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View Full Version : Useful trick on one way tickets into Arg / BA

09-23-07, 18:54

I fly into BA alot, and sometimes on departure I get asked for proof of my exit flight out of Arg. (offically this is the rule, as the airline can get fined $2000.)

I like one ways, because I don't where I will go next. So here is my advice. Log onto Avianca.com, there you can book a one way ticket from BA to Bogota, when you choose your flight, and register your details. And BEFORE you pay.

You will get your eticket on the screen, cut and paste this page into an email, and there you have your proof of exit. If you really want go overboard you can even edit the email in word.

Book a simple ticket, say in 60 days. 90 days to the date can look too obvious. And obviously you will never use the ticket, and you have not paid a penny. So it will expire without any come back.


Jaimito Cartero
09-23-07, 20:40
In the many trips I've made to EZE, I've never been asked for a return ticket. Of course, I always have one, though.

09-24-07, 16:58
I wasn't aware that you had to have a "return" ticket. I live here (in Argentina) but I am still a "tourist" as I never finished my paperwork for my DNI etc. Always, when I enter Argentina its really my "return" flight and I don't have another ticket to leave. No one has said anything to me in 7 years of doing this and I don't think anyone cares!