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El Perro
08-06-06, 23:47
Went to see the Boca Juniors play Banfield today in Boca's season opener at the Bombonera. Thoroughly enjoyed it despite the fact that it was damn cold. My friend and I made a day of it in Boca, getting there early to purchase tickets, eat lunch and then see the match. My first time in Boca and I didn't see much of it, other than the tourist area and the the area surrounding the Bombonera, though after the match we did walk from Boca to San Telmo. A pretty short walk, and I didn't realize how close one is to the other. If you are a sports fan of any sort I would recommend going, if only once. It is a spectacle unlike any I have seen. The Boca "cheering section", which is essentially comprised of the sanctioned Boca "gang", was more boisterous than any part of a crowd in my memory. Loud, organized and with what seemed to be hundreds of banners and the like. They unveiled a flag at the beginning of the match that must have been 30 yards wide and 20 in height. The play is much faster in person, and the skill level much more evident and impressive. If you don't sit in the cheering section and get more expensive seats there doesn't appear to be much of a safety issue. Our seats were 100p apiece and about 20-30 feet from the pitch. I could not have asked for better, though not cheap. A good time had by all as Boca won 3-0. I will say for non castellano speakers negoitating ticket buying and the rest could be difficult, as I relied on my local buddy. Still, there are tours that provide tickets, transportation and a guide. IMHO, not to be missed if you are here for any stretch of time and like live sports.


08-14-06, 23:34
I see, now, that you are a Boca fan, toom, Doggboy.

It happens the same to me when I was barely eight or nine years old, I think, and went the first time to the Bombonera. I don't even remeber against who Boca was playing that afternoon. But what remains in my memory is how attracted was to the cheering section, as you say, those long flags and drums and colours and the millions of papers that covers the sky when the team appears on the field. For moments it even seems that the stadium was moving, the very basis of the cement shocking. And during the game, the continuous rythm accompaning every action of the play, no matter how the result was on the field.

Well, that is Boca, my friend.

Welcome to the club.