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03-27-05, 15:58
Solid Gold Azcuenaga (near Vicente Lopez) (in Recoleta)
4805-1321 / 4803-9293

Map Link: http://www.cybermapa.com.ar/default.asp?sec=res_dir&opcion=%5bACTION%3dOPCION%5d%5bPAIS%3d%5d%5bPROVINCIA%3dCAPITAL%20FEDERAL%5d%5bCIUDAD%3dCAPITAL%20FEDERAL%5d%5bLOCALIDAD%3dCIUDAD%20AUTONOMA%20BUENOS%20AIRES%5d%5bCALLE1%3dAZCUENAGA%5d%5bCALLE2%3d%5d%5bALTURA%3d1950%5d%5bPOSX%3d%2d58%2e394957%5d%5bPOSY%3d%2d34%2e587267%5d%5bZOOM%3d3%5d%5bUSUARIO%3d1000%5d%5bUSERIP%3d200%2e49%2e159%2e51%5d%5bLAYERS%3d%5d

This place was dead for a long time, but the recent closing of Play Women has yielded a surprising upturn in the quality and quantity of their "inventory". Still, this is a "high-pressure" place where they will try to escort you to a table, then push you to buy a drink immediately, then bring a chica to your table if you look indecisive, then hang out and bug you to buy the chica a drink until you tell them to leave. I also don't like their "2 drinks for 1 hour" bar fine, which is twice the price of any other club in town.

My advice: Tell them to fuck off about four times (greeter girl, bartender, waitress, etc.) and they'll eventually leave you alone to conduct your reconassance.

Specifications: 2 drinks @ $30.00 pesos each for one hour. The chicas cannot leave for the night until after 4:30am. This compares to Madahos where 2 drinks buys them out for the night at any time, and where the don't have to return when they leave after 3:30am.

One Final Note: It seems that it's their general practice, once you've made a deal with a chica, for the bartender or waitress to ask you where you're staying, which they duly wish to note of a piece of paper. Personally, I don't think it's any of their business where I live, or where I'm staying, or where I am going with the chica, so I just tell them that it's none of their business, and once again, to fuck off.

They also have on ocassion, asked guys to pay them, in advance, at the club, whatever price you agreed to pay your chica de noche. Of course, this is once again none of their business, and you should tell them, once again, to fuck off.

Main Man
03-28-05, 18:53
I figured once you paid the 30 peso entry fee the staff would leave you alone. If I went here again, I would not allow them to set me at the bar. I was pressured *relentlessly* to buy girls a drink. Why would I want to buy someone a drink that I have no intention of leaving with? I guess that's the point: get her out or get moving. Sheesh!

04-29-05, 20:12
Solid Gold_anything but!

Last week I was convinced to visit Solid Gold by one of the touts that distribute fliers at various hotels. Since my hotel was beyond girl friendly and suggested that I try the place, I acquiesced, in spite of better judgment. What a BIG mistake!

Blood suckers everywhere. Never have I been asked to buy the girl a drink by the bartender (female). These people are blood suckers with a "hard-on" for tourist. They refuse to allow any talking of price with the girl before you buy her a drink. Many of these girls are pure trolls aggressively hounding you while blowing smoke in your face. Generally, I like being in close quarters with the opposite sex but at Solid Gold, these girls will smother you. Very aggressive.

After making the monetary donations, I felt obliged to take a chica back to the hotel. So, after buying her a drink; allowing us to talk price, I was told that I need to buy another drink before I could take her out. I then told the bartender, "I could not sit through another drink in all this smoke". Unfortunately, she thought I was refusing to pay the "price" of the required second drink. Management got involved and finally understood my willingness to pay the price of the drink -- without getting the drink, in order to leave with the girl. Wow!

Next, the girl exclaimed that I needed to pay the agreed p$200 service price, there at Solid Gold, before we could leave. WTF did you just say? By this time I am seriously loosing interest, and told her to forget this S&*%$#! She was a real trooper and convinced me to pay now, and she would make it up to me later. I then thought there is a god! Just as we were leaving, the doorman asked for a tip. Being spent on the confusion inside the joint, I could only shake my head in disbelief!

CBJ, fun company, good spirit and great sex. Didn't want me to stop taking pictures of her, after 2 hours of frolicking.

04-30-05, 20:32
This place has a huge selection of hot girls, and every time I've gotten great experiences. All of the girls seem to go the extre mile to please you. Yeah the bartenders are pushy but so what. Buy a couple of drinks and relax, its still far cheaper than nearby Madahos. The girls will often spend the whole night for 150 pesos or less. Many don't even discuss price and accept whatever you give them when they leave.

Daddy Rulz
05-01-05, 03:10
As a tourist place they are used to cowed Yanqui's, if you assert yourself it's not such a bad place for a Recoletta club. Just tell them nicely to go away and if they don't tell them to fuck off. I've been here a few times and I've always found it to be an excellent spinner location if that's your thing as it is mine.

05-24-05, 14:45

I had that girl last week! and I paid 100 dollars, I feel like a sucker now.

06-10-05, 09:50

Anyone knows a chica named Cielo, or Cecilia?

06-12-05, 10:12
I found some girls in here to be really really pretty. I had 2 girls from there - the one that has a pic in this thread, and another girl (better looking). she started off at 500 pesos though. I had 300 in my wallet and told her thats all I had for hotel and sex. she accepted, but was really annoyed and service was not that great and rushed. do most of the lookers in here usually start out in the 4/500 range?

06-12-05, 17:37
No one who knows Buenos Aires pays 300 pesos anywhere unless it's Black or Madahos. And most people know that there are thousands of HOT chicas that will go for 130-180 pesos.

It's another case of gringo overpayment.


06-13-05, 10:24

"hot" is a very subjective term and I can tell you that I saw no "hot" girls in exedera or newport or any other value location. the hottest girls in black and solid gold were nowhere close to the 200 pesos range, and these were the only girls I was interested in.

06-14-05, 01:27
Hey Marak,

I have never been in Newport and Exedra is weak most of the time, although I guess some guys get lucky. Still, with so many clubs that ARN'T in Recoleta with very attractive chicas that, with a little patience and willingness to explore, there is NO reason anyone should pay those prices.

It just affects everyone else when gringos, of which I am one, go there and over pay (based on the local market) just because it's cheaper than a prostitute in the states.



06-14-05, 19:15
Hey Marak,

I have never been in Newport and Exedra is weak most of the time, although I guess some guys get lucky. Still, with so many clubs that ARN'T in Recoleta with very attractive chicas that, with a little patience and willingness to explore, there is NO reason anyone should pay those prices.

It just affects everyone else when gringos, of which I am one, go there and over pay (based on the local market) just because it's cheaper than a prostitute in the states.



stowe, which places? Im reading all these posts in this section and all the places that are off the beaten path are talking like 4-7's. if there were places with black quality girls for those prices, I'd be there. it's just that after viewing some of the other locations listed on moondogs guide (I hadn't read this site yet) my only option for very attractive girls seemed to be black and solid gold and recoleta clubs of that ilk.

as far as the economics go, I think it's kind of foolish to get upset about the basic law of supply and demand. yeah it sucks if prices rise due to gringos, but most arent plugged into this site or information. and if they can afford a trip there, saving 30 bucks on a hooker is probably not that important to them. I'm not wealthy and going on hunt to save 30 bucks on a chica when I'm only there for a week is not all that important to me either. just my thoughts on that matter.

Daddy Rulz
06-14-05, 22:11
as far as the economics go, I think it's kind of foolish to get upset about the basic law of supply and demand. yeah it sucks if prices rise due to gringos, but most arent plugged into this site or information. and if they can afford a trip there, saving 30 bucks on a hooker is probably not that important to them. I'm not wealthy and going on hunt to save 30 bucks on a chica when I'm only there for a week is not all that important to me either. just my thoughts on that matter.

If you choose to return (which you, as well as a lot do) then the extra U$S30.00 you paid will matter because by then some other asshole has raised it another U$S30.00. A couple months ago I laid out a strategy for bagging Recoletta chicks that has worked for me on many occasions. I also posted pics of chicas it has worked with.

I smell your pain about quality bro, really I do. I've seen some guys pay to fuck woman I wouldn't let pay me. I like to fuck the kind of woman that wouldn't normally talk to me. Here's the deal bubba, they are in the clubs your going to, Recoletta or elsewhere. They are just busy because they are hot. Have patience, you can't go all in on a 2-7 if you have three raises in front of you, it's a situational thing. Your looking for a very hot woman in a slow club. I've bagged 8-9's at Madaho, Newport and Solid gold for 200 pesos for multi hour, multi shot on goal sessions. All it takes is the right setup.

07-19-05, 15:30
I understand your huff by the policy of business of Solid Gold (that regrettably it does NOT is going to change) but take into account the place is NOT considered a discoteque.

The girls want "to work" and the same business demands the attitude that makes you furious. They handle different tariffs but is not permitted talk about leaveing before a drink. You simply say you need time to decide to invite some chica or not (is NOT an obligation)

Also I want to say to the person that published the photo of one of the girls strips that was very in poor taste.

07-19-05, 15:37
I went to this place two nights ago and actually managed to find a great girl. I'm going to post more in a separate travel report, since I went to some other places that same night.

In general, the posts here, especially Jackson's orignal post, still strike me as pretty accurate. The place really could be great. There are a lot of girls there, and one thing that I think they actually did right was to increase the light. This is a criticism I have of some of the other clubs, they're so dark you don't know what the girl will really look like in the white light of your hotel room. But here the light is pretty good.

As Jackson said, you need to be prepared to tell people to leave you alone so you can enjoy your drink and take your time checking out what is available.

As for Regina. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. Please forgive me, but your English is a little hard to understand.

Has the forum finally been discovered by the LCN?

Bangkok Dave
07-19-05, 16:05
I understand your huff by the policy of business of Solid Gold (that regrettably it does NOT is going to change) but take into account the place is NOT considered a discoteque.

The girls want "to work" and the same business demands the attitude that makes you furious. They handle different tariffs but is not permitted talk about leaving before a drink. You simply say you need time to decide to invite some chica or not (is NOT an obligation)

Also I want to say to the person that published the photo of one of the girls strips that was very in poor taste.Nobody cares what you think is poor taste. This is a SEX forum, not a world crusade to save lost souls. If you were offended why did you look at the other photos after seeing the first one? Heaven forbid you should discover the PHOTO GALLERY. Perhaps you didn't read the OP entirely. He said the chica didn't want to stop having her photo taken.


Aramis Col
07-21-05, 20:29
Just to be polite. Luckily we all have a different taste. There are no bad or good tastes, they are only different tastes. Thiny girls, young (up 18 untill 25) and pretty; that is my taste. Many of my friends think that my girls are a disaster because they do not have teats, do not have much ass or them lack vedette body. But felows the one that lies down with them am I am, that means the only requirement is that I like her.


07-25-05, 18:23

I had that girl last week! And I paid 100 dollars, I feel like a sucker now.You don, t like she?

Why like she so much, that, s the reason of my question!

10-04-05, 05:28

I had an excellent time tonight in Solid Gold. I paid 200 pesos for a chica.

The good thing is that if you arrive around 1am none of the girls will be talking to any mean. So there are about 15 girls all just standing around. A few of them very pretty but a couple kind of ugly.

I sat down and girls started approaching me. I turned 2 down but the third was acceptable. She wasnt the prettiest girl ever but had a very authentic argentine look to her (dark brown hair, olive skin)

She was really really sweet and warm unlike many of these other girls you see. I come out to find that shes only been in the business for about 3 weeks or so. It really shows because shes not hardened at all. Shes telling me about her boyfriend and how her friends could never find out about her. Were also talking about law school (she just graduated and I'm in it) so we have a decent amount in common.

So I buy her 3 chica drinks over the period of about 2.5 hours. She was so nice and sweet that I was really starting to like her by the end of it. That much time is really long for me to spend with a hooker. Usually I like to be in and out there to avoid any situation like this. So now I am sad but I believe the worst thing for me to do is try and see her tomorrow because that will make it worse. She is a hooker after all so the best thing to do in my estimation is find another girl to make me feel better.

Excellent session but very mixed feelings about the whole situation.

Hi Marak5,

New to the business. Not hardened. What's her name? I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have any trouble at all adding a GFE to my top 5 list.



Hi Jackson
I never got her name! I will be back in a few weeks to see if she is still working there.

Maybe if you are in there and bored you can ask for the girl that just graduated from law school. She did tell me that she works every night other than Saturday. She is about 5 8, round face, olive skin, and long wavy hair down to about the mid back, curvier body (but not fat). She wears a nice black dress and a few of the girls I have seen in there wear the same thing almost every night so maybe that will help. About 23 or 24 years old. She is also smiling more than most of the girls in there who seem to be rather depressed. Hope this helps.

10-04-05, 11:01

To each his own but I would say go again, enjoy the warm feelings, don't judge her too harshly, buen onda. This could turn into one of the 'regulars' guys talk about when they come back, and from experience, even after they get out of the business. Still, you might want a diversion in between just to keep your feet planted. Enjoy the wave.


11-05-05, 11:59
Went on Friday around 2. Busy place with lots of girls. Paid small admission which included 2 drinks. Chica drink is 30, not that bad.

They ushered me to a seat to watch their "show," basically a few OK girls stripping. That kept me from checking the place out more thoroughly. But there seemed quite a few good ones there. Spoke to a cute Peruvian girl I ended up taking out for 250, after buying mandatory 2 drinks. She ended up being a disappointment after "unwrapping." Many of the girls I met in BA need to spend a lot more time in the gym.

Overall, good but not great.

11-06-05, 19:06
Went again Saturday after being disappointed at a few other spots. Very quiet from 12.30 to 2.30. 3 doable chicas, one of whom I took out for 200. Uruguayan girl, Violeta. Highly recommend.

The Tycoon
11-09-05, 00:18
I was at Solid Gold a couple of nights ago. It wasn't my first time there so I was used to the 30 peso entrance fee with 1 free drink. The usual drinks for the wh**es are 30 pesos for a small drink or 60 pesos for a large drink or what they call top shelf. I met a Cuban Girl and hooked up with her friend an her friend, an Argentine girl who was 21 years old. We aranged on a threesome and after a few more drinks, we went to a hotel down the street. The arangement was for 240 pesos each girl. Yea, I know I could have gotten a better deal but was satisfied with that price and basically the club girls, as you know charge a little more that other places. Anyways, the time was great, all positions were excercised and came twice. Was with them for 2 hours. A great time was had by all.

12-11-05, 10:27

In my previous 3 trips to Argentina I spent about 75% of my time in Solid Gold.

The first time I was there I saw maybe 10 attractive girls. This past time there were maybe 1 or 2 that I liked with the rest just average. I would rate most of them to be 6.5 on a 1-10 scale.

The girls will all ask for 100usd. They will leave for 200 pesos or maybe 150 if its late. I paid 250 pesos since I am interested in paying whats fair in each club. Note that does not mean I want to get ripped off, but it ruins the mood for me if I am driving a hard bargain and have to argue with the girl over price for an extended period. So I offer 250 pesos, they are happy, and I am happy.

A girl in there told me that Solid Gold tells the girls that the minimum they can accept is 150 pesos per hour. I got screwed one night because I took a girl out for 4 hours without negotiating beforehand. I was prepared to offer about 400 pesos. The girl informed me that she would get in trouble if she took less than 600 pesos (150 pesos per hour) She says that the girls have to show Solid Gold the money when they return. I told her that was a lot and she said she had 100 pesos on her so I had to pay 500 pesos. I do not know what would have happened if I didnt give her the money but I wasnt interested in finding out as I like Solid Gold and wanted to be able to return the next night.

I believed her about the policy though because Solid Gold is really anal in pretty much all other respects. If you take a girl to your apartment from there, you have to leave the address. This is I guess because a girl was taken out of there and hit by a guy. Also when I took my girl out to the regular club, she had to send text messages to Solid Gold like every 45 minutes and it was really annoying.

The drinks are also 30 pesos and they are on you like hounds to refill them. The juice drinks were literally like 3 ounces and could be gulped down in under 3 seconds. The waitress is ready to refill the drinks pretty much immediately. That's why SG is probably not the best place to just sit around and hang out. If you are there for 2 hours its no problem for the girl to have 7 drinks and you have to spend 210 pesos. You need to buy 2 drinks per hour to take the girl out, so my advice is tell the girl to drink slow and just buy 2 and take the girl to the hotel next door.

I spent 5 out of my 7 nights there. They play the same music, and have the same show, every single night. By the last night I was so sick of it that I just paid the 210 pesos up front to get the girl the hell out of there.

The reason I kept going back was because I found what probably amounted to my ATF. The girl did genuinely like me also so I was getting long periods of dfk and bbbj every time. Our time spent together was closer to a real bf / gf relationship that any hooker john type relationship. Yeah yeah I'm sure you think I got played but I was there and you weren't and we are still in contact now. But. Outside the club, we were holding hands and stealing kisses the whole time. And the last day, she met me before my flight and came to the airport with me and waited in line until I had to go through security.

She's really sweet and would provide good service to anyone I imagine since I don't think she has a malicious bone in her body. It's unlikely that she will be waiting with you at the airport though. Anyway I recommend her. She calls herself Magui in Solid Gold. She's about 5 3, looks kind of Arabic, curvy round ass, and not fat at all. Very nice body and face is so so but above average I would say. Her night off is Wendesday so you can find her there any other night. Tell her that Mike from Chicago sent you and tell her that I said that she would treat you the same way she treated me.

Anyway Solid Gold kind of monopolized my time so I didn't spend much time in Affaire or Shampoo like I was expecting. Next time I am there it's unlikely that I will even step foot in Solid Gold.

02-18-06, 00:12
After being in BA for several days, I decided to check out one of these places and ended up at Solid Gold. Although I do read TFF I unfortunatly did not read the reviews of this place.

It sucked. 30 pesos to get in, included 2 shitty small beers. I tipped the doorman 10 pesos, I don't know why. First ugly chick wanted a drink for 40 pesos. I said hell no, way too caro. She lost interest immediatly, I never had any anyways. Second chick was all smiles and nice and talkative, and helped out with her english when I hit my limit speaking spanish, so I broke down and bought her a 40 peso drink. (My god, that ugly bartender ***** would not go away, allways asking for drinks, I easily told her no 8-10 times). Then some BS about going to a Hotel and we would talk about the price later. I told her I need to know before. But I had to buy a drink first (allready did) or was it that I had to buy two drinks (only one more on top of the first? I don't know) or something if it were more than an hour. And then 300 pesos for an hour or 400 for 2. I said hell no. I lost interest completely, but countered with a lot less for the hell of it (250 for 2 hours), she said "perhaps at other clubs it can be less". Watched 4 other gringos come in and leave with nothing. I left as well, down about 80-100 pesos for a shitty strip show.


Full Throttle
02-18-06, 13:25
I said hell no. I lost interest completely, but countered with a lot less for the hell of it (250 for 2 hours)Welcome!

Not just advice to you, but to me and everybody. If you're not interested, don't make an offer. I can't tell you the times that I made an offer just because we seemed to be negotiating, then ended up with a chica (or car) that I didn't want. I know you can back out, but that is low class.


02-18-06, 18:06

I see that you only have one post on the board, so I presume you to be a "Newbie", Welcome to Argentina.

As you Monger more and more in Buenos Aires you will find that Recoleta, and Recoleta Mongering has become a very expensive Tourist Trap. Solid Gold is a prime "Ripp Off" place as is Madaho's and others.

Try hooking up with a more experienced Monger to show you the "Big City Lights"


02-18-06, 18:34
Pestering for drinks is a sure sign of a bad session to follow. 99% chance she will never be happy with the $$ amount, time or type of session you agreed to. She will change all of the conditions or rant about needing more money as soon as you are in the hotel room.

Might as well put a sign on their foreheads that reads- "You will have wasted a night in BA if you leave this place with me."

El Perro
02-18-06, 21:21
Solid Gold was the first BA boliche I went into back in September on my first trip here. I didn't know anything about this forum or the BA "scene". I felt like half a cow floating in shark infested water. Like any place, I expect some of had good experiences there, but I am betting they are few, AND most likely only had by experienced mongers. The place reminds me of any number of clip joints in any country you want to name. I would avoid unless you are looking for a "challenge".

02-19-06, 07:10

They thought I was fresh meat, perhaps I was there. Didn't care either way, as I didn't really expect anything.


As far as the pestering for drinks, it did ruin whatever good feeling I had. And I am sure whatever she may of commited to, it would of changed.

Full Throttle.

As far as the counter offer, you probably are right. I guess that was my way of saying no, I didn't expect her nor want her to say yes. Countered BS with BS.


Sure, I am allways down for a drink and more. What is the best way to get in contact.

Senior Hunt

El Perro
04-11-06, 00:00

I don't know if it is like this in all Recoleta cabarets at this time, but I had a friend in town 2 weeks ago, and also my novia friend told me that there are tons of girls in Solid Gold right now. Every time I have ever been in there, there were maybe like 25 girls maximum. My friend was telling me now that is was closer to 40 or 50 girls. I don't know if he was exaggerating or not. But my novia has never complained about this phenomenon before. Might be a good time to check the place out.From my one visit there, how would you fit 50 chicas in that place? That's gotta be an exaggeration.

Hi Doggboy,

You do know that there is a 2nd floor? Believe me, they could easily fit 50 chicas in Solid Gold.



04-11-06, 00:18
From my one visit there, how would you fit 50 chicas in that place? That's gotta be an exaggeration.All I know is my friend has been to termas in Rio and casas in Columbia and told me he was "overwhelmed" when he was in Solid Gold because there were so many girls. Then today I asked my friend how is Solid Gold and her answer was there are lot of chicas now. Actually to be honest when I was there last May it was the best. The quality and quantity was noticely worse in September, November, and January. Make yourself useful for once and go check it out.

I am just wondering if this time of year is best for visiting. It was same deal in Blacks. Last May there were girls lined up, there had to be a couple dozen girls. Then in subsequent visits in Argentine summer there were substantially less girls. So this time of year may just be much better in all cabarets.

Team Stream
04-11-06, 01:22
From my one visit there, how would you fit 50 chicas in that place? That's gotta be an exaggeration.I reassure you I counted. Because I was indeed overwhelmed (I'm Marak5's friend) There wasn't anywhere to sit downstairs. All the couches on both sides of the stage was taken. I Sat in one of those tables with bar stools near the bar downstairs. Most of the stools along the bar were taken up. There were also girls lined up against the wall. There were also a few girls sitting up stairs.

There were approximately 5 guys there the one Tuesday night I was there this past late March.

Team Stream
04-11-06, 01:40
I reassure you I counted. Because I was indeed overwhelmed (I'm Marak5's friend) There wasn't anywhere to sit downstairs. All the couches on both sides of the stage was taken. I sat in one of those tables with bar stools near the bar downstairs. Most of the stools along the bar were taken up. There were also girls lined up against the wall. There were also a few girls sitting up stairs.

There were approximately 5 guys there the one Tuesday night I was there this past late March.The talent there ranged from 3-8. I pulled out this real cute Paraguay girl, and I thought was as absolutely slamming. 20yo. College student (showed me one of her books) Essentially, she didn't speak any English (even better). She's been working there for 3 months and only works 2-3 nights a week.

200 pesos for 1.5 hours (5am-630am).

Very sweet and natural. There are gems to be found there. I mean, I found one.

Marak5's girl is also very cute and sweet, too.

El Perro
04-16-06, 00:18
From my one visit there, how would you fit 50 chicas in that place? That's gotta be an exaggeration.

Hi Doggboy,

You do know that there is a 2nd floor? Believe me, they could easily fit 50 chicas in Solid Gold.


JacksonNo, I did not know that! (Carson) Alright then. That means I must partially take back some of my criticism of the place. Can't totally trash a place if you haven't seen all of it. Apologies to Teen Stream and Marak5.

06-27-06, 13:21
I like this club because you can actually see the women in light. Also there is a wide selection of women. They play American and British Rock even Metal, and the strip shows are entertaining and sometimes funny.

It is more expensive for chica drinks and entrance fee.

I pulled this cute blond Argentinian chica. Took her back to The Art Hotel. She has a nice tone body. Cbj. She has nice big eyes. Did an Italian on her ass, Shot off all over her tattoo on her lower back.

She would not let me take pictures of her back because of the tatoo. But she let me take pictures of her face. How strange. I forgot her name.

Two pics of her. I, ll send the nude pics when I get them down to size.

06-27-06, 15:18

If you don't mind, how many pesos?

Geo Eye
06-27-06, 15:31
Hey foghat,

Right down my alley, I would love to bang away at that.

All night long.

Please how much, how long and do you have a number for us DOGS

06-29-06, 15:57
Some pics of the blond Argentinian chica from Solid Gold. She never took her boots off, but that's ok.

Geo Eye
06-29-06, 18:42
Looks good buddy I see she is covering her tatto, so her Daddy or.

Boyfriend or lover or husband cannnot ID her.

I hope to meet her in Sept. When I go out there.

Thanks fellow dog

06-30-06, 18:15
I saw this Indigenous beauty and was attracted. She went by the name Marilyn, but I know it, s not her real name. Took her back to my hotel. She is a bigboned woman, and she gave me a big bone. CBJ, FC, dildo with condom. Titf, and ended giving her a pearl necklace. She has beautiful tan skin, beautiful eyes. Her specialty is kissing, French kissing. She grabs your lower lip with her lips. She put me in a trance.

She is a little reserved with sex.

Solid Gold has some damn good chicas and you can actually see them in light. But 30 pesos for entrance, two 40 peso drinks for chica and your set to go. Better chicas and worth it.

06-30-06, 18:42
I saw this Indigenous beauty and was attracted. She went by the name Marilyn, but I know it, s not her real name. Took her back to my hotel. She is a bigboned woman, and she gave me a big bone. Cbj, fc, dildo with condom. Titf, and ended giving her a pearl necklace. She has beautiful tan skin, beautiful eyes. Her specialty is kissing, French kissing. She grabs your lower lip with her lips. She put me in a trance.

She is a little reserved with sex.

Solid Gold has some damn good chicas and you can actually see them in light. But 30 pesos for entrance, two 40 peso drinks for chica and your set to go. Better chicas and worth it.That's better. She's pretty cute.

07-01-06, 00:53
She is a bigboned woman, and she gave me a big bone. CBJ, FC, dildo with condom.LOL! You said she gave you a big bone. I'm assuming you mean an erection and not the dildo ;)

Nice post. This girl looks really cute and I like how she has a little meat on her and not too flaquita.

07-26-06, 02:31
Tons of chicas, I would say about 28 to 32 and I was one of 3 guys in the whole place. Lot of good looking girls, hard not to find someone you click with. 40 peso adminission gets you two drinks. Chica drinks are 40 each. Suggest going upstairs immediatly if you are one of few men in the place. Gives you a chance to check things out before you get the Chica "bum's rush".

07-26-06, 18:10
That's funny. I was one of the other two guys. Agreed, lots of fine stuff in there. Same 40p for 2-drinks, although they charged me a "difference" for my JD- instead of their usualy pour. 37p for transitorio next door and 150p for the deal. The green-eyed waitress was a complete hottie.

07-26-06, 22:55
I opted for the next day home delivery. She was an hour late but well worth waiting for. Very good GFE and affectionate. I gave her 200 pesos and felt I got very good value. Would you repeat with the one you pulled?

07-27-06, 02:51
No -- would not take again. Don't' particuarly like the smokers, the games, the fines, etc. I find it much more interesting "on the hunt" at Exedra -- to be honest. I'll post on that thread later. No more solid gold for me. In other countries --- Thailand, etc. bar fines are the norm. I don't believe that it is necessary in BA --- just a rip-off scheme.

07-29-06, 17:02
My report is a little over a month late, I found this beauty at Solid Gold. She was stunningly beautiful. I felt like a millionaire or a Rock Star when I was with her. She could easily pose for Playboy. She also is fun to be with.

She kept shoving her beautiful ass in my crotch. I did her doggie for a while and exploded in her. With a condom.

The secound time I was with her, I convinced her to give me oral and I exploded in her mouth.

I paid 300 pesos an hour and danm well worth it.

She is 19, and also has a sister who works there with the same slender build. I was attracted to her more.

Here are some pics. Can you other guys post some pics? This site is getting lame compared to the international sex site.

Sorry Jackson.

09-21-06, 04:43
Tonight my buddy and I tried to pull a couple of girls out of Solid Gold. On a previous trip I had pulled a sweet girl, and the price was 200 pesos. Tonight they wanted 400. Guess there's been some inflation? I managed to get them down to 300. Then there were some other negotiating points. They wanted to go to the transitorio, not our apartments. They wanted all four of us to go to the same apartment. Finally they agreed we could go to separate apartments.

The thing about leaving my apartment address strikes me as odd, not in of itself, but just that SG is the only place that I know of that has this policy.

But anyway, the big hangup finally was that they were very insistent about being paid up front. In fact, they wanted to be paid at the club before leaving! I just could not agree to this. Also, the negotiations dragged on so long that it was a real mood killer (the late hour didn't help, either)

I keep saying "they", but I did all negotiations with the thin blonde, named Lucia. She became so businesslike, again, it was a mood killer. But my partner's girl, a brunette named Mia, geniunely seemed disappointed that the deal fell through. Or so I intuited, but I could be wrong.

So we bombed out. It was a shame. Both girls said they had pierced clitorises. Would like to have seen one.


09-21-06, 11:59
HeadGames: "the negotiations dragged on so long that it was a real mood killer"

That is a sure sign of a bad session to follow.

12-19-06, 22:11
Had a really bad experience at Solid Gold, next to Madahos, Monday night. I think the chica's name was Sofia, blonde hair, we chatted for quite while while she drinked beer after beer. There should have been some warning signs, like the fact that she would not offer more than an hour and the negotiation took too long.

Like most of the chicas I have talked to on this trip she offered P300 for 1 hour and would not move from there. I am doing OK in spanish and talked her down to P200 + 1 more beer. We went to my hotel and there it turned into a disaster. Asked for money first, stopped after about 20 minutes of the session saying the hour was over and she would have to call the club to say she needed to stay longer and of course I'd have to pay her double. Had silicon breasts after telling me they were real, and just not a nice girl at all once in the room. Of course I sent her out, she asked for money for the taxi. Then she kep complaining that I should have paid her 300 and given her money for the taxi.

I enjoyed more her being gone than being there, which is not right.

I find Solid Gold not to be a nice place, the chicas were average, I dislike their policy of asking customers for their name, hotel name and room # before allowing them to leave the club, though I understand why. I had a horrible time, and of course this was only my experience with one girl, which should not reflect on the others. But still, the waitress kept coming and insisting that I buy drinks for 2 girls, I felt pressured and did not enjoy the place at all. I don't know why they are in Jackson's top list, I must have missed something.


Hi Mahal,

Solid Gold can be a high pressure place, which you can easily combat by telling them the fuck off every time they try to manipulate you. They'll get the point. For example, when they ask you for your hotel address and room number, I just tell them it's none of their fucking business where I'm staying or where I'm going with the chica.



Member #1036
02-17-07, 14:16
I hit this club early last night and the only dumb fuck in here. I know from before about the high pressure of buying drinks for the girls. But imagine this. About 40 or 50 girls and the only guy there and only 3 chicas tried to hit me up. I put on my don't fuck with me face and they were all too scared to hit me up.

Anyways, there is one dancer that is hot but overall not very good selection here. Mostly slightly out of shape plain looking girls. Had my 2 free drinks and ate all their snacks and enjoyed the show and out of there.

Newbies should stay out of here as they will pester the fuck out of you. Girls here always use the excuse when they are with you that the club wants them back right away.

Rubiks Cube
05-15-07, 02:24
It seems that it has been a while since I have seen a full review of this place I decided that I have not made a contribution lately and would give a full review.

Solid Gold is a few doors down from Madahos and is a club worth stopping by for a drink if not taking out a chica.

While I generally go to Madahos, Black, & La Lopez more frequently I really like this club. The atmoshere is usually pretty lively. The quality is a definite step down but there are definitely some girls here that will catch your eye and could work at any club. Admittedly the lower end of the spectrum here is lower then any of the clubs above.

Entrance price includes the typical 2 drinks (although after your first time entrance is free if they remember you and you just buy your own drinks) The club is smaller than the others so it seems full even when there are few customers there. They always have dance or strip acts going on and the bartenders are friendly older women. You will get hustled here for drinks and this is definitely not a club where girls are afraid to approach you. They seem to take rejection ok and I have always received a polite goodbye when I refuse.

Leaving with a girl from Solid Gold is different then other clubs. All but the dancers (yes a few are available) will leave with you for 300 pesos. I can usually negotiate 2 hours for that amount but I have to buy 3 chica drinks. However, when you leave the club takes down your hotel information. I have never been called or anything but it made me nervous the first time. One time a girl told me that I had to pay before we left and when I laughed and refused she quickly said that would not be a problem.

I find that the top few girls here are very attractive. They have some unique girls and perhaps a few younger ones. I really enjoy coming here later in the night when I have taken girls from other clubs and am just drinking and not really determined to take something out of here.

I hope this is helpful.

07-03-07, 16:26
I always make a trip or two to Solid Gold each time I'm in BA and generally like the place. Have had good experiences with girls here. Quality is a step down from Madahos next door but there are usually a few lookers to be found. Prices similar or slightly lower than Madahos.

Stopped in recently. About 15 girls. Maybe 2 or 3 in the 7-8 range. Others in the 6-7 range (not counting the dancers) My evening's plan had been to end at Solid Gold and take someone home, and it was already 2am so I didn't give up so easily.

I started up a conversation with Yanet. She is a 22yo Paraguaya, black hair, full b-cup, cute face. Has a few lbs extra (just slightly) at the waist otherwise quite good looking. I'd say 7.5-8. Said she's been working at the club for 4 years which I found surprising. I bought her one 40p drink and we hung out and chatted. I told her I don't pay more than 300p and she accepted without further negotiation. Bought the second required 40p drink (80p chica drinks total) Taxi back to my hotel. Yanet has a cute, playful attitude which is good. However she did a few things which are definate mood killers for me. Early on, she brought up the suggestion I give her money for taxi after the session, and that I also could give a 100p tip. I don't want to hear about taxi money while the session is in progress, and the tip suggestion was ridiculous. I told her to stop talking about money, which she did. She also said at the 35 minute mark that there were 10 minutes left, which would have made it a 45min session total. I corrected her that we had 25min left. Finally, she has some kind of leche-phobia. She was dancing for me early on which was nice, and started lap-dance grinding me through a towel I had around my waist. I removed the towel and she stopped, she wanted me to put a condom on for that (she still had her panties on) Later on, in certain positions with her hands and breasts, she brought up repeated times to please not cum on her, I must have said 10 times don't worry, I'll tell you when I'm going to finish. Nice girl but no GFE. She made a decent effort to help me finish but there was zero chemistry between us. I had to finish myself. Ugh. Definately won't be repeating with Yanet.

07-03-07, 16:36
Almost all the women in this club are available. All the regular working girls, and most of the dancers and staff. Chica drink prices for take-out:

Regular working girls: 2 X 40p drinks (80p total)

Staff: 1 X 100p drink (100p total)

Dancers: 2 X 100p drinks (200p total)

Member #3314
11-03-07, 18:20
I ended up here at about 5 am, I was getting tired but needed laid still. The place was still filled with chicas as madaho's and newport was closing.

I just read that you can bang the dancers, I will be going back for one, there were 2 very hot ones in there.

Earlier at blacks I was thinking of talking to this hot milf but never did. I have been banging 22 year old spinners left and right I needed something different. I spotted this one in there she was very tall had a huge fake rack and cock sucking lips, my kind of stuff.

I got her to go for 200 pesos for 2 pops. There was a moment that I thought it was going down hill but it quickly recovered. She asked for the money up front I told her after it was no problem.

BBBJ is on the menu and pretty good but not really a garantan profunda kind of girl.

I banged her for 2 good hours, she was starting to get annoyed that I was taking my sweet time so I had her blow me and finished on her face.

I would not repeat, it was good but not repeatable for me.

11-03-07, 18:25
KG: what did they use for implants? A pair of used sneakers?

El Perro
11-03-07, 18:56
KG-you get my vote for "Monger of the Month" for that one. I guess they all DO look better at closing time.:)

Member #3314
11-03-07, 19:04
Oh come on, it was not as bad as some of the ness girls lol!

Don't worry, I am back to banging spinners again. Every now and then I get a hankering for the odd ones.

El Perro
11-03-07, 19:18
Oh come on, it was not as bad as some of the ness girls lol!

Don't worry, I am back to banging spinners again. Every now and then I get a hankering for the odd ones.I think I saw her in the first "Shaft" movie. Carry on KG!

Member #3314
11-04-07, 16:17
I went back last night trying to bang a dancer. I found out not all will go, but the management told me yes if the girl works she will go, just ask if they will and if they will when they are done they will come over for a chat.

I was there through 6 very doable dancers and none went out. I also found out most of these dancers rotate through quite a few clubs dancing an hour here and an hour there and so on. They dance for a living not screwing. So you can see the same dancing chica in la lopez, solid gold, plays etc.

Geo Eye
11-04-07, 16:29
I went back last night trying to bang a dancer. I found out not all will go, but the management told me yes if the girl works she will go, just ask if they will and if they will when they are done they will come over for a chat.

I was there through 6 very doable dancers and none went out. I also found out most of these dancers rotate through quite a few clubs dancing an hour here and an hour there and so on. They dance for a living not screwing. So you can see the same dancing chica in la lopez, solid gold, plays etc.From Dancing to screwing for money is a fine line, I think they all do it, there.


11-26-07, 20:16
Entry fee is now 50p. Not that great a selection here the other night, maybe 15 girls, 4 dancers, 5 guys. Some of the dancers were quite nice but I didn't have the mindset tonight to pick one up. Actually, I was hoping to find a slim petite cutie to bang away at. Chatted with a couple girls but no interest. Awhile later, a girl with a really cute face came close and gave me a great smile, I motioned her over. Her name was Luciana. Brunette, really cute face, natural D cups, but definately a little chubby could lose 20 lbs. She was really sweet, we had good conversation, lots of kissing. I liked the connection so we struck a deal for 350p for 1.5hrs, and off to my hotel. Very good time, BBBJ, DFK, multiple positions, and she gave me a nice long slow tittyfuck while I lay back on a chair and she took care of me. Really good finish. Gave her a tip and she was off with a final kiss. Luciana was definately not what I started the evening looking for, but it was a good time.

01-03-08, 03:24
Dim lighting in the bar and her dress fooled me into picking her.

A disappointment in the room though she was open to anything.

I was drunk to make any better judgement. Coughed up 300 pesos + chica drink at the bar.

01-03-08, 03:30
Probably a crack *****. She could never pronounce any word correctly.

And her tongue went the wrong way. She looks rather impressive in the photos minus my actual experience in the cama.

Geo Eye
01-03-08, 11:50
Probably a crack *****. She could never pronounce any word correctly.

And her tongue went the wrong way. She looks rather impressive in the photos minus my actual experience in the cama.She does look like a crack *****, reminds me of the ones I used to pick up on Biscayne Blvd.

She looks great in clothing, but by her stomach she does look like some type of addict. Not worth 300 peso, 100 pesos on a good day.

Great pictures Glover.

Welcome to the forum.

Norman Stormin
01-03-08, 15:37
She does look like a crack *****, reminds me of the ones I used to pick up on Biscayne Blvd.I've never seen a crack ***** weigh more than 99 pounds.

I think you guys have your species confused!

And I didn't know crack found its way south of Miami?

01-03-08, 19:09
She's not "Doable" for me.


Geo Eye
01-03-08, 19:40
I've never seen a crack ***** weigh more than 99 pounds.

I think you guys have your species confused!

And I didn't know crack found its way south of Miami?I meant it more because of her ass, that big, wide, fat white ass.

That's the type more or less in biscayne. Still I never paid $97 for any of them. IT was more in the $10 to $15 price range.

01-16-08, 22:41
Are these prices still actual? I went to SG last week and was told that it is 3 ladydrinks of 80 Peso for the regular girls, now. Did the price increase or was it a scam?

Almost all the women in this club are available. All the regular working girls, and most of the dancers and staff. Chica drink prices for take-out:

Regular working girls: 2 X 40p drinks (80p total)

Staff: 1 X 100p drink (100p total)

Dancers: 2 X 100p drinks (200p total)

01-19-08, 01:24
80p was going drink rate for regular girls short-term (~ 1 hour) a few months ago. I doubt it has tripled since then. If you were asking for TLN (todo la noche/ all night) then it would be double or triple.

01-19-08, 02:10
80p was going drink rate for regular girls short-term (~ 1 hour) a few months ago. I doubt it has tripled since then. If you were asking for TLN (todo la noche / all night) then it would be double or triple.Hmm, I never mentioned a time and I never talked about money with girls. They just told me it's 3 drinks for a take out. Kinda unromantic to negotiate it like a biz.

Daddy Rulz
01-19-08, 04:42
Hmm, I never mentioned a time and I never talked about money with girls. They just told me it's 3 drinks for a take out. Kinda unromantic to negotiate it like a biz.Do I feel as much like a mark in a carny as in this club. They have some fine young stuff here for sure but the assult. "Do you wan buy a drink for this lady?"

"No, what about this lady?" "Wah about her ober der?" And the girls, buy me a drink, buy me a drink. You can't even hide in a corner. I think it's the worst clip joint around the cemetary and I refuse to even step into it anymore.

I could easily see them sizing up a new guy and saying, "oh is 2000 dollars fo you take lady out."

It's not bad enough to be banned, but I really hate it.

01-19-08, 16:56
Do I feel as much like a mark in a carny as in this club. They have some fine young stuff here for sure but the assult. "Do you wan buy a drink for this lady?"

"No, what about this lady?" "Wah about her ober der?" And the girls, buy me a drink, buy me a drink. You can't even hide in a corner. I think it's the worst clip joint around the cemetary and I refuse to even step into it anymore.

I could easily see them sizing up a new guy and saying, "oh is 2000 dollars fo you take lady out."

It's not bad enough to be banned, but I really hate it.I have to agree with Daddy on Solid Gold, its a high pressure "Clip Joint" and I haven't been in their in years.

As an example of just how bad it is, I have a Chica, (smokeing hot) I pulled out of La Lopez a couple trips ago for $300 peso's. The deal was for two "pop's", it being my last night in town I was throwing "Sperm Management" out the window, what the Fuck did I care, I'd be "Jacking Off" soon enough anyway.

Well we both had a great time with one another. After the first "Pop" I was going to cut her lose and get a good nights sleep for the long ride the next night. She'd have no part of that, reminding me that our deal was for "Dos Orgasmo's" and she wasn't leaving until she'd milked another one out of me.

So you can immagine how much fun this girl was, and something that you don't soon forget.

Ok on my last trip, first on my too due list was to see this Chica again. Well I looked all over town for her, everywhere, except Solid Gold. Sent her e-mails, (dumb fuck me, I'd lost her number) never found her. Asked all her friends to pass the word, nothing. Then when I get home, the very next day, theres an e-mail from her saying she switched clubs and was now working at Solid Gold, Fuck, and she was very sorry to have missed me.

Now the interesting part. In her e-mail to me, she went on to say, she'd love to see me again on my next trip in a couple months, but she suggested we meet durning the day or on one of her nights off. She went on to say that Solid Gold was a "Rip Off" and she didn't want me spending that much money to pull her out of Solid Gold. Going on to say that club policy was that she had to milk me for so many drinks before they would let her leave and then it was only for an hour and a half and she didn't want me to spend that much money on her, she'd rather spend "Quality Time" with me durning her off hours.

How's that for customer loyalty Mongers. It tells you two things, Solid Gold is a "Rip Off" and the Chica like's me more that her job.


01-19-08, 21:26
I buy a drink here and there for girls. They were kind and said thank you after I released them from my company without taking them. The chicas in Black took it as an insult if I dared to buy them a drink without asking them to go out. They even insisted on a tip on top of the drink. Absolutely disgraceful! That's why I prefer SD over Black, but that is just my 2 cents and not an endorsement.

Daddy Rulz
01-20-08, 00:07
I buy a drink here and there for girls. They were kind and said thank you after I released them from my company without taking them. The chicas in Black took it as an insult if I dared to buy them a drink without asking them to go out. They even insisted on a tip on top of the drink. Absolutely disgraceful! That's why I prefer SD over Black, but that is just my 2 cents and not an endorsement.I'm certainly not doubting your word, I believe you when you say it happened it just surprises me. If you are solicited for a tip again ask to speak with Danny, he's one of the managers there, he may be aware that it is happening but I doubt it. He and I had a conversation about this very thing, in his words "never be afraid to tell them 'thank you for your time' and let them leave, it happens all the time and they (the girls) are used to it." They get a commission on the drink so it's not time wasted.

It surprises me that it's happening, Black may be expensive but it's always been the most "customer friendly" places I've ever been in. I agree it's disgraceful.

Rubiks Cube
01-26-08, 03:16
I always enjoy Solid Gold but they hustle for drinks here more than any other club in the recoleta. When I do take a girl out I usually have to buy 2 drinks to take a girl out. I do like the place for a drink but I rarely leave with girls from solid gold. I sit at the bar to avoid the you want to buy the girl a drink routine although I think they stopped asking me because the bartenders know me and know that I will call someone over if I like them. When you sit at the tables they bother you alot more. I used to think it was funny because I would be drinking and chatting up a bartender and another bartender would.

They usually have a few hot dancers and unlike other clubs they almost always are available to leave. The club is so small that you see everybody within minutes.

03-01-08, 16:47
I always enjoy Solid Gold but they hustle for drinks here more than any other club in the recoleta. When I do take a girl out I usually have to buy 2 drinks to take a girl out. I do like the place for a drink but I rarely leave with girls from solid gold. I sit at the bar to avoid the you want to buy the girl a drink routine although I think they stopped asking me because the bartenders know me and know that I will call someone over if I like them. When you sit at the tables they bother you alot more. I used to think it was funny because I would be drinking and chatting up a bartender and another bartender would.

They usually have a few hot dancers and unlike other clubs they almost always are available to leave. The club is so small that you see everybody within minutes.My experiences at Solid Gold over the last few years have been the same. I haven't been there in a while and don't have a desire to go back. Too much non-stop hustling for girl drinks. You go in expecting some of this, but they take it over the top at this club.

06-26-08, 20:36
Have dropped in twice here. Currently you pay 50 pesos to get in, but that includes two beers, so not bad. Girls overall won't be as good looking as the other Recoleta clubs, but, there are some decent ones.

They tend be a bit pushy here, the girls and the staff, but will always respect your request to be left alone.

Still doing strip dances. The usual stuff, the girl dressed as a cowboy or something. The other night one went out with a squeegie. There's a lot of glass behind the stage, was she going to clean it? I don't know. But she looked cute naked, so who cares.

06-28-08, 18:41
Anybody know anything about the waitress in here named Sandra? Straight dark hair, a bit short, small ass and big smile.

I'm dreaming the impossible dream.

08-08-08, 05:41
Stopped by here, and to my surprise, I haven't been hustled as much as before to buy drinks. But place is definitely being more and more boring and empty. However, sometimes one runs into something interesting - in my case, old amiga who used to work part-time in Madajos. For two drinks, they let chicas leave for the night.

11-29-08, 15:16
Anyone know if 'Andy' is still working here? She is a petite Paraguyan.

11-29-08, 21:05
That's a petite photo

Geo Eye
11-29-08, 21:25
Anyone know if 'Andy' is still working here? She is a petite Paraguyan.I saw andy yesterday. But she was incapacitated with two cocks in her mouth .

02-13-09, 02:08
Forgot to post about this one. Caro (short for Caroline), tall busty brunette, natural DDs. Really nice girl, friendly, fun. In the club I thought her face was average, but back at my place I actually thought she was very attractive (often its the other way around). Favorite position: me sitting relaxed in a comfy chair, her kneeling and pumping me slowly up and down between her breasts (plenty of baby oil to help) and her face close to mine watching my expressions as she brought me to cloud nine. 300 pesos. In addition to 60 peso entry and 100 peso chica drinks. Would repeat.

Termas Time
05-17-09, 04:09
What happened to this place? I hadn't been here in over five years, but I paid this place a visit about a month ago.

First, tried on a Monday, which is the day its closed every week. Bad sign!

Later tried on the Friday before Easter around midnight. No girls there, zero. Tried again at 2:30, maybe 5 or less girls.

This place used to have tons of girls. What happened?

Termas Time

05-17-09, 12:15
I don't really know this place. But Easter week, and Good Friday, are not good days anywhere in BA to find girls. It's a big family day, many girls do not work.

Rdy Two
05-17-09, 17:35
Was at Madaho's last week, walked by Solid Gold all boarded up.

I think it's gone

05-23-09, 04:09
Any confirmation on that one?

Gato Hunter
11-28-09, 12:09
This place reopened two nights ago. Went in with another monger last night but there was only 3-5 girls in there and none were good looking.

The guy at the door is named Marcus told us that it was 70 pesos for a chica drink. He said that they are getting more chicas everyday, but they just reopened.

Looks the same as the old place inside no renovations have occurred.

11-28-09, 15:31
Fantastic news! Not because it was such a great place, but it was a decent alternative, which the area needs more of. I will provide another report from here soon.

Gato Hunter
11-29-09, 13:10
Tried again last night but we were stopped at the door saying they were having a private party.

Member #4112
01-07-10, 10:01
Got by here at 24:00 and the entry was only P$30. Got my beer and looked around. Only 6 chicas and none above a 5. The bartender told me it was very slow but it gets better on Friday nights. Must be my night for bartenders, the cute thin dark haired one who served me spoke a little English and was doing her best to chat me up. To my surprise she left the bar and started working the poles on the dance floor. Looked pretty good and may go back and take a shot at it, but this was my first night and I was still just looking around. Did not speak to any of the girls or get prices as there was nothing other than the little bartender I was interested in.

04-15-14, 23:20
Its closed.