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View Full Version : Mailing postcards and letters

05-16-06, 18:31
Searched on sending postcards and other small letter type mail and didn't find anything so hopefully someone can steer me the right way.

How and where do you a) buy stamps, be) send a postcard back to the United States while in BA?

Only time I've done that was first week here while staying at the Alvear and they took care of mailing my postcards for me. I suppose I could walk back over there, but might as well learn the real way.

I don't recall seeing any post office type places while walking around town, or mailboxes out on the streets to stick letters into.

05-16-06, 18:36
Go to any Correo Argentino office, theyre all over the place. One is on Callao near Las Heras. Never bought a stamp, you pay them and they will mark / send for you. Prices are reasonable.

05-17-06, 14:16
Turns out I have a Correo Argentino near me but never knew it as it's inside a kiosco.

For anyone near the Recoleta Village area, the kiosco with Correo Argentino office plus FedEx location inside is on Quintana, near the corner of Quintana and Ayacucho. It's right next door to the cambio place a couple buildings down from La Biela cafe on corner of Pte. M. Ortiz and Quintana.

Cost for a postcard back to the United States was 4p each.

07-26-06, 16:26
Sure wish I had consulted the board before agreeing to send some postcards overseas.

4p to send a 2p postcard is ridiculous - about double the world average for overseas postage of a postcard.

We hear so much talk about the "crisis / devaluation", anyone know what the postage rate was prior to devaluation? Just considering 100% inflation since Jan. 2002 - that would be roughly $2 USD for sending a card, under the old terms.

I say no to "Correo Argentino"!