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01-18-06, 16:38

I think a good thing for you to do is start making porn in argentina. Think about it.

No shortage of hot sex workers. I bet you can get girls on the program to perform for small amounts, unlike the thousands of dollars that hot sex workers in the usa expect.

Get a nice digital and make an amateur website. Couldn't be that hard.

Hope this helps.

01-18-06, 19:44
For once I agree with Marak, who is not the first to suggest an "adult" business based here. Another simple axiom of making money here is to have local peso costs but foreign USD/Euro revenues. And I would think the cheap, high-quality potential talent pool here is huge.

Think BangBros Argentina or something like that. I havent consistently watched porn for a while but I remember that several guys were doing things out of Brazil. I dont remember anything out of Argentina though.

Also, finding English speaking male performers to pork the hot babes cheaply on camera might be fairly easy...

01-18-06, 23:07
Must be a reason why no one (read: American) is making big bucks on porn here. Taxes, employee benefits, payoffs, mob guys, PFA, government regs, etc. I know someone is going to say do it "black market" but all you need is one employee to make a complaint about being fired or not getting a paid vacation and you are toast with authorities, or worse, the Gumba brothers. You are in a foreign country, if you do not play by the rules you can get burned. Plus if you are going to go digital, internet, etc, electronics here are double or triple USA. Did you know that customs expressley prohibits bringing pornograpy into the country?

Believe me folks only two types of Americans here making any money. Employees who are posted to BA by large Corporations and are paid in dollars (lucky bastards) and ballsy real estate types.

Make your money in USA, spend it in BA.

01-19-06, 01:31
Must be a reason why no one (read: American) is making big bucks on porn here. Taxes, employee benefits, payoffs, mob guys, PFA, government regs, etc. I know someone is going to say do it "black market" but all you need is one employee to make a complaint about being fired or not getting a paid vacation and you are toast with authorities, or worse, the Gumba brothers. You are in a foreign country, if you do not play by the rules you can get burned. Plus if you are going to go digital, internet, etc, electronics here are double or triple USA. Did you know that customs expressley prohibits bringing pornograpy into the country?

Believe me folks only two types of Americans here making any money. Employees who are posted to BA by large Corporations and are paid in dollars (lucky bastards) and ballsy real estate types.

Make your money in USA, spend it in BA.Thomaso, I really know nothing about porn so I really have nothing to base my statements on, but why do you think it can be done in Rio and not in BsAs?


Also, I'd imagine you'd have some problems with mafia types if you start going into boliches and asking the girls to come work for you. But, most internet girls are independent. Say you approach some of these independents and say, we can set up a website for you and we split the profits. Or are all the people running internet escort sites associated with the mafia in Argentina? But this person would take care of all the technical details of the site, marketing, etc, and the girl just had to participate in the photo or video shoots. If she's making money off it, I don't see why she has any reason to go after you.

In fact I think most of the working girl class are mostly oblivious to the opportunity that the internet presents them. They are not exactly educated people. Last time in Medahos a girl was asking me to help her get on the internet because she hated staying up all night. Little do they know that they can make shitloads of cash selling videos and pics to horney losers in the USA.

As far as the electronics go, all you need is a couple video cameras to get started. I doubt it would be a good idea to start setting up a studio with professional lighting, accountants, lawyers, secretaries, etc. I'm talking low budget, maybe like 2 people with cameras, and the girl and a guy, perhaps some lighting. That's it.

Also, do you know for certain that any American porn people are even interested in doing business in Argentina? I've sampled a lot of porn in my time, and I really have seen hardly anything imported whatsoever from anywhere. Are you telling me that no other country in the world is conducive to producing porn? Obviously the large porn companies in the USA can afford the top talent. But are those middle range companies even ambitious enough to be doing business globally especially within south america?

Anyway you may be totally right. But my thought is, say you found 6 or 7 girls to do videos for you, and made a site that pulls in a couple thousand bucks per month stateside. Do you really think it's worth the governments time to come after you for that? Or for mafia people with nothing more than loose connections to some of these girls to waste their time with you? Unless you start doing serious business there, I doubt you'd even pop up on the radar. Any thoughts?

01-19-06, 01:47
I have no ambition to be in the porn busniess in any shape or form. But I have wondered about why hardly any US porn made in Argentina given the number of available providers. I watch porn on occasions.;) Outside the US, most American porn companies go on locations to Eastern Europe such as Czech Republic, Russia, and Hungary; and to Brazil as Moore has mentioned. I have never seen US porn made in Argentina.
Did you know that customs expressley prohibits bringing pornograpy into the country?If that is true, how about exporting porn from Argentina to be distributed in the US? Then again it might not be a good thing for us. Once the words are out about Argentina as a wonderful monger destination, I'm sure prices would significantly go up as demand increases. It has already happened to some of the Eastern European countries.

01-19-06, 03:20
Contrary to popular belief here, there is porn produced and exported from Argentina.

01-19-06, 03:31
I believe that most Americans thinking about foreign sex desinations full of sexy, cheap babes think of EEurope and Brazil. Some think of Thailand, but thats not my cup of tea. I don't think that many people know about the chica/sex situation down here - I know I didnt. Its like a well-kept secret in a faraway place.

I believe the key would be having a simple but appealing marketing spin on your Argentine videos for sale on the US/Intl market. Lots of guys like Ed Powers, Max Hardcore, Buttman did very well with their EEurope/Brazil videos. I rented some of them because I generally prefer such girls to Americans and also because watching these videos had somewhat of an interesting travel factor in addition to the sex. Like a twoferone, vicarious, sextravel video for a former loser like me watching a porno in his sex prison apartment.

As Marak infers, you wouldnt be hiring these girls, only paying them for a 2 hour session, so no labor/regulatory issues there. 50% of the employees in Argentina are "in black" anyway - eg not registered, no benefits, no taxes, no social contributions, etc. Often, doing things "by the book" here is a great way to attract unwanted attention and cause yourself a big hassle. Cash, cash, cash. Even if you did get sued/claimed for something, all youd have to do is leave the country before year 2050 when the claim finally reaches a judge.

The mafia has been mentioned but I don't think there is any significant mafia presence here (except Koreans/Chinese but apparently they mainly stick to thier enclaves extorting from local shopowners, etc). If there were some kind of police issue, it would most likely be simply due to their wanting some pocket cash, and they are generally very cheap. I don't see an issue though - not so much difference between regular P4P and filming the P4P and Ive yet to run into local P4P problems with the Sicilians, Syrians, Mossad, KGB, Federal Police or any other potential strongarm characters.

Contracting girls might be simple. You could place any simple ad in the paper offering some basic work and have a line 2 blocks long of your target market begging for an interview. Ive seen this many times. You can be very specific here in your ad as to what you want (age, sex, physical decription, pictures mandatory, etc). Thats actually the norm here. I would bet youd get a fair % of takers to make 500 pesos, or less, for 2-3 hours "work". Ive met girls here who got started as whoares by answering a "general" ad. Of course you could also make contacts in boliches, clubs, etc. I remember a famous porn director once saying "the easiest way to separate a girl from her clothes is with a camera". I even experienced this phenomenon once in MardelPlata when I met a girl on the beach there, bought a disposable camera, and porked her 2 hours & 1 pizza later based on what I believe to be my playing on this dunce's potential "modeling" career.

All the revenues would be going to your US company/server so no need to even worry about tax issues here. Unless the local cost base became large and transparent, then maybe you'd have to show a small amount of local revenues just to cover cost and show a little profit for the tax authorities. As Marak says, even if you had to buy equipment locally, it would be cheap as hell.

PS Hunt99 although I havent viewed it, I do remember reading about some people exporting porn out of Cordoba. But I think that the export activity level is quite low. I have not been a regular porn consumer since moving here so I may be wrong.

01-19-06, 06:08
Very few membership sites on the internet produce their own porn. As a webmaster, you can rent content a lot cheaper than you can produce it, and with no hassles from on screen talent, production technicians or law enforcement.

In the mid to late 90's, I had a few sites up. I was able to rent all the films, pictures, commission links to live shows, etc for a lot less than I could produce even a short film. Monthly rates were based upon usage, but for $500 a month you could provide more movies than all of your customers could possibly watch and they changed movies every few days.

Most of the content providers, at that time, were located in Canada. Many of the larger ones were run by Russians and other Eastern Euro types.

Promoting adult websites takes up a lot of time. It would be difficult to provide your own content and definitely way to costly.

Making movies is easy. Getting them distributed is not. Retailers do not want to buy from 100 different studios. Most will try to deal only with 2 or 3 different distributers.

It might be fun to try casting, directing, and starring in your own movies, but this is not a get rich quick scheme.

There is a retail / wholesale outlet on Corrientes around the 2200 block or so. I may be off on the number by a few blocks, but you should be able to find it. They carry a large selection, including most of what is produced locally. A good part of the inventory is from Brazil. If you go way in the back of the store where the private offices are, you can see a lot of equipment used for pressing dvds and copying vcr tapes. When I was there, they were making copies of dvds of films from Brazil and some poor employee who probably told all his friends that he worked in the foreign porn industry was applying the labels on the dvd packages by hand, before the other guy put the shrink wrap on it. I didnt want to ask too many questions, but the employees seemed friendly enough.

Hi Seismo,

I believe you are reffering to the Buttman store at Corrientes 2021, and to follow up on Hunt99's comment, they have an entire section of domestically produced Argentina porn.



01-19-06, 17:14
Contrary to popular belief here, there is porn produced and exported from Argentina.

You are right. Most of the stuff made here is intended for the local or latin-american markets. Here is a partial list (excluding the most recent titles) of the most prolific local porn film director, Victor Maitland:


Many well-known internet escorts appeared in these and other films: Romina Row, Lorena Frey, Andreita (Platynum) among others, and Aby (Platynum) in foreign films:

Aby (Platynum)


Laiza (ex Gemidos):


Gabriela ( ex Platynum) = Lara (ex Gemidos)


There are a few known escorts here:


For example:



This search engine has many links involving local escorts:



PS: eMule links to a couple of complete movies:

Secuestro Exxxpress

El ultimo suspiro

01-19-06, 18:22
Very Nice report Guiller --- Thank You.


01-29-06, 11:52

These are a couple of porn-related links of Romina Row ("Supercasting","5 sentidos", etc):


Argentinaprivate's own gallery:



01-29-06, 14:16
Thank's to You Guiller,

I myself have become kind of a Connoisseur of fine Porn over the years.

A lot of guy's take up Golf or Fishing as a hobby. I've sorta developed a hobby of my own.

Its down loading Good Porn and "Jacking Off " too it. Now thanks to you I've got some new material.


07-11-06, 04:21
Personally I think the best reason to produce porn in BA is the prices,

That is the only reason, aside from the fact that I believe there is alot of fine tail here.

Porn IS expensive to produce, and very hard to market, the internet porn paysite business is very complicated indeed.

First you NEED to have your legal issues in order, unless you want to have an offshore LLC, but even then its always best to have your ass covered in the US since that is where most of your content will end up being viewed. You will need to consult an Adult Ent. Lawyer (First Amendment Lawyer)

Heres a good link to a good one:


This second link is regarding the 2257 Law


You will need to have all your 18 U.S.C 2257 paperwork in order and have
a certified record keeper (in the U.S most likely ),that can provide legal paperwork on all your ladies in a moments notice to the local authorities.
You will need to collect 2 forms of valid I.D's from the models BEFORE you even talk to them, They will need STD testing,They will need to sign a model release and consent form, so they can't sue you later on once you've made tons of money off their ass LITERALLY. A good way to cover your ass is as follows,

Film the girls holding two forms of picture I.D next to their face ask them three questions:

First: how old are you?

Second: are you under the influence of alcohol or drugs and are you here of your own free will?

Third: are you here to film porn?

If she answers no to any of those questions, show her the door, if she answers yes, start fiming.

This might sound funny, but many do it and it covers your ass, which is the most important.

Once you have all your initial content you can either build the website yourself or hire a company to do it for you, depending on your HTML and JAVA skills, try it yourself, but remember come horny websurfer isn't going to wip out his credit card on a site that looks like a 19 y/o built . Here is a link to a very big and well respected web design company and their prices


P.S you can also take advantage of the fact that you are in BA and have a local design it for alot less, just make sure it is done right. It is after all your showroom so it has too look good.

Next You need a hosting company, A billing company like CCBill, and you will probably have to hire a good adult webmaster.

After all this and your initial website is up and running with all your initial content, you will have to advertise it. Submitting your website to search engines won't do much good since there are allready thousands of websites or maybe hundreds of thousands of websites. The best method and most effective way to advertise your website will be through TGP traffic. as in thumbnail gallery posts ( you know ,the places you google to get free porn) the bigger ones are



And many more, and ad placement on these sites and similair sites will run you from a couple hundred dollars a month to thousands of dollars a day, depending on the quality and quantity of traffic.

That said you can also use your own affiliate program and basically do a profit sharing with independent webmasters that will put their own money up and advertise your website, you then must either pay them a flat sign up fee for every new member they bring you or profit share a percentage of the new members monthly rebill revenue. Now you don't need an affiliate program and that will also cost you more money but it can make you alot more money

Here are two links the first from GTS they are brokers of top gallery and banner placement on the biggest websites, and the second link is an example of an affiliate program



All in all the internet adult industry has changed dramatically and the rules and laws of the 90's just don't apply anymore, back then you COULD make boat loads of cash for very little, now their is alot of competition, and though you can still make boat loads of cash, It takes alot more time and initial investment.

I would put the figure at about 40k-50k for one top of the line website, But remember you can make anywhere from 5k-50k a month from a properly done, successful website. So taking advantage of the prices in BA can reduce those costs to maybe 15k-20k, Its a good business but it weeds out those who are just trying to make a quick buck, those days are gone.

Two final notes about content,.

First I have heard people talking about Max Hardcore type content, please do yourself a favor and stay away from that type of content, It is the first to get looked at when the attorney General is out to make an example, and the money you make won't cover your legal bills and might even produce jail time, not a good way to go if you are trying to stay UNDER the radar, violence, scat, peeing, animals stuff are illegal in almost every country and state. There are plenty of good niches out there the three most popular and most competitive are hardcore, legal teens, and group sex, but there is also (anal, cumshots, lesbian, big titts, latinas, ass, tons of good niches that are under represented and therefore can make you tons of money if done right.

Second, its the best idea to do your own content, just because in BA it is soo cheap. And you can buy licenesed content, but just think how many other people have bought the same content, you won't make any money pushing sites like that, or very little, if any. Exclusive original content is where the money is, and with BA prices why not, its dirt cheap.

US prducers go to Czech republic to film, Czech producers go to Romania, why? Prices. US models want 800 US and up to start, Euro models want 500 EU to start, So why film in BA, for the same reason listed above. Producers migrate where there is the cheapest hot babes to film.

Of course producers like Private or Vivid could give a rats ass about prices, Private is the biggest Adult Ent company in the world publically traded on the stock market whose former father and son owners are swiss billionaires:D.

But for the small budget conscious producers just starting out BA is a good idea, with many possible niches from anal, latina, ass, to big tits and lesbian stuff.

Hope this was helpful, and I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from doing what they want, just make sure you research it well, because Adult is the one business in the world that is recession proof.

Even if you can't pay your car note you will still find a way to pay for pussy, either at the local "Privado" or online. And when money is low more people choose the internet. At the same time it is a highly competative industry, so you have to do it the right way.

About organized crime, you will have to deal with it anywhere you go,

Prague is notorious for Czech, Russian, and Ukrainian mafia, but everyone still goes there, Why? Because it doesn't matter, If the local mafia wants a piece of the action, shit, they better start bringing you A Class Hoes,

That is how it works in Prague. Mafia usually owns the agencies, just like they probably own half the agencies you guys frequent in BA. Does that stop anyone? No, why? Because the name of the game is $$$ and Pussy, supply and demand, you want pussy they want money, they supply the pussy you supply the Pesos, everyone is happy:D.

A very good business and alot cheaper than Real Estate, as far as start up capital, but you have to treat it just as serious. It is a business, don't forget to treat it as such.

Happy Hoe Hunting.


07-11-06, 14:51
After all this and your initial website is up and running with all your initial content, you will have to advertise it. Submitting your website to search engines won't do much good since there are allready thousands of websites or maybe hundreds of thousands of websites. The best method and most effective way to advertise your website will be through TGP traffic. As in thumbnail gallery posts (you know, the places you google to get free porn) the bigger ones are.

That said you can also use your own affiliate program and basically do a profit sharing with independent webmasters that will put their own money up and advertise your website, you then must either pay them a flat sign up fee for every new member they bring you or profit share a percentage of the new members monthly rebill revenue. Now you don't need an affiliate program and that will also cost you more money but it can make you alot more moneyExcellent Post Badboy!

You seem to have intimate knowledge on the adult industry, do you work in this area as well? This is my area of work, I was thinking of doing Porn Production when I get down to BA just for shit and giggle. As it will give me something to do. When I am there.

I make my living off the web myself, I mainly sell traffic to affiliates and PPC agregators. One thing you over looked is this, While most good domain names are registered and taken by guys like me, it is best to to try and acquire the right domain for your niche, by having the right domain name in the dot com extension, you are buying permanent market share in customers for life, and the need to rely on SE traffic or TGP traffic is not really needed, but most people over look this little known area. Some companies will spend hundreds of Thousands of dollars a year to get targeted traffic to there site, when they could use that same money to buy the right generic domain name for there product or service, with out the need to have to spend that advertising dollars for the life of there site.

Take for example my friends site men.com, Kevin Leto paid 1.2 million for this name, before he aquired it, it was a parked page refering the traffic to various adult sponsors earning the owner good continual revenue, and recieved 2k uniques a day by way of Type in traffic (direct Navigation) to those of you not familair with type in traffic, it is when a surfer types in the product or service he / she is looking for directly into the address browser bar, and appends it with dot com, because it is the standard by which everyone knows, thanks to every avenue of media promoting it for the past 22 years.

Many people said he over paid for the name, but when you look at the ROI and the built in traffic, the site has grown from 2k uniques a day to 10-12k uniques a day, and generates 1800$ a day in revenue, so kevin has made his money back in less than 2 years time. And is a one man show, no big corporation behind it with 10 develpers running the site. But when you factor in the numbers and the ROI, the 1.2 mill he paid is a bargain, having the right domain name is crucial to the life of your business these days on the internet with out the need to advertise or rely on affiliates, inbound links, SEO, or TGP to gain traffic, Just an example.

So if anyone is going to get into the Adult Biz, or even production, they should consider ponying up 50k or more to acquire the correct domian, so they have instant success and cash flow coming in. With out the need to advertise.

07-11-06, 15:51
Read your post, and yes you are right, that is something I totally forgot, well there are a few things I didn't really get into because the post could have easily been twice as long.

You are basically talking about branding, and yeah you do need a good domain name. but I was mainly talking to the less afluent crowd who might not have 50k just for a name. I was trying to go the more cost effective route.

But you are completetly right, if you have a great domain name, that will save you tons of money in the long run and make you more money faster. But as you said, some web domains go for millions, and even though I think they are important, pussy.com= $10 million, hehe I think I'll pass, not on the pussy, but on the name:D.

But if someone has the money to invest, it's the best way to go.

Thanks for your imput man, we'll turn some of these BA mongers into porn kings yet;)

I see you know something of the adult industry, Maybe we can compare notes sometime.

The Bad One

07-11-06, 17:14
Very nice post below Bad Boy.

I have an Amigo in L. A. who's been in the Industry for 20 years or more and your very good about the cost of talent there.

The big name stars a Tera Patrick, Jill Kelly or a Silvia Saint will comand much more money, $2,500 per scene or more. But the real big money of a lot of them is on the road dancing, plus flipping a few tricks.

Years back my buddy took me to the AVN show in Las Vegas and I got to meet a bunch of the big stars. Nina Hartly for one, she quite a woman. The real treat of the show for me was getting to meet Asia Carrera.

Asia, now retired, hushand was just killed in a auto accident and it's quite tragic. Its tragic and heart renching but scroll down and read the entire thread and You find that Porn Star, Mega Stars are real people just like the rest of us. --- http://www.asiacarrera.com/bulletin.html --


07-11-06, 17:54
I see you know something of the adult industry, Maybe we can compare notes sometime.

The Bad OneThe Adult industry is what got me started making good money, but with all the legal changes and congress and bullshit laws, CC scrubing, its too much work, so I have moved over to main stream domains, but still have quite a good collection of adult domains, that crank out the dollars just sitting there parked, about 2000 plus, cranking out 150k uniques a day all from type in traffic, maybe about 4% of that comes from SE's.

I am still considered a small timer compared to some of my freinds who have portfolios of 200-500k domains, that produce about 1% of google and Yahoo's total ad revenue. Your thinking 1% aint shit? Think agian, were talking 35-50 mill a year these guys are making.

But yes, when I get down that way, I would love to compare notes and shoot the shit with you. I sent you a PM. But its nice to meet a fellow monger who understands this industry.

07-11-06, 17:59
The big name stars a Tera Patrick, Jill Kelly or a Silvia Saint will comand much more money, $2,500 per scene or more. But the real big money of a lot of them is on the road dancing, plus flipping a few tricks.

ExonSome girls command up to 20k a day flipping tricks, and there are stupid rich men who are willing to pay them this! I think 20k can supply all of us with pussy each week for a year. There ain't no girl worth that kinda money. I don't care if the girls pussy can rotate and spin at 500 rpm with sparks flying out her ass, aint nothing worth that money.


02-15-07, 00:43
Great ideas, I'm sure that BsAs will provide an excellent location for a small budget film for my college film class.

08-02-07, 14:49
Looks like there are several production companies that has discovered the low costs of Argentina now and comes down to shoot porn.

There are lots of sites that maily consist of argentinian chicks, some are:


In these 2 last ones you can see a lot of scenery of Buenos Aires. Probably a lot of you will see some familiar faces. 2 of my favourits, Carola from BG, and Maria Pia from gemidos are both in fuckmyjeans.com

Other local porn celebs like Romina Ryan and Deborah Pratt are retired from the mongering business. Sad, would have loved to spend some time with Romina Ryan, here's a link to one of her videos.


German Azis
08-02-07, 16:37

Anyone interested into producing home porno videos?



09-23-07, 23:29
Anybody know if the porn industry in Argentina have AIM-type testing requirements for actors? Most porn from Argentina I have seen have been with condoms, but there have been others without condoms. So, if there are actors having sex without condoms they must have some sort of system to prevent diseases.

About getting talent, does one go through talent agencies? Are there any reputable porn talent agencies in Argentina? Or is it pretty much find your own?


09-24-07, 00:56
I once had a meeting with the owner of Argentina Triplex and he had told me that only the men are tested.

09-28-07, 19:35
Greetings fellow mongers!

I met a guy from Austin, Texas down here a while back and he came here specifically to film porn in BA.

I helped him procure quite a few girls and he ended up with about 52 hours of video. We payed about 500 pesos per hour and some of the girls are girls that we all know. BIBLICLY!

You just have to ask and obtain a models release for the hell of it!

Most girls will not do it but a lot of them surely don't mind!

It's like a keepsake. Tell them it's for your personal collection. Who cares?

He will be back in October for some more video work.

Anybody want to make movies?

Take it easy and often!

Tejano Libre

11-06-07, 16:46
Or should I say.

I have a friend who has a domain / site he would like to develop.

I heard this friend of mine is in Argentina right now.

Anyway, anyone here know anyone who could help "my friend" start working on his domain / site?

Sorry for this being my first post here and looking like I am soliciting, but it is for a good "friend" of mine.

Oh yeah the domain name is Sploogle. Com right now I think my "friend" just has a redirect to Flirt.com for all those sorry sacks back in the good ole USA.

Look for my second post in the special requests section! It has something to do with a chick licking my violin while I play her feet. Or something.

Anyway, I. Oops my friend is in town for a couple more weeks and wouldn't mind hanging out with some people that know the lay of the land.

I will probably check out Puerto M and the local coffee shops inthe next hour or so.



01-21-08, 16:22
And would like to hook up with anyone in the local community who can help or has experience shooting in BsAs. I run www.tenbroadcasting.com and distribute HUSTLER TV, RED LIGHT DISTRICT TV and now PENTHOUSE TV. I am meeting with a couple of people and setting up shop in BsAs but I am hoping to meet more people and get more going as we have an insatiable need for professionally produced adult. I used to shoot here over ten years ago for the EXXXTASY channel. Anyone remember that?:) Anyone interested should PM me and of course I am looking for local internet types as well. I have a lot of content to "share" professionally.

Ms Clive
01-22-08, 06:47
Greetings fellow mongers!

I met a guy from Austin, Texas down here a while back and he came here specifically to film porn in BA.

I helped him procure quite a few girls and he ended up with about 52 hours of video. We payed about 500 pesos per hour and some of the girls are girls that we all know. BIBLICLY!

You just have to ask and obtain a models release for the hell of it!

Most girls will not do it but a lot of them surely don't mind!

It's like a keepsake. Tell them it's for your personal collection. Who cares?

He will be back in October for some more video work.

Anybody want to make movies?

Take it easy and often!

Tejano LibreDude is this guy from Austin texas a fat, hairy East-Indian guy? In either case I want to share a story about this bastard.

This guy I know was doing his PhD in Physics at University of Texas at Austin (I won't name names to preserve his privacy) But he was an East Indian version of Fat Bastard from Austin powers. Now he was a brilliant mathematician and was widely regarded as a scholar. But as often happens in advanced math / physics programs he was not able to execute great research worthy of a PhD. So after 8 years of being stuck in the program he decided to try other things on campus.

For those of you who have been to Texas Austin you would find that the women in Texas are large breasted and given to drinking. In fact Austin texas has some of the largest frat-based sex orgies in the USA involving 20-30 girls and 30-40 guys. So he decided to recruit the best teenagers on campus for his porn movie business. He would hook up with guys and find gorgeous girls who would fuck for a 12 pack of beer. He would personally conduct his auditions. And believe me he sweaty and hairy: grosser than Ron Jeremy.

For any of his personal parties he could arrange his fav starlets and yes he was a Hugh Hefner on campus. What amazes me is that he does not have an ounce of social skills and cannot carry a conversation for more than 30 minutes without getting into a physical fight.

Not being a porn aficionado then, I never had the benefit of viewing his movies but I have personally seen him with smoking hot blondes. He loved screwing them wildly and the girls would often scream his name. Much to the jealousy of other simple-minded students. I have heard him from next door along with my GF listening to their 24x7 sex romps.

He would never wear a condom. The bastard and the women need to watch out: lots of STDs on UT Austin campus.

His example tells me that you need not be rich, good looking or smooth to screw hot girls. But then he is unique and for the rest of us there is still hope or ISG.

04-21-08, 23:08
Anyone knowing extra chicas and chicos willing to do hardcore please let me know. Paying cash of course:) chicas especially wanted.

A bit of english is appreciated:)

Master J
09-22-08, 22:21
I am not sure of this is where to post but I got a lead on one of the girls from this who I have seen in a movie clip on Baires. She contacted me and the fare sems to be $450 + taxi 70. So for under $200 I think I am getting someone who must know what they are doing or hopefully will be a little libre. Heck for two hours I can shoot a full length movies.

Condisering most of the action has been around $200 am I not getting a verified porn star for around a little more than twice?

Seems good to me. Any thought?


01-17-09, 21:34
Looking to hook up with any new producers working in Argentina or to schedule shoots this winter.


09-29-09, 14:05
Anyone know of Argentine (or other South American country) talent websites such as sexyjobs. Com

09-29-09, 22:33
lindapop.com - ask Juan Car below.

Castlecali.com - Juan Car.

Medillenvip.com - Albert.

Tell them Zon sent you. Primarily out of Colombia but they do travel, and distribution contacts are as important and production.

10-01-09, 20:30
Thanks, but these seem like only escort site. I'm sure a lot will do video, but any porn dedicated site. Yes distribution is a problem for me because I like to stay behind the camera. I was hoping to produce some short stuff on my own dime to get some financial backing.

lindapop. Com - ask Juan Car below.

Castlecali. Com - Juan Car.

Medillenvip. Com - Albert.

Tell them Zon sent you. Primarily out of Colombia but they do travel, and distribution contacts are as important and production.

10-01-09, 20:42
"but these seem like only escort site." A rose by any other name is still a rose.

PM me if you have content and are serious, perhaps I can help muchos

10-02-09, 20:55
Anyone know of Argentine (or other South American country) talent websites such as sexyjobs. ComI have a few contacts for production in BA.