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View Full Version : BA or Lima - Which?

03-15-07, 00:03
I already have a woman lawyer friend in Peru, so that tilts me towards towards Lima. But. I read online that Argentina has a better female / male ratio than Peru.

Also, I have an internet business I need to run. I think that Argentina has better connectivity, more choices for cell phones, etc, than Peru.

What's better, Lima or Buenos Aires?

Finally, I am 33 years old. I have about 30K in the bank, and a website generating about 2,500-3,000 a month. Is that enough to live on?


03-15-07, 00:23
More bang for your buck in Lima.

Trust me.

Good luck.

03-15-07, 02:27

Rent can be more expensive in Ar, depending on how you like to live, you can find something nice for 600 US or you can also find something nice for 1200 US, that is depending on your tastes. Lima rental property is generally cheaper, generally, unless you are talking about living in a nice modern high rise on the beach or in San Isidro. But overall I think rent is cheaper in BA.

As far as cost of living Lima is more expensive, food is way more expensive, the only things that are cheap are car prices, BA has a big mark up on cars, for instance a nice Camry in the US 26K, A nice Camry in Lima 30k, the same Camry in BA 35-40K. But everything else is cheaper in BA.

As far as punting, that all depends on your tastes as well, Lima has some good looking girls, IMHO Argentina has MORE, as in quantity, good looking girls.

As far as prices are concerned, you can go to the local Cucardas and bang to your hearts content for 50-75 Soles (25 US) a pop all night long, Or you can go to an older High class joint like Emanuelle and spend between 100-200 US (Emanuelle was the equivalent of Black in Lima, now it is more like Madahos)

If you do end up in Lima, I would suggest you hit Club 69, Expensive as hell, but the best looking girls I have ever seen in a club in Lima. Basically the set up is 50 PE entrance, 75 PE chica drink, 100 PE chica take out fee, then 100-200 US for the girl. An added plus is these places, Club 69 in particular, have on site suites, so you pay an extra 100-300 PE for a nice suite with a jacuzzi for two hours. So you are looking at about 200-300 US to bang a chick there. Plus as far as sharks go Lima probably has twice the number of sharks that BA has. Oh yeah I haven't been but I have heard that Suite De Baranco are very good as well.

Peruvian cuisine also has a big advantage over BA cuisine. It is truly worldly. And is being recognized all over the world as one of the best. They are now doing Gourmet restaurant tourism, where people actually come to Lima just to try the food. Look it up, I just read about it and found it interesting. If you have ever been to Nobu in the US or in it's other franchises in Europe, you will know that the head chef worked and studied many years in Lima before opening his own Peruvian Japanese fusion restaurant in New York.

Economically, if you bring US money you should be fine either way, the macro economy is good, the economic disparity is very bad. Politically, the government is center right. A very neo liberal country over all. BA, well I won't go into it, but it has it's good and bad as well.

What I can tell you from having been to most of the countries here in South America, I would have to say BA is at the top of the list as one of the best, if not the best, cities in SA.

If cost of living is a concern, you might also look into Montevideo and also Santiago, both on the top of all the lists as far as quality of life and stability.

I hope this was somewhat helpful. Though on a purely mongering perspective, the quality and quantity of tail in this country is AMAZING.



PS, 2500-3000 US should be enough to live on, but again it depends if you are including rental fees. I would say it is easier to live on 3000 in BA. Just note , it all depends on HOW you like to live,

Person A) $1000 US a month long term rental fee for a nice apartment in BA $ 500-600 US on mongering a month, $600 US on eating out, and then $600-1000 on other costs. Total = 2600- 3400 a month

Person B ) $ 600 US a month on a mid range long term rental. $ 400 US on mongering ( only 100 US a week ), food $ 400 US and other expenses $ 600 US. Total = $2000

Just note that the average Porteno lives on 1000 US or less a month.

You will be fine, Unless you get a 1200 Sq foot apartment in the Faena, and eat at top notch restaurants every day, and get 100 dollar pussy every other day and have a shopping fetish. If you live like that you can easily spend 5000-6000 US.

03-15-07, 06:34
I would just remark that the current Peruvian Gov't is considered by most analysts to be center-left. Nowhere near Chavez or Morales, surely, but center-left. Center-right would be Uribe in Colombia or Calderon in Mexico.

03-15-07, 06:49
Uribe is right, there is no center about it. I understand that Garcia is " CONSIDERED " center right for media purposes, nobody in PE actually thinks that. He is a neo liberal, who has actually done very little of anything other than push a FTA with the US, center left would mean he is actually embracing some social agenda, which he is not. Either way, considering all the other governments in the region Uribe and Garcia are about as right as they come. Not saying its good or bad, just calling em like I see em. As long as the electorate is deciding, I have no qualms.


03-15-07, 10:58
Here's my suggestion - don't make a final decision. Go to both, spend 2 or 3 months and make a decision after you've had a long time to get to know both cities.

Daddy Rulz
03-15-07, 14:15
As Hunt, the notorious gay bottom says, check them both out.

Bads numbers are pretty good but rent can be had for less. I live in Almagro which is about 30 blocks from the Obelisco up Corrientes and have a small (by US standards) one bedroom apartment. I'm comfortable in it and everybody that has seen either liked it or lied to me for 1000 pesos a month. In the center his numbers are spot on. I'm 6 subway stops from the Obelisco and there are a 1000 buses near me but not a one on my street so my apartment is very quiet.

I enjoy life a little further from the center, my barrio is safe, clean as anywhere with all the services found downtown but it feels more BsAs to me.

Don't really agree about the food part, but thats just a matter of taste. I did go to an amazing tienador libre in Miraflores once though. Not so much about the acclaim that Peruvian food is getting, just on which is better. Argentinian food is much blander sadly but I do love the carne.

It was a lot of years ago that I was in Lima so it may have changed, my overall impression based on nothing specific just comparing how I felt there and feel here is that BsAs is safer, cleaner, and with a lot more hot women. I didn't do any mongering there so I can't comment on that.

If your income is portable try them both. Try Cordoba, try Santiago, try Caracas. Hell go to Asencion (sp) Paraguayans are amazing in the sack and Paraguay is dirt cheap.

Whichever you decide I think your on the right track making the move, it's a big continant and I'm sure you will find a place you enjoy better than sex prison.

03-15-07, 20:30
Living in Lima it is my natural inclination to say Lima is better. But it really comes down to what you are seeking. We all have our preferences on Women / Climate / Cuisine and arguments for and against can be made on either side. Most studies imply that Lima is the more expensive city but most travellers will tell you the reverse. One fact I do know is RE in Recoleta is $3,000 sqm and Oceanfront in Miraflores is $1,000 sqm and although top restaurants are about a third NYC prices, I can eat out at a high quality "menu" for $2.50 a day. Granted.

A Argentinian Caudril is about $17.00 but all that beef is not healthy and fresh Peruvian seafood is the best on the planet!

But never having lived in BA, it would be quite foolish of me to state that either is better for you.

It is a no-brainer, Live for 1/2 the year in each as long as you spend summer in LIMA!



03-15-07, 22:31
Good points, Like I said RE in BA is way more expensive than in PE. Though San Isidro is getting up there as well. Oceanfront is also getting up there in some areas. I have lived in BA and Lima, and I can tell you I found the daily cost of living higher in Lima, except for the RE prices. You CAN eat a menu for $2-4 US a day, you can also do that in BA. Meat is hands down 100% better in BA, any honest Limeno will tell you that once they get here. Seafood is another story here, I find it lacking, and PE does have an extensive variety of it, though I would say, Japan probably has better. PE does have better food overall IMHO.

I would not suggest summer in PE, only because the beaches are just as dirty as BA. Another thing I dislike about beaches in PE is the coastline is generally barren, as in very little greenery, mostly a bunch of sand. Unless you go up north by the EC border. Guayaquil has way better beaches than PE, and much cheaper. Don't forget Cartagena or Maracaibo or Bahia or even Piriapolis. All great places to spend a wonderful summer. I would probably put summer in PE at the end of a long list of places to go, no offense.

03-16-07, 15:28
I would not suggest summer in PE, only because the beaches are just as dirty as BA. Another thing I dislike about beaches in PE is the coastline is generally barren, as in very little greenery, mostly a bunch of sand. Unless you go up north by the EC border. Guayaquil has way better beaches than PE, and much cheaper. Don't forget Cartagena or Maracaibo or Bahia or even Piriapolis. All great places to spend a wonderful summer. I would probably put summer in PE at the end of a long list of places to go, no offense.No offense taken! The thread is specificly about a BA / LIM comparison and I was making reference to my preference for living in Miraflores over Recoleta in the summer months. You are absolutely correct about the coastline and unless you are a surfer or nightclubber the beach communities in southern lima do not have much to offer.

No argument on the steaks, Argentinian beef is the best but is readily available in the stores and restaurants at about $9.00 a Kilo and about $10-$15 in a good restaurant.



06-04-07, 02:16
Lima is nice for a week or so but you must be braindamaged to wanting to live there over BA.

If you want to do some classy girls there be prepared to spend a lot of money

06-06-07, 23:11
I have yet not arrived, but the contacts I get at Cupid, non-hookers, tells me that Lima can be at least as good as BA. I give you a report later.

Saludos M