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09-15-06, 18:37
Getting ready for my next visit to BA, I wanted to ask whether anyone has any helpful information about a problem that many of us have-premature ejaculation.

I have been at this for more than forty years now (Social Security starts next year) and coming too soon has become a major problem for me as I age (though getting it up has not) I wanted to ask how others deal with this, and whether there are any suitable drugs.

There was a time when I took an anti-depressant (an SSRI, or something like that) and the doctor who prescribed it told me many people use it just to prolong sex. And that was certainly the effect it had on me-very difficult to come at all. But I don't know if I want to try to get into anti-depressants again.

Anybody have any ideas?

09-15-06, 18:59

Heres how most of us handle it.

We Fuck and We Fuck, then we fuck somemore after that we fuck even more by then we all pray we can cum. Trust me after all the fucking you can do your going to have a tuff time cuming.


09-15-06, 19:03

Actually, the correct translation of Exon's post is:


Heres how most of us handle it.

We get hand jobs and we get hand jobs, then we get some more hand jobs, after that we get even more hand jobs. By then we all pray we can cum. Trust me after all the hand jobs you can do your going to have a tuff time cuming.



El Perro
09-15-06, 19:04
Assuming this is not a put on, premature ejaculation is ordinarily a very treatable problem. It is common and successfully treated by professionals with the requisite training. A small percentage of men with this complaint have a concomitant "phyisical" problem, but for most part it is due to that old bugaboo "performance anxiety". I would avoid anti depressants or benzos, do a little research on therapists in your area, and go see one. Actually, prostitutes might be perfect for practicing some of the behavioral changes your therapist would recommend. Good luck and good fucking.


09-15-06, 19:16
There is a thing called the "squeeze technique" that I've read about. You'll want to research it further but IIRC it basically involves squeezing the base of the penis fairly hard when you feel the premature ejaculation coming on. After doing this a couple of times, it is said that you lose the desire to come. My ex-wife was very sexually knowledgeable and also worked in medicine (physician's assistant) and she said it worked. I think maybe I read about it in the Joy of Sex.

09-15-06, 21:25
When you think you are about to cum, have the girl squeeze on your sack, it stops blood flow to the shaft and it should help you control your ejaculation. It works for me every time, my ex girlfriend who was a stripper used that on me and she seemed rather knowlegeable about such things. They also sell something called a ball ring that you can use during sex that has the same effect of prolonging your ejaculation. You can also use physical techniques to try to gradually control your ejaculation, alot of handjobs actually are supposed to work, I read a technique somewhere where you basically train yourself how to prolong your nutt by jacking off. If all else fails think of something really UN sexual right when you think you are about to bust. That has worked a few times for me, I usually think of Barbara Bush naked. But try whatever works for you.


"sex therapists prescribe a series of exercises to enable the man to gain ejaculatory control. While the exercises are intended for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, other men can use the exercises to enhance their sex lives. By far the most common exercise is the so-called start-stop technique. While the technique varies, the purpose is to get the male accustomed to maintaining an erection for an extended period of time while gradually increasing sexual tolerance. In doing this exercise, the male obtains an erection through self-stimulation, or masturbation. After achieving an erection, he stops stimulating himself until he begins to lose his erection; at that point, he begins to stimulate himself again. Gradually, over a period of several weeks, he is able to stimulate himself for longer periods of time, eventually gaining ejaculatory control. In order for this technique to be successful, the male should avoid feeling discouraged if he ejaculates rapidly; instead, he should use his sexual responses to learn how to vary the technique in a way that most benefits him. The male can choose to integrate his partner into these exercises.

The male's partner is usually integrated into the exercises. They can stimulate the partner using the stop-start technique. When the male has achieved some level of ejaculatory control, he can insert his penis into his partner without thrusting. After his penis becomes accustomed to being inside his partner, thrusting can be gradually included, according to the male's abilities, using the stop-start technique. In less severe cases, the male might overcome his premature ejaculation early on, making exercises with his partner superfluous."

"A serotonin transport inhibitor drug intended to specifically target premature ejaculation, with the generic name of dapoxetine, is currently undergoing Phase III clinical evaluation."


P. S I would stay away from the SSRI's unless you really need them. I personaly don't think it's worth taking that shit just to treat PE, but it IS the most effective medical treatment for PE so far. But taking Prozac just to last longer seems fucking crazy to me. No offense.

09-16-06, 01:54
In regard to PE, if you pay to take a chica to a hotel for an hour, will you still get the chance for multiple pops in one hour or do they bail after your first is shot?

09-16-06, 01:58
It depends on whether they are Dominicans or not, and whether you got your pants off before the first shot.

09-16-06, 02:21
There is a thing called the "squeeze technique" that I've read about. You'll want to research it further but IIRC it basically involves squeezing the base of the penis fairly hard when you feel the premature ejaculation coming on. After doing this a couple of times, it is said that you lose the desire to come. My ex-wife was very sexually knowledgeable and also worked in medicine (physician's assistant) and she said it worked. I think maybe I read about it in the Joy of Sex.I think the proper spot is not the base of the penis but just below the glans or head. Another very effective technique is stretching your ball sack. Typically before you come your testicles are retracted tight up against the penis almost like cocking a gun. If you pull your testicles down away from the penis the "gun" is no longer "cocked" and can't go off accidentally and hurt someone. You can just ask the prostitute you are fucking to pull your ball sack down as you fuck her. She will probably give you a funny look but I am sure she will oblige. Cheaper and better than getting some wacked out drugs in your body doing damage that shows up 10 years later.

09-16-06, 03:01
Yeah, I did some checking and you're right. Below the glans, not at the base. Just google "premature ejaculation squeeze technique." Plus it was Masters and Johnson and not Joy of Sex. I stand corrected.

I have the opposite problem, which costs me a lot of money.

09-28-06, 14:12
I think the proper spot is not the base of the penis but just below the glans or head. Another very effective technique is stretching your ball sack. Typically before you come your testicles are retracted tight up against the penis almost like cocking a gun. If you pull your testicles down away from the penis the "gun" is no longer "cocked" and can't go off accidentally and hurt someone. You can just ask the prostitute you are fucking to pull your ball sack down as you fuck her. She will probably give you a funny look but I am sure she will oblige. Cheaper and better than getting some wacked out drugs in your body doing damage that shows up 10 years later.Thanks, This ball-sack-stretching sounds like something that is very doable.

09-28-06, 17:23
Thanks, This ball-sack-stretching sounds like something that is very doable.On some of the really FREAKY web sites you can find products that will hold your ball sack in the "stretched out" posistion. Don't know what they would cost. I am in the opposite problem camp, delayed orgasmo syndrome. The plus side is there is no limit to the number of times you can screw if you don't orgasm and spit sperm as a result. You can "save it up" for that special someone that really "rings your bell".

The Cat
10-01-06, 06:11
Don Roberto,

You can go to any pharmacy in USA and buy something called Mandelay. Is a 10% lidocaine formula which decrease sensation and lets you last longer.

You can also check your local sex shop, they probably have a different brand.

Hope this help.

The cat

10-01-06, 15:11

What everybody has posted below is a bunch of nonsence, a waste of time, money and brain damage.

Try "Jacking Off " ten minutes before your date arrives, it works everytime.


10-01-06, 17:00
Better yet, don't even bother with dates. Just "Jack Off." Look how well that works for Exon.

Capt Dave
10-01-06, 17:01

Try "Jacking Off " ten minutes before your date arrives, it works everytime.

ExonHow does this fit into the "sperm management" program?


Coach 245
10-02-06, 01:19
This doesn't sound like you are saving any sperm that way. It sounds like a wasted load to me. I much perfer to donate all my sperm to the chicas! I do believe in Exon's sperm management program tho. I perfer "managing" every load stirred UP by the chicas, and then donating it to them as soon as they pry it out of me! LOL.


10-02-06, 16:38
Well Coach 245,

That may be true, but if the guy is worried about Cuming that fast this will work.

In fact the Monger in question has extra "Sperm" he need not worry about "Sperm Management". He has "Sperm to Burn" so to speak.

I myself have the oppsite problem and "Husband" my loads since I can't "Pull the Trigger" like an 18 year old anymore.
