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View Full Version : How many foreigners live in BA? (part-time)

01-22-08, 07:45
Does anybody have any stats about the amount of foreigners that live in BA?

I think that about 20.000 foreigners could vote for mayor in BA, so they must have legal status.

But of course there must be many more foreigners who live on a tourist-visa.

My guess it would be around 80 to 100.000 people who live in BA.

What do you think?

El Perro
01-22-08, 13:55
But, there is at least one too many!LOL! Morning belly laughs are always welcome.

01-22-08, 17:16
But, there is at least one too many!And a few "CockSuckers" too Sidney.


01-22-08, 20:58
Does anybody have any stats about the amount of foreigners that live in BA?

I think that about 20.000 foreigners could vote for mayor in BA, so they must have legal status.

But of course there must be many more foreigners who live on a tourist-visa.

My guess it would be around 80 to 100.000 people who live in BA.

What do you think?What's the *fucking point of such a subjective question? Ask something that has some purpose or crawl back under your rock.

You are a *fucking serial dill.


01-22-08, 21:16
I do not think that you can vote without being a legal resident. (resident evil? It would not make a diff. Anyway!

Anyway, approximately 20,000 registered Americans at the US Embassy alone. Not counting the guys that are hiding in BA like Adolph Hitler, Dr. Mengele, etc. Ha, Ha!

A lot of people are hiding in Argentina and have zero interest in voting but that was not the question was it?

What was that stupid question?

Maybe only citizens can vote. Like in the good old USA!

Free Texan!

01-22-08, 21:29
Would you consider Paraguayans, Peruvians, Bolivians, Waiters (Ooops - I mean Uruguayans) Domicans, Brazilians or Chileans as foreigners? Or what about Gypsie thieves, Ukranian professional beggars, Russian Mafia and Tejano Libres or even Welsh Sheriffs? Who the fuck cares! Is it relevant to the price of pussy?

01-22-08, 21:35
The goddamn foreigners are driving the price of pussy higher than giraffe pussy. And that's pretty damn high!

Damn Euro trash tossing 4.5 to 1 Euros as if the were tossing Exons' salad!


It hurts the full-timers that live here damn it!

01-22-08, 21:49
If you can't afford pussy, make more money. No use trying to curb others spending habits or crying about it.


01-22-08, 23:35
The goddamn foreigners are driving the price of pussy higher than giraffe pussy. And that's pretty damn high!

Damn Euro trash tossing 4.5 to 1 Euros as if the were tossing Exons' salad!


It hurts the full-timers that live here damn it!Wouldn't you say that the great amount of foreign pussy in BA (Paraguayans, Peruvians, Dominicans and Brazilians) help keep the prices down? Their offer balances off the great demand of pussy by the Tejanos and the Welsh!;)

01-24-08, 21:44
It's the principle of the matter. These girls now have it in their heads that they are worth more than a few years ago.

Their pussies are made of brass. Not gold! Brass tarnishes with age and exposure to air, water, etc!