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01-01-05, 01:00
Imagine Carlos Pelegrini 845 (between Paraguay & Cordoba) (in Centro) 4394-6380

Approximately 3 doors down from Excedra. Small, cheap, plywood topped bar, with typically 4 to 6 girls of less-than-desirable quality. Still, this doesn't stop them from asking $25ar for a glass of water, which increadibly enough they brought to me in a glass and would not leave the bottle. Obviously, the only way they're going to survive is by getting some accidental traffic from Excedra.

03-23-05, 14:05

Next to Excedra is a place called "Imagine".

This place is a COMPLETE TRAP!!!

Its bait and switch.

Man at door offers discount card.

You must enter bar for him to endorse it.

Two girls literally swarm you!

Once inside you are obligated to buy yourself and two girls a drink.

Drinks are on table before you can blink.

Guess what they say? 40 PESOS! for the drinks.

This happens so fast you dont know what happens. Guy who is supposed to endorse discount card? Hes outside already looking for another chump. (card by this time has long since disappeared.)

As soon as I figured out what was happening I yelled "NO"! (definately did not and would not pay) and literally ran as fast as I could (NO JOKE!) out the door as they started to block the door from me agressively!

03-23-05, 22:57

You got off easy. I walked in before the devaluation,and got nabbed for $80, that's 80 dollars. They would not allow me to leave unti I paid it. Bad place.

Thanks for the warning.


Main Man
03-27-05, 03:55
I am sorry to hear of your trouble. There is actually two clubs next to the Cafe, so I'm not sure which one you had trouble with.

I had extensive negotiations with the door guys before I went in. I hung out and chatted with them for a while, so maybe they just took it easy on me. Hell, at least 10 women literally grabbed me and pulled me inside the club. That alone was quite an experience!

Almost all of these types of clubs are always a rip off in Buenos Aires in my experience. The exists to steal as many tourists dollars as possible. However, for whatever reason they were honest and cool with me.

Mickey Mouse
03-27-05, 04:25
Is one of the "Only" places in town where you can go drink, spend peso and be merry, but have "NO Sex"! How can a place like this exist in BA? It is only a matter of time,

03-27-05, 13:23
Is one of the "Only" places in town where you can go drink, spend peso and be merry, but have "NO Sex"! How can a place like this exist in BA? It is only a matter of time,
Don't forget, Ladies, across the street from Jaz, is like that. Pesos for drinks and talk, that's it. Unless that has changed. Does anybody know if it is still the same?


03-27-05, 18:54
I concur with rolando07 imagine is a complete RIPOFF ,went there and lucky for me I did'nt have enofe money 3 drinks with the girls were very expensive,
I left owing them about 50 pesos that they charge the girls for ths drinks , and I left runnig outa there.

03-28-05, 12:24

It was nice to read some of your messages.

I forgot to mention the drinks were non alcoholic!

Truth is, t he guy who wanted me to pay saw the rage in my eyes and I really think he thought I was gonna pull a "Bruce Lee" and sock him one!

I was pissed.

But I had some cards up my sleeve. I was gonna do the unexpected and totally outrageous thing. I was gonna scream bloody murder like a woman! I had run (YES RUN!) literraly into the biggest group of people I could find as I left the place. I was gonna make a scene. I was ready to throw a brick through the window.(If I had had to pay)

I paniced and just let me adrenalain take over.

It just goes to show you that if you act all nice and trusting and give benefit of the doubt. They will inevitably fuck with you.

So I guess this means no more mister nice guy. Which frustrates me because I am the poster boy for "Mister nice guy".

Hi Roland07,

I generally advocate going nuclear in these situations. The people that run these types of scams are only able to do so because a very high percentage of their intended victims are, well, to put it bluntly, pussys. However, If you look and act like you ready to rumble, you might be surprised at their reaction.

Many travelers in these types of situations believe that because it's the troublemaker's country, that they're somehow connected, and that you'll never win a confrontation. Really, the traveler forgets that they, as the tourist, represent the tourist dollars that are to be protected by the authorities. The troublemakers know this, and they know that if there's a problem it's likely that they, the troublemakers, who are going to have the real problem with the authorities.

Sometimes, all it takes is a cold, hard, stare right into their eyes, then tell them to "Fuck Off".

Just my .02 cents.


03-28-05, 13:29
Theres no way in the world that "Imagine" and that other club could ever compete with Cafe Excedra which is two or three doors down tward Cordoba.

If you think about it, its located right next door to the Panesta Hotel and their sole purpose is to rip off the guest's of the hotel. That's why the high pressure salesmen at the door.

They don't have the volume so the girls are of low quality.

Moreover, at Excedra you pay normal Argentine prices for drinks or coffee with a selection of up to 50 girls. Sure not all of them are doable, but over the years Ive pulled more Chica's out of Excedra than any other club.

One must be careful out of Excedra as you can find some real losers in their. But there are independant girls whom are not full time working girls that are true gem's. Thease are grils that just need a little extra money to make ends meet. There are also girls that are from other country's that will come to Buenos Aires for a couple months just to work and build up some cash for what ever reason.

I happend to be in Excedra last week with a very prominent Monger whom we all know. He'd picked out a very nice target whom he invited over to our table. He tried to make a deal, but she wanted $200 peso's. His reply was no stating, " If I pay you $200 peso's I'll have to pay all the girls $200 ". My point being is theres very high quality Pussy in Excedra for $150 peso's, so don't you newbies Fuck It Up for us.

Lastly, my last night in town with Chica Seeker, after I was stood up by the Drama Queen, I pulled out a beautiful Red Head out of Excedra for a $150 peso's for a one hour date. She stayed three and a half hours and drained me so good I couldn't do Fabiana the next morning. So my point being is theres some very good shit in Excedra but you have to know what your doing.


One Tree Hill
03-28-05, 18:03
If I pay you $200 peso's I'll have to pay all the girls $200 ". My point being is theres very high quality Pussy in Excedra for $150 peso's, so don't you newbies Fuck It Up for us.Exon,

Is 150P the going rate now? Most of the time I have taken girls for 100P (one hour). Two years ago, 80P was not unheard of. Just wondering.


Capt Dave
03-28-05, 19:31
$150 pesos is probably the least you can expect to pay a hot chica on a busy night - $100 can still be had, but it's harder these days (no pun intended), and even harder if you no speeka spanish.

$200 is TOO much - please don't do it, or if you do at least insist on several hours or something else to justify it (perhaps tell her to do your dishes?)

I know it may not seem like much difference to some of you, but to someone who takes a girl out of Excedra several times a week, it makes a difference of $50-$100(extra)x(3 or 4 times/wk)x52(weeks/yr)= BIG BUCKS !!!



03-28-05, 20:26
I just happen to be in town, so Sunday night I spoke to the doorman at Imagine. Turns out he was the owner. I didn't ask if he ran a crooked place. I just wanted to know if the ownership had changed. It hasn't. He created Imagine about Sep-Oct of 2003. He and his brother also own LADIES, next door to Cutty Sark.

I know his brother, Julio somewhat. I met him and we talked a few times in 2003-2004. It was an honest place then(but expensive) as was Ladies.

He just told me there were very few women inside and they weren't very good. A couple of street guys have confirmed to me that Imagine is a ripoff place now. The point of this is that if Imagine is now dishonest then LADIES very likely now is also.

I was in LADIES a couple of times in early 2004. It was very expensive, with no interesting women at that time.

I agree with Jackson, your best chance is to appear unstable. I got out of the whiskeria on Corrientes that way. I think they thought I was going to go ballistic. Even though they pay for protection, it will get a lot more expensive if they cause real problems.

03-28-05, 21:35
Just a point of view:

The commodity we all seek at Excedra can be obtained for 100-120p
with 5-10p for cab fare. It may take some bargaining and sweet talk
but you can do it. You may have to walk away, just like the car lot,
but many will take the price. It makes the game more fun.

Remember, 1707 Santa Fe is 5 minutes away and 100p per hour.

The more you pay and the easier you make it, the more we all get
scr'wd. Be patient and all will come your way.

When I return to BA in Sept, I will chair a Seminar in Management/Labor negotiations. The dinner table at the Mansion will be the perfect venue.


03-28-05, 22:01
One night as I was walking past Imagine on my way to Excedra, the doorguy at Imagine asked if I'd like to see inside. He seemed calm and congenial so I thought what the fuck, a quick look won't hurt. I stepped inside and was immediately grabbed by two chicas wanting to take me to the back. As there were NO other customers in the joint, I pretended I didn't speak any Spanish and turned to leave while the bouncer/doorman was blocking the exit. As the girls were still trying to drag me to the back, the doorguy kept saying "sit down, sit down for a while..."

I said, "Okay, yeah, okay, the girls here are really cute. I'm supposed to meet a buddy outside in a few minutes and I don't want to miss him. We'll be right back! Hold the girls for me!!"

After that, every time I walked past Imagine the doorguy would ask when I'm coming back in.

"Maņana dude, maņana..."


It was nice to read some of your messages.

I forgot to mention the drinks were non alcoholic!

Truth is, t he guy who wanted me to pay saw the rage in my eyes and I really think he thought I was gonna pull a "Bruce Lee" and sock him one!

I was pissed.

But I had some cards up my sleeve. I was gonna do the unexpected and totally outrageous thing. I was gonna scream bloody murder like a woman! I had run (YES RUN!) literraly into the biggest group of people I could find as I left the place. I was gonna make a scene. I was ready to throw a brick through the window.(If I had had to pay)

I paniced and just let me adrenalain take over.

It just goes to show you that if you act all nice and trusting and give benefit of the doubt. They will inevitably fuck with you.

So I guess this means no more mister nice guy. Which frustrates me because I am the poster boy for "Mister nice guy".

Hi Roland07,

I generally advocate going nuclear in these situations. The people that run these types of scams are only able to do so because a very high percentage of their intended victims are, well, to put it bluntly, pussys. However, If you look and act like you ready to rumble, you might be surprised at their reaction.

Many travelers in these types of situations believe that because it's the troublemaker's country, that they're somehow connected, and that you'll never win a confrontation. Really, the traveler forgets that they, as the tourist, represent the tourist dollars that are to be protected by the authorities. The troublemakers know this, and they know that if there's a problem it's likely that they, the troublemakers, who are going to have the real problem with the authorities.

Sometimes, all it takes is a cold, hard, stare right into their eyes, then tell them to "Fuck Off".

Just my .02 cents.


Main Man
03-29-05, 02:29
Funny story. I knew the place was a rip off when I went in.
That's why I grilled the doormen for 15 minutes before
stepping foot inside the place.

However, I can't say there was only a few girls. There was
at least 6 and maybe as many as 10. Also, no one blocked
the door when I decided to leave.

However, we are really to blame ourselves if we read
the forums and still choose to enter these places. It's
obvious that they are clip joints. There are many other
places that I know are clip joints also from talking to
a friend that works @ nightclubs in the area.

On a positive note, it seems that in Buenos Aires most
things are negotiable. I talked my way into a nightclub
with cover charge for free. I think it's on Honduras or whatever
"the circle" where all the people hang @ is. All you have to do
is strike up a conversation with one of the women out front
and act like a stupid tourist (easy for me, since I am a stupid

Amber Wrath
10-23-05, 02:12

Meet up with another cool Monger today. (lowlight)

Same hard core tactics to report at Imagine.

The tout agreed to a free looky.

Once inside the girls surrounded us. (there okay 1 hotie)

Do not sit down at all if all you want is a look.

Sort of lead to sit down, did not want to be rude. Big mistake.

Fuck> Got lowlights attention and said there sticking me for 3 drinks which I did not ask for. > Lets go.

NOTE: The signal the girls use to have a drink or the muscle come is to slap there ASS. They will look over there shoulder at the bartender or the muscle at the right time.

Anyway I was huffing and puffing with the short stocky guy while he showed me the fucking fine print in spanish on the touts card.

Lowlight got into it in spanish and then said wait outside I will pay. (pulled wallet out)

I thought hell no but you do not second guess while shit is happening.

Not sure if Lowlight realized it but I did watch his back. Gave him a clear view to the street (door / curtain open) The street tout backed off a ways.

Out pops lowlight. Nope did not pay the bastards!

We split.


12-02-06, 15:47
I was walkingout of Cafe Exedra Last night, when I was guiven a supposed to be a promotion to go in with no drink commitment. INto a Boliche that is right next to Exedra. So I went in to chk out the goods, I was sitted down with 2 girls. None of them in my range for doable so, realizing I had no interest and I say so. The girl ok let me have your promotion waversigned off. Next thing I know comes this big fellow with 3 orange juices. I took a minute to realize there was something wrong with that picture. When I tried walking out I was blocked and the owner tried to charge me 150 AR for the 3 drinks. I had given him 100 to pay for mine. I was expecting to get change, I didnt. And no I didnt pay the extra 50 as I manageto escape the place. I did not find the promoter afterwards. Though about calling the police. But I'm not sure if it woulve worked. I'll just break their glass door or window if I get a chance before I leave. Anyways. Don't go into this 'place. There is just not areason to anyways. So far this has been my only BA BAd expirience. Though I should share it. IF someone cares to follow up with the name on this place please do so.

Capt Dave
12-02-06, 16:11

As a rule (ESPECIALLY in the microcentro) if you haven't heard of a club either here or from someone you know, don't go in!

The odds that you will find an unknown gem are FAR less then that you will get ripped off, usually in the way Witto described.

The police will generally be no help - their attitude is generally:

"Did you go in" - Yes.
"Did you sit down" - Yes.
"Pay the money!"

If you make a big enough stink you may be able to get away without paying, but maybe not, and it just ain't worth the hassle!

If you break their door, you have commited a crime and may easily find yourself escorted either to jail &/or out of the country (probably for good), so my suggestion is lick your wounds and stick to known clubs.



12-02-06, 16:16
Hey I went in that place!

Never wrote a report on it, but the story was pretty funny. Sounds like yours except that it took me only a few minutes to realize that this was a gip joint so I took off for the door. It was locked! So I raised a big stink. I asked them, what are you doing, imprisoning me? They tried to get me to pay like 50 pesos and I said for what? They said for the drink. And I told them I never drank any of it and I'm going to call the police. They kind of laughed and let me out. Another case where speaking Spanish definitely came in handy. Anyways. AVOID.

12-02-06, 18:38
Good information guys but a NAME would be nice, Does anyone happen to know the name of this horrible place?

Thanks again,


Jaimito Cartero
12-02-06, 18:45
Good information guys but a NAME would be nice, Does anyone happen to know the name of this horrible place?Most of these places change their name so frequently, that a name would only help until the next change.

However, if you know where Exedra is, it's just to the left if you're facing the front door. I saw a number of people talking to the chica out front, but none entering. There's also another one around the corner by La Chacra, but I haven't heard anything good about it either. In fact, I ignore all touts, as 95% of the time they're just rip off places.

12-02-06, 19:12
I think the name of this clip joint is Imagine. I stumbled upon in on my very first night (http:/ www. Argentinaprivate. Com / forum / showpost. Php? P=135216& postcount=1981)in Buenos Aires (paragraph 3, about half way down the paragraph).

A clip joint indeed, although it at least had a few chicas in it 3 years ago.

Geo Eye
12-02-06, 21:25
I think we all have had this exp at least once. It happened to me a few years ago and I was luck to tell them off and literally ran over tThe guy standing at the door, they decided not to go outside. The idea is if you happen to stumble on one of these rip off, do not sit down, you can tell it is a scam when the women there are usually look like pigs.

12-02-06, 22:53
And you will usually be the only guy in there as well. Thats usually a sign that a place sucks. When I was at that place there was a really hot chick dancing on the bar, but the two who came over to talk to me were sub par.

12-03-06, 03:36
Oh boy, now that you mention this kind of club. When I was there last week with no idea about this kind of thing, I got approach serveral time while walking down on Florida st, lavalle, and next to Exedra as well. They really tap you and said, come on, beautiful girl down in the club, promotion free entrance, etc. Lucky, everytime they tap me, I always said No and just keep walking.

I believe the club next to Exedra in on the Carlos Pellegrini side.

Amber Wrath
12-04-06, 12:02
Oh boy, now that you mention this kind of club. When I was there last week with no idea about this kind of thing, I got approach serveral time while walking down on Florida st, lavalle, and next to Exedra as well. They really tap you and said, come on, beautiful girl down in the club, promotion free entrance, etc. Lucky, everytime they tap me, I always said No and just keep walking.

I believe the club next to Exedra in on the Carlos Pellegrini side.As a Newb I had the worst experience there as well. Smart enough to of had a wingman. Straylight)

There has got to be a way to teach management a lesson. Some way to make mtg. See the light if you will. Sure putting reports out help the problem but one of these days an innocent monger is going to get hurt real bad at this Boliche next to Excedra. It would be nice to see justice served on this offending Boliche. Location is perfect be nice to turn this place around and give the girls at EXcedra a run for there money.

Flexible Horn
12-04-06, 15:42
While in BsAs in Feb/March this year some nights I would walk past this club on my way to Exedra. Most nights the same guy outside would try to entice me in and my courteous reply would be 'no thanks'. One particular night as I walked past the guy asks me again and I reply no thanks but this night it was different he placed his hand on my shoulder and tried to turn me round. I turned to the guy and told him never put your hands on me again. He tried to make light of the situation, asking if I don't like chicas, but I could see that he kept looking to the entrance of the club in case he would need help.

His English is not brilliant, but I tried to explain that I knew his club was a shit hole that was out to mug people.

I never like being man handled but I'm not stupid enough to book myself a ticket to some police holding cell.

If you walk along Lavalle, there's a couple more of these shit hole clubs to avoid.

On my 1st visit to BsAs in 2004 I printed the list of clubs on here and used that as a guide, the chicas in the clubs would asked me which clubs I had been to, when I checked my list with ticks and crosses against the good and poor clubs they where amused.

There is a large enough list of clubs on this forum that are good and I'll leave the discovery of new clubs to the natives!


12-05-06, 18:35
Greetings everyone,

I don't know why there should be any confusion about this place. It's on my Clubs and Boliches List (http:/ www. Argentinaprivate. Com / forum / showthread. Php? T=1702) with a Big Red X so everyone knows to avoid it.

Here's a copy of the comments for this location directly from The Clubs and Boliches List (http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1702)


Imagine Carlos Pelegrini 845 (between Paraguay & Cordoba) 4394-6380

Approximately 3 doors down from Excedra. Small, cheap, plywood topped bar, with typically 4 to 6 girls of less-than-desirable quality. Still, this doesn't stop them from asking $25ar for a glass of water, which increadibly enough they brought to me in a glass and would not leave the bottle. Obviously, the only way they're going to survive is by getting some accidental traffic from Excedra.


It's simple guys: If a club is not frequently mentioned in the forum and/or if it's not on any of the top lists, then just avoid it. Believe me, if it didn't make the cut, it's for a reason.



Full Throttle
12-06-06, 14:30
It's simple guys: If a club is not frequently mentioned in the forum and / or if it's not on any of the top lists, then just avoid it. Believe me, if it didn't make the cut, it's for a reason.


JacksonWhile that's good advice, we do need adventurous posters. There surely are some undiscovered gems that will be nice additions to the list. I would say at least 2 wingmen for such excursions, though.

12-21-09, 15:14
This place is so lame, they hand out used, worn-out cards from other clubs.

A guy in front of this place on Carlos Pelegrini near Cordoba handed me an old card that said "Glamour Night Club" with an address San Martin 957. I took the card and kept walking. I guess they think you will be distracted by the stock model photos on the card and not realize the address doesn't even match. I had a good laugh.