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View Full Version : Older men dating younger Argentinians women

06-07-06, 22:37
Hey Boys.

This isn't so much a pro question, (even though I plan to test the pros when I get there) but since some of you are expats or have been there many times I thought you might know the answer. I'm 58 yr old gringo willing to try my luck with some Argentina chicas. I'm not bad looking (Have a bit of a belly though) I make a fairly decent living so I can live in Argentina without a problem. My espanol is just about average, although I do make the occasional mistake. I'm retiring next year at 59 and I am looking for a country to spend possibly the rest of my days with some young non-pro (At least 23 yrs old no less, I like them young) chica. I realise it may be hard to pull off. I mean It was easy when I was in countries like Colombia to date very young women since they where were dying to leave their country, but Argentina is a different animal, its a lot more european the latin and they don't need gringos that bad. I realise that its hard since every woman is different but generally speaking is it possible to a man my age could pull off dating a younger woman? And if yes how good are the odds?

El Perro
06-07-06, 22:49
Just get a young pro you like and "turn her". You'll probably spend more money on a "non pro", and have to do a bunch of shit she likes to do that you don't. If you're worried about her fucking around on you, you can tie her up and put her in a closet with a video of Maradona highlights and some mate'.

06-08-06, 00:01
The odds are slim to none. Girls here are not dying to date old gringos. They like living in Argentina. Pros are a different story, some are looking to get out. You said yourself other countries are better for what you want.

Overall most guys have bad luck in this area. Especially without Spanish skills because after about 30 minutes you might run out of words!

Rock Harders
06-08-06, 00:13

I tend to agree with Doggboy on this matter, you are much better off finding a certified professional that you like and make her your full time live in girlfriend if that is what you are looking for. I am a young guy living in Buenos Aires full time now, and I spend 99% of my energies chamuying and fucking non pro chicas, and it takes alot of work sometimes. I work at night in a bar so I get daily opportunities to pickup young regular girls, and one of the things I always notice is that they all ask the same "filter" questions. Every single girl asks me "What are you doing in Buenos Aires", "Why did you come to Buenos Aires", "How long are you staying here", "Are you really living in Buenos Aires", "Where do you live in the city". My analysis tells me that they ask these sorts of questions because they all try to figure out whether you are boyfriend material or not. The rule is (of course there are rare exceptions to the rule) that Argentinean women in general do not like short term or one night stands, they want to fuck guys they know to some degree and that they feel will be around in the future to make a possible relationship. As I work in a bar, I meet lots of travellers, and they all tell me that although Argentinean women are the most beautiful they have seen in South America, they are almost impossible to fuck if you are just a tourist or traveller, and this is not the case in places like Brasil, Colombia, or Bolivia. However, when you tell the Argentinean women the answers to these "filter" questions that they want to hear, they open up and are there for the taking.


Dirk Diggler

06-08-06, 00:47
I disagree. I think Argentinean women are quite open to one night stands as I have had several. I further believe that the age difference is less relevant here than in say the US, and I have heard several Argentinean women say they prefer to date older men. However, I think is more along the lines of a 12-15 year age difference and nothing more.

Mostly I monger but I've also had some of the fastest, easiest civilian conquests here that I've ever experienced. I'm 49 and have enjoyed some nice professional women in the 34-38 range. And after I fuck them once, I never call them again.

I do agree it is a good idea to pretend you live here even if you don't, or to say that you are here on a long-term business assignment.

Easy Go
06-08-06, 02:13
If you move to Argentina, speak Spanish, and have money, anything is possible. There is always a demand for sugar daddies and 58 year-old guys have 23 year-old girlfriends in every city in the world. But it's going to cost you.

I'd recommend trying to find a semi-pro. Look near the end of the month for new faces in places like Ecedra or New Port. I've met a few at the Mansion as well. A lot of these girls are going to already have boyfriends (or even husbands) but have already shown a certain flexibility in outlook that you need.

06-08-06, 06:31
I am trying to find a place to retire to. I am not looking for 1 night stands. I am looking more for the LT thing.

El Aleman
06-08-06, 07:42

If you are looking for a place to retire, you might want to take a lot more into consideration than just the availability of young women. And Buenos Aires has a lot to offer.

And, face it: Any relation is a give and take situation. Ask what you have to give. It is not what most 20 something women are basically looking for: husband and father-of-her-kids material. What the ladies in Colombia or similar places see in you, is ticket-to-a-green-card material. And people in Argentina don't have that big urge to live in the U. S. The standard of living in their own country is just too good.

This does not mean your opportunities are zero. The advise of going for pro's or semipro's makes sense. They are beyond the "I would not even think about getting involved with an old guy" point, and if you treat them nice, i. e. better than 99% of the people they meet during their work, they might very well come to the conclusion that being your steady girlfriend is a far better life than hanging around in the boliche every day. They might still do that occasionally, just for the thrill of it. But be prepared to get a lot of shit on the way, disfunct families, kids, all kinds of bills, etc.

Best advice: come and look. Take a long vacation, maybe 4 weeks, rent an apartment and just get a first impression how you like Bs. As. All aspects of it. Do some pro's, see how you get along with them. Meet some of the expats living in Bs. As. Talk to them, hear their experiences. You will get much more info in person than peaople are willing to post on a board. Then, if you like it, come again, after your retirement, maybe for 6 months or so, without destroying all bridges to what was "home". After that you should be in a position to decide.

El Alemán

06-08-06, 10:17
LL, all I have to say is that if you're looking for a girlfriend, and not just a one-night-stand, you are on the wrong website looking for advice. This is not eharmony.com.

"I'm Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of eharmony.com! Are you looking for the love of your life?"

"Fuck no! I'm looking to get laid!"

06-08-06, 11:16
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep searching for a better place.

El Perro
06-08-06, 12:08
Hey LL56,

Don't be discouraged. Papa was pulling your leg. He's about 90 years old, but gets more young tail here than you can imagine. BUT, he's in good shape, without protruding belly, and has a fat wallet. IMHO, what you want to do can be done, but it ain't gonna fall in your lap.

Nuevo Espanol
06-08-06, 12:25

Contact Dickhead, stay at the Mansion for a week and take the BA 101 course. (if it is still available) Then possibly rent an apartment for a few weeks on your own. Ruggero at BA rent or El Flaco for BA 102. Donate a little to the WSG charity and meet Jackson.

There is alot of invalueable experience in these individuals. Worst case, you have the best vacation of your life and you might lose a few pounds from all the walking in BA.

Good luck,


06-08-06, 13:20

Contact Dickhead, stay at the Mansion for a week and take the BA 101 course. (if it is still available) Then possibly rent an apartment for a few weeks on your own. Ruggero at BA rent or El Flaco for BA 102. Donate a little to the WSG charity and meet Jackson.What's that going to do for LL? He said he wants love, not P4P shagging. Staying for a week at a bordello isn't going to bring him the love of his life. He may get laid, of course, but that isn't what LL is looking for.

Daddy Rulz
06-08-06, 18:47
I think as a rule DH is right, younger women in BsAs would not generally rule out an older guy, in some respects they prefer them. However LL your looking to span a pretty wide gap. At 55 with a little pot belly, late 30's no problem mid 30's a stretch. Mid 20's could happen, you see them fairly often but it does indeed take a lot of money. They are more the mistress kind and thats just p4p with a little spin.

Dirk is right as well, they do want to know your going to be around, doesn't mean they have to be in love I've had a few non-pro encounters but I think they shy away generally from tourists, hence the where do you live, what are you doing here questions. Lots of Joes (Sofi but I'm not supposed to mention that name) friends were constantly going out with guys, fucking them and not following up. They were more second date fucks though.

Do what I tell everybody wanting to meet none pros, if you hit it off with somebody you meet ask them to dinner. Most women in BsAs are very likely to give you a shot.

Easy Go
06-09-06, 01:07
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep searching for a better place.If you want a first world retirement at a second world price, Buenos Aires is a great choice. You should come down, check it out for yourself, and talk to the expats that live there before drawing any conclusions. If I was going to be an expat, BA would be #1 on my list.

06-09-06, 01:18
However, if one is considering retiring to BA, it is important to consider the risks. You'd need to take malaria pills pretty much continually, and that leads to gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement. Argentina has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the entire world, and a recent survey showed that 43% of women in the child-bearing age range carry the herpes virus.

Soil erosion and irresponsible use of fertilizers and pesticides have led to widespread defoliation of Buenos Aires' once famous shade trees, and as these trees collapse they are increasingly taking out power lines to the point where power outages of three or four days are becoming increasingly common.

Another inconvenience stems from a recent decision of the Argentinean Supreme Court that forces the US Embassy to move to La Plata, which is the capital of Buenos Aires province.

President Kirchner just announced a policy shift whereby increasing emphasis will be put on eradicating airborne vermin such as bats and pigeons. Many observers feel that this can only lead to increased proliferation of ground dwelling vermin, such as snakes, rats, poisonous spiders and lizards, as well as fundamentalist Christians.

Right now I think there are better opportunities in Brazil and Colombia.

06-09-06, 12:14
However, if one is considering retiring to BA, it is important to consider the risks. You'd need to take malaria pills pretty much continually, and that leads to gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement. Argentina has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the entire world, and a recent survey showed that 43% of women in the child-bearing age range carry the herpes virus.

Soil erosion and irresponsible use of fertilizers and pesticides have led to widespread defoliation of Buenos Aires' once famous shade trees, and as these trees collapse they are increasingly taking out power lines to the point where power outages of three or four days are becoming increasingly common.

Another inconvenience stems from a recent decision of the Argentinean Supreme Court that forces the US Embassy to move to La Plata, which is the capital of Buenos Aires province.

President Kirchner just announced a policy shift whereby increasing emphasis will be put on eradicating airborne vermin such as bats and pigeons. Many observers feel that this can only lead to increased proliferation of ground dwelling vermin, such as snakes, rats, poisonous spiders and lizards, as well as fundamentalist Christians.

Right now I think there are better opportunities in Brazil and Colombia.Same thing in Colombia and Brazil. At least Argentina is safer.

06-09-06, 13:50
Had no idea DH was such an avid reader of the New York Post, even though there's no mention of the Martian problem in Tigre it has to be his source of information.

My question would be whether you would actually elect the situation you're looking for if you succeeded. Very little in chica relationships here turns out the way you would think and the daily temptation to jump the fence is every waking hour.

No one here has offered an opinion from the upper reaches of society which is where you might find what you're looking for through family connections and introductions. But the family influence is huge here and what the family thinks and what the neighbors think join to keep autumn-spring relationships in the closet from my experience. I've had chicas tell me they don't want to hold hands walking down the street to avoid social stigma and with those that do get ready for some witherng icy stares from the old gals that ply the sidewalks of Buenos Aires. From what I can observe there's the sex trade in all it's variety and then there's standard fare Argentina which is intensely familial and social. Not much in the way of bohemian fringe and fun crowds.

I agree that the best chance would be turning a chica that's in the clubs to solve a personal finance problem. There are many sweetheart types, if you're prepared to take financial control you've got a chance. But beware and be prepared, it's endless. First the chica, then the children, then the family. I've never lasted beyond that point but I'm sure there's more.

As to what opens the door to separating you from a target of opportunity, tourist, and a longer term prospect I'm not sure it's the introductory litany. Virtually every chica I've met on a "personal, we might be having a relationship of some sort level" runs through the same questions about when, where, why and how long. Maybe they're just always shopping like we are. Taking information for possible future evaluation.

I wish after a year and half I had more insight into this idea. But so far it's a culture with serious rules and women emerging out from under a male dominant culture who have the freedom to think like hippies. And god bless, every day is National Sex Day, give until it hurts.

My important research continues, "Dr. Livingston, I presume".

06-09-06, 16:28
"I've had chicas tell me they don't want to hold hands walking down the street to avoid social stigma"

I have never had that happen. Of course, I appear to be in my mid-30s with a strong resemblance to Brad Pitt.

06-09-06, 19:31
A pet peave of mine is when walking along crowded streets with a dedicated purpose to arrive in a timely manner at a destination and having two Fuc**** love birds blocking the sidewalk holding hands!

Save it for Florida Street on a Sunday afternoon.

PS: Dickhead, I need my magic mirror back, Angeline is starting to *****.

06-09-06, 19:34
Well yes, YMMV on the streets and depending the neighborhood and all, but of course in advanced cases of gynecomastia one could be confused as a mother figure with Brad Pitt features.

In which case you'd probably be as popular as Diego Armando Maradonna, who, as an aside, lost the two Rolexes he was wearing (one on each arm) last week to the Italian government when the police pulled him in on past taxes owed on 80 million made at soccer.

El Perro
06-09-06, 20:50
Jesus! Holding hands! Drives me nuts. Either towing, or being towed whenever you go somewhere. That is a ground rule I go over early in relationships. Can I please have my fucking hand back!

06-11-06, 00:36
Dog, I think your hand is just jealous that you've been cheating on it.

06-15-06, 13:01
This thread conflicts everyones view.


Easy Go
06-15-06, 15:53
This thread conflicts everyones view.

http://www.argentinaprivate.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2939You should have told us in the beginning that you are a famous movie star, speak perfect Spanish, own a large hacienda in Argentina, dance tango, and have more money than God, so that we could have better tailored our advice. Actually, there wouldn't have been any advice because you wouldn't be asking. And even his girlfriend is in her 30's.

The advice I see is "Maybe yes, maybe no, best bet is a semi-pro, come and check for yourself". That conflicts?

06-16-06, 23:02

If the collective wisdom hasn't helped you so far suggest consulting the reliable Fortune Cookie for further guidance.

06-21-06, 19:12
Learn spanish.

I agree with Dirk here, It takes alot of work to get the non-pros, but then its so very much worth it when she is screwing your brains out, unlike *most* pros the chicas here get so wet and hot, smell SO damn good, know how to talk to you and make you feel like a king. Most non-pros I've met like to fuck all night, are very romantic, dedicated, etc. Much better than the pros in every way. Even if you want to dump them its easy, if you don't call them, they won't call you! It doesnt necesarily cost more either, thats an excuse people here use maybe cause they had a bad marriage, but dating and going out in this city is cheap. I have had very good luck with most chicas here, if she is willing to date me once, she is generally willing to screw within a few dates. I date women about 10-15 yrs younger tho (but I'm younger tho) I have the advantage that my competition is often younger argentine guys that live with their mommies and alot of chicas don't like their macho bs and their lack of independance. I have also heard these filter questions often but I've also met chicas days before leaving town and they like the excitiment of a short term encounter, speeds up whatever timeline they have in their heads thats for sure. I hear over and over again that I'm a such a gentleman, I have no idea what they are talking about, I don't buy flowers or open doors for girls or any of that standard bs, I just give respect and then fuck em silly.

Learn spanish.
