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01-01-06, 02:00
Thread Starter.

Coach 245
03-29-07, 01:15

Jackson knows as most of us on this forum, Anna Luna is a breath of fresh air for all of us when we arrive at the airport to have her bring us in town to begin our "NEXT ADVENTURE" as Exon calls our visits. It is always nice to see Anna at the airport! Thanks Anna for the many, many times you have picked me and my wingman up at the airport and delivered us safely to begin our trips home. Keep up the GREAT work!


03-29-07, 11:12
OK, I have had enough of this thread. I'm going to post the truth as I know it personally.

I have used Anna Luna's services. I know her, and think she is a nice person.

I have found her to be less-than-reliable as a remis service driver. Sometimes everything worked out, but on one occasion I nearly missed a plane back the USA a couple years ago because she didn't pick me up from my hotel on time. I waited, and waited, and waited, and while she did telephone me to say "I'm on my way," she never appeared. I had to scrounge a taxi to the airport. That was the last time I tried to utilize her services.

I have also spoken to other mongers who have repeated to me less-than-favorable experiences with punctuality. In general they have been like me - not desiring to say anything bad, and not wanting to get flamed by people for whom Anna is the best remis driver in Buenos Aires. Yes, Captain9025, everybody has a bad day. Anna Luna seems to have a lot of bad days.

This all said - would I ever schedule a pickup from Anna Luna from EZE? Hell no. Too many potential problems, a lack of reliability, and a price which is higher than normal. A whole fleet of English-speaking remis kiosks is available outside customs at EZE.

Would I engage her to do remis work within BsAs? Maybe. I would just want to make sure there aren't any deadlines which are too important to keep. She is attractive, and if having an attractive driver is important to you, she's one of the best choices. I prefer getting from Point A to Point B on time and with a minimum of difficulty and cost.

What I don't like about this thread is Anna's attitude toward Jackson, whose forbearance allows her to get a lot of business on this forum. I don't like ingrates. She knows full well that the Jackson of this forum is not the same "Jackson Buenos Aires" in another forum who said something bad about her. But nevertheless she blames our Jackson. For me, this is not acceptable. I will not use Anna Luna's services again, and will not advise anybody to use them either, for the reasons I have explained.

03-31-07, 17:50
My own experience with Ana Luna is about 180 degrees out from Hunt's.

I have been using Ana Luna personally for about a year for every one of my own trips to and from the airport. Never a single problem.

I have also used Ana Luna to pick up and drop off friends, family, and business associates. Again, never a single problem.

All told, I would guess that in the past year I have used her somewhere around 18 or 20 times. Never a problem with being on time...never a problem with failing to show...never a problem period.

Maybe it's because I always e-mail her the day before to confirm (and if it's for a friend or something, I text her about an hour out to make sure she's on the way there). Maybe it's because I insist on getting to the airport 3 1/2 hours early. Whatever. But my own experience has been that in the past year, this woman has been the very soul of dependability and reliability.


04-16-07, 14:54
Hi all,

Landed in Bs As on Sunday at 1530 Hrs. The good thing is that I had booked online with Ana Luna. She was promptly waiting for me with her car and was fantastic in dropping me off to the apartment that I had booked through her. She charged me 24 USD which was quite alright and she is a good English speaker an keeps chatting to you while she drives! Her personal website is www.ana-luna.com and I recommend her highly to all people who come to Bs As.

This is my first post from Bs As. Cheers. I am stying at Austria 2284 till 29th April. Anyone wants to get in touch with me please feel free to do so. Cheers. Buenos Dias!

04-17-07, 17:15
Greetings Everyone,

I'm posting this on behalf of my guest who checked into my apartment on Wednesday. He was reluctant to post this himself out of concerns that he might get flamed. Imagine that?

Anyway, he made an advanced reservation to have Anna pick him up at EZE on Wednesday night at 11:30 pm. Unfortunately, she failed to show up, so after waiting and wandering around the terminal for 45 minutes, he took one of the regular airport remis services for 60 pesos.

My guest did comment that the remis driver had an "engaging personality" and "was fantastic in dropping me off to the apartment", for whatever that's worth.

Maybe there was a miscommunication about the reservation? Maybe she doesn't do night pickups? Maybe she had another customer? Maybe she had car problems? I don't know.



04-17-07, 17:43

I moved your question about airport taxi fares to the thread for Airport Taxis.




Easy Go
04-17-07, 19:29
I was happy to see her smiling face when I walked out of customs today. It was a very pleasant way to start my stay in Buenos Aires.

If you want a 100% predictable experience, use the taxi booth at the airport. It's the rational choice.

If you want an excellent chance of being met by a lovely lady with a beautiful smile, use Ana. I use her every trip and, if for some reason she wasn't there and I couldn't reach her on her cell, I'd just walk over to the booth and get a taxi. No harm done other than a few minutes lost.

04-17-07, 22:52
If You haven't used her services then your really not qualified to post on the subject are You?


Jaimito Cartero
04-17-07, 23:51
Anna does seem to have reliability issues. I gave her one shot a couple of years ago, but hanging out at the airport after a long flight is not my idea of fun. It seems that her "pimps" will hear no bad words said about her, though. Too bad she can't seem to defend herself other that posting "Jackson is dissing me on another site" type.

Julian Long
04-18-07, 00:15
Now I really need to know, besides Ana can someone recommend a driver for me?

Member #3314
04-18-07, 00:43
I had a problem with Ana also. She was great on the way in, bad on the way out.

I ended up looking on frommers and went with a place called annie millet I think, they speak english, or at least have someone who speaks broken english. They did a confirmation call the morning before I left, I had a chica talk to them to make sure I told the guy the right time.

The guy had a 2 year old BMW 5 series, wearing a nice suit. It was a class act. It was around 70 pesos, I think I gave the guy 100p he was a good driver for argentina, and I tip heavy.

Face it, the girl is nice to look at. You are probably not going to fuck her (I heard some have), so go for the reliable service.

My next trip I will probably just grab a guy at the airport there are many.

I can handle a little flakeyness on the way in, but don't mess with missing my plane out, thats a deal breaker and just bad business.

Julian Long
04-18-07, 01:03
Thank you for the note, I will continue to check out other options before I decide. I am not scheduled to arrive into BA until Thursday May 31st AM.

04-18-07, 02:28
Now I really need to know, besides Ana can someone recommend a driver for me?Hi Julian,

My personal choice:




04-18-07, 04:08
I've used Ana's service when I got in and when I left back in Feb. She was punctual and easy to get along with. She even took me with short notices. When I go back I'll definitely use her services. I have nothing but praises for her.

04-18-07, 13:30
What Jackson said.

Jaimito Cartero
04-18-07, 13:30
Hey, what ever happened to the "3 personal attacks" rule? It seems that some people have used up their quota a long time ago.

Easy Go
04-18-07, 15:08
Hey, what ever happened to the "3 personal attacks" rule? It seems that some people have used up their quota a long time ago.I agree. Calling people that post positive experiences "pimps" hardly qualifies as a personal attack so Jackson should definitely give you a pass on it.

Julian Long
04-18-07, 23:57
Jackson thank you for the tip. I look forward to meeting you when I finally arrive.

04-19-07, 00:25
I had arranged for Ana to pick me up at EZE but a few days before my flight she canceled saying she was going to take a vacation opportunity. She did offered to send someone in her place but I declined. As it turned out I also canceled my trip. However, I rescheduled a few weeks later so I contacted Ana again. This time everything worked out great and Ana was at EZE waiting for me. I was so happy with her service that I scheduled her for my return trip to EZE. However, the night before my flight she emailed me stating that she had a medical problem and would not be available to drive me to the airport. As before she offered to have someone else drive me and this time I excepted. I called her an hour or two before my scheduled pick up to verify she had arranged for my driver and she told me not to worry she had taken care of it. Well guess what no one ever showed up. And I was unable to reach Ana at any of the 3 phone numbers she had given me. So I walked to the corner with my 3 suit cases (I was there a while) and grabbed the biggest cab I saw. So was the problem Ana's fault or the other driver she arranged? Don't know and at this point I don't care. I'm not saying I won't use Ana again but I will think twice about it before I do. After all if she never shows up she could be the best looking girl in BA (and she is close) but it won't get me to the airport.

Greetings Everyone,

I'm posting this on behalf of my guest who checked into my apartment on Wednesday. He was reluctant to post this himself out of concerns that he might get flamed. Imagine that?

Anyway, he made an advanced reservation to have Anna pick him up at EZE on Wednesday night at 11:30 pm. Unfortunately, she failed to show up, so after waiting and wandering around the terminal for 45 minutes, he took one of the regular airport remis services for 60 pesos.

My guest did comment that the remis driver had an "engaging personality" and "was fantastic in dropping me off to the apartment", for whatever that's worth.

Maybe there was a miscommunication about the reservation? Maybe she doesn't do night pickups? Maybe she had another customer? Maybe she had car problems? I don't know.



Anna Luna
04-19-07, 13:14

Buenos Aires.

Joined: Apr. 2007

Forum posts: 1


More about BuenosAiresJackson.

Posted on: 11:31 pm, yesterday.


Here is a link with numerous posts attesting to how unreliable Ana Luna is.

04-19-07, 17:37
Greetings everyone,

1. I didn't post that message on this forum or any other forum.

2. Obviously Anna suspects that I posted it because she believes that I have some animosity towards her. She's wrong. I couldn't care less about her personally.

3. My point in this thread is NOT wether or not Anna Lina may or may not be reliable. My point is that the idea of scheduling somebody to pick you up at either the airport upon your arrival or at your hotel on your departure is fraught with potential problems AND completely avoidable because there are squadrons of taxis waiting 24 hours a day at both the airport and downtown, ready and waiting to take you to your destination at a price that is LOWER than a scheduled car and driver.

4. Now, if you want to do some site seeing, or shopping in the suburbs, or explore the city, or investigate some real estate, then that's the time to hire a car and driver.




Buenos Aires.

Joined: Apr. 2007

Forum posts: 1


More about BuenosAiresJackson.

Posted on: 11:31 pm, yesterday.


Here is a link with numerous posts attesting to how unreliable Ana Luna is.

Jaimito Cartero
04-20-07, 00:50
It looks like someone is trying to stoke the fire. Honestly, if Jackson wanted to really dump on Ana, I'm sure he would have no trouble doing so. Sacred cows are a ***** to deal with.

Wayne Will
04-20-07, 00:56
I now think he is dumping on her in a more subtle way.

I used her services when I was in BA and I had no problems with her.

Julian Long
04-20-07, 01:09
Well, I must admit when I travel internationally I prefer a private car. But it is not a big deal. The only time it would be a big deal is if I have already paid and the driver did not show (never pay in advance, I never have) With that said I will hire a private driver and if for some strange reason that driver do not show, I would just use a taxi service. It is as simple as that. When private car companies do not show up, there could be a mirrored of reasons why. Do I have time to concern myself with those reasons. No? My suggestion is always have a back-up plan.

04-20-07, 11:24
I now think he is dumping on her in a more subtle way. She's been quite "un-subtle" in dumping on Jackson, hasn't she? I would say that he's perfectly entitled, if what you say is true. Frankly, if this site belonged to me, and she had posted what she did, she would have been banned a long time ago. Jackson is extraordinarily indulgent with this ingrate.

I used her services when I was in BA and I had no problems with her.I've used her too, and had a serious problem which causes me never to employ her again. As you see from just a few posts here, lots of fellows have had problems. But hey, she's a nice person, and good-looking, so I guess it really doesn't matter if she shows up or not, does it?

Give me a sweaty, fat guy who speaks no English but who shows up on time, all the time. I want reliable transportation, not a cute ass that I can leer at.

04-20-07, 11:56
In my opinion, whoever this "BuenosAiresJackson" is, must dislikes, both Anna and Jackson. This person is trying to kill two birds in one stone. I have a sneaky suspicion, the person may be the owner of a Remis service.

I have no proof whatsoever. But logically, this is not a bad guess.

Unfortunately, Anna is falling for the trap!

By the way, I always use Anna mostly because I want to give her my business. It is not because of her pretty face, engaging personality, or her defensive driving. I do it, because I consider her as a friend and want to help her out in this business. If she does not show up for a pick up, I know something must have happened. In my mind, she is not irresponsible. Last year, I got stuck in Sao Paulo, because of Varig's problem. I tried to call her from the airport, but could not reach her. Finally, I got hold of Jackson who in turn informed her that my flight will be 10 hours delayed. Things happen, which sometimes beyond our control. But one thing I always tell her that if she can not come, not to send somebody else. I know Anna, and I will give her extensive benefit of doubt. But I don't know the other person and will not wait more than 15 minutes, if she does not show up.

I totally agree with Jackson, that there is more cost/time effective alternatives exist for a cosmopolitan city like BsAs. New guys, who are using Ana as one of the remis drivers, have every right to post their negative experiences on the board. Anna is running a business, and she has to clarify her end of the situation on the board.

I will be arriving on May 4. I know Anna will be there to pick me up.


Ben There
05-07-07, 18:40
Add my name to the list of fans of Ana Lunas service. She met me at the aiport as arranged and was a very gracious guide as we made it to my apt. As someone who has a very limited time budget and no sanish ability, this made my arrival much easier! Definantly reccomend her!

06-18-07, 20:39
Is Ana still taking people to the airport?

What does a radio taxi usually charge from microcentro?

06-18-07, 21:13
The meter charge is about 50 pesos, might be a little more if there is alot of traffic, but 50 pesos is standard. I usually pay about 60 pesos from Palermo Las Canitas, so yours would be a little less. So between $15-$20 US.

I am sure Ana is still taking clients, though I am not sure what her rates are. I would guess they are either the same or slightly higher.


06-18-07, 21:28
Thanks, BB. Haven't been able to reach her on the phone. Think I'll call radio taxi this time.

Punter 127
06-18-07, 21:30
Is Ana still taking people to the airport?Yes she does, but you can't wait untill the last minute to call her.

06-19-07, 13:00
Have tried to reach for 3 days.

Called Taxi Premium at 4374 6666, price is 50 pesos plus tip.

06-19-07, 14:56
Thanks, BB. Haven't been able to reach her on the phone. Think I'll call radio taxi this time.Why do people continue to struggle with this?

There is a fleet of taxis waiting at the airport 24 hours a day just waiting to take you to any destination in the Buenos Aires area with no advanced reservation required.




06-19-07, 15:55
Heh, actually, I'm not struggling with it anymore. Got the radio taxi thing going today.

Wally Foot
08-24-07, 21:21
On my recent trip to BA I made use of Ana's services quite a few time, and as always I found her punctual, efficient and charming.

I arranged by email for her to collect me at the airport to deliver me to my apartment, and it was great to see a friendly familiar face after a long and tiring flight. Of course I could have taken one of the perfectly acceptable taxis - I've been here often enough to know my way around - and I could probably have saved fifteen or twenty pesos, but frankly I'd rather meet Ana and have a friendly chat.

During my stay she drove me to a couple of football matches and accompanied me to the games - luckily she's a football fan - and her local knowledge and knowledge of the game were invaluable. She also arranged a tour of River Plate stadium for me, and enjoyed it herself because she supports River. I could, of course, have arranged all this myself with a series of taxis or public transport, as I have in many parts of the world, but again I was very glad of Ana's company.

Finally she left me to the airport, arriving at my apartment promptly, and getting me to the airport in perfect time.

I never had any problems contacting Ana, by cellphone or email, and she now uses a BlackBerry (I think) which allows instant communication. She is a skilful and safe driver, as well as a very personable and decorative young lady.

As far as I am concerned, the very few pesos extra which she may cost compared to standard remises and taxis mean absolutely nothing when set against the total costs for flights, accommodation and "extras". I will certainly contact her before my next trip, and I am already looking forward to seeing her again.

Hobby Fan
09-17-07, 18:31
Answering Jackson's question as to why anyone would bother with this:

For me, its worth sending one email and then spending a very few bucks extra to have a smiling, friendly, pretty woman waiting for me.

I have twice encountered sigificant lines for taxi's at EZE. Very long lines are rare, but I have had to wait 20 or 30 minutes. When that happens the remis services are usually overbooked and have lines, too. I am generally in no mood for that process after flying all night.

Ana has been reliable for me. But if she no-shows, as has been reported occurs on occasion, no biggie. Just get a cup of coffee in the cafe' by the exit from customs, to let a bit of time pass to be sure she is not just in the bathroom or something. If she does not show up at that point, get a cab.

You could wait 15 minutes or so if you call Ana and she no shows, and you could wait more than that if you don't call her and there is a wait for taxis.

Joe Vato
09-17-07, 21:08
I have to agree. Her service is outstanding and if you have a list of questions she can bring you up to date on what is going on in BA at the moment. This in itself saves money and time. I will definitely use her service again on my next BA trip!

Black Jack Sh
11-20-07, 08:04
I called her on Sunday morning to pick me up to EZE at 6pm. She arrived 5 minutes earlier. Most important she speaks English. It took me 80pesos totally.

12-01-07, 00:47
I used her for a tour around Buenos Aires 2 days last week. She is a very hard worker. She was fair as well. In my many travels I have noticed that guides always seem to have their "favorite" restaurants and shops. She steered me away from many tourist traps. I found this refreshing for a change.

12-01-07, 14:48
Took me back to the airport yesterday after having picked me up when I arrived on Monday. On time, pleasant, and cute as always.

Ben There
12-01-07, 16:49
She is first class. She had picked me up earlier in the week and dropped me off at Gysells on an early Sun morning. Took me back yesterday to the airport, was on time and spent time helping me find some things I needed before I left. WHile she may be more $'s than a taxi, she is much better to look at then any driver I have had.

02-18-08, 16:58
Is Ana Luna still working? Tried to email her, no word!

02-18-08, 17:50
Let me know when you hear from her. She ignores me now.

Easy Go
02-19-08, 00:39
She picked me up the other day. No problem even though my flight arrived 3 hours late and my bag was the last one off the plane.

I know she was out of town for the weekend and most likely didn't have e-mail access.

Her phone number is posted on her site.


02-20-08, 03:00
Ana Luna had picked me up from the airport after my flight was delayed by many hours. She is a nice person and speaks good english.

I recommend her defintely for the newbies in town.

Her rates are reasonable. You are better of being in safe hands as you arrive.

In another country than a cab driver who takes a little lesser fare.

Jaimito Cartero
02-20-08, 03:45
I couldn't honestly recommend her to anyone since she seems to be sporadic in her work schedule. She doesn't answer many people, seems to go out of town a lot, and lots of other problems. If you know her, and she works for you, that's one thing, but I know when I've flown for 15 hours, the last thing I want to do is wait around and see if Ana shows up. Been there, done that, don't like it.

02-20-08, 09:48
Booked her rcently. Useless, didn't turn up, when phoned she was still in bed asleep. Bloke on the plane had also booked her and she didn't turn up for him either or bother to tell him she wouldn't.

02-25-08, 15:45
I emailed her 2/18 no reply yet.

Used her 3-4 times before, guess she is no longer working. To bad, great girl!

03-01-08, 20:06
Booked her rcently. Useless, didn't turn up, when phoned she was still in bed asleep. Bloke on the plane had also booked her and she didn't turn up for him either or bother to tell him she wouldn't.Why do people continue to struggle with this?

There is a fleet of taxis waiting at the airport 24 hours a day just waiting to take you to any destination in the Buenos Aires area with no advanced reservation required.




03-02-08, 11:14
Why do people continue to struggle with this?

There is a fleet of taxis waiting at the airport 24 hours a day just waiting to take you to any destination in the Buenos Aires area with no advanced reservation required.Ana Luna's Taxi service may or may not be a reliable service; however, I think using a recommended and highly reliable car service from the airport is smart and safe.

The most vulnerable anyone of us will be is when we exit the airport with all our traveling cash and possessions, going to a destination we're not familiar with, in a country we're not familiar with, and speaking a language we are not very familiar with. Thieves know this and this is why there will always be a disproportionate amount of them at the airports looking to rob, rape (women) and / or murder.

I urge anyone traveling in an unfamiliar country and landing at a major Latin American airport to spend the extra $20-$30 to hire a reliable car service to get to your hotel or apartment.

-Helpmann :)

Jaimito Cartero
03-02-08, 15:49
I think using a recommended and highly reliable car service from the airport is smart and safe.Who has been ripped off by using the EZE taxi?

03-02-08, 16:05
I've used EZE taxi several times and worked perfectly for me every time. No waiting around either and good quality cars with OK drivers. Standard price has gone up yet again though. When you arrive at your place the driver will give you his card and if you use him when you leave its cheaper (60 peso from Recoleta - much the same as a normal cab would be.

03-02-08, 17:20
Ana Luna's Taxi service may or may not be a reliable service; however, I think using a recommended and highly reliable car service from the airport is smart and safe.Hi Helpman,

I agree, except that Ana Luna IS NOT a "car service from the airport". She is simply a person who owns a car and who runs an unregistered, unlicensed service with no connection to the legitimate airport car services. The fact is that few, if any, of us know her full legal name, her DNI, her address or even her vehicle's tag number. In contrast, the airport authorities along with the airport taxi companies and remis services have all this info on every person driving their cars.

I also agree that we are all especially vulnerable when departing an airport, especially given the cash and other valuables we are usually carrying as travel necessities, which is why I believe that the safest course of action is to hire a remis service at random from a pool of known entities, as opposed to telegraphing your arrival plans to a relative stranger.



Rockin Bob
03-02-08, 18:03
Remember, the first line of thieves you have to go through are the customs officials!

This is true, you need to be careful at airports, especially ones you don't know.

I just wanted to chime in and agree, there are plenty of remise services right there at the airport.

The budget option, in case any of you low rollers are interested, is the Manuel Tienda León bus service. The bus takes you to Retiro, where you transfer into a van which takes you right to your hotel or apartment.

The price is 35 pesos one way.


03-02-08, 18:07
The safest thing is to contract my services for transfers but I am a lot more expensive than the rest!;)

For the regular guy, the safest thing is to go to one of the (remis) desks on the sides just before you come through the doors to the main hall. You pay there, you get a receipt and someone walks you to the car (which are all quite new and good quality) Never take a car from those guys offering cabs at the meeting point or outside the main hall.

The cabs are generally quite safe (the white ones with blue roofs) but now and then a bad one filters through. A great friend of mine is a major of the Airport Police (his sister is the one who found the suitcase and is now a playboy bunny) tells me that they get about two or three complaints a month from travellers either robbed or given funny money as change from cab drivers. This is an extremely low figure if you consider the amount of people going through the airport but there is no need to take even such a small risk.

Many of the better hotels also offer transfer services when you make the reservations. Usually this is perfectly safe and they use extremely good cars or limos but there is always a chance of your transfer reservation getting lost somewhere and there is no one there to meet you.

I have often seen people at the airport looking for the hotel car and no one there. You'll always see the hotel drivers in a group of five or six wearing suits or coats and ties to your left as you come out at the meeting point and usually you will find one of them willing to be helpful and call the hotel to get a driver to come and pick you up but that means you have been wandering around the airport for an hour or two hanging on to your luggage.

So back to the original suggestion - get a car at the remis desk! Safe, quick and not too expensive! Or hire me and I'll set you up with a limo, a couple of motorbikes and a Chase car or two but that's going to cost you some $$$;) But think of the impression you'll make on the chicas!!!!!!

03-02-08, 21:46
In the past five years I have used the remis services described by Aqualung below from the airport perhaps 15 times. (From the desk at the airport, not the elaborate service he is offering.) It is more expensive than the taxis, but I usually have a lot of baggage and the drivers have been very good about helping me get my stuff into the apartment building. I have used the remis service on Callao (roughly at Arenales) another 15 times to go out to the airport and it has worked fine as well. On occasion, I have used taxis and the Manuel Leon bus service and they were ok, too.

03-02-08, 23:59
Shit, no true "low roller" would ever waste 35 pesos on the Manuel Tienda Leon bus. They would take the #86 colectivo for less than two pesos. Of course, that is only practical if you just have carry-on luggage, but what true "low roller" would waste money on a suitcase? #86 goes straight down Rivadavia into Congreso and then down H. Yrigoyen when Rivadavia becomes one-way. It crosses 9 de Julio before heading into the bowels of La Boca so you can get very close to a lot of parts of town, and then take a cab, and it would still be way cheaper than the MTL bus.

Seriously though, the Leon bus is great. Safer (crash-wise, theft-wise, every wise) than a cab. Much more comfortable, especially if you are tall. If you need to use the subsequent minibus to transfer to your hotel, though, that can be uncomfortable (especially if you are tall) It might take longer if you have to wait for it, but again it might not because most of the taxis have to wait in line at the toll booths and MTL buses do not; they cruise right through. The closer your hotel or apartment is to their terminal in Retiro (they would prefer you thought it was in Puerto Madero but in fact it is two blocks from the Retiro train station) the better of a choice they are.

Anyone who would use Ana Luna's services would only be doing so because she is better looking than a cab driver. She is seriously, extremely, notoriously unreliable. And, importantly, she is more unreliable on the back end of the trip. If she does not show up to pick you up, there are many other options. If she does not show up to take you to the airport, there are fewer options, especially on say New Year's Day when she stiffed me (the second time she stiffed me) and I had to haul all my luggage out to Avenida Libertador at 5 AM and hope to find a cab (I did)

In fairness my roommate had turned the phones off, but I was up at 4 AM and our appointment was for 4:30. She claims I said 3:30 but tres and cuatro do not sound alike and we are both fairly bilingual. Basically she came early for her own convenience and did not wait until the appointed time. If she gets a better offer she will just leave you in the lurch.

Stormy taking the MTL? No me digas. Mira vos.

03-03-08, 01:45
The safest thing is to contract my services for transfers but I am a lot more expensive than the rest!;)

...Or hire me and I'll set you up with a limo, a couple of motorbikes and a Chase car or two but that's going to cost you some $$$;) But think of the impression you'll make on the chicas!Aqualung, my friend,

(Ha, ha, I've always wanted to say that)

Anyway, you should be prepared for some business, because I've met guys who are so insecure about their personal security that they'll pay for this service.

BTW, I misspoke in my previous post about "select[ing] a taxi at random." What I ment to advise was "select a remis service at random", but I usually use the remis service named Taxi Ezeiza.



03-03-08, 02:22
I think it's all a matter of taste and (in some cases) budget. Some guys like to pay 2 pesos and take a rickety bus full of locals (while tucking their carry on in between their legs) Some guys like to pay 20-50 dollars to take a taxi or remis straight out of the airport. Some guys like to pre arrange everything and are willing to pay the extra cost to do this. While others are somewhat paranoid (sometimes justifiably and sometimes not) and are willing to pay more for added security (or perceived security) And some are just flashy bastards who like to arrive in style.

In all these cases, the most important factor (aside from price that I have already stated is contingent upon budget or taste) is reliability. So taking into account the 50/50 split on reviews of this chicks services and reliability. I would say, look elsewhere. Take a taxi or a remis if you like, take a private car, take Aqualungs fully armored HUMVEES, with police motorcade, just be sure whatever company you take is reliable.



03-04-08, 23:15
Dickhead said "Stormy taking the MTL? No me digas. Mira vos."

Yes, on two occasions, once while staying at the famed Dazzler Hotel in Barrio Norte and another time at the legendary Grand Boulevard Hotel, though with reasonable baggage.

03-06-08, 15:43
I would agree with the others that ana is no longer working or is only handling certain select customers by her choice only.

Just so that you know I was a great supporter of Ana and would try to refer any business to her. I also tried to keep out of the Ana bashing due to my experience with her even though it was a little grey.

I had used her in my last two trips to BA. The first trip she was great and on time. I also allowed her to take two of us from the airport in one trip due to airline arrival difficulties. There were no discounts. She was a delight to be with.

The second trip she made a lot of money of my appontment because ther was another guy (from Microsoft) that was needing a ride too and we decided to allow him to join us from the airport. So she made double wages on that trip. There was no discount to me.

For the return appointment to go to the airport she and I discussed the day, time and flight number a few days in advance. After numerous unanswered calls in the last two days before the flight, I went ahead and contracted a Remis service through the apartment management. She finally called back reniging on the appointment saying that it was not completely confirmed (which was incorrect) She said she could have also contracted a Remis service too. My only comment back was that I had to have contracted a definite ride to the airport by a certain date to insure that I would make it there. I don't think she liked my answer.

So for three out of four contracted services she was ok to good. I had always treated her well. This time she has not even sent a return email that she is unable to provide the services.

So something is up. Her web site is still up. My only thought is what I commented on in the beginning of this post is that she is only servicing special clients and is ignoring the others.


Jaimito Cartero
03-06-08, 23:07
Charging 2x the fare seems to be a ripoff in a grand fashion. If, instead, she said, okay, I've got to take you to Microcentro, and the other guy to Recoleta, it'll be an extra 20 pesos split between the both of you, that'd be fare. Double dipping is not.

Why you guys would let her pull this crappy service, double charging, is beyond me. Some guys just think with their dick, I think. They see a pretty face, and get all gushy. Bah!

03-07-08, 00:28
Charging 2x the fare seems to be a ripoff in a grand fashion. If, instead, she said, okay, I've got to take you to Microcentro, and the other guy to Recoleta, it'll be an extra 20 pesos split between the both of you, that'd be fare. Double dipping is not.

Why you guys would let her pull this crappy service, double charging, is beyond me. Some guys just think with their dick, I think. They see a pretty face, and get all gushy. Bah!I was put into the first situation. No choice. The agreement was made before I found out about the second person. Since it was my first time in BA and did not know anyone, I was sort of at her mercy.

The second time it was my choice or asking her to accomodate the other guy. I do not know how much she charged him. Maybe her thought was that since I asked her to accomodate him she did not have to give me a bargain.

I was not thinking with my little head. At least with me she was NOT at all into any extra activities beyond the transfers.

Be assured that I will not be using her service anymore and obviously will not recommend her to anyone. Obviously the more people she treats this way the more her business will suffer.

For you, though, until you know all of the facts, please do not flame. Do not be ignorant and narrow minded about what us men think with. When I did that post I gave general information. I agree with the fact of double dipping that it should not happen. That is all that I agree with you on.


Jaimito Cartero
03-07-08, 04:23
For you, though, until you know all of the facts, please do not flame. Do not be ignorant and narrow minded about what us men think with. When I did that post I gave general information. I agree with the fact of double dipping that it should not happen. That is all that I agree with you on.When I flame you, trust me, you'll know it.

I know many men who are complete idiots when a cute chica is in the room. The continued gushing that many guys did over Ana, when faced with constant bad feedback, rather amazed me. I tried to use her soon after she started doing airport pickups, and she left me high and dry. I have no problem supporting board members, and have done it with many different folk on AP and the ISG.

It was funny, as I went on a Commedore trip a few days after, with Capt Dave, Mo, Ana and maybe one or two other guys. In talking to Dave, he said that the guy who complained about her not picking him up (which was me, unbenownst to him) was at fault. I found this funny, since waiting 45 minutes, making multiple phone calls and never getting a response isn't my idea of being at fault. Oh yes, I want to fly for almost a full day and then hope that someone shows up to pick me up? Er, no thanks.

Ana, as well as Roxana are the sacred cows of AP. If you have an honest and valid complaint about them, you will have their adoring fans dogpile you.

03-09-08, 00:53
I, on the other hand, have never had anything but the best possible service from her. Reliable. Dependable. Reasonable. Maybe I'm one of the select. Who knows. That's not to say she hasn't messed up with others, simply that she's never messed up with me, and I've used her for me, family, and friends about 30 times or more in the past year or so.

That's all.


03-09-08, 10:49
I just started using the service a few months ago and with others in BA. Very seldom see Ana but probably 20 trips logged fron the airport and around BA, where she sub-contracts I suppose; never a problem.

Careful at the airport because I think she hires some locals there at times to put your name on a sign and there are others also on a sign. There could be some of the confusion.

Having said that, it is easy enough to just go up to a window and hire a remis.

03-09-08, 12:04
Straylight you may have enphasised my original opinion that she may be catering to her "best" customers. With others that only use her very seldom, she may try to fit them but may not be able. With Middle age man, I wonder how many times or often has he used her service?

FOR ME it seems that I fall into the catagory of if she can fit me in she will at the last minute. So she will either confirm but at the last day renig on the appointment or she will not confirm the appointment until its too late and you would have allready had to make other arrangements. Either way then she gets disappointed that you made other arrangements.

Simply, she just needs to communicate in a better timely fashion for everyone no matter if the customer is a once a year or one that uses her service on a weekly basis.

Realize I do enjoy her company. She is a nice lady.


I, on the other hand, have never had anything but the best possible service from her. Reliable. Dependable. Reasonable. Maybe I'm one of the select. Who knows. That's not to say she hasn't messed up with others, simply that she's never messed up with me, and I've used her for me, family, and friends about 30 times or more in the past year or so.

That's all.


03-09-08, 12:43
I'm sorry but I disagree with you. Her problem isn't just communication. She has a total lack of professionalism and absolutely no regard for her clients. She thinks she can get along in life on her looks no matter how many clients she leaves abandoned. Without question her looks could take her places but not in her current profession with the way she cares for her clients.

I tried to use her 3 times and succeeded only once. The first time was for a pick up at the airport and she was there with bells on and did a great job. As normal I spent aproximately 3 months in BA and a week before I was to leave I contacted her and she agreed to drive me back to the airport. She called me the morning I was to leave and told me she just remembered she was scheduled to have eye surgery that day. WHAT. Now was a lot of BS! She told me she would arrange for another driver to pick me up and not to worry. I contacted her 30 minutes before my scheduled departure time and it sounded like she just woke up. But she assured me someone was going to pick so me up in 30 minutes. I waited an hour and no one came and Anna did not answer her phone anymore. So what to do. What to do? I dragged my things to the curb and got lucky to see one of the newer and larger cabs (you know the one without the LP tank in the trunk) so I got a ride to the airport with him for 45p + 10p tip. The driver was great and even helped load and unload my things which is rare as hell for them to get off their asses to help.

On my next trip I emailed Anna for a pick up again and she agreed. But the day before my flight she emailed me saying she was going to take a vacation and couldn't pick me up and again offered to have someone else pick me up. I guess I am lucky because at least this time she told me she was abandoning me. Of course it was a little late to make other arrangements though. So I did what I always did in the past and grabbed a ramis from the airport. And as always I was very satisfied with the service. If I were to make my 100th trip back to BA would I use Anna's services for a ride? With Anna's great looks and fantastic body without question I'd love to have a ride with her. But not in her car again.

Straylight you may have enphasised my original opinion that she may be catering to her "best" customers. With others that only use her very seldom, she may try to fit them but may not be able. With Middle age man, I wonder how many times or often has he used her service?

FOR ME it seems that I fall into the catagory of if she can fit me in she will at the last minute. So she will either confirm but at the last day renig on the appointment or she will not confirm the appointment until its too late and you would have allready had to make other arrangements. Either way then she gets disappointed that you made other arrangements.

Simply, she just needs to communicate in a better timely fashion for everyone no matter if the customer is a once a year or one that uses her service on a weekly basis.

Realize I do enjoy her company. She is a nice lady.


03-09-08, 15:07
I just started using the service a few months ago and with others in BA. Very seldom see Ana but probably 20 trips logged fron the airport and around BA, where she sub-contracts I suppose; never a problem.

Careful at the airport because I think she hires some locals there at times to put your name on a sign and there are others also on a sign. There could be some of the confusion.Well, I guess that pretty much negates the entire "I think using a recommended and highly reliable car service from the airport is smart and safe." security rational for using Ana Luna's "service", doesn't it?



03-10-08, 00:05
I have been in this transfer business for about 15 years and I deal with everything from the simple needs of a fisherman just needing a hop to his hotel to VIP transfers with security detail and so on.

What surprises me with this lady is that she has no back up for when she can't pick up clients herself. Once you have been in the business for a few months you soon count with dozens of freelancers that are willing to take up your surplus. I can pick my phone and in ten minutes have a fleet of vehicles (cars, little vans, 12, 20 or 30 seater buses) at the airport with or without (pretty) bilingual guides. That is not just me but almost anyone in the business. So who doesn't count with this possibility of replacements is not someone I would place my trust in. (trust in the sense that I can count on that person being at the airport on time etc. She is most certainly not a professional or even near being one and it's a shame as she could make a good living out of it!

However, - and for two reasons, first because I would consider it extremely unethical to sell my services on a site paid for by someone else (in this case Jackson) and second as most of you mongers are well travelled and don't need hand holding and assistance - I recommend you go to any of the remis booths and just hire a car there. As I said before, simple, safe and quick! So much so that I find this thread absolutely ridiculous!

Easy Go
03-10-08, 10:44
I feel so special. I never have a problem with her or the rides she has arranged for me when she was unavailable. I contact her a week in advance and confirm both the day before and the day of the trip.

I'm not denying that others might have had problems, I'm just relaying my own experience. Certainly, anybody reading these experiences should have a backup plan ready whenever they are meeting a driver. I met a couple recently that were victimized by a taxi scam at EZE when their transfer using Princess Cruises didn't connect with them. A backup plan is always needed whenever you use a pickup service.

03-10-08, 12:31
That's so funny, after Aqualung's post I was going to post myself, saying "Now watch - somebody's going to post on here 'I never have a problem with her'". But I didn't have time, and when I returned to the thread this morning, someone had indeed already done it.

Easy Go
03-10-08, 13:28
. I would consider it extremely unethical to sell my services on a site paid for by someone else.If your services would be useful to his customers, I'm sure that Jackson would be happy to take a dollar from you so that your sense of ethics wouldn't be harmed.

03-10-08, 13:41
I feel so special. I never have a problem with her or the rides she has arranged for me when she was unavailable. I contact her a week in advance and confirm both the day before and the day of the trip.I'm happy that works for you.

The waiting until the last day before I go would not work for me. Usually I would be leaving BA on a Sunday (this coming trip is the exception) That means FOR ME I wish to get my transfers set up and confirmed by the Thursday nite before the weekend. If the confirmation is not set then on Friday I go hunting for the back up plan. The weekends I have found is a poor time to try to find a transfer service. This would hold true even if I was leaving on a Monday or Tuesday also. This also holds true for traveling to BA. I try to get my transfers CONFIRMED at least the Thursday before the weekend for the same reasons.

Just my choice so that I am not in panic mode during my holiday.


03-10-08, 13:58
I feel so special. I never have a problem with her or the rides she has arranged for me when she was unavailable. I contact her a week in advance and confirm both the day before and the day of the trip.Easy Go,

Let me see if I understand this: You've found it necessary to call her THREE times to ensure that she'll be there to pick you up?

Yea, that's some professional service you guys have subscribed to.

I guess I'll never understand why guys just don't use the regular airport remis services. There's no need to make any advance reservations, they're always open, they always have cars ready to to go with no delay, they don't double you up with other passengers, the drivers are all registered, and they're cheaper.

Oh wait, I forgot: Ana has tits.



Easy Go
03-10-08, 19:13
Easy Go,

Let me see if I understand this: You've found it necessary to call her THREE times to ensure that she'll be there to pick you up?

Yea, that's some professional service you guys have subscribed to.

I guess I'll never understand why guys just don't use the regular airport remis services. There's no need to make any advance reservations, they're always open, they always have cars ready to to go with no delay, they don't double you up with other passengers, the drivers are all registered, and they're cheaper.

Oh wait, I forgot: Ana has tits.


JacksonNope, you didn't get it straight so I must have posted it crooked. First, it's my choice to reconfirm the day before and the day of the trip. AFAIK, my reminders have never done anything other than waste her time. But if something did happen, I'm not going to hear that the pickup wasn't confirmed. I'd do the same thing with any driver I was using. E-mail and text messages are wonderful things.

Second, tits are great and their importance to my mental health should not be undervalued.

I've said before that I'm not trying to make a logical argument about it. I like spending the hour with her and I like giving my money to someone that I know. We catch up, I practice my Spanish, and, yes, I look at her tits. All in all, it makes for a pleasant trip into town.

If all I wanted was the easiest and most efficient airport trip, I'd be taking a taxi. But if "easiest and most efficient" were important objectives, I wouldn't be coming to BA anyway.

RJ, I think we missed here. I confirm my trip at least week in advance, I just choose to reconfirm the day before and the day of the trip so that I don't have to worry about it. I try not to leave the entire process to the last few days as I want to avoid hearing that she's already booked.

03-10-08, 21:03
Hi Guys,

I find it very interesting to keep bad mouthing Ana Luna.

Don't use her, don't call her and take the bus!

I was in BA in the middle of January, 2008. I e-mailed her with my flight number. She confirmed. My flight was about 1 hour late and she was there.

I also wanted to go to Don Silvano's ranch. She booked it. She was on time. We had a great time.

If you are looking for SEX, LOVE, GFE don't call her. If you want a high class professional, then call her.

Can't wait to return to BA. Oh, and I'll be calling Ana Luna to pick me up.


03-10-08, 21:19
Nope, you didn't get it straight so I must have posted it crooked. First, it's my choice to reconfirm the day before and the day of the trip. AFAIK, my reminders have never done anything other than waste her time. But if something did happen, I'm not going to hear that the pickup wasn't confirmed. I'd do the same thing with any driver I was using. E-mail and text messages are wonderful things.

Second, tits are great and their importance to my mental health should not be undervalued.

I've said before that I'm not trying to make a logical argument about it. I like spending the hour with her and I like giving my money to someone that I know. We catch up, I practice my Spanish, and, yes, I look at her tits. All in all, it makes for a pleasant trip into town.

If all I wanted was the easiest and most efficient airport trip, I'd be taking a taxi. But if "easiest and most efficient" were important objectives, I wouldn't be coming to BA anyway.

RJ, I think we missed here. I confirm my trip at least week in advance, I just choose to reconfirm the day before and the day of the trip so that I don't have to worry about it. I try not to leave the entire process to the last few days as I want to avoid hearing that she's already booked.Tambien mi amiago.


03-10-08, 21:24
If you want a high class professional, then call her.ROTFLMAO!

Well, I guess we can add Gottogo to the short list of Ana Luna sycophants.


Punter 127
03-10-08, 23:54

Well, I guess we can add Gottogo to the short list of Ana Luna sycophants.

ThanksWhen you catch your breath add my name to the top of that list if you wish, because I have had good results with Ana and I agree with most of Gottogo ’s post.

I readily admit that Ana and I are friends; we became friends a few years ago when you were promoting her as the “official mansion driver ”. I understand she has fallen out of graces with you, but she remains my friend and I will continue to use her service as long as it ’s available.

Oh BTW I still consider you a friend even though we disagree, and you don ’t even have “tits ”:rolleyes: Go figure.:confused:

Punter 127

03-11-08, 00:24
The real mystery here is why she stands some people up and not others. Why not just tell the people that she's going to stand up "no, thanks". That would be fine. It's just totally unprofessional, NO MATTER HOW MANY MONGERS GET ON HERE AND SAY SHE DID JUST FINE FOR THEM.

Punter 127
03-11-08, 01:51
It's just totally unprofessional It ’s Argentina and she is Argentine, need I say more?

Jaimito Cartero
03-11-08, 02:06
It 's Argentina and she is argentine, need I say more?If you change the Argentine to some race, then you'd be called a racist. All Jews are like that, all blacks are like that, etc. The truth remains that she's not a businesswoman. I've stayed in many hotels that are Argentine run, and service is provided at a good level. Many restaurants that are nothing but professional. Good businesses thrive, while mediocre ones often stagnate. Let's see if she's still doing this in 20 years.

The fact is, if she was an old, ugly lady, no one would use her. She probably has too much business, and does what she can, and keeps her favorites happy, and lets the others fend for themselves. Maybe she gets two guys at once, and makes out quite well on the ride.

It obviously works for her, since she's continuing to do it. When the day comes that she does fuck you over (and not in the nice way) and you miss your plane, or otherwise really screws your schedule up, maybe you'll change your mind.

Punter 127
03-11-08, 12:18
If you change the Argentine to some race, then you'd be called a racist. All Jews are like that, all blacks are like that, etc. The truth remains that she's not a businesswoman. I've stayed in many hotels that are Argentine run, and service is provided at a good level. Many restaurants that are nothing but professional. Good businesses thrive, while mediocre ones often stagnate. Let's see if she's still doing this in 20 years.

The fact is, if she was an old, ugly lady, no one would use her. She probably has too much business, and does what she can, and keeps her favorites happy, and lets the others fend for themselves. Maybe she gets two guys at once, and makes out quite well on the ride.

It obviously works for her, since she's continuing to do it. When the day comes that she does fuck you over (and not in the nice way) and you miss your plane, or otherwise really screws your schedule up, maybe you'll change your mind.This forum is full of reports and complaints of poor argentine business practices, restaurants, taxis, remis, etc. I don ’t think she wants to be doing this in twenty years, I think she is tiring of it now, which may explain her recent actions that have been reported here.

You ’re right about one thing if she fucked me over I would stop using her, and I would report it here. But I would not let her or any other remis service let me miss my flight, I would take a taxi first, it ’s called having a plan “B ”. I also would not keep whining about it, just like I don ’t keep whining about Mayra Brill fucking me over. I reported it and moved on.

BTW I was using Ana ’s service before she got the “tits ” when she was just an average chica!

03-11-08, 13:07
Well she's picking me up tomorrow morning and I know she'll be there.

You know why I know she'll be their, because she knows I'll pay her, thats why I know she'll be their.

Most of the negitave comments on this subject have come from notoriously "Cheap CockSuckers", most of whom I know personally. Mongers whom are in fact "Bottom Feeders" looking for the $60 peso Privato's. Always looking for a deeper deal and in doing so end up fucking themselves.

The color of loyalty is "Green", money doesn't talk, it "Screams", spend some and see what happends.


03-11-08, 14:13
Well she's picking me up tomorrow morning and I know she'll be there.

You know why I know she'll be their, because she knows I'll pay her, thats why I know she'll be their.

Most of the negitave comments on this subject have come from notoriously "Cheap CockSuckers", most of whom I know personally. Mongers whom are in fact "Bottom Feeders" looking for the $60 peso Privato's. Always looking for a deeper deal and in doing so end up fucking themselves.

The color of loyalty is "Green", money doesn't talk, it "Screams", spend some and see what happends.


Your suggestion that Ana Luna's spotty track record is somehow related to the individual passenger's ability and / or willingness to pay her fee is complete bullshit.



03-11-08, 14:40
I agree with Jackson, It has NOTHING to do with the persons wanting a better deal or the ability to pay. I paid her the standard rate nothing more nothing less.

I do agree with Punter that she may be tiring of this and also possibly too many customers all arriving or departing to close together.

Again I go back to my thing, just communicate in a timely manor. She is a nice person. Maybe she is trying to do too much for too many by herself.


Well she's picking me up tomorrow morning and I know she'll be there.

You know why I know she'll be their, because she knows I'll pay her, thats why I know she'll be their.

Most of the negitave comments on this subject have come from notoriously "Cheap CockSuckers", most of whom I know personally. Mongers whom are in fact "Bottom Feeders" looking for the $60 peso Privato's. Always looking for a deeper deal and in doing so end up fucking themselves.

The color of loyalty is "Green", money doesn't talk, it "Screams", spend some and see what happends.


03-11-08, 14:48
Never, but never write or mention Ana Luna or Republica Dominicana in AP again! These are hyper-sensitive subjects!No Shit Sidney.


Jaimito Cartero
03-11-08, 15:55
I was using Ana 's service before she got the "tits " when she was just an average chica!Sorry, boob jobs don't impress me.

The thing is, that she has always been a flake about picking people up. It's interesting that I did what others said you have to do to get her to actually pick you up. I made an appointment ahead of time, I reminded her a day before, and then tried to call her multiple times at the airport. And nada. And this was three years ago. I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, just merely illustrating that the flaky behavior is not some new phenomenon.

I'm not pissed at her in any way, and don't even hold it against her. She was at least professional enough to apologize via email, which people don't seem to be getting any more.

And I'd guess that this was pretty early when she started doing pickups, as it was only 50p.

Punter 127
03-11-08, 15:58
Fellow Mongers--To remain on the ''good side'' of Jackson+Punter127

Never, but never write or mention Ana Luna or Republica Dominicana in AP again! These are hyper-sensitive subjects!Well at least you put me in good company, but please.

Punter 127
03-11-08, 16:06
Sorry, boob jobs don't impress me. Me either I didn ’t even notice them until Jackson pointed them out.:eek:

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, just merely illustrating that the flaky behavior is not some new phenomenon.And I'm not defending her I'm just saying I've had good luck with her, and pointing out that poor service is not uncommon in Argentina.

03-11-08, 16:42
Never, but never write or mention Ana Luna or Republica Dominicana in AP again! These are hyper-sensitive subjects!Everyone is welcome to write whatever they want about Ana Luna or Republica Dominicana, just be sure to include photos.



Jaimito Cartero
03-11-08, 17:16
Everyone is welcome to write whatever they want about Ana Luna or Republica Dominicana, just be sure to include photos.I wouldn't mind seeing some nice pictures of Ana. Unfortunately, the only ones I have of her, she has clothes on!

03-11-08, 17:34
Sorry Exon but I am not cheap. And yes you do know me very well in dead. In fact the one and only time Anna did arrive out of the 3 request for her services her charge was 70p and I gave her 100P. In my book that is not being cheap.

Well she's picking me up tomorrow morning and I know she'll be there.

You know why I know she'll be their, because she knows I'll pay her, thats why I know she'll be their.

Most of the negitave comments on this subject have come from notoriously "Cheap CockSuckers", most of whom I know personally. Mongers whom are in fact "Bottom Feeders" looking for the $60 peso Privato's. Always looking for a deeper deal and in doing so end up fucking themselves.

The color of loyalty is "Green", money doesn't talk, it "Screams", spend some and see what happends.


Jaimito Cartero
03-11-08, 17:39
You know why I know she'll be their, because she knows I'll pay her, thats why I know she'll be their.

Most of the negitave comments on this subject have come from notoriously "Cheap CockSuckers", most of whom I know personally. Mongers whom are in fact "Bottom Feeders" looking for the $60 peso Privato's. Always looking for a deeper deal and in doing so end up fucking themselves.This has got to be one of your stupidest responses I've ever seen, and that is really saying something.

03-11-08, 21:15
Sometimes ago, Ana promised to go for a dinner date with me, once I arrived in BsAs. After a few follow-up phone calls, finally I got a PM, saying that why did I arrive without calling her ride.

That dinner never happened.

One can't mix pleasure with business...lesson learnt.



03-12-08, 04:13
I've never used her and never will. The fact that she has stood up several of us here is enough to prevent me from using her. Taxi Ezezia is very convenient, why take a chance after a long flight?

Does anybody have a picture of her? I might think differently if I saw her pic.

Jaimito Cartero
03-12-08, 06:19
Does anybody have a picture of her? I might think differently if I saw her pic.You might check the threads on the Commedore trips, as there should be pics of her from some of the trips.

03-12-08, 14:45
Exon, your post is all wrong. Call me names if you wish, but you are 100% wrong about the problem being cheap cocksuckers.

04-05-08, 17:37
Ana Luna fan's,

Not the "Cheap CockSuckers" described below.

I really fucked up this last trip. Ana had e-mailed me asking to go out to dinner and wanted me to meet a friend. Course I never got back to her and the event sorta died.

Well as it turned out driving to the airport Thursday night Ana explained she had a girl friend that wants "On The Program". She then commens to show me some pictures on her cell phone of this "friend" with both cloths on & off.

A "Come Fuck Me" smoken hot blond, whom Ana say's has done a lot of T. V. And advertising work in Buenos Aires. She went on to say that her friend speaks excellent English and needs a few extra peso's and asked Ana to spread the word around. The girl wants to do only American's since she has a boy friend and doesn't want the word to get out with the "Argies" that she's working.

Ana and I then discussed pricing, I stated that because the caliber or "Level" this girl might get 5 to 6 hundred peso's, Ana was in agreement.

Anyway, anyone coming into town useing Ana driving in from the airport should ask Ana for the contact information & to see the pictures of this girl. Price is always up for negociation so I would let that turn anyone off.

I'm sure once you've seen the pictures, you gona make an appointment. The only thing I ask is a report on the Chica so we'll all know.


04-05-08, 19:36
*edited for failure to reply*

Jaimito Cartero
04-05-08, 20:54
So again, we're supposed to be duped into an Exon chica? Why would anyone want anything to do with a chica you're recommending? Especially one you've only seen some cell phone pics of. Why not just Ana Luna post about her?

04-05-08, 22:29
So again, we're supposed to be duped into an Exon chica? Why would anyone want anything to do with a chica you're recommending? Especially one you've only seen some cell phone pics of. Why not just Ana Luna post about her?Agreed.

No pics, no contact information, no way of getting a hold of her unless I take a taxi ride from Ana?

Sounds a little shady to me.



04-06-08, 03:00

No "PM" Ana and ask, I've never met the girl, but acording to Ana, she wants in the program. Her pictures are Hot, Hot, and more that likely she gona want some "Platta"

But Lets Make A Deal.

Looking at her pictures, I can tell you she not for the guys that brag about the 60 peso Privato girls that post below me.


Jaimito Cartero
04-06-08, 10:37
Can't You read, the post said "Ana Fan's Only"Oh, you want to playl?

So, again, you're promoting a chica that you know nothing about. You, the most divisive AP member, should give out recommendations that any AP member would take?

First, you're helping set a high price for an unknown quality chica. Second, you're pimping a chica again, when the last one ripped guys off for tens of thousands of dollars, after YOU coached her.

I wonder how long until you're remodeling her apartment?

04-06-08, 16:40
Exon, I believe you have totally topped yourself with this post.

04-06-08, 16:59
Can't You read, the post said "Ana Fan's Only"

ExonNow I'll repete myself. The thread I posted was for "Ana Luna customers only", Not you. Why are you chiming in with your snide, demeaning comments on a subject you know nothing about?

You'll never be a customer of Ana's, irrregardless of the fact you'd never be willing to pay her added fee's.

Now I'll state this again. Ana has a friend that wants on the program, I've never met the girl. I have no idea what her service or personalty are like. She's just "Turned Out" and It could very well be unsatisfactory and a waste of money. Hell Ana could even be getting a "Kick Back" on the deal, I have no idea and don't give a shit.

But I do know this, that for those of us that want something special, a "Trophy Fuck", so to speak, this is Play Boy Bunny material. And are willing to shell out some money for something really gorgeous that speaks English this girl might be worth looking into. Moreover despite some of the negative comments regarding Ana posted here, Ana still has a very substantial group of loyal customers. And If your one of those customers it cost nothing to inquire about this "New Girl" with Ana.

Finally I got the impression that Ana was sorta screening clients for her friend and wasn't going to "Hook Her Up" with the standard mongers that post here. Mongers that frequent the 60 & 80 peso privato's are not the market target for this new girl. No, she's looking for the "Black & Madaho's" customers that are willing to spend some money. Wheather she worth it or not I don't know and thats why I'd like someone to take one for the team, check into it, and report.


Jaimito Cartero
04-06-08, 17:22
You are uninformed as usual. The reason I'll never be a be a customer is that the time I did contract her services, she didn't show up, didn't answer her cell phone, and only gave lame excuses.

Can't You read, the post said "Ana Fan's Only"And since you've edited your post, or Jackson has, I'll leave the "demeaning" discussion you whine about, as payment in kind.

Now I'll repete myself. The thread I posted was for "Ana Luna customers only", Not you. Why are you chiming in with your snide, demeaning comments on a subject you know nothing about? If you can't handle comments from other forum members, then don't post. You have promoted scam artists, and every member should be wary about your posts, and take them with a large grain of salt.

04-06-08, 17:25

First, you don't have any right to use this public forum to promote a chica to your own selected list of "Ana Luna Friends".

Second, pursuant to the poll taken after the debacle from your last chica promotion, chicas are not permitted to promote themselves in this forum unless they include photographs.


Therefor, if you want to promote this chica, then you or she needs to post her photos. Period. Until then, STFU.

Third, You are the last person to talk about "Cheap Cocksuckers", given that you routinely pursue the same "Privado" level of mongering as those you would criticize.

Fourth, if you're going to limit this chica's opportunities to "Ana Luna Friends", then she isn't going to make much money because that's a pretty short list, abet filled with guys who have repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to pay first class prices for third rate service.

Fifth, this thread is titled "Ana Luna Airport Taxi services". Why are you spamming it by promoting an escort?



04-06-08, 17:27
You CockSucker Jackson, You took out the best parts of my report.

ExonIt's either that, or ban you as a serial antagonist.

04-06-08, 17:31
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another forum member.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks against other forum members will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

1 down, 2 to go

Will somebody please report this guy's next personal attack via the "Report this Post to a Moderator" link, and be sure to note that it will be his 2nd violation.



Rock Harders
04-06-08, 20:19

I think it might be time we put this "MotherFucking" "Cocksucker" in his own playpen where he can stop clogging up the main forum with the plethora of useless information he provides. A new thread "Exon123 in Buenos Aires" should be formed, where he can be isolated along with NibuRaphael, KingOfSluts, and other jerkoff posters. I actually know Exon123 personally and he is a friend of mine and much less obnoxious in person then on the internet, but he is a worthless fuck on this forum, with his lack of chica reports, restaurant recommendations, travel info, etc. The spirit of this forum is supposed to be the exchange of truthful and useful information to facilitate the finding of women for sex, and Exon123's reports do not follow this spirit.


Rock Harders

El Perro
04-06-08, 20:41
Ex-best to lay low for awhile and hope this blows over. You would have a tough time adjusting to being confined to your own little space. Kind of like being in a shitty zoo where everybody can fuck with you but you can't go anywhere.;)

Power Rangers
04-06-08, 20:48

I think it might be time we put this "MotherFucking" "Cocksucker" in his own playpen where he can stop clogging up the main forum with the plethora of useless information he provides. A new thread "Exon123 in Buenos Aires" should be formed, where he can be isolated along with NibuRaphael, KingOfSluts, and other jerkoff posters. I actually know Exon123 personally and he is a friend of mine and much less obnoxious in person then on the internet, but he is a worthless fuck on this forum, with his lack of chica reports, restaurant recommendations, travel info, etc. The spirit of this forum is supposed to be the exchange of truthful and useful information to facilitate the finding of women for sex, and Exon123's reports do not follow this spirit.


Rock HardersI second the motion. Unless Exon posts something substantial, then the forum is better off without him. I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that I am tired of his "cocksucker this, cocksucker that" comments. Oh and yes I almost fell for his Ms. Candela promotions, good thing Jackson eventually warned us that it was all premeditated scams (for lack of a better word) on Exon's part.

04-07-08, 00:57
I have never met Exon, and I understand where you're all coming from. But I must say, he adds a certain something-I-don't-know-what to the forum. Please don't ban him. He'll be good. I promise.

04-07-08, 04:08
It appears that Exon has finally blown his wad. This is my first post since he flamed my reaction to another one of his self serving ideas about internet porn interaction with another one of his pet projects. Gyselles apartment. Like most of his opinions, this thread has also gone dark and I have heard of nothing else regarding the great gyeslle's apartment interactive webcam show. Supposedly, the first in argentina (LOL) I am an Exon fan and fellow flyfisherman, however, I stopped posting after his last personal attach on me to see what would transpire "down the road". Hate to pile on. But. It may now be time to put Exon in his own playpen for a while. I suggest a short term restriction, not a terminal sentence. Maybe a couple of months would bring him around. Just my two cents. Happy Mongering. T

PS... would be interested in Bad's opinion on this..

Flexible Horn
04-07-08, 06:19
I have never met Exon, and I understand where you're all coming from. But I must say, he adds a certain something-I-don't-know-what to the forum. Please don't ban him. He'll be good. I promise.I have met Exon, many many times and my observations on him are that he is a one-off.

There are many different character's on this site, with their own unique imput ie Dickhead with his dry wit look on mongering issues (my favourite member) Sidney with his expertise on the economy, Badboy / Badman's excellent restaurant reviews, etc etc.

Exon brings to the table his jackoff look on mongering, I do know he is harmless, what we English would call from the old school.

Instead of only letting him post in his own thread, if you don't like his views block him, simple as that.

Exon's input to Argentina private is not as informative as alot of other members, but banning him would, I feel be a loss.

Just my English 2p worth

Jaimito Cartero
04-07-08, 12:01
Exon is an amusing guy, but I meet quite a few current and former members who refuse to post any more because of BS like this. It really kills the flow of the board, and as guys like Toymann say, it just makes them not want to participate.

It seems that Jackson is impotent in being able to do anything concrete about the situation.

I recall other 1st warnings to Exon before, and the situation repeats itself, again and again. He spends hours with software to correct his spelling, which in turn pisses off all other members because it corrects things it shouldn't. Jackson also has to edit Exon and my tirades against each other in this thread. I've found Jackson's amount of editing threads to be quite annoying. He's trying to keep the peace, but it's rather stifling.

And of course, this whole discussion doesn't belong in the Ana Luna thread.

04-07-08, 13:04
I think it would be fine to confine him to his own thread. In a way, that would probably really gratify his ego, to have a thread with his name on it, on par with Nibu.

I do think at the top of the thread needs to be a sticky that warns that all readers can expect countless misspellings, and to be called "cheap cocksucker" if they dare post.

Ana Luna, what do you think?

04-07-08, 14:13
He spends hours with software to correct his spelling, which in turn pisses off all other members because it corrects things it shouldn't.For the hundredth time, you can bypass the cleanup script by editing your post, at which point the editing software does not effect the text.



Jaimito Cartero
04-07-08, 16:43
For the hundredth time, you can bypass the cleanup script by editing your post, at which point the editing software does not effect the text.And for the 100th time, if you just got rid of it, 99% of us would be quite happy.:)

04-07-08, 19:03
For the hundredth time, you can bypass the cleanup script by editing your post, at which point the editing software does not effect the text.


JacksonIt seems to me that someone who cares so much about spelling should know the difference between "effect" and "affect".

04-07-08, 21:55
I suggest a 30 day cooling off period.

Stop calling each other names.

Jackson, in your editing program you can change B. A. To be. A. So put something in to delete the word cocksuckers or change it to snowflake or something.

Tequila Tim
04-07-08, 22:24
I was with Ana and Exon when she told him about her friend. I wasn't with them the entire ride to the airport (they droped me off in Recoleta so I didn't get a chance to see the photos) but Ana did say her friend wanted to explore the program and is supposedly hot. Therefore, these accusations of Exon "pimping" this girl are way off base. Moreover, I find Exon's posts very entertaining and informative. I would certainly visit the board less if he were to be limited.

Just giving my two cents,


Chica Seeker
04-07-08, 22:59
I agree with SmokersRule, Sidney, Flexible Horn and Tequila Tim on this one. Exon is one of the original members to the board and a real "character". I think that it would be a big loss if he was banned or limited. His on line bark is worse than his bite and it is unfortunate that he has rubbed some members the wrong way. I have known him for 5 years and would describe him as anything but mean spirited. I agree with Sidney's assessment that he is a good guy with a heart of gold.

04-07-08, 23:47
And for the 100th time, if you just got rid of it, 99% of us would be quite happy.:)I wouldn't be happy, and I'm the one doing the work here.



04-07-08, 23:53
It seems to me that someone who cares so much about spelling should know the difference between "effect" and "affect".If you'll read the Posting Guidelines, you'll observe that they specify the use of conventional punctuation and capitalization, and that spelling and grammar are specifically excluded as impossible to police.



04-08-08, 03:25
I have used Ana Services. One pick up or was it two out of three or four she was there, but so what. I rather argue about the price with a guy taxi driver. Last time he wanted 88p, but got him down to 65. Oh, gee did I pay to much.

I guess if she was a chica driver I would payed for what ever she wanted.

I do not give a shit about the taxi ride. I want to pay the cheapest for a piece of ass. Cheap, well that depends on your income. Some of you are born rich, some did not work, but had their own jobs, others worked as bosses, etc. I know I worked my ass off as a laborer.

Stop all the bullshit or I will send my dog after your ass.

Ben There
04-08-08, 03:36
Not that she dresses like this. But I just like knowing that its not some stanky smelly guy picking me up. Why do people still argue about who pays for what. I am still batting 100 with service from Ana. Oh this is from carnival. More pics in one of these sites.


Divinocarnaval. Com. Ar

04-08-08, 12:48
Not that she dresses like this. But I just like knowing that its not some stanky smelly guy picking me up. Why do people still argue about who pays for what. I am still batting 100 with service from Ana. Oh this is from carnival. More pics in one of these sites.


Divinocarnaval. Com. ArBen There,

1. What's the point of posting a photo that's NOT of Ana Luna?

2. Regarding "stanky smelly guy"? Exactly how close are you getting to these drivers? I've never observed any drivers with B.O., but then again, I'm not interested in sniffing their rear ends, a prospect that apparently motivates many Ana Luna sycophants.

3. "Why do people still argue about who pays for what" Nobody's arguing with anyone about her fee, the complaints are about her reliability. I'm glad you're at 100%, but my guess is that you're either on her coveted "A List" or you haven't used her services more than once.

What's next with you Ana Luna sycophants? You guys crack me up. If she had a break down on a trip you guys would probably pay for her tow, pay for her repairs, and still give her a tip.



04-08-08, 12:56
On the contary, [Deleted by Admin], that "IS" a recient picture of Ana taken at this years carnaval, with out her glass's.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

04-08-08, 13:05
I readily admit that Ana and I are friends; we became friends a few years ago when you were promoting her as the "official mansion driver". I understand she has fallen out of graces with you, but she remains my friend and I will continue to use her service as long as it 's available.Punter,

I never promoted her as the "official mansion driver". That was all Capt Dave, in an "arrangement" with her that was somewhat less than altruistic.

Also, she hasn't "fallen out of graces with [me]". I just don't believe that there is any need for anyone to schedule a private car to pick them up at the airport when there are hundreds of professionally operated airport taxis and remises waiting at the airport 24 hours a day for exactly this purpose.



Ben There
04-08-08, 13:59
Ben There,

1. What's the point of posting a photo that's NOT of Ana Luna?

2. Regarding "stanky smelly guy"? Exactly how close are you getting to these drivers? I've never observed any drivers with be. O. But then again, I'm not interested in sniffing their rear ends, a prospect that apparently motivates many Ana Luna sycophants.

3. "Why do people still argue about who pays for what" Nobody's arguing with anyone about her fee, the complaints are about her reliability. I'm glad you're at 100% , but my guess is that you're either on her coveted "A List" or you haven't used her services more than once.

What's next with you Ana Luna sycophants? You guys crack me up. If she had a break down on a trip you guys would probably pay for her tow, pay for her repairs, and still give her a tip.


JacksonThat is her and it is recent and there are a few more in the site. What I find amusing about this site is exactly what is going on here. I like Ana, I have used her 4-5 times including a day trip to El Tigre. Always reliable, always friendly and knowing me I am no A lister. I also like Gyselle and have been more than pleased on multiple occassions. Those of us who efuse priaise and stand by our experiences of some one that others may not have had are called sycophant or we are thier pimp, sugar daddy. Whatever. I think it all comes down to YMMV. Oh and about the skanky guy driver. More than once I have gotten in a Taxi that reaked of either BO, mold stale cigarettes and cmon its just a nicer ride in her Brit car then the junk that is normally out there.

Sycophant BT

Punter 127
04-08-08, 16:24

I never promoted her as the "official mansion driver". That was all Capt Dave, in an "arrangement" with her that was somewhat less than altruistic.

Also, she hasn't "fallen out of graces with [me]". I just don't believe that there is any need for anyone to schedule a private car to pick them up at the airport when there are hundreds of professionally operated airport taxis and remises waiting at the airport 24 hours a day for exactly this purpose.



WOW, it took you almost a month to decide to reply to my post. If you say you didn’t promote her, so be it, but you sure as hell allowed it, she even had her own thread at one time!

I guess I was wrong about her falling out of graces with you, I can feel the love. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day Jackson! :)

Senior Sycophant and “Coveted A List” member Punter 127



Ana Luna still has her own thread. This is it.

And of course I "sure as hell allowed it". In fact, I've given a number of people the opportunity to offer their services to the forum members.
Some of them have done very well for themselves, and some of them have used the opportunity to hang themselves.



Come on Jackson, you know and I know her thread was gone for a while, and I think it even had a different title at one time.


Punter 127

04-08-08, 16:44
If she had a break down on a trip you guys would probably pay for her tow, pay for her repairs, and still give her a tip.


JacksonActually, I know a fellow monger that this happened to. He had to help her change her tire. He stopped using her after that.

What does Ana Luna think?

Jaimito Cartero
04-08-08, 17:00
If she had a break down on a trip you guys would probably pay for her tow, pay for her repairs, and still give her a tip.No, some would go car shopping with her so she wouldn't have to drive such old cars!;)

04-09-08, 13:58
Actually, I know a fellow monger that this happened to. He had to help her change her tire. He stopped using her after that.And what is wrong about helping a beautiful woman change a flat tire? Isn't that the gentlemanly thing to do?

(Yes, I have used her services and I probably will in the future to.

04-09-08, 15:00
And what is wrong about helping a beautiful woman change a flat tire? Isn't that the gentlemanly thing to do?

(Yes, I have used her services and I probably will in the future to.There is absolutely nothing wrong with helping a lady change her flat tire. However, changing a flat tire after a very long and tiring trip is the last thing I'd like to do. Besides, most if not all car owners have insurance coverage which generally includes emergency roadside assistance.

04-09-08, 17:47
TeddyBear, nothing personal, of course, but I think your comment is inane.

Let's say you have taken an overnight flight to BA. You slept maybe 3 hours, and you stink a little. You get your luggage and go through immigration and customs. Now you pay 70 pesos to Taxi Ezeiza to deliver you to your hotel. Halfway into town, the tire goes flat. The driver turns to you and says "Which option do you want? Option A, I call another taxi who comes here and picks you up, or Option B, you get out out of the taxi and help me change this tire?".

A, or B?

04-09-08, 19:21
TeddyBear, nothing personal, of course, but I think your comment is inane.

Let's say you have taken an overnight flight to BA. You slept maybe 3 hours, and you stink a little. You get your luggage and go through immigration and customs. Now you pay 70 pesos to Taxi Ezeiza to deliver you to your hotel. Halfway into town, the tire goes flat. The driver turns to you and says "Which option do you want? Option A, I call another taxi who comes here and picks you up, or Option be, you get out out of the taxi and help me change this tire?".

A, or be?Monger514, no offense taken. I don't get offended from people I don't know who are in real life.

But in my humble opinion your little analogy is not very good or precise. I was not referring to Taxi Ezeiza, but to Ana Luna, whom I believe this tread actually is about.

But if I, for arguments sake, take any ordinary taxi from (or to) the airport:

1) It is not very likely I know the driver and or have dined and partied with him / her.

2) From my experience in BA it is not very likely it is a female.

3) If it is a female taxi driver it is not very likely she looks as good as Ana.

4) If it is a female taxi driver and she looks as good as Ana, maybe I will choose to be gentlemanly about it.

5) Maybe I am (or know how to be) a gentleman and you don't.

But if it is someone I don't know and probably will never meet again I will certainly choose your option A.

04-09-08, 20:31
maybe I am (or know how to be) a gentleman and you don'tYeah, maybe.

04-09-08, 22:37
4) If it is a female taxi driver and she looks as good as Ana, maybe I will choose to be gentlemanly about it.

5) Maybe I am (or know how to be) a gentleman and you don't.

But if it is someone I don't know and probably will never meet again I will certainly choose your option A.If one is a true gentleman I believe it just proper to help a lady, irregardless of how she looks like.

04-10-08, 15:02
Of course the issue is not is one a gentleman, and of course I would help the lady change a tire. This is typical of some of the inane arguing that goes on in this forum. The issue is, why do you want to be presented with this option at all?

Ana Luna will have her fans, no matter what bad experience other forum members have. After a while, most guys realize, so what if you can look at her on the ride into town? Once you're in town, you can actually get laid, and that's what really counts.

Changing a tire. Yuck.

Lueck Hoff
04-10-08, 18:45
I have send an e - mail to ana luna and suggested that I would meet her girlfriend for lunch and after this the girlfriend and I could decide whether there should be more or not. Ana agreed to this.

Unfortunately I have to leave the town soon and have not enough time left. The response from Ana came after two days, which was too late. Maybe this is an interesting option for someone else here.

I doubt that the post from Exon is worth all the trouble here. The offer is for real and might be worth a try.

Lueck Hoff

04-28-08, 17:57
I just recieved the following from Ana Luna and she forward it on to me.

Can anyone make anything out of it.



Hola mi amor.

I recived this. Do you know?

I know the guy but I haven t a forum!

I am writing you because I consider that it will be good to keep you posted about a journalist as well as legal investigation regarding prostitution and foreigners.

It is also good for you to know that linked to the above there is a forum user which is being investigated: [Personal Name deleted by Admin] aka MCSE because this individual also owns a web page that offers escort girls services and another web page that offers models for Runway and publicity events.

The second situation will not generate any conflict only that this person utilizes, without any consent or authorization, the photos of the "Runway / Publicity" models to offer them through the "Escort" service webpage.

Linked to that in your forum, this individual is publishing photos of these girls, which don't have this profession for a living and making up fake stories abut them.

As there will be a big move regarding the matter which will involve all the pages in which this person has intervention this forum will also be on the spot, it will be good that you can do something to prevent this such as erasing his comments, canceling their membership, etc. Because otherwise all of us will be in a risky position.

Member #3320
09-11-08, 21:24
Hello friends,

I just want to put in a good word for Ana Luna. I hired her services last week to take me to a goverment office for paperwork. Not only she drove me around but she was also helpful with Castellano at the goverment office. Before, I was thinking of taking a professional translator with me but it was not required thanks to wonderful language skills of Luna.

A point of note is that I was quite ill that day running high fever but she stood behind me like a rock of Gibralter and ensured my paper work was done.

She charged me 200 ARS for 3 hours which included taxi service, translation service.

For those of you who have never met her, she is a smart young woman, reminds me strongly of the character of Ana-Lucia from TV series (LOST)

I would recommend her for special services where you need to go to unknown parts of town or need help with Castellano.

Water Rat
11-07-08, 08:05
Like Captain I have had good service from Ana. Once I shared a ride with another gent. He was going to the mansion and Ana and I stopped in for a coffee. She then took me to my apartment. We each paid only a portion of the normal fee. Another time she had her daughter in the car with her. I was pleased that she felt comfortable with that.

Ana and I chat from time to time on MSN and she is as beautiful as ever. I will be back in BA at the end of the month and it will be a pleasure to be met by a friendly and beautiful woman after 15 hours of travel.

11-15-08, 09:39
I logged on to Ana Luna website, filled out the "request form" for pick-up from EZE to Plaza Hotel. She confirmed via email a couple of days later. About 2 days prior to arrival in BA, I email to re-confirm and recieved a response "from her Blackberry" that she will be there.

Land in BA, gather my bags, exchange some $US and Reals, walk through the sliding doors and no Ana Luna. Having read the previous post about her history of no shows, I immediately walk to the taxi booth and pay my fare for a cab ride. Nice way to begin my first trip to BA!

If you have scheduled, confirmed pick up from Ana, MAKE SURE TO HAVE A BACK-UP PLAN; or better yet make your back-up plan your first choice!! Unfortunate, I really wanted to get a look at that tight body. Oh well.


11-15-08, 14:15
I logged on to Ana Luna website, filled out the "request form" for pick-up from EZE to Plaza Hotel. She confirmed via email a couple of days later. About 2 days prior to arrival in BA, I email to re-confirm and recieved a response "from her Blackberry" that she will be there.

Land in BA, gather my bags, exchange some $US and Reals, walk through the sliding doors and no Ana Luna. Having read the previous post about her history of no shows, I immediately walk to the taxi booth and pay my fare for a cab ride. Nice way to begin my first trip to BA!

If you have scheduled, confirmed pick up from Ana, MAKE SURE TO HAVE A BACK-UP PLAN; or better yet make your back-up plan your first choice! Unfortunate, I really wanted to get a look at that tight body. Oh well.

JavanThe Anna saga continues. No matter how many times her unreliability and irresponsibility have been posted fools keep on trying to use her service because she is halfway decent looking. It reminds me of Robert Frost's famous adage: "A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes."

Javan, great move! You acted quickly! You found a reliable alternative: I hope the rip-off artist, I mean Anna, showed up two minutes after you took off in a taxi so she will feel what it feels like when one doesn't show up at the appointed hour.

11-16-08, 14:07
She may be moving away from the AP crowd. Since my first visit to BsAs years ago, I have always used Ana with no problem. I have written her twice to pick me up tomorrow with no reply. Maybe she just got sick of driving around a bunch of mongers (or maybe its just me). Anyway, looks like I will be taking a taxi from now on.

11-16-08, 16:05
Another time she had her daughter in the car with her.ROTFLMAO!

Some of you guys are incredible. We've already heard from guys who've felt compelled to help her clean the fast food trash out of her car, and we've had guys who've volunteered to change her flat tire on the side of the highway, and now we've got a "customer" who's actually pleased that she's bringing children along for the ride.

Let me ask you something: If you were eating at a restaurant, how would you feel about the restaurant owner seating his children at your table to join you?

I guess it would be acceptable if the restaurant owner had tits.

Guys, this all got started by that bastion of integrity, Capt Dave, who originally foisted this chick on us because he was collecting a non-cash "commission" on every airport pickup she made, and yet regardless of all the bad reports, there are still guys who insist upon using her "services".

This is starting to make some of you look like fools.



11-17-08, 02:31

This is starting to make some of you look like fools.

JacksonI must add here - AMEN!

11-17-08, 11:06
At the risk of being further pummeled by Jackson, I have to report that Ana Luna appeared on time this morning to pick me up at the airport. I started using her services before it became politically incorrect and have continued to have her meet me ever since. No complaints as yet, just an e-mail mix up.

11-23-08, 12:30
Our good friend Ana Luna recently posed nude (mostly topless, really) in a local men's magazine. Maybe someone can scan and post the pics, if it's not a copyright issue.

According to the accompanying article, Miss Luna is an expert swimmer.

Daddy Rulz
11-23-08, 14:50
Our good friend Ana Luna recently posed nude (mostly topless, really) in a local men's magazine. Maybe someone can scan and post the pics, if it's not a copyright issue.

According to the accompanying article, Miss Luna is an expert swimmer.I will have a friend buy and save that one for me.

11-23-08, 15:42
It's "Premium" or maybe "Premium Chica" or something. I don't have the copy in front of me anymore. I believe it's still on sale.

Someone sent me a PM saying Ana didn't want this on the forum, but that puzzles me, it's a magazine for sale to the public and everybody is going to find out about it anyway. The pics are tasteful and I would think she would be proud of them.

I still don't think you can count on her for taxi service.

11-23-08, 15:54
I'm the one who said she didn't want it on the forum. I said it, because when I arrived on Monday she showed me the magazine but asked me not to mention it here. She felt that since it isn't a very popular magazine, certainly not for the extranjeros who are the majority of forum members, there was a chance it would not be noticed. It isn't that she isn't proud of the photos, only that she is sure that many will think that the fact that she posed nude means that she is on the game, and wants to avoid having to fend off the dregs of the AP membership who will be hitting on her.

Ben There
11-23-08, 18:10
I'm the one who said she didn't want it on the forum. I said it, because when I arrived on Monday she showed me the magazine but asked me not to mention it here. She felt that since it isn't a very popular magazine, certainly not for the extranjeros who are the majority of forum members, there was a chance it would not be noticed. It isn't that she isn't proud of the photos, only that she is sure that many will think that the fact that she posed nude means that she is on the game, and wants to avoid having to fend off the dregs of the AP membership who will be hitting on her.THe ongoing debate about Ana is summed above. I can speak for myself that using her services there is a underlying desire to have a piece of her. For the same reason many like Gyselle, because she speaks english and is a reasonably good person. I would even bet if we took a poll to see who is on the supporting side of Ana and Gyselle that the majority would be those of us who can't speak shit for spanish. Gyselle was'nt the best I ever had, but a pleasure to be with. Same with Ana. And to add to the toss, she sends pics of her Mardi Gras outfit to tease it on (aren't there some here, she has sent them to me as well. I don't know the rules of the forum, but I Vote post em.

11-23-08, 23:03
Our good friend Ana Luna recently posed nude (mostly topless, really) in a local men's magazine. Maybe someone can scan and post the pics, if it's not a copyright issue.

According to the accompanying article, Miss Luna is an expert swimmer.Monger514,

Your suspicions are correct, scanning and posting the photos here would be a copyright issue.

Too bad, because it's a great layout.



Gato Hunter
11-24-08, 00:45
I don't speak much spanish and I was not impressed with Ana. She screwed me over once.

Who cares if she does not like the info about her posting pictures, shes the one that signed a release to be in a magazine, and got paid for it. You get what you sow.

I don't see why everyone thinks she is that hot, its like rap music. Its all in the marketing.


By the way what magazine is she in? Thats not copyrighted info.

11-24-08, 06:13
I don't speak much spanish and I was not impressed with Ana. She screwed me over once.

Who cares if she does not like the info about her posting pictures, shes the one that signed a release to be in a magazine, and got paid for it. You get what you sow.Don't know her but from the description of her car's interior, the sow in question appears to be an adult female pig, albeit, a good looking one, but a pig non-the-less.


Daddy Rulz
11-24-08, 10:21
Delete some of your messages!

11-24-08, 12:12
Our good friend Ana Luna recently posed nude (mostly topless, really) in a local men's magazine. Maybe someone can scan and post the pics, if it's not a copyright issue.

According to the accompanying article, Miss Luna is an expert swimmer.It's a known fact when local girls without any prospect of hitting the big times (ie, become models, television stars, etc) pose nude, it's only for two reasons:

1. They are looking for a person with money (un impresario) to hook up with. As I understand it, many of these impresarios scout these magazines looking for chicas like Ana Luna. These men are in search of trophies and they are willing to pay for them.

2. They are in their thirties (no prospect in this country of hitting it big. At thirty you are considered washed up) and they want to show the young chicas they still have it, or they are still in the game of being appealing to men.

If one has the article, it would be interesting to see if there is a direct or an indirect way of contacting her.

11-24-08, 12:42
I want a copy of the artical, doe's anyone know the name of the mag.


11-24-08, 14:22
it would be interesting to see if there is a direct or an indirect way of contacting her.You can just email her through her website (available earlier in the thread) She may or may not respond. Are you an impresario? Ha ha.

I want a copy of the artical, doe's anyone know the name of the mag.Exon, I'm surprised she didn't tell you before anybody else! Anyway I answered this to the best of my ability in my original post. By the way, your sentence, if it were written in correct English, would appear thusly:

I want a copy of the article, does anyone know the name of the magazine?

Notice the correct spelling and punctuation I have supplied. Having done that, let me save you some trouble and post your response to me.

Cocksucker.I couldn't resist.:)

11-24-08, 14:33
With Ana's permission, I gave a copy to Jackson. I almost gave a copy to Exon on our last night at El Establo, but Ana wasn't answering her phone and I didn't want to further propagate her photos without her OK. It is interesting to note that she was correct in predicting that if the photos were made known on the forum that many would want to get in touch with her for nefarious purposes.

11-24-08, 14:52
It is interesting to note that she was correct in predicting that if the photos were made known on the forum that many would want to get in touch with her for nefarious purposes.Ok, like, this wasn't a problem before? If she really didn't want the forum to know about it, maybe not giving Jackson a copy would be a good start.

Listen, I'm not trying to start an argument with you (seriously) but I think you can stop playing gatekeeper, Ana can handle herself just fine (she just ignores people she wants to ignore).

She's on the cover, for Pete's sake!



11-24-08, 15:16
You can just email her through her website (available earlier in the thread) She may or may not respond. Are you an impresario? Ha ha.

.:)My point wasn't that I would want to contact her. It appears it's a way for a woman to find a sugar daddy.

11-24-08, 16:11
Ah, sorry to have misread you, Facundo. And, I agree with all your points.

11-24-08, 16:36
Someone buy a copy for me please, or at least post the name and date.


11-24-08, 17:25
Jackson, unlike various others, has some class and scruples. Although he like myself has had the magazine for some time, he did not mention it on the forum.

11-24-08, 18:06
class and scruplesAnd once again an AP forum thread degenerates into idiocy. One has to wonder sometimes what is the point of posting anything in the least bit informative?

El Perro
11-24-08, 18:19
Jeez, I am beginning to get a sniff of Miss Sol entitlement going on here. I don't know Ana Luna from from a sweet potato, but what's the deal with all the protection, secrecy, etc? She's got an AP thread, has apparently made some money transporting mongers about, has likely serviced at least some of them, but her pics in a local magazine are being held onto like some top secret CIA info. Who really gives a fuck if someone sees them? If this current logic keeps up, every non AP mongering Tom, Dick and Harry will have seen the pics, but not AP mongers, who have provided her business in way or another, and also had to endure frequent, and usually insipid, spats among members about her merits.

Just out with the name of the fucking magazine and give up your misguided, protectionist bullshit.

11-24-08, 18:56
I was hoping to pick up a copy so I'd have something fresh to masterbate too instead of my computer video's.


11-24-08, 19:00
Doggboy, great post, very well put, thanks.

I thought that I would be only one of many to post some information about this. Since no one else is forthcoming, but there is a lot of interest in securing a copy, let me clarify what I know, and then after this I don't really have any reason to post anything else on the subject.

The magazine is called either just "Premium", or else there is another word in the title, frankly I didn't pay real close attention. But I believe it's the current issue, and our friend is on the cover (not the largest picture on the cover, but you can't miss her). Given that, anyone currently in BA should be able to go to a newstand and find it.

As I said, she's mostly topless, not really anything from the nether regions is visible. She has a very nice rack (despite my falling out with you, Ana, my compliments*). Most certainly the pics are airbrushed (but what do you expect?).

And that's what I know, I'm not posting anything else on the subject, not even if David33 posts something inane to goad me into it.



*By "falling out", I just mean she didn't show up at the airport, so I don't use her anymore.

11-24-08, 21:45
I love this thread! With all the pussy available in BA you guys are wondering whether to show pics or not of a taxi driver!

11-24-08, 22:53
"Jeez, I am beginning to get a sniff of Miss Sol entitlement" "made some money transporting mongers about, has likely serviced at least some of them."I do not think she has serviced any of the AP members in a long time.

At one time I was on her sweet side and tried putting the moves on her.

She looked me squarely in the eye and said "If I sleep with you and word got out I would have to sleep with Exon."

I thought about it for a moment, a fate too terrible to condem her too.

I relented and went no further.

10-04-09, 23:54
She did not pick me up as agreed at the airport--called her cell phone and got some bullshit story about my flight being late (it wasn't) you can't count on her.

Gato Hunter
10-05-09, 02:00
You asked for this one. It has been well advertised over two years or more that she is a flake.

Sorry for your hassle, but all you had to do was catch a cab and say Ezeiza with 100p in your hand.

10-06-09, 23:05
I could swear the last post here was a very interesting post from Exon.



10-07-09, 00:36
I could swear the last post here was a very interesting post from.

Exon. Weird.

DWCI read it too.

Exon probably sobered up and decided to delete it. ;)

10-07-09, 02:03
I had been waiting a long time to hear the Ana Luna story that Exon was unwilling to tell.

Glad I finally heard it. I knew she fucked for money.



Gato Hunter
10-07-09, 03:10
Glad I finally heard it. I knew she fucked for money.How do you think she got the money to buy the car in the first place?

By the way I read it also. Great story. Others have had similar offers.

10-07-09, 12:27
I missed the story. My fault for not checking the forum every day. If someone saved the post, PM me please.

10-07-09, 13:08
New Boobs, new butt, a tummy tuck, a nose job, and a new car? Maybe she is just a good business person like all the other remises you've met.

10-07-09, 14:55
New Boobs, new butt, a tummy tuck, a nose job, and a new car? Maybe she is just a good business person like all the other remises you've met.I hear ya Jug. My favorite Remisero just had his boobs done and the ride is much smoother now.

10-07-09, 22:13
Hey Silver Star,

I think you're gonna need to step your game up.



New Boobs, new butt, a tummy tuck, a nose job, and a new car?

10-08-09, 03:18
New Boobs, new butt, a tummy tuck, a nose job, and a new car? Maybe she is just a good business person like all the other remises you've met.Nobody asked for my opinion, but I'll tell a little joke to illustrate my thoughts:

A young beauty is very hardworking but her efforts show very little reward, so she decides to supplement her income becoming the mistress of her old boss, who happens to be very rich. Suddenly she starts taking new things to her house, gets a new flat screen and her mom asks: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle, she brings a new fridge, double door 21 cubic ft, computarized, etc. And mom makes the same question: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle.

Next month she comes back home driving a BMW, she parks it and goes straight into the shower. While she takes her bath her mom asks: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle. Her mom being a clever lady tells her: Well dear, wash your little ticket and maybe we can get a new house.

10-08-09, 16:21
Good joke for my girls!

I regret throwing down their stories. Ana is a great friend and follow his life closely. Maybe since you do not speak or read Spanish are not aware about the new Ana. She works in television, has photographs in many magazines. She act and dances in a theater with famous bedettes and dancers of my country.

Nobody asked for my opinion, but I'll tell a little joke to illustrate my thoughts:

A young beauty is very hardworking but her efforts show very little reward, so she decides to supplement her income becoming the mistress of her old boss, who happens to be very rich. Suddenly she starts taking new things to her house, gets a new flat screen and her mom asks: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle, she brings a new fridge, double door 21 cubic ft, computarized, etc. And mom makes the same question: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle.

Next month she comes back home driving a BMW, she parks it and goes straight into the shower. While she takes her bath her mom asks: How did you get it? I got it in a raffle. Her mom being a clever lady tells her: Well dear, wash your little ticket and maybe we can get a new house.

10-09-09, 22:01
Good joke for my girls!

I regret throwing down their stories. Ana is a great friend and follow his life closely. Maybe since you do not speak or read Spanish are not aware about the new Ana. She works in television, has photographs in many magazines. She act and dances in a theater with famous bedettes and dancers of my country.Actually I speak spanish as my native language, but since I've been educated with english speaking people, sometimes I tend to befriend them more than the rest of the people from my country.

As I said before, I made the joke because I saw the opportunity of a good laugh, never had the pleasure of meeting Ana, but who knows maybe one day, and of course it would be great to meet you and your ladies, when I start telling jokes you girls won't stop laughing.

BTW one more joke (also in spanish): Two working girls are talking together in the first days of December, one of them asks the other, Hey girl, when Santa Claus is coming this christmas, what will you ask from him? 300 pesos just like the rest of my clients, answers the other.

Traducción: Dos chicas cabareteras platican a inicios de diciembre, una le dice a la otra, decime vos qué le vas a pedir a Santa / o los Reyes Magos cuando venga (n) en las fiestas de navidad? Le contesta la otra, 300 pesos como a todos mis demás clientes.

10-10-09, 17:15

There are many secrets Ana would not want you to know. Or anyone that knows who she is.

Everything you are saying she's doing, we already know.


10-20-09, 12:30
I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AlS5aT5DY

Easy to see why she isn't providing her taxi services any more. Anyway, I always got along well with her, and personally miss seeing her upon leaving customs at EZE. You newcomers to Argentina Private missed out.

10-20-09, 12:40
I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AlS5aT5DY

Easy to see why she isn't providing her taxi services any more. Anyway, I always got along well with her, and personally miss seeing her upon leaving customs at EZE. You newcomers to Argentina Private missed out.Congratulations David 33 That is your all time most informative post.

I'm down loading it to keep in my files


10-20-09, 12:45
Yeah, since some nipple shows in one of the shots, I can imagine it being taken down.

01-18-16, 13:07
I glad to hear this many years later that she is doing great.

I will still remember the ride from the airport and the tour of the city.

As far as I can see, she did not need any changes to her appearance.

She was close to my heart.

01-18-16, 14:59
I glad to hear this many years later that she is doing great.

I will still remember the ride from the airport and the tour of the city.

As far as I can see, she did not need any changes to her appearance.

She was close to my heart.What did you hear WT? And where did you hear it? I haven't seen any news here regarding Anna Luna.

Thanks, Bob.

01-18-16, 15:35
Just keeping up with my reading below.

I wish I saw the U-Tube video.

What did you hear WT? And where did you hear it? I haven't seen any news here regarding Anna Luna.

Thanks, Bob.

01-18-16, 20:03
Just keeping up with my reading below.

I wish I saw the U-Tube video.I remember years ago I banged her girlfriend.

01-18-16, 21:28
Just keeping up with my reading below.

I wish I saw the U-Tube video.WT, What I see beneath your post today, i.e. Jan. 18, 2016 is a number of posts from Oct. 2009. No offense, because it takes me a while to get around to things too, but I'd say that your are catching up not keeping!

BUT ... It seems that a number of us have fond memories of her and it was nice to have those refreshed.


Big Boss Man
01-19-16, 00:22
Just keeping up with my reading below.

I wish I saw the U-Tube video.She has become a minor celebrity. Good for her. I used her taxi service once or twice and definitely would gone out with her but never asked. She always told me to practice my Spanish with her. Nice girl. She lived in Florida awhile where she learned English from what I remember.

Member #3320
01-19-16, 03:52
I remember using her services in my first ever visit to Buenos Aires. I had fallen sick and she was gracious enough to assist me in hospital and with interpretation.

Wonder where she is now.

01-20-16, 14:04
I remember using her services in my first ever visit to Buenos Aires. I had fallen sick and she was gracious enough to assist me in hospital and with interpretation.

Wonder where she is now.Who cares?

01-20-16, 14:08
Such a bitter old man.

Her web site is still active.


Who cares?

Member #3320
01-20-16, 14:33
Who cares?A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

Daddy Rulz
01-20-16, 17:40
I remember using her services in my first ever visit to Buenos Aires. I had fallen sick and she was gracious enough to assist me in hospital and with interpretation.

Wonder where she is now.First time she picked me up. Pre boob job. I had been told that she didn't work so my behavior was 100% correct. She was on time, charming, car was clean, the price was right.

Two months later I scheduled with her again, no show/ no call, never heard from her again.

I always wondered if it was because I didn't require extra services.

She kinda screwed me with the no show but I was at the airport and could get another car so I'm not a hater. I hope she's having a happy life.

01-20-16, 18:00
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.That's so cute.

Here's another one for you:

"Kindness is how you pay your way into the party when you don't have the guts to be tough or the class to be brilliant." Lazarus Long

