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09-18-05, 04:27
A new branch of this brew pub just opened up a week ago in Paraguay near San Martín on the south side of the street. Gringo heaven. 9 to 11 pesos a pint. Try the honey brew at 8.5% alcohol. But lots of loud clueless Anglos in there tonight. I prefer Deep Blue, especially during happy hour.

09-18-05, 12:33
Do they have pool tables in Bullers like they do in Deep Blue, DH?

Note to you cheap fuckers: Deep Blue has distributed little business-card sized advertising in the card racks which are in the lobbies of many Microcentro hotels. Pop in and bring take a couple with you. On the card there is a buy-one-get-one-free coupon (in English, IIRC) I used one on a recent trip.

03-23-06, 01:30
No pool tables in either branch of Buller's.

08-27-08, 23:50
Beer, sampler 22 pesos, basically 2 shots of beer for 5 different kinds of homebrew. Had the appetizer of olives, ham and cheese. Read the menu sober. The letters are "o", not 'y', so the menu reads 6 pesos por cada una. Thought it was a great deal for 6 pesos, turned out to be 18 peso. Still a meal worth of appetizers. No complaints. The beer is excellent. Make sure you go during happy hour. 7-9 PM.



08-28-08, 00:40
Jes. Thanks for the report on Buller.

Did you drink the stout?

I still have that link you sent me, but I am still not there until October.

Drinking the new offering from Southern Tier:

Creme Brulee (American Double Imperial Stout) 10 % alcohol.

Along with a bit of bud.

Best Regards.


El Queso
08-28-08, 12:51
I recommend you stick with the popular well known imports and domestics. Guinness (no tap because the unpasturized 700 peso a keg shit here that should be sold in a week sits for months - oh yeah 22 and up per pint) No offense, but anyone who would suggest that all of the beers here suck, yet would recommend Guiness in a bottle or can (I. E. Not out of the tap) much be insane regarding beers. That is one of the worst tasting beers ever IMO, and my favorite is Guiness on tap.

And I don't know about Bullers in San Telmo, but the one in Recoleta is actually pretty good. Never once thought of it as Hooters without the hooters. And the there are a couple of girls there who speak very good english (one of them who spent a lot of time in California and actually speaks english with a Valley Girl accent)

In fact, the nachos at the Bullers in Recoleta are about the best I've had in Argentina.

El Queso
08-28-08, 12:53
Did you drink the stout?FYI - I drink the stout at the Recoleta Bullers. It's nothing to compare to Guiness, but it's not terrible. A little thin, a little sweet, but not bad.

08-28-08, 13:07
No offense, but anyone who would suggest that all of the beers here suck, yet would recommend Guiness in a bottle or can (I. E. Not out of the tap) much be insane regarding beers. That is one of the worst tasting beers ever imo, and my favorite is Guiness on tap.It's not THAT bad.



08-28-08, 13:10
EQ- thanks for your input.

I thought the stout was decent, though pricey (especially if you lived in BA)

Guinness is 4% alcohol.

Buller is 6%.

I wish I could find some strong beers in BA (over 10 %)

Best Regards.


El Queso
08-28-08, 14:21
It's not THAT bad.


BM.Well, I would agree that it's not as bad as Pearl (a local Texas beer that is horrendous, IMO) I admit I've had worse, and perhaps I was over-stating it's undrinkableness a little.

08-28-08, 18:25
Cruzat Pub in the 1600 or 1700 block of Sarmiento (odd numbered side) has a strong beer. It is easy to find on the menu as they call it "Strong Beer." Maybe they call it "Strong Ale." Whatever. I believe it is 10.5%. Two pints will fuck you right up.

Alternatively, Temple Bar in the I believe 1000 block of Marcelo T de Alvear (between Suipacha and Pellegrini, nah I think it is the 900 block) has some Leffe or Duvel that have the numbers you seek, but they are pricey. Temple Bar also serves a good draft Guinness mostof the time. Ask for a sample and smell it before you decide.

08-28-08, 18:48
I don't pretend to be a beer expert but I have been drinking beer for 50 years all over the world. And at times past, plenty of it, so you could say that I have had 1 year's experience repeated 50 times. I think the stock standard Quilmes and Brahma are good beers in the pilsner style. Now owned by Brahma, who incidently make most of the European brands sold here. In comparison to a Bud, they are much more European in style and I have been told that they have a higher alchohol content.


08-28-08, 18:52
Thanks guys for the replies about beers.

I will be in BA in the middle of October.

I will give a shout out to anyone looking to go beer drinking.

I am not looking to get trashed. But to enjoy a quality beverage / chica observing.

Best Regards.


08-28-08, 20:10
Brahma 5.0% , Isenbeck 4.6% , Quilmes I have none on hand but I think it's 4.7%. I have a returnable liter of Bud here and I am god damned if I can find the % on it. I like the beers here overall although the draft beer can be risky as many places don't maintain the lines. I like Buller's Honey Beer which is 8.5% alcohol or some such. I like some of the microbrews from Bariloche and El Bolson. Cruzat's got a bunch of those.

08-28-08, 22:58
Cruzat seems to be the place.

I still have to read the link that Jes sent me.

I briefly looked at it (50 pgs) and they mentioned Cruzat.

Best Regards.


08-29-08, 14:20
Cruzat seems to be the place.

I still have to read the link that Jes sent me.

I briefly looked at it (50 pgs) and they mentioned Cruzat.

Best Regards.

SmulerI can confirm that the beer they call Strong is a darn good triple.

04-11-10, 12:54
Recommended - I always stop by on visits. Buller Brewing Company in Recoleta (Ortiz 1827, just down from the Etoile hotel) run a pub where the beers are brewed on site. They have another bar downtown in Paraguay street, down from San Martin. If you're not into fizzy lagers like Quilmes, this is the place to come. They offer six different beers on tap (you can buy a sampler of six small glasses if you want to try each one) The stand-out beer for me is the India Pale Ale (at 6%) also like the strong Honey Beer (8.5%) The Oktoberfest at 5.5% is smoother. They have a basic food menu (pizzas, bar snacks etc) The Recoleta branch stays open late and has a terrace (beer garden) where you can eat and drink outside on a warm night (warning - there's a "consumicion minima" of 30 pesos if you sit in the terraza) The downtown branch isn't open until late at weekends. The beer isn't cheap (at 20 pesos for a pint of the IPA, 24 for honey beer, it's the Madahos of the beer scene) But they run a happy hour between 6 & 9 pm where they knock a third off (doesn't apply to the terraza unfortunately)

Quite a lot of gringos use the Recoleta pub but it does a fair trade with the locals. Music tends to be rock oriented and there are small screen TVs showing Fox Sports. It's a good place to get your beer buzz before heading up the road to the boliches. New Port is on the next block, where a small beer will set you back 29 pesos. That puts the Buller prices into perspective.

PS The brewery's web site is now found at http://www.bullerpub.com. It has more detail about the beers, although it looks a bit out of date as they've replaced the cream ale with a wheat beer.