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02-19-05, 17:48
Taxi Services

Taxi services are one of the great little things about visiting or living in Buenos Aires. The black and yellow taxis are everywhere, and very easy to use. The vast majority of taxi drivers in Buenos Aires courteous, know the city well, always use the meter, and always expect to give you exact change, etc. Tipping is not required, although it is typical to round up the fare to the next peso as a tip.

I've had my share of arguments and problems with taxi drivers throughout the world, arguments running the usual gauntlet from wanting to drive off the meter (so you can then argue about the fare later), not knowing the city, not having change, taking a circuitous route, steering you to clubs where they get a commission, etc. However, in visiting and living in Buenos Aries for several years, I have never encountered a single problem with a cab driver in Buenos Aires.

I've told you all the good things about using taxis in Buenos, now let me give you one word of caution: As much as I appreciate the efficiency of Buenos Aires taxi system, a small number of taxi drivers have established themselves as one of the two most common sources of counterfeit pesos in the city. You know this scenario: You and your buddies (or your chica de noche) are getting out of a cab at night. Your buddies (or your chica) are waiting impatiently as you pay the driver. Your attention is diverted to the street and the anticipation of your impending fun, so you hand the driver a bill and hurriedly take the change, giving it only a cursory glance to verify that the amount is correct. This is where they get you! You're in a hurry, so you stuff the change in your pocket and take off, only to discover later that the bartender or the chica won't accept your counterfeit bills, which they can so easily spot from across the room.

The point here is that it is at these moments that you need to take just second to examine the currency you get as change. First test: Hold it up to the light and look for the silhouette embedded in the currency. All the taxi's have a light near the passenger side door for exactly this purpose. For those of you who are unaccustomed or simply too embarrassed to imply that the person you just received change from would even think about giving you a counterfeit bill, consider this: Everyone that you give peso notes to is going to examine them, right in front of you, for exactly the same reason. Just watch, they do it every time, all the time, so don't feel shy about examining every bill you get: It's an acceptable practice.

BTW, the other major source of counterfeit pesos is the clubs and boliches, but that's a topic of another thread.

Remis Services

A remis is a rented car with a driver, commonly known in the larger cities in the USA as a car service. Using remis services is very common practice by Buenos Aires residents, many of whom have a favorite service that they use regularly. The concept is simple: You call your favorite remis service, and they send a car to your location a few minutes later. The remis will take you to your destination, wait there if you wish, then continue to drive you where ever you wish to go from there, etc. It's simple.

The price is roughly the same as a taxi, although they do not have meters, so you usually have to negotiate the fare, either while you are on the telephone, or at the end of the trip.

One great benefit of using remis services is that they can stay with you for several hours, waiting patiently outside your destination until you are ready to return. The fare for waiting with the engine off is typically somewhere around 10 to 15 pesos per hour.

Remis services are typically one-office business, scattered throughout the city, typically scheduling independent car/driver combinations. To my knowledge there are no large remis service companies.

To find a remis service near your location, you might ask at the front desk of your hotel, or simply keep any eye out for a local remis service office near you.

The only real drawback to using a remis service: They rarely speak English, and thus ordering a remis by phone can be somewhat difficult if you don't speak some Spanish.

Miami Bob
03-13-05, 19:59
I having been using an english speaking taxi driver since 8/02. He is a decent , honest guy. Gerardo's mother was an American who married a Porteno. He spoke english at home as a kid and is fully bilingal. This guy is not a car service like Ana who is afiliated with the Mansion. He is a taxi driver who only works 7am to 7 pm, monday to saturday. He charges either the meter or an hourly rate--around 10 pesos, depending upon the service. I use him for some interpreting.
HE is not a professional interpreter--lacking in business vocabilary. He is not a slick tour guide, but you can get a working guy's city tour. Capt Dave can give you better mongering advise.

Gerardo is great for running around town doing shopping or appointments or a trip to the Unicenter Mall. You call him by cel and he's usually there soon or you can call him ahead of time.

For an industrial strength mongering trip, use ANA for your AIRPORT RUN. She will set the proper mood in a way that
Gerardo could never do!

GERARDO 15 5375 0542 IN BA CEL
From the usa 54911 5375 0542
The cel is on 7am to 7pm.


06-29-05, 16:23
Hey, I have to comment on this. I don't know this ana, so I won't comment on her.

The taxis here in Argentina also operate grouped by comapnies. This taxis are called "radio taxis" because all of them have a radio on them where they get the calls for services.

The best I know of is "Radio Taxi Premium", (5411)5238-0000. You can call when the plane lands and you'll have the driver waiting for you, with your name on a sign. Trip from airport to downtown, AR$36 plus toll. On the phone they speak enghlish, you can also request for a english speaker driver. Great service, really.

My 2c

11-02-05, 13:46
I booked Ana for my arrival last Sunday, but she didn't show up. Instead, she sent an older lady who spoke almost no English. I was quite disappointed. It would be cheaper to take a taxi. A bad start for my trip to BA, and it has been downhill since then.

11-02-05, 18:08
I booked Ana for my arrival last Sunday, but she didn't show up. Instead,

She sent an older lady who spoke almost no English. I was quite disappointed. It would be cheaper to take a taxi. A bad start for my trip to BA, and it has been downhill since then.I believe that since Ana is so popular, and also because she is only one person, that there will be occasions like this. Notice that she did not leave you hanging but sent you someone in her place. Sorry. Don't see that she did anything wrong here.

11-03-05, 01:35
Ana was to drive me to the airport on my last trip. She called a few hours before the scheduled time and told me she was tied up with other things. Instead she would send her friend for me. Well her friend (named Aulgar?) arrived right on time to my hotel and got me to the airport with no problem. Even though he did not speak much English but he was a nice guy nevertheless. During the ride Ana called my cell to make sure her friend had picked me up and everything was ok. There is no other remis service in BA for me other than Ana.

11-04-05, 14:27
I can strongly recommend my friend Oscar Carrizo (15-5036-0188; o_carrizo@hotmail. Com) who is completely reliable and professional. He has never been so much as a minute late, and will never try to overcharge. Only problem is that his English is somewhat limited, so it is easiest if you speak a little Espanol.

11-24-05, 14:59
I was pleased last weekend when Ana dropped her Sunday afternoon activity to pick me up at the last minute for an airport run. Quick, friendly service.

01-02-06, 10:52
Just a thank you and nice feedback on using Ana's remise taxi service.

Flew into BA on a United flight that was delayed and arrived about 45 min late, and then to top that off my one checked bag never made it out of Chicago so I had to stand in the lost baggage line, make a claim, etc. Etc.

Basically, didn't get out into the general receiving area until well over an hour after my flight landed, but there Ana was - still waiting patiently. (even though I made her a little late for her next appointment - so if that person is on here, wasn't her fault - blame the United baggage gremlins)

A nice short drive into BA and I was settled into my apartment. Definitely will use Ana's remise services again.

01-02-06, 19:08
Just wanted to add my thumbs up for Ana. When you get off an 18 hour flight into an unfamiliar airport and don't speak any Spanish and have a beautiful and helpful lady like Ana to greet you you really know you have arrived in heaven!

Many thanks Ana!


01-25-06, 11:51
I can confirm that Ana Luna is by far the best driver in Buenos Aires. Ana made my trip so great, she helped me get to places that a taxi would have cost to much. And then when I left to the airport she even drove my friend back to her house. Ana is the best. Very Professional. I suggest everyone use her services.

One Tree Hill
02-06-06, 20:29
At my absolute disappointment, Ana was unable to follow through with our prearranged plans to transport me to the mansion last Tuesday. Seems a girlfriends car was broken down and as such Ana had to transport a nice senior citizen couple instead of me (double booked) She did help with walking me the 5 steps or so over to Taxi Ezeiza.

In the end its really no big deal. However I am a veterano of travel to BA. A timid newby could have been in a bit of anxiety.

I will say Ana is a lovely lady. But business is business. Boy would I like to give her the business!

Bottomline, when traveling always have a backup plan. Especially in latin america. I will try Ana again, and perhaps next time it will work out. If not - I will have to look at another ugly porteno instead of her on my ride to town!

Art Fartzalot
02-19-06, 04:45
Ana was easily reached by email prior to coming to Argentina and via Nextel radio phone upon arrival, my flight from Foz Iguazu was late but I phoned her while waiting to pickup me and my friend to pickup our bags before going thru customs and she was outside Customs to meet us.

On the return trip back, we were in touch the morning of, she had something scheduled but sent Claudia who arrived when on time as scheduled and got us to the EZE airport on time.

Would use again, and would recommmend her Remis services to other travelers to BA. A very nice intelligent attractive lady who has a good command of the English language.

02-19-06, 09:53
Had Ana Luna take me to the airport from BA, and then pickup at the airport back into BA last week. As usual, efficient and courteous service.

03-10-06, 23:34

My website and my e-mail account are temporarily doown for the moment and may be not be up and running until tomorrow Wednesday 25th.

If you would like, you can contact me through my oter e-mail account wich is anairina280@hotmail. Com

My cell phone, (01154911)4986-6862

From Buenos Aires 155-986-6862.

Thank youI had the pleasure of using Ana's services on a recent visit to BA. My plane arrived two hours late and at a different terminal. I hurried (as best you can given customs etc. And. There was Ana waiting with a sign with my name. She proceeded to get her car and we loaded the baggage and on to the hotel. After giving me a chance for a quick shower, she gave me a two hour city tour so that I had perspective for my subsequent taxi rides and walk abouts.

I highly recommend Ana.

04-02-06, 15:03
Greetings everyone,

I recently returned to BA through Ezeiza International Airport and noted a couple of recent changes in the "Arriving Passenger Control System".

Upon leaving the customs area with your baggage, you are confronted with a semi-circle of booths manned with barkers trying to get your attention and trying to sell you various services, including taxi and / or remis services to downtown. These prices ranged from $70 to $100+ pesos. The area is well designed to propel you towards these booths, and in fact it's sincerely doubtful that you will make it out of the area without being approached once or several times with taxi offers. My advice: Just say No.

Immediately after you exit this area, you will come upon the blue and white "Taxi Ezeiza" booth, where on this day I paid their posted rate of $53 pesos to downtown. For guests of Capt Dave's Mansion, they had a posted rate of $45 pesos to Vicente Lopez.

I paid the fare, got a receipt, and in less than a minute my luggage was being carried for me to a car waiting out front, where the porter and the driver both gladly loaded my luggage into the car's ample trunk space and we were off in the minimal possible of time.

The total cost: $53 pesos for the ride, $2 pesos to the porter, and a $5 peso tip for the driver = $60 pesos, tips and tolls included.

Personally, I don't understand why anyone would feel compelled to schedule someone to pick them up at the airport, which requires that you must pay for them to park their car while they wait for your arrival, or where you may have to carry and load your own luggage, or when they might be delayed and you might find yourself wandering the airport with your luggage looking for your ride, or where they may have scheduled to pickup another passenger on your flight, which may also delay your departure and over-burden your taxi with double the luggage, all for the privilege of paying more for the ride, and paying extra for the parking and the tolls.

I don't understand this because there are taxi services pre-positioned at the airport waiting to depart immediately, but hey, maybe it's just me.



Easy Go
04-03-06, 00:23

You know that it's always you! :-)

From a practical standpoint, you are 100% right. I'll confess that the smoothest arrival in all my trips is when I did exactly what you recommend. But there is little that is practical about my trips to BA anyway so I put up with the impracticality to put a little coin into Ana's pocket.


Easy Go

Hi Easy Go,

I didn't mention Ana anywhere in my report, but I can't argue with that.



04-03-06, 11:51
I too am in agreement with Easy Go.

If at all possible I want Ana driving me back and forth to EZE.

I'm not so much interested in saving a few peso's but more into having a good time in Argentina.

Ana makes a disinteresting drive pleasurable.


Hi Exon,

I didn't mention Ana anywhere in my report.



Sconjo USA
04-03-06, 14:32
I would rather ride with Ana and talk and with that personal touch is important to me. Who cares about a few bucks, anybody who worries about about a few bucks should stay home.

Sconjo USA

Hi Sconjo,

It's not the extra 25% premium that is important to me, it's saving the time and the effort. For example, I don't have to expend any time making and then confirming the reservation, and I don't have to spend any time looking for or waiting for my driver at the airport, and I don't have to load my luggage into and out of the car, and I don't have to share the back seat with my luggage, etc.

BTW, I didn't mention Ana anywhere in my report.



Punter 127
04-03-06, 16:58
I prefer the personal touch of Ana's service, but the info Jackson offers is good in case Ana is not available, and it's the kind of info that should be posted on the form, instead of all the flaming that's been going on.

Punter 127

Sconjo USA
04-03-06, 20:31
I agree that your way is great plus the savings, I just like to have someone waiting for me.

Sconjo usa

Hobby Fan
04-13-06, 15:11
One more point Jackson is not factoring: sometimes Taxis are in short supply. Twice in the last year I waited a half hour, whch would normally be no problema or at least no problema grande, but it was a real pain after flying all night. I understand that this was unusual, but not extremely so.

Anyway, for 8 pesos extra I agree with Sconjo that it is nice to be met by someone friendly, especially if they are not super hard on the eyes. Ana is a good choice; she has never failed to be there at the gate when I was coming in. Same for friends I have had her pick up.

Hi Hobby Fan,

Good grief, is this an Ana love fest here?

"doth protest too much, methinks."

BTW, I never mentioned Ana in my original post.



Jaimito Cartero
04-13-06, 20:29
Oh, I thought that subject line would get his attention.:)

I had to wait about 5 minutes my last trip to get a taxi. The time Ana was supposed to pick me up, I waited for more than 30 minutes, called her twice, and she never picked me up, or even answered her phone!

Even though it cost a little more (a lot more now) than a normal taxi, I'm always willing to support people on the ArgPriv board. However, if they don't deliver, then we should be able to let the other board members know about it.

This is a sacred cow issue, and if you dare say anything negative, even if it's true, then you get all her supporters dogpiling on you. She has gotten mixed reviews on www.flyertalk.com as well from the non-mongering public.

I do like Ana. I went on the tour with her, and she was certainly pleasant.

Oh, and Jackson didn't even mention Ana.:)

04-13-06, 23:05
One more point Jackson is not factoring: sometimes Taxis are in short supply. Twice in the last year I waited a half hour, whch would normally be no problema or at least no problema grande, but it was a real pain after flying all night. Ana is a good choice; she has never failed to be there at the gate when I was coming in. Ive arrived to Ezeiza about 50 times during the last five years and I never waited more than 2 minutes between exiting baggage claim an entering a taxi (not reserved). Reserving a driver is somewhat like using a full-service stockbroker. You can go thru the hassle of dealing with a broker and pay him $200 for your purchase of 100 shares, or you can directly buy the shares online for $10 in 5 seconds whenever you want. $300 for an attractive broker.

PS I can't remember the last time someone "met me at the gate". Wasn't that banned sometime around when smoking on airplanes was banned?

Personally, I don't understand why anyone would feel compelled to schedule someone to pick them up at the airport, which requires that you must pay for them to park their car while they wait for your arrival, or where you may have to carry and load your own luggage, or when they might be delayed and you might find yourself wandering the airport with your luggage looking for your ride, or where they may have scheduled to pickup another passenger on your flight, which may also delay your departure and over-burden your taxi with double the luggage, all for the privilege of paying more for the ride, and paying extra for the parking and the tolls.

I don't understand this because there are taxi services pre-positioned at the airport waiting to depart immediately, but hey, maybe it's just me.Couldnt agree more. But remember, there are "folks" that go to AAA motor club in order to have them map out their drive from Indianapolis to Cincinatti, gladly paying for this "service" and refusing to look at a map by themselves. Never underestimate the market value of handholding, even when its a pain in the ass.

04-17-06, 11:02
Immediately after you exit this area, you will come upon the blue and white "Taxi Ezeiza" booth, where on this day I paid their posted rate of $53 pesos to downtown. For guests of Capt Dave's Mansion, they had a posted rate of $45 pesos to Vicente Lopez.

The total cost: $53 pesos for the ride, $2 pesos to the porter, and a $5 peso tip for the driver = $60 pesos, tips and tolls included.Well, I usually grab a "Radio Taxi" right outside of the terminal, where many are already there. Making eye contact far away, and the cab is mine. Their fixed rate to Recoleta is $40, I give $40 pesos+toll+tip in the end and never have any problem. In most cases, these drivers don't speak English, so during the ride, I take out a phrase book, get to practice my Spanish conversation with the driver.


Hi Strad,

I've done that also, but technically it's not permitted, and I've seen the police at the airport prevent taxis that have just unloaded departing travelers from accepting arriving travelers.



04-18-06, 10:20
I minimize my Spanish conversations with cab drivers. Althought I am sure they pick it up, I prefer they not know I am a foreigner.

On a long trip from the airport I would stay away from hailing cabs. Too many security issues and too many out of the way neighborhoods until you get to Centro. I wouldn't feel too good if the driver suddenly had car problems and was pulling off an exit before arriving downtown.

You might want to practise the phrase "please take all my money and don't shoot me."

04-18-06, 21:48
It surprises me how fearful and cautious many people are with taxis here. I've taken possibly 3000 rides all over the city / country / provincia / airport without incident, except one time that I had a disagreement about the meter. I never bother checking to see if its a radio taxi, etc. The first one I see on the street is the one I take.

I talk with the drivers all the time and often tell them I'm from USA if they ask. I've had many interesting conversations and taxi drivers are of course excellent sources of local info, usually.

I estimate that there are no more "shady characters" driving taxis than in any other sector of the population. Many of the drivers seem to be stand-up guys, many educated ones, working 15 hour days to feed their family because they have no other opportunities. And most seem to do a good job (know the city/routes well, etc).

Maybe I'm naive, lucky, fearless, all three, or none. Its worked for the first 5 years.

Hi Moore,

I agree with you. I have no idea why anyone should have any anxieties about using the BA taxi system.



El Perro
04-19-06, 01:40
I agree, though with far less experience than Moore. The taxi phobia seems misplaced to me. I never eyeball the taxi. I hail whatever is coming down the road. Other than one fast meter that was obvious, no problems. Ironically, the worst ride I have had was with a called in radio taxi when I was leaving for the airport in September. Broken down, piece of shit old Peugeot who stopped for "gas", and bored me with alot of piquetero talk. Clearly there are people who have had some bad, and very bad experiences, but the percentage must be very low.

Daddy Rulz
04-19-06, 17:10
I agree with the rest about taxis and think that the fear of them is mostly urban ledgen "my cousin Juans, novias, sisters boyfriends uncle got robbed once" sort of thing. Though myself I usually won't get in non radio taxis. Could be unreasonable but I like the idea of somebody working for somebody. Also if its a place I'm unfamiliar with I won't get in the first one in the Q. Again prolly stupid but its what I do.

04-19-06, 19:25
I still believe radio taxis are safe. But I suppose to provide at least one exception to the urban legend theory, I was kidnapped once on a radio taxi ride.

Long story short - I got in a radio taxi in the heart of Recoleta, nice new car, short hop later was about to get out but refused to give the driver a propina that he demanded. I gave exact change plus a little rounding due to the rudeness of demanding a 1 peso propina, and started to open the door. Crazy taxi driver takes off, and keeps going yelling essentially something to the effect of I'd better pay him or he's not letting me out. I can't say I was seriously thinking it was a real kidnapping, but if you define the pure technicality of "kidnap" as to take you against your will and hold you from leaving, then that's what happened. For 20 min the guy drove around screaming stuff at me and not letting me out, with me of course yelling for the police out the window.

Each time he had to stop at a light, which wasn't that many, twice in the whole 20 min, he parked up right against a car so I couldnt open the passenger door, and physically grabbed and slapped at me to prevent me getting out the driver side rear door. I have no idea if I had really fought back whether I could have successfully gotten out or not, I'm thinking yes but I preferred the yell for the cops strategy, which in the end worked because he dumped me out eventually where luckily a cop was near, stopped him, had me fill out whatever is the forms for pressing charges. It's been nearly a month and I seriously doubt the guy will ever be charged with anything, I think they let me fill out the forms to keep the gringo thinking the wheels of justice was turning.

Anyways, still like and think radio taxis are safe. But I can't say every story is an urban legend because I did have this one bizarre and very real experience.

04-19-06, 22:38
I'm sorry to hear that you ran into a bad apple Mpexy.

There are a few things I don't understand. First, I don't ever remember being demanded a tip for anything here. OK maybe there was a rude English-speaking scumbag working the door at Affaire Recoleta that asked me for a tip once or twice (yeah right). I almost always just round up the cab fare and most times the driver will say "muy amable". I can only guess that your appearance/etc obviously mark you as an American and that this exceptionally fucked-up driver believes that Americans always tip (again just a guess). Locals and Europeans don't tip.

What I really don't understand is how a driver could overpower you. He could prevent you from exiting on the drivers side? It just doesnt seem possible.

In such a case, though it may seem less threatening in hindsight, you have to assume the worst and do anything to get out of that situation while you still have only one "captor" and not three. This guy has to steer, etc - why werent you punching the hell out of him if you truly couldnt get out of the back door? Take your keys out and gouge his eye. A mace carrying woman should unload immediately.

I would have beat the shit out of that guy, especially when he started to "slap/grab" me in a corner. Besides, as an average American guy I don't remember seeing more than a half-dozen Argentine men in 5 years that were physically intimidating.

04-20-06, 01:21
I'm sorry to hear that you ran into a bad apple Mpexy.

There are a few things I don't understand. First, I don't ever remember being demanded a tip for anything here. OK maybe there was a rude English-speaking scumbag working the door at Affaire Recoleta that asked me for a tip once or twice (yeah right) I almost always just round up the cab fare and most times the driver will say "muy amable". I can only guess that your appearance / etc obviously mark you as an American and that this exceptionally fucked-up driver believes that Americans always tip (again just a guess) Locals and Europeans don't tip.

What I really don't understand is how a driver could overpower you. He could prevent you from exiting on the drivers side? It just doesnt seem possible.

In such a case, though it may seem less threatening in hindsight, you have to assume the worst and do anything to get out of that situation while you still have only one "captor" and not three. This guy has to steer, etc - why werent you punching the hell out of him if you truly couldnt get out of the back door? Take your keys out and gouge his eye. A mace carrying woman should unload immediately.

I would have beat the shit out of that guy, especially when he started to "slap / grab" me in a corner. Besides, as an average American guy I don't remember seeing more than a half-dozen Argentine men in 5 years that were physically intimidating.Easy answers -

1. In almost 4 months, I haven't been in a situation other than this one where the driver actually demanded a propina or tip. So I'd agree that it's very rare.

2. I am obviously a gringo by the way I appear and dress, yes. However, like you I just usually round up the cab fare and again, in nearly 4 months of living here have not had a problem other than this one time. The cab fare came to something like 3.7 pesos, so I rounded up and gave the guy 4 pesos. His screaming objections and demand for propina was that I give him 5 pesos.

3. Read my post again - I was very explicit and clear that the driver did not overpower me, he simply drove off, physically blocked it so that I could not open the passenger side door when the cab came to a rest which was only twice in 20 min, but I could try to get out the driver side door on those occasions.

However, as I stated, when the cab was stopped he "physically grabbed and slapped at me to prevent me getting out the driver side rear door. I have no idea if I had really fought back whether I could have successfully gotten out or not, I'm thinking yes but I preferred the yell for the cops strategy.".

To repeat - if I had actually fought back it's probable I could have made it out. However, also probable running through my mind was that as long as the crazy idiot was just driving me around and only lightly flailing around with his hand when stopped, it really wasn't worth any risk to me to try. I just did what I thought was safer and simply yell out the window for the police. Once you hit a certain position in life, I think it's fairly understandable to have a low tolerance for risk when there is zero need to take any more than needed. I didn't include the info in the first post as I tried to keep it short, but it was full daytime, the crazy driver wasnt driving me to what I thought of as some dump and bury me location - just drove from recoleta where I started and mainly on large main roads like Sante Fe to Libertador.

4. I haven't really been trying to hide it but neither have I openly advertised it in public here, but I suppose it's not much of a surprise to state that I am a doctor and like almost all USA trained physicians went through my residency in a major teaching hospital. So I've seen my fair share of blunt and not so blunt trauma from human vs. human contacts, and I've seen far too many non-intimidating little guys that truly wreaked havoc on the far larger guy. So again, in my mind there was really no reason to take any more risk than needed as I saw it at the time even if more often than not the not so intimidating guy might truly be a cakewalk.

I think assuming the worst in certain situations isn't a bad call. In this case though, it seemed the other way around.

Sconjo USA
04-20-06, 14:04
I am sorry you had so much trowble with one lousy bastard. I was told that it is very hard to get a taxi driver license. If so this guy was a waco. To take a chance on loosing his licence for som, e smsll change. I guess we all would have handled it differntly. I think this shows how some dirt balls hate us gringos. I hope the police do there job and stick it to him.

Sconjo USA

04-20-06, 19:08
Personally, I don't understand why anyone would feel compelled to schedule someone to pick them up at the airport, which requires that you must pay for them to park their car while they wait for your arrival, or where you may have to carry and load your own luggage, or when they might be delayed and you might find yourself wandering the airport with your luggage looking for your ride, or where they may have scheduled to pickup another passenger on your flight, which may also delay your departure and over-burden your taxi with double the luggage, all for the privilege of paying more for the ride, and paying extra for the parking and the tollsIt is of course because we all have a secret hope that Ana will fall in love with us. Silly mongers.

05-21-06, 15:38
A guy came from EZE to the mansion, arriving at 3 AM. I went to let him in and the taxi driver had entered the house a few feet. I immediately was suspicious because he had no luggage in his hands. So, I blocked him from walking in any further. Then the guest, who spoke no Spanish, told me the driver was demanding 100 pesos instead of the agreed upon 50. I asked the driver what was going on and he said the guy had told him calle Vicente Lopez instead of partido Vicente Lopez and / or Barrio Haedo instead of Calle Haedo. I pointed out that the guest had the exact directions to the mansion, written in both Spanish and English, in his hand and they clearly stated calle Haedo in partido Vicente Lopez. He said, "No no el tiene que pagar." I shoved him gently but firmly out the door and shut it in his face.

05-21-06, 19:36
He was furious and kicked my bag in disgust. In retaliation, I reacted by kicking him in the shin. He continued to whine and limped toward his door. I started to follow him to really beat the shit out of him.Smart move by the driver - wisely, he backed off before you pulled a Rambo on him.

Sounds like you were about pull out the jammy and flat blast him, but didn't wanna mess up your thirty-seven hundred dollar lynx coat, so instead...you chilled.

Punter 127
05-22-06, 11:54
I arrived Sat and was picked up by Ana, she was on time, and looking HOT!

Thanks Ana!

Punter 127

05-22-06, 19:47

I couldn't agree with you more. After flying all night its always so great to have a beautiful girl, whom's my friend waiting for me after passing thru customs. I always get a little kiss too, which really starts my day off right.

And I always give Ana a nice tip over and above what she charges unlike some of thease other "Cheep Fucks" since I know where the money goes and why she needs it.

Do me a favior and clean off your PM in box its full.


Anna Luna
05-23-06, 13:17
I got a very good friend froms this forum, I always will be happy to see you again!


06-01-06, 13:43
The only time I call radio taxi is for a ride to Ezeiza. The one I called recently was 5238-0000. I gave them my cell# and they still have my name and address in their database. They asked if I had several luggage pieces, which I did, and as a they result sent me a new Renault Kangoo (minivan). It arrived a few minutes before the time I set in advance and the fixed cost was 43 pesos, tolls included. I tipped the driver 5 pesos since he helped me with my bags. Going by his reaction, I don't think he'd ever received a 5 peso tip before.

Great service. But then again I don't have problems with taxis, radio or not. I haven't had any issues with whoares hitting me up for extra cash for their mom's operation or some other bullshit either, and I've jammed hundreds and had "relationships" with several. I guess I just don't have "clueless gringo born yesterday, please walk all over me" inscribed on my face. They can save up their fabricated sob stories for someone else.

06-29-06, 22:19
Had an interesting taxi ride the other day.

$7 and change to go one way and $22 on the return. When I questioned the driver he looked caught and we settled at $10

Other than that never a problem.

Advice to english speaking gringos. If you know where you want to go, write it down and hand it to the driver. If you are staying in a hotel that is not well known get a business card and take it with you.

Argentines are not known for saying I don't know. Carry over from the dictatorship. Drivers will often get close to your location and drive around till they find it, or, stop and ask directions. They have a dispatch system that will identify locations but they do not know all the brand names of hotels, apartments and restaurants.

Save yourself the hassel and be prepared.

06-30-06, 00:37
Also, if you are new and don't know where you're going then it's sometimes better to have a crosstreet for a taxi driver than a number. If you are, for instance, going somewhere in Palermo on Libertador in the horsetrack area then you are at about Libertador 4500. A fair amount of drivers don't know exactly where 4000 or 5000 is. They ask for a crosstreet.

That's where Kansas is.:D.

PS, I believe that you could cross the entire capital of BsAs and not have a 22 peso taxi fare.

06-30-06, 02:35
Ride was from the Circus de Solei in Puerto Madero to the Sheraton. Go figure.

El Perro
07-24-06, 12:50
I have noticed a curious practice by a number of cabbies since I arrived here. During the ride, they will "cross themselves" (sign of the cross) Sometimes on multiple occasions during the one ride. Maybe not so curious given the catholic influence here, but I don't ever recall seeing it in the states.


Hi Doggboy,

It's a Catholic thing. They cross their heart as they drive past a church.


07-24-06, 17:02
Collectivo 152 goes past at least one church on Marcelo T de Alvear and I've noticed that often many of the riders make the cross when passing. Must be a special church.

In Bangkok taxi drivers tend to take their hands off the steering wheel when passing a statue of Budha (ubiquitous) and make a devotion with hands together and fingers pointing to the heavens.

07-25-06, 12:32
They also cross themselves when walking past a church.

08-09-06, 20:59
Taxis increased a 9% + 20 cents fee their rates yesterday after the strike. There is a programmed increase for the next months.

08-13-06, 02:09
Advice to english speaking gringos.My Spanish is OK, but not great. My taxi strategy, which has worked like a charm thusfar, is to figure out the nearest intersection to my destination and say it as I enter the cab.

"Scalabrini-Ortiz y Guatemala, por favor." No problema.

If you can't figure out and say something like that simple direction, you probably deserve to get fucked.


08-13-06, 13:44
My Spanish is OK, but not great. My taxi strategy, which has worked like a charm thusfar, is to figure out the nearest intersection to my destination and say it as I enter the cab.

SLYes, because of this matter I've started the first English and Italian spoken Radio Taxi Service in BA. Until now, BARTS is the only one who offers this service which is:

You dial #1 from your cellphone and an operator answers, you must specify where are you located and where are you going, and a NORMAL cab will pick you up at normal rates, and if you have any desagreement or trouble, you may call and dial to make a complain that will be resolved inmediately. If the cab driver want to cheat the passnger he risks his job, since all of these guys are just drivers not owners of the taxis.

Best of all is this service is for free, (included on the price) for premier and Hybrid apartments and currently is working from noon to midnight but in the next few weeks / months will be available 24/7

Here is the complete article http://www.barts.com.ar/barts/articles/articles_detail.php?recordID=radiotaxi

Coach 245
09-09-06, 19:07
I just got here to BsAs again. As usual I was picked up on time by Ana Luna at EZE Airport. This is my 10th trip in less than 2 years and Ana has always taken great care to pick me up at EZE and deliver me in plenty of time for my departure flights! I recommend Ana to EVERYONE!

09-20-06, 17:20
I just got here to BsAs again. As usual I was picked up on time by Ana Luna at EZE Airport. This is my 10th trip in less than 2 years and Ana has always taken great care to pick me up at EZE and deliver me in plenty of time for my departure flights! I recommend Ana to EVERYONE!What should I be paying in US dollars for a ride by Ana from EZE to my hotel, Marriott Plaza Hotel at 1005 Florida?

09-20-06, 18:01
Why not just contact her? And with the high, USA prices you are going to pay at the Marriot will a buck or two matter?

09-21-06, 10:29
Why not just contact her? And with the high, USA prices you are going to pay at the Marriot will a buck or two matter?Thomaso276,

I hear ya, I just don't like getting overcharge for anything, especially when I'm a Gringo in So. Amer. Anyway, after I posted yesterday, I found some more threads on Ana and I like having the Mercedes service when I first get into a country that I have never been to. Her fee to me is $22 US for the oneway service. I'm leaving today for Peru, Chile and I will be in BA, Argentina the evening of 28 September. I need to pack, so, I will not be back for a little while.

09-21-06, 10:31

I hear ya, I just don't like getting overcharge for anything, especially when I'm a Gringo in So. Amer. Anyway, after I posted yesterday, I found some more threads on Ana and I like having the Mercedes service when I first get into a country that I have never been to. Her fee to me is $22 US for the oneway service. I'm leaving today for Peru, Chile and I will be in BA, Argentina the evening of 28 September. I need to pack, so, I will not be back for a little while.22 dollars is a ripoff. You are stupid if you pay that. Not a centavo over 15 dollars. You can even take a bus to Ezeiza, fare is 2 pesos.

Punter 127
09-21-06, 11:26
22 dollars is a ripoff. You are stupid if you pay that. Not a centavo over 15 dollars. You can even take a bus to Ezeiza, fare is 2 pesos.Would you post the contact info for a "15 dollar" Remis drive? :confused:

09-21-06, 11:50
Punter, it seems my mocking of the self-appointed "Price Police" on this board sounded too much like the truth and too little like the parody that is was intended to be.

I've used Ana Luna to take me back and forth to the Airport. I don't much remember or care if it was 22 or 42 dollars.

09-21-06, 17:46
For comparative purposes I can state that posted cab fare from the airport to downtown was 54 pesos as of last month. I beat that down to 50 by starting to walk away. However, the driver did not have a very nice ass. Ana has a very nice ass as I hope she will not mind me saying.

09-21-06, 19:16
The remis price from the airport today.

(Sept. 21) was 68 pesos. In August it was 64.

09-22-06, 01:53
I've used Ana Luna to take me back and forth to the Airport. I don't much remember or care if it was 22 or 42 dollars.I agree. Ana's a gem. She's dependable, flexible, she knows me now, and she gives me an Argentina Private consideration. Plus she's fun to talk to. All that, to me, is well worth whatever small amount she may charge over the rock-bottom price you can find by scrounging around the Internet or whatever.


09-22-06, 02:11
I agree. Ana's a gem. She's dependable, flexible, she knows me now, and she gives me an Argentina Private consideration. Plus she's fun to talk to. Which is a fantastic face-value service for tourists and other novice travellers.

There are two kinds of travelers, those who explore/devour the destination and those who use tour guides.

Butt Ana is a nice woman I cant dispute that. Not a great ass though. You will see many grade A asses in BsAs before you even clear customs.

Coach 245
09-27-06, 19:36
Ana picked me up upon my arrival in BA at EZE and upon time for the trip home she got me to the airport 3 hours early. This allowed me plenty of time for the additional secruity checks. Thanks again Ana!

09-28-06, 00:15
What's the number for this Ana gal? I'll put her to work on Tuesday. Got lot's of mongers arriving to bs as in the next two weeks and I'm the "guio."

Coach 245
09-28-06, 03:57
Ana Luna.

You can email her at.


Or phone:

(011 54 11) 4229-8606

Or cell phone.

(011 54 911) 4986 6862

This info is posted in many areas on this forum. Good luck!


10-19-06, 04:12
I used Ana for my arrival and also departure from Buenos Aires, she runs a very professional service. Upon arrival she was waiting for me when I cleared customs holding a sign with my name on it, the ride into BA was great as well, she has a wealth of information about the city. Departing Buenos Aires Ana was on time again and I arrived at EZE with plenty of time to catch my flight. Again, her service was very professional, e-mailing me to confirm times for pickup, and departure. I would recommend her services to anyone traveling to or from BA. It also helped that she speaks English very well, and is very easy on the eyes.

10-23-06, 11:13
On my inbound trip to BsAs, I used one of the remis services which hawk their services outside the door from Argentine customs. They took me immediately to their nice car, total price was 69 pesos, plus I tipped the driver 10 pesos.

Going back, I took a taxi from Puerto Madero, which had been ordered by my hotel. Total fare, 43 pesos. Plus I tipped the guy an extra 17 pesos because I had extra pesos and didn't want to try to spend them on some sweets.

In the past I've used the services of both Mat and Ana Luna, and can vouch for each of them as nice people, reliable, and well-deserving of your business. In my case, however, I'm comfortable with making my own arrangements, and decided not to risk the chance of a miscommunication about times / dates / early arrival of my airplane, etc, and therefore went the way that I did.

10-25-06, 02:17
Don't forget, holding a sign with your name on it that beats da hell of everything! In the States, if someone is holding a sign with your name on it, you must be somebody. In BsAs, if someone is holding a sign with your name on it, you are definetly a celebrity!

See this picture, a sign with my name on it! Oh My God, I feel soooo good, it makes me feel like I am so important! I wished he was Ana Luna though, I miss her! I was wondering why dosen't she speak to me any more? Maybe I should've taken her ride more often?


10-29-06, 22:07
Recently I used Ana Luna to pick me up at the airport. I called her at 5:30pm, for a pick up at 03:05am the next day! A bastard trick, but she was happy and willing to pick me up.

Ana was there promptly, got me to my (temporary) hotel without incident and gave me such a good briefing in the car that I asked her to give me a city tour the next day for three hours. Well, it turned into six hours and was superb. Worth every peso - and the burning question is "Who does Ana not know in BsAs"?

Ana even got me into an apartment, at half the price of the hotel the next day!

She also kindly invited me to join her family at a local show - "Mas la Differente" with Florencia de la V, a well known BA transvestite. The show started at 11:30pm - take note America! Great show - and recommended for the dancers and the naked bits. (Er, Spanish language capability does help.) Repaid her with dinner that finished at 02:45am! (BTW - she has a really nice family.

She is probably $15 (pesos) more than a street taxi from the airport - but for reliability, knowledge, information, and gezelig you cannot beat her service. Use her if you have little time on the ground, preparation time or just want a really good, (and good-looking) driver. Outstanding - and speaks English if needed.

Thanks Ana!


Coach 245
10-30-06, 00:34
Polvo, I am happy that you were able to enjoy Ana's personal touch to the EZE pick up and drop off. She has many contacts as you have found out and is very easy on the eyes when traveling and enjoying Bs As. Thank you for the PM about her services too. I consider Ana a personal friend as many of the people on this board. She has always helped me so much dating back to my very first trip to Bs As. She agreed on my first trip with my wingman, to accompany us to our apartment check in. She helped us with our language problems during our check in and has done so much to help us both ever since. I have watched her business grow from almost nothing to a pretty thriving business now. I am happy I was able to help you.


Miami Bob
12-11-06, 02:21
Gerardo's mother was from the USA and they spoke english at home when he was growing up in Bs As. He works 6am to 6 pm 6 days per week and if you make advanced arrangements.

For a major trip eg airport or Pilar he can get expended hours.

My brother flagged him down 3 1/2 years ago and we have been friends ever since. He is a fairly good interpreter and can help with shopping or fighting with the cell phone company. He charges the staight meter or 10-12 pesos per.

Hour + tip. Fighting with CIT about their crummy cel service.

Is a flat fee or hourly gig.

NOT for mongering missions--Capt Dave or Jackson can provide better mongering info, but he can negociate pricing and services upon special request. I have not used him for this, but it should be a no brainer for him. I dout that he has Roxana's skill level at this sort of thing.

CEL-- 15 5375 0542

The phone is on 6am to 6pm only. He will pre-arrange airport pick-ups. He has become a friend over the years and is a reasonably priced resourse with local knowledge and.

Excellent english language skills.

Wayne Will
03-22-07, 20:30
Last Thursday Ana Luna took me on a 2.5 hour tour of Palermo, Belgrano, Nunez, Vicente Lopez, Olives, Martinez and San Isidro. The tour was informative and fun. She speaks perfect english and has an engaging personality. And it does not hurt that she is very easy on the eyes. She has a lot of knowledge about all aspects of life in Buenos Aires. She even showed me the "Mansion". It is quite impressive! She also made reservations for me for the Carlos Gardel Tango show which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I highly recommend her for any tours or transportation needs you might have in Buenos Aires.

03-22-07, 20:35
Wayne, you lucky bastard.

Just wondering, what are her tour rates. I have yet to take a formal tour around Buenos Aires and would like to, and the thought of being able to take one accompanied by such a foxy, informative lady is irresistable.

Thanks for the pic BTW,


Wayne Will
03-22-07, 22:51
The tour was 50 US dollars, which I feel is reasonable. She has a web page at http://www.ana-luna.com/.

Goodman 31
10-23-07, 13:15
Anybody know what this Ana Luna chica is charging now for remis from EZE to downtown?

10-23-07, 13:59
Anybody know what this Ana Luna chica is charging now for remis from EZE to downtown?Why don't you e-mail her on her website posted below and not clutter up out board with "Bull Shit".


Punter 127
10-23-07, 15:28
Why don't you e-mail her on her website posted below and not clutter up out board with "Bull Shit".


Lest you forget Exon.

Pete Puma
10-23-07, 15:52
Goodman; it is easier to e-mail her than to subject yourself to the OLD MAN RAGE of 123 and 127. Happy hunting.

Boss Man
11-17-07, 00:32
I was driving home from the gym tonight, saw a taxi driving erratically, didn't understand what was going on, until we hit a red light. This 60+ year old taxi driver with a gray fro jumps out runs over to another taxi, starts yelling " LA CONCHA DE TU MADRE ", then proceeds to kick in the door of the other taxi, all this while the 60+ year old taxi drivers passengers are sitting in the taxi watching. He then runs back to his taxi, and tries to take off before the other taxi can get his plates. Classic shit. I only wish I had the sense to videotape that shit. So next time you get in a taxi in Buenos Aires, remember your 3.10 peso fare just might buy you more than you bargained for.


Punter 127
11-17-07, 07:55
I have witnessed 5 taxis operating with ''fast meters''. Watch these fukers! Please no long, naive diatribes on how honest and wonderful these men are!http://argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3823

Not again......... Geez! :eek:

El Perro
12-02-07, 14:51
For those of you who frequently complain about taxi's in BA, I suggest you spend some time in Mexico City. Surly, don't know where they are going and / or taking you "for a ride". And, from the reports I get, that is the "good". The "bad" involves the notorious "taxi beetles" with robberies, etc. After having essentially no bad experiences in BA over a period of nearly two years, in less than a week here, I have already stiffed a guy for being a clueless idiot and engaged in a public tirade with another. Count your taxi blessings in BA. Sorry El Sid, but them's the facts.:)

Ben There
12-02-07, 17:53
For those of you who frequently complain about taxi's in BA, I suggest you spend some time in Mexico City. Surly, don't know where they are going and / or taking you "for a ride". And, from the reports I get, that is the "good". The "bad" involves the notorious "taxi beetles" with robberies, etc. After having essentially no bad experiences in BA over a period of nearly two years, in less than a week here, I have already stiffed a guy for being a clueless idiot and engaged in a public tirade with another. Count your taxi blessings in BA. Sorry El Sid, but them's the facts.:)I just spent a week in BA and only traveled by taxi. Not once did anything unusual, illegal, or even weird happen with the dozens of taxis I took. No games, no fake change, no breaking down of taxis. Now sure maybe the meter might have run fast, but I always did round trips so the return was always the same within a peso or 2, and that I chalked up to traffic. Nada.

12-25-07, 04:14
Hey Sid.

Would you work on Christmas eve without making some extra money to make it worth the bother?

Dishonesty and offering a special service on a very special evening are two very different things.

Merry Xmas

12-25-07, 06:35
I think employees who work Holidays in the US usually charge DOUBLE, as in double time. This means if the person makes $30 an hour, they will make $60 working on Christmas. I don't find this behavior dishonest, I find it fair. The employer doesn't have to close his business down and stop making money over the holidays and the employee has an added incentive to work during a holiday. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I find many taxi drivers honest and some that are not, but I don't think this is a very good example of either case.

They were in ''fine form'' tonight. All refused to ''pull the handle'' and all demanded 15 to 50 pesos irregardless of the length or the ride. Golly, I'm sorry to reveal the dishonesty of these fukers. They seem like really nice men needing Christmas money. As we all know, there are no dishonest businessmen in AR!

Punter 127
12-25-07, 08:52
To my trusted believers in honest taxis--God of Mongers, Punter, Doggboy.

They were in ''fine form'' tonight. All refused to ''pull the handle'' and all demanded 15 to 50 pesos irregardless of the length or the ride. Golly, I'm sorry to reveal the dishonesty of these fukers. They seem like really nice men needing Christmas money. As we all know, there are no dishonest businessmen in AR!Well at least you put me in good company! :p

Punter 127
12-25-07, 08:59
I think employees who work Holidays in the US usually charge DOUBLE, as in double time. This means if the person makes $30 an hour, they will make $60 working on Christmas. I don't find this behavior dishonest, I find it fair. The employer doesn't have to close his business down and stop making money over the holidays and the employee has an added incentive to work during a holiday. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I find many taxi drivers honest and some that are not, but I don't think this is a very good example of either case.I think it’s obvious you have never had a job in the USA, and haven’t got a clue how people get paid.

BTW I’m off to work now, so I think I have a pretty good feel for how things work here in the USA!

El Perro
12-25-07, 15:12
I doubt that they are forced to work. And some wanted 15 pesos and others as much as 50 pesos for the same short route. Obviously, they knew that they had you, and intended to charge all the traffic would bear! Triple the normal rate=borderline. Ten times the normal rate = dishonest!El Sid! I repeat-come to Mexico City! After a week you will kiss the ground the Argie cabbies walk on. As an extranjero without car in any big city, having reliable, honest mass transportation (I am including cabs) is a major plus for quality of life. In my limited experience bouncing around Europe a bit and South America, so far BA wins hands down. Sure, there will be issues from time to time anywhere you live, but for me BA is as good as it gets!

As your unpaid shrink I advise you institute a sea change in your thinking and tell yourself-"I will love the BA cabbies, I will love the BA cabbies!". And yes, many will love you in return.:)

El Perro
12-25-07, 16:09
Hunt99 is lurking in the background, waiting for his opportunity to regain my account and his sizable retainer! Sorry, things are difficult in Mexico City. That being said, it still doesn't excuse the small minority of these petty criminals. Cum on back! We miss you!Not so difficult here-the cabbies require constant vigilance. Elsewise-no problems. Like NYC but with a bit more spanish spoken.:) Merry Christmas to all!

12-25-07, 16:51
El Sid! I repeat-come to Mexico City! After a week you will kiss the ground the Argie cabbies walk on. As an extranjero without car in any big city, having reliable, honest mass transportation (I am including cabs) is a major plus for quality of life. In my limited experience bouncing around Europe a bit and South America, so far BA wins hands down. Sure, there will be issues from time to time anywhere you live, but for me BA is as good as it gets!

As your unpaid shrink I advise you institute a sea change in your thinking and tell yourself-"I will love the BA cabbies, I will love the BA cabbies!". And yes, many will love you in return.:)Dogg,

Whats the price of pussy in Mexico City?

I might come down for a few days of Sport Fucking.


El Perro
12-25-07, 17:59

Whats the price of pussy in Mexico City?

I might come down for a few days of Sport Fucking.

ExonEx-it's not an optimum mongering destination. Generally more expensive than BA and for the most part not as out "in the open". You would NEVER find an Exedra like place here unless there are some in the more dangerous parts of town. PM me if you would like more details, but I can't recommend it.

12-26-07, 16:46
Ex-it's not an optimum mongering destination. Generally more expensive than BA and for the most part not as out "in the open". You would NEVER find an Exedra like place here unless there are some in the more dangerous parts of town. PM me if you would like more details, but I can't recommend it.Hola Doggboy,

Yes I know Mexico is not noted for Mongering, at least not in Argentina style but Mi Pene gets lonely and I'm headed back to Sex Prison at the end of the week and Mexico City is so close. I'm thinking about it, I'll let you know.

Bye the way what the Fuck are you doing there? Sidney is heading to the D. R. for dos Mes I learned last night.


Jaimito Cartero
12-26-07, 16:58
Hola Doggboy,

Yes I know Mexico is not noted for Mongering, at least not in Argentina style but Mi Pene gets lonely and I'm headed back to Sex Prison at the end of the week and Mexico City is so close. I can think of many more Mexican cities are that are much closer than Mexico City. Driving distance, even.:)

04-23-08, 14:52
See the complaint form below that is offered to taxi customers in the Philippines.

For our resident taxi expert and official liaison - Sidney:

What are the chances of this system being adopted in Argentina? (what mumbling do I hear about hell freezing over!@#$%^&)

Punter 127
04-23-08, 18:23
Think of the trees that would be lost when the holier-than-thou, condescending, lordly, ugly Americans started filling out the form. (You know the guys that left the USA because they were unhappy, but yet don’t like Argentina because it’s not like the USA?) Whole forest could be in danger, have you no concern for the environmental crisis? What good would it do anyway, I’m advised that in Argentina “everyone is trying to screw you ”, and ''Trust no Porteno''!

08-31-08, 19:49
The ''always honest'' BA taxis were demanding 30 pesos to Recoleta! Normally, 8 pesos! I walked across the street.Has anyone ever hired a driver, part time. Example, hire a legit cab / car driver for 2, 3, or? Hours to drive you around for an evening of mongering. What is a reasonable rate to pay / hourly for a good, trustworthy driver, who doesn't have a attitude about what you are doing? Or tries to hustle you? Can they be found? If so, where? What do you guys think is the going / fair rate for this type of service?

08-31-08, 21:22
Has anyone ever hired a driver, part time. Example, hire a legit cab / car driver for 2, 3, or? Hours to drive you around for an evening of mongering. What is a reasonable rate to pay / hourly for a good, trustworthy driver, who doesn't have a attitude about what you are doing? Or tries to hustle you? Can they be found? If so, where? What do you guys think is the going / fair rate for this type of service?Hiring a cab for two or three hours to go mongering in BA doesn't make sense. All the favourite mongering spots are within easy reach, taxis are cheap and plentiful and run all night long. You can generally hail a cab in the central BA area in less than two minutes. In my experience BA cap drivers are honest. Just make sure you know where you want to go before you get into the cab. The best thing is to ask for the nearest street corner, rather than a street number.

09-01-08, 00:34
Has anyone ever hired a driver, part time. Example, hire a legit cab / car driver for 2, 3, or? Hours to drive you around for an evening of mongering. What is a reasonable rate to pay / hourly for a good, trustworthy driver, who doesn't have a attitude about what you are doing? Or tries to hustle you? Can they be found? If so, where? What do you guys think is the going / fair rate for this type of service?Ana Luna would be more than happy to drive you around to see the sites.



09-01-08, 12:42
The best thing is to ask for the nearest street corner, rather than a street number....or rather than the name of your destination.

09-01-08, 17:43
Hiring a cab for two or three hours to go mongering in BA doesn't make sense. All the favourite mongering spots are within easy reach, taxis are cheap and plentiful and run all night long. You can generally hail a cab in the central BA area in less than two minutes. In my experience BA cap drivers are honest. Just make sure you know where you want to go before you get into the cab. The best thing is to ask for the nearest street corner, rather than a street number.Or you can hire a remis service. If you are going to hire the car for a couple of hours is less expensive.

09-05-08, 22:21
Ana Luna would be more than happy to drive you around to see the sites.


ExonThanks for this info. It gives me a possible source on a possible contact regarding someone who I may like to "cruise" around with and / or take me where I want to go (when I decide) discreetly. Basically so I have a driver who can show me things discreetly and be on stand-by, when I take a break, and still be there when I need them etc. Rather than change from driver to driver.

For those who don't understand that. I'm still not sure from the feed back, from others, what a reasonable amount I can expect to pay for this kind of service is. Besides giving me smart ass answer which doesn't address my original question.

09-06-08, 00:19
What you're looking for is unnecessary. Any cab will be "discreet," any cab will wait for you for I believe it's now about 20 p per hour, and if they don't wait it doesn't matter. Nobody is going to "have an attitude" about what you are doing since it is perfectly legal and is considered normal behavior. So stop thinking about it. Hope that isn't a smart ass answer.

09-06-08, 21:44
What you're looking for is unnecessary. Any cab will be "discreet," any cab will wait for you for I believe it's now about 20 p per hour, and if they don't wait it doesn't matter. Nobody is going to "have an attitude" about what you are doing since it is perfectly legal and is considered normal behavior. So stop thinking about it. Hope that isn't a smart ass answer.Thanks for the answers to the question (s) I was asking for. I'll stop thinking about it now.

03-06-09, 03:44
Can anyone recommend any remise company that I can hire for a full week? I just checked Ana Luna's website, but it doesn't seem that they have that kind of service; its more city tours and stuff like that.

Any suggestions on pricing or how much I should negotiate?

06-11-09, 02:36

I'm back in town shortly after an extended absence. My normal ride to and from EZE was Ana Luna for several years, but all my previous means of contacting her -- cell phones, e-mails -- seem to have been terminated.

Anyone know of a reliable, dependable driver I can use?

Yeah, I know...the taxi stand at EZE. But I happen to have gotten attached to having a known entity waiting for me when I arrived, and would like to re-establish something like that.

(Or, anyone know Ana Luna's current contact info?)



06-11-09, 16:13
That Ana now has a rich Portano boy friend. The hombre is a politiction in his mid 50's and has taken Ana "under his wing" and therefore Ana doesn't need to provide Remis services to her loyal friends.

She can provide "Other Services" and take care of Irana and herself that way.


07-30-09, 12:20
With dollars are getting stronger in Argentina, what is the going rate for a Radio taxi to town?



Wally Foot
07-30-09, 19:38
I hopped in a taxi on Cordoba yesterday to go to Ezezia, and half an hour later outside the terminal the meter said AR$65, so with tolls the total was AR$70 - much better than the AR$95 I was charged by the taxi firm inside the terminal on my arrival.

Member #4112
07-30-09, 22:17
Having just returned from BA to S / P I wished to relate a funny story regarding taxi drivers and counterfit bills.

After a short ride from microcenter to Junin I had run out of small bills and gave the drive a $50P note and recieved the correct change. But later when I tried to use the $20P note the waiter told me it was counterfit.

Later that evening after picking up a young lady at one of the local establishments. I got one of the cabs outside who took me back to the apartment. Of course he did not start the meter but asked for the usual $20P for a $4P ride as the fare. Prepared for this I gave him the bad $20P with $2P note on top. He didn't bat an eye, took the money and scooted off. While I doubt he had that $20P note 20 minutes later---turn about is fair play in my book

Member #3320
07-31-09, 18:17
Having just returned from BA to S / P I wished to relate a funny story regarding taxi drivers and counterfit bills.

After a short ride from microcenter to Junin I had run out of small bills and gave the drive a $50P note and recieved the correct change. But later when I tried to use the $20P note the waiter told me it was counterfit.

Later that evening after picking up a young lady at one of the local establishments. I got one of the cabs outside who took me back to the apartment. Of course he did not start the meter but asked for the usual $20P for a $4P ride as the fare. Prepared for this I gave him the bad $20P with $2P note on top. He didn't bat an eye, took the money and scooted off. While I doubt he had that $20P note 20 minutes later---turn about is fair play in my bookAs a tourist, circumventing the law albeit to "settle scores in your book" could land you into helluva lot of trouble.

Most likely, you would escape 99 out of 100 times with what you did as you described above, but that 1 time, you get caught deliberately using counterfeit money could end up being the defining moment of your life and your future. Always step with caution in a foreign country, even if it is a corrupt country in your opinion and you feel anything goes, here!

I have seen some tourists getting in extremely messy situations in corrupt /3rd world countries when they thought they could get away with anything on basis of their own nationality and the corruption level of the host country they were visiting.

Just my two cents! Do not mind my words.

07-31-09, 19:56
With dollars are getting stronger in Argentina, what is the going rate for a Radio taxi to town?


StradTaxi Ezeiza current flat rate is $98 from the airport and $78 to the aiport, tolls included.


Silver Star
08-28-09, 23:37

I'm back in town shortly after an extended absence. My normal ride to and from EZE was Ana Luna for several years, but all my previous means of contacting her -- cell phones, e-mails -- seem to have been terminated.

Anyone know of a reliable, dependable driver I can use?

Yeah, I know. The taxi stand at EZE. But I happen to have gotten attached to having a known entity waiting for me when I arrived, and would like to re-establish something like that.

(Or, anyone know Ana Luna's current contact info?



Just wanted to let you know I do Lincoln Town Car service (I have all the paperwork and Insurance) Here in Buenos Aires, lots of positive comments (Google me) I have a thread here, and look forward to serving your transport needs in a reliable and professional manner! Here's the thread:

http:/ www. Argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?p=401882#post401882

I'm not trying to be the cheapest (can't be with an expensive car) but I am trying to be the BEST.


Fred www.silverstarcar.com

Silver Star
08-29-09, 21:49
67 pesos +tip.What kind of car did you get? I'm sure it wasn't a big, beautiful, roomy and safe, well maintained Lincoln Town Car, with airbags and pillow soft comfortable leather seats! Most of the trip is it a highway speeds, so no cab will be as safe nor as comfortable as my American Lincoln Town Car.

Yes, I do have to ask more than a cab, but my costs are more than double to run and maintain it here. Car parts in Argentina are very expensive.



Silver Star
08-30-09, 19:18
One way transfer from airport to downtown for the price of return trip. Exellent business strategy! You might as well advertise on StupidGringos. Com! I am guessing you are wasting your time on this site, with this crowd!

And that is your PROMOTION PRICE!

IALOTFLMAO! Enough said. Happy Mongering All. ToymannIf I had a tiny Chevy Corsa or Fiat, and didn't speak English, and drove like a maniac and still charged double, I would agree with you that it would be very stupid business strategy! I do however provide a reliable, punctual, safe and roomy ride, and tolls are included. My service is premium and hassle free, safe and secure. When you compare my fare in the marketplace, you will see they are competitive with similar cars. People pay different rates for car service, just like hotel rooms and restaurants, the more you pay, the better the quality. Common sense tells us a tiny tin can cab is not the same a comfortable and luxurious, spacious Lincoln Town Car!

My service is not designed for everybody, just those who are willing to invest a few extra dollars in a premium hassle free ride, and service.

Examples- I lend Argentine Prepaid phones for a deposit, and change money at bank rates to keep you moving, instead of waiting in a long line after a long and grueling flight. And a refreshing free bottle of water is typically provided. That's the Silver Star difference! There is also plenty of room for luggage in the back, I can often hold the load of 2 tiny cabs.

That $50 fare is no longer 'promotional' but the regular reasonable fare, I'm in the process of updating (and getting control) my site and will take that down, ASAP thanks.



Fully Licensed and Insured $10,000,000AR

08-30-09, 20:09
Greetings Everyone,

Why is it that there's always somebody who is compelled to attack anyone who is trying to make a legitimate living advertising their services on this website with my obvious consent?

If you don't believe that Fred's car service is right for you, then don't use his service. It's that simple.

And if you've NEVER been a customer, then you don't really have a complaint, do you?



08-30-09, 21:12
Nice ride.

I don't think I've seen many of those in Buenos Aires. Probably gets alot of attention. Your price seems more than reasonable given the fact that you are not a basic taxi service, you are a private chauffeur driving an unmarked fully insured luxury car.

Many of my clients take the $ 90 peso taxi directly from the airport, others like limos or private cars and don't mind paying more. To each his own. I do think Toymann is correct with this though.

I am guessing you are wasting your time on this site, with this crowd!Good luck with your business. I'll recommend you to my clients.



Rock Harders
08-30-09, 22:00

You know the answer to your question already; the vast majority of the members of this website are cheap motherfuckers who ***** and moan about paying an extra 75 cents on a cab. There are even some members of this site who are so cheap they refuse to take a cab for in-city travel and others who refuse to get in a cab while it is stopped at a traffic light for fear of paying an extra 9 cents in taxi fare. What makes this all the more dumbfounding and pathetic is that some of these very offenders claim to be millionaires.

Personally, I feel that the car service being offered by Silver Star is a very nice option to have for to / from airport travel. I absolutely will have Silver Star pick up any of my friends and family the next time they come to Buenos Aires. This will help me avoid having to go to the airport to pick up friends and / or relatives who don't know where I live and are uncomfortable dealing with arranging transportation in a language they do not speak. Silver Star is also correct in his claim that his Lincoln Town Car is immeasurably safer than any of the Peugeot / Fiat / Renault / Volkswagen taxis that are typical. If any of the taxi cabs got into a bad accident (especially a side impact) all the of the occupants would be seriously injured and / or dead. A Lincoln Town Car is a humongous tank that is one of the safest cars on the road.


Rock Harders

08-30-09, 22:16

What makes this all the more dumbfounding and pathetic is that some of these very offenders claim to be millionaires. I thought everyone on this board was a multi-millionaire with PhDs in economics and political science.:-)

50 USD *IS* a lot of money, but worth every penny in my opinion.

Wild Walleye
08-31-09, 00:43
I thought everyone on this board was a multi-millionaire with PhDs in economics and political science.:-)

50 USD *IS* a lot of money, but worth every penny in my opinion.My preference is not to draw attention myself until I get settled into my hotel with an amiga or two.

I am not sure if I would feel like I stand out in a shiny town car (will have to think about that)

I use Manuel Tienda remis service from the airport (AR$130 or about US$33) and have been very pleased with the service. The rate is less than taxi fare from most US airports to the respective city center. That said, their cars are small, late-model, no-frills rides which is fine with me.

I would probably not use Fred's service from EZE to town only because I am happy with my current solution at a lower price. However, at US$20/ hour around town, I'd consider using him around town for extended periods.

I give him credit for differentiating himself from the rest of the crowd.

Show me a PhD in Poli-sci and I'll show you parents that wasted an s-load of money.

Member #3320
08-31-09, 02:24
Silver Star aka Fred,

Do not be disheartened by the posts here. I would like to assure you that I would definitely use your services when my family is visiting me in BA.

All the best!

El Queso
08-31-09, 03:45
I used to travel a lot, all over the world, and I began and ended each trip with a Towncar to and from the airport. I enjoy sitting in comfort and rolling in style.

Some people do worry a little too much about money sometimes - for the round trip we're talking U$S100 (50 each way, right? While the trip by 90 peso taxi / remis would be almost 50 dollars round trip (180 / 3.8 = $47) $63 extra out of a couple thousand maybe spent to come down here and enjoy oneself? Even out of $1000 spent? Maybe not for you, fine, but for many of us it wouldn't be a big difference in cost and would be worth the personal feeling of confidence and luxury.

Since some of us WOULD actually like to take the service, and it's not quite so outrageous as it may seem on the surface, it does seem a little extreme the way you pounced on the poor guy, Toyman.

As far as concern over arriving "conspicuously", well, I understand the concern. You have to ask yourself sometimes if there should be a stopping point for the concern over being robbed - where should the paranoia stop? It's difficult to answer.

I can say that I have never once, in the three years I've lived here, partied here, walked the streets (in decent parts of town - I'm not suggesting anyone to do something real stupid here) at 4:00 am, etc, I have never once felt unsafe. Of course, you don't walk anywhere (pretty much in the world) flashing snything that is considered in that culture to be austentatious.

So is the Towncar such a risk? Well, the thinking must be that someone seeing someone get out of a Towncar (an obvious luxury car) and hauling luggage into an apartment building must be a foreigner ripe for robbing and will lay in wait at some point, having been alerted of prey.

I'm not saying that sort of thing doesn't happen, but most guys who would come down here and take Silver Star's service, are not going to bad parts of town to stay. They're going to Recoleta, Centro, Micro-Center, etc. Not exactly bad neighborhoods. Usually arriving in daylight.

I think you have as much of a chance of becoming a pre-planned robbery victim arriving in a Towncar as you would of being victim to a crooked doorman (alerting compatriots, in other words) which would be as likely to happen whether or not you took the Towncar since the doorman will know a short-time foreigner is staying in which apartment in the building either way.

And I don't think that's likely to happen either.

Silver Star
08-31-09, 13:03
I used to travel a lot, all over the world, and I began and ended each trip with a Towncar to and from the airport. I enjoy sitting in comfort and rolling in style.

Some people do worry a little too much about money sometimes - for the round trip we're talking U$S100 (50 each way, right? While the trip by 90 peso taxi / remis would be almost 50 dollars round trip (180 / 3.8 = $47) $63 extra out of a couple thousand maybe spent to come down here and enjoy oneself? Even out of $1000 spent? Maybe not for you, fine, but for many of us it wouldn't be a big difference in cost and would be worth the personal feeling of confidence and luxury.

Since some of us WOULD actually like to take the service, and it's not quite so outrageous as it may seem on the surface, it does seem a little extreme the way you pounced on the poor guy, Toyman.

As far as concern over arriving "conspicuously", well, I understand the concern. You have to ask yourself sometimes if there should be a stopping point for the concern over being robbed - where should the paranoia stop? It's difficult to answer.

I can say that I have never once, in the three years I've lived here, partied here, walked the streets (in decent parts of town - I'm not suggesting anyone to do something real stupid here) at 4:00 am, etc, I have never once felt unsafe. Of course, you don't walk anywhere (pretty much in the world) flashing snything that is considered in that culture to be austentatious.

So is the Towncar such a risk? Well, the thinking must be that someone seeing someone get out of a Towncar (an obvious luxury car) and hauling luggage into an apartment building must be a foreigner ripe for robbing and will lay in wait at some point, having been alerted of prey.

I'm not saying that sort of thing doesn't happen, but most guys who would come down here and take Silver Star's service, are not going to bad parts of town to stay. They're going to Recoleta, Centro, Micro-Center, etc. Not exactly bad neighborhoods. Usually arriving in daylight.

I think you have as much of a chance of becoming a pre-planned robbery victim arriving in a Towncar as you would of being victim to a crooked doorman (alerting compatriots, in other words) which would be as likely to happen whether or not you took the Towncar since the doorman will know a short-time foreigner is staying in which apartment in the building either way.

And I don't think that's likely to happen either.I've been doing my Town Car service since March, and the lions share of the rides go to those safe and upscale areas (Recoleta, Palermo, Retiro, Puerto Madero) and have never been threatened, period!

Wild Walleye
08-31-09, 13:06
For $20/ hr to have a dedicated car and driver is worth it.

Walk out of a meeting in Centro at 4pm with a slight rain falling and you'll never find a cab (seems to be a phenomenon the world over)

Better yet, on one of those steamy days when you walk out of the air conditioned environment and are soaked in sweat in 30 seconds, it would be nice to slide into the back of Fred's air conditioned luxury mobile. After all, I don't want to look like Al Gore (you know the video of him giving a speech somewhere hot in a blue shirt and his pit-sweat-circles were so big they met in the middle of his chest)

My 'security' sensitivity is not so much being targeted at the destination (I. E. Hotel or apartment) I do not want to draw attention to myself on the street.

Having traveled hither and yon, I have conducted an unscientific study which concludes that if no one ever notices you, you are unlikely to become a target and / or vicitm. I can think of a few places that I would rather not be noticed (Mexico, Moscow, Manila, Detroit, etc) If I am running around town in a Datsun be-210 with mismatched, after-market tinted windows I will probably go unnoticed while the guy in the MB S550 is going to turn some heads.

Street crime generally consists of crimes of opportunity and not the result of long-planned and calculated operations. A guy waving around a flashy gold Rolex or iphone may find himself involuntarily donating them to help fight poverty, on a very local level. Similarly, drive around with your iphone in clear sight, in lots of places, and you might find a hand coming in (through) the window.

Traveling in a nice car in most places isn't a big deal but in some places it is. I don't know if a Town car in Bs As is lux enough to garner too much attention. I suspect not, given that there are plenty of European luxury cars on the streets that speak volumes about their occupants.

Silver Star
08-31-09, 13:09
Everybody had different budgets for different things, example, some folks take the public bus from the airport instead of cramming in a tiny taxi, and some might even hitchhike! It's all relative, and you choose where you want to spend your hard earned money, that's fair and understood. Some folks like Motel 6, while others stay at the Hilton, they both do the same thing, but are at different levels of comfort and service. A TownCar in Atlanta for similar service would cost $75US, so I believe my fares are in line and reasonable, and especially for those who want a native English speaker, who also drives rationally.

As far as Taxis go I highly recommend Taxi EZE over capital cabs, again, worth the extra money for a car in better condition.

I am in the process of getting 'promotion' removed from the airport ride fare, thanks for bringing that up.




08-31-09, 15:22
After spending ten f@#$ing hours in an airplane, a limo waiting for me at EZE would look pretty good and he speaks English.

Recently had a long layover at LAX and decided to visit a friend in the SFV. Did not want the hassle of a rental and opted for a taxi, big mistake. The fare was $67.00 and the cab was the biggest piece of shit on the freeway. Filthy, out of repair rattling piece of junk. Spare me any argument about the safety aspects of public transportation in Buenos Aires. And we will not go into the language barrier of the driver in LA. Not even sure he was from this planet. Then there was ambiance of Rap music at no extra charge. Guess my point is the services in Buenos Aires are held to a higher standard than we often experience in the USA. When the hell did anyone ever find an English speaking taxi driver in the US? My rant for the week.

Silver Star
08-31-09, 20:12
After spending ten f@#$ing hours in an airplane, a limo waiting for me at EZE would look pretty good and he speaks English.

Recently had a long layover at LAX and decided to visit a friend in the SFV. Did not want the hassle of a rental and opted for a taxi, big mistake. The fare was $67.00 and the cab was the biggest piece of shit on the freeway. Filthy, out of repair rattling piece of junk. Spare me any argument about the safety aspects of public transportation in Buenos Aires. And we will not go into the language barrier of the driver in LA. Not even sure he was from this planet. Then there was ambiance of Rap music at no extra charge. Guess my point is the services in Buenos Aires are held to a higher standard than we often experience in the USA. When the hell did anyone ever find an English speaking taxi driver in the US? My rant for the week.Damman,

You won't be subjected to Rap nor Cumbia music with me! You're the boss when it comes to the radio, if we even decide to put it on. I guess you have to go to Buenos Aires to find an American professional driver! Go figure. Also, the car has new tires less than 6 months old, and just put new Monroe Sensi Trac shocks on last month. You'll get a nice smooth Town Car ride on these bumpy roads.


El Queso
09-02-09, 13:42
...an American professional driver...the car has new tires less than 6 months old, and just put new Monroe Sensi Trac shocks on last month. You'll get a nice smooth Town Car ride on these bumpy roads.Fred, I have to completely applaud your business here and find myself wondering how you can afford to only charge U$S50 per trip! Serious kudos, man.

BTW - if I ever go back to the States for a visit or something, I'll have to find out what you would charge to come out to Pilar to pick me up and take me to the airport!

Wild Walleye
09-02-09, 17:08
I pay approximately 2X Fred's per mile rate for a town car to take me to the airport from my home.

09-07-09, 16:14

I'm back in town shortly after an extended absence. My normal ride to and from EZE was Ana Luna for several years, but all my previous means of contacting her -- cell phones, e-mails -- seem to have been terminated.

Anyone know of a reliable, dependable driver I can use?

Yeah, I know. The taxi stand at EZE. But I happen to have gotten attached to having a known entity waiting for me when I arrived, and would like to re-establish something like that.

(Or, anyone know Ana Luna's current contact info?


SLIf you're interested in utilizing the services of a professional driver with all the required licenses and insurances driving a clean, properly maintained vehicle, then I would suggest Fred's Silver Star service.


Of course, if you like riding in a car filled with fast food trash and changing tires on the side of the highway, then please call Ana Luna.



09-07-09, 23:37
If you're interested in utilizing the services of a professional driver with all the required licenses and insurances driving a clean, properly maintained vehicle, then I would suggest Fred's Silver Star service.


Of course, if you like riding in a car filled with fast food trash and changing tires on the side of the highway, then please call Ana Luna.


JacksonHey Fred,

Welcome to BA and good luck with your business!

I was hoping that you could tell us how EASY it was to import an American car into Argentina!

I wanted to bring down my old Ferrari because it's not worth much in the USA and down here it would be a real head turner and a blast to run around in.

I have been told that the import fees are about 81% of the value that THEY put on the old turd!

Now that ruins the deal right off the bat!

Maybe the car is worth $40k in the USA and down here who knows what they will rate it?

If it's 81% does that make the car cost about $73k u$s?

That sucks!

So I guess your rates are VERY fare if you think about that fact. And that it's a gas guzzler too!

Let us know.



Silver Star
09-08-09, 03:18
Fred, I have to completely applaud your business here and find myself wondering how you can afford to only charge U$S50 per trip! Serious kudos, man.

BTW - if I ever go back to the States for a visit or something, I'll have to find out what you would charge to come out to Pilar to pick me up and take me to the airport!Would love to handle that transfer, let me know when you are ready!




Silver Star
09-08-09, 03:27
Hey Fred,

Welcome to BA and good luck with your business!

I was hoping that you could tell us how EASY it was to import an American car into Argentina!

I wanted to bring down my old Ferrari because it's not worth much in the USA and down here it would be a real head turner and a blast to run around in.

I have been told that the import fees are about 81% of the value that THEY put on the old turd!

Now that ruins the deal right off the bat!

Maybe the car is worth $40k in the USA and down here who knows what they will rate it?

If it's 81% does that make the car cost about $73k u$s?

That sucks!

So I guess your rates are VERY fare if you think about that fact. And that it's a gas guzzler too!

Let us know.



There is a new law that says if you import a car within 6 months for getting your DNI, there is NO TAX! I unfortunately had to pay 80% tax, as I got my DNI before moving into the country, but it is still worth it. They love European cars, and 4 wheel drive pickup trucks. I think bringing in a Ferrari would be profitable, as they do like Italian cars here. There is a lot of paperwork (beyond comprehension) but it can be worth it. You cannot seel the car before 1yr of having it in the country. I heard an excellent car to bring in is a 5 yr old Boxer Porsche. The amount of paperwork, and hassle to do this process is beyond comprehension, but doable.

As far as my fares go for SilverStar, I do believe they are very reasonable, considering the costs of running a Town Car here, and a morning pickup can take me up to 4 hours door to door for me, as I leave early to ensure punctuality! If you have questions about importing a car, do consult me. And you are allowed one motorcycle to come in, and the suggestion is a used large HD.

Also, if you move here, and stay too long, you may not be able to bring a car and motorcycle in.



Fully Licensed and Insured to $10,000,000AR

09-09-09, 20:19
I think I'll give it a try in Nov. Fred, drop me a pm for the details.

Nothing like a little comfort.

09-10-09, 22:06

There is a new law that says if you import a car within 6 months for getting your DNI, there is NO TAX! I unfortunately had to pay 80% tax, as I got my DNI before moving into the country, but it is still worth it. They love European cars, and 4 wheel drive pickup trucks. I think bringing in a Ferrari would be profitable, as they do like Italian cars here. There is a lot of paperwork (beyond comprehension) but it can be worth it. You cannot seel the car before 1yr of having it in the country. I heard an excellent car to bring in is a 5 yr old Boxer Porsche. The amount of paperwork, and hassle to do this process is beyond comprehension, but doable.

As far as my fares go for SilverStar, I do believe they are very reasonable, considering the costs of running a Town Car here, and a morning pickup can take me up to 4 hours door to door for me, as I leave early to ensure punctuality! If you have questions about importing a car, do consult me. And you are allowed one motorcycle to come in, and the suggestion is a used large HD.

Also, if you move here, and stay too long, you may not be able to bring a car and motorcycle in.



Fully Licensed and Insured to $10,000,000ARI already live here and I'v had my D. N. I for about (4) years.

I also have Argentine citizenship, whatever that's worth?

I can obtain tons of used Boxsters! I worked for Porsche Cars North America for (14) years.

I also worked for Lamborghini, be. M. W, Audi, Jaguar, Saab, Volvo and Alfa-Romeo.


Silver Star
09-11-09, 01:29
I already live here and I'v had my D. N. I for about (4) years.

I also have Argentine citizenship, whatever that's worth?

I can obtain tons of used Boxsters! I worked for Porsche Cars North America for (14) years.

I also worked for Lamborghini, be. M. W, Audi, Jaguar, Saab, Volvo and Alfa-Romeo.

TLYou can basically do it, you just have to prove through your local consulate,

That you have lived outside of Argentina for over 1yr. A used Boxer is an excellent choiceto bring in, you can make a killing. You can't sell the car until finishing a 1yr waiting period.

Good Luck!



Fully Licensed and Insured to $AR10,000,000

Local Lad
09-19-09, 15:22
Coming to an end of an almost three week stint in Argentina, ninth in four years with time split between hunting in Cordoba and downtime in BA. Have used the Silver Star Car service on several occasions both for myself and friends that have joined me and left mid trip. On each occasion I found Fred to be punctional, attentive and very helpfull. I certainly have no hesitation in recomending him to others. Quite frankly when you have completed a fifteen hour flight from the UK the last thing you want is the hassle of the taxi lottery at EZE!

Silver Star
09-19-09, 19:48
Coming to an end of an almost three week stint in Argentina, ninth in four years with time split between hunting in Cordoba and downtime in BA. Have used the Silver Star Car service on several occasions both for myself and friends that have joined me and left mid trip. On each occasion I found Fred to be punctional, attentive and very helpfull. I certainly have no hesitation in recomending him to others. Quite frankly when you have completed a fifteen hour flight from the UK the last thing you want is the hassle of the taxi lottery at EZE!Thanks for the kind comments, it has been a pleasure to serve you, and find you alternate transport when overbooked! See you soon.


Rock Harders
09-20-09, 18:15

On Wednesday, September 16th I enlisted Silver Star's services for an EZE airport pickup. Silver Star was there waiting for me upon my arrival even though the arrival terminal had been changed and my flight was delayed over four hours. Silver Star's Lincoln Town Car was clean, modern, and very comfortable. Silver Star provided pleasant conversation and drove the car in a safe and very controlled manner. I recommend Silver Star's services for those seeking executive level transport to / from the airport and / or for transporting friends / relatives / business associates who do not speak Spanish and / or do not know where they are going. The price was $59 USD.


Rock Harders

09-20-09, 20:33
I completely agree with previous poster. My buddy and I just spend 2 weeks in Argentina and the best road transportation we got was the ride with Fred from our hotel in BsAs to EZE last Sunday. Only wish we would have used him previously during the trip. My friend is a retired LEO and used to teach state troopers how to drive and he was very impressed with Fred's driving skills. Aside from the comfortable car it was nice to also have someone who drove safe and comfortable behind the wheel.

We would never consider using any our transport than Silver Star on our next trip.

Member #3320
10-13-09, 04:49
Can someone advise me the difference in the prices being charged by Remis vis-a-vis Buenoa Aires Taxis?

Lets say if a taxi is charging by meter 10 pesos for a route / specific Km. How much will a Remi charge for the same route / Km.

Will it be double? 1.5 times? Etc etc?

Any clues?

Last week, I had to take a Remi out of a Transitirio as no taxis were available at that time of the night and I had to pay double of what be charged by a Taxi meter.

So, any tips on negotiating prices with Remis? Any price chart as such for Remi's?

Thanks in advance for your answers

Art Vandalay
10-18-09, 10:47
What's the latest on Ana Luna?

Is she still doing the private remis thing? Is she reliable?

Any word?

Gato Hunter
10-18-09, 13:18
Is she reliable?This is a joke right?

10-18-09, 13:44
What's the latest on Ana Luna?

Is she still doing the private remis thing? Is she reliable?

Any word?Ana Luna has been replaced by Fred's Silver Star service as this forum's preferred limo service.

Unlike Ana Luna, Fred is running a professional car service that is fully insured, correctly licensed and legally registered as an airport taxi.

Plus, he's got a nice, big, clean Lincoln Town Car he imported from the USA.

However, I will grant you that his hooters are less than impressive, if that's your criteria for selecting a limo service.



Art Vandalay
10-20-09, 07:50
Yeah but 60 bucks for a ride from EZE to the city seems a bit pricey. I'm sure it's worth it but I think I'll just take a taxi instead. (More money for chicas) Any idea on what a taxi ride costs from EZE now? I know inflation is pretty high and it's been a year since I've been in town.

Easy Go
10-20-09, 11:05
$AR98 plus tip to Recoleta using Taxi Eziza as of 2 weeks ago.

10-20-09, 11:21
As of yesterday, 80 pesos for a cab if you just walk outside and hail one. Eze to Recoleta.

Happy Mongering All.


11-02-09, 14:59
As of yesterday, 80 pesos for a cab if you just walk outside and hail one. Eze to Recoleta.

Happy Mongering All.

ToymannJust to confirm. I got back today and got the same price. EZE to Colegiales, ARG$80. Been the same for the past 3 months.


Meforu 2000
11-02-09, 19:55
Wellcome back Argento, hope you had a good trip.

I'll be in town on 11/ 14 lets try to have a beer.


11-03-09, 10:26
Wellcome back Argento, hope you had a good trip.

I'll be in town on 11/ 14 lets try to have a beer.

MeforuOK. Have a research project with Tequila Tim 16th - 20th November. Only commitment hasta Navidad.


09-28-12, 04:01
So thought I'd share my xp as learning xp for new travelers to buenos aires.

Took cab off street today at lunch time from recoleta to belgrano. Was normal registered taxi. Ride was 41 pesos on meter, everything fine till got to destination. Pulled out and handed driver 50 peso bill, then my big mistake. Looked away for 3sec to dig out a 1-peso coin to make total 51 to get easy 10p change.

But driver had 5 peso bill in hand. Thought he was giving me wrong change at first but he then claimed I'd only paid him 5 pesos, not 50. Fucking switch trick. Can't believe fell for it again. So I told him fuck off I paid him 50 and I'm yelling for first cop I see. Told me fine get out and didn't escalate over 10p change he owed me and took as reminder xp to never look away when paying.

This is second time in 4 years of in-buenos areas living time since 2005 I've been ripped off this way. First learning xp was in night cab ride, short hop recoleta to cafe Madeleine. 17 peso ride. Made rookie mistake of handing over a 10, then looked down to count out a 5 and 2 peso bill. Cabbie dropped the 10 somewhere and told me I'd only paid 7 and owed him 10 more.

Always remembered since then to always have full fare in hand first before handing over total amount and saying verbally as well amount giving him. But forgot today to also never look away. Cheap lesson relatively but just hate these damn dishonest cabbies

Daddy Rulz
09-28-12, 12:55
Your idea of eyes on is a good one and will prevent the other common scam which is to exchange your bill for a fake one and then hand it back to you and say you gave it to them, this can happen in Kioskos as well.

So thought I'd share my xp as learning xp for new travelers to buenos aires.

Took cab off street today at lunch time from recoleta to belgrano. Was normal registered taxi. Ride was 41 pesos on meter, everything fine till got to destination. Pulled out and handed driver 50 peso bill, then my big mistake. Looked away for 3sec to dig out a 1-peso coin to make total 51 to get easy 10p change.

But driver had 5 peso bill in hand. Thought he was giving me wrong change at first but he then claimed I'd only paid him 5 pesos, not 50. Fucking switch trick. Can't believe fell for it again. So I told him fuck off I paid him 50 and I'm yelling for first cop I see. Told me fine get out and didn't escalate over 10p change he owed me and took as reminder xp to never look away when paying.

This is second time in 4 years of in-buenos areas living time since 2005 I've been ripped off this way. First learning xp was in night cab ride, short hop recoleta to cafe Madeleine. 17 peso ride. Made rookie mistake of handing over a 10, then looked down to count out a 5 and 2 peso bill. Cabbie dropped the 10 somewhere and told me I'd only paid 7 and owed him 10 more.

Always remembered since then to always have full fare in hand first before handing over total amount and saying verbally as well amount giving him. But forgot today to also never look away. Cheap lesson relatively but just hate these damn dishonest cabbies

09-28-12, 17:53
200 pesos to recoleta. No hassles. Nice driver from Chako! Mongering on all. Toymann

09-28-12, 21:27
200 pesos to recoleta. No hassles. Nice driver from Chako! Mongering on all. ToymannHi Toymann- Do you have contact information for VIP car? Do they go from Recoleta to EZE for the same price? Do you know what the rates are for AEP? I am using both airports going in and out of BA.

Thanks Mountaineer

09-29-12, 02:04
They have booth as you exit security at EZE on the left. If you like cabbie just get his number for return trip. Mongering on dude. Toymann

01-09-14, 22:32
I am going to arrive in BA Jan 22,2014 for my first visit. I have been given an estimate of 45 USD for a remise to take me & my wife from EZE to retiro (near theater colon). Is this reasonable? I think that it is too much. I am willing to pay if it is fair.

01-09-14, 23:01
I am going to arrive in BA Jan 22,2014 for my first visit. I have been given an estimate of 45 USD for a remise to take me & my wife from EZE to retiro (near theater colon). Is this reasonable? I think that it is too much. I am willing to pay if it is fair.I'm not sure about that price, but if you are going to the Retiro area take the Manuel Leon shuttle bus from the airport which leaves you in their depot about a block or block and a half from Retiro. They might even drop you where you want to go. I know they will stop at certain spots if asked.

01-10-14, 04:48
Was 275 pesos to Palermo this past October, as reported two posts ago, you don't need at reservation. At current blue rate, just over 25 bucks. On the left, just before you leave security areA, Bank Naciones on the right, just look left. Good luck. Toymann.

I am going to arrive in BA Jan 22,2014 for my first visit. I have been given an estimate of 45 USD for a remise to take me & my wife from EZE to retiro (near theater colon). Is this reasonable? I think that it is too much. I am willing to pay if it is fair.

Miami Bob
01-11-14, 19:49
brain fart

Miami Bob
01-11-14, 19:51

This a reliable car service with a large stand outside of where you leave customs. Taxi ezeiza will be a bit more than a street taxi, but is very reliable--no scams. No thieves..

VIP has a stand right outside the custom's door where there are a few booths--this is the area before you see taxi ezeiza. They will have a price simular the taxi ezeiza and also have a very good rreputation and have been well reviewed before.

If you want to highest level of service and a large comforable car for a number of people with luggage, then the english speaking staff at star limo is for you. They are reviewed below. Fred, the owner, is an active participant or at least was when this board was far more active than it is now. If you contact fred in advaqnce, he will even help with buying pesos at an excellent rate. Fred is a class act, but more $.

01-11-14, 19:57
[URL]Taxi ezeiza.....No thieves..

Meh, ymmv!
I once left a bag in one of their cars, got the controller to call the driver within 5 minutes of realizing it and he denied it was there. He'd obviously already opened it and found the camera and radio and decided he'd like to keep them.

Daddy Rulz
01-12-14, 04:14
Meh, ymmv!
I once left a bag in one of their cars, got the controller to call the driver within 5 minutes of realizing it and he denied it was there. He'd obviously already opened it and found the camera and radio and decided he'd like to keep them.I define honesty in an airport taxi as "They won't force you out of the car on the highway at gunpoint and drive off with your shit." Expecting the average driver to not think of your bag left in his car as an early Christmas present is not going to happen with anybody except Silver Star.

Not saying you're expectations are unrealistic in most of the world brother, but here? Having a driver return with your valuables is going to be the exception, never the rule.

01-12-14, 11:20
I define honesty in an airport taxi as "They won't force you out of the car on the highway at gunpoint and drive off with your shit." Expecting the average driver to not think of your bag left in his car as an early Christmas present is not going to happen with anybody except Silver Star.

Oh god yeah....I wasn't really expecting to get the bag back! Just pointing it out for those that don't understand the difference in the definition of 'honesty' in Argentina. ;-)

Member #3320
01-12-14, 16:37
Just pointing it out for those that don't understand the difference in the definition of 'honesty' in Argentina. ;-)Talking of "honesty" ?

Few months ago, my 20 year old nephew arrived from JFK to Manhattan and as he got out of the car after paying the cab driver. The cab driver ran away with all his luggage!

The Manhattan police refused to help despite being provided with the cab number. They just said, cab driver does not have your luggage.

Shit can happen anywhere / everywhere.

Lets not malign one country's name. Its about individuals.

01-12-14, 17:27
That sucks 3320, hope your nephew eventually got his luggage back. I assume he contacted the taxi company.

I am going to arrive in BA Jan 22,2014 for my first visit. I have been given an estimate of 45 USD for a remise to take me & my wife from EZE to retiro (near theater colon). Is this reasonable? I think that it is too much. I am willing to pay if it is fair.Going rate for official taxi from EZE is $46 USD, so your estimate is comparable.

Member #3320
01-13-14, 00:39
That sucks 3320, hope your nephew eventually got his luggage back. I assume he contacted the taxi company.

He and the the elders in the family contacted every one.taxi company, police etc...but no help.the poor boy lost his laptop, data, clothes, books, camera, money etc.and was really devastated.

01-13-14, 07:36
I define honesty in an airport taxi as "They won't force you out of the car on the highway at gunpoint and drive off with your shit." Expecting the average driver to not think of your bag left in his car as an early Christmas present is not going to happen with anybody except Silver Star.

Not saying you're expectations are unrealistic in most of the world brother, but here? Having a driver return with your valuables is going to be the exception, never the rule.This is from Member #3320.

Talking of "honesty" ?

Few months ago, my 20 year old nephew arrived from JFK to Manhattan and as he got out of the car after paying the cab driver. The cab driver ran away with all his luggage!

The Manhattan police refused to help despite being provided with the cab number. They just said, cab driver does not have your luggage.

Shit can happen anywhere / everywhere.

Lets not malign one country's name. Its about individuals.

01-13-14, 13:18
Lets not malign one country's name. Its about individuals.

Lets not malign one country's name. Its about individuals.

Well, I wasn't going to rise, but what the hell!

In 1963 the president of the US was shot and killed....that doesn't necessarily make the US the most dangerous place in the world to be a politician. Quoting one person's experience isn't a statistically viable way to suggest one place is as bad as another (although not as pathetic as re-quoting it, as if that's absolute proof.....ha, ha, ha!).

Just going by considerable personal experience over a period of 40+ years, I've lived in 5 different countries on 4 different continents and visited 50+ other countries for varying lengths of time and I'm confident in maligning THIS country's name when it comes to how likely you are to get robbed. There may well be worse places in the world, but I've yet to visit them. And a quick google for robbery statistics gives this result - http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rob-crime-robberies - of course, you can't believe ALL statistics eg. I don't believe Argentina's only the second worst country in the world, although never having spent any length of time in Chile I'll begrudgingly accept it.

You mention a nephew who got robbed a few months ago in Manhattan - for each one of your nephew and anybody else you know personally who's been robbed in the US, I promise you I can give you 10 examples of people getting robbed here, in a similar time-frame, that I know personally.

01-13-14, 13:31
I am going to arrive in BA Jan 22,2014 for my first visit. I have been given an estimate of 45 USD for a remise to take me & my wife from EZE to retiro (near theater colon). Is this reasonable? I think that it is too much. I am willing to pay if it is fair.

Going rate for official taxi from EZE is $46 USD, so your estimate is comparable.

Yep, if you're happy to pay in USD. If you can pay with pesos it's only going to cost you 270, which you can buy for 25 USD at the blue rate. Even if you change some USD at the official rate at the airport, the 270 pesos is only going to cost you 40 USD.

Whether you're that bothered about the differences at the start of your journey is a purely personal thing of course. :-)

01-13-14, 22:48
About exactly a year ago when I changed money at the airport it took about 40 minutes. And I don't think that's an exaggeration.


Yep, if you're happy to pay in USD. If you can pay with pesos it's only going to cost you 270, which you can buy for 25 USD at the blue rate. Even if you change some USD at the official rate at the airport, the 270 pesos is only going to cost you 40 USD.

Whether you're that bothered about the differences at the start of your journey is a purely personal thing of course. :-)

01-13-14, 23:01
About exactly a year ago when I changed money at the airport it took about 40 minutes. And I don't think that's an exaggeration.

Bob.It all depends on the line. Forty minutes might be quick some days! You could always pull a few pesos out at the ATM in the lobby. I never noticed a long line there.

Peter Sideburn
05-02-14, 01:05
From EZE to Buenos Aires rate still about 270 Pesos or has it gone up in last few months?



05-08-14, 10:54

This a reliable car service with a large stand outside of where you leave customs. Taxi ezeiza will be a bit more than a street taxi, but is very reliable--no scams. No thieves..

VIP has a stand right outside the custom's door where there are a few booths--this is the area before you see taxi ezeiza. They will have a price simular the taxi ezeiza and also have a very good rreputation and have been well reviewed before.

If you want to highest level of service and a large comforable car for a number of people with luggage, then the english speaking staff at star limo is for you. They are reviewed below. Fred, the owner, is an active participant or at least was when this board was far more active than it is now. If you contact fred in advaqnce, he will even help with buying pesos at an excellent rate. Fred is a class act, but more $.I agree. Service is good and always works.

Wild Walleye
05-19-14, 15:28
...the difference in the definition of 'honesty' in Argentina...This subject should probably have its own thread.

When in Argentina, one should always keep in mind that "fleecing the gringo" is in their DNA. It isn't that they 'want' to do it, they have to do it. Most of the corporate, upper-crusty folks that I know in Argentina try to discourage Americans from doing business in Argentina. It isn't that they don't want foreign investment, it is more that they don't want another gringo to get fleeced and go home and tell the world about it and perpetuate the stereotype (which is based upon some truisms).

05-19-14, 19:22
This subject should probably have its own thread.

When in Argentina, one should always keep in mind that "fleecing the gringo" is in their DNA. It isn't that they 'want' to do it, they have to do it. Most of the corporate, upper-crusty folks that I know in Argentina try to discourage Americans from doing business in Argentina. It isn't that they don't want foreign investment, it is more that they don't want another gringo to get fleeced and go home and tell the world about it and perpetuate the stereotype (which is based upon some truisms).Another point is when they fleece one of their own, the Argie will laugh and think Oh well they got over on me! But a Gringo when fleeced and when he is aware will tend to raise holy hell and if its a big enough item your talking lawyers, etc. Etc. Something most Argies would never do.

05-22-14, 16:11

I've been quoted by a cab (that I used before) 350 pesos for an EZE to Microcentro cab ride for June 12.

He told me the reason for this big increase is inflation, and Taxi Rate increase by 21% on June 1st.

Is he correct?

Good price? Or should I negotiate him down or take another one?

Don B
05-22-14, 16:18
This subject should probably have its own thread.

When in Argentina, one should always keep in mind that "fleecing the gringo" is in their DNA. It isn't that they 'want' to do it, they have to do it. Most of the corporate, upper-crusty folks that I know in Argentina try to discourage Americans from doing business in Argentina. It isn't that they don't want foreign investment, it is more that they don't want another gringo to get fleeced and go home and tell the world about it and perpetuate the stereotype (which is based upon some truisms).

I have two Argentine numismatic books in progress. It is too costly to print in the US and ship to Argentina, 20 USD per book.

I got a price from a publisher in Rosario, his price per book with a run of 200 was twice the price in the US. Further the US price was for on demand printing.
Another case of screw the gringo or are the publishers in Argentina that inefficient?

Don B.

05-22-14, 16:50

I've been quoted by a cab (that I used before) 350 pesos for an EZE to Microcentro cab ride for June 12.

He told me the reason for this big increase is inflation, and Taxi Rate increase by 21% on June 1st.

Is he correct?

Good price? Or should I negotiate him down or take another one?

Joe 23
05-22-14, 16:55
Another case of screw the gringo or are the publishers in Argentina that inefficient?

Don B.I have limited knowledge on printing costs here, but my assumption is "Both. Gringo pricing x Inefficiency.".

05-22-14, 18:18

I've been quoted by a cab (that I used before) 350 pesos for an EZE to Microcentro cab ride for June 12.

He told me the reason for this big increase is inflation, and Taxi Rate increase by 21% on June 1st.

Is he correct?

Good price? Or should I negotiate him down or take another one?Try the Manuel Leon (or something like that) bus, It will pick you up down town and go to the airport. Or go to one of their "stations" and get a non stop. I know they have one across the plaza from retiro. Last year they were only 55 pesos. Nice bus, air, heat, not too bad.

05-22-14, 18:20
I have limited knowledge on printing costs here, but my assumption is "Both. Gringo pricing x Inefficiency.".If you have ever bought a book that has been printed here you notice they are also using a lower quality paper and the pictures or photos are grainy. At least compared to books printed in the US or the UK. Plus they are quite expensive when considering what the average Argie earns.

05-23-14, 00:59
Try the Manuel Leon (or something like that) bus, It will pick you up down town and go to the airport. Or go to one of their "stations" and get a non stop. I know they have one across the plaza from retiro. Last year they were only 55 pesos. Nice bus, air, heat, not too bad.Well, I would like to know from locals. If that's true that there is a 21% Taxi rate increase...

Because it's going to affect any ride. Not only airports etc.

Easy Go
05-23-14, 01:56
If it has not happened yet, it appears to be happening soon. 15% rather than 21% quoted.


05-23-14, 10:10
A friend just arrived from the USA and was quoted $40.00 USD by the Taxis EZE desk at the airport. He did not have any pesos, so he did not ask for a peso quote. He took the Manuel Tienda Leon bus for $110.00 ARS on his credit card and a taxi from the bus terminal to his hotel for $10.00 USD. He got ripped off by the taxi because his hotel was close to the bus terminal, but it was still cheaper than Taxis EZE.


Big Boss Man
11-21-14, 12:44
If you are taking chicas out of clubs late at night, I found out it is easist to order the taxi directly rather than try to flag a taxi down on the street when you are sending the chica home or back to the club. It is safer and the chica will appreciate it. I have had an incident where a group of young people passed by and the group called my chica a puta. Sometimes there are drunken groups of young men wandering the streets. Ordering a taxi avoids all these unfortunate incidents and potential conflicts.


Big Boss Man
12-01-14, 09:55
I strongly recommend Silverstar limousine service.

El Perro
12-01-14, 10:19
I strongly recommend Silverstar limousine service.Not cheap but absolutely no drama or hiccups.

Silver Star
12-01-14, 16:36
I strongly recommend Silverstar limousine service.Thanks again to all of you who have taken advantage of our chauffered car services here, and the kind words. Makes all the hard work worth it when we get feedback like that.


01-30-17, 14:27
How well does uber work in Buenos Aires and other areas?

01-30-17, 14:51
How well does uber work in Buenos Aires and other areas?If anyone realizes that you are riding in an Uber driven vehicle it is very likely that your vehicle will be surrounded and every window will be destroyed and the driver may actually get Lynched right before your eyes .

That is about how bad It can get .

Uber is outlawed in Argentina and the Taxi drivers are extremely territorial but If you are lacking excitement in your life it may be worth a shot or bullet .


01-30-17, 15:01
I have been here for a month and only use Uber. I have never had any problems. They are half the price of a taxi. I probably take 6 a day or so and have never had problem . Two are three of them have asked me to ride in the front , but I'm happy to say my hundred plus rides have been great and average about 3 USD. I think it's the only way to travel. I respect TL as a friend and he knows a lot about this city but I disagree on this one . If you don't use Uber you will absolutely get ripped off. Most of the Uber drivers have other jobs and are interesting people to talk to.

01-30-17, 15:03
Also most people in Argentina don't use Uber because you have to have a foreign credit card. So it is basically just foreigners using it. I feel bad for the locals. I started coming years ago and the taxi drivers have a switch or something and a lot of time keep clicking it and raise the fair so it will be some crazy number. I used to just get out when I say that and say I'm not paying . Same thing happens in a lot of countries. The girls I know love it and ask me if I can send a Uber. The drivers are usually fairly intelligent and speak English. A lot have wantted to practice their English with me and we have even gone to get beers. I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem . I don't know if you can take it from EZE but you can from the other airport AEP. I have also taken it to EZE and AEP.

01-30-17, 19:11
Also most people in Argentina don't use Uber because you have to have a foreign credit card. So it is basically just foreigners using it. I feel bad for the locals. I started coming years ago and the taxi drivers have a switch or something and a lot of time keep clicking it and raise the fair so it will be some crazy number. I used to just get out when I say that and say I'm not paying . Same thing happens in a lot of countries. The girls I know love it and ask me if I can send a Uber. The drivers are usually fairly intelligent and speak English. A lot have wantted to practice their English with me and we have even gone to get beers. I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem . I don't know if you can take it from EZE but you can from the other airport AEP. I have also taken it to EZE and AEP.Argentine Judge just ordered Uber blocked but has not ordered the arrest of the companys´s management yet.

Latest news.


01-30-17, 23:26
A city judge ordered that Uber be blocked today. Prosecutors also requested that the executive be taken into custody . The judge refused to take them into custody and new at the time he issued his order that it was ineffective and would have to be heard by a higher court because he only has the ability to make local decisions and not national decisions. So the site is up and running and it will be a while before a higher court can make a decision to eliminate it for the entire country. The judge was just playing politics because if he really wanted it shut down he would have taken the executives in custody which he could have done since they are in the city. He is doing what politicians everywhere do. Pander to the poor while allowing corporations to continue making money.

02-04-17, 20:41
I have been here for a month and only use Uber. I have never had any problems. They are half the price of a taxi. I probably take 6 a day or so and have never had problem . Two are three of them have asked me to ride in the front , but I'm happy to say my hundred plus rides have been great and average about 3 USD. I think it's the only way to travel. I respect TL as a friend and he knows a lot about this city but I disagree on this one . If you don't use Uber you will absolutely get ripped off. Most of the Uber drivers have other jobs and are interesting people to talk to.I agree Uber was great there last month. Sorry to hear they are thinking of shutting them down. Cabs in town are okay but Uber is cheaper and Uber is a real bargain for rides to outlying zones and to Grand BA (200pesos got me a 25 minute ride on the highway from microcenter including tolls). Uber drivers seem a lot like Uber drivers in the states, just looking to make an living.

03-26-17, 13:25

But Uber driver or not those tits look familiar. Can anyone identify them? One of the independent girls here?

03-26-17, 13:28

But Uber driver or not those tits look familiar. Can anyone identify them? One of the independent girls here?It looks like Emerson to me.

03-28-17, 11:08
Regarding Uber: Uber is okay if you are with a certain zone,.e.g., Recoleta, Bario Norte or MicroCentro. If you are outside of these areas Uber will charge an extra fee 1.3 to 1.9 more. The fee mid-morning from San Telmo to EZE, a 35 minute drive, was double a taxi and from Belgrano to San Telmo 30-40% more regardless of time of day. However, if you are in any of the zones listed above and traveling within those zones Uber is cheaper than a taxi. Before you hit the request an Uber ride, check the estimated fare.

03-28-17, 11:19
Regarding Uber: Uber is okay if you are with a certain zone,.e.g., Recoleta, Bario Norte or MicroCentro. If you are outside of these areas Uber will charge an extra fee 1.3 to 1.9 more. The fee mid-morning from San Telmo to EZE, a 35 minute drive, was double a taxi and from Belgrano to San Telmo 30-40% more regardless of time of day. However, if you are in any of the zones listed above and traveling within those zones Uber is cheaper than a taxi. Before you hit the request an Uber ride, check the estimated fare.Thanks for that info. Paladin. Been quite a few years since I was in BA but will be visiting soon. Obviously Uber is paid via CC. Do Taxis generally accept payment by credit card?


03-29-17, 14:39
Do Taxis generally accept payment by credit card?That would be a no.

12-02-17, 04:43
Can I use Uber from EZE to Microcentro? I haven't been in BsAs for a few years, but I use Uber in the States all the time. Thanks.

12-06-17, 13:15
Can I use Uber from EZE to Microcentro? I haven't been in BsAs for a few years, but I use Uber in the States all the time. Thanks.There are no designated areas at the airports for Uber to pickup like you see at many airports in the US, Brazil, Australia, etc. You may still be able to arrange it if you can get to an area away from the taxis. I just looked at the app and was quoted 356 pesos from EZE to Microcentro. Taking an Uber back to the airport should be no problem.

12-06-17, 14:35
You could also take the Tienda León bus, which runs every half hour and costs 240 pesos.


12-06-17, 19:00
You could also take the Tienda Len bus, which runs every half hour and costs 240 pesos.

http://www.tiendaleon.com/resultados/busqueda/bus/This outfit gives good service. I have used them several times without any problems.

01-23-18, 23:36
Also most people in Argentina don't use Uber because you have to have a foreign credit card. So it is basically just foreigners using it. I feel bad for the locals. I started coming years ago and the taxi drivers have a switch or something and a lot of time keep clicking it and raise the fair so it will be some crazy number. I used to just get out when I say that and say I'm not paying . Same thing happens in a lot of countries. The girls I know love it and ask me if I can send a Uber. The drivers are usually fairly intelligent and speak English. A lot have wantted to practice their English with me and we have even gone to get beers. I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem . I don't know if you can take it from EZE but you can from the other airport AEP. I have also taken it to EZE and AEP.I took Uber about 30-40 times over the last two weeks. I did not come across a single driver that could speak English, so maybe there has been total turnover since you posted this a year ago. Most of the drivers were younger or middle-aged guys, and I always rode in the front seat. You definitely get to ride in nicer cars than the taxis and the prices seem to be better. A trip that might cost 200 pesos in a taxi may only be 120-140 pesos with Uber. Price varies with how many Uber cars are available near by.

Also, Argentines are able to use Uber without credit cards. A girl I was banging, showed me on her phone the Uber app, and she had the option of paying with "tarjeta" or "efectivo". Us foreigners do not have the "efectivo" option. I guess if they want to pay cash, they just pay the estimate that Uber comes up with. I noticed sometimes I'd get dropped by a driver or two on the app before getting picked up. I think some of the drivers actually prefer cash paying customers, since it supposedly takes around ten days for Uber to pay out trips paid by credit card. At least that is what one driver told me.

01-24-18, 02:55
Be very careful with Uber. The BA taxi drivers have a very strong union, and do not like Uber encroaching on their turf. Uber drivers have been attacked and beaten. I do not know if the passengers are left alone, or they just wait until an Uber driver is alone. The police are of no use. They just look the other way.
