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View Full Version : Are Chicas Coke-Heads?

03-17-08, 21:04
Does a bear shit in the woods? Are you guys naive?

Gentleman, from what I have been told and from what I have seen first hand is that the majority of the working girls are users. Maybe not cracked-out coke heads but they are users.

The old story about having to hook for their children sounds a lot better and is more likely to bring a tear to your eye and a couple of hundred out of your pocket.

I know of a place where the girls from X, Madaho's, Black, etc. Go when they get off work. A total dive! Goes off about 5 a. M on the weekends but it's open till about 10 a. M every day but Sun.

Anyway, they sell more coke than coca-cola and these girls will go to your apt. For TLN for a small bag of blow! Girls that try to charge $600.00 at Black and then they fuck you for $30.00 pesos!

It has always been my best kept secret and my best little hunting spot when I really want to slum-it in BA!

A likely place to meet undercover cops and full-on S. S type soldiers on any given night. That just makes it more exciting does'nt it!

I hate that part of it!

Here's the catch: 5 a. M, coke-head, out of cash and lives very far away.

Hence the TLN for a mere $10.00 US dollars. That's what they deserve.

It is a hit and miss scene. Most of the girls will only drop in for a fix and then take off immediately. That is that they score and leave the coke-bar fast.

But if your lucky you get a free lunch!

So, yes dear, some chicas are coke-heads that happen to have children.

How many hook for blow? To support their habits? More than we imagine!

Just ask one of the girls that will tell you the truth. I just did a few minutes ago.

Take Care,


Jaimito Cartero
03-17-08, 22:37

Yes, I remember you telling me about this place last year. I think a lot of guys are naive, and while a chica may not spend 50% of her income on coke, it is probably her largest single expense. I'd say recreational use is high, but hard core ones are lower. Let's just wait for Lysander to come in here.

03-18-08, 00:42
If you go to a place where they sell coke ALL the girls going there will be coke users but if you count how many girls from Black or Madahos or wherever actually go there you'll find the % is low.

Of course, if you WANT the girls to be coke heads you'll find only the ones that are.

I can assure you that the larger proportion of girls don't use coke on a regular basis as I can also assure you that the larger proportion of girls do have kids to take care of. Even so, this is not the reason most are hookers.

Master J
03-18-08, 02:27
Even so, this is not the reason most are hookers.I entered the BA scene a little over 4 years ago, and hooked up with a chick who I spent much time with for some time after. The pricing at the time was 100 pesos / hour which I thought was great value at the time. To extend a session for two hours which turned into most of the night was the norm. P4P was not even brought up and that is another story.

Knowing that she split her half with the jefa, well you do the math and she was bringing in 50P per session. As I reflect back, being with me when I came to BA was a departure from her routine, we spent nice time together mostly in the Hilton or my apartments subsequently, but I always wondered when she mentioned that she looked for other work, handed out brochures, tried some sales, what ultimately made her choose to do this? What makes others do it as well.

I always thought that for every 10 average experience, there was 1 extraordinary situation that they might have to deal with? So I guess my question is, why do these beauties do it? Is it the money, I am sure that is most of it, but is the BA culture just basically ok with sex and can spend time with three or four guys a day, then go home and kiss the kid.

I certainly am not judging anyone for doing so, just trying to get a handle why some can do it, while others go to school, work in offices, or other options even if they are pretty as well. And does this experience change them for life, or is it just a chapter.

03-18-08, 05:00
Is not coke an "extended" part of south american heritage?

A little bit like bourbon in the US mid-west, Stetson in the Rockies; wine, baguette and béret basque in my country?

03-18-08, 05:11
Is not coke an "extended" part of south american heritage? Wow.

* reserves comment *


03-18-08, 10:45
Is not coke an "extended" part of south american heritage?

A little bit like bourbon in the US middle west, stetson in the rockies; wine, baguette and beéret basque in my country?Based on what I read several times on different newspapers, the highest ratio of drug consumers / population is in the US, with a second close in north-western European contries. Expensive drugs could only find massive ditribution in richer societies. The phrase "South American heritage" means to me the same as "European heritage". Is there anything in common in countries like Mexico, Brazil or Argentina? Very little unless one believes in an oversimplification of reality (e.g., take into account the percentage of European inmigration in these countries and its influence on their current cultural identity).

Regarding the central topic: I never frequent the more beautiful and expensive escorts of private clubs like Hook, et, which are mainly targeted for tourists. I got to know well (that includes meeting families) four or five escorts on the lowest fare segment (including private apartments) Most of them could only afford beer as an addiction. I guess target segmentation is important and no general statements could be made. Perhaps an important fraction of the upper segment escorts are drug addicts because of the type of target they have to convey.

All the best

03-18-08, 11:00
but is the BA culture just basically ok with sex and can spend time with three or four guys a day, then go home and kiss the kid. This is a consequence of the catholic culture, as opposed to the puritan (protestant) one. The main reason for Luther's reformation was to depenalize wealth (a need from the rich merchants of Northern Europe) and in return had to penalize something, like pleasure and sex. Confession was suppressed to eliminate flexibilities on those matters. So, those two complementary choices are not independent of each other and are the basis for understanding the basic behavior of several western countries which have European cultural roots.

All the best

03-18-08, 14:22
Is not coke an "extended" part of south american heritage? I think that my phrase was not clear enough (excuse-me as english is not my mother's tongue) For my point of view, the use of coca is not seen by andines population as a drug and an addiction. At least not more that our consuption of coffee, chocolate, tobacco, alcohol and others "legals" drugs in the northern hemisphere.

It is sure that US and European consumption is more important because of the use of marijuana + heroin + coke + ecstasy and so on.

03-18-08, 15:11
I think that my phrase was not clear enough (excuse-me as english is not my mother's tongue) For my point of view, the use of coca is not seen by andines population as a drug and an addiction. At least not more that our consuption of coffee, chocolate, tobacco, alcohol and others "legals" drugs in the northern hemisphere.You obviously have not spent much time here or you would have observed that most Argentinos do not identify with Andino nations like Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. As Guiller has already pointed out, people here for ethnic cultural and historical reasons see themselves as part of Europe and not really part of Latin America. The drug business here is now dominated by Peruvian gangs, and they are universally detested by Portenos. There are growing number of drug users here, just as there are in Italy and Spain. However, most Argentinos most emphatically do not share the free and easy attitude to the use of coca that you find in Bolivia or Peru. On the contrary, they view the growing drug problem with alarm and concern.

03-19-08, 01:34
The custom of chewing coke leaves is quite common by the Andine population including the North West Argentina but from chewing a coke leaf and snorting cocaine up your nose there is a huge difference. It takes tons of leaves to obtain a gram of cocaine! This leaf chewing could be compared to tea or coffee drinking or to tobacco use!

Now going back to whether the girls are coke heads or not or if they prostitute themselves to pay for their addiction. This is as ridiculous as asking if bus drivers (notorious coke users) drive buses to keep their habit. Though I can assure you that many of them do so to keep their wives and kids!

I, like Guille, have also know many chicas well enough to have met their families and kids, and as Guille, I would also say that a bottle of beer is about as far as their pockets will allow them to indulge in.

The higher end girls spend their money on designer clothes and expensive bags and shoes!

Now, I don't mean that the chicas don't use coke - they do! So do lawyers, politicians, judges, taxi drivers, housewives, rock stars, actors, waiters and cops.

What motives make some girls willing to become prostitutes while others become cashiers or salesgirls is a favourite pastime of mine and though I have searched for an answer for years I still haven't found one other than just because they are whores!


03-19-08, 12:00
You obviously have not spent much time here or you would have observed that most Argentinos do not identify with Andino nations like Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. As Guiller has already pointed out, people here for ethnic cultural and historical reasons see themselves as part of Europe and not really part of Latin America.First point:

I've only spend half of my time in Argentina during the last months (since November) I do agree that is not a lot compared to others. But I still need to earn money that's why I need to come back in the old Europe.

Second point:

As I am from an european latine country, in front of me, argentines claim to be south american, (a bit of schizophrenia?

03-19-08, 19:14
What motives make some girls willing to become prostitutes while others become cashiers or salesgirls is a favourite pastime of mine and though I have searched for an answer for years I still haven't found one other than just because they are whores!

:(Surely luck and circumstance go a long way to explain why some girls are willing to become prostitutes and others not. You might well ask the same question as to why some men decide to buy the services of prostitutes and some never do. To say it is because we're mongers is hardly an explanation. I don't suppose when we were 21 we had the idea that one day we would be coming to Argentina or Thailand and paying to fuck girls half our age. No, I guess it more by accident than design. Marriage break up, a wife who lost interest in sex, then a chance meeting in a bar on a business trip, maybe we just found a web site called Argentina private that gave us the idea. Perhaps a friend told us. A whole variety of reasons. Furthermore, I guess many of us would regard it as a temporary hobby, something we'll give up when we find a new girlfriend or whatever. It is not something many of us we would regard as a permanent status. "Hello nice to meet you and what you do?" "Well I am glad you asked - I am a monger - how about you?

The radical feminists in the forefront of the campaign to make using prostitutes an offence, will have us believe that no girl would go into prostitution willingly, that all prostitutes are victims and are only doing it because they have been trafficked, brain-washed or to feed a drug habit. Thus they argue, users of prostitutes are guilty of a form of rape and therefore the best way to protect these innocent victims is by making it an offence to buy sex. This law has been passed in Sweden and Norway, and is being being seriously discussed in other European countries. People who have been trying to oppose this new law are dismissed as "naive" for thinking that any girl would do this voluntarily.

Well call me naive if you like, but I do think that most girls who start working as prostitutes here do so voluntarily - and for a whole variety of reasons. Often perhaps it was through another girl they knew who tells them she can make some easy money this way, and tells her how much to ask and where to go to meet guys. For example, WG from Paraguay or a poor part of the country goes back home and shows her friends how much money she has been making in BA. The next thing you know, two of her friends have decided to come here to try the same thing. In other cases it may have been through the classic pimping route. You know - girl comes to big city, meets "boyfriend" one day boyfriend says we're I bit short of money, I have this very friend who really digs you and is willing to pay 200p to fuck you. Go on if you love me you'll do it. And so it starts.

Economic circumstances must play a part. Perhaps, they need to pay back a debt or the rent is due or they've just lost their job, or to escape poverty in small godforsaken village in the country. In some cases it might be they have a cocaine habit to feed. Surely its not that different to many casual occupation. Why do people decide to work behind a bar, or on construction sites or whatever. Shit happens.

If you talk to them, most girls will tell you they are only doing this temporarily, something they'll do for a while to get by, or to save money to start their own hair-dressing business or perhaps until Mr right comes along. Sadly a lot of them don't plan things very well and end up working when they are way past their sell-by date.