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View Full Version : Youth Hostels vs Appartment

07-10-05, 15:47
Hello all.

This will be my first thread, although I have been a member I just never wrote anything in this forum until now. I've been reading all the info about Argentina and the chicas. I like to know has anyone ever stayed at Youth hostels and take the girls in? I'm thinking of staying in a youth hostels having my own private room since its a lot cheaper than renting an apartment altough I'd prefer the apartment since I would have my own bathroom and kitchen. So my question are has anyone stayed in youth hostel and had no problem taking them in? I really appreciate to get some feed back if anyone has done it before. The reason is I'm hoping to go to Argentina next year anywhere from late Jan. To early Mar 2006 for at least 3 weeks.



Jaimito Cartero
07-10-05, 21:52
Perhaps Nibu might have info on this, but I've never mongered in a Hostel, and it's been about 20 years since I've stayed in one. I would probably politely ask if they allow female visitors. Obviously you would have to been discrete about it, and not have a screamer.

Hello all.

This will be my first thread, although I have been a member I just never wrote anything in this forum until now. I've been reading all the info about Argentina and the chicas. I like to know has anyone ever stayed at Youth hostels and take the girls in? I'm thinking of staying in a youth hostels having my own private room since its a lot cheaper than renting an apartment altough I'd prefer the apartment since I would have my own bathroom and kitchen. So my question are has anyone stayed in youth hostel and had no problem taking them in? I really appreciate to get some feed back if anyone has done it before. The reason is I'm hoping to go to Argentina next year anywhere from late Jan. To early Mar 2006 for at least 3 weeks.



One Tree Hill
07-11-05, 02:50
You can get apts for less than $200 per week or under $450 for a month. Isnt that cheap enough? Trust me it will be worth the extra $100 bucks.

Jaimito Cartero
07-11-05, 06:22
You can get apts for less than $200 per week or under $450 for a month. Isnt that cheap enough? Trust me it will be worth the extra $100 bucks.I'm no Dickhead, but you can find plenty of nice ones in the $125-$150 range per week. Unless you're just staying a few days, I would follow OTH suggestion and get an apartment.

08-21-05, 17:54
I really doubt you would get away with this. I stayed in a hostel when I was there in may and the quarters are so close. Even the private rooms are not all the private. And I think the staff would really frown on it. Have you been in a hostel before? It's not like you have very much privacy. I also doubt many of the chicas would even agree to go in there, theyd much prefer to just go to an hourly motel.

Nibu Raphael
03-27-06, 18:09
Yes you can stay in one for like 5 to 6 bucks a night in BA Argentina, no problem at all. Whoever mentioned renting an apartment in BA for 450 a month. BS. You can probably defenitly get a place for under a 100 Bucks a month. Come on guys, this is not the U.S. Plus the Dollar is 3 to 1 with The Real. It's cheap guys in Argentina. Other great cheap destinations are Peru, Venezuela And Colombia.
Hello all.

This will be my first thread, although I have been a member I just never wrote anything in this forum until now. I've been reading all the info about Argentina and the chicas. I like to know has anyone ever stayed at Youth hostels and take the girls in? I'm thinking of staying in a youth hostels having my own private room since its a lot cheaper than renting an apartment altough I'd prefer the apartment since I would have my own bathroom and kitchen. So my question are has anyone stayed in youth hostel and had no problem taking them in? I really appreciate to get some feed back if anyone has done it before. The reason is I'm hoping to go to Argentina next year anywhere from late Jan. To early Mar 2006 for at least 3 weeks.



03-28-06, 05:47

The best party hostel in buenos aires is the milhouse hostel located in hipiloto yirogen (sp? I forget) in the centro.

Really it is practically like living in a bar. People are drinking in there all day and night. A lot of people are into heavier drugs there also but I was not involved in that. If anything, these people are just laying around in the hostel all day all strung out on coke.

But it is fun. Starting like Wednesday or Thursday, they take out groups to regular night clubs. And there are people drinking at the bar located inside the hostel every night.

Be forewarned though, I am sick of staying at hostels. Last time I just stayed at a hotel and it was a lot better. Most people in the hostels are not interested in the gentelmans clubs so its pretty much a waste for me to stay there. I will chat with some people during the day but at night we always go our seperate ways.

That and in Rio and Buenos Aires I was pretty much the only american person staying in the hostels. You get a lot of "backpackers" from europe travelling all over south america for like months at a time. And I show up with regular suitcases and just staying for 1 week and not really interested in checking out the same types of things. All these people are interested in like checking out the cemetary, or soccer games, or san telmo, etc etc. Ive been to bs as 4 times and still havent been in the cemetary nor am I really even interested in it. Just a different mindset between the type of traveler found on argentinaprivate and the type found in hostels.

Rock Harders
03-28-06, 06:41

I have stayed in hostels in both Argentina and Uruguay, and I can tell you that they are a double edged sword in a number of ways. First of all, for those who have never stayed in one, a hostel is unique in that there exists a sort of communal alternative society at these places made up of people from all over the world who basically travel around, full time, and live in different hostels. This, along with the people who live and work in the hostel full time, makes for an interest mix. Then you have the guy like myself, who doesnt really fit into either of these classifications.

From my experience, if I had to stayed in a hostel for an extended period of time in a place like Buenos Aires, I would be dead within two weeks. Buenos Aires really is rocking seven days a week, and the pressure to go out on the town every night would ruin me.

I stayed in the Red Hostel in Montevideo, and it really was a kick-ass place, filled with hot women and everybody was ready to get drunk and / or high on whatever was around. The hostel was recycled from a converted old mansion. I was only there one night (needed to go to Uruguay so I could get another 90 Argentine visa) and I hung with some Australians, New Zealand, and South Africans, and they were all coked up and had been on a month long binge of booze, coke and weed. The desk girl, Paola, is 2 years younger than me, absolutly beautiful, and speaks perfect english.

In Ushuaia, I stayed at the Hostel Cruz Del Sur, it was a more relaxed place and would have been possible to stay for an extended period of time, because people actually go to sleep here because there are so many outdoor activities and not even 1% of the nightlife as in Buenos Aires.

The bottom line, especially if you're older than your 20's, is that hostels in big cities spell bad news for long stays. The social scene is killer, with killer meaning amazing and also that it could literally kill you. During all my time in Buenos Aires, I never tried to live in one, as my goals are to fuck Argies (not the foreigners who stay in hostels) instead I rented my own apartment and / or stayed with Argentine friends. Also, forget about trying to bring working girls back to a hostel, it would never work out smoothly. Depending on the hostel, banging regular girls can be a hassle as there is no privacy, I had to do it in a bathroom shower stall in Ushuaia.


Dirk Diggler

04-03-06, 23:25
I ran into a student on a flight to BA who told me the cost of the hostel in Recoleta was around $7 per night! That is a small box with two bunk beds (or three other students) and shared bathroom. Definitely not my thing.