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View Full Version : I just won the Dumbass of the Year Award

09-18-07, 22:43
Okay guys, I know I am going to get bashed / flamed / ridiculed and scarred for life for telling this story, but here it goes.

All I can do is laugh and write it up as another life experience.

Let me give you some background to make myself not feel so bad. Last year, I had a major life event. I had a heart attack. 100% blockage in the old right main. The Doctor said that if I went to sleep earlier I would have not made it.

Okay, so I made my second trip to Buenos Aires in April. New lease on life. I had a great time and on my last night I repeated with a girl who I met earlier in my trip and had a fantastic time. Back home, I joked with my friends that if I left this earth, I would remember her nice ass bouncing up and down on my face.

I decided to call her upon my return to the States. I decided to send her a birthday gift. I started sending her money to help her and I made plans to make a return trip and take her to the beach.

She never really asked me for money, but she did a couple of times and I would get a little pissed. The last time was just a couple of days ago and I told her that I was not happy with her and I did not know if I wanted to see her after this trip. (My dumbass alarm went off late, but it started ringing lightly.

I know you guys are going to be totally shocked by this, but she has just sent me an e-mail telling me later and that she is going to Europe to work.

There was a good outcome to this. Because of me planning on seeing her, I decided to start working out heavily and I have been doing great in that regard. My cardiologist says that my heart is in fantastic / shape. (1 hour to 2 hour cardio exercising a day, does it.

Now, I do consider this a great con job on her behalf. Should I report her name on the Board to protect my competition from challenging me as the Dumbass of the Year? I do know that she has been reported on this board by other members.

Let m know what you guys think. We should all share and look out for each other.

"If we don't laugh we would all go insane."

Thanks in advance for calling me a "Dumbass", I DESERVE IT.


09-18-07, 22:58
McDaddy, the first step to recovery (in your case literally) is admitting your mistakes. At least your story has a happy ending. By the way, great work on changing your life-style.

Although you were the deus ex machina of this rip-off I don't think it's a bad idea to post her photos in the public section of this site.

Miami Bob
09-18-07, 23:08
You are healthier and smarter and it did not cost you too much.

Joe Vato
09-18-07, 23:23
Everyone on this board, I am sure, has had at least one life lesson. So do not feel bad at all. Thanks for sharing and do post the pictures so that we can watch out for this one.

09-19-07, 01:12
Although you did not give many details on the 'con job' you believe you experienced, it doesn't sound like a big deal at all. Unless you sent a lot of money.

And good job getting back in shape. Keep it up and make your motivation another trip to BA. I'd be curious to know who the lady in question is, in case I know of her or should watch out for her should she remain in BA.

09-19-07, 18:12
Okay guys, I know I am going to get bashed / flamed / ridiculed and scarred for life for telling this story, but here it goes.

All I can do is laugh and write it up as another life experience.

Let me give you some background to make myself not feel so bad. Last year, I had a major life event. I had a heart attack. 100% blockage in the old right main. The Doctor said that if I went to sleep earlier I would have not made it.

Okay, so I made my second trip to Buenos Aires in April. New lease on life. I had a great time and on my last night I repeated with a girl who I met earlier in my trip and had a fantastic time. Back home, I joked with my friends that if I left this earth, I would remember her nice ass bouncing up and down on my face.

I decided to call her upon my return to the States. I decided to send her a birthday gift. I started sending her money to help her and I made plans to make a return trip and take her to the beach.

She never really asked me for money, but she did a couple of times and I would get a little pissed. The last time was just a couple of days ago and I told her that I was not happy with her and I did not know if I wanted to see her after this trip. (My dumbass alarm went off late, but it started ringing lightly.

I know you guys are going to be totally shocked by this, but she has just sent me an e-mail telling me later and that she is going to Europe to work.

There was a good outcome to this. Because of me planning on seeing her, I decided to start working out heavily and I have been doing great in that regard. My cardiologist says that my heart is in fantastic / shape. (1 hour to 2 hour cardio exercising a day, does it.

Now, I do consider this a great con job on her behalf. Should I report her name on the Board to protect my competition from challenging me as the Dumbass of the Year? I do know that she has been reported on this board by other members.

Let m know what you guys think. We should all share and look out for each other.

"If we don't laugh we would all go insane."

Thanks in advance for calling me a "Dumbass", I DESERVE IT.

MacDaddyFuck Yea,.

Report her name on the board, some of us might want to fuck her. As I've stated many times before its all about service. Sounds like this girl can preform. Again we're paying these girls to ¨Lie¨to us, this girl is an expert, she's gota be a great Fuck or you wouldn't have fallen for her MacDaddy.


01-21-08, 03:55
Been there done that. The 100% devotion of a hot latina chica will do that to you.

Everybody learns this lesson and moves on. If you gave a name it would only be one of hundreds that would be posted!

I hope you had fun while you were with her and could afford to lose the money. Its small potatos compared to what we spend chasing chicas in USA!

Best revenge is living well with somebody new!

01-21-08, 04:44
Live and learn, Mac. Don't sweat the small things, buddy!

Daddy Rulz
01-21-08, 12:07
Like everybody else said, you're only a dumbass if you don't learn the lesson. A highly qualified provider there is a friend of a friend, one day I was at the apartment and she got a letter with a money order in it. She read the card, laughed and threw it in the trash. I asked her what it was and she said it was from one of the 10 or 12 guys that send her money. That's when I understood we were playing ring toss in a carny and we are the marks.

You say the thought of coming back helped motivate you in the gym, you don't mention an amount but it seems you got more value than most I know did. Being alive and able to fuck longer when you return sounds good.

A friend of mine once asked me, "what's the use of a mid-life crisis if you don't make a fool of yourself over a woman half your age?"

El Aleman
01-22-08, 20:53

That comment about the use of a mid life crisis was some of the best I ever read. It really makes me enjoy my own!

Have fun,

El Alemán

02-10-10, 03:36
It cost you a little bit (I'm assumed it was at the most a few thousand dollars MAX) to add possibly two-three decades on to your life.

As cheasy as it sounds, that's worth a lot more than any amount of $. Not only that, but you learnt from a mistake as well. Win-win (nothing is free in this world, getting screwed over by this chick was simply the price you pay for what you now have, which imo far outweighs what she got)

Nice 1 on the cardio as well, it's hard to understand how liberating and enjoyable it is to be in good shape unless you've experienced it firsthand. Remember, it's about consistency so keep it up!


Jaimito Cartero
02-10-10, 14:02
Hopefully you didn't buy her a car or an apartment, like some guys here have done for chicas.

Hopefully you learn from your mistakes. Enjoy your better life, and find more nice chicas. Just don't become their sugar daddy. They really won't respect you for it, and will just see you as a sucker.

El Queso
02-10-10, 16:03
I'm not even sure where the "scam" was in this.

He was supporting a working girl. She didn't ask for money very often, but maybe a couple of times, and he sent money. He then told her he wasn't happy with her and probably wouldn't see her after this trip. She sends him an email telling him that she's going to Europe to work.


I too, applaud the guy for overcoming a heart attack and then getting back into shape so well.

But I don't see that anything untoward happened at all.

So many guys think that because they send a girl some money, even steadily, from their home country that this should buy some kind of loyalty to these girls. Knowing girls who worked in the business personally and knowing some of the stories of guys that do this, I have to say that the guys who think this are not all there as far as understanding what's going on.

These girls have no idea if someone who blows into town and "falls in love with them" is going to keep their word and keep on supporting them. The guys expect the girls to just stop their work, wait for the money to come, and be happy. Never mind that nine times out of ten, the money comes once or twice and then stops when the guy realizes that he wasn't as in love with the girl as he thought and that supporting this girl is crazy.

Now the girl has to worry about whether or not the money is coming. She doesn't particularly want to work the way she is working (if you think those girls, for the most part, are in the business because they like blowing old fart's dicks - can you say narcissism? And if she quits she has that little bit of time that she doesn't have to work like that, it makes it that much worse when she has to start again. Maybe she has to reconnect with some of her clients and get started on that all again. And again. And again. Because this happens all the time with these girls.

Maybe I'm just not seeing what the scam was supposed to be?

02-10-10, 16:18
Mac. Get in line. Being with a young beautiful woman that is playful, charming, and sexy and treats you well is worth every dime and then some. I fell for a young beauty and have sent her money from time to time because times are tough and I know she is a working girl. She must eat and have shealter. If I can give her a little something to make her life more pleasant so be it. It is just the price of having fun and caring for someone.

I too came home from BsAs and went to the gym and lost weight and am returning at the end of March to start the hunt all over again or maybe reconnect with my lovely Latin lady. Laugh at your self---it was fun and you know it.

02-10-10, 17:10
Does everybody realize that the thread got started in 2007? I think Mac has already forgotten her.:)

02-12-10, 01:32
If I have to pay a little dough in order to get a small dose of youth and beauty so be it! It's the best anti-age medicine in the world.

02-13-10, 11:12
What am I supposed to do when the chicas send me money?

02-13-10, 15:37
If you think those girls, for the most part, are in the business because they like blowing old fart's dicks - can you say narcissism? It s amazing how talking simple truth can make a report...distinctive;o)

But it also tells a lot about mongers psychology. A majority are not buying sex, they are buying an elixir of eternal youth.

But so are Argentine middle aged men with the multiple 20 yo cuties.

02-17-10, 01:58
The other things I've wondered is - Why do people think that working girls, for some reason, are in more financial trouble than 99% of the country? They don't NEED financial help, even when times are tough, even the average working girls make in an hour what most average argentines outside Capital Federal will make in a day, even if you include the charges of privados. If your talking about busy independents, they're probably earning more than most of the people on this board on a good day!

I should be asking them for financial help, so I can spend it on them again =)