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10-08-05, 04:08

I never watch any tv so I spend a lot of time online. I usually come across a few personal ads per day on ********** that are pretty outrageous. I'll post them in this thread. Delete this if you think it is a bad idea.

10-08-05, 04:09
You got 2-3 exgirlfriends, I got 2-3 ex boyfriends. Doi! WE THROW AN EX-PARTY!

RULES: Since I'm so fucking hot tall slim and sexy, I need everyone else to be also. Incl. Photo with reply or don't bother.

Me? Jewish, 5'7, 125 thick brunette hair big hazel eyes and a hard body. I'm a high-maintenance pain in the ass, sexy as fuck and and have a mind sharp like a whip. That means I got X-ray vision when it comes to bullshit.

My ex boyfriend looks like JFK Jr but much hotter. Pic for Pic.

10-08-05, 04:11
The best part of this one is her idea of a date. Come over, play songs for her, play with dogs, then ride motorcycles.

I am starting a new job in Lincolnwood in a week or so, and am looking for a cute guy to hang with sometimes, preferably near there, or between there and Wheeling area. I am picky, because I am still young enough to be. I regularly pass for 20 years old. Your build, personality and interests are more important than your face. I have very good biological and practical reasons for all of my preferences in guys. I say this because I have a lot of preferences:) I'll admit, I like long hair.

*** bonus points if you play an instrument ***





Age 18 - 33ish.

5'11' - 6'4''

Weight: 190 - 220ish.

Work out 2-4 times a week, but not obsessively.

**secure enough to handle things if it gets physical OR does not**


Not afraid to embarass yourself for a laugh.

I tend to get along very well with musicians, attorneys, baseball players, bouncers / security, and people who make other people laugh a lot.

No redheads.

No shaved heads.

No extremely short hair.

No hermits.

No dreadlocks.

No alcoholics please.

No "quiet" guys.

No jealous guys - I mean that if we're friends and go to a bar, if you see a girl you like, you should talk to her, give her your number (but don't abandon me) If I see a guy, you can't freak out if I talk to him, or that will be the last time that WE talk. That's what I do. My profession and hobbies demand that I meet people.

I am 5'3'' 112

Body that makes most chicks sneer with jealousy -- I've seen them sneer.

Long brown hair, brown eyes.

Ass that makes J-Lo's ass look like a Buick.

Mildly offensive sense of humor.

I prefer music over tv. Metal and jazz-influenced over radio rock and yuppie crap, bars over dance clubs.

I like to go out, but have no problem staying in on a Friday or Saturday.

I don't really like romantic comedies.

In high school, I was kinda nerdy, wore black (not goth) and made fun of cheerleaders. The popular girls liked me be / c I didn't give a damn if they liked me.

I laugh at women who wear 4-inch heels to the bar.

I have been called feisty, hot, and recently, "madame sarcasm"

I prefer hanging out in groups to hanging out with just a dude. They tend to think it's a date when it's not. If I want to hang out with you alone you will defeinitely know it.

I am not bitter, but I am cynical.

I enjoy saying things for entertainment value.

I have no allergies (I like cats / dogs and they generally like me)

I am a photographer and an attorney.

Ideally, I would come over, and your friends would come over with their instruments, and we would all jam and then watch DVDs, and play with dogs, and ride motorcycles. We might go to a bar and make everyone there jealous because our goup would clearly be having the most fun. We would go to concerts as a group.

I have not attached a pic, because when I do all the responses I get are from guys in their 40s and 50s, which is *NOT* my bag. If you like latinas, you will NOT be disappointed, I promise. If I like your pic, you will get mine. This could go very far, or nowhere. You have to be able to handle both.

Well, it's Friday and I will probably go to bed after the Simpsons. This is because I stayed out until 4:30 Wednesday night riding motorcycles. Any night of the week is a good night to hang, I say.

In the next month I will get a guitar, probably Fender, and an amp. Comments? Hit me up.

I am a good friend and fun as hell to hang with.

10-08-05, 08:31
In general I hate American women.

Geo Eye
10-08-05, 11:49
Wow, run the other way, everything I cannot stand in a woman.

She is the one who is always looking for the BBD. (the bigger, better'

Deal) stay away. I would love to be able to give her a piece of.

My mind. This is the kind of woman who is never ever satisfied.

With anything or anyone. She is never happy, like a small child with.

A toy, after a while she get bored.


10-08-05, 15:03
I have de-coded the ad from the post: the second line is factual.

I am 5'3'' 112

I am 3'5" 211

Body that makes most chicks sneer with jealousy -- I've seen them sneer.

Body that makes most chicks sneeze with allergy.

Long brown hair, brown eyes.

One brown hair, one brown eye.

Ass that makes J-Lo's ass look like a Buick.

Ass that looks like an Oldsmobile.

Mildly offensive sense of humor.

Offensive scent of body odor.

I prefer music over tv. Metal and jazz-influenced over radio rock and yuppie crap, bars over dance clubs.

I have no TV - you can buy me one. I am an alcoholic.

I like to go out, but have no problem staying in on a Friday or Saturday.

If you don't buy me dinner at a restaurant, bring me take home meals.

I don't really like romantic comedies.

I always pick the movie to watch.

In high school, I was kinda nerdy, wore black (not goth) and made fun of cheerleaders. The popular girls liked me be / c I didn't give a damn if they liked me.

After Columbine, they expelled me from school to prevent another tragedy.

I laugh at women who wear 4-inch heels to the bar.

I have to wear a 4 inch on one foot and 2 inch on the other to keep my balance.

I have been called feisty, hot, and recently, "madame sarcasm"

Those prison guards can be so rude.

I prefer hanging out in groups to hanging out with just a dude. They tend to think it's a date when it's not. If I want to hang out with you alone you will defeinitely know it.

I can get lost in the herd and sit next to the pretty girls.

I am not bitter, but I am cynical.

Paranoid Schizcho.

I enjoy saying things for entertainment value.

I like to yell "fire" in crowded theaters.

I have no allergies (I like cats / dogs and they generally like me)

Have experimented with beastiality.

I am a photographer and an attorney.

Blackmail specialist

10-11-05, 07:28
I'm 39 years old, caucasian, intelligent, professional. I'm also very overweight (5'4 and 250lbs) I've lost about 25 lbs in the past 2 months. I wanted to wait until I lost more pounds before trying the dating scene, but my friends keep encouraging me to post an ad.

I'm looking to find a true friend, as well as a man to date, someone who is open and caring, and not into macho posturing. I enjoy the theater, museums, movies, long drives to nowhere just to see the sights, zoos, Lyric, Ravinia, dining out, and just sitting around in the evening watching videos.

I'm not into chubby chasers, I'd like to meet someone who answered this ad because we share common interests, and who puts what's inside ahead of physical appearance.

10-11-05, 07:29
I wanna have some fun, move my body all nite long hahahaha can you name that tune? My idea of a good.

Time = Shopping. Lets go! I am a very senusal person just out for a good.

Time. I am new to chicago and so trying out the cl thing. My hobbies:

Sunbathing, wine, sex, orgies, ShoppinG and golf. Haha kidding about the.

Orgies. Anyways I enjoy going out, fine dining, movies, theater, etc.

I like to be pampered and spoiled and I won't settle for anything less.

As any princess should not. Well I'm off to michigan ave! See you.

There! (ps be sure to include a picture in your email!

10-11-05, 07:38
Ok here's the deal. I'm 51 divorced....no children...smoke (both cigs and 420 bad I know) and I want a fun guy to hang out with...more than that... a great friend and lover. Not looking for short term...I want long term and am willing to invest time to see if you are the one. I love sex but am not going to drop my drawers like that...I have to get to know you..see what you're about...you have to get in my head before you can get in my bed...if you haven't learned that by now you do not know women! I want a companion someone to share life with ...I'm alittle shy for committment but once I make my mind up that's it...I want to be swept off my feet...I love romance and passion...I want to feel totally intoxicated by the sexual tension between us...ok maybe I'm asking for it all but dang it I want it all...I know exactly what I want and 'am perfectly willing to take the time to find it. I am very attractive, blonde, blue eyes, weight/height proportionate, sexy, fun, silly...can be serious but like to use humour as much as possible...life is too short for bs...I cut to the chase pretty quickly and I can be very sassy and I won't take your crap. I also can be sweet as pie. That's my soft side that I don't show to many. I'm social and enjoy being out and about but also comfy on the sofa lying next to you watching a movie. Comedy, romance or mystery. I love music mostly are & be and I would absolutely love it if you dance too. Men don't realize what a turn on this is. It's a sexual mating call in case ya didn't know lol. Just letting loose. I can cook but prefer you do I will be more than happy to help you prep, clean up, etc. Please be outgoing and in charge. I love a man with a plan. No shy wallflowers for me. I am a strong women and am attracted to strong men. Just want to find one who can deal with me. Who can let me be me and accept me as I am. I am a good women. One you can take home to your mother. Classy lady. No one would ever believe the 420 part I look very straight lol. Please be happy with your life have no regrets and enjoy every single minute on earth. If that's you and you like what you hear give me a shot otherwise thanks for reading and good luck with your search!

10-12-05, 08:15
I moved here recently and have been displaced due to unfortunate circumstances (beginning with intolerance due to known religious differences from my ex) LEADING to being deceived and mistreated / abused by a bad person. Although I have begun taking care of things legally and made the decision to leave despite really having no foundation here in Chicago, I am in a bind as to where to go and with no financial means immediately; the government gives protection but pennies for domestic victims which is sad as no resources are why they often stay. Yet, I chose to leave to keep my dignity and respect.

However, I am going to lose all my belongings if I don't come up with the money to move them out of the bad guys storage unit. THis is where you might come in.

On the brighter note, I am a very good girl. I am just temporarily in a bad situation, but please do not take this as I need ongoing help. I am willing to work legitimately for you to pay you back every penny. I can send you my resume if youd like.

Please do not write me with anything sexual--I am not up for it now.

This seriously is an emergency. I am seeking assistance from a generous gentleman if you exist. I was raised in a religious home, whereby my family truly selflessly helped those in need. I know these people are few today and probably very numbered on ********** but I am hoping YOU are out there.

Through this, I could also use a friend. I am highly educated, very pretty, in great shape, extremely slender, beyond fun to be around, sophisticated and classy, and have a very outgoing and warm personality accompanied by a huge heart. Write me if you have any ideas.


11-13-05, 04:32
That's where you "might" come in. More like, that's where you will come in since my family is not going to help me cuz they think I'm nuts! You pay for my storage expenses, help me move my stuff, get labeled a nice guy, and I'll I'll be sure to leave you when I get my shit together. Marak, Is this shit for real? Sad thing, there's probably some poor sap who will reply to her.

She needs to lose her dignity since it was lost when she wrote the ad, and hit Broadway street in anytown USA for a couple of nights. God knows your in tough situation and will forgive you.


11-14-05, 02:44
That's where you "might" come in. More like, that's where you will come in since my family is not going to help me cuz they think I'm nuts! You pay for my storage expenses, help me move my stuff, get labeled a nice guy, and I'll be sure to leave you when I get my shit together. Marak, Is this shit for real? Sad thing, there's probably some poor sap who will reply to her.

She needs to lose her dignity since it was lost when she wrote the ad, and hit Broadway street in anytown USA for a couple of nights. God knows your in tough situation and will forgive you.


These are all real. I just looked now and here's another one.

11-14-05, 02:48
I am a young woman with a job in social justice that I love, feel passionately about, and am deeply committed to. In order to become financially stable - allowing me to continue to progress in my current position, doing meaningful, substantive, important work - I am seeking assistance in paying off my debt.

It is my hope that I can I find someone who sees assisting me with this, and making this investment in me, as an investment in social justice and a better world.

I assure you my debt is in mint condition. I acquired this debt through a series of unfortunate and unavoidable circumstances - not by living frivolously and naively - and have been making regular payments consistently, but in doing so I am barely making it from paycheck to paycheck.

Buy my debt and make an investment in social justice by allowing me to continue in my work, rather then seeking a more lucrative, but significantly less rewarding job.

The return on your investment: a better world. Additionally, my eternal gratitude and admiration, and a friend.

11-14-05, 03:03
I think these types are some of the best ones. She admits to being overweight, yet has quite a long list of demands for a man that she's interested in dating.


I am 33 year old married white woman who is not getting all she needs at home. I'm looking for someone who can stimulate my mind and my body and who will expect nothing less from me.

If you are a size snob, move on. I detest the term BBW and think the word "fat" is just plain derogatory. I'm plus sized, full-figured, voluptuous, curvy – whatever culture wants to call it – but not in a scary, morbidly obese kind of way. I actually do have a figure! I am still very pretty, sexy, wear nice clothes, take care of myself (believe it or not, I don't eat McDonalds every day – or ever, for that matter – and do rather enjoy most vegetables. And I do know how to and actually do use an elliptical machine) I just happen to be the by-product of bad DNA.

If you are looking for a pity-fuck, a one-night stand, or any derivative thereof – you've come to the wrong place. If I were looking for any of that, I wouldn't have to resort to posting here. I know plenty of guys who are more than willing to hop in the sack for an hour or two. Yes, I want sex – creative, breathless, mind-blowing sex. But I also want to like the person I'm sharing that experience with. I am looking for something that will be somewhat long-term and exclusive. And sex is really only part of it for me – I want someone who will respect me as the intelligent, goofy, spontaneous, classy woman I am. Someone who knows what romance really is.

If you are shorter than 5'10, I'm sorry, but I do have some physical requirements. I stand 5'9" and would prefer someone taller than myself. As for your waistline – I really don't care too much. I probably am more adverse to super-skinny guys than to those with a spare tire. I prefer a clean-shaven face – but don't care so much if the rest of you has hair or not -- just let it not be too long. Even bald can be beautiful as can a full head of gray hair. Good complexion too (and I'm only attracted to Caucasian men) A great smile (with all your teeth) and fresh-smelling breath (strongly prefer non-smokers) If the average American woman, would find you handsome, then I probably will too. Oh – and no communicable diseases of any kind (sexually derived or otherwise) I'm clean and want to keep it that way. My only other physical requirement – that you were actually born a man!

If you are younger than 34, I am too old for you. I truly believe men that older men is where it's at. But 45 would be my upper limit. Though I could be convinced otherwise.

If you are single, I may or may not be interested. I think only another married man would understand the need for absolute discretion and that I am not going to leave my family any time soon. This affair is not going to be an excuse to break up my or anyone else's relationship.

If you are less than average intelligence, you may not understand me half the time. I have two graduate level degrees; however, I am not nerdy or bookish. I can carry on a conversation about most topics from the corny to the controversial. I do work full time but primarily from home – which can have its benefits.

If you live in the suburbs, be prepared to travel. I live in Lincoln Park and any extramarital activities will need to occur in the city limits. I am generally available during the day and possibly on an evening or even a weekend day.

If you are a stalker, picture-collector, gigolo (compensated or otherwise) murderer, ex-con, etc, etc. There are plenty of other ads on here for you. Please leave mine alone.

I do have a picture (or two or three) that I am willing to share once I get a sense you are someone I can trust. If you want to share your picture with me, that's great. But please, no penis pictures. I really don't care to know what that looks like right now. Besides, I'm more impressed with what you can do with it, than what it looks like.

If you made it all the way here to the bottom and have cracked a smile once or twice, please drop me a line.

11-14-05, 03:11
LOL these are too funny. Here's one with kids, who plans to hang up on you and wants you to call her back.


Since it seems that all you men want to see a pic and not read the ad that goes with it here you go. If you want to chat, email me. But know this I do have kids so if you dont like that move on now. This is what I want

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.

Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,". That's her."

11-14-05, 03:26
Because that's what I am. I'm smart, impatient, and stubborn. I have good qualities too - I have a great sense of humor (very dry and sarcastic) I am easy going about activities or restaurants, and I like to take care of whoever I am dating. I'm very non-dramatic. I work a lot (lawyer) I'm tall, cute, curvy but not overweight, and fairly reserved.

I need the illusion of control in a relationship, but actual control bores me. I need someone assertive enough to call me on it when I'm full of crap but who is mostly patient. On the surface, must be SWM over 6'0", age 26-30, non smoker, and not overweight. Would prefer someone who believes he can out-smart me.

Daddy Rulz
11-14-05, 06:12
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep."Where in the fuck do they get this idea? Why would I call somebody back if she hangs up on me? Putting her over my knee and explaining with a hair brush why rudeness won't be tolerated is more my idea.

And whats wrong with thinking your hot?

Christ I hate American Women. Don't breed with them, don't take them to movies, cast your seed in other countries.

11-15-05, 08:22
Daddy Rulz.

Sorry for only posting younger women. Here is one I think you will like.


Very Brainy, Very sexy, very picky - 41

Match. Com and similar sites don't seem to work for me, so maybe this will. Don't get me wrong---I get lots of winks and e-mails, (I have a picture posted of myself in a belly dancing outfit, so that's probably why! But none of them are from anyone I would be remotely interested in. I seem to attract a lot of construction worker types with multiple piercings. I admit to being incredibly particular, but I'm definitely worth it. I am a DWF with one child---a boy, age 6. I am looking for a S / DWM for dating and a possible relationship. While I don't object to an NSA relationship, I've had enough of that for now and I'd like to find someone with whom I had a physical AND mental connection. I live in the suburbs so you should too or like driving. I don't necessarily care about your age, but I'm 41, so within 10 years of that either way is probably best. I am attractive (blonde hair blue green eyes) in reasonably good shape for my age but more on the voluptuous than slender side, extremely smart (master's degree) and very sexy. I'm not going to post a picture here, but yours gets mine. You should be reasonably attractive and in good shape, but I'm not a super model, so I don't expect you to be a bodybuilder. I tend to be attracted to tall, dark-haired men, but your brain is most important. I love intelligent conversation. I'll warn you up front that I care nothing at all about sports, but I sure don't care if you do. I am not the typical woman you will find on an internet dating site. I am a bona fide intellectual and member of Mensa, but I also happen to be great in bed and incredibly nice to the right guy. If any of this appeals to you, send me an e-mail and we'll take it from there.

Daddy Rulz
11-15-05, 14:39
The thing I can't stand is this sence of entitalment. This chick strikes me as reasonable. Shes not looking for Brad Pitt, no mention of "finacial independance" and is ok with a middle aged guy having a little pot belly. As a matter of fact she sounds fucking PERFECT for Dickhead. What do you think Richard T, ready to move back home for the right belly dancer?

02-05-06, 22:05
I recently lost 75 lbs. I need someone to help me practice things w / my new body & give me a workout to lose the last 40! I'm interested in a guy who could possibly pay or help w / a breast lift or be an all around sugar daddy. If you are nice to me, believe me, I'll be even nicer to you!

I am attractive, smart as a whip, easy to get along with, fun as hell and have a sick mind in the bedroom like you wouldn't believe. I am 5'3, 160 lbs, long brunette hair, brown eyes, no kids, single. I also like to party from time to time. Your personal situation does not bother me as long as you aren't bringing any of that drama my way.

That's pretty much all there is right now. Any questions, send an email.

02-05-06, 22:06
im looking for a fit attractive man who can love me for who i am and want to become. im not looking for short term so if you just wanna fuck and leave spare me please. i want to be able to have someone to call mine for more than a week month and hopefully year. i am done with the search and just want him for me. looking for someone passionate about music and art. someone who can sit and be liked by my friends and vice versa. someone who isnt ever ashamed of anything he does. someone who can work out with me and shape up. someone who is down for good beer and a live show. someone who can play guitar while i sing. someone who can stay the nite and hold me all nite. someone who isnt whiney or complaining all the time. someone who likes to talk instead of fight when shit goes down. someone who i can just stare at and smile. someone who can be silly without making it seem like hes just not there. someone who can take me out to dinner and cook as well. someone who doesnt have to go out all the time to have fun. someone who can work a room together as well as apart. someone who has never cheated or never wants to in their life. someone who isnt afraid of falling in love. someone who can appreciate BBW looking to become BW....someone inbetween 23 and 28...someone who can send me a Pic and what they are looking for :)

Nibu Raphael
03-27-06, 18:45
www.lustydesires.com I wrote to lot of these ads but the woman never responded to my Private messages. The sites for finding girls in South America are much better. Fuck American cunts. American bitches DIE DIE DIE.

03-27-06, 19:03
www. Lustydesires. Com I wrote to lot of these ads But The Woman Never Responded to my Private messages. The Sites for finding Girls in South America Are much better. Fuck American Cunts. American Bitches DIE DIE DIE.Maybe you would have gotten more responses if you wrote to them using coherent English sentences and avoided discussion of paranoid conspiracy theories? Just a thought, amigo.

04-20-06, 06:23
If you havent seen this site. Its HILARIOUS!



04-20-06, 22:19
This is my first contribution to this thread but assuredly there will be more to follow. There seems to be an ongoing theme of "I need" "I want" "someone who will. For me. To me." blah, blah blah.

Exhibit A:

I am just an ordinary girl with so much love to give. I am looking for someone who'd be the blue sky in my greatest days, the sweetest dream in my loneliest nights. The one who would shield me from hurts and disappoinments, and sorrows. The one who would warm my world and brighten every corner of my day. Someone who would bring me joy, sing me praises and to love me as no one has ever did and as beutifully as I have loved.

I need someone to share my life with, and who will love me for always.

Notice there is a long list of what a man is go give to her and she has very little to offer in return. The only saving grace of the whole post is her "I am just an ordinary girl with so much love to give", otherwise it is a one-sided request.

04-20-06, 22:49
I am just a big fat selfish pig who is looking for a man who will cater to my every whim. I don't have a job and my hobbies are watching television and eating cheap generic ice cream. My driver's license is suspended so it would be great if you have a car. I live with three roommates and four cats so we should probably meet at your place. I didn't finish high school but I do read the National Enquirer on a regular basis so I am well informed on world affairs. I love to travel, especially to fast food restaurants.

Serious inquiries only because menopause is just around the corner and I need to get pregnant fast. And when I say fast, I mean two minutes or less because sex should only be for procreation and is really disgusting, don't you think?

El Perro
04-20-06, 23:00
I am just a big fat selfish pig who is looking for a man who will cater to my every whim. I don't have a job and my hobbies are watching television and eating cheap generic ice cream. My driver's license is suspended so it would be great if you have a car. I live with three roommates and four cats so we should probably meet at your place. I didn't finish high school but I do read the National Enquirer on a regular basis so I am well informed on world affairs. I love to travel, especially to fast food restaurants.

Serious inquiries only because menopause is just around the corner and I need to get pregnant fast. And when I say fast, I mean two minutes or less because sex should only be for procreation and is really disgusting, don't you think?WTF is my sister in law doing posting with DH's handle?

04-20-06, 23:45
This is my first contribution to this thread but assuredly there will be more to follow. There seems to be an ongoing theme of "I need" "I want" "someone who will. For me. To me." blah, blah blah. Hah! This perfectly describes the attitude of American mongers towards working chicas or towards any other chicas for that matter. Talk about a double standard!

American selfishness applies to both genders and even more so to whoremongers. So let's just say that men and women in America deserve each other although I don't expect any of you guys to see that.


El Perro
04-20-06, 23:57
Hah! This perfectly describes the attitude of American mongers towards the working chicas or any other chicas for that matter. Talk about a double standard!

American selfishness applies to both genders and even more so to whoremongers. So let's just say that men and women in America deserve each other although I don't expect any of you guys to see that.

GoblinThis also describes narcissistic, conspiracy addled bores. Geez Gobby, I thought we went through this once already. Just our luck. It looks like we are making progress with Nibu, and here you are again. Can't you find a non pro, female conspiracy buff to while away the hours. You must be feeling masochistic again. Well, welcome back Goblin! The original one trick pony!

04-21-06, 00:21
This also describes narcissistic, conspiracy addled bores. Geez Gobby, I thought we went through this once already. Just our luck. It looks like we are making progress with Nibu, and here you are again. Can't you find a non pro, female conspiracy buff to while away the hours. You must be feeling masochistic again. Well, welcome back Goblin! The original one trick pony!On the contrary, I am the only one introducing diversity from the mundane topic of abusing women for money and that at the cost of much personal criticism. Nothing selfish about that.

I wasn't going to post anything further but I just couldn't resist commenting on such glaring hypocricy. Sorry.


El Perro
04-21-06, 00:47
On the contrary, I am the only one introducing diversity from the mundane topic of abusing women for money and that at the cost of much personal criticism. Nothing selfish about that.

I wasn't going to post anything further but I just couldn't resist commenting on such glaring hypocricy. Sorry.

GoblinI promised SconjoUSA I would not comment on his spelling errors. That does not apply to you. It would behoove you to learn how to spell that word. Neighhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

04-21-06, 00:54
Well, now I might understand why some paranoid mongers accused me of being Goblin, maybe because he is both left wing and advocates respect for women on a P4P board. Qualities which I share. No wonder you don't see many people espouse either of these views, because when and if they do, the thought police come charging in to bust some skulls.

BACK to the topic of personals.


This site really is very funny. Best personals site EVER!

04-21-06, 01:04
I promised SconjoUSA I would not comment on his spelling errors. That does not apply to you. It would behoove you to learn how to spell that word. Neighhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Seems a spelling error is enough to prevent your comprehension of that word. I don't usually comment on spelling errors either but to make sure you get it this time I will give you a correctly spelled example on the meaning of hypocrisy. Take a look at your spelling of the word "focuses" in the following post you fucking hypocrite! LO fucking L.


Oh and what exactly is postioning?


El Perro
04-21-06, 01:10
Love you Goblin! Keep em coming!

04-21-06, 01:24
Love you Goblin! Keep em coming!Fact is the key to understanding women is not a recognition of their selfishness but your own.


04-21-06, 02:20
Fact is the key to understanding women is not a recognition of their selfishness but your own.

GoblinI respectfully disagree. If you recognize their selfishness as you say, you are closer to understanding them (closer, mind you) because "knowledge is power".

Understanding one's own selfishness (to the degree that it affects others) is more like saying "Fuck understanding a woman; I am just going to stick my dick in her ass and then not return her calls."

Now. Personally, I wouldn't consider myself selfish just because I would rather pay a woman for sex directly than indirectly through dinners, drinks etc with a gleaming hope of seeing some pink while dealing with some drama along the way.

The fact of the matter is in my case, I am a good looking guy and get turned down by fat bitches in bars here in Florida because of a mixture of an unfavorable guy-to-girl ratio and the ever-growing "Princess" complex.

Those T-Shirts that say "Princess" "Spoiled" "Daddy's Girl" reflect a lifetime of other people catering to these bitches that are average at best.

In the words of the Geto Boys, "Your pussy ain't no more important than my dick, miss."

Please don't misunderstand. This is referring to American women. I have the utmost respect for ladies. Again, in the words of the Geto Boys, "I treat ho like a ho and a beotch like a beotch and a lady like a lady."

04-21-06, 02:36
This was taken from CL.

"Just wanted to say thank you to you Mike for meeting me at the mall and buying me my new bathing suit.

And to all the others that showed up at Macy's thanks for the $150 I was asking just for meeting me.

For the three of you that gave me over $200. Muah! You guys rock. For the one guy that only gave me $100.you need to try harder next time.... but it's still appreciated I guess...

I'm walking away today with over $1100.. CL rocks!!

Well, I'm off to Miami tomorrow for a three day holiday... I'll be back on Monday with a new wish list... Also, for all those that didnt get to meet me at Millenia today, If you email and donate $75 to my paypal account I'll send you a picture of me wearing my new bathing suit....

Ciao for now.... Don't forget guys, work extra hard at work these next few days so that you can afford to meet me at la perla next week. They have this sexy dress I really want.

Also, if you buy me a $500 gift certifcate to the Cheese Cake Factory, I'll promise to meet you there for a drink or two. Till Monday. Kiss Kiss"

04-21-06, 02:39
The fact of the matter is in my case, I am a good looking guy and get turned down by fat bitches in bars here in Florida because of a mixture of an unfavorable guy-to-girl ratio and the ever-growing "Princess" complex.The ratio is one of the biggest problems in USA. Almost everywhere I used to go out there there were 3:1 guys to girls or worse. And I won't even comment on the quality of most girls. Here it seems that everywhere you go the ratio is reverse.

04-21-06, 03:28
The ratio is one of the biggest problems in USA. Almost everywhere I used to go out there there were 3:1 guys to girls or worse. And I won't even comment on the quality of most girls. Here it seems that everywhere you go the ratio is reverse.I think the demographics everywhere in the US are about 1:1 so most of the women in the US are probably just not noticably attractive or are downright butt ugly giving the illusion of a bad ratio.

Now I hear from a very reliable source that a good ratio can only be found in Eastern Siberia where the ratio is about 6 to 1 women to men especially in a little town called Vladivostock. Most of them are supposed to be beautiful.


04-21-06, 03:47
I know what the demographics are Goblin. About 1:1 in both countries.

But just walk into any bar / club / party /"mixer" in USA and its usually a swordfight.

In Argentina its a pussy den.

El Perro
04-21-06, 04:16
Just back in from Black. I didn't pull a chica because I felt guilty that I might "abuse her". Perhaps Goblin can make a trip to BA (there's a reach) and do a "group intervention" with the monger community. Dress us down with some Taliban inspired diatribes. Come on Goblin, get out from behind that freakishly high powered computer of yours and live a little. I know a chica who would whisper sweet nothings about the fake moon landing while inserting the finger of your choice where your sun doesn't shine. (I'd have to pay her, but I'd do it for you)

Beneficent dog

04-21-06, 13:42
I know what the demographics are Goblin. About 1:1 in both countries.

But just walk into any bar / club / party /"mixer" in USA and its usually a swordfight.

In Argentina its a pussy den.The reasons for that are more cultural than demographic though. I find that the younger nightclub venues are visited equally by both sexes while the older to middle aged events are, as you say, way off kilter.

I will do some checking into the stats on Eastern Siberia; my source on that information was very reliable.


04-21-06, 13:48
Just back in from Black. I didn't pull a chica because I felt guilty that I might "abuse her". Perhaps Goblin can make a trip to BA (there's a reach) and do a "group intervention" with the monger community. Dress us down with some Taliban inspired diatribes. Come on Goblin, get out from behind that freakishly high powered computer of yours and live a little. I know a chica who would whisper sweet nothings about the fake moon landing while inserting the finger of your choice where your Sun doesn't shine. (I'd have to pay her, but I'd do it for you)

Beneficent dogIf you want to spring for some pussy on my next trip to BA I'm in, but please no anal fetishists; I do not share your taste for sexual perversion.
