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View Full Version : Sting in Seattle

11-17-06, 13:59
It looks like John Law has used Craigslist to sting some 'hobbyists' at an upscale hotel. The article alludes to internet review sites such as this one but offers no names of those sites. Here's the link although it may be short-lived.


El Perro
11-17-06, 14:19
Interesting and nauseating. Sting operations are often as disgusting, or more so, than the behavior they are ostensibly supposed to stop. Particularly when it involves consenting adults. If these assholes don't want their chick cops subjected to dirty talk then don't put them in the position. Usually this horseshit is purely for local politicians to grandstand anyway. They really could give a fuck about prostitution. You gotta ask yourself, how long are the states going to remain in this time warped, puritanical, bullshit mindset? It seems like it'll go on forever. We can criticize alot of what goes on in politics here in Argentina and BA, but at least they don't have alot of hypocritical, foaming at the mouth puritans running amuck, and using government funds for asinine sting operations targeting hookers and johns. My two cents. A pet peeve of mine, if you can't tell.;)

11-17-06, 17:08
It's a good thing that all the drug dealers, thieves, and murderers in Seattle have been locked up and taken off the street. Obviously this must be the case, since the police have nothing better to do than set up their own escort service to arrest people.

From a legal perspective, the methodology seems pretty much to meet the legal standard of "entrapment." I hope some of the bank presidents, businessmen, and the otherwise law-abiding defendants have the balls to challenge this thing in court. They probably are too embarrassed to do it, but I hope they do.

11-17-06, 18:33
The article alludes to internet review sites such as this one but offers no names of those sites. Here's the link although it may be short-lived.They're are refering to this site no doubt.

http://www.clreviewboard.org and possibly this one too http://www.swreviewboard.org/