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03-13-08, 15:01
Hi everyone.

First post here on a topic which I don't think any monger has covered so far to date for reasons whit I might well be flamed for (I have asbestos pants on just in case)

Does anyone have any experience knoweldge etc about the 'deal' with chicas getting it on under the influence (and I'm not talking alcohol) and being able to provide.

I'm coming over to BA from a very very very very (read draconian) conservative country to blow off some steam to the extent that I could power a Stephenson engine.

Any info would be welcomed (PM I guess for this)

I await the flaming to commence!

03-13-08, 15:23
Many of the girls here use "Drugs" if thats what your talking about, I personally stay away from them. I come to Argentina for a good time vacation not to make trouble for myself.


03-13-08, 15:53
Thank you Exxon for replying. I appreciate its not everyones cup of e.

Decent of you to broach a subject which hasn't been tackled though.

Btw what type of d-rugs are you talking about? Just curious like.

03-13-08, 17:18
I'm sure they have every type of drug, I just stay clear of that sorta thing.

If your looking for what ever, you'll find it, Argentina has pretty much everthing and by the way your a fool to ask such a thing on the internet and please don't PM me.


Jaimito Cartero
03-13-08, 18:20
From some of the hopped up girls I've seen, Coke seems to be the drug of choice. I'm wary of them, since getting ripped off, and having subpar service often happens. If I had to guess, I'd say that at least 30% of the independents hook to support their habit.

03-13-08, 19:12
Hi everyone.

First post here on a topic which I don't think any monger has covered so far to date for reasons whit I might well be flamed for (I have asbestos pants on just in case)

Does anyone have any experience knoweldge etc about the 'deal' with chicas getting it on under the influence (and I'm not talking alcohol) and being able to provide.

I'm coming over to BA from a very very very very (read draconian) conservative country to blow off some steam to the extent that I could power a Stephenson engine.

Any info would be welcomed (PM I guess for this)

I await the flaming to commence!Mr Moleo if you really think you need to get girls high on some kind of drug for them to "get it on" with you then you're certainly coming to wrong place. The great thing about BA is that most of the girls here have no difficulty getting it on without the benefit of drugs or drink. Although in your case I suspect they may need all the help they can get. Be better perhaps if you stayed home.

And by the way Jaimito, you really have no idea what percentage of working girls are turning tricks to support a cocaine habit in BA do you? You've just made a wild guess - and come up with the kind of figure (30%) often quoted by anti-prostitution campaigners in the US and Europe, with no evidence to back it up

03-13-08, 19:55
I've only known of two girls for sure, "The Ball Washer" whom I haven't seen in quite some time. And "Christina", arguably the best Fuck I've ever had in Argentina, Man can she Fuck.

She'd go in the Bathroom and do a line or two, come out and Fuck your Brains out. Then in between "rounds" she'd do a couple more lines right their on the bed, then really get it on with you.

I finally had to tell her girl friend I didn't want to see her anymore because of the Cocaine, I sometimes dream of her when I'm Jacking Off though.


Jaimito Cartero
03-13-08, 20:11
And by the way Jaimito, you really have no idea what percentage of working girls are turning tricks to support a cocaine habit in BA do you? You've just made a wild guess - and come up with the kind of figure (30%) often quoted by anti-prostitution campaigners in the US and Europe, with no evidence to back it upActually, I take the drug use that I see, along with some of the places that the chicas hang out to score drugs at the end of the night, and did a rough rule of thumb. There are some places I go to, that in the past, I'd say that 50% or more primarily work to support their habit. I'm sure that they pay for their rent, food, etc, but the probably wouldn't be hooking if not for the drugs.

03-13-08, 22:04
In my opinion 50% is way too high and if I was to make a guess I'd say at the most 15% are hooking to feed their habit. But it is only a guess as I have no data, just my experience and conversations with girls over the years.

Member #3319
03-13-08, 23:30
What is the debate about? If you are saying that you doubt that 30% of the working girls in the city have done coke in the past month, you must be very naive, or supremely more intelligent than I.

Perhaps it is just in the circles I have happened to run into, but I would say it is a factual statement that there is an overall higher proportion of drug use, whether it is light or heavy use, by Argentine youth than in the US. I am not making a judgment call about this connection to sex work, but I think it is worth noting.

Does this mean the girls are working to support a habit? No, I wouldn't think so. Do I think prostitutes are all junkies? Obviously not. But here is one to ponder; do you think more junkies or drunks turn to sex work for employment?

(Note, these are simply observations. I would certainly like to hear from those who actually have regular contact with working girls, and know what their thoughts on this subject are.

03-14-08, 01:32
What is the debate about? If you are saying that you doubt that 30% of the working girls in the city have done coke in the past month, you must be very naive, or supremely more intelligent than I.

Perhaps it is just in the circles I have happened to run into, but I would say it is a factual statement that there is an overall higher proportion of drug use, whether it is light or heavy use, by Argentinian youth than in the US. I am not making a judgment call about this connection to sex work, but I think it is worth noting.

Does this mean the girls are working to support a habit? No, I wouldn't think so. Do I think prostitutes are all junkies? Obviously not. But here is one to ponder; do you think more junkies or drunks turn to sex work for employment?

(Note, these are simply observations. I would certainly like to hear from those who actually have regular contact with working girls, and know what their thoughts on this subject are.Well now we've moved from wild statements about percentage of WG drug users in BA to saying there's a higher percentage of drug use by Argentinian youth than in the US. "Based on the circles you just happened to run into" Now that's really convincing. The truth is that right now I have no idea what the level of drug use among Argentinian youth is or what percentage of WGs use drugs, and neither do you.

And by the way, if you don't have regular contact with working girls, or maybe none at all if your previous postings are anything to go by, you should consider if this really is the right board for you.

03-14-08, 02:31
I've only known of two girls for sure, "The Ball Washer" whom I haven't seen in quite some time. And "Christina", arguably the best Fuck I've ever had in Argentina, Man can she Fuck.Yeah, Cristina (Kitchner) already fucked 30+ million of argentines:)

03-14-08, 02:40
Now seriously:

Once I was offered to provide a night city tour by the clubs and parlors, from the high-end to the lower ones. So, we arrived to the lowest of the deeper hell lower level one and the girl sits on my lap and she tells me: she and I, we consume, we are only 3 of us. - You what? - we consume - Do you also sell? I've asked and she said NO, you bring the stuff and we will consume it. Then we leaved, but that conversation remained bouncing on my MCSE's head. By the way, IT IS true that SOME girls who are into it, some times develop a more crazily fuck than girls without it. It's also important to menction they are the more dangerous ones. Stay away of it it's the best you can do.

Jaimito Cartero
03-14-08, 03:24
In my opinion 50% is way too high and if I was to make a guess I'd say at the most 15% are hooking to feed their habit. But it is only a guess as I have no data, just my experience and conversations with girls over the years.I'm not talking about Argentina by the way, but other countries I've visited. 3-4 years ago, I'd say that 50% of the chicas working in Jakarta were using. Since the heavy duty drug crackdowns, I'd say that number is down to 20-25 percent.

03-14-08, 06:41
I asked Christina, (Whom I of posted below) how much she was paying for her Cocaine? She told me $30 peso's a gram, ($10 dollars) was the going price on the street in Buenos Aires. If thats true, its no wonder that more Kids in Argentina are user's that in North America.

But taking it a step futher, at such a cheap price, theres probably more user's than you might think especially with the "Chica's" who do like to party.


03-14-08, 08:52
I'm not talking about Argentina by the way, but other countries I've visited. 3-4 years ago, I'd say that 50% of the chicas working in Jakarta were using. Since the heavy duty drug crackdowns, I'd say that number is down to 20-25 percent.Aha so you were not talking about Argentina in your previous statement. Just making a global generalization base on your experiences in Jakarta 3-4 years ago. How far would you say then that what happening in Jakarta 3-4 years ago is representative of the current p4p drug situation in say London, Paris, Washington or even Buenos Aires?

I don't know how far this idle speculation takes us. I have no idea what percentage of BA WGs are only on the game to support a drug habit, and neither do you. But I would hazard a guess (based on my own limited discussions with the girls I meet here) that more than 50% are doing it to support their kids

03-14-08, 09:44
Exon- I know that the price for coke that you have stated is correct @ 30 P for a gram.

I have seen it first hand.

Best Regards.


03-14-08, 10:23
Exon- I know that the price for coke that you have stated is correct @ 30 P for a gram.

I have seen it first hand.

Best Regards.

SmulerPlease correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the price up north is about $100 dollars a gram, ten times what it is in South America.

Its no wonder that Chica's use it down here too.


Jaimito Cartero
03-14-08, 11:12
But I would hazard a guess (based on my own limited discussions with the girls I meet here) that more than 50% are doing it to support their kidsHow dare you make such sweeping generalizations! Have you actually seen these children? Where are your hard facts! Where? Where? What studies have you personally done? Show me the facts!

/sarcasm off

03-14-08, 22:38
I'm not talking about Argentina by the way, but other countries I've visited. 3-4 years ago, I'd say that 50% of the chicas working in Jakarta were using. Since the heavy duty drug crackdowns, I'd say that number is down to 20-25 percent.Jaimito, I know a lot about the situation in Jakarta from the horse's mouth so to speak and would love to hear your opinion. Hopefully we can meet for a beer.

I would like to add that in my opinion and from my experience many of the girls here use drugs now and then but not to the point that they hook to pay for their addiction. The same with kids, most of them have at least one but not many started hooking to keep their kids, the kids were the result of their hooking activities.

The principal reason most girls hook is because they are whores and like being so!

Jaimito Cartero
03-15-08, 00:57
The principal reason most girls hook is because they are whores and like being so!Well, I think they like the relatively easy money of hooking. An uneducated chica who would only earn 500-700p a month working at menial labor jobs can make that in a few nights.

I'd guess that a higher percentage of street prostitutes in the USA work for solely to support their habit than ones in Argentina. I think much of it that many drugs are so much cheaper in Argentina, and most other South American countries compared to the USA.

About Jakarta, a friend remarked that he was not seeing so many of the spinner types around any more. A chica told him that because of the crackdown, that all the ones that took a form of meth (Yaba, etc) no longer did so, or were in the "Monkey House" for a few years.

Jakarta is a huge, congested, dirty city, with some great chicas. Luckily, it's a bit hard to get to, otherwise it would be like Thailand.