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View Full Version : Recent discussion about the cost of cleaning / main services

01-11-08, 11:35
There was a recent discussion about what some of you guys pay for cleaning / maid services. I'd like to find that but my searches have turned up nada. Can anyone remember where it was or give me some search terms which will find it?



01-11-08, 14:11
There was a recent discussion about what some of you guys pay for cleaning / maid services. I'd like to find that but my searches have turned up nada. Can anyone remember where it was or give me some search terms which will find it?

Thanks, BobHere is the link:


01-11-08, 18:26
There was a recent discussion about what some of you guys pay for cleaning / maid services. I'd like to find that but my searches have turned up nada. Can anyone remember where it was or give me some search terms which will find it?


BobHi AllIWantisLove,

With all due respect, how did you NOT find the thread.

I typed "maid" into the forum's search function and the thread you were looking for was on the 1st page.

No, seriously, did you try using the forum's search function?



01-11-08, 23:44
My first search was for "maid wages" (without the double quotes of course) I got three hits which did not include what I was looking for. Then I tried one or two other searches as well. One might have been "cleaning service".

I don't know how VBulletin handles searches. I think that if you did a Google search for "maid wages" you'd first get all of the hits which contain both words followed by all hits which contain either word. Strangely, the 3 hits which I got looked like they contained only wages.

Maybe I should add that I was using Advanced Search. I don't know if that would explain my result, or lack thereof, or not.

I think that I am pretty diligent about searching. I do searches here often enough to have noticed that the delay between searches was greatly reduced after you went to the faster server. Thanks, by the way.

I guess I gave up sooner than I should have but doesn't "maid wages" seem like a pretty good search argument?


Hi AllIWantisLove,

With all due respect, how did you NOT find the thread.

I typed "maid" into the forum's search function and the thread you were looking for was on the 1st page.

No, seriously, did you try using the forum's search function?

