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12-06-06, 12:54
I'm thinking about changing over to the "Dark Side."

Last night after dinner, having coffee at Excedra. MAT, sometimes known as One Toe Mo, and I got to talking about Traviesas. Mo mentioned the idea to Punter 127 and he puked over the idea, got up and left.

Anyway one thing led to another and soon I found myself in Mo's car heading for a park near the US Embassy. Well the traffic was bumper to bumper with Mongers shopping for Blow Job's, Hand Job's, Fuck "em" in the Ass Anal and probably some weird MotherFuckers that wanted to be Fucked in the Ass themselves and give Blow Job's.

I'm hear to tell you CockSuckers these MotherFuckers are absolutely "Cum Fuck Me Drop Dead Fucking Gorgeous". There's a whole nother world out their we straight Mongers know nothing about. And evidently theres a market for these MotherFuckers because the streets were packed.

At one point the traffic came to a complete stand still. After about 5 minutes We finally worked our way up to the front of the cars and here stood the most beautiful blond MotherFucker you've ever laid eyes on. This "Chic with a Dick" if you will, was absolutely flawless, about 5'10" or more with absolutety perfect tits, gorgeous blond hair and stark naked standing in the middle of the street stopping traffic in both direction. Well almost stark naked, she had a little "G" string covering up her "Package", beautiful MotherFucker.

I'm telling you I was getting "Wood", these MotherFuckers were everywhere, hundreds of them, gorgeous CockSuckers if you will.

Well we pulled over for pricing and to "Yak" with a few of them. $20 peso's for half and hour seemed to be the going price. One quoted 100 peso's for one hour, Mo said that was the most expensive he'd ever been quoted. She was so beautiful she might have been worth it.

Anyway, I was getting "Wood" until they opened their mouths then that ruff graveling male voice came out and reality set in. I then realized I couldn't fuck one of the MotherFuckers, I just wouldn't feel right about it and besides I might have a moral hungover after the fact, but Damn they are they gorgeous MotherFuckers.

This is part of BA worth seeing. Rent a Cab or Remis for half and hour or so, put some extra Mongers in to cut the cost and take a ride threw the park about 1 o'clock at night. If you get the urge you can get out of the car and go behind the bushs for a bolw job.

To end this I just got a call from Roxana and we disscused this subject. To quote Roxana, " If I were a man, I'd be out there with You"


12-06-06, 13:34
Man I laughed purdy hard at this posting Exon. Thats some funny stuff. Do me a favor and stay on this side. Should we ever meet I don't wanna have to speculate on where your hands have been, should the need arise to shake hands.

12-06-06, 15:46
Anyway one thing led to another and soon I found myself in Mo's car heading for a park near the US Embassy.

I might have a moral hungover after the fact,.

ExonI have driven past this park I think, I was once in a taxi late at night coming home from Black or something I think and the taxi driver drove past this park and told me there were " traviesas " there, at first I wasn't sure what that meant because the direct translation means something like naughty girl but then he explained. I was kinda grossed out. But anyways, I didn't see anything but we drove by pretty fast, The place seems pretty dark and it looks like the kind of place someone could get mugged. Good report though. Let the force be with you Ex, though I really hope you don't turn to the " Dark Side ". We might have to have three big breasted Black's dancers kidnap you and have their way with you just to set you straight.

And That was the best quote I have ever heard to describe that icky feeling you get the day after fucking a not so prime piece of pussy, I don't know if you came up with it yourself but it was good.

Moral Hangover, lol.



12-06-06, 15:49
If it was only the ruff gravely voice that caused reality to set in, rather than the knowledge that there was a penis in that there g-string, I suspect Exthon will once again return to the darkened park.

Keep us informed of your bi-curious exploits, it's pretty funny stuff.

12-06-06, 16:36
"I'm thinking about changing over to the "Dark Side."

"Beware of the dark side, for once down that path, forever will it control your destiny."

From some star wars movie

12-06-06, 19:30
I've been all over the world and never seen anything quite like it.

Its worth a hundred peso's for a Remis for a bunch of guy's just to see it.

There were hundreds of these MotherFuckers all over the place and a real traffic jam of Mongers just down there cruseing.

Roxana told me that everyday the city cleans up 1,000 condoms in the park, the aftermath of the missdoings at go on.


12-06-06, 19:44
I think it sounds funny Ex, but if you continue to be a spectator it is only a matter of time before a 5' 10 blonde with a bulge in " her " G-string entices you to become a full fledged participant. I fear for you Ex.


12-06-06, 20:41
I think it sounds funny Ex, but if you continue to be a spectator it is only a matter of time before a 5' 10 blonde with a bulge in " her " G-string entices you to become a full fledged participant. I fear for you Ex. Badboy.There are an enormous number of these lady-boys in Singapore and Malaysia as well. Knock down gorgeous - absolutely incredible. I have seen many, many tourists get drunk and end up with a surprise package. After, a lot have said "Any port in a storm". Cuidado!


Flexible Horn
12-06-06, 20:47
Exon my good friend,

If you need another area to scout, the road to the boat casino has some trans along it.

I remember looking at a person along there while in a cab, the driver told me the person was a bloke. Not my cup of tea Exon!


Punter 127
12-06-06, 20:59
Tonight there will be a coming out party for Exon and Mat, (9 pm at SORRENTO on 1053 POSADAS AVE) after which Exon will lead the parade to the park. (see photo)

BsAs has thousands of hookers and you are in the park looking at fags,:confused: You and Mat are both Sick Fucks Cocksuckers! :eek:

I think I’m going to puke again! :(

12-07-06, 13:04
Exon, Mat and Company,

You guys are making me ill. You do realize that you are speculating about the prospect of having sex with an anatomically correct human male, right?

Thanks, but no thanks.

Anyway, I don't generally condone discussions of transvestites and / or transsexuals on any of my websites, but before I delete all this disgusting commentary, I'd like to open the floor for comments, so let me post this question for the membership:

"Should discussions about transvestites and / or transsexuals be allowed on the ArgentinaPrivate Forum?"


12-07-06, 14:42
."Should discussions about transvestites and / or transsexuals be allowed on the ArgentinaPrivate Forum?" JacksonOh man. A PC can of worms! Based on the definitions from Merriam-Webster below the a Transvestite is an unqualified no. But if the membership (Exon) think a post-op Transsexual male is actually a female then the forum purpose "The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women. " would appear to allow.

Not my cup of tea though. But good natured ribaldry about this and other topics is (and should be provided it does not compromise bandwidth)!



Person who strongly identifies with the opposite sex and may seek to live as a member of this sex especially by undergoing surgery and hormone therapy to obtain the necessary physical appearance (as by changing the external sex organs)


A person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification.

Erm, I'm going to wash my hands.



12-07-06, 15:15
It is not so much the discussion about Transexuals or Transvestites that is so intriguing, rather it is the sociologic importance of examining one senior mongers transcontinental journey of sexual awakening and enlightment that is so fascinating.

Many important questions need to be answered. Is this an organic brain syndrome problem? A side effect of long term Viagra usage? Or just the geriatric manifestation of long repressed sexual desires.

I vote we let this one play out.

12-07-06, 17:16
I think if the name of the forum was ArgentinaGAYprivate, it would be ok, but it is really kinda gross. I don't think it should be banned per say, I think their are alot of topics that don't really contribute to the mongering lifestyle but we shouldn't ban them all. Censorship is bad.

With all that said, their is something to be said about responsible posting. Here I will inject some seriousness into this conversation and some might not want to hear what I post and I will eventually delete my post but it is some serious SERIOUS food for thought that all might want to think about.

HIV and AIDS is more prevalent among the gay population, I could go on about statistics and possible causes, but let us just take this as a fact. One of the main principle ways HIV and AIDS enters the heterosexual community is through bisexuals.

Imagine a somewhat bi curious monger who reads this forum, reads this thread gets information as to where and how to have gay sex with a male prostitute who has a higher probability of having HIV. This monger might then go back and sleep with some of the girls we post about on this forum. Of course there is no guarantee this monger will contract anything from a gay prostitute, but the probability is higher, and the probability of him then sleeping with a femal prostitute that other heterosexual mongers on this forum sleep with and inadvertently pass something on to her is also higher.

With that said, should we, as responsible mongers be advocating behavior that might put the whole mongering community at risk of a higher probability of contracting a virus? I have done research for pharmaceutical companies in the past and this very same thing happened in the Los Angeles area, not with HIV but with Syphilis, it was well documented and because of this I would think that, as responsible mongers, that want to keep our chicas as clean as can be, we would try to stay away from mixing the gay prostitution scene from our own socially acceptable form of recreational mongering.

Just my two cents.

And for the record, I don't for one second believe that Ex was actually advocating gay sex with a she-male prostitute. I think he mostly was advocating some frat house, drunk college kid behavior, like driving up to tranny prostitutes, asking " how much ", laughing and driving away. Allthough this might seem harmless, knowing the kind of degenerates that are on this forum (no offense) it is only a matter of time before some drunk monger that takes Ex seriously, actually engages in some gay shit. So we should be careful what we post, lest some mongers take us seriously and end up putting the rest of us more at risk to behavior that we do not advocate but has the potential of adversely affecting us.


Jaimito Cartero
12-07-06, 21:55
Anyway, I was getting "Wood" until they opened their mouths then that ruff graveling male voice came out and reality set in. So, if not for the voice, you'd be getting blown in the back of Nine-Toed-Moe's Ford?

12-08-06, 00:15
I would agree that its dangerous to pick up transvesty street walkers in the park, but probably not much more dangerous than picking up a female street walker in the park.

I don't see why this site should have an anti-transvestite policy. To each his own. I don't really buy the argument that someone fucking a transvestite is really going to endanger my health. The Argentine forums have sections on that and I don't think it really makes much of a difference there. So if there were a vote I would be in favor of letting the fags post here (no offence Exon)

12-08-06, 06:58
If you want to talk about gay shit, go make your own gay discussion web site. This site is for straight men who want to fuck some hot argies. Lets keep on topic. And if Exon wants to rant, we should give him a mini blog on the site to rant. It is rather amusing though, albeit sick.

12-08-06, 11:10
Are some of you that insecure in your masculinity that you think Ex-mans report of frolicing through the park or tiptoeing through the tulips will somehow entice you or others to switch sides. Do you really believe your whole responsible mongering world will come crashing down because Exxon has a hankering for some penis.

What is it that has attracted some of you extreme homophobes to this thread anyway. I mean Ex clearly labeled this thread "Traviesas". As humorous as Ex's original post was, it's even funnier to see the reaction it provokes from grown men.

12-08-06, 13:18

I love fucking with the sick "Dumb MotherFucking "Sex Tourist" that post on the forum.

This thread is a good example, its been up for just two days and we've already gone threw two full pages of opinonated nonsense about Transvestites.

Of course this is a hetrosexual male forum thats main theme is information about prostitution. But we post about everything under the Sun in Argentina from "Jacking Off" on my computer, to Fucking Chica's in the Ass, too "Fucking Milk Maids", if you will, "Milk Maids" theres one for You.

Theres all types of preversions in this world, Transsexualism is just one of them. It been said that the truest form of perversion is abstension.

Now whats sicker, a guy that doesn't fuck at all, or perhaps United States Congressman Tom Foley who wants to Fuck little pages in the Ass. Or maybe the guy that gets off Fucking Dead people, Or is it these Transsexual CockSuckers that run around in the park at night in Buenos Aires?

These Transvestites are just another form of human perversion of which their are too many to count. But the fact is they do exist and they are a big attraction since the traffic was bumper to bumper with sight seers looking at hundreds of these "Chicks with Dicks".

For you "Dumber MotherFuckers" there's a lot of things in this world that I for one would never attempt but I'm interested in. Rideing in the Space Shuttle for example, no fucking way you'd ever get me in that thing, but I'm interested in every flight. Course some guys would give their left "Nut" for a ride, not Me.

The Transvestites in the park are just another attraction in Buenos Aires of which there are many. Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals for Homosexuals, there "Fags" all over town as another example. That means there are guys that fly all the way down here to put their dick in another guys Ass. Perhaps some of these "CockSuckers" if you will, are out in the park at night, probably!

The point in my original post was to bring to light some facts of life Mongers. These people do exsist, their not going to go away. There's an unbelieveably huge market for their services. Moreover, I'm willing to bet there "Lurker MotherFuckers" that read this board that can't wait to get on the next plane down here to Fuck one of these "Shemales" in the Ass, or Suck his Dick, or do what ever these "CockSuckers" do to one another.

And don't any of You MotherFucking Sex Tourist worry about Exon's sexual turn on's. I'll be just fine staying in the middle of the main stream. See its OK to "Jack Off" and get a "Hand Job", there's really nothing to much unnatural about that sorta thing.


12-08-06, 14:03
I don't really buy the argument that someone fucking a transvestite is really going to endanger my health (no offence Exon)I would ask you to tell any female prostitute you fuck that you also moonlight as a patron of gay shemale hookers that you pick up at the local park and see if they think you aren't endangering their health by fucking them. The sad thing is most homosexual or Bi-sexual mongers can affect other peoples health statistically.

I personally don't want to fuck a girl who is getting fucked by a bunch of faggs that fuck other faggs in the park. And I don't think their is any homophobia here at all, I just think most people agree that this topic doesn't belong on this forum.

And Joe, you don't have to buy anything, because guess what? I'm not selling anything. Do your research, I have done mine. The number one cause of elevated HIV numbers in Argentina will be bisexual sex that will bring straight mongers and people in general in contact with diseases historically associated with the gay community.

People will do what they want, and we have to take precautions, but these bisexual dudes will bring that shit into the straight community, do your own research because that is a fact.

I don't think I have ever read any tranny stuff on european forums, be they french or russian or english. I don't think it's a crime to discuss it, but I also think it is something we could do without.

I will end with a quote from Punter 127

" BsAs has thousands of hookers and you are in the park looking at fags? "


12-08-06, 14:09
Exon my good friend,

If you need another area to scout, the road to the boat casino has some trans along it.

I remember looking at a person along there while in a cab, the driver told me the person was a bloke. Not my cup of tea Exon!


I've been to that streach of road, nothing to compare to this park. Hundreds of the CockSuckers all over the place.


12-08-06, 18:00
I don't think their is any homophobia here at all, I just think most people agree that this topic doesn't belong on this forum.Perfectly phrased.

Punter 127
12-08-06, 18:42
It could happen to you some night in the park.

12-12-06, 11:04
Cough, Cough!

I usually don't participate in the board's discussions as it's not my role but as I've been mentioned in this thread, I would like to say something.;)

First of all, I consider Exon's original posts about the TVs in Buenos Aires as a valuable contribution. Maybe he was "giving shit" to whoever but obviously, it's so valuable that we are discussing it here a lot, exchanging posts, making a poll, a rich activity as I haven't seen since a long time ago.

From my point of view, Thank God; maybe we now can have the opportunity of discussing something more than just cheap budgets looking like "Principles".

The purpose of this forum is: "getting information of paid sex with women".

So, would that also mean that this forum is for exchanging information of getting sex with lesbians?

Because from what I understand, lesbians are also "women"!

Ok, I know that now someone will say that this is stupid because lesbians don't want to have sex with males. Are you so sure?;)

Sexuality is a complex biological, genetical, mechanical, psychological, social, cultural, economical and political subject. So, I ask you to think this:

The definition of what a "woman" in terms of sexuality is not that simple because if you are just looking for "women" to be screwed for money, you don't need to leave your own Queen size bed at home. There, you've got a "woman" that you pay for, right beside you!

So if a "woman" is that simple to define, you only need to go and screw your *^^&&$^! Wife everyday as she is a "woman"!

Why hunting for just somebody else that most of the time is just seen as a "woman"? (I understand that all of us need diversity, but this is not the point here)

Those "women" who you are coming for, that you desire, that you hunt, they are "women" because of what you perceive about them: A beautiful body, sex appeal, the make up, the sensual clothes, the feminine attitude, something that appeals to your manhood.

It's OK but those same perceptions of a "woman" can also be found from a transvestite or a transsexual while those same perceptions of a "woman" can't be found from some lesbians although they are "women".

So, what I'm trying to say is that TVs could be part of the purpose of this forum as in terms of sexuality they are "women" providing sex for money.

I will respect Jackson's decision about this thread, this is basic for me and I'm telling you all so you know it. However, I don't think this could be a threat for the ones who are not interested in this subject as the excuse of "I don't want to read this in the forum" is simple to be solved. Just don't read it.;)

I'm expressing my opinion only, but I want to let you know that despite the fact that Exon could give them a try, he won't be neither the first one nor the last one! And you know that I can assert so as I've been working for "men" since four years ago.;)

So, if Jackson decides that this matter can be discussed in this forum, I would like to offer my section for this thread, so the sensitive ones won't need to go to my dark alley!

Also I suggest that public pictures can't be posted only opinions and information.


Roxanne; a "woman" who can act as a "man".

12-12-06, 12:03
And I think I'm going to vomit.

Jaimito Cartero
12-12-06, 12:16
And I think I'm going to vomit.Did you drive by the park and see Exon in the bushes? Wonder what those stains were on the back seat of Mo's car?:)

12-13-06, 10:44
"I just stumbled onto this thread"

It is amazing how many have just stumbled upon this thread. I guess when you saw " Traviesas" in bold print it looked like "Travel visas".

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

12-13-06, 12:28
I think there's a lot of lukering "Fudge Packers" out there that don't post much. Those guy's would love Fucking a beautiful Traviesa in the Ass in the park.

I mean theres a bunch of guys that are always posting about anal with their Chica. How they Fucked her in the Ass and she screamed with delight or pain, depending on how "Sick" the CockSucker is.

I mean these same MotherFuckers have been Fucking Sheep in the barn yard along with the pigs & goats for years. Why do they feal threatend about the discussion of Fucking the "Trannie"?

I tend to aggree with Roxana's post below.


Just suppose you were an Iraiqi prisoner held by US Troops in the middle east. The US female guard comes to you in the middle of the night, your naked and say's were bored making you "jack Off" in front of us. We're either going to let you go or kill you tonight if you don't do what we tell you.

You must Fuck the "Butt Ugly lesbian Bull Dyke" in her sloppy pussy missionary style or the "Beautiful Transvestite" in her tight Ass doggie style, its your choice. If you don't Cum in 5 minutes we'll kill You, but first, if we have to kill you we'll have the dog bite your cock & balls off. (this seems to be the US Army's version of Sport Fucking by the way)

Which one would you pick?


12-13-06, 13:09
Exon, if we take your analogy at face value, just because some fucking degenerates are diddling children, then we ought to allow discussion of diddling children on this board. It's not a question of feeling "threatened," it's the difference between being a gentleman and being a sicko.

Have some standards, amigo. Because without them, it's a pretty gross underworld out there.

12-13-06, 17:34
A TV is not man or woman but both and an aberration of nature. Therefore, men attracted to them are also of a deviant and aberrant sexual nature totally incompatible with the psychology of a normal monger.

This will lead to exactly the kind of divisiveness and conflict that site administration is trying so hard to avoid.

I would avoid introducing any kind of sexually perverse dialogue to this forum, especially fag stuff just to provide female posters someone to chat with.

12-13-06, 19:48
I think I have only written twice on the board. And this is the last argument I want to get in the middle of. After all no matter what your position there is going to be someone that will get personal and put you down for your opinions. But we all have an opinion and this is mine. Exon is a well know individual both on this site and in person. He has written many good threads and reports that have helped many of us. And that's exactly the way I took this thread. He was simply reporting what he saw and having a fun by embellishing a little.

So now all the " Macho Men" have to protect their turf by telling everyone else how they should think. The thread was clearly identified. If it's not something you wanted to read about why did all the macho men even open it? And once they did open why did they read it all? Oh, I know "it was your right to do so". And you would be correct. It is your right to do so. Just as it was Exon's right to post it. It's Jackson's site and his to monitor. If he doesn't like what was written then he can delete. It's that simple. I've seen him do it many times in the past. So big deal, get a life and move on already!

I think there's a lot of lukering "Fudge Packers" out there that don't post much. Those guy's would love Fucking a beautiful Traviesa in the Ass in the park.

I mean theres a bunch of guys that are always posting about anal with their Chica. How they Fucked her in the Ass and she screamed with delight or pain, depending on how "Sick" the CockSucker is.

I mean these same MotherFuckers have been Fucking Sheep in the barn yard along with the pigs & goats for years. Why do they feal threatend about the discussion of Fucking the "Trannie"?

I tend to aggree with Roxana's post below.


Just suppose you were an Iraiqi prisoner held by US Troops in the middle east. The US female guard comes to you in the middle of the night, your naked and say's were bored making you "jack Off" in front of us. We're either going to let you go or kill you tonight if you don't do what we tell you.

You must Fuck the "Butt Ugly lesbian Bull Dyke" in her sloppy pussy missionary style or the "Beautiful Transvestite" in her tight Ass doggie style, its your choice. If you don't Cum in 5 minutes we'll kill You, but first, if we have to kill you we'll have the dog bite your cock & balls off. (this seems to be the US Army's version of Sport Fucking by the way)

Which one would you pick?


12-13-06, 20:24
Hey JBL,

I think Jackson has made his position clear, if you only go back and read it. He doesn't want this kind of stuff on his forum. And the Majority of the forum members agree, just take a look at the poll, (isn't democracy grand?) The only reason Jackson hasn't already deleted this thread is because he is giving a chance for all the " Macho Men " and " Fiddling Nancies " to give their opinions. So your comments don't make much sense. This post is still here so we can all give our thoughts and we are.


Don't mind other people talking about TV's, I just don't think Jacksons AP website is the place for that type of stuff.

12-15-06, 18:55

As I stated there is no way anyone can win on the subject. My point was that Exon was only having fun with the situation the same as he does with most situations. And a lot of people took his comments to mean something more then I feel they did. I hardly feel that his posting is curving the site to an only gay excepted site. And I have read all the comments about the thread including JAckson's.

As you said and I quote you "This post is still here so we can all give our thoughts and we are." So I guess my comments do make sence because that is exactly what I am doing (giving my thoughts) And thank you for your many thought too!


Hey JBL,

I think Jackson has made his position clear, if you only go back and read it. He doesn't want this kind of stuff on his forum. And the Majority of the forum members agree, just take a look at the poll, (isn't democracy grand? The only reason Jackson hasn't already deleted this thread is because he is giving a chance for all the " Macho Men " and " Fiddling Nancies " to give their opinions. So your comments don't make much sense. This post is still here so we can all give our thoughts and we are.


Don't mind other people talking about TV's, I just don't think Jacksons AP website is the place for that type of stuff.

12-15-06, 19:56
Agreed JBL,


12-20-06, 21:26
Rather than a Trannie, how about some of this shit.

Sorta off the beaten path


Helga looks sorta interesting.


Member #3314
12-20-06, 22:24
If you click through all of her pics you get to the menu of the real good ones.


She blows helga away.