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01-17-08, 17:52
Other than short trips back to the states or abroad in Europe, Australia, etc. I've spent most of the past 2 years residing in Argentina. So to mark the 2 year point which just passed in December, here's a few randomly ordered observations and perspective of living and visiting Argentina.

A. Living, and even owning property in Argentina, is completely irrelevant to having a DNI. I've functioned just fine without one in every aspect of residing in Argentina, and at this point probably won't go through with getting one unless some new reason to get one comes up later. Taking the 1hr fast ferry to Colonia every 3months or so to renew my Visa isn't much of a hardship.

B. The golden rule of paying the chica after, not before the actual act, is for the new guy and veteran alike a pretty good rule.

-Paying first does NOT mean you will be ripped off though. Anyone that says so as some kind of holy writ or mantra is just being an obstinate "veteran" trying to ridicule the new guy who prefers or has no problem doing that. I've paid first plenty of times and had a fine time. Off the top of my head, at least 75% , a lot more actually but don't want to do the exact math, of the times I've paid in advance it went ok.

-However, and this is where the truth of this rule comes in, of those times that I had a crazy, a bad service chica, chica that promised X hours but was putting on clothes in 30min, etc - basically any experience in the last two years I'd classify as a "bad" one, well - of all of those, at least 90% was when I paid in advance.

-So, paying in advance does not mean you will be ripped off or not get good service. But it does roughly mean that of the times you have a bad time, you most likely did pay in advance. So if you're in town for just a week and want to maximize your chances of avoiding a "bad" session, you can exclude some good sessions you'd likely have with chicas who won't go with you unless you agree to pay in advance, but take the safest route of passing them up and only go with the chicas that are ok with being paid after.

C. Every report in this entire site that has a general consensus (good or bad) about some boliche, club, etc. is just plain wrong. My perspective after 2 years is it is about YOU, the individual - how you act, how much you are willing to pay, the intangible instant "impression" formed between two people meeting for the first time - that governs your session with the chica.

-For example, the general consensus report right this moment on Hippopotamus is it is a ripoff, bad experiences, etc. However, for my part, I've never had a bad experience in there yet. Every girl I've taken out has stayed toda la noche, I paid what I personally thought was an equitable amount, and so I've been happy with the place.

-At other generally well reported places, for example La Lopez, while I've also had very good sessions from there, I've also had a few crazy chicas and what most reasonable people would conclude a "bad" experience through no fault of my own. I still like the place of course, it's just what I figure is the odds of chance.

D. Any girl you meet, street, normal bar, chica bar, club, whatever - if she tells you when asked she's been working there or overall more than 6 months, I'd just take a pass on unless you do want (and sometimes I do) a purely "professional" experience. Semi-gfe, nice, no rip offs and everything negotiated for (or left unsaid but it's what you would want) but with that touch of a pro going through the routine.

-Even if you're in town for only a few days to a week, seriously, if you read this board you can't go one day without finding a place with a number of girls that just got into, or very recently into the business.

E. Price police comments still make me laugh and avoid mostly posting experiences. Personally, I still find the prices rediculously low here. And by that I mean by even Argentine standards, not USA prices. If you find it overly expensive paying for a chica drink and taking her back home that costs in total less than or roughly equal to a nice meal in a nice restaurant here, all I can do even after two years is still be surprised and just shrug.

-The ones that then even take it further to lecture about how you don't know the value of your own money, or quote pithy quotes about any fool can spend money, etc - I'd suggest embracing the truest pithy quote of them all - time is the most prescious commodity, and your time the most.

-So only you can figure out what your time is worth.

F. I still hate the false or misleading advertising just about every place with a tax free sign does. Only purely Argentine goods are technically eligible for the refund of your import taxes paid. People have posted that they have gotten goods past the examiners that were foreign made, but that is the exception, not the rule. For the most part, I've had every item stopped other than the rare exception unless it was provable to be purely Argentine. Pure Argentine is also up for the faceless bureaucrat to decide. I once bought and paid locally for a new pair of glasses where every item - lens, polish, manufacture, etc was done here in a local lab with local parts - all except the frames in which I put the new lens into, and had the entire thing turned down for the tax free reimbursement because according to the Argentine bureaucracy - even if 75% of the total cost was the local parts, the fact the frame had the branding of an Italian mark means it's "foreign".

G. Learn 100 to 200 words in Spanish, have a decent bank roll, and don't be an utter pig and anyone with any type of looks can find and date non-pro models and otherwise showgirl type chicas. The only qualifier is time - you need time to find and build a relationship over at least a few weeks. All the posts I've read here and there over the last few years with people wondering about "exclusive" or elite VIP clubs or secret books of top models that work on the side, etc. Well, I don't know if they exist and I really don't care. The point is you can get the same thing if you put the bull aside and actually spend time and money.

-Overall, the cost of flying a girl to Spain and spend a week there touring is minimal compared to the value received if you are not a total cheapskate. In the past two years, I've met and flown 4 non-working, model girls I met through shows, business aquaintances, etc, to Spain (mostly Spain because its the easiest nice place to get a Argentina chica to without visa problems) with a purely platonic setup - separate hotel rooms, no funny business, true gentleman the whole way. Zero sex, just companionship and a offer to tour a city in Spain where I'd get a nice companion speaking perfect spanish and she could see the sights and do some shopping. All 4 times, each girl when I got back with her to Argentina led the chase to initiate and start a sexual relationship with me, sans official cash payment but in the form of another pithy expression - every man pays, one way or another, for a relationship with a woman.

H. The mindset of the "bad" experiences chicas still boggles me. For example, it doesnt matter where or who her name is, the general example serves just as well - I met a girl some while ago on one of the few nights I go out to meet fresh girls or someone I don't have on my normal routine - e. G. It's pretty much standard it seems that those who live here have a "stable" of a few to many girls that they routinely see - exclusively or just in general - while every now and then they go out on the hunt again to see / find someone new to add to the list and bump off whoever is the girl on the bottom of their current stable.

-In any event, I went out to a club, met a new gal and while I'm not the type to explicitly negotiate every act or particular, I did and generally do make it known as part of the going out I prefer and want toda la noche, or at the very least establish roughly when she has to go home. Whether I want her to leave sometimes only an hour later or not is irrelevant - sometimes I do negotiate toda la noche but have her leave far earlier, but that of course is my option for pay for play. Leave when I want, not when she does.

-Chica X goes home with me and in general it went pretty ok through the first doing-of-the-deed. But then, it goes into the bad experience category as after 45min total spent at my place, she's saying she has to go and putting on clothes. So far, while bad this isnt the meat of this story. The part that I still find hard to find logic with is after she's dressed, and I'm just writing her off as someone I'd ever want to see again - she really tries to get me to accept her phone number and asking over and over when we can see each other again. She goes so far as to want me to call her number right there and then to prove that she gave me her real number, when my suspicion is she actually wanted to capture my caller ID so she'd have my number as I wanted to have nothing to do with that.

-Basically I told her as she was putting on her clothes and I was paying her, that ok we're done and I really never wanted to see or take her out again. And yes, I paid her the full amount I'd agreed to despite her breaking the deal because that is MY preference. So I'm quite glad this new flame free section exists because frankly my time to avoid any mess, yelling, etc and just write her off as someone never to see again is FAR more preferable than saving a few bucks by trying to cut part of her fee. Yes, I've done that before in the past, cutting the fee if she leaves early when I hadnt paid in advance yet - but I've found that gets me more raised voices and effort in argument than I personally find it's worth. In fact, I personally earn more in each minute lost in that kind of grief than I'd be saving, so after maybe 6 months here in Bs As I just made it a routine that when I did get into a bad session, and thankfully overall that percentage has been low, I just pay her off and go separate ways.

-In any event, the chica logic that still boggles me after two years is here she is the one breaking the deal, completely knowing she's screwing me in totally the wrong way, and yet pleading for me to accept her number and call her again soon. She goes so far as to then say next time she will give me a discount of XXX, and if we stay regular we can stay at that price. I inform her that may work in Argentina - give bad service and then promise better service if you come back for more, but in the USA, the accepted customer service retention means is give good service for less the first time, then as demand peaks up, raise your prices. That's the bottom line perspective and moral for this part - in Argentina, so many times that seems to be the logic, not just with chicas but in EVERY aspect of society here - give bad service the first round, and encourage the customer to come back with the hope or promise of better service. While the complete opposite is the standard back in the states and many other western european countries. Quite odd.

I. During the time I was renting, I stayed mostly in one location, but I've rented in total 3 places over 2 years. So far, I've never had a problem with security deposits, or other aspects of renting. So 3 doesnt make a long track record, but my opinion of the rental market is it's mostly honest and the hype of bad press is mostly just that - hype or some specific individual with a grudge or more likely as I said about chica bars - its the individual that determines the experience, not the place. I recall some thread awhile back where someone had a grudge against the BARTS apartments - well, I've never rented from there and most likely won't in the future as I'm settled, but if I did, I highly suspect given my individual circumstances and manners, I'd be just fine.

J. Every sexual act unless with a purely exclusive partner long term with both of you checked completely beforehand and with no breach of monogamy with each other is a risk. There is no such thing as a "safe" sexual act, with or without condom or every other STD prevention device or procedure known to man. Every thread I've ever read and likely will read in the future here, from self described amateurs and so called medical experts alike, that down plays the risk or even states completely inaccurate information regarding the likelyhood or methods of transmission of some particular STD, is just a farce. Determine for yourself what acceptable risk tolerance you consider ok, consult an actual medical professional to discuss each specific scenario you want to do and if that includes a goat somewhere, fine. Just discuss and get certified information from real medical professionals what your risk factors are, how to decrease (there is no such thing as totally avoid short of complete abstention) those risks, and play on. Reading and debating with board warrior medicos is just nonsense.

K. I still can't stand the practice of many restaurants closing down weekdays between 3:30pm or so till 7:30-8:00pm. Sure there are still many tourist type places still open, but I can't get used to it.

L. The last and most important observation as regards how it's affected my personal situation - if you have any girl "back home" that you also semi pay for or otherwise in pure pay for play situation, if you can possibly afford it and still want to see her when back in your own home country - fly her here to Argentina for a week or couple weeks to entertain you while you show her around here.

-I did this with one regular I know and still see when back in California. Let me just say that while her service was great when I knew her before I did this, it went to outstanding and whatever level is above that if it could possibly be classified as that once she came out here and spent a few weeks seeing what her competition was, and what rates they charged. I think every good looking chica thinks no one else can do what she does for you till it's put in her face that in reality. There really is, there are lots of them, and literally the expression dime a dozen is true for the guy that can afford it.

01-17-08, 18:02
Great Report.


El Aleman
01-17-08, 19:01
There are occasions when I am of exactly the same opinion as my friend Exon. This is one of them.

Great report.

01-17-08, 19:21
Amazing Report.

Thank you for sharing,


01-17-08, 19:29
Greetings Mplexy,

A couple of observations:

A. Living, and even owning property in Argentina, is completely irrelevant to having a DNI. I've functioned just fine without one in every aspect of residing in Argentina, and at this point probably won't go through with getting one unless some new reason to get one comes up later. Taking the 1hr fast ferry to Colonia every 3months or so to renew my Visa isn't much of a hardship.A DNI and a residency are two different things, so I'm not sure what you are referring to. The DNI is a taxpayer identification number, which as nothing to do with immigration. OTOH, a residency is their permission to live here, which has everything to do with immigration.

be. The golden rule of paying the chica after, not before the actual act, is for the new guy and veteran alike a pretty good rule.To simplify your point, I've paid in advance for what turned out to be good sessions, but EVERY bad session I ever had included paying in advance.

C. Every report in this entire site that has a general consensus (good or bad) about some boliche, club, etc. Is just plain wrong. My perspective after 2 years is it is about YOU, the individual - how you act, how much you are willing to pay, the intangible instant "impression" formed between two people meeting for the first time - that governs your session with the chica.I believe that the majority of comments about a club are in reference to the club's SOP and business practices, and should not be mistaken as an endorsement of or commentary on the specific chicas that may be working there at any specific point in time.

01-18-08, 03:29
Hi Mplexy,

Your original posting is well written and intelligent.

Have fun smart buddy!

One of thing that I want to post & note is, just because a chica has a beautiful face or a juicy pussy, does not warranty a head with common sense (No logical reasoning) I am sure guys like Mplexy can fuck them better with their smartness.

Excellent post.

01-18-08, 09:55
"Overall, the cost of flying a girl to Spain and spend a week there touring is minimal compared to the value received if you are not a total cheapskate. In the past two years, I've met and flown 4 non-working, model girls I met through shows, business aquaintances, etc, to Spain (mostly Spain because its the easiest nice place to get a Argentina chica to without visa problems) with a purely platonic setup - separate hotel rooms, no funny business, true gentleman the whole way."

Sorry bro, but not all of us has money to burn. Unless, of course, you want to take me along next time as a platonic.

01-18-08, 19:40
"Overall, the cost of flying a girl to Spain and spend a week there touring is minimal compared to the value received if you are not a total cheapskate. In the past two years, I've met and flown 4 non-working, model girls I met through shows, business aquaintances, etc, to Spain (mostly Spain because its the easiest nice place to get a Argentina chica to without visa problems) with a purely platonic setup - separate hotel rooms, no funny business, true gentleman the whole way."

Sorry bro, but not all of us has money to burn. Unless, of course, you want to take me along next time as a platonic.No problem. Just a clarification though - my reference to this wasn't to imply that those who live here or visit long term should all do this, or somehow look down on those that don't have the budget to do so.

Specifically, recall that this quote was and is in the context of finding and dating non-pro models and showgirl type chicas. E. G. For those guy who do want to and have that hot model girlfriend fantasy they want to fulfill.

If you're living here and have your regular stable of girls and don't venture out to try this either because of lack of desire or budget, either is a good reason. But, again, within the context of those this was directed towards - those that are actually trying or at least implied by the many posts I've seen over the last two years of guys coming down here with the specific stated intention to do so, or asking questions here on how to find and date these type of girls, etc - well for those guys they fall into only two possible categories - the ones who are BS artists who lack the budget yet somehow think they're going to pull this off - and sure, of course the exceptions exist. Yes, I'm willing to believe and am sure here and there some guy with a very limited budget can and will come down here, meet a high end Dotto model who strikes a fancy to him and engage in an established sexual relationship with him. But that's the exception, in my opinion.

So really that leaves the other group of potential guys - the ones who do have and are willing to spend a decent amount to try and achieve this.

Hypothetically let's say Monger A spends on a 4x / week routine roughly 2k pesos a week inc both girl and personal expenses for his own drinks, cabs, tellos, whatever. Then on top of that, he has his Date-a-Dotto-Model pet project on the side - and instead of hookers he goes after purely non-pro model or model type chicas he tries to meet. He expends funds on attending shows, sponsor or advertiser parties, etc, trying to and in some cases actually taking out the girl on local dates. Etc. Let's say he spends 2-3k US a month on this. Personally I find 2-3k US a mo in this pursuit to be on the rater low side, but I do know a monger A (and a monger be) that spends about this amount - so ok, stick with 2-3k US.

So, Monger A is spending roughly total 3500-4000 US / mo on his usual chica habits here, sometimes hitting 5k on hitting the club and chica drinks scene more. A week in spain at a nice hotel, 2 rooms, airfare, will hit this guy roughly 6k, so a bit over his usual monthly budget. But if he gets when he gets back a short (few weeks) to even longer term (months+) sexual relationship with the chica, that's where my observation of the "value recieved" is minimal compared to what you actually spent.

01-19-08, 01:12
Good insights Mpexy, thanks for taking the time to write them out.

C - very good point which doesn't get made too often. Your demeanor and attitude, dress, style, willingness to pay, etc are major factors in determining the overall experience at any club. But, for me the club is also part of the equation as well. Though perhaps secondary. The ambiance and especially the prices and the 'rules' at each club definately influence my experience.

D - another good one. Most or all of the girls I've been with who were just working a few weeks or months were good / great experiences. Not all though. And I've had several longer than 6 months who were great GFE. Given the choice though, I would agree 'the newer the better'.

L - this sounds very interesting. I am curious how you went about introducing your friend to the local scene. Which types of places you took her, etc.

01-19-08, 09:55
C - True, the SoP of the club makes a lot of difference in setting at least the potential for your individual interactions with the chica to be better, or for worse. I too hate the clubs where the club management either encourages or enforces a heavy buy-chica drinks pressure or direct assault. I prefer the ones where you can actually have the time to drink your entrance drink in relative peace while you relax a little. I find that tone helps set the personal demeanor in which you conduct yourself, at least for me.

L - I had a few women, might as well just call them chicas since my time here in Argentina now leads me to use this convenient label, that I saw regularly back in California prior to coming to Argentina. It wasn't a pure pay to play setup although again once you get down to the bottom line there is always a quid pro quo between a man and a woman, at least those in the traditional sense and not like the young guy that married Liz Taylor, divorced and got alimony plus settlement from her.

It was more in the fairly common Los Angeles scene of Girl A who usually is either working in or trying to break into some higher tier of the entertainment industry (modeling, acting, dancing, etc) wants a financial sponsor - she takes care of him exclusively, no other "clients" as basically an on-demand girlfriend, while he provides some X amount per month, couple months, whatever is worked out. As a side note - it's odd how these USA chicas operate in this regard - it's usually very important to some of them, not all, but a lot of the ones I met, that they classify and have you consider that you are NOT paying them per se - but "helping" them out financially. I suppose it is so that they personally somehow mentally differentiate their activity as being different from being a prostitute, albeit a high class and paid one. Oh well.

So LA Chica X that I knew wanted to see me but I had fended her off while living down here saying I now was all the way in Argentina, but she'd traveled with me before to other countries so we both knew distance, and travel per se, wasn't a blocker. So I invited her down here eventually, booked a trip, she flew down, I picked her up at Ezeiza, and she stayed with me for about 3 weeks on the first trip down.

She was informed of the local competition through various activities - first and foremost, while I've never been and still am not the 2-girl at once type, for some reason when LA Chica X was down here I had the urge to try it (I'd only really done this relatively very infrequently in the past) So I had a number of threesome experiences with her - LA Chica X, and a local chica.

But the problem of course is at least for me, it would have been stupid to introduce LA Chica X to one of my regular non-pro on-going relationship girls. For one, it would have screwed up my relationship with the local gal most likely, for sure there would have been all the drama of jealously, etc. To deal with, so instead I went the safe route and called up a few completely pro chicas I had seen before, or a few times, LA Chica X picked them out by scanning through some of the local escort boards (Area VIP, bairesgirls, etc.

We played the scene of being a North American couple who wanted to do a threesome with another chica, and of course that posed zero problems for the chicas we called in. I'd never really known that part of it personally before, but one new positive about it I learned doing this was that many pro chicas actually like this and was more relaxed - being with a real couple, versus just the guy. For the hell of it I even had LA Chica X sometimes handle paying the local pro that spent the night with us - so either because she saw what I paid or she was handing the money over herself, my LA Chica of course knew what the local escort outcall scene was, and the actual looks of her competition.

We actually had a couple conversations about this - the price of the higher end talent around here. To be honest, it is my general opinion it's why LA Chica X initiated asking me if she could pick out a gal or two to call over. I think she wanted to be sure that if she picked some random hot looking Area VIP gal and not someone I might have setup beforehand, she'd then know the true price. She wasn't super surprised, she's not dumb and could do the easy math based on other local prices and the roughly 3 to 1 exchange rate that the dollar went a lot further here, but was I believe set back at her competition's rates because without stirring up the price police, let's just say that what I paid her as a monthly stipend in a per night equivalent was a hell of a lot more than the local rates.

I only went to a chica club twice with her - it's not really my thing to go into a club - Madahos, Blacks, where ever, with my own chica, whether local or as in this case LA Chica X. I go there to just hang out a bit, or talk to and take out a new girl, not bring one I already know in there to show off or hang out. But I did twice for a couple reasons - as every local monger living down here or visits here regularly knows, he gets a certain "rep" at each club he regularly visits. Hopefully he gets the good "rep" among the girls as being a good guy, always pays, never stiffs the girl. The "bad" rep, even if you were always in the right - is one where they label you as being unreliable, dishonest about paying X when you mentioned or negotiated for Y.

I put "bad" in quotes because you could totally be in the right for docking some chica part of the negotiated fee if let's say she leaves earlier than you'd agreed on, but in her mind, and to a lot of the other chicas minds when she gets back to the club to gossip about you - the only thing that will matter is she left with you for 400, she got 300, and so of course you stiffed her of 100p. Her leaving early or whatever other bad experience cost her that penalty won't really matter as far as setting your rep. So that's why I just pay them off and never see one that gives me a bad experience. That also helps in that the rep you get is one that always pays, is a good guy, but won't take BS or crap from the chicas and wont ever go out again with one that does. This could be interpreted to mean the guy is an easy mark and she'll still get her full fee if she pulls some crap, but balanced against that is knowing it's a one time thing, the guy wont ever go out with her again, and only repeat dates chicas that gives a good experience. As screwed up as the argentina chica mentality is, most the club girls I've met do want and like repeat business.

Anyway, during a conversation where my LA Chica X had asked me what the strip clubs were like down here (she had been a dancer at a strip club back in the states before we got together and she switched over to try and break into the be-movies actress bit) I was a bit taken aback because after thinking on it a bit I had to say I honestly knew of none down here. Maybe there are some, but I know of none, at least not like the ones LA Chica X and I are used to back in the states. So I told her there were boliches, gentleman's clubs where some chicas danced, went out as working girls, or did both, but no traditional LA type strip club that I knew of.

So she wanted to see the inside of one and I figured it would be a plus for me as well since if I went in with an extremely attractive obviously foreign / californian chica that announced herself as my novia, it could only do positives for me as far as the club's local chica gossip would go. Stir the competitive jealously among the gals I had seen in there regularly so to speak, which it did. Although in one case, predictably and true to crazy argentine local chica jealousy logic of a working girl, I had one I'd seen a half dozen times or so tell me she never wanted to see me again because I was "her" guy and here I was walking in with my california novia. I suppose I should have added that as another section to my 2-year perspective - the good ol classic case of the working gal here doing who knows how many guys at the club she works at, but you are "her" guy, not allowed to bang any other girl, in or out of that club, or you'll stir up a fit of jealously with her. Again, pretty damn odd but so true of Argentina. True of other countries working gals too sure, but so far, I've found none other where it's more common than here.

We went into Madahos once to sit for awhile, watch the dance show, order a few drinks and hang out, and to see the strip show at Nuevo Estilo, the one out in Belgrano, once. I told her what the general rates were, and we sat and chatted with a few gals I'd taken out before that wanted to go do a threesome. Didn't hit the clubs though other than these two times, wasn't really my or her thing.

Mostly we just went out to the regular tourist places - restaurants, theater, take a few day trips to Uruguay, etc. All in all it was pretty fun and I've now done this a few times, twice with my LA Chica X, and once with another LA Chica why. I don't have this huge stable or anything so don't get the wrong impression - those two are about the only two I have left of those I maintain a relationship with from back in the states.

01-19-08, 17:36
I moved the DNI discussion to a new thread:




01-19-08, 18:38
My ex (not an ex stripper) probably, would kill me if I tried Mpexy's behavior. She was kept totally ''out of the scene'' when visiting BsAs! I would warn you not to emulate Mpexy.The major difference apparently left out of this warning is that unless you are using wrong choice of words, your "ex" was just that, an ex-gf, wife, whatever.

The girl I brought was a previously established pay-for-play negotiated relationship, one where we had done threesomes a few times before, and no illusions on her part that I wasn't seeing other women while I maintained her to the monthly stipend she was used to. The few rules we do have between ourselves I do adhere to. What they are is none of this board's business.

Last, the statements I've made follows my usual norm of a strictly factual perspective - I neither imply or otherwise make judgement of either positive or negative to either follow (e. G. Emulate) or not follow what I do or don't do. And in the rare times I make a suggestion versus just post what I did, it's always within a specific context - e.g. if you have a pay for play chica elsewhere, might be nice to let her see the scene here.

As with anything, CONTEXT is key. What is the context of your personal situation, etc. But in fairness, to reiterate I made it pretty plain in the original start of this thread that "L -The last and most important observation as regards how it's affected my personal situation - if you have any girl "back home" that you also semi pay for or otherwise in pure pay for play situation, if you can possibly afford it and still want to see her when back in your own home country - fly her here to Argentina for a week or couple weeks to entertain you while you show her around here."

Where in "semi pay" or "pure pay for play" do you read this to be an asking you to emulate this with your real ex or current relationship non-pay gf, wife, whatever?

You don't like what I post, don't make up implied negatives. In fact, this is the critic free zone, why are you even posting a false negative?

Daddy Rulz
01-20-08, 00:14
The few rules we do have between ourselves I do adhere to. What they are is none of this board's business.Give us the scoop, no spiderman pjs or what? I'm dying of curiosity here.

I don't know how long the cease fire will hold in the critic free zone. I'm feeling the zanys about to jump.

I for one appreciate the posts. They are lucid, on point, obviously well thought out, and very informative.


This beginning of this post was intended as humor, the reader agrees to waive liability for any offense taken, either real or because they are tight assed CockSuckers that can't take a joke.

01-20-08, 19:52
Your post is interesting.


In no way am I being critical of your post. However, because you are renown for paying ''top dollar'', it may not be possible for many others to emulate your behavior. ''Top dollar'', also would tend to ''de-sensitize'' your chicas.


P. S--I didn't realize that you had ''your own'' critic free zone!Not my own zone - you keep raising invalid straw man logic faults - I posted here specfically because I saw this new section with Jackson's explanatory disclaimer that: Members may post questions and reports in this section without incurring sarcastic and critical responses, which will be deleted without comment.

Adding a comment is one thing, even one that differs from my own point of view or statement. But falsely raising a point I never made (e. G. Bring your ex or gf / wife, whatever) and then using that false negative to make a criticism is from what I read of the specific conditions of this section of the forum to be against the intended forum policy.

Your definition of "top dollar" is another debate and again, quite contrary to the specific freedom of this one forum section. Suffice it to say it's yet again another negative falsehood you attempt to raise - I pay what the going rate is for that particular tier of chicas I am going out with - at that moment.

If I'm in a downtown bolice (e. G. Cattos) I'm paying Catto's rates, not Madahos. If I'm in Madahos, I'm paying the going rates for those chicas. If I call a internet girl, I pay that particular tier of internet girl the going rates. Need I continue or will that just be more words for you to find some additional false negative that I never stated nor implied? Such as the constant attempt to twist my report into one where somehow I am touting it as something everyone should be emulating. Do it or not, that's up to every individual member and circumstance. If the information helps, good. If not, read for amusement. If neither, novel idea - and obeying the rules of this one section of the forum - say nothing, much less invent falsehoods to criticize.

01-21-08, 01:33
Glad I wasn't Their to wittness that.


01-21-08, 07:10
We walked in Newport together. Our mutual friend introduced me to 2 chicas, one a #8 and the other a #6. Prompty, I thouught that I had a deal for 200 pesos each. But no, they meant dollars. I laughed and referred them to you. You immediately agreed on $200 each and departed. That is ''top dollar''! And is way beyond what is normal at Newport! We have 2 mutual friends as witnesses.Not that I wouldn't flinch at paying 200 if that's what I thought would close the deal with a particular girl and was satisified with the terms of the deal - you're referring to a long ago encounter with again completely incorrect or false information.

The duo was Jessica, the blond spinner, who had just recently started in the business at that time, and her more hard-core friend who I never got or recall the name of. At that time her friend was a dark haired brunette with the usual bad rack job, although since that time I've seen one or both around with different colored hair.

I left with ONE gal, Jessica the blonde, that night. Never wanted a duo with her friend, and was not quoted 200 US each. I was quoted 100 US each for what Jessica told me was their preference on that night to go out as a duo.

Instead I took out only Jessica for 300p, or the 100US she wanted, but for an extended 3hr session. Personally, even at that time, 300p for a few to three hours was a decent rate. She wouldn't move on the price, so we negotiated a longer session to compromise.

Also falsely stated - no one introduced me to either, perhaps to you - have no idea. That particular night, based on a recommendation from one of the two friends I had walked in with who stated he had a group of friends in town, one of whom had already been out with Jessica and reported a nice time, I walked up and was already engaged in talking to Jessica when you came in to make an attempt to deal with them - no big deal at the time, and certainly old memories now - although I did comment to mutual acquitaince #2 that night that you lacked manners in doing that. Certainly bottom line is all working girls are contested items - you want a shot, make an offer, but simple courtesty in most people would just have them wait for the other guy to either close or get shot down.

In any event your offer wasnt good enough or they quoted you 200US to get rid of you. No idea, I personally never heard what they quoted you, but as for me, after Jessica came back, I concluded negotiating the longer session for what Jessica wanted, which was 300p or 100US. Her only stipulation at the time was she couldnt stay for longer than the 3hrs we dealed for because she had to return to go back with her friend, which was why they apparently were trying to encourage duos. 2 chicas with only 1 apartment key, pretty common scenario here.

As for 200, or 300, or 1000US. I don't particularly care what the rate per se is. And neither should you or anyone else mongering. The more important part is not how much you paid, but what value are you receiving. If some girl wants 200US, say at Blacks, I'm not going to just take that at face value with no context as you apparently do. Everything is negotiable and if the rate is what the girl sticks to and won't budge on, then negotiating a toda la noche for 200US with a hot blacks girl is a totally different value proposition then paying for a 30-60min wham bam.

Paying 1k US for a week full time deal with a particular girl is again all in context of how much time, what services, etc. Then some rip off one nighter of 1k here in Bs As.

Grow up, ignore this thread if you don't like the facts or comments to my report I post. Or at the very least, attempt to instigate better falsehoods. Your method of simply making up facts to please you to then make a criticism of is pretty low end on the logical debating pole.

01-21-08, 15:17

Great report and observations. Thanks for taking the time.