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View Full Version : The Badboy Chronicles Part II

10-14-06, 06:14
I have a long awaited date with a hot well known female forum member tomorrow night. I also think this is a long awaited review. So I will make this thread just for her and what will probably be my last review.

I won't tell you who it is, but she is tall and blonde and Exon wants to have her love child, but since he is out of town I will do the honors:D. Again I can't say who she is since I have been sworn to secrecy in advance.

Stay Tuned.


10-14-06, 16:25
Wrong again Badboy13

I made a deal with "Miss Sol" last March to make her famious, in which Jackson let the cat of of the bag about a month or so ago.

After we'd "Finished Up" one afternoon we were in gageing in a little "Pillow Talk". I turned to Miss Sol and said "Lets have some fun". "What do You mean" she said. I said that since I'm going back to sex prison "I'll right a few posts on your behalf ". Telling her that next to "DickHead", "Exon" is the most read Monger on the board. Like me or not everyone reads Exon, "Really" she said

Its called "Third Party Creditabilty" Miss Sol, works everytime, I've got a degree in marketing honey. If "Exon" likes it, it must be good and everyone will want to try You. "Really" she replied again. "Yep" I answered, "Hide and Watch" your phone ring or the PM's your gona get, your gona be famious, I guarntee it.

Next I said give me your private e-mail address so Jackson can't read our communications and I'll tell You what to post and when to posted it. This will be our little secret so don't tell anyone and you'll make big "Platta" out of the deal and we both will have some fun with the Mongers.

Well the rest is history, argueably Miss Sol is the most talked about Chica on the board. Most guy's rave about her with many, many repetes. I figure she makes 5 or 6 thousand peso's a month off the friends she's made on the board and its become a "Win, Win" situation for everyone involved.

But she's earned every peso providing excellent service and truly is a girl I'd take anywhere. Miss Sol is a great experience and I'd recomend her to anyone, well possibility with the exception of DickHead, she's to classy for him.

So in fact I've been coaching Miss Sol on how to deal with the American Monger ever since last March threw her private e-mail address. Telling her what and what not to post.

True Story.


10-14-06, 16:33
Thanks for clearling all that up Ex, and this is a good place to confess you double agent. I think most knew it was all hype. I still think you want to have her love child though;) It's all good. I hope she meets Badboy's expectations.

Stay tuned.


10-14-06, 16:56
I will make this thread just for her and what will probably be my last review.With this thread title, sounds to me BB wants to catch a ride on Miss Sol's fame to feed his inflated ego. Now go ahead and tell me to stay off YOUR THREAD.

10-14-06, 17:12
Miss Sol fame?

WTF is that shit? Is your world really that small? You can bring YOUR big ego here if you want I will just start another thread. YOU will end up cluttering Jacksons forum with all your bullshit while I write reviews. Which is what a forum should be about. I have an inflated ego? Though I do see that there are very few posters that actually post anything most really care about and most just run around antagonizing people to get their rocks off, I have the right to ask people to not clutter a thread meant for reviews, so fuck off you dumb trick, This isn't the chat section this is a personal travel reports section, get a fucking clue.

But be my guest SportsLame. Have fun antagonize people on the internet instead of writing worthwhile reviews. I brush motherfucking haters like you off. It seems you are somehow fixated on my posts. I would suggest getting a life and banging more chicks and writing more reviews. Or start your own forum where you can antagonize newbies that actually contribute to the forum.



I am starting to understand what you are saying Ex, there are some real LOSER MOTHER FUCKERS ON HERE, SOME REAL BITTER JAGG OFFS THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO BULLSHIT ON THE INTERNET. Fucking Pathetic.

10-14-06, 17:51
Bravo BB,

I'm glad I was able to help you in proving your daily quota of name calling of fellow forum members. Having done that, I will for the first time utilize the forum's Ignore List and make you the sole inhabitant. May I suggest you do the same with me on your list?

10-14-06, 17:57
Any time. Say what you want. Every one who has read my posts knows I only reciprocate. I never instigate. I write only reviews so stop talking your bullshit and I won't respond. You came onto this thread for no better reason than to start a flame you CHUMP. So I have no need to put you on any ignore list you DUMB TRICK, just don't talk to me and I will gladly reciprocate.
