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View Full Version : Recreational Products in Argentina

01-01-05, 02:00
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Sky Ryder
05-26-08, 20:10
You guys crack me up. I don't know whether or not you are just pulling someone's chain, but to talk about illegal substances in an open forum when you are an extranjero doesn't seem to be real high on the smart things to do list. It also could cause a problem for the person that is renting you the apartment, whether or not the know about the activities. Of course maybe you don't really care about all of that in any case.

I do appreciate the tip about the keys, that sounds like a really good idea!


05-27-08, 03:56
I am a bit confused on one point. Should the rent go up because Checker's Pub is close, or down? Because those are some of the scariest women I ever saw in my life. I fucked one anyway once when I went there with Exon, by the name of Mónica. But I was scared the whole time. She was probably 45 and by far the youngest woman in the place.

And I am like, really, really worried about getting busted for talking about weed on this forum. I walked by two people smoking it openly on Pelligrini today and there are cops all over that place. Simple possession of pot is not that big of a deal. You could probably pay the fine on the spot and even negotiate it a little bit.

One time I left a friend's place in Recoleta and was walking down Ayacucho towards Santa Fe and I fired one up and some Argie came up to me and said, "Man you shouldn't smoke that on the street." So I said, "Do you want a hit?" and we stood there in the middle of the block toking up. "So why are you doing this if it is so dangerous?" "Well, it is not that dangerous but be careful." I mean if ten people stood at the corner of Córdoba and Pelligrini passing around huge blunts it could be an issue. They smoke it all the time around the Obelisko and nothing happens. These guys on Pelligrini were walking along with the Jay bird cupped. I see that all the time.

Actually (maybe there should be a thread on Argie cops) I think Argie cops are pretty decent. I avoid them as always with cops but the contacts I have had have been okay and what I have seen from them has been good, too. They are not going to risk their lives by and large for the pay they get, but they don't seem to want to bust balls. This is based mostly on BA city cops but I've had some okay contacts in other parts of the country too. At least you can walk up to them and politely ask for directions when you are drunk. Not always so in the good old USA.

Had a chica friend faint in the street (okay, she passed out dead drunk) late at night and the cop was very nice to her, calling her "cariña" and so forth and when we dragged her to the curb he put his hand on her skirt so it would not fly up and he held her head up while I cleaned off the sidewalk so she could pass out in a cleaner environment. Muy te cuento muy caballero.

El Perro
05-27-08, 10:03
And I am like, really, really worried about getting busted for talking about weed on this forum. I walked by two people smoking it openly on Pelligrini today and there are cops all over that place. Simple possession of pot is not that big of a deal. You could probably pay the fine on the spot and even negotiate it a little bit.

One time I left a friend's place in Recoleta and was walking down Ayacucho towards Santa Fe and I fired one up and some Argie came up to me and said, "Man you shouldn't smoke that on the street." So I said, "Do you want a hit?" and we stood there in the middle of the block toking up. "So why are you doing this if it is so dangerous?" "Well, it is not that dangerous but be careful." I mean if ten people stood at the corner of Córdoba and Pelligrini passing around huge blunts it could be an issue. They smoke it all the time around the Obelisko and nothing happens. These guys on Pelligrini were walking along with the Jay bird cupped. I see that all the time. Weed is smoked outside on my street in San Telmo on nearly a daily basis. Given, it is a street with little pedestrian or car traffic, but just the same there is often a beat cop on a corner not 40 yards away. The smokers don't advertise by running around in circles blowing smoke rings. I've never seen anybody hassled.

Daddy Rulz
05-27-08, 13:04
Across the street from my apartment in Almagro where some freelance pharmaceutical representatives. I'm sure the majority of their product line consisted of herbal remedies, however they may have had some distribution rights for a Columbian nasal inhalation therapy aide. Don't know because I don't have a use for those products anymore. Now back in the day. But that's a different story.

Anyway from time to time the boys from the PFA would swing by, inspecting their operating licenses I'm sure. As any good salesmen knows the best way to close a deal is a demonstration of your products benefits and these boys must have been good salesmen because they constantly had their product in use. It was always the same, PFA roles up, boys smile and walk to the car, hand something inside, red glow from inside the car first one side then the other, sometimes multiple red glows. Apparently it had some effect on climate control because after the glow the car would seem to overheat and billows of smoke would pour forth from the windows. Then the boys would shake hands with the driver, the boy back to the stoop and the car rolled on.

Unless you're trying to put together some multiple ton deal I think the cops could give a shit less as long as you maintain a semblance of discretion. I'm sure you could put a multi ton deal together as well and for the right envelope I'm sure those same PFA boys would be more than happy to make the introduction. You could probably set up a hooka in front of Casa Rosada and get away with it but I wouldn't toke up in the Cathedral, San Martin is buried there and that might be considered an offense.

Hecho la ley, hecho la trampa is the great rule of Argentina. It's a two edge sword, it's why they feel compelled to rip everybody off but it's also why there are privados in apartment buildings next to cop shops.

05-27-08, 15:17
Really, seriously, I am smoking up a storm right now. OK, I am not in BA right now, but if I was I would be smoking up a storm there too. Caught in the clutches of the evil weed!

08-27-08, 15:36
So does anyone know of a reliable and safe spot to score a bit of good smoke?

How about prices, anyone have an idea of what the market is?

Gato Hunter
08-27-08, 16:33
Ask the Taxista's, I have scored a joint from one a few times. The younger guys are about a 50/50 chance. DO NOT go on a wild goose Chase in a taxi. Either he has it on him or he doesn't.

I also bought one from some guy on Corrientes that was wearing a bunch of rasta stuff and selling bongs. He had his friend 50 meters down the street help me out.

The last and best way is to ask the chicas.

There is way more coke than smoke in BA, and all the smoke is the same shitty stuff.

The prices I observed 2 weeks ago were 100 pesos for 25 grams in a big ass brick. One inch thick by 2 by 2.5 inches.

The porro's were 15 pesos.