinct and setup 1.5 hour appointment. $150 + drinks. It turned out to be very good experience, with some very enthusiastic sex, bbbj and facial. She is a very friendly girl, recommended. No english.

Next Afternoon.

Here I decided to explore some platynum girls I haven't seen mentioned in this forum, so to increase our collective knowledge... Setup an appointment with Agosthina. Beatiful face, nice set of tities, long dark hear. She told me she was 30 or so, but if she told me she was 23 I would have believed. Performance was a bit mechanical, although it included DFK, and some enthusiastic sex. CBJ though. My feeling was she wasn't much into it, so YMMV. 200$ per hour. Little or no english.

Dodger Bulldog
01-09-05, 07:21
Jaimito and I were discussing the use of presents on the Costa Rica board, following my Christmas trip there. I also wanted to share it here with my friends who frequent Argentina.

Also around Christmas, I'll bring some small wrapped gifts (lipsticks, small perfume bottles, etc) with me, and give them girls I like. You get some great responses from these.

I agree with Jaimito that bringing presents can go a long ways. Probably the single best thing you can EVER do to assure a good time.

Actually, the presents are a much better motivator than money, which is expected by the girl. She feels that she already deserves the money just for showing up.

But these presents are a special bonus, which she can only earn with a great performance.

Of course, there is no reason not to offer the gifts year round, also.

First, they help me when I negotiate with the girls. I can stick by my original offer, while slipping her an 88 cent lipstick from my pocket. I promise that she can select one, two, or even three more "regalos" (presents) when we are finished, depending on how much I like her performance.

"You are very good aren't you? You will do everything I ask and make me feel wonderful, won't you?"

"Of course! So I am sure that you will earn all THREE presents!"

Upon entering, she sees that everything is out on display. I let her feel the merchandise and smell the leather, so to speak. I remind her that she can select three if she really, really pleases me.

I let her eat some nuts, or chocolates from the candy jar. Plus, I have her put a pack of gum and snack size Hershey bar in her purse for each of her kids, BEFORE the session starts. Just to establish how generous I really am.

Then we're off to bed.

Attached is a photo of the spread I had laid out. I bought everything cheap at Walmart. The perfume was 3 bottles for $7.88, less than $3 each. The make-up kits were $2.88. Lipsticks, nail polishes, boxes of Russell Stover chocolates, toothbrushes all were just 88 cents. Breath strips 3 for $2.48. Gum 20 cents a pack.

Any dental hygiene product goes over huge wherever I have been, including Europe. For some reason people believe that Americans make the best toothbrushes in the world.

I would love to learn which items others have found useful.

I wish I had brought a LOT more coloring books! They were all selected immediately, as the chicas were excited they could take something special home to their kids.

Sometimes they can be bought 2 for $1, but even at $2 they are real killers. Check at the dollar store. Try to find coloring books with American icons such as Barbie, Disney characters, or Sponge Bob. These go over huge.

For an additional benefit, I like to return to the club with her, and stand by her side while she shows off to her chica friends all the things that I just gave her.

Even if I am done taking anyone out for the night, the other girls will be sure to remember when they see me return tomorrow...

Calculate how much you are spending on airfare, hotels, food, chicas, etc. Then consider what an extra $50 spent on trinkets can do to encourage the girls to turn in some of the most motivated performances of their lives.

It gives you an awful lot of leverage for just a little bit more investment.

You can see how foolhardy it would be to ever come empty handed!


01-09-05, 11:28
Dodger Bulldog

I’m in 100% agreement with you regarding presents. Over the years this has proved to be one of the “must-do” preps of any trip. In fact I can emphasize the importance by sharing that in Cuba I have managed to monger for “free” with the use of a few dollars worth of regalos. It works every time. As a matter of fact, when I make contact with and meet regular chicas over the net, I always take a nice selection of presents.

You have taken the idea to new heights with returning to the clubs with the chica and also with showing the goods before the session. For me the very best idea is your use of the colouring books for the kids: outstanding idea Thank you!

When one goes through the financial math of the trip, it makes perfect sense to spend a few dollars more with your idea to gain better service.

Regards, Havanaman

01-09-05, 12:50
The Internet girls use many names, and, I suspect, they change the names they use frequently. Also, we get confused about whether Cary is a misspelling of Cari or maybe Carie or whatever. But they use fewer phone numbers, and I don't think that it would be so easy to change a phone number. Also numbers aren't accented. And numbers make it possible to detect girls which work together and therefore might try a bait and switch.

So I suggest that we use phone numbers in our reports. To aid searchability we should adopt some standards. I suggest that 1) we use local BA (not the international) version of the number; 2) supply all numbers for girls who use more than one; and 3) use the xxxx-xxxx format for land lines and 15-xxxx-xxxx format for cell phone numbers.

What do you think?


01-09-05, 14:12
I also bring unique presents for the ladies which they love immensely, however what Dodger Bulldog has done is even better. Coloring books and candy for the kids, etc.

Excellent idea-thanks...


01-09-05, 16:39
I haven't read the BA section in a while. I was surprised to see Dickhead saying he wouldn't post anymore. Maybe he has fallen in love? Honestly though hobbying week after week here gets old after you live here a while (not to mention DAMN expensive. Maybe he has found someone special. Afterall, even Jackson is getting married. Heck, even I am thinking about settling down with one of the girls I used to date seriously. If that happens and she moves in with me, I won't post anymore either. No matter the reason, I wish you the best of luck Dickhead.

Also, I know this has nothing to do with Buenos Aires but one of the dudes I met in one of many many adventures films pornos in Prague. I'm talking hottie porn stars. He is filming a movie and is looking for American and Canadian guys. Since he knows I have met a ton of guys he asked me to ask the people that I have met that might be in Prague. His email to me is below:

"American and Canadian men in Prague or coming to Prague, here is your chance to become a porn star! Really!

I am shooting “American Sex parties” in Prague every week, so I need American/Canadian men 18- 40ish and you got to have the accent that sounds US or Canadian (we are making everything look and sound like the good old US).

Here is how it would break down:

Step one: You’re just an extra in the background of sex party scene.

Step two: Assuming your cool with girls and my production crew, you go see the porno biz doctor and get your full STD/HIV tests, you then sign a model release and then your in your first movie and will be paid, probably starting with a BJ scene.

Step Three: If star is born, your good and you enjoy the work, you will be shagging 4-5 hotties a week and getting paid for it. Sounds Simple right. I am not going to lie to you, its not as easy as it looks, main issue is not looks although you gotta be in healthy shape, its keeping a hard dick for about an hour with 6 other people in the room.

If you’re interested and will be in Prague from Jan 14 to May 14."

I have met many of you over the years. If I have met you in person and you feel we got along ok, PM me if you meet the criteria above and are interested. I will refer you to him.

Good luck all.

01-10-05, 15:46
They never forget.

Much has been written on the various boards about the immense capacity of the female mind, and how they never forget anything. We have all experienced their expansive memory in various ways, and just recently I was at the receiving end of the accuracy and capacity of a woman I care for a lot. The names given are not the girls’ real names or professional names.

We have to go back a year, to when I had just met Sue. Immediately being attracted to her, but not wanting to jump into anything long term just yet, I gave her a wide berth for a few weeks. In between seeing her again, plans had already been made for a dinner date with another girl, Cathy, a non-pro. We had a large group that night at dinner, and at the dinner was Sue’s best friend, Patty, who was with one of my co-workers. I had known Cathy for about 4 years, but outside of being good friends, and helping her from time to time, that was it. I knew that Patty would get the word back to Sue about the night’s events, but I really did not care so much as the dinner had been pre-planned well before Sue had come into my life. Shortly after that, Cathy took a job elsewhere, and left town.

Having fun with a few other girls, my mind kept coming back to Sue. One day out of the clear blue, an email came from her, and after a few weeks time, we were together again. As the time together became more frequent, I was so taken by her that I did not really want to see anyone else, and wanted to devote my entire time and effort to her happiness. It dropped very quickly from an hourly rate to one of just giving of one’s self to the other. Helping her with her living expenses, her child’s school, her needs, was a lot more satisfying that paying an hourly rate and she became a very close friend. This grew exponentially over time.

One day while walking with Sue, my cell phone rang, and it was Cathy. She was back in town, and just called to say hi, and to ask for some things through my work, that I was unable to give her any more. I politely explained that I was unable to see her, and was unable to help her any more with work related items. She seemed upset, and kept asking, and each time I declined her. Sue didn’t have to ask, but the question mark on her face was unmistakable. So I explained the situation truthfully, and left it at that. The next day, Cathy called one of my co-workers at the hotel, and also called Patty, who she knew was dating one of my co-workers. Cathy had called Patty to see if her boyfriend could help her out. I was livid when I heard about this, and called Cathy up and told her to leave my co-workers out of it, and never to ask again from me or anyone else. We went back and forth with this, and it dropped.

Sue and Patty had their differences, and they stopped being friends. As time went on, Sue and I really started to become close, and things just got better. She gave me complete freedom to see who I wanted, but there was no desire on my part to see anyone else when I was in town. Once when she was out of town, I had a couple of flings with some girls listed on various websites, but that was just that, a fling, with no strings attached, and no involvement of a personal nature. I had taken some photos and videos of one of the girls, and sent them to her via FedEx. While watching the tracking of the package, I noticed that it could not be delivered, and was just sitting in the office. I called her and she said she had received it, but the tracking said different. I got Sue to translate for me on a conversation with her, and found out that her version of the package being delivered was that she knew that it was in the office and that she would pick it up at her leisure. Sue was a bit distraught over this conversation, but I let it go as it was only a package as far as she knew, and I had no intention of seeing the escort girl again outside of some casual fun.

One of the escort girls had brought a friend one day, and it turned out that I had known her friend a few years ago, when she had really small breasts. She had had some enhancements done, and was absolutely gorgeous now, and the breasts felt quite nice. It was this girl I had in mind when Sue started talking about getting some enhancements done, and so I showed her some “before” photos and recent photos of her posted on the website. Sue was impressed enough to want to have her come over so that she could take a look, and see if that was what she wanted, and also to find out about the doctor that was used. Because of timing and other events, this visit was never accomplished, but now Sue knew one of the girls that I had seen in her absence. Yet she was very nonchalant about it, and ignored it as she seemed very secure in our relationship, or so I thought.

One day while having lunch together, we were both talking about how we had been together for almost a year. Mentioning that I really did not want to see anyone else, brought the response from her, “But you have.” Knowing that I could not deny it, I just acknowledged it and said it was nothing, just fun, and had no personal meaning. Then the missiles really started flying:

“You paid her more money than me for her visit.” My response was that I paid her the same. She then told me how much I paid her each visit initially, and said that it was lower than I paid this girl. It did not matter that I have given her help with appliances for her home, helped her with her child’s school tuition, helped her get a new apartment, etc. I was guilty because I paid the escort more than her.

“Patty told me that you had bought a lot of things for Cathy, given her vast sums of money and other gifts.” I told her to just consider the source, and it was nothing but a bunch of lies. That was true, but I had to go into detail with her about my involvement with Cathy to show that we were just friends for a few years and nothing more. This was from information that she heard over a year ago.

“You sent a FedEx package to one girl, and one to me. Maybe you sent a bigger package to her than you did me.” It never ends. I had sent Sue a group of items that she could use around the apartment, useful things, small tools and the like. I had sent the escort girl a CD, so now I had to convince Sue that it was nothing.

I really started to get mad at her for all of this, as she was my number one girl in town, and I really do want to keep her close to me. I told her that if she wanted to go back to an hourly rate, our relationship was over, as I had no intention of talking about money and comparing the value of events in the past. I was serious about this, but the look in her eyes and on her face told me that she did not want this to end, but just to be reassured that she was number one. The fact that she was near her time of the month did not help either. We have talked about this since then, and have become closer understanding each other a bit more. Time has healed the wounds, but I’m sure the events will never be erased from the memory banks.

This has been a bit long, but I just wanted to bring forward an example as to how the chicas never forget anything, especially when it concerns a personal relationship.

Take care, and enjoy the life.


Norman Stormin
01-11-05, 00:20
A very distinguished former poster to this board (now lurker) PM'd me Friday night to let me know he had just fucked my future ex wife to be. He then added salt to my bleeding heart by informing me that 429 Maipu would be closed until February 10 for vacation. I was devastated.

This was an ethical dilema of monumental proportions. I had not only proposed marriage to Vicki, but also Daniella, Valaeria, and Lillian. After my week of sleazing in 20 peso apartments and a stop in the hospital emergency room for an alergic reaction to bed bugs, I had decided to make 429 Maipu my permanent headquarters. This week was to be finals week. Next week I would announce my official future ex wife to be. How could I reconcile this?

There was still hope. Vicki moonlighted Saturdays at 921 Suipacha. Maybe she made the full time switch? Anyway, Suipacha is thusfar my 2nd favorite apartment and I could live with naming my next future ex wife to be there.

I made haste there this morning arriving at 11:55. I carefully querried Monica about the girls working day shift and night shift by name. No mention was made of Vicki but that means nothing in this business as they have so many pseudo names. I have only been to Suipacha one night and that was the Saturday Vicki was off from Maipu. Monica said there are now four girls normally during the day and three at night.

Four girls were introduced. I had done and reviwed 3 of them: 2 very redoable and one reject. And a new one named Anna. She started a week ago Monday. 26 years old, 5' 8" tall, slender, 115 lbs, nice breasts ( long and narrow with large nipples) the type that have obviously nursed. A few streach markes evoked my question of how many children? One five year old daughter. Her parents are from Galecia. I said that explains your height and beautiful features. Your are Celtic. So am I. We hit it off.

And get this one: She's on summer break working her way through the university. Yah, yha, yah, they all have a story. She's a third year English major and can prove it. She speaks perfect Queen's English. Eureka! This was the first of thirty some odd girls who could only say: no, more money, and good bye. A definite contender in the future ex to be contest.

Allowed kissing but not DFK (first date). Tounge teaser to get me hard. I asked for uncovered blow and she denied but promised I wouldn´t be disappointed covered (first date only). I was not disappointed and in fact had her finish it that way. She enjoys 69 but prefers doggie.

Face 6; body 8; attitude 10; performance 6 ( when she DFK's and blows me uncovered like she did covered, performance will raise to 9 or 10 for CIM). Anna gets a chance to redeem herself and stays in the contest.

01-11-05, 03:25
I normally haunt the Brazilian boards. On short notice I'm going to BA for business. Leaving this Saturday. I've tried reading the threads back a few days, because I hate it when newbies get on and ask questions right away instead of reading the forum. But, what are the references to Santa Fe 3307 and other #s?? And, can someone just supply a current list of clubs to go to? And how similar are they to Help in Rio? (i.e., all bodies for sale, walk in and pick what you like).

Thanks so much in advance, my fellow mongers. And my regards to Dickhead.

01-11-05, 03:30
I haven't been in the clubs in a while but part of my duty of showing investors properties in Recoleta includes Madaho's and Black...ha,ha. Seriously, one of my clients is a big time club owner in another country that is buying property here but was curious so we went tonight. Madaho's was ok. Not as many girls working but the ones there were pretty good. We just had a few waters then headed over to Black.

Black has severely gone way way way down hill. We didn't even use our drink coupons to stay and have our drink. (Where is Dickhead when you need him). The girls were God aweful and all older girls. What happened here? Madaho's has turned into the #1 spot for hotties.

Anyway, I had to put Spanish lessons off yet another month in the pursuit to work and try to make some pesos. Things are going well though.

01-11-05, 05:22

This goes along with your Rio experience lately, as the best are gone in January and February. Try again in March. :)


Jaimito Cartero
01-11-05, 06:10
[QUOTE=HeadGamesBut, what are the references to Santa Fe 3307 and other #s?? And, can someone just supply a current list of clubs to go to? And how similar are they to Help in Rio? (i.e., all bodies for sale, walk in and pick what you like).[/QUOTE]

There is a section that covers these "apartments". Pricing runs 60-120 pesos per hour in these. You can find some cheaper ones further out of the city.

If you want a lot of quality clubs (moderately priced), check out the "triangle". This includes 3 clubs, plus one apartment that is nice. Catto's, Hook and Ness are the 3 clubs.

Perhaps one of the locals will offer to take you around. That's the best way to get a good flavor. The Mansion parties also sound like they're a blast.

01-11-05, 10:17
Also, nothing like Help. Not in BsAs, not anywhere.

Not that it is such a perfectly wonderful place, but it is unique to Copa Cabana.

The closest may be Newports, which is about 5% as big as Help. Similar girls, though. All start out too high, some are thinking about how to rip you off, and some will be the time of your life.

I vote that you cut and paste all of this section to your PDA, then read it all on the flight over. If you did nothing but hang out and eat while in BsAs, you'll have fun. It's a great place.


01-11-05, 11:14
Hey Moondog,

In case you didn't notice it, I'm not a rookie on the Rio and Buenos Aires scene. I HAVE been to Buenos Aires in January before. This is the worst I have ever seen Black. Madahos still had some good talent last night. In fact I saw many new fresh faces. Black was just God aweful. Also, I have been to Rio over that same period. I'm not comparing apples to oranges. I am comparing apples to apples as I have been to BA and Rio many many times. Let's be honest, the club scene ain't what it used to be 2 or 3 years ago. They have gone way down hill and that's the honest truth.

01-11-05, 11:36
It's my observation that posts are ordered according to the timedate stamp of their creation, rather than the timedate stamp of their availability (i.e., for Regular members, their approval). Is this right? And if so then I have a suggestion: order the posts by the timedate stamp of their availability/approval. I fear that many of my posts are missed because by the time they show up they are below posts which have already appeared. I know that when I am reading a forum I generally quit when I start to see messages which I have already seen. I fear that this reduces the motivation of Regular members to post and is a real concern for someone like myself who is here in BA at the moment and trying to pass along and obtain current information.

(Yes, I know that this is not the most appropriate place to post this. But this is where I hang out, and where the problem impacts me the most.)


01-11-05, 14:36

To each his own. Try again in March when new talent arrives from the AAA farm clubs. :)


01-11-05, 15:07
I'm arriving Thu. Morning for 36 hours of fun. If anyone would like to hang out, let me know. My general plan is to drink too much, go places, and bring people to my room. Repeat.


Aussie Greg
01-11-05, 21:16
During my stay here in B.A, I have been a little disappointed in the quality of the stock at these hangouts !! Have not been to Blacks but have been to Mahdarhous and there is only un chicker there that I'll do before I leave ( might get there tonight )
Found two gems at Orleans.
If my Spanish was better I'd just walk the streets and talk to the many beautifull "normal" chickers, they carry there heads so high that you would not think that they drink sperm at night !!!
Just my dos centos worth,

Aussie Greg

Sky Ryder
01-11-05, 21:54
Most of us know that Rox is the best when it comes to helping with setting up appointments and giving a really informative city tour. I needed her help this past weekend and wanted to publicy say thanks. As it turns out I had a problem with an eye infection late Saturday afternoon. She recommended a great public hospital and everything turned out great. A big thanks and I appreciate you going out of your way. And for those of you that wonder, summer is in full swing in BsAs and short skirts, long legs, tight tops, great looking ladies are everywhere.........what a sight to behold!!

01-11-05, 22:35
As Aussie Greg has been here far longer than I, my input surely is not worthy of his "10 cents," hence the 9 centavos.

Madaho's: Was there sat night was one hottie there that I'd love to have done - model-esque face with straight brown hair with killer c cups and gorgeous legs. But alas she was occupied with a porteno. Then made a desperate run: Black's which was, as Saint posted earlier, pretty god awful, then to the triangle where at 3 am on saturday night there was at most 5 chicas to a boliche with maybe one doable chica at each establishment who were of course occupied.

As this was my first night back at BA I took a one last desperate stab at 921 Suipacha, which is in the same block with hook/catto/ness. Only one chica available, but I lucked out as she was Laila of platynum ... her body was about what it was on the site, which IMHO, was pretty impressive. Unfortunately, her face was only about 5or 6. CBJ, then 1 shot followed by some cuddling then she started to go down on me again but no MSOG for me. 100pesos/1hour. I noticed that the girls that do CBJ will BB the shaft but not the head thereby avoiding contact with secretory fluids from your seminal glands/testes... safer for the girls, but whats in it for me? though it's still a step up from 100%CBJ.

At New Orleans Saturday met a 21 year old paraguayan spinner, Adabella of platynum. The pics on platynum are accurate, she does have a cute face, but with a distracting, but not disgusting acne issues on her forehead. Ah, the vengeance of youth. She was very passionate in bed, including anal, for 200p for 1.5 hours. I just LOVED it when she emphatically shouted "Cogerme!" as she was about to climax with all the latin intensity that a 21 year old could muster. She wanted to go a second round, and I was willing, so we negotiated 120 dollars for total of 2.5 hours. I know I am going to get some heat from all the respected members here for paying too much, but I enjoyed it.

Monday, I went back to Orleans around 2pm. Saw Adabella alone. Then Brenda joined her table -- about 25, very cute face with pretty pretty eyes, nice c cups, a definite 8 in anybody's book. I went over to the table and quickly took both of them out. I was such in a rush to get them home that I forgot to pay for my beer - thinking I did not want to get banned from NO, I paid the girls to pay for me ... we'll see if that happened.

Adabella said she was "nervioso" about the 3some action, but she was a trooper in bed, and willingly went down on Brenda on command. The best 3some action I had at BA so far. Almost on par with porn 3-way BJ's. Brenda was also great, but I couldn't resist Adabella... after we were all done she wanted to suck some more, and did it with so much energy that I had to send Brenda home, to get some more poontang time with Adabella ... At this point her culo was offered again. Awesome. This time I did a bit better and paid 100dollars for 2.5 hours. I'd repeat with either Adabella or Brenda.

I was trying to get adabella to come back. She was obviously popular as her cell phone was going off every 15 minutes with calls from other guys. When we were done, she looked at her cellphone and there were at least 4 calls that she did not answer. This was around 4pm, and she said she could be back at 8pm. I offered her 100 dollars more for the whole night, and she said that was "muy pequeno." OK, I tried to compromise and told her to come back at 8pm, and can leave whenever she wants, but it'll still be 100 dollars. I gave her my address, and she said she'll return, but she didn't, so obviously she had better offers elsewhere...... you think??

Hey Mr. "S" the photographer that I met at the WSG last sunday -- if you see this message call me on my home phone, as I lost your card and would like to hang.

01-11-05, 22:53
Had Roxana set up an appointment for me at last notice, as I had trouble reaching the girls myself. She got me set up with Sabrina of AREA VIP. 200p for 1 hour servicio completo. BBBJ was not offered when Roxanna set this up, but BBBJ was what I got.

It turned out she was really Paola from AREA VIP - she was not "supposed to" tell me this, but she felt about lying, so she fessed up. She also claimed that Sabrina was "fea," but I take that with a grain of salt. Looking at Sabrina and Paola's pics on AREA VIP, I agree with Paola that she is better looking than Sabrina - I'm curious to what other members think. Interesting that I filtered her out of my "list" which I've been working on in Sex Prison for the last month - I'm asking myself, how did that happen?

She had a great face, bubble but punctuating nice long legs. 5'8", B cups which did sag a bit, though looking at her face, she appeared only in her early 20's. She said she was once married, so maybe she breastfed.... Sorry S, she was not lactating. I'd give her 8 to 8.5 for face and 7.5 for body (major deductions for saggy boobs). She spoke decent english and we had a fairly engaging conversation. She loved Marcos' apartment, where I'm staying. BBBJ, DATY, DFK. Not as tight as Adabella. Enjoyed myself though I could only arrange 400pesos for 3 hours for the future, so I am not sure I would repeat.

I got Maia from platynum coming tomorrow at noon, thanks to Roxanna. 180/h. Her receptionist insisted on no BBBJ, but we'll see if YMMV.

Norman Stormin
01-11-05, 23:03
Last night I read Jackson's May 4 Washington Post reprint. This was great intelligence. November 23 I posted on my first 20 peso SW experience here and asked if anyone else had such an experience. No replies. I just assumed all you guys were stuck on the high end clubs. This article pointed me in the direction I wanted to explore in November. And I have been on a general sleaze run as of late anyway.

I love rail stations. They are the same the world over. First and formost is the worldclass architecture. Every type of humanity, every service and commodity available (legal or otherwise). Cheap bars, hotels, and restaurants. You can find the true underculture of the world within a few blocks of a rail station. Take Retiro; across the street is the Sheraton, one side is Recoletta, the other side is a shantytown.

In October, I spent one day exploring each of B/A's major stations and the immediate neighborhoods. Unfortunately, I did not penetrate far enough into Constitution's hood to find the epicenter. As a side note, I was glad to see they were restoring the station. They had started on the front facade and are now almost complete. I don't know how many years ago they started?

Today I headed straight for Charly Bar on the corner of Santiago del Estero and Pavon. Time on target high noon. Passed a few SW's and a boliche in the two block walk from the bus stop on Lima. There was one Mulada in the bar I thought was working. She was. Running the bar. No customers. I ordered a coffee. Shortly thereafter a black girl came in, helped herself to some tap water, and sat with the girl who served me. Strange I thought. Where was that ever present owner who usually mans the till? I paid and started exploring appx 30 square blocks west of the station.

The action area radiates one block in each direction of Santiago del Estero from Avenida Constitution to O'Brien (a fitting end as there is an Irish bed and breakfast there named Salvation Army). This is the true skid row one expects to find near any worldclass rail station. Nothing but short time hotels, beer bars, pool halls, boliches, and girls, girls, girls. There were girls on every corner, door stoop, in every bar and cafe. I would estimate 200 girls within 10 square blocks of the station.

Every size, color, and age imaginable. Although there was a predominence of Muladas, Blacks, Mestizos, and lots of fatties. I checked out a hotel first. 10 pesos the hour 30 all night. I then talked to a girl from Paraguay who could have easily worked in a 60 an hour apartment. She quoated me 40 an hour completo completo. Enough research, the Washington Post had
an independent third party verification. I was hot and thirsty. Back to Charly Bar for an aqua minerale. No such luck at Charly. My first experience with a seltzer bottle this time served by the Black chick I previously mentioned who was sitting with the only customer when I came in. The Mulada was gone. Strange.

The street action outside Charly Bar is great. A really hot Mulada with blue eyes keeps strolling by. Then a not so bad from a distance Portena shows up on the corner across the street flagging cars. I finish my water and go intoduce myself. 40 an hour but too many battle scars for me and she was strung out on smack. I continue my recon patroll. Thirty minutes later I run into the Hot Mulada with the blue eyes. I figured all these Blacks were Brazilians. She's Dominican and wants 40 an hour. At least the prices are consistant and fair. I told her I was not up for it today but might come back tomorrow and knew where to find her. She offered a blow job for 20. I said no rubber and come in mouth? She agreed.

What a body. Slender with rumble seat ass, banana tits, cock sucking lips, and those baby blues. And she was an artist. I really had to concentrate to hold out 10 minutes. She was soooo good I gave her another 20. Not as a tip but as a downpayment for that 40 peso 1 hour completo tomorrow. I've never been to any of those Recoletta places but this one tops any of the 100 peso apartment girls.

Since I never got an answer from any board members regarding 20 peso blow jobs, I assumed there was just no interest in the subject. Maybe that is the case and this post is worthless. But then again, maybe you're looking for love in all the wrong places.

01-11-05, 23:05
Went to 429 Maipu at noon tuesday - I knew it was 5th floor, but didn't remember the apartment number. I got in the building somehow, and I went up to 5th floor and knocked on just about every door with no answer. Are they closed??

Went to Shampoo around 11pm mon night to find their doors closed.

Then went to Affaire-30pesos for cover including 2 drinks. There was one hottie but no one else interesting at 11pm, so I bolted for Salome. From 11-11:30, 8 chicas all less than 6 in quality, so I headed over to excedra. Interesting Marcos went to Salome at midnight and he said it was a lot better than I left it. I guess more chicas showed up between 11:30 and 12:00 as they opened up downstairs when Marcos got there.

At Excedra, I had the pleasure of meeting the famous Dickhead for the first time. As advertised, he is a riot. He is also a good guy - this became apparent when we hit the triangle together and all the chicas came upto him smilling and were all glad to see him - obviously they were treated well by the infamous DH. I feel that the adventures with Dickhead deserves a separate post, so I shall write more about Dickfer and Dickhead's night(s) in the future.

01-11-05, 23:42
Sleaze can be fun, and once in a while you find the diamond in the rough. :)Thanks for the report.

Norman Stormin
01-11-05, 23:46
My third and final stop at Charly Bar that ever present owner behind the bar was in fact behind the bar. I asked him about the Mulada girl on my first stop who I thought was a working girl. She in fact used to be a working girl but is now his fiancee / partner. What about the Black girl on the second visit? That is his fiancees girlfriend. They are long time friends from the Dominican Republic. In fact most of the girls in the neighborhood are Dominicans. That also explained why all the girls had free access to the toilets and tap water.

I asked him about neighborhood prices and he verrified 10 per hour hotels, 20 peso blow jobs and 40 per hour completo. I said this place must really be hopping at night. He said about twice as many but warned me that the after dark additional ones are transvestites. He also warned me to be very careful at night.

Dodger Bulldog
01-12-05, 00:37
Last night I read Jackson's May 4 Washington Post reprint. This was great intelligence. November 23 I posted on my first 20 peso SW experience here and asked if anyone else had such an experience. No replies. I just assumed all you guys were stuck on the high end clubs.

Since I never got an answer from any board members regarding 20 peso blow jobs, I assumed there was just no interest in the subject. Maybe that is the case and this post is worthless. But then again, maybe you're looking for love in all the wrong places.

Hey Stormin,

I for one, am interested in learning more. I appreciate your information, and for pointing out Jackson's Washington Post article.

I hope you keep exploring this area and posting the information. I think it would be quite useful whenever I am able to make my next trip.

Thanks, DB

Daddy Rulz
01-12-05, 05:09
I'm with Saint, I've been to BsAs 18 times over a 3 year period. Black was always a little to expensive for me but I would usually pull out of there at least once a trip or every other trip. I did it because it was possible to get real Model/porn star looking chicas there. I took a few friends there over the years and their opinion was the same, one of my friends refers to it as "fantasy camp." I was there the in August and was shocked by the low quality and again the last week of October first week of November it was the same. A lot of fat, ugly, and old chicas. There was a very few decent looking ones and one, uno very, very hot woman that was a repeat for me. I started talking to our waitress and mentioned the difference. I asked her if this was a bad night or had things changed. She responded very honestly by telling me that "things have changed." Personally I think they priced themselves out of the market. The AAA farm team players looking to get into the bigs have gravitated to Madaho. The club is much bigger, they utilize the taxi scam much better and there is higer earning potential there. It may change again but for now I see a better median at Nuevo Estillo and most nights Gattos than at Black.

My .02

Norman great post, I admire your willingness to explore and share. You may end up taking the place of our dear departed Dickhead as the voice of the best board on the forum. Thanks for the time and effort.


01-12-05, 12:41
I'm going to BA for a very short time on business. I’m only going to have two nights. I've been reading the threads back a few days and there seems so much to do, escorts, “apartments", clubs, etc. What would the regular BA guys recommend for a two day visit? I’m on for some daytime action as well as night and I’ll be staying near the “triangle”.

If anyone would like to meet up just pm me I’ll be in BA 19-21 Jan.


01-12-05, 13:28

Many, many guys here are much more knowledgable than I am. But here's one piece of advice. IF you use the Internet girls, i.e. the ones who advertize on the Internet, use Roxana to make the arrangement.

I've made three arrangements here on my own via phone with Internet girls who speak English. All have fallen through for one reason or the other. No problem with the one arrangement I made through Roxana.

Also, I sent an email to three (different) Internet girls who claim to speak English two days ago, and have not had a single response. I sent them an email in English, so maybe I would have had better luck if I had written in Spanish.

More details to follow when I get back home and have more time.

Good Luck, Bob

01-12-05, 15:03
Thanks for the help, guys. I'm armed with a list of clubs to check out. I speak Spanish fluently, so that should help a lot. Be there next week! And I'll hit Rio for a couple of days on the way back, so I'll be able to make a trip to my beloved Help.


01-12-05, 15:33
It sounds as though you are a Newbie to Buenos Aires from your post.

My advice would be to go to to Jacksons website, "argentinaprivate.com", and explore the "Chica Recomended" list. Each girl is very well detailed with good pictures of them, even though some of the pictures might be 2 years old all the ladies are highly recomended and reliable GFE's. All of thease girls are proven winners so your not leaving anything to chance and moreover they can and will "Perform". ( I highly recomend Maria by the way )

Next pick the escort of your choice then contact Roxana and set up a date. Be sure to tell Roxana exactly what you want, BBBJ, CIM, DFK, GFE, ecta, ecta, pricing and so forth. The little bit of money you pay Roxana is well,well worth it. In your case since you'll be working durning the day, so I'd set up a dinner date, ( Roxana will also give you good recomendations for a restarunt ).

Have the lady meet you at your hotel, you might want a "Quickie" before dinner, if so take the opertunity if you need too and proceed to an early dinner, say around 9 or 9:30. Then assumeing you've had your Quickie taking the edge off I'd have the lady escort me to several clubs, (I recomend the triangle).

This will accomplish two things, recon for your second night in Buenos Aires, as you will see pussy you've never dreamed of, and two its a nice way to get aquainted with the girl. You will want to take her back to the hotel for a TLN or at least another session.

If you see something else you might like in a club I'd cut the girl lose, pay her off and give her taxi money home and proceed with your next choice. Its not uncommen for us Mongers to have more than one date at a time in B.A.

Since your on an expense account money is really not an issue and by doing it this way you have assured yourself of several things. I'll interrupt myself, Since your only going to be their for two days time is worth more than money.

One, you'll have assured yourself of some world class sport Fucking with proven providers that will give you a true GFE and Sexual experience of your likeing. And two, you will not have taken any chances on hooking up with a dud, which there are some, that would not give you the experience your looking for.

Also you will have done some reconnaisance for your second night in B.A., seeing what you like and where to go and Chica's that catch your eye. You cannot see the whole Mongering experience in Two nights but this will give you an idea of what really gos on in Buenos Aires.

Mongering Tips For Newbies By


Mack Dad
01-13-05, 00:37
I will be in BA this weekend and wanted to know who will be down there also? This is my second trip and still exploring. I wasn't too impress with the Orleans. Room service was ok but she could have been a little more motivated. I am still convinced the good times can be had in BA just like Rio and Sao Paulo. I stayed at the Etoile hotel and was a good hotel as far as location and it being guest friendly. Roxanna seemed too busy to give me a tour. Maybe it was just bad timing. I thought it was funny that when I was in Argentina I managed to meet two brazilian girls. I am trilingual English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Who wants to grab a couple of drinks and share stories PM. If you have a Nextel you can hit me up also. PM me for the number.

Daddy Rulz
01-13-05, 04:29
I would add, try and hook up with one of the full time mongers down there. Most of these guys enjoy the company (and the FREE BEER hint, hint). They may have fucked some of the girls you might find attractive so can advize on pass or play plus they can usually do at least basic translation.

El Aleman
01-13-05, 07:24
According to insider information, Shampoo has been affected by the closure of all discotheqes in BA for 2 weeks after the terrible fire on new year's eve.

Considering the fact that there has been a small fire in Shampoo about 3 months ago, and that this club is sort of a downstairs mausetrap (admittedly with some hot mice in it), it might not be a bad idea to check emergency exits and general compliance with fire code. Let's hope it does not just turn out to be a late christmas gift for the inspectors.

dos centavos de

El Alemán

01-14-05, 13:29
Agosthina, platynum. She is a cute girl but definitely not into her profession. Very limited enthusiasm. CBJ. Her attitude is essentially - just do it and let me go. Never again. $180 per hour.

Maia, platynum, organized via Roxana. Maia is great. Great body, sexy face (partially obscured on platynum site), friendly atmosphere. In addition, she just got back from a vacation nicely tanned. On top of it, she is a smart girl who knows what she wants. By far the sexiest experience during my week in B.A. If I had to complain about something, it would be CBJ. Plenty of DFK though. $180 per hour.

Caty platynum/Fer argentinaprivate. She is a very nice girl, pleasent and attractive personality. Willing to go out of her way to please her clients. DFK, BBJ. YMMV though. $150 per hour. I would see her again if I stayed in B.A. any longer.

01-15-05, 11:57
Hey guys. Many of you already know there are conterfeit bills floating around and not to pay with bigger bills in the taxis (especially at night). The new trick is for them to say you gave them a fake bill and they take your real bill and give you back the fake bill. Jack Daniels and I had this done to us last month. I was positive there was no way we could have both had fake money.

I was with my girlfriend last night eating in Puerto Madero and I told her I had to get up early in the morning (which I did). Anyway, I was feeling a bit frisky so I decided to see if this one girl I know was working in one of the downtown clubs. I asked the taxi driver to take me to the Suipacha 900 block. He kept trying to get me to go to the Recoleta clubs. I told him I already know all those clubs and just wanted to say hi to a friend at one of the downtown clubs. He was relentless. Then he told me that the taxi drivers get your entrance fee in the Recoleta clubs. That's why they are so relentless in trying to get you to go to them. That's right. They get the entire entrance fee which is quite a bit for these taxi drivers. I never knew that. I always assumed they just got a small commission of a few pesos.

Anyway, I paid with a 10 peso note and I was sure it was real. I watched carefully. What they do is they watch to see what bill you are going to pay with and then they have different amounts hidden by their seats. If you are holding up a 10 peso note they turn on the light and see what you are going to pay with. They pause for a second then they grab the fake denomination bill and switch it very very quickly. They are like a magician. I saw him switch it and it was so quick. Then expectedly he tried to say the money was fake that I gave him. I laughed and told him that I saw him change the money. He kept denying it. I told him I wasn't going to pay and that I wanted my change. It was only 10 pesos but that wasn't the point. He kept demanding the money. 10 pesos is only about $3 US but I wanted to make a point and wanted him to think twice about trying this again. I got out my cellphone then told him that I was calling the police and that I had his name (from the placard on the back of his seat). I told him that I was going to report him and he would probably lose his job or at least his license to drive the taxi.

Of course he didn't want any problems and told me the ride was free but still tried to deny that he did it. He gave me my 10 peso back and he asked for the fake money back but I ripped up the bill so he couldn't scam anyone else.

Be very careful in the taxis at night. I know having very small bills is a pain but try to have 5 peso and 2 peso notes. 10 peso notes are small enough but when they try to do this scam it's just frustrating. Pay attention when paying taxis especially near the downtown clubs. Also, one trick is to hold the bill up to the light before you pay him to show him you know it's a real bill. Be careful though because the conterfeit bills have a fake watermark. Some of the fake money here is actually really good knock offs so be careful. Feel the paper. The fake stuff you can tell the difference if you really feel the paper good enough.

Good luck.

Hobby Fan
01-15-05, 22:24
Keep small change for taxis, as paying with a large note encourages the trick Saint noted.

A variant on the trick that Saint foiled happened to me a few weeks ago: My two five peso notes for an 8 peso ride were rejected as supposedly fake and returned to me. No problema so far, although very odd. But that meant I had to pay with a larger note as I did not have much change (100 peso note was all I had besides the two fives, I think). Quick change occurred -- probably right then, and taxi driver suddenly did not like my big note either. Now I decided that I did not like the one he put back in my hand (but never looked for nor saw a switch) because of the way he was acting more than anything. There was plenty of other stuff to make me suspicious (he had more change than he claimed, the meter was 3 or 4 pesos too high for the ride, we did not go exactly where I asked but to a quieter place nearby instead, he let my passengers out first so I was alone on paying....). I just started yelling that he was a "ladron" thief and another note exchange occurred. This one was good, to my surprise, I had it checked.

I suspect my first large note was switched for a bad one and that he switched back when I got mad in his car. But I did not have the guts to tear up a note or call the police, as I had not seen the switch so could not be sure of my position.

Good job Saint. But for those made nervous by this; 99.9% of Taxis are honest and they are one of the joys of this City. Just watch the money exchange. And keep small bills handy.


Rubiks Cube
01-28-05, 04:06
I will be arriving in Prague February 20 and staying through March 1. Anyone planning on being there and wanting to hang out with a couple of 28 year olds looking to be with chicas and drink please let me know. Also reading the board has me scared about the quality at Blacks. Are there any new high end boliches. Madahos is great but you need at least 2 great stops a night (or at least we do). It has been a year since our last visit and new information is always appreciated. Hopefully, a few of you will be able to join up for some drinks.

Jaimito Cartero
01-28-05, 23:07
It has certainly been lonely without the WSG the last 11 days or so!

Glad to have it back.

01-30-05, 11:36
Sorry for the delay, but this is my second night in BA in December. After the first night with a great GFE (see December post) I ended up at Newport on Junin St in Recoleta. It was about 11pm so still pretty quiet with only about 6 girls they were all nicely dressed and at first glance you may not have picked they were WL’s, but of course I had your advice and it was pretty obvious. They did not approach me and as more and more started coming in I realized I needed some more cash and so nipped out to get some as I figured the prospects were pretty damn good. When I got back about 20 minutes later I had a look upstairs where there seemed to be some private party and a doorman would not let me look in??. Now it was pretty full in the bar.

I started talking to a very slim girl with nice fake blond hair and cute body. But we could not communicate as my Spanish is so limited and her English even worse. After a while we both gave up and she moved on. In the meantime I had been eyeing one of two very cute girls and eventually made strong eye contact with her and she came over, to my relief. Sabrina has a perfect arse and she showed it off beautifully in jeans. Very friendly with pretty good English and we hit it off well. After a drink we got down to business and she agreed to come to my hotel in Centro after wanting me to go to a short time place. Sorry I cannot remember how much but it was a good price. Great cuddling in the cab and at my hotel (NH City Hotel, a nice newly converted hotel) I ignored the doorman’s order to register her and we kissed and groped in the lift.

After separate showers we were straight into some photos which I will post tomorrow. The arse I knew would be great but her tits were even better (possibly false?). Some stretch marks from a kiddie. Great BBBJ, very enthusiastic and after I exhausted my lips on her great tit’s got into a great root in 3 or 4 positions and finishing in missionary with big smiles on both our faces.

She was great fun, friendly and keen to meet again, but I thought my last day should be another sample of the superb Argentinean girls so I did not commit. So after a couple of hours because as she was happy to stay and talk and cuddle, she gave me her card and I will call her again when I am back late next year. Two great Argentinean girls in two nights, hopefully the third would be the same.


01-31-05, 04:45
Yes Jaimito, and it couldn't have come at a worse time for me (See the Moscow forum (http://www.wsgforum.com/vforum/showpost.php?p=336900&postcount=2268)). It just goes to show how much we as a community of mongers have come to depend on WSG.

I sincerely hope the dry spell is over, but the forum continues to act as though it is on a ventilator and in an intensive care unit. Just imagine Dr. Jackson trying to resuscitate his patient by administering a shock: "Everybody clear.... One, two, three.....". Just as soon as he administers a shock, the panties on the nurses standing nearby will catch fire.... the nurses scream, the fire alarm goes off, the sprinklers go off, and mayhem ensues. In the midst of all the commotion, the poor forum comes to life for a few seconds, but immediately falls back into a non-responsive state.......

Would he make it? Millions of mongers across the globe continue to be praying for ISG. Stay tuned for the next episode.

In the meantime, Knuckhead is gearing up for a visit in a few days. I would love to hear from mongers in town now and over this upcoming weekend.


02-01-05, 15:39
As a rookie, I will be making my first trip to Bs As between Feb 15th to Feb 21st. I will be traveling alone but I believe I will be fine due to the tremendous amount of info on here. I would, however, like to meet up with anyone else in town during those days for beers and/or some food. Please let me know.


02-09-05, 04:00
Planning at least 1 late night visit to Madahos, Cattos or Salome

Will anyone be there?



L Duke
02-09-05, 17:04
I will be arriving back in BA on Feb. 15. Looking to hit all the usual clubs. PM me if you are in town.

Beleriand - I'll be on a side trip on Feb. 21 but will be back in BA on the 26th for another week. If your still in town then let know.

02-09-05, 19:52
Sorry if I and the boys trashed your monger pad over this last weekend.

We did try to clean up after ourselves, though!

P.S. Although just as hairy, the ass in the first picture does NOT belong to me :).

02-14-05, 02:28
Hello guys,

Anybody has seen Brenda from Platynum? Any feedback?

