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View Full Version : Is Argentina a national sanctuary for foreign terrorists?

07-08-05, 23:10
An editorial from today's Wall Street Journal.



Daddy Rulz
07-09-05, 04:29
Only the WSJ would link the secret police to Islamic Jihadist in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps Argentina is not so hip to turn people over to States that are under the influance of our religious fundamentalists. That whole "anybody that is not with us (defined as believing as we do, acting as we do, and following our orders to the letter) is against us horseshit has gotten really fucking old. To my knowledge Argentina has no prison ships administered by government utilizing torture, no prisons on forign soil where the hold "enemy combatants uncharged without representation for years.

I know this makes me a pinko commie fag trying to get terrorists therapy and I'm sure I support the random killings the commit. Actually I think more like our founders, one in particular "any man that sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"

Please excuse my terrible spelling.

07-09-05, 14:19

This is not the first time this woman tries to throw shit to Argentina. She wrote a similar article when the negotiations with the IMF, which significantly severed many stakeholders (among which, players in Wall Street and in Argentina whos einterest are reflected, respectively, by many WSJ and Ambito Financiero articles)

This woman cast doubts of the degree of cooperation between US and Argentina. The evidence for such a claim? A denial of extradition of a CHILEAN individual to Chile who supposedly killed an individual in 1991 (10 years before 9/11/2001) and a similar one for a SPANIARD ETA member to Spain.

Some information that may help to understand the article (and the writer's intentions):

- Victims of the Argentina guerilla during the 70s were a tenth or less of those mentioned in the article.

- Luis Posadas Carriles escaped form prison in Venezuela, where he was found guilty of bombing a plane full of Cuban athletes, killing between 70 and 80 people. That is, he was already tried.

- Many of the current Argentine Supreme Court judges were drawn from highly prestigious international courts (Zaffaroni, for instance) Of course, this doesn't matter to her because these judges will vote for the "pesification" of the pre-2002 bank loans, a disgusting measure for the usual customers of Ambito Financiero and WSJ (financial institutions)

As a note of color, see how this woman refers to Venezuela ("a Cuban province") This alone should cast doubt on her impartiality. Castro and Chavez may be allies, but for sure Castro doesn't rule Venezuela.

Not to mention the "needs for IMF billion-Dollar-loans to supply his supporters with US flags to burn", an irrisory attempt to picture Kirchner as a hard anti-American.

Hope this helps,


07-19-05, 20:36
Substitute "mongers" for "terrorists" and yes, I now think it is a very accurate statement.

07-20-05, 12:20
No foreign terrorists in here. Even if there are foreign terrorists, that I don't know of, it sure does not affect my lifestyle.

Move on and spread your generosity to the terror CHICAS of Buenos Aires.

08-21-05, 22:24
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