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View Full Version : Price Debate: Inflation, Monger Irresponsibility, Greedy Mgmt.

04-13-05, 05:12
A couple of mongers have reported prices going up in the BA area. I thought we could move the discussion to one thread. There's seems to be a difference of opinion as to how this phenomenon occurs and capitulates itself. I contend we have more control over this process than we give ourselves credit for.

How can we as a collective group come up with either a solution or a way to minimize the problem? Let me preface my opinions by first saying this. I am not pointing the finger at any one person. I'm just making some generalizatons here.

One thing that may help is to simply hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Those who read this board should know it's not okay to go into establishments and ignore the price structure. Isn't that one of the reasons why we use this board? We want to know what it cost, what's the drink fine, who gives the best bbbj, etc.,. As a group, we should question someone who posts paying a higher fee than the norm. If this is the result of management bumping prices, we should take the month off from that club. I'm pretty sure this is what the Porteno dudes would do. So why should we be different?

And for those who are not price conscious, please take your business to either Blacks or Madahos. Those clubs are specifically designed for the monger savvy, who associate premium price equals premium service. There's no question they have some of the hottest talent in BA. They also think they should be paid accordingly.

Her'es my last thought. We underestimate our influence. One person does make a difference. Think of it this way. I'm a monger who vacations in BA twice a year. I'm there to have a good time, screw whomever I want, and don't care about the price. I'm on vacation, the wife's not yappin in my ear, I'm fuckin!

I overpay and get the girl I want at club X. Next day chica comes to the club and tells the others. Next night, I screw her amiga to show her I'm the cock in this cage. This vailidates the first amiga, that I truly am a sucker who overpays. My 2 weeks are up and I'm out of BA free-n-clear. So I got a couple chicas at a couple of clubs worked up. What's the big deal?

Problem is, next week another dude with the same mindset comes into those very same clubs, and does the same thing. The chicas quickly see this trend and we inturn get generalized as the sucker. In reality, it only takes 40 or 50 dudes visiting BA a couple times a year, and the power of the chicas innate ability to gossip to create a problem. This isn't a far fetched example, as I did something similar in my first mongering trip to Colombia a few years back (so your the one!)

I'm not a econ major, so I won't comment on the inflation argument. Thanks for listening.



Daddy Rulz
04-13-05, 14:12
the first time I went to Nueva Estillo with Brother Dickhead I saw this SMOKING HOT little number, long dark hair, huge natural lips, flaquita just the way I like them. I said "hola" she said "hola" and then asked for 200 pesos for an hour upstairs. Had I been at Madaho, Newport etc I would have considered it a bargain and made like the road runner with her over my shoulder. However I wasn't and at the time 150 pesos was the accepted price at NE so I thanked her and moved on. I kept an eye on her for awhile and watched her talk to guy after guy getting shot down. Eventually I took corn row hair girl upstairs and had an excellent session for 150. When Icame back she was still working the tables with no luck and I gave her a little wink as I left. Personally I think this is how we check prices.

That being said, El Jefe made mention that He believes we are seeing a price increase driven by Porteno's in an improving economy. I would of course defer to that opinion for two reasons, He lives there and I don't and it makes sence. I wish Dickhead was still posting, I would like to know how the original value monger is doing.

04-13-05, 14:22
I think we as a collective group don't have the ability to greatly influence prices in the clubs - in general. There are relatively far too few of us to make a difference one way or another.

However, when dealing with individual chicas who are recommended to one another on the site - we can definitely have an impact, as the clientele of a girl is limited, and a small group like the mongers here can constitute a big portion of her business.

Jaimito Cartero
04-13-05, 14:43
I think we as a collective group don't have the ability to greatly influence prices in the clubs - in general. There are relatively far too few of us to make a difference one way or another.

I would disagree with this. If they know that a gringo will pay more than the norm they're going to ask for it. I'd say that in many places there is a dual pricing scheme. Local $150 peso, foreigner $200, $300 or more.

While it's difficult for some guys, you do have to exercise some control. It's like buying a car or a house. If you let them know that you *just* have to have them, they're not going to back down on their price.

You can always start the price conversation out with, "I pay 150 pesos", and set the tone. As always, you have to know what the current pricing is. 150 pesos probably isn't going to work in Blacks unless you meet her outside.

04-13-05, 17:08
OK Daddy; your wish is my command. I am paying the following amounts in the following places. Of course all the women I fuck are ugly skanks as has already been established.

Nuevo Estilo: 140 la hora + 35 for the hotel. If they give good service or are named Antonella I give them 150. Antonella is particularly ugly and unattractive as well as being totally incompetent in bed. But I like her.

Catto's, Ness, and Jaz: 125-130. Sometimes cab fare on top of that but only if they DON'T ask for it. Women are lined up to fuck me in these places for that price, although there are one or two who won't accept my asking price. I fuck some REALLY ugly women in these places, like Rafaela for example.

Salomé: 100 pesos and 10 for cab. Currently my favorita works there so I don't pull other chicas from there. I have pulled 3 from there in recent months for this price and 2 stayed all night. All were beastly ugly. The favorita is so ugly I fuck her with a towel over her face.

Street walkers: Very few lately (to clarify, meaning that I haven't done very many lately; I don't mean they are in short supply). The last one would not take 80 and I had been wanting her for a long time so I agreed to 100. This woman weighs 150 kg and has green slime running down her thighs. Well, actually, she is probably the best looking SW I have seen in Buenos Aires. Just ask Exon. Others I have chatted with lead me to believe 60 is the going rate.

Random gals whose numbers I have: 110-140 depending on what precedent has been set. Yes, folks, ugly hags like Jesica and Celeste, formerly of 1707 Santa Fe and now working at Madaho's, Sandra formerly of Hook, and so forth, will actually give excellent service at this reasonable price.

Mansion: Have only done two. Never discussed price with either. Gave each 100. Must be sufficient since they have fucked me, happily, several times each for this price. Of course they are toothless and in their 60s.

Apartments: Current favorites are all 100 per hour and all offer me an alcoholic beverage. One place made the mistake of leaving a bottle of Teacher's in the room = bonus coverage. I do find Santa Fe 3373 to be acceptable for 70 an hour but only if I am really horny.

I am seeing considerable inflation at the grocery store. My favorite bar, although it did not raise beer prices, reduced the amount of the happy hour discount. ALL the boliches I go to have raised their prices for drinks, to the extent that I am going much less frequently and concentrating on getting phone numbers when I do go.

Mr Butts stated that he goes to Madaho's almost every night he is in BA. I would ask that he continue to do so, if you get my drift.

Love to all,

Richard M. Head, Monger Emeritus

04-13-05, 18:58

I hope the new members get your humor. It was a great post to break your self-imposed hiatus.

Continue posting. The board needs some spice once in a while.


04-13-05, 20:53
I'd like to personally state that DickHead is Lieing on his last Post.

I know by personal informantion & belief that DickHead does not Fuck ugly girls. The last time I saw DickHead he was drunk and we had just left Jaz Pub making our way, walking up Paraguary headed for the triangle.

We got as far as Florida street and I asked about the famed "DickHead's Maria". His responce was, "we'll look for her but I don't fuck her anymore", "Why I asked", "Oh Stormy ruined it for me by paying her to much". Well sure enough I was introduced to the real "Maria" not some imposter.

Well in the mean time this absolutely smoken hot blonde with a body to die for came running up and put her tonge down DickHead's throat. Well the next thing I knew was DickHead and the Chica were getting into a cab and thats the last ive seen of him. I went home and jacked off over his date, she was that good.

Ive Mongered with Dickhead quite a bit and he does not Fuck Ugly Girls


04-13-05, 22:50

I did not ruin it for Dickhead for paying too much. There are other issues between them that he has described previously. Please note, [Deleted by Admin] that "to" is spelled "too" when used in this context. Also, what I pay to the hookers is my business and not Dickheads nor yours. You are apparently the Edward R. Morrow of the jackoff and hand job artist set and full of advice and contempt for the "newbies" many of whom can speak three to four words of spanish, unlike you who cannot even write a decent sentence in the language (languish) into which you were born. Next time you are in town take three breath mints and call me and I'll be glad to talk to you.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the WSG Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

Daddy Rulz
04-14-05, 04:02
Thanks for stopping by bubba and I can confirm that he does fuck some of the ugliest skanks I've ever seen. Disease ridden, toothless, butt fucking ugly puta's.

Ok, honestly our tastes do differ but I've never seen Brother Dickhead with anything ugly. Certainly most of his girls wouldn't pay for any drinks in bars here in sex prison and they really seem to adore him and enjoy his company.

He confirms what I thought, it's not about inflation but rather finding what the market will bare. So pay whatever you wish, a monger that understands the game will continue to get high quality pussy for 100-150 pesos. A firm hand in negotiating while giving them the respect due a person that does a difficult job well. I'm not trying to sound pompus but ths board is supposed to be about passing on what we have learned.

Dickhead it was great to read you again. I don't presume to speak for the board but I know a lot of us have missed you. What the fuck were they thinking leaving you in a room with a bottle of hootch?

04-14-05, 11:50
Thanks for stopping by bubba and I can confirm that he does fuck some of the ugliest skanks I've ever seen. Actually our tastes do differ but I've never seen him with anything ugly.
That statement is confusing. Please confirm. Ugly girls, or not? :)


04-14-05, 20:46
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So what difference does it make if DH fucks ugly girls as long as
he writes about it...?

Therefore I wish you'd all be a little careful regarding your DH commentary;
the last time his feelings got hurt we got the silent treatment for months for Christ's sake!

One Tree Hill
04-14-05, 21:06

I know alot of the girls he does or has done and not one is ugly, they are pretty damn hot if you ask me. I can tell you with impunity, that DH pays alot of these girls 100p-120p, when newbies, non negogitiators and spanish inhibited mongers pay 200p for the same girls. Just because he pays local market rates does not mean he is getting anything less than the guy who pays more and thinks he is getting more. BUT...we can't all be a Dickhead!
HOWEVER...we can use his prices as a guideline for dealing with the girls.

It works....I know.

04-16-05, 00:08
There's certainly inflation in non-monger areas here as well. I was last here just over one year ago and the difference is obvious. I like to buy certain fine goods here and have noticed the following:

Lopez Taibo: They offer some fine handmade shoes in their top line that were $500 last year. That same line is now $650.

Rossi y Caruso: I paid $800 each for a couple of top quality leather jackets (highest quality in the city in my opinion) last year. They are now $1200.

Certainly, these places get a good number of tourists just like the monger locales.

I can't say I've noticed a difference in the price of things like food and I've been here for a little more than a week already. However, I *think* the prices at Salon de Té on Santa Fé are higher but I'm not certain.

04-16-05, 00:54
People complain about inflation and changing prices. Well Argentina is not a stable country and I dont think it will be within our lifetimes. I arrived here before the devaluation and quality mongering in USD was still cheaper than hell back then (although not as cheap as now). Taking 50% cumulative inflation into account since the devaluation, the effective fx rate is about 2 pesos / USD, which is about fair. 1 to 1 was way to expensive, 3 or 4 too cheap. If inflation increases much more, the peso will devalue to keeo things in equilibrium.

People worry that BA will become infested with gringos and become "ruined like Costa Rica". 1st of all IMO there was nothing to ruin in Costa Rica. The main and most important reason that BA will never really be changed by us is easy - distance. A 9 hour flight is simply too far and too scary for almost all Americans. Thats why close places ike Cancun, Costa Rica, (I bet Cuba once Castro dies) are ruined, you can fly from Chicago to Cancun faster than to LA.