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View Full Version : Arenales 1242 6F

11-18-05, 07:25
I don't really remember much about this apartment, but I met Ingrid there, and then had her come to my apartment several times. AR$120 per hour at the apartment, AR$150 plus cab fare to come to your apartment / hotel.

Ingrid is a tall blonde with a great attitude and very nice natural breasts. Young, about 22 years old. She smiles a lot, even during sex, and has a cute voice and mannerisms. She was very relaxed with me, very chatty, and very responsive in bed. A very happy girl who seems to enjoy her work. She is not skinny, and not chubby. She is muscular in a very feminine way, and has some meat on her bones, but no flabby gut at all. To put it concisely, I really enjoyed fucking her, and I fucked her repeatedly, and each time it got better, until one day she showed up as her period started. I don't like blood on my cock, so she finished me off with a long blow job, which I really didn't mind, because we had had many GFE fucks already. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, and not get upset if things don't go exactly as you had planned. She's a cool girl, and I recommend her because of her great body and excellent attitude. She confided that she wanted to do this work for a couple years, save her money, set herself up in some business. She said that none of her family or friends knew what kind of work she did, and she wasn't going to tell anyone.

Address is: Arenales 1242 6th floor F.

Phone numbers are 5811-0465 and 5811-0287.

Her picture is in Bairesgirls. Com. Ar under the name Ingridbg, and in eltemplovip. Com under the names Ingrid and Antonellah (same girl, but more explicit photos under the name Antonellah) As I sit here in Sex Prison United States I remember her fondly and ask you who are in Paradise to do her for me. Please treat her kindly, and she will respond with kindness and good humor and affection.

It appears that here are other girls in this apartment, but I met Ingrid first, I didn't bother with the others, because I didn't think they could be better than Ingrid.

02-11-06, 23:39

I saw Azul at: Arenales 1242 6th floor F. (also called Antonella)


She has other ads / names. She is super hot (IMO) but she gets uglier quick. There was no bait and switch, only 120p, she was there and ready when I arrived looking great, smelling great, super friendly and talkative. Too talkative. I picked up 2 hours (mistake 1 - but I like to take my time and its not really that much money) I paid in advance (another mistake) Do privados take payment despues? Anybody?

She was super cool for the first half hour or so, talking, petting, kissing. But then as things progress to some action she gets all neurotic, full of excuses. Keeps tryin to distract me with more conversation. Her breasts are too ticklish, I literally can barely lick them without her in a cute and coy fashion (if quite irritating as well) covering them up and saying no no no cosquillas cosquillas, well I'm pretty flexible, this girl has so much fineness (physically at least at first) that I figure theres plenty to go around, I won't lick her nipples, but her neurosis spreads, soon I'm thinking, OK, maybe if we start ****ing this will improve, She wants to get on top, ok I say, cover up and saddle up, she jumps on, and immediately starts complaining that I'm too big, I need to go real slow, OK, I like suave why dispacio tambien, so I turn her over and do my most gentle screw. More complaints, she wiggles me out of her. And turns over for doggie. I then decide to stop being so flexible with her whims and tell her that she needs to do what I tell her to do. Period. (Maybe it was too late to let her know I was in charge, another mistake? She complies for a minute but then its back to the complaints. Now perhaps someone with more experience in this than me can tell me how common this sort of BS is. I'm relatively young, in shape and clean, and definitely not a brute. Ive had non-pros get sore after a half hour or so, and other non-pros which can last all night. But 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Not since I was 15. So when a pro tells me she is sore after 2 minutes, Its either pure BS or she is working too much. But this was 4:30 tarde and she seemed super fresh. Maybe this strategy is the only way a girl can work all day, make a pile of money and stay fresh.

Anyways, Time-out. We talk for a bit (ive got a bit of time to burn) I say, hey if you can't handle this, just give me my money back. Well you know the rest. We start in again, same BS, complaints, She says I'm too big, I'm a brute, pouts and keeps wigglin away sayin no no no, dolores (I don't force a girl, paid service or not) so I stop and tell her I want a refund. Aint happenin.

I open the door to call the madam, she ends the session early and jumps in the shower while I haggle with the madam. I was spot on stern, but they didnt budge an inch. I explained calmly in broken spanish that people share information about the chicas and the privados and bad word gets around, they will lose business. The madam tells me that she has alot of regulars and she has never had a problem. Maybe so, maybe she only ****s over foreigners that are obviously here for a short time.

She gets out of the shower and I'm standing there naked with the madam, (I'm not shy guys) a couple other working girls and her, I say you played me and It will come back to you, you will lose business, you other girls will lose business as well and get a bad rep, you can reimburse me AHORA! You played me and you damn well know it. She doesnt even deny it, she laughs and smiles at me sideways, the little **** was showing off for her comrades there, yeah I played you, now go home.

I left.


Hi Jjgoinslow,

I can tell you from experience that the concept that a customer would tell other potential customers about a bad experience and subsequently cause them to lose future business is just somethng that goes right over their heads.

In short, they got your money today, and that's all they care about.

What's even more dissapointing is that even though you've detailed their BS here in this forum, other forum members will continue to patonize the place.




02-12-06, 12:44
I have lost my userid info for the local board and it is not accepting new registrations. But I hope that someone who has access to the local board will post your (jjgoinslow's) experience there. I've had such experiences and it's so frustrating to have so little recourse. We should do everything we can to make sure such actions have financial consequences for the girl and establishment.

AllIWantIsLove (but I get by with a little help from my chica friends)

02-12-06, 22:55
Hi Jjgoinslow,

I can tell you from experience that the concept that a customer would tell other potential customers about a bad experience and subsequently cause them to lose future business is just somethng that goes right over their heads.

In short, they got your money today, and that's all they care about.

What's even more dissapointing is that even though you've detailed their BS here in this forum, other forum members will continue to patonize the place.



JacksonI advise you to read Jackson's linked post, written 2 years ago, with an open, independent, and "professionally skeptical" mindset. For every one dissatisfied customer at SF1707 there are 100 very satisfied customers (see thread and ask around). You can catch almost any highly-recommended girl/place on a bad day occasionally. Of course, if you enter said place and are complaining about everything from the carpet to the curtains before you even see a chica, then your chances of having a bad day might be higher.

I reported a substandard experience there with Carolina about a week ago, but I estimate that the other 99% my sessions there were excellent. That's why experienced resident-mongers like myself continue patronizing the place – it's one of the best fuckhouses in Buenos Aires based on a combination of selection, quality, price, consistency, value, location, convenience, service, etc.

If you are a newbie to BA here's a golden rule of money management: once you give someone cash you will never see that cash again. That's true for the tax authorities, loans to friends, landlords, and especially for whoares. Thinking logically like an American and requesting some kind of credit or refund here will get you nowhere (I doubt it would with whoares in other countries either). Any resident of Argentina should not have to be reminded of this. The good news is that you're usually out (much) less than US$50 when something occasionally goes wrong.

As written, the concept of losing future business based on negative comments to potential customers is not well-ingrained here, generally speaking. However, enough negative comments from multiple mongers on this board could have a significant effect on some places. And there are some genuine rip-off joints in Microcentro, for instance, that have been recognized and duly documented, fortunately. However, continual comments about an apartment such as "best shag of my life, 9 hot girls, fantastic place, only 70 pesos, banged 10 chicas there during a 7 day trip" from diverse posters tend to justifiably boost a place's business instead of hurt it.

The suggestion of a SF1707 "boycott" based on one person's substandard experience is absolutely ridiculous, just as it was 2 years ago. Especially when the general grievance is that management handled a customer complaint exactly how any other establishment in the country would (ie too bad you're not happy, goodbye). And it is unbelievable that the venerable Jackson would propose something like this. Maybe he's just joking around.

Take it from me. One time back in May-2001 I was dining at Estilo Campo, my steak wasn't cooked properly, and no type of rebate/refund was offered. I've been suggesting a boycott of that and all other restaurants in Puerto Madero since. It's still not working.

02-13-06, 02:56
All- what if you simply refuse to pay beforehand, even show the money, do privados take the plata despues? Or do they just have so much bizness they don't care? I've had this excuse about "too big" 3 times now in AR, maybe its because I'm a nice guy and they figure they can play me, or maybe its cause working girls are also actresses and its harder to act the part when you can feel it inside. Or do latin guys all have pequeñita pichas? (j / k not even suggesting it)

Success on paying after? Strategies? Tired of wasting my money.


Rock Harders
02-13-06, 03:15
Although I have not personally been hustled in Buenos Aires, or anywhere else that I can remember, a few years back on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg a buddy of mine had a problem. I was with two friends, and we went into a club called Moulin Rouge, against my advice, Sat down, and immediatly a working girl sits on each of our laps, and tries to get us to buy a drink. One of my friends and I said no, but the other was a jackass and told her to get whatever she wanted; naturally the whoare got a small bottle of champagne. We hit the road after one beer, and they bring us the bill, and the place charged $180 DM (about $100USD at that time) for the small, maybe 375 ml champagne. My friend didnt know what to do, and paid the bill without flipping out. We continue down the reeperbahn, and stop at an irish pub and talk about what just went down. I am really drunk and fired up at this time, and talk my friends into going back to this place and demanding a refund. The friend who was ripped off and I walk in and start yelling and getting in these peoples face, and demanded that they give us some money back, and after about a tense two minutes they give my friend back $100 DM, we hop in the cab that the other friend had waiting, and got the fuck out of dodge.

I see the hustlers in Buenos Aires in much the same light as those from that night on the Reeperbahn. They try to rip you off, and expect you to go meekly into the night with no repercussions for them, and 99% of the time they are right. You ace in the hole here is that they will be woefully unprepared for that 1% that just is not going to take their shit; get in there face and make like you are going to bring the pain, and almost always you will get what you want without actually having to do anything serious. These people prey on those they perceive as weak and deceivable- make it clear you won't take their shit, and they won't even try.



02-13-06, 04:05
Maybe this belongs in a thread of its own, but does anyone have an opinion on using volume, threat, verbal force? Do they really have anything to fear? You are the foreigner, they are the ones with local ties right? Or is there legal recourse, are they susceptible to have heightened scrutiny from authorities? Or are you susceptible to getting the shit beat out of you by some AR mob connect? Whats the scoop on this for real? I never (except in my own home town and rarely then) assume I can bluff my way through a tough sitch with bluster and verbal force. Do they have anything to fear? Or do we?

On another note, I feel surprisingly safe walking into strange apartments all over town, etc, never once have I felt sketchy about it (but I never leave the room without my pants / wallet)


02-13-06, 04:37
Jjgoinslow, Dirk:

There are not so many p4p scams or tough characters/hustlers to deal with down here so don't worry about it. As mentioned, even when you maybe do get fleeced here on a rare occasion, the dollar amount is so low that its not worth "going postal".

I believe that most of the apartments, at least, don't have any muscle, onsite security, or connections (legitimate or underground). This can be shocking to an American who is accustomed to seeing 300 pound steriod gorillas waiting to beat his ass just for getting slightly out of line at a damned titty bar. The girls here are mostly independents, unlike some whoares in "Russian republics" that I've heard "have friends you don't want to meet". I had an issue at a Palermo apartment once. It didnt go beyond some intense arguing/demands, they phoned some kind of security, and I bailed before they arrived. Again, this happens maybe 1% of the time and 80 pesos ain't worth it.

JJ you're almost always going to have to pay before - its standard. Actually, I don't ever recall paying after (except with a girl I know thats been to my apt several times) so forget about that. You have posted about several bad experiences in your 4day life. Many more than most of us have. Are you sure that this is not caused by something other than your 20inch dick?

Full Throttle
02-13-06, 12:36
Jjgoinslow, Dirk:

JJ you're almost always going to have to pay before - its standard. Actually, I don't ever recall paying after (except with a girl I know thats been to my apt several times) so forget about that. You have posted about several bad experiences in your 4day life. Many more than most of us have. Are you sure that this is not caused by something other than your 20inch dick?It can't be the 20" dick. I've never had a problem with mine. Somebody even thought mine was 5'11". I was flattered, but assured them they were wrong.

Just to clarify, the only time I've ever pre-paid in BsAs is at the depatamentos / apartamentos and massage parlors. And there, I don't pay for the extras until the end. The biggest mistake was contracting for 2 hours for your first time with a girl. Was that 240P? It seems like it is always easier to add an hour than eliminate one. Did you try to get the second hour refunded?

Regarding the screaming and yelling thing

02-14-06, 00:29
Jjgoinslow, Dirk:

There are not so many p4p scams or tough characters / hustlers to deal with down here so don't worry about it. As mentioned, even when you maybe do get fleeced here on a rare occasion, the dollar amount is so low that its not worth "going postal".

I believe that most of the apartments, at least, don't have any muscle, onsite security, or connections (legitimate or underground) This can be shocking to an American who is accustomed to seeing 300 pound steriod gorillas waiting to beat his ass just for getting slightly out of line at a damned titty bar. The girls here are mostly independents, unlike some whoares in "Russian republics" that I've heard "have friends you don't want to meet". I had an issue at a Palermo apartment once. It didnt go beyond some intense arguing / demands, they phoned some kind of security, and I bailed before they arrived. Again, this happens maybe 1% of the time and 80 pesos ain't worth it.

JJ you're almost always going to have to pay before - its standard. Actually, I don't ever recall paying after (except with a girl I know thats been to my apt several times) so forget about that. You have posted about several bad experiences in your 4day life. Many more than most of us have. Are you sure that this is not caused by something other than your 20inch dick?I hear you, I'd think the same thing. I think it is that my standards are too high (for a monger that is) This will sound boastful, but I'm relatively young (late 20s) clean, attractive, in shape, my last girlfriend was hotter than any working girl ive met here. So if I sound negative thats part of it. In terms of my 20 inches, I heard another complaint today on it (ill write that up in a minute in another thread) but she didnt stop the session, she just asked me to be really gentle, I was. Azul / Antonella is the only girl that blew the session over it, the other just made the session somewhat irritating. You know, holding her legs so it was hard to get in very deep, makes it hard to have an orgasm. I think the other part of it is that condoms make my dick a bit numb and I need to go deep and hard to feel it in these loose girls. I ocasionaly hear mongers call a pro tight, but uh. Maybe they have a bad memory. A 20 year old with only a handful of previous boyfriends and very little sex in her life who exercises regularly: THATS TIGHT. (yeah dream on some of ya)

I agree about not getting angry, my question was somewhat rhetorical, $50 is not worth the stress.


02-14-06, 02:02
Maybe this belongs in a thread of its own, but does anyone have an opinion on using volume, threat, verbal force? Do they really have anything to fear? You are the foreigner, they are the ones with local ties right? Or is there legal recourse, are they susceptible to have heightened scrutiny from authorities? Or are you susceptible to getting the shit beat out of you by some AR mob connect? Whats the scoop on this for real? Do they have anything to fear? Or do we?
My question was somewhat rhetorical, $50 is not worth the stress.Wow, you give a whole new definition to the term "rhetorical question" JJ.

Regarding your age, clean cut/athletic/attractive appearance, enormous endowment, and success with regular hot babes - clear, understood the 1st time, no need to keep reposting about it. Or maybe that was all rhetorical rhetoric as well.

Are you a "Brother" JJ? I hear they have elephant cocks. But the local girls supposedly like and are attracted to brothers, maybe not.

Do you stink? Do you drool? Do you twitch? Are you a leper? There must me some reason that all the girls here give you the cold shoulder.

02-14-06, 04:01
. I think it is that my standards are too high (for a monger that is) my last girlfriend was hotter than any working girl ive met here.

JjIt might surprise you what sort of mongers exist, here or elsewhere. I think you'll find your standards couldn't possibly be higher than those I've met who monger but also work in various industries where absolute beauty is the cornerstone, so I'd say it isn't your standards getting in the way here.

. I think the other part of it is that condoms make my dick a bit numb and I need to go deep and hard to feel it in these loose girls. I ocasionaly hear mongers call a pro tight, but uh. Maybe they have a bad memory. A 20 year old with only a handful of previous boyfriends and very little sex in her life who exercises regularly: THATS TIGHT. (yeah dream on some of ya)

JjFor the numbness, I would advise using a small amount of lubricant prior to slipping on the condom - many men find the sensation of friction to be increased that way. You might also want to try a super thin condom like a Crown Skinless Skin, at 0.0018 inch thickness, it's one of the strongest yet thinnest condoms around. Even a Kimono thin condom is 0.0024, while the standard Trojan is 0.0027.

Regarding loose girls and the belief that women lose their vaginal elasticity or tightness due to having too much sex - that is a complete myth spread through ignorance and a left over puritan moral standard that desired some sort of negative consequence to women considered promiscuous. There is zero medical basis of fact to loosening of the vaginal wall muscles and supporting tissues with frequency of sex. Period.

No matter how much intercourse a woman has, the vagina will not become enlargened nor change it's size. The only normal activity that has a consequence to vaginal size is childbirth (or in the case of those who take some pleasure in extreme sex, by insertion of objects large enough to stretch and tear the vaginal cavity similar to childbirth) While childbirth, especially prolonged labours, can stretch and tear the vaginal muscles and tissues, modern postnatal exercise can frequently mitigate much or all of it. At the far end of the spectrum would be to have a vaginoplasty operation.

In any event, the only controlling factors for women who have never had children for the tightness of their vagina is simply genetics and conditioning - pelvic and body size, uterine wall, musculature surrounding the vagina, tissue elasticity, etc. In short, number of prior boyfriends, how many times she's had sex, or even whether she's just inserted the vibrating dildo every night of her life since hitting puberty has absolutely nothing to do with it.

02-14-06, 04:02
"I agree about not getting angry, my question was somewhat rhetorical, $50 is not worth the stress."

Boy, you have to be really exhaustively complete here huh. It was *somewhat* rhetorical in that regardless of the answer anyone would give to my question, I have no intention of raising my voice and pretending to be violent. I AM curious if they have any reason to be worried or vulnerable, BUT I wouldnt use such knowledge to act like a bad-ass (as Dirk might be suggesting) so, yeah it was somewhat rhetorical cause I already think its a bad idea to act like a loose canon. As with any rhetorical question I was trying to elicit the response I got, that Its not really a good idea and is unnecesary. But I am also genuinly curious if we have any leverage which could be used in a gentlemanly way.

I never said they all gave me the cold shoulder (Azul gave me the cold shoulder) They just complain my dick is too big then usually ask me to come back, NO not cause they like me, cause they like my money, that I'm tolerable, and that I put up with their bs. I think YMMV is ALSO a matter of perception. What one person may perceive as a girl really diggin on you, I may perceive as she is basically doing her job and fakin how much she enjoys baggin 5(different strangers a day. Anyone really think they're special? (lol) I would attribute such a perception-gap to differing previous experiences. If one hasnt recently experienced a beautiful woman who is REALLY into you, ie you don't have to pay her by the hour than that person might be more impressed by a pro than I. (the other disadvantage I probably have is that I go for young women <25 cause I'm young, being young is relevent, its not a boast, everyone is young before they are old, obvio, its not some special endowment. But I imagine women in their 30s are both more comfortable with their profession AND better at fakin it.

I'm trying NOT to make these responses personal, so if someone takes offense and wants to respond, Id think it says as much about you as I. Its instructive to reread the part of any post which was not quoted by the responder.

Suerte (drool, twitch, drool, fart, burp)


02-14-06, 04:21

I have to admit my experience is limited here but I've had 5 loose queefing pros here (bad picks? Now the loosest of the non pros I've had over 15 years was still ALOT tighter than the tightest pro I've had. Isnt this obvious? Are there really scientific studies on this? I'm aware women can do exercises to stay tight, but that takes some dedication. Anyone who has been in a relationship can remember. When you are having alot of sex in a single day / week / month she starts out tighter and gets looser and then when you don't have it for awhile she gets tight again. I mean that first plung is like the first sip of tea right? Except with a pro, there is no first plung, you are in a queue. Maybe you are referring to some kind of permanent change, but these girls don't get any rest, so the change doesnt need to be permenent. I imagine most pros are loose.


02-14-06, 05:19
Well, this is one area that I'm not an expert in, so someone else can chime in, but from what I understand and has been my experience, latin chicas such as those working as pros here and in other Central / South American countries have children a lot earlier in life. So that's one aspect to encountering more of what you'd consider loose vaginas.

As for muscular relaxation, yes - while the actual vaginal size and surrounding tissues do not change in shape or tightness, just as with any other muscular exercise, periods of vigorous sexual intercourse can lessen the sensation of tightness. But the normal period would be measured in minutes or hours until passive tightness is returned to norm, not as days through the week with the normal girlfriend example. (short of non-stop 24x7 sex)

Also not to be confused with excess lubrication due to recent sexual activity.

Either way, I'm just average in girth and size, and my month and a half here have been very nice in both the pro and non-pro arenas for um. Friction coefficient shall we say?

El Perro
02-14-06, 09:22
Has anyone seen Jigoinslow and Marak5 in the same room?

02-14-06, 13:15
. The suggestion of a SF1707 "boycott" based on one person's substandard experience is absolutely ridiculous, just as it was 2 years ago. Especially when the general grievance is that management handled a customer complaint exactly how any other establishment in the country would (ie too bad you're not happy, goodbye) And it is unbelievable that the venerable Jackson would propose something like this. Maybe he's just joking around.Hi Moore,

Not withstanding that you are essentially correct regarding the futility of a boycott, let me re-phrase this in a different light:

I believe that no informed, intelligent consumer should patronize a business establishment that has an established policy of not giving refunds in the event that they are subsequently unable or unwilling to delivered the agreed upon services.

You believe that it's okay as long as they don't do it too often.



02-14-06, 18:35
I believe that no informed, intelligent consumer should patronize a business establishment that has an established policy of not giving refunds in the event that they are subsequently unable or unwilling to delivered the agreed upon services.I believe that too Jackson. If, for instance, I reserved, paid, and confirmed a 7night hotel stay at the Recoleta suites and upon arriving, the place was overbooked, and they offered me no refund, alternate comparable hotel, etc, then I would be justifiably pissed and completely fleeced. I might call for a boycott, although that would also be futile, and probably take my issue up with a higher authority such as a managing company or business / travel bureau.

But dealing with a "black" business like a whoarehouse is another story. You're probably going to get fucked over once in while and have no real recourse, regardless of which establishment it is. In Argentina, you're going to get fucked over from time to time while conducting legitimate transactions as well. You've been here a long time and I'm sure you know that. Its simply a fact of doing business here that you have to accept, just like a US corporation accepts that 1% of its sales will be uncollectible. Thats a normal and tax dedectible expense, but you don't cease doing business because of it. It happens sometimes, thats all, and in the Argentine mongering business, you can't necessarily predict where and when.

If a fuckhouse here has a 99% satisfaction rate, I give it a AAA, investment-grade credit rating and will not stop patronizing it due to the 1% "bad" business rate. As a matter of fact, I will recommend it to newcomers as an excellent establishment with good business practices.

Rock Harders
02-14-06, 19:50
Moore / Jackson-

I definetly agree with Moore's point here. This is Argentina- the "wild west" like atmosphere, where almost anything goes and all vices are tolerated and abundant, is a big part of the reason why the members of the AP forum continue to live and visit this fine country. On top of the general wild west atmosphere, certain businesses, prostitution and drug dealing among them, are always going to be extra shady at times. A "boycott" or "swearing off" an otherwise useful and satisfying establishment really does not help anybody or anything except for the hurt person's own ego. I am certain that people have had bad experiences out of such stalwarts as Black, Madahos, Cocodrilo, and especially NewPort, yet I don't see anybody calling for all mongers to stop patronizing those places. You post your warning on what happened, helping other mongers to avoid your unfortunate experience, and you move on.


Dirk Diggler

03-16-08, 20:14
El Alamo said it is closed.