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09-04-05, 20:48
Greetings everyone,

Does anybody know if it is possible to utilize a Direct TV account here in BA that was purchased in the USA? A Direct TV account purchased here in BA is restricted to receiving the channels that they (Direct TV and / or the Argentina Government) offer on their system, which does not include Fox News or MSNBC. Frankly, I'm sick of listening to the liberal drivel offered up by CNN, so I'm looking for an alternative.

It's my understanding from my own Direct TV service in the USA that the card that you receive with the service that you then insert into the receiver is coded to control (aka limit) the package of channels you can receive. For this reason, many Canadians sign up for Direct TV service using a USA address so they can get a card that will receive the standard USA channels, as opposed to a Direct TV card purchased using a Canadian address, which is much more limited as to the channels that they would be authorized to receive.

Here's the theoretical question: Can I use a Direct TV card from a USA system in a Direct TV receiver here in BA, said card providing the authorization for the receiver to receive the USA channel lineup?

There's also the issue that the Direct TV receivers need to be connected to a telephone line so that the receiver can "call" Direct TV, usually on a monthly basis, to continue to receive authorization for the receiver to function. That's how they can cut off your service is you don't pay. Anyway, I'm assuming that my Vonage phone can provide this connection.

Any ideas?



Bangkok Dave
09-04-05, 23:19
Hi Jackson,

I don't think it would work the way you describe it. Each card is specific to a certain reciever. I have two recievers and two cards and they won't interchange. What would probably work is, establish an account in the States and then bring both card and reciever to BsAs. With a voltage transformer of course. I NEVER connect to a phone line. This is only needed to request pay-per-view programs. They want you to stay connected so you are tempted to buy a pay-per-view program. They can cut off your service via satellite, or upgrade your package the same way. You may also have to have line-sight of the satellite you use in the states to get the American packages. I don't know if this is possible from the southern hemisphere. Maybe it is the same satellite, maybe not.


Hi Dave,

I should have stated this eariler: It is my intention to bring the entire receiver from the USA.

Also, as I understand from my previous research into the subject, the Direct TV satelites are in geo-synchronous orbits approximately 22,000 miles above the equator, and thus they broadcast the same signal over the entire western hemisphere.



Po Monkey
09-04-05, 23:19
I don't know about the DTV but, but I agree with 100% about the Liberal Jibberish from CNN. Man, this New Orleans issue is just bringing all the liberals out of the wood work trying to pin everything on Bush. God damn hippies. The Hurricane hit, it passed, all was fine on Monday. Then Tuesday the levies broke and flooded the city catching everbody off guard. Talking heads are on CNN fussing about where are the troops, God damn it, nobody had troops just standing around when the levies broke, they had to be mobilized and that takes time. National Guard folks are scattered, have to be organized and packing gear which took a day or two. Yet somehow Bush was suppose to wave a magic wand and it all would be better. Cmon. Liberals just piss me off, I hate them.

Buncha snot nose cry babies.

God, give Pres. Bush the strength to deal with another major crisis affecting all Americans (9/11 and Katrina) and don't let the cry baby liberals get in way.

Amen brother.



09-04-05, 23:23
Why bother? It is cheaper to pay in pesos in Argentina then to pay in dollars for a "US " account. I have already compared and it more was fifty percent cheaper in Argentina. The local cable channels are cheaper of course, but if you live in the boondocks like I do they are not available.

Hi Gandolf50,

You are correct that the local service is cheaper, but the goal here is to be able to receive Direct TV's USA channel lineup.



09-05-05, 01:42
You should call them and ask, I think the number is 0810-33-DIRECTV going by memory. Their technical support seems pretty good, theyve helped me out a few times. I have no problems with CNN or BBC, my only complaint is that the signal can be weak. A few raindrops and the service is gone for an hour.

Hi Moore,

The point of this strategy is to get something else besides CNN & BBC, which I get now via Cablevision.

From what I can observe, the channel lineup for Cablevision and Direct TV are virtually identical.



Jaimito Cartero
09-08-05, 19:40
Yeah, it would suck to miss out on some of the good US programming. I believe that if you have someone Tivo the programs you want, you can DL it onto your computer now. While not what you're looking for, it might work nicely if you have a high speed connection (and don't want too many programs)

I think there is also an "Octopus" hardware / software package that will let you view (via computer) what is on your TV or Tivo. (You'd have to have the hardware hooked up at a friends, or your home in the US) Doesn't look like a HQ connection, though.

Po Monkey
09-09-05, 00:00
This a new bar and restaurant at Uruguay 1175, near Santa Fe. They cater to Americans and Europeans. They are a sports bar on the lower floor and a finer restaurant upstairs. They have Direct TV. I talked to the owner about the coverage. They have a NFL Package covering games on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights. They receive 2 MLB games each night and will get the NBA. Also, 2 Bloomberg stock market channels, not CNBC or FOX. They have a long ''happy hour''.Hold Up. Wait a Second. You are telling me that I can catch Week 1 of Football this Sunday at this bar? Uruguay 1175 you said? Dude, I am there. Break out the pitchers of beer and dust me off a seat in front of the TV.

You wouldn't know if they have a Wireless Hookup would you? I wanna keep tabs on my Fastasy Football team.

09-12-05, 12:20
I went to 1175 Uruguay (The Alamo Restaurant) Sunday afternoon to catch my Packers play Lions. What a bad day based on the result! Anyhow, the restaurant is very nice and the owner is from Florida. Alot of the staff speak English. They have only been open for a short time but his plan is to establish a USA style sports bar for pro and college games on the weekends. I know of no other places who are doing this right now.

When it comes to the NFL games I just want a clean place, decent food, a friendly staff and something cold to drink for the afternoon. They provided all of the above. I felt like I was back in the States at my favorite neighborhood tavern watching the games. Something I missed all of last year because no on else had the NFL ticket. I was very pleased and plan on returning every Sunday. If they can get some college games going so much the better. They had special prices for the day but that is not important to me when it comes to watching the games.

A special thanks to Benny for finding this place.

09-12-05, 13:15
CompUSA is selling a $250 gadget called a Media Slingbox which will transfer your US cable / satellite / TiVO programming to your computer, anywhere in the world. May be worth checking out.

Slingbox (http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=329231&pfp=SEARCH)

09-12-05, 14:13
Thanks for the tip on the slingbox, Hunt99. This may be an answer at least to my technological dreams. Walter Mossberg, the respected tech reporter for the Wall St. Journal reviews the slingbox at: http://ptech.wsj.com/archive/ptech-20050630.html

09-13-05, 00:45
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy a computer in BA? I need a place that will build it to specs within a day or two, and service it after the sale if needed.



Hi Moondog,

I would suggest that you visit Galleria Jardin on Florida Avenue. I'ts a couple of blocks from Cordoba towards Correnties, on the Puerto Madero side of Florida Ave.

Galleria Jardin is an open mall with dozens of small computer vendors, any of whome will gladly build you a computer to your specs. Shop around and get quotes using the same specifications, which is easy to do as all the shops are together. Also look for the chicas standing at the Florida Ave. entrance handing out flyers offering deals from the various vendors in the Galleria.



09-21-05, 15:51

You certainly can watch the US DTV, but the problem is that; you have to have a bigger dish and nlb, regular size dish is only capable of receiving signals from the satalites positioned to N. America. Thus, in Bs As, you will need a bigger dish to receive those out of range signals, and if you have the box from the US then you shouldn't have any problems watching the US DTV, its a much larger dish and a stronger nlb though, so you only can have it mounted on the roof but believe me that, it is well worth it.

09-22-05, 13:02
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy a computer in BA? I need a place that will build it to specs within a day or two, and service it after the sale if needed.



Hi Moondog,

I would suggest that you visit Galleria Jardin on Florida Avenue. I'ts a couple of blocks from Cordoba towards Correnties, on the Puerto Madero side of Florida Ave.

Galleria Jardin is an open mall with dozens of small computer vendors, any of whome will gladly build you a computer to your specs. Shop around and get quotes using the same specifications, which is easy to do as all the shops are together. Also look for the chicas standing at the Florida Ave. Entrance handing out flyers offering deals from the various vendors in the Galleria.


JacksonGot it covered, thanks.
