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06-24-05, 13:03
Next week will be my first trip to BA. EXCITEMENT!

I've read over just about all the 2005 threads, and some before then. I still have a specific question.

Would you recommend someone going to clubs late at night to make an appointment for the next day, in the early afternoon, at my apartment? I enjoy a lady most in the middle of the day; at night I am too tired to fully appreciate all the fine features of a lady. So, I found in Thailand that a great technique was to get to know that girl in the bar at night, and then set up an appointment for the next morning or day. It worked great. Part of the fun is the anticipation of thinking about the lady in advance (you wouldn't get that by going to a brothel or by answering an ad where you don't see how the lady moves and talks).

But I tried this is Costa Rica, and the no-show rate was 70%. At night everything would be negotiated and the lady swore she would show up, but no-show was likely. After no-shows I made some impulsive decisions at bars that turned out mediocre.

So, what do you think? Will the BA babe in a bar make an appointment for the next day, and actually show up?

06-25-05, 10:54
My opinion is that this technique would be highly ineffective. It especially won't work for the next morning. Chicas in BA don't do mornings. The clubs don't close until 5 or 6 AM, and a lot of the chicas live out in the sticks and so it takes them a while to get home. So, they sleep until 3 PM or so. And, most of them won't give you their phone number until you have already fucked them, and especially are reluctant to do so inside the club.

Now once you've been with them a few times (you don't say how long you will be here for), you can often see them before they go to the clubs, meaning 7 or 8 PM. Even then I get about a 20-25% cancellation rate, although in my case they know I will dump them if they don't call, so they usually do call to cancel. The possible down side to this is you assume a de facto responsibility to feed them dinner.

If you want afternoon sex, but want the opportunity to "observe" the women first, that is what Exedra and Orleans are for, although I don't like either one of those places.

06-25-05, 11:25
OK, let's just assume that I am a daytime guy. I definitely plan to hang out at the coffee shops. And I understand that some apartments are open during the day (but I wouldn't have a chance to chat with the ladies first). Are there any clubs with decent ladies open during the day?

And here's a weird idea. I go to bed at 10:30, wake up at 5, and go to one of the clubs: morning for me, night for her. What clubs still have hot ladies at 5:30 or 6?

06-25-05, 13:06

I am just like you. Not a late night monger.

I can tell that it works better if instead of asking them to come the next morning or afternoon, ask them to leave home early the following day and stop by your hotal on their way to the club. Say 8 or 9.

This resulted in big savings for me, and I think the chicas like to make some money before even arriving to the club.

On the other hand, a late night monger could so the following: tell the chica "listen honey, we both know you are not making any money tonight, so if by the end of your shift you like to make $ (your offer Here is my number, I am 2 min away by taxi. Think about it: You just have to not want it so much! Remember that the chicas are the ones breaking their backs here, not us.

Dancesw / chicas

06-25-05, 16:34

I too am a day time Monger for the most part.

I have found over the years and many trips Ive make down their that its best for me to use my nights for Re-con and my day's for getting the deed done.

That being said, get the girls phone number and have Roxana call her in the afternoon and ask her if she's interested in a date right then and their. If so she'll be in your room in no time, if not you'll hear about it.

Last March I used this ploy at Hook's. MoonDog and a bunch of us were out Mongering after dinner. I spotted a very tender morsel bought her a drink made conversation and got her phone number. The next day I had the erge, called Roxana and the Girl was in my room in less than an hour.

She was so good I might add I repeted latter on on my trip. Hope she's around next week.


06-25-05, 16:40
If you really want to get up at 5 AM you could go to Cocodrilos. I believe it is open until 7 and a lot of chicas go there when their club closes for the night. You could also try going to Madelein's on Carlos Pellegrini and Córdoba. This is just a normal restaurant but a lot of the chicas go there to eat when the clubs close, as do some of the Exedra chicas who are mostly hags. The food at Madeleine's is pretty good, although not outstanding.

A better idea would be to throw the whole idea of early to bed, early to rise into the shit can. 10 PM is when we start to think about eating dinner.

All the apartments are open during the day, typically by 10 AM.

06-25-05, 17:19
A better idea would be to throw the whole idea of early to bed, early to rise into the shit can. 10 PM is when we start to think about eating dinner. I agree. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 9:00 p. M. Is the earliest dinner time you're going to have in this town.

All the apartments are open during the day, typically by 10 AM.Daytime is also good for arranging internet action, or hooking up with that hottie you met the night before, but couldn't come to a price agreement with. Daytime prices out of the clubs can be 50% off and more compared to nighttime boliche prices. I agree with the Roxana suggestion that Exon makes, too, especially if you don't speak good Spanish, this can be a lifesaver.

Jaimito Cartero
06-25-05, 18:15
Instead of waking up at 5am, wake up an hour early and go down to the triangle and catch the chicas as they're leaving. As DH mentioned, you will find 2-5 of the chicas stop off at La Madelaine for a snack or just to scope guys out. It's a much smaller place than Exedra and has decent food and rock hard bread.

I really find it hard to believe that if you're smart enough to get their phone number why you'd need to have someone setup an appointment. If you did need to, I'd think about calling Silvina for any appointment setting. She's very pleasant to deal with.

06-25-05, 21:35
Had good luck hanging around New Port around two am (after my midnight Madahos action) and collecting phone numbers.

There are some great restaurants in BA, it is fun to line up a couple or three of the New Port chicks for dinner followed by apt action.

In the case of the triple, the girls took a cab to my apt, everybody got dressed up and the four of us went to Puerta Madera. It was great, many dirty looks from the portena matrons, one of the best nights of my monger years.

Work on your spanish, this is not for beginners.

Suerte, etc.


06-26-05, 07:52
I think hitting the clubs in the early morning is a good plan Toledo. However, going there to set-up appointments for the following afternoon will almost certainly fail. Like DH said, most girls live outside the city providence making it very time consuming for them to travel back and forth. Meeting a gringo in the city represents a time and a monetary risk to them. The chicas in BA are pro's who are most interested in getting paid. They will always tell you they will meet you later in the day. But trust me, they never do. It's the Argentine way!

I had some of my best sessions pulling chicas during the 4 to 5 am range. I would head out to the boliches with a gang of mongers after dinner, but would rarely leave with the first girl who flirted with me. I felt like I could negotiate a better price as the night drew to a close. Also, since the chica did not have to return to the club, I thought she would stay longer and I could get some morning, or in this case, late morning sex! The plan worked, negotiating a 50p discount was not a problem, the sex was great, but they never stayed ln. Again, most want to get paid and get home to their families. They already have boyfriends or husbands and understand you'll be gone in a week.

The safe play is to make arrangements with the board recommended chicas. There's probably a good dozen or so chicas who are currently generating a buzz on the board which will maximize the amount of positive sessions you have. This is especially important for your first trip. As you get more familiar the clubs and let some of the chicas get to know you, then you'll be in a position to try the "morning set-up afternoon appointment move."



Daddy Rulz
06-26-05, 16:55
Most of my best sessions are at this time, the crowd is thinning, they have either made a decent amount of money that night so will toss one more out for less or they haven't and are needing money. Either way it's a great time for a value monger to score a 300 peso chica for 150.

06-26-05, 21:20

You would be doing a big favor for us first-timers-to-be (arriving for first time in a few weeks) if you were to list the currently recommended chicas, along with contact information. This way I can try to do as many as possible.

Thanks in advance, roger.

I think hitting the clubs in the early morning is a good plan toledo. However, going there to set-up appointments for the following afternoon will almost certainly fail. Like dh said, most girls live outside the city providence making it very time consuming for them to travel back and forth. Meeting a gringo in the city represents a time and a monetary risk to them. The chicas in ba are pro's who are most interested in getting paid. They will always tell you they will meet you later in the day. But trust me, they never do. It's the argentine way!

I had some of my best sessions pulling chicas during the 4 to 5 am range. I would head out to the boliches with a gang of mongers after dinner, but would rarely leave with the first girl who flirted with me. I felt like I could negotiate a better price as the night drew to a close. Also, since the chica did not have to return to the club, I thought she would stay longer and I could get some morning, or in this case, late morning sex! The plan worked, negotiating a 50p discount was not a problem, the sex was great, but they never stayed ln. Again, most want to get paid and get home to their families. They already have boyfriends or husbands and understand you'll be gone in a week.

The safe play is to make arrangements with the board recommended chicas. There's probably a good dozen or so chicas who are currently generating a buzz on the board which will maximize the amount of positive sessions you have. This is especially important for your first trip. As you get more familiar the clubs and let some of the chicas get to know you, then you'll be in a position to try the "morning set-up afternoon appointment move."



06-26-05, 21:33

You would be doing a big favor for us first-timers-to-be (arriving for first time in a few weeks) if you were to list the currently recommended chicas, along with contact information. This way I can try to do as many as possible.

Thanks in advance, roger.Roger, one man's steak is another man's hamburger. Without some measure of perspective, it's hard to say which monger's recommendations I would look to for myself, and which I would pass on. Moondog's tastes are probably close to my own, but I'd not drill some of those women exon123 fucks if they paid me!;)

On a recent trip, roxana, who knows my likes and dislikes well, made a recommendation of a girl to me, a girl whom I would have never picked for myself. Yet she was right on. And another girl I really really wanted (and with good recommendations from mongers, to boot) was a total dud for me.

06-27-05, 01:24
C'Mon on roger. Do you really expect me to read all the different threads and package together a little report of the hot lays in ba for you?

What you need to do "Roger", is be "Artful", read the post, take some notes, and come up with a monger game plan when you hit ba. It's all out there on the board, you just need to go find it. Toledo guy did the right thing. He studied previous posts, came up with an idea, wasn't sure if it would fly, and asked the board their opinion. He's going to get a shitload of info because everyone knows he did a lot of research prior to asking the board.

Roger, I would suggest you do the same thing.

Good luck bro,


06-27-05, 02:38

Of course I have read the posts and made a list already. And of course I understand that everyone's tastes are not the same, and that ymmv is always a factor.

My request directly followed from your recommendation to start with the dozen or so girls who have buzz on the board. Surely you know which girls have buzz better than I. The names don't mean much to me until I actually get to buenos aires and meet some of the girls myself, maybe hang with some of the guys on the board. And then yes, I'll be in pretty good shape to make informed decisions.

Thanks anyway bro, "roger"

(and who or what is "artful" supposed to mean?)

c'Mon on roger. Do you really expect me to read all the different threads and package together a little report of the hot lays in ba for you?

What you need to do "roger", is be "artful", read the post, take some notes, and come up with a monger game plan when you hit ba. It's all out there on the board, you just need to go find it. Toledo guy did the right thing. He studied previous posts, came up with an idea, wasn't sure if it would fly, and asked the board their opinion. He's going to get a shitload of info because everyone knows he did a lot of research prior to asking the board.

Roger, I would suggest you do the same thing.

Good luck bro,


06-27-05, 03:36
Perhaps the "member recommendation" section would be helpful.

06-27-05, 06:27
Hola Roger,

"Artful Roger" is just a play on words and nothing more. Sounds like "Artful Dodger" a character from the novel "Oliver Twist".

I wasn't trying to rip on you. I'm sorry if I came across that way. To say I'm sarcastic is an understatement. Sometimes saracasm doesn't come across well in words, and people get offended so I do apologize.

Maybe I misunderstood you or took your post the wrong way. But it sounded like you wanted me to put together a list of current chicas making a buzz on the board with their contact info. Unfortunately, I'm not planning a trip to ba. I'm just reading the board for diversion and not paying much attention to specifics. I just remember reading some posts about dudes having some good sessions. I'd be happy to share info about the chicas I've banged. However, I don't think it would do you any good since you've already read all the post which includes all the sordid details of my encounters with the laides of leisure.

Hint: This last statement was definietly sarcastic. Sorry, I just can't help it. It's an f-ing sickness:>)



06-27-05, 11:47


Never read Oliver Twist.

Now, since I'm doing so well on this board, maybe I'll ask another question. Going to Rosario soon (business) and there hasn't been any action on the Rosario thread for months. Anyone know anything more than is already posted on the Rosario thread?

And thaks to several of you for answering my questions about cell phones in Argentina.

This board is a real treat. Haven't seen one as well organized for any other country. Great job.

I'll be coming to ba in a few weeks, I'll be delighted to meet some of your local talent. Especially the very slender girls I like. Have noted several so far in the reviews.


hola Roger,

"Artful Roger" is just a play on words and nothing more. Sounds like "Artful Dodger" a character from the novel "oliver twist".

I wasn't trying to rip on you. I'm sorry if I came across that way. To say I'm sarcastic is an understatement. Sometimes saracasm doesn't come across well in words, and people get offended so I do apologize.

Maybe I misunderstood you or took your post the wrong way. But it sounded like you wanted me to put together a list of current chicas making a buzz on the board with their contact info. Unfortunately, I'm not planning a trip to BA. I'm just reading the board for diversion and not paying much attention to specifics. I just remember reading some posts about dudes having some good sessions. I'd be happy to share info about the chicas i've banged. However, i don't think it would do you any good since you've already read all the post which includes all the sordid details of my encounters with the laides of leisure.

Hint: this last statement was definietly sarcastic. Sorry, I just can't help it. It's an f-ing sickness:>)



Daddy Rulz
06-27-05, 14:56
If Richard T is aminiable (generally the more beers poured into him the more aminiable he is hint hint) you should line up a night with a resident mongerer. Richard T really has fucked over 100 fully qualified professional prostitutes. His taste may not match yours, but I get the sence that when your talking about quality, it's more about atttitude than shape. Personally I think these guys should accept a propina in addition to the beers.

The other thing I would say is this, for the first time visitor it's tough to describe the amount of high quality poon tang available in BSAS. Just go my friend, lose the bizzare early to bed perversion and have a blast.

06-27-05, 17:15
I always try to be in bed by a quarter of twelve.

But then again, three is a quarter of twelve, right?

Orgasm Donor
12-18-05, 12:18
In response to ToledoGuy's thread starter about daytime action in Costa Rica and getting a poor 70% no-show rate, and ending up making impulsive decisions at the bars at night, Here is a little pearl of wisdom (this is what you're reading this right? From a somewhat experienced monger that spends a few months of the year there.

Skip the bars. Most of the chicas at the Del Rey and Key Largo ask for $100 USD for an hour, the real eye-candy are the Columbianas with the cheap, but very well done boob-jobs to pay off, they are the real "piranhas". They want to turn you, and burn you and be back at the bar in 30min. Don't EVER pay this much.

Go to the massage parlors, many of them are nice and comfortable, although I find it kind of awkward in the bar / meeting room, the girls won't approach you at all until you motion them over. But thats ok, for around $30 USD, shower, steambath, massage, BBBJ 40% of the time, satisfying sex 90% of the time, no chance for GFE in an hour as far as I'm concerned, (strictly business) although some will kiss you, anal is probably out of the question.

If anyone plans to go to Costa Rica again, PM me, and I will give you a link to a Costa Rica board with reviews of all the places there, and if you become a member of the board, you get a discount card for hotels, restaurants, and MPs all over San Jose, and a couple in Jaco.

I don't think Jackson would appreciate me posting the link in this forum, but I will say I am glad I joined this board, along with several others. It really pays to do your research.


Geo Eye
12-18-05, 14:06
I could not agree with you more regarding Colombianas, women they have.


Be the most dishonest women on the face of the earth. Whenever I come across one I know 11 out of 10 things that comeS out of her mouth is a LIE! I can honestly say I am 42yr old and never ever have met a Colombian woman who is not trying to play men.

BEWARE AND STAY AWAY there are many other women to choose from.

Member #4110
01-21-06, 23:44
On my last trip to Costa Rica (Thanksgiving) I found I enjoyed the massage parlors the most. I am a daytime guy, so I would drop into the Blue Marlin and Key Largo in the evenings after all my fun just to watch the sharks circle.

I plan on spending a lot of time in the Buenos Aires apartments on this upcoming trip. I find that women are more exciting and excited when I am the first of the day, so I am trying to check on opening times, as well as the times that the most hot chicas are available. Advice from the experienced is always appreciated. I also plan on having some coffee at Orleans. I can be patient if I am not hassled.

I'm a cheap bastard, so I'm probably not going to pay the 200p that most of Roxana's girls want, even though she provides another daytime option. And I just don't trust photos. The exception is that little Ayi: I think I will see her based on reviews. Then there's Gygy/Maya and her reviews. I'm going to have a BLAST (and still sleep soundly in the night when everyone else is getting off).

Jaimito Cartero
01-22-06, 02:18
I plan on spending a lot of time in the Buenos Aires apartments on this upcoming trip. I find that women are more exciting and excited when I am the first of the day, so I am trying to check on opening times, as well as the times that the most hot chicas are available. Advice from the experienced is always appreciated. I also plan on having some coffee at Orleans. I can be patient if I am not hassled.

I'm a cheap bastard, so I'm probably not going to pay the 200p that.

Most of Roxana's girls want, even though she provides another daytime.

Option. And I just don't trust photos. The exception is that little Ayi: I.

Think I will see her based on reviews. Then there's Gygy / Maya and.

Her reviews. I'm going to have a BLAST (and still sleep soundly in the night.

When everyone else is getting off)Do a bit of searching. There are apartment and massage places forums, with hours posted on many of them. I like the Magic Hands chain for massage, if you can get Mariela.

Full Throttle
01-22-06, 07:17

As usual, you are too fricking polite. That would be fine if you were dealing with average intelligence.


Jaimito Cartero
01-22-06, 08:30

As usual, you are too fricking polite. That would be fine if you were dealing with average intelligence.

FTOh, I let Exon be the "enforcer" around here.

01-22-06, 13:43
I too am a morning person and some what of a connoisseur of fine "Hand Jobs", something that a lot of mongers have not yet learned to appreciate.

I've found over the years that I "Fuck" better durning daylight hours, I'm a bit stronger then. Rather than going out "Mongering" after a big steak dinner and a "Doble" ration of Beefeaters on the Rocks I've found I my performence is better durning the Day.

Those of You that know me personally will note that "Exon" never resets his watch when traveling in Argentina. The reason is quite simple, I like to keep normal hours. I've become a morning person, therefore if its 2:30 am or 3:00 am in Buenos Aires, the middle of the night, its in fact 10:30 pm or 11:00, bed time in my normal time zone. Therefore my body clock never has to be reset.

I like to use my Mongering time after dinner for "research", picking targets in varrious places such as the "Triangle" or "Excedra" and the like too exploit at a latter time durning the day, "Sperm Management" so to speak. Thats not to say I don't slip up now and then but more often than not I go home alone, empty handed around 2 or 3 in the morning. Which is of course is 10 or 11 o'clock, bed time in my home time zone.

Of course theres a down side to this. In most clubs, the "Triangle", Jaz Pub, (Which they Don't Play Jaz by the way) Cutty Sark, the Chica's are required to stay in the club's until 3:00 am in the morning before they can leave. Unless of course, as we all know, We buy them an expensive "Chica Drink" which now day's start at $30 peso's going up to as high as $80 peso's or more in places like "Black". Moreover, if you plan on keeping the Chica longer than an hour and a half to two hours you must buy two "Chica Drinks", it starts to add up after a while. No, as a general rule "Exon" will drink water or coke paying from $20 to $30 pesos while collecting phone numbers conducting research in the clubs and execute the "Deed" durning normal business hours.

All the above being said, there some excellent "Mongering" to be had durning the day light hours.

Santa Fe 1707 for example has the best "Horse's" in their "Stable" working the day shift starting at 10:00 am in the morning. Beautiful girls, so if you want something fresh, be their at 10:00 am, $100 peso's. But on the contary, go in their at 10:00 pm at night and you find a stable of "Porkers" not worth wasting an "Orgasm" on, "Sperm Management" again.

This last trip I took a lead from our brother DickHead and started attending Esmeralda 847 piso 12 H for a "Hand Job" before lunch, $80 peso's. I liked it so well I recomended it to Hunt 99 and he went back three time's, (requsting one of my favorites Candellara) just for the Massage, skipping the "Relax", saving his "Sperm" for latter in the evening.

I have another favorite in their, Abril, (April) and blonde Chica I connect with very well. She once got me "Off" so well I shot a load three feet in the air and couldn't get up off the table for 10 minutes I was so "Spent". It go's on and on, matter of fact I'm getting a "Woodie" typing this thinking about her.

Anyway I'm getting a bit wordie here and the whole point being is theres excellent Mongering during the day, plus the phone numbers one collects at night. And the fun of it is doing the research to find it.


Member #4110
01-22-06, 16:29
Exon and all: thanks much.

Questions: Have you had luck collecting phone numbers at night for daytime dates with 9- or 10-rated girls at an expensive place like Black's, without buying them a drink? Or do you have to buy at least one drink to get the phone number? Two drinks? And how often do you buy a drink and then the chica says that she does not do independent work (no phone number and you're out the drink pesos and sitting alone)? Finally, what do you pay the 9 or 10 if she visits your hotel / apartment the next day or two?

Sorry for all the questions. You see, I am truly a cheap bastard, but if I find out anything on my trip in March, I will make a full report.

[Not only am I a cheap bastard, but I'm an old sex pig. I'm here on the Internet after my regular US ladyfriend left me after 3 hours of morning sex, in the winter Sun, including anal, and about 22 hours after seeing one of the best SPs I have ever see in the United States (she howled and rocked and
swore like a sailor). Life is good.

More, more, more.

01-23-06, 01:32
Have you had luck collecting phone numbers at night for daytime dates with 9- or 10-rated girls at an expensive place like Black's, without buying them a drink?

Answer: Never, but sometimes they give their number.

Or do you have to buy at least one drink to get the phone number?

Answer: Always, but sometimes they don't give their number.

Two drinks?

Answer: Periodically, but they never give their real number, got the number to a Chinese restaurant once.

And how often do you buy a drink and then the chica says that she does not do independent work (no phone number and you're out the drink pesos and sitting alone)

Answer: Never, but they always send a friend over so you are not alone after they leave without giving you their phone number.

Finally, what do you pay the 9 or 10 if she visits your hotel / apartment the next day or two?

Answer: Whatever she did not agree to the night before when we made the deal.