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07-07-06, 05:21
I'm new here but I just wanted to thank everyone for all the great info, It's been very hard to find good quality info on buenos aires girls and I think I've found it here. And it seem like I know just where to go when I get there hehe.

Black sounds real good to me. I'm originally from California and my father is South American, so I have been there before, but I'm planning on moving to Buenos Aires at the end of August. I'm currently in Kiev I. E the 21st most expensive city in the world. So $200 U. S seems real nice for high quality poon tang, compared to the $400 E.U. here, But then again the quality will be a drop.

For all you hardcore punters Kiev is a MUST, the women here are considered the most beautiful in all of Europe, and the quantity and quality is crazy, we are talking 9's and 10's and the average are 8's with bottom barrel being 7's man I'll miss this pussy, Alexa May culo $500 E. U, something every man should try once in their lives.

But anyways thank you all for the great info on BLACK, And to all you Expat Portenos.

See you soon and happy hunting.

The BadOne

07-07-06, 11:42
$200 US? I hope you're wearing a tin hat!

07-07-06, 18:14
Hey Bacchus9,

I didn't really get the pun, but I guess you are referring to the fact that its a high price to pay, Like I have said I'm coming from Kiev and here top notch pussy is arround 350-500 E.U. an hour. So allthough I agree that it maybe more than I would like to pay, I don't mess around with second hand stuff, If I'm going to pay it better be nicer than what I can pick up at the mall or the gym or a club. The reason I pay rather than pick up is so I get top nothc pussy and don't have to pretend to like the *****. But I'm sure not going to f*** with something that I could pick up for free.

These are some of the agencies here, these are top notch girls but they charge big prices, if I can get the same quality in buenos aires for 200 I won't be feeling that bad. Oh and by the way these are glamour shots, but in no way photoshop, I have had quite a few of these beauties they really look that good.



P. S if anyone knows where these types of girls can be had let me know,

And if anyone can refer me to a good apartment agency let me know.

Damn I can't wait to be in Buenos man, cheap appt's cheap food and cheap women, hehe. Rent here in the center of Kiev starts at about 2000 a month, STARTS, so even though I work in real estate and make good money off rental properties, the cost of living here negates the benefits of living next to my investment. So BA here I come.

To any real punters I say again you HAVE to check out Kiev, It's man paradise and the truth is you don't need to pay here, I have had a few girlsfriends while I have been here, all top nothc babes, but since I'm not planning on marriage soon, p4p is a much better deal for me.

Anyhow, To any cats out in BA who know whats up, maybe we can go hoe hunting once I'm there, I want to put a dent in the scene as soon as I get there.

Happy hoe hunting.


07-07-06, 19:36
Welcome BadBoy,.

I will agree with you on Kiev, I spent several months in Kiev back in 95, when pussy was dirt cheap, but I didn't have to pay for it, as must girls were to fucking easy to pick up back then, Reading the ISG boards I see things have changed quite a bit (prices) I still dream about one gal from who gave the best blow jobs ever. She would let me out the door with out giving me one in the morning, and as soon as I walked in the door, I'd just drop my pants and she'd give me one hellva pornstar blow job. Damm, I miss that Girl!

Her name was Oksana Panchenko? I know that don't help much as Panchenko is as common as a Smith or Johnson here in the states.

I'll be moving down to argentina also in a few months.

Daddy Rulz
07-09-06, 10:21
Haven't been to Black for awhile because I thought quality had really dropped. Madaho is much more expensive than the triangle clubs, the median is higher for sure but high quality can still be had downtown if your willing to wait for your shot (pun intended) I checked out those web sites and saw a couple of obvious bait and switch ads, unless pornstars have starrted working Ukrainian escort pages, but you can find similar quality in BsAs. Enjoy yourself.

Norman Stormin
07-09-06, 10:35
How Kiev can be the 21st most expensive city in the world with 500 euro pussey and 2,000 euro low end apartments yet have a per capita income on par with the lowest third world toilets. Have you perhaps isolated yourself to venues which cater to wealthy westerners?

Like I have said I'm coming from Kiev and here top notch pussy is arround 350-500 E. U. An hour.

P. S if anyone knows where these types of girls can be had let me know,

Badboy13The brothels and FKKs of Germany are filled with gorgeous Ukrainians who are very happy to service you for 50 euros. What's up with that if they can get 500 euros at home?

07-09-06, 14:20
Hi Norman,

I think I'm a pretty nice, fair and balanced guy, and I'm on here to get tips on BA. I live in Kiev, and have business here, and if you want to second guess me pal, go for it. I'm not here to go on and on with meaningless threads. And have people keep attacking everything I post. Global Economics gets boring fast. but here goes

I will attach four links. The first and second are links from CNN MONEY that links to the internationally recognized Mercer yearly world report on the 144 most expensive cities in the world. So if you don't want to take my word for it seeing as how I was born here and now live here go ahead, maybe you can believe a CNN quoted source? Kiev is number 21 tied with Rome and Vienna, and I will note on the other end of the spectrum is Buenos Aires at number 142. And you will be interested to know that Moscow is now the most expensive city in the world.

Read the report it will help you " comprender "





The world is changing bro, and if you are into business or real estate you might want to take note of that fact. The germans have their nose so far up the ukrainian governemts ass that the german ambassador to ukraine who is stepping down this year is becoming the presidents personal advisor the day after. Germans know business and they know this is a gold mine. I would get more into Industry and chemicals and minerals and the highly skilled and underpaid work force but it would get really boring.

Real estate here in Kiev, which I know more about, is hot, we are talking up to 10,000-20,000 US per SQ meter for living space. I personally think its crazy, I have my rental properties but no more, BA seems like a much better place to invest anything under 200k, It also has great potential and the prices are way cheaper. If you have 1 mil, you can invest in Kiev and in two years you will have 10 m. That is just how good it is here, but you need alot more start up capital.

Let me enlighten you on the strategic place that Ukraine finds itself in the 21st century. What heats all of europe during the cold snowy winter months?

Gas. Where does all of europe get 80-85% of its gas? Russia or the so called GAZPROM that has made billionaires overnight. Hot does Russian gas get to europe, including your germany? Through pipelines, what pipelines? The soviet system of trans continental pipelines, the longest in the world that is. And which specific pipeline sends 75% of gas to europe, you guessed it pal, the one that is right smack in the middle of ukraine. It is a transit location, mostly run by mafia connected billionaires, and every single BTU gets taxed.

And wealthy westerners? Hehe funny, most westerners couldn't afford to live here. I mean unless you have a minimum 5k monthly expense account to throw around. No my friend, they are called the NEW UKRAINIAN CROWD,

Filthy friggen rich. I personaly hate the smug bastards, hehe, but they are savvy business guys and mostly all connected, if you get my meaning.

And who told you that per capita had anything to do with cost of living index? Do some research pal. I never said 2000 was a low end appt, I said that is the minimum you should expect to pay in the center of Kiev. You can live on the outskirts for less, and in other areas.

It's the economy, since capitalism you have a concentration of wealth that is amazing plus the russian and ukrainian mafias which are the wealthiest in the world, if you didn't know, where do you think they live, And the girls go to germany because cost of living is cheaper, if anything, to live here fairly upper middle class you need minimum 4k-5k a month, and up.

Most girls who work here in Kiev are owned by mafia, some like it some don't, many leave for that reason. You should come here sometime and answer all your own questions. But if you want to have a good time I suggest you bring a ton of cash. A rich man in BA would not be a rich man in Kiev. Member that.

I hope that answered most of your questions, And I'm sure you can also get some skank hoes here in kiev for 60 EU, but if a good quality hoe costs you 300 EU, do you really want to be sleeping with something you can get for 60 hehe, that would be like being in BA and the good pussy being 200 Ar, what do you think you will get for 40Ar? Haha, only good thing is I would say about 80% of the women here are supermodel types so even cheap pussy is probably good pussy. There are so many girls here you don't need to trick, and most guys don't It is ussually older business men and some european business men who come here for work, that is the main clientele, so the agencies cater to that and that is why, #1, the pussy is so clean, and #2 it is so expensive.

Again research everything I have said, and you will find it spot on.

Damn this was boring to write.

As allways any good info on the BA scene is allways apreciated.

Happy Hoe Hunting.

The Bad One

07-09-06, 14:44
I didnt see your comment on Alexa May, I had that betty a few months back,

If you didn't know she is ukrainian and it states it in her profile on the site. She is retired from porn now and she speaks english pretty well and french which I know a little of. She does anal,dp, and ATM covored of course, if you didnt read another one of my posts, I said its 500 EU but its something every man needs to try once in their lives,she is beautiful. And she is to be had, I have had a few others, and these aren't BA agencies, these are all the real thing. You get what you pay for. These women are that fine, but expect to pay top dollar for the pleasure. And if you didn't know just about every european pornstar can be had in europe for a fee, try charme-models or this one.


But sk has very very exclusive girls and I havent had the funds or the will to spend 1200 EU on a girl yet, but Angel Dark can be yours for a price. the things I would do to that girl.

check out this site
though its in french mostly


It is a forum from europe and you can verify all the agencies and girls. And there are tons of review. You won't find any south american stuff though only european girls. I have a few reviews on there too, though I don't post all my stuff. Alexa May's reviews are all there.

Hope that helped, but I only posted dreamed and vodka on here because I have had personal experience, the girls are beautiful and real and the agencies are A class. Though if you aren't in kiev or paris, where their girls usually do city tours, Travel expenses can be a few hundred euros.

After looking at those agencies maybe you will understand why I say I will miss this place. The women are just too much.

But I must,

So anyways, hope that was helpful man.

Stay up bud and.

I wish you successful Hoe Hunting.

The Bad One

Norman Stormin
07-09-06, 18:53
You are right Badboy! I am really behind the times. My generalizations of the last 15 years have been that Europe has become more expensive than the US. Five years ago I was in Saint Petersberg and concluded it was more expensive than Berlin. Your links were very enlightening. I was shocked to learn that Hanoi is tied for 50th place with San Francisco. Thanks to your insight, I have struck Kiev from my list of cities to visit and replaced it with Asuncion. I guess I am guilty of "looking for love in all the cheap places"!

Your explanation of the migration of Ukrainian providers to Germany makes sense considering they are controlled by organized criminals. The gross disparity between income and cost of living also makes sense yet bodes of serious trouble ahead. No wonder you're moving to Buenos Aires.

Thanks for your mini world economics briefing. I'm sure you'll have a fantasic mongering experience in Buenos Aires after you've recovered from reverse "sticker shock".

Easy Go
07-10-06, 00:51
You need to be cautious when interpreting the "most expensive cities" rankings as the market basket is specific to a visiting businessman rather than locals. For example, if it was included, it would use the price of pussy at Black rather than Doly's and we'd all think it was cheaper to visit Germany than Argentina. A more real example is that it includes the price of an international newspaper ($4.55 in BA vs $3.40 in Moscow) which most of us don't really give a crap about.

For most of us, there is no way that Saõ Paulo or Hanoi is the same cost to visit as San Francisco or Singapore the same cost as Paris.

I don't know much about Ukraine except that the average person appears to be as poor as dirt. At least that's what I hear from my (poor and non-mongering) brother based on a couple of visits he made in the last year. He did say that he that there were more beautiful women there than any place he has ever been before so I wouldn't be too quick to strike Kiev from your list.

I'm not disputing anything Badboy13 is saying. He's just living a higher-end life than most of us here. I am afraid that he might be in for a bit of a disappointment in BA as I have not really seen much sign of the high-end trade that he seems to prefer.

07-10-06, 02:38
Well let me start off by saying, I don't think I am living a higher life than anyone else, I can just as happily live off 3k instead of 5k, and maybe in BA thats more plausible. Frankly I don't like to throw money around, because he who does that is either Donald Trump or wants to pretend he is, and I'm not. So I'll save and invest until I can throw it all away,:)

And about your comment on how to rank the most expensive cities, I think you are right in a theoretical sense, but at the same time this report is not based on rich business men prices, you should go to the Mercer website directly and download their Methodolgy schematic. It will help you answer the questions you yourself are posing.

But no, basically it ranks the median, through different and wide ranging criterion. Do you think we can accurately evaluate the cost of living in los angeles if we do an evaluation of the cost of living in east los angeles only? Or evaluate new york by using Marcy projects as a baseline? Or san francisco by seeing the cost of living in old town? I don't think it would be accurate at all and I'm sure most would agree. And yes for a tourist coming to los angeles he might evaluate the cost of living very differently if he went to stay at a $40 dollar a night crack appt in compton instead of going to the beverly hills hotel, but the point is neither of those would make a good baseline, or be accurate, so that is not the criteria used in this index.

Personaly I have lived in france and san francisco and los angeles, also I spent time in moscow and lima, prague, costa rica, ecuador, the netherlands and austria, and now I find myself in Kiev. So what I would tell you from my experience, its a pretty accurate report, maybe not 100% but around 90%. And remember the cost of a newspaper is a sample that CNN MONEY gave, they use hundreds of different things to make their evaluations. I don't know if they evaluate Adult Entertainment, but even that is subjective depending on what every individual is willing to pay. Point is, it is what it is and to live Middle class in Kiev costs just about the same as living middle class in Vienna or Rome.

With that said if you aren't involved in business or don't like the most beautiful women in the world in truckloads, then no kiev isn't for you. Me personaly, I am here finalizing some real estate deals and I'm out, maybe if the cost of living was a little cheaper I might stay but as I said in a previous thread, the cost of living here middle class is negating about 50% of my rental income here so it makes no sense in staying If I can pay someone else to administrate things for alot less and live comfortably in BA for about 2 thousand less.

You are right that the majority of people arent rich in kiev, but let me ask you, isn't that true for any country?:) Buenos Aires, Lima, Rio, Mexico? And european cities are no different. But the economy here is growing at alarming rates. And that is also the problem, inflation is too high based on the median salary, it might be problematic in the future, as Norman pointed out. Ukraine is at the moment starting the adhesion process in order to become part of the EU, a move that many in this country don't want, but if it does happen the monetary system will change to Euros. For business, these are very interesting developements, the EU, Mercosur, SCO, these will be the new players in the global economy and their major cities, will become even more expensive. It's all about change and being able to accept and adapt to it. The US and Western Europe are no longer as strong as they used to be,

China alone will overtake most competitors in almost all fields within the next few years, and Russia has become the largest Energy trader in the world, What do you think will happen to their major cities? At this very moment the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) is scaring the crap out of both the US and Europe because they see no way to compete to an economically, militarily, and socially united China, Russia, India, which is what the SCO is, plus other countries.

I personally hope all goes well for me in BA, and I can find all the fine babes I can wave my stick at, and if not I can allways take a plane and recharge in prague or kiev.

And to anyone planning a trip here, I would tell you this place is a must. And Easy is right, the quantity and quality here is just unbelievable. We are talking a ratio of 8 girls per one guy, and they are almost all fine, the hottest MILF's I have ever seen, and the hottest young babes too. You guys have to go, just expect to pay more than BA, but with the proper research, and budgeting of money and resources, It won't be too bad.

Thanks for your coments easy and norman you guys have given me some things to think about.

Happy hunting.

The Bad One

Daddy Rulz
07-10-06, 07:28
Thats the pornstar I was refering too. One of the chicas on one of those pages was her and I'm pretty sure she's still in the States and Czeck not Ukrainian. None the less, I wasn't trying to offend. There surely is some hot poontang in Eastern Europe, never been there but I read a few forums. I think you will enjoy BsAs though and hope you have fun.

07-11-06, 07:57
I just read your post on Monica.

Very diplomatic Post, my hats off to you, Thank you for being both a gentleman and a scholar,

Though you might want to look at those two sites, I posted Vodka and Dreamed, Monica is not on any of those sites, and I think anyone will agree, though I think maybe you meant that girl Angelica on Vodka's site, I admit she looks like her but younger and a little thicker. Again please post the link you are talking about, but I think thats about the only one that even looks like Monica, and believe me I know porn.

Those sites I posted are 100% real, I have had quite a few of those girls, and they have all been knockouts, believe me man, dreamed escorts is one of the best and most reliable agencies in Kiev, and Vodka is also, they charge up to thousands of dollars, for fake girls? No, they might look too good to be real but they aren't. Thats Ukraine, one day you will come and see. These girls put Czech babes to shame.

Oh a last note about Monica, about a few months ago she was in Prague filming a foursome scene for PG's http://www.spermswap.com

A european adult production company. So even though she might live in the states, which I don't know, She, like any good hoe, goes where the money is.

Thanks again man for the comments and the class.


11-12-06, 22:54
I am a new member and have spent the past few days getting some background on BA for an upcoming visit. I could not let Badboy13's remarks pass even though this is an older post. So this Newbie now will add his thoughts and risk getting off to a rocky start within the group. Lol.

There is no doubt in my mind that the most beautiful women in the world exist in Brasil. My first impression of BA is that it also ranks highly. Like BB13 I have also travelled and lived in multiple countries and I cannot think of a single country where the women even come close to comparison to South American women. (hmmm. How many Ukrainian super models are employed by the likes of Victoria Secret?

As to China becoming the next great superpower. Well this is a sex site and I will resist commenting on that pathetic regime.


11-12-06, 23:29
I think it depends on what you like. I have a friend who's obsessed with Asians, nothing else. If he came to BA he'd consider everything average, let alone Kiev. If you like Black women, BA is probably not for you, and neither is Ukraine. But if you like Southern European, Italian, Mediterranean type girls, hard to beat BA. I love European women, the blonder the better, but my friend would be bored at a Swedish Bikini convention, talking about how he'd rather fuck a 5 ft Thai girl or Mao's wife. Depends on the person.

Just my two cents,.


11-12-06, 23:32
I don't even know who you are but from your very first post you come off as a total chump. Waste your time flaming someone else. I don't have time for your bullshit. You like Brazilian women, thats fine with me, I like em too. Whats your fucking point? Start your own thread about them. I still believe and most people agree that eastern european women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. But I guess you wouldn't know that because you have never been to Ukraine or the Czech Rep. But who gives a shit. Go antagonize someone else.

As far as China is concerned, you are right this is a punters website, but if you have anything factual, post it. Other than that, go ahead and leach off the website but don't start flaming. If you are going to write something I suggest you write reviews, or SOMETHING of value.

Different strokes, deal with it.


11-13-06, 00:20
Ahhh. Now I get it! Your opinions are fact. Anyone else's are bullshit! I also understand your handle now. Especially the "boy"!

You like facts. Hmmm. The number of Ukrainian supermodels currently employed in the world is. Zero.

Thanks for the warm welcome by the way! (and that was sarcasm in case you missed it)

Jaimito Cartero
11-13-06, 01:38
I don't even know who you are but from your very first post you come off as a total chump. Waste your time flaming someone else. I don't have time for your bullshit. You like Brazilian women, thats fine with me, I like em too. Whats your fucking point? Start your own thread about them. I still believe and most people agree that eastern european women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. But I guess you wouldn't know that because you have never been to Ukraine or the Czech Rep. But who gives a shit. Go antagonize someone else.

As far as China is concerned, you are right this is a punters website, but if you have anything factual, post it. Other than that, go ahead and leach off the website but don't start flaming. If you are going to write something I suggest you write reviews, or SOMETHING of value.

Different strokes, deal with it.

BadboyYou don't seem to like being questioned too much, eh? You have an "Exon" knee jerk reaction where you just flame someone totally without giving some proper thought to a civil response.

In the last 18 months, I've been to 20 countries, including most of the ones you mentioned for really hot chicas. I'd rather go to to BA for a number of reasons.

Capt Dave
11-13-06, 04:30
You come off as a total chump.

I don't have time for your bullshit.

Whats your fucking point?

But who gives a shit.

BadboyYou certainly have a way with words!

Does your mommy know you talk like that?

11-13-06, 07:33
I never said you were wrong Canuck, I said if you like Brazilians that fine with me, I also said I liked them too, I just didn't see a reason to ressurect a three month old post for no fucking reason. I see now your only purpose here is to start shit. And if I were you I would check your facts about the number of top eastern european super models. There are too many to count. So try again.

And Jaimito you can go whereever you want, you like BA better thats fine, so what? I still don't get the flaming, and as far as Dave and his mommy comment, you can blow me you fat fuck. You aren't going to have respect then fuck you. I don't give a shit whether your " mommy " heard that or not. Any other time you want to take the opportunity to flame me is allright with me. Keep em comming. And I still think Canuck is a flaming chump. Why don't you go ahead and write something of value. Or is this thread going to be the place you try to assert yourself on this forum. Real pathetic man.


11-13-06, 09:35
Ahhh. Now I get it! Your opinions are fact. Anyone else's are bullshit! I also understand your handle now. Especially the "boy"!

You like facts. Hmmm. The number of Ukrainian supermodels currently employed in the world is. Zero.Heres a link for the "boy's" that make up lies as they go along.


Not a FACT but an OPINION from Vanity Fair. I don't think anyone that HAS traveled the world wouldn't argue that Eastern European women are not only among the worlds most beautiful women, but they are also some of the worlds biggest super models. Just because your only exposure to the super model scene is the monthly victoria secret catalog doesn't mean you are right. And it also doesn't mean about half of the girls in that catalog aren't eastern european, whether or not you know all their personal biographical information. So maybe the " boy " Is the one trying to restart a three month old post by telling me that there are no Ukrainian or Eastern European super models, Which is a flat out bold faced lie. Again before you open your mouth do some fact checking unless YOU don't want to sound like an ignorant boy. This guy seems to have a real problem not only with me and MY opinions but also with all Ukrainian girls. To say there are no Ukrainian supermodels. Geez someone needs a reality check. But anyways I am done. Knock yourself out writing more bullshit.


11-13-06, 10:13
"""According to Forbes magazine, in 2004, the five highest-paid supermodels in the world were, in descending order, Milla Jovovich, Gisele Bundchen, Heidi Klum, Caroline Murphy, and Tyra Banks."""

And by the way Milla is Ukrainian.

""""Daria Werbowy (born November 19, 1983) is a Ukrainian-Canadian supermodel.

Werbowy holds the current record of opening the most shows in her opening season. To date, her clients have included Prada, Yves Saint-Laurent, Versace, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Givenchy, Belstaff, Lancôme, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior and Chanel. In her first season she captured two of the modelling world's most coveted prizes: the cover of Vogue Italia, twice; and Prada's Fall / Winter ad campaign."""""

'''''''Snejana Onopka (born December 15, 1986) is a Ukrainian supermodel. """""""

""""""""Milla (Militza) Jovovich (Serbian Милица Јововић/ Milica Jovovi ć, Ukrainian Cyrillic: Мілла Йовович/; born December 17, 1975) is a Ukrainian-born American supermodel, actress, musician, singer, and fashion designer. At the age of eleven, Jovovich was spotted by the photographer Richard Avedon, who featured her in Revlon's "Most Unforgettable Women in the World" advertisements. In October 1987,.

Jovovich is also an "international spokesmodel" for L'Oreal cosmetics and was the highest paid supermodel in 2004. """"""""

I could go on and on, but I think even you get the point. You were and are flat out WRONG. The number of Ukrainian, Russian-Ukrainian, and Czech Supermodels far out weighs the number of Latin American supermodels by Like 10:1. Check your facts and then open your mouth. There are only about a handful of latin american supermodels. And they are mainly from Brazil and Argentina. I love Latin women, they are beautiful and I agree Colombian, Brazilian, Venezuelan and Argentine women are among the most beautiful. But as far as supermodels go, they are WAAAAYY behind the eastern european girls in that department. THAT isn't an opinion, that is a FACT. To each his own and different strokes and all that, but if you start a "FACTUAL" argument about supermodels, you might want to do your homework before you make yourself look like an ignorant fool.

Have fun in BA,.


You like facts. Hmmm. The number of Ukrainian supermodels currently employed in the world is. Zero.

11-13-06, 11:37
Guys this is getting off the point of what this forum is about, namely helping each other out, not cussing them out! I personally don't care if you're doing a Ukrainian, Brazilian, or that old lady sloth's mom from goonies; point is if she's a woman and you like her, go after her and have fun.

Being a supermodel watcher for sometime myself, I think Badboy does have a point about the number of Eastern European supermodels. Just in Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated you got so many Czechs: Veronica Varekova, Petra Nemcova, Eva Herzigova, Karolina Kurkova, and my all time favorite, Paulina Porizkova from the 80s. She was bigger than Gisele back in her day. And speaking of these Brazilain models, if you take Eastern European for being anything from Germany and beyond, well then Gisele Bundchen and Anna Hickman have Eastern European ancestry. Heidi Klum is German too, and in both Victoria's secret and Sports Illustrated. Unless you're Gisele or Adriana Lima, hard to get bigger than her. Lots of Russians out there, the most famous Natalia Vodianova. The list goes on and on. Who really cares though? Being a man, I'd be happy to do any them, no matter where they're from! And I'm sure all of you would too.

For the record though, I have you all beat.

Not one of these girls compares to Monica Bellucci. Italians rule!


11-13-06, 12:26
Here's some more hot Ukrainian mamas!

11-13-06, 12:37
I think the appropriate term is " Babushkas ". And I would have to say I love Babushkas, they make a mean Borscht, Red or Green.


11-13-06, 12:51
Tastes almost as good as the last serving of Kiev Bearded Clams that I ate.

Capt Dave
11-13-06, 14:33
I just didn't see a reason to ressurect a three month old post for no fucking reason.

And as far as Dave and his mommy comment, you can blow me you fat fuck.

You aren't going to have respect then fuck you.

I don't give a shit whether your " mommy " heard that or not.

BadboyThere is a particularly annoying little dog that lives a few doors down from the mansion, and sometimes I can't resist the temptation to provoke him with a small rasberry, just because he then dissolves into frantic barking, mostly I think just to hear himself disturbing the peace.

Forgive me, fellow members, but I cannot resist the temptation to do the same here, so we can all enjoy the tirade of foolish noisemaking that is sure to follow this post eminating from our own puffed-up little pet pomeranian.

Badboy, you have much to learn about sounding intelligent when you are pontificating. Your dialogue, although probably regarded as clever and witty in whatever culturaly deprived area you received your faulty toilet training in, leaves much to be desired in as lofty an environment as our beloved forum.

I think everyone would be more amused at your blustering if you could find some way to avoid the 4 letter trap that lazy minds so often fall into, and see if you can elevate your level of diatribe to at least a little above street slang.

Best Regards,

Fat Fuck (aka Devious Dave)

Capt Dave
11-13-06, 14:52
Here's some more hot Ukrainian mamas!Hey Hunt, did you get their phone numbers?

How was the service?

Did they do BBBJ?


11-13-06, 15:06
I personaly enjoy my four letter expletives. I am sorry you don't. I am also sorry you feel the need to call me a pomeranian. I don't personally mind though. And I will continue to use my " street slang ".

I understand you seem to think you are " above all of this " and that you are somewhat socially and culturally better than me. But guess again. I don't see you as anything more than a monger that has nothing better than to try to sound smarter than other people on a FUCKING sex forum.

No one was doing any pontificating, I was challenged on a fact. And I came with it. And since we are talking about dogs. Well I have to say I had this fat half breed chiguagua that used to live at my neighbors house. It pretty much had nothing to do but to sit around and try to fuck any ugly dogg that crossed it's path. You kind of remind me of that dogg, though I would have to say you probably have worst taste. And at least that fat half blind mutt of a chiguagua wasn't a wanabee pimp.

So go ahead and chatter away and try to sound smart. I personally think you are trying too hard. You aren't exactly a blue blood after all, you are a monger. So forgive me if your opinion means nothing to me. Give me a fucking break.



Jaimito Cartero
11-13-06, 15:17
Well I have to say I had this fat half breed chiguagua that used to live at my neighbors house. Chiguagua? That's as good as Exon's "I hate periods" post.

11-13-06, 15:26
Chiguagua? That's as good as Exon's "I hate periods" post.Possibly, but it had the desired effect. And the mental picture was exactly what I was shooting for. But I guess rasberry eating pomeranians are better right?


Jaimito Cartero
11-13-06, 15:42
Possibly, but it had the desired effect. And the mental picture was exactly what I was shooting for. But I guess rasberry eating pomeranians are better right?Dave's imagery was quite effective. I'll think of it every time I see a post by you in the future. If you think that Capt Dave throws a real raspberry at the little ankle biter, I've got some beautiful high mountain property in Florida for you.

El Perro
11-13-06, 16:06
Dave's imagery was quite effective. I'll think of it every time I see a post by you in the future. If you think that Capt Dave throws a real raspberry at the little ankle biter, I've got some beautiful high mountain property in Florida for you.He's a fat fuck too! BB, I think you have been given some misleading information about Devious Dave's body type! Of course he has probably eaten every bit of food he was saving for the comedores by now, so maybe he is a fat fuck.;)

What about Rutwhilers and Malteasers ? Beegles and Dobiemens Pincers ? Saint Bernies and Standard Puddles ?

11-13-06, 16:07

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 16:27

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


El Perro
11-13-06, 16:35

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 17:08

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 17:30

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 17:33

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Capt Dave
11-13-06, 22:10

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 22:49

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 22:51
Capt Dave and Jaimito.

It took me a few minutes to catch up on today's updates and it was refreshing to read some of your comments. Intelligence and class are wonderful qualities. Particularly when combined with wit.

Best regards,


11-13-06, 22:59

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-13-06, 23:16

I was ready to just move on but it seems that somebody just cannot let something drop.

Perhaps it is time to point out a few simple things regarding men and "boys".

"Boys" tend to want to exaggerate their exploits - Men enjoy the experience and share pertinent details with those they believe will benefit from the knowledge gained.

"Boys" treat women as objects to be denigrated as less than worthy - Men treat all women with respect and know that even when they are paying for sex the woman is still deserving of being treated with dignity and compassion.

"Boys" believe they are the toughest kids on the block - Men know that there is always somebody tougher or meaner and that anger is not worth it as life is simply too damn short.

The bottom line is that the majority of "boys" become men. But some never seem to reach adulthood. And what a pity!

11-13-06, 23:42

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-14-06, 00:33

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-14-06, 00:42
So, did we ever figure out what the most expensive city in the world is?

11-14-06, 00:44

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-14-06, 00:51

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


11-14-06, 01:30
According to CNN Money (2005 rankings)

1 Tokyo, Japan.

2 Osaka, Japan.

3 London, United Kingdom.

4 Moscow, Russia.

5 Seoul, South Korea.

6 Geneva, Switzerland.

7 Zurich, Switzerland.

8 Copenhagen, Denmark.

9 Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

10 Oslo, Norway.

11 Milan, Italy.

12 Paris, France.

13 New York City, United States.

13 Dublin, Ireland.

15 St. Petersburg, Russia.

16 Vienna, Austria.

17 Rome, Italy.

18 Stockholm, Sweden.

19 Beijing, China.

20 Sydney, Australia.

20 Helsinki, Finland.

22 Douala, Cameroon.

22 Istanbul, Turkey.

24 Amsterdam, Netherlands.

24 Budapest, Hungary.

26 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

27 Warsaw, Poland.

28 Prague, Czech Republic.

29 Taipei, Taiwan.

30 Shanghai, China.

31 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

32 Düsseldorf, Germany.

33 Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

34 Singapore, Singapore.

34 Frankfurt, Germany.

36 Dakar, Senegal.

37 Munich, Germany.

38 Berlin, Germany.

39 Tel Aviv, Israel.

40 Glasgow, United Kingdom.

41 Athens, Greece.

41 Brussels, Belgium.

43 Barcelona, Spain.

44 Los Angeles, United States.

45 White Plains, United States.

46 Madrid, Spain.

47 Birmingham, United Kingdom.

48 Zagreb, Croatia.

49 Hamburg, Germany.

50 Hanoi, Vietnam.

50 San Francisco, United States.

52 Chicago, United States.

52 Beirut, Lebanon.

54 Riga, Latvia.

54 Kiev, Ukraine.

56 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

57 Miami, United States.

58 Algiers, Algeria.

59 Casablanca, Morocco.

60 Tallin, Estonia.

61 Lyon, France.

61 Honolulu, United States.

63 Shenzhen, China.

64 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

65 Guangzhou, China.

66 Lisbon, Portugal.

67 Amman, Jordan.

68 Melbourne, Australia.

69 Auckland, New Zealand.

70 Houston, United States.

71 Jakarta, Indonesia.

72 Kuwait City, Kuwait.

73 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

74 San Juan, Puerto Rico.

75 Almaty, Kazakhstan.

76 Wellington, New Zealand.

76 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

78 Washington, D. C. United States.

79 Boston, United States.

80 Morristown, United States.

81 Sofia, Bulgaria.

82 Toronto, Canada.

83 Atlanta, United States.

84 Brisbane, Australia.

85 Leipzig, Germany.

86 Manama, Bahrain.

87 Vancouver, Canada.

88 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

89 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

89 Adelaide, Australia.

91 Vilnius, Lithuania.

91 Accra, Ghana.

93 Perth, Australia.

94 Denver, United States.

95 Mexico City, Mexico.

96 Lagos, Nigeria.

97 Cairo, Egypt.

98 Calgary, Canada.

99 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

100 Limassol, Cyprus.

101 Detroit, United States.

102 St. Louis, United States.

103 Seattle, United States.

103 Bucharest, Romania.

105 Kingston, Jamaica.

105 Mumbai, India.

107 Montreal, Canada.

108 Guatemala City, Guatemala.

109 Cleveland, United States.

110 New Delhi, India.

111 Pittsburgh, United States.

112 Portland (Ore. United States.

113 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

114 Panama City, Panama.

115 Monterrey, Mexico.

116 Johannesburg, South Africa.

117 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

118 Lima, Peru.

119 Nairobi, Kenya.

119 Winston-Salem, United States.

119 São Paulo, Brazil.

122 Ottawa, Canada.

123 Lusaka, Zambia.

124 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

125 Bangkok, Thailand.

126 Tunis, Tunisia.

127 Dacca (Dhaka) Bangladesh.

128 Santiago, Chile.

129 Tehran, Iran.

130 Blantyre, Malawi.

131 Tianjin, China.

132 Colombo, Sri Lanka.

133 Bogotá, Colombia.

134 Harare, Zimbabwe.

135 San José, Costa Rica.

136 Karachi, Pakistan.

137 Quito, Ecuador.

138 Chennai (Madras) India.

138 Caracas, Venezuela.

140 Montevideo, Uruguay.

141 Bangalore, India.

142 Buenos Aires, Argentina.

143 Manila, Philippines.

144 Asunción, Paraguay

11-14-06, 01:37
101 Detroit, United States.

102 St. Louis, United States.

Those rankings are probably dated. With the increased price for bullets (big export surge thanks to the Republicans) the Detroit and St. Louis cost of living has shot up!

11-14-06, 02:57
You posted 2005 rankings when we are almost in 2007?

March 2006 Rank City / March 2005 Rank.

1 Moscow, Russia 4

2 Seoul, South Korea 5

3 Tokyo, Japan 1

4 Hong Kong, People's Republic of China 9

5 London, United Kingdom 3

6 Osaka, Japan 2

7 Geneva, Switzerland 6

8 Copenhagen, Denmark 8

9 Zurich, Switzerland 7

10 (tie) Oslo, Norway 10

10 (tie) New York City, United States 13

12 St. Petersburg, Russia 15

13 Milan, Italy 11

14 Beijing, People's Republic of China 19

15 Istanbul, Turkey 22

16 Paris, France 12

17 Singapore, Singapore 34

18 Dublin, Ireland 13

19 Sydney, Australia 20

20 Shanghai, People's Republic of China 30

21 Rome, Italy 17

21 Kiev, Ukraine 54

21 Vienna, Austria 16

24 Tel Aviv, Israel 39

25 Helsinki, Finland 20

25 Dubai, United Arab Emirates 73

27 Douala, Cameroon 22

28 Taipei, Taiwan.

As you can see Kiev is number 21. I never said it was the most expensive, that was a title someone else put on this thread. My initial point was it has become one of the most expensive in the world. And YES, you are 100% correct Thomaso, not only are canucks numbers DATED, they are misleading. But I don't expect anything else from a guy who said there are no eastern european supermodels.

But yes lets talk about pussy.:D.

I just had some about 15 minutes ago, a beautiful young blonde.


Capt Dave
11-14-06, 11:36

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,
