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05-15-05, 01:50
In the 1000 block of Libertad between Marcelo T de Alvear and Santa Fe, on the east or odd numbered side, in the middle of the block, there is a sleazy looking kiosko with a restaurant inside. Lots of variety. I have tried the burgers, empanadas, and quiches and it's always been good and I never got sick. Eaten here maybe 7 times. Dirt cheap. Get the number and call ahead for faster service. This place is very busy at lunch time.

In Lavalle on the corner of Esmeralda is Don Galíndez. This is a typical parilla. I like the choripan and the burgers. Avoid the cheaper steak cuts. Beer is cheap and lots of specials. They share the building with an Arab restaurant. I do not eat the cuisine of any ethnic group that wipes their ass with their hand so cannot comment.

On Rodríguez Peña between Santa Fe and Marcelo T on the even numbered side there is a burger place called Paty's that is very good and cooks all the burgers to order; no "sandbagging." This place is very clean. I think cheeseburgers are 2 pesos.

Also on R. Peña between Juncal and Las Heras on the even numbered side, just north of the Disco there is a little grocery store and restaurant and deli that has very good and sometimes imaginative lunch specials in the 4 to 8 peso range. This is also a good place to buy wine, especially if you know what you are doing with wine, which I do not.

I have previously mentioned and will continue to plug Asturriaz on Avenida de Mayo I believe it is 1199. Huge portions which is not an issue for me but does provide value for many. Lots of variety. Any kind of dead animal you want. This is in the Basque quarter so they boil beef for which I think one should be arrested. Go with chicken or rabbit or one of the rice dishes. They give you free sherry before the meal. Stormy says it is terrible but I say that all free alcohol is inherently good.

In the area of the Retiro train stations, you can get a lot of good smelling, tasty food both from vendors and from the restaurants. Also there is a very good butcher shop between the Belgrano train station and the intercity bus station.

Push the envelope. Get out of Recoleta. Throw your guide book away. Follow your nose. If it smells good and the place is clean, chow down. Fuck places like Parrillón in Recoleta and Cabaña Las Rip Off.

Oh yeah and Los Chilenos in the 1000 block of Suipacha is always a good choice.

The Galloping Gourmet

09-24-05, 01:46
To the right of the privado on Mendoza, off Caballito / Sante Fe, as you face the stairway, is a parilla that looks cheap and shabby on the outside, which it is, but fear not, pass through to the rear and find the tables, set in what was, by the state of the quality of the cieling plaster work, quite a well appointed builing in its day. The short, stocky, gruff, and greying camero is not unhelpful. While the menu is limited, I recommend the vacio[flank] asado. Ensalada mixta, papas fritas and have the 1/2 Jar of house wine, its better and 50cents cheaper than the beer.


Norman Stormin
01-21-06, 13:37
I have wanted to post for some time about this place but it did not warrant a new thread entitled "greasy spoons". Thanks to Dickhead for an appropriate title "cheap eats".

This place is 1/2 block from 5 different privados I frequent regularly. Gawd only knows how many more are secreted within a few blocks of here. I noticed it was always full at lunch time and finally went in for a coffee to kill 30 minutes before a privado appointment. I got sticker shock when I asked how much, 1.50p.

I looked at the menu. The highest priced items were 8p. Milanesa or hamburger sandwich, 3p. Milanase with fries and 2 eggs 6p. The milanase fills a platter and another platter heaped with greasy fires. Easily enough for two. Mineral water 2p and a liter of Isenbeck 5p.

This place is like a New York City diner. There are 20 small tables and 40 chairs kramed in the front dining area of about 200 square feet. There is a long counter headed back to the kitchen with about 12 funtional stools. The fine Chinese scrap tin flatware of the Tzung Dynasty is to die for. This is a great place to stop for a pre / inter / post coital snack. It's also great if you want to close your pyloric valve prior to a serious drinking binge.

01-26-06, 04:25
On the south [I think] side of the plaza about 1 1/2 blocks from Callao, [same side as the Hotel Ibis] is a little place called Cafe Yiryourgin (sp. Same name as the street) I don't like the heavy beefy food in Argentina much, as I lean towards the low fat side. This place is cheap, friendly and informal and is very good with chicken breasts and 1/4 chicken with a simple salad of tomato, lettuce and onion. A liter of Quilmes is 4 pesos. Thier chorizo sandwitches (choripan) are good too.

The crew that owns or runs it are young, chatty and pleasant. Go see.

01-26-06, 05:00
As I said before, I lean toward the light side in food. Puerto Gaboto in a traditional fish place in a pleasant medium local area of Rosario - address Pellegrini 584.

They actually listen when you tell them that you don't want a plethora of greasy sauce or anything else to ruin the taste of the grilled fish. The dish I got was immense - easily enough for 2 people, tasted great and the service was careful and nice. Wish I could eat there tonight. Alas, I'm back in the RW [real world]

01-26-06, 17:48
There is and excellent restaurant that just moved to a new location at 9 de Julio and Tucuman in Santa Fe. I ran across it while wandering around the town. They serve the usual Argentine meat, milanesa and cheese based dishes as well as excellent middle eastern food e. G. Hummus, tabouleh. Their chicken brochettes are outstanding. The place is bright and upbeat.

The prices are very low. Be aware that you'll have to wait between 20 and 50 minutes but you can put you name on the list and go have a beer on the pedestrian street and come back in a while. It seems that every middle class family in Santa Fe is at this restaurant for dinner. The staff is therefore a bit busy and stretched but they handle it well.

01-26-06, 18:02
Try out "DesNivel" on Defensa (about 1000 I think) just south of Belgrano Av approaching San Telmo. Good steaks, and the house wine is pretty good (served in white ceramic pitchers).

I havent been there since at least the Jan-02 devaluation when I realized I could eat an many fine Puerto Madero restaurants for less than the cost of a Bennigans meal. But at that time, you could get a great 400gram bife de chorizo / lomo plus a jug of house wine for about US$8, which equalled 8 pesos.

Its kind of a dive, but good atmosphere, good steak, and smartass waiters. I know thats a long time ago but this was a very well known place so Im sure its still alive and kicking.

01-26-06, 22:52
-is defensa 855

Take time to make cola after 9.00pm if you are a newboo.

Norman Stormin
02-04-06, 15:50
Is properly catagorized under this thread if you like cheap food and high prices!