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View Full Version : Need Help Finding an Insurance Company

Member #1036
09-18-07, 23:47
Looking for a contact information for a apartment insurance company named LA Buenos Aires in 5586 Monserrat. Some A. Hole that got me into the property doesnt remember he did this and he got his feelings hurt when I wrote my experience with him on here so he is being a little baby and says how can I ask him for help.

This f. K company has been charging my credit card for 2 years for fire insurance and I cannot stop him from charging my account and Capital One Credit Card will not and cannot cancel my card when there is recurring charges. Even if I change account numbers it follows me to whatever card.

I looked on internet but no luck but if someone knows there contact info I would apprecitate it. I will return the favor for anything you need in US.

09-19-07, 01:10
I just looked it up on Infobel directory:

Tel: (11) 4328-8858
Tel2:(11) 155228-5001

Blindajes Para Puertas, Puertas, Puertas Blindadas, Puertas Blindadas De Seguridad, Puertas De Seguridad.

Puertas blindadas de maxima proteccion;Puertas inifugas;Servicios en Capital y GBA;Particualares why Emprendimientos.

09-19-07, 02:08
No, La Buenos Aires Seguros, now belongs to the HSBC group. Check this link and near the right hand bottom you have "Centro de Atencion" with a 0800 number and an online section.

If you can manage a little Spanish you should be able to work this out.


Member #1036
09-21-07, 18:44
Thanks guys for the input. If you guys need anything in the states just ask.

And Saint, you cry like a little *****.


09-21-07, 20:06
I had this experience once with a company that was charging my card in the states. They were defrauding me and the cc company would not cancel the recurring charges unless I filed a fraud complaint. As with auto checks from your bank accounts, the finance company would not stop the payment on your say so, only the billing company.

If you can show the billing company will not respond then the financing company will proceed.

I would show the cc company some sales docs and demand a refund for the phantom charges. It may take some time but it can be done.