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View Full Version : Cristina Fernandez - Would You Call Her Appealing?

06-25-08, 04:52
Just came across an article that says Cristina Fernandez is the most beautiful first lady in the world. Would you agree with that?


06-25-08, 11:54
Just came across an article that says Cristina Fernandez is the most beautiful first lady in the world. Would you agree with that?

http://escorts-blog.lilyfields.co.uk/argentina-escorts/There must be some BUTT ugly first ladies out there then. By the way, she is the president, not the first lady. But she used to be.

06-25-08, 17:33
I'd fuck her.

06-25-08, 19:30
Dickhead, I think you are even less particular about who you fuck than even me!


El Perro
06-25-08, 20:18
I'd fuck her.Ditto, but I wouldn't spend the night, if you know what I mean.

Daddy Rulz
06-25-08, 20:58
Appealing, hmmm, not so much.

Appalling, now that's hitting the nail on the head.

06-25-08, 21:53
How about Princess Caroline of Monaco or her little sister?

Their mother was awesome! (American actress and nymphomaniac.)

The Queen of Jordan is a super hot ***** also. (American born)

Then again it could be a lot worse!

ANY of the British Royals. Butt ugly bitches! Queen Elizabeth, Anne, Margaret, etc.

Dianna was o. K in a dykish sort of way.

Fuck them all I say! A nice notch on the old bed-post I'd say!

Unfortunately I did spend some time with a Christina K. Look-a-like here in BA!


El Perro
06-25-08, 22:13
Huge thighs and calfs. Butt ugly horribly made-up face. Caustic, obnoxious, acerbic, irritating, etc.El Sid wants to fuck her in the ass while making her call him "The Penguin".

06-25-08, 22:34
Since she's no longer the first lady, Fernandez can't hold the title as the most attractive. That title would probably go to France's Carla Bruni Sarkozy: http: //gawker.com/371826/the-nude-first-lady-of-france

As President of Argentina, I can't think of any other president / prime minister of a country who's better looking than Cristina Fernandez. Her personality, however, might be a turn-off.

If McCain becomes President of the USA, his wife would be in top consideration for the most attractive first lady.

06-26-08, 20:59
About speaking of nice people, let me speak of argentinian born princess of holland Maxima http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.suissehebdo.com/upload/image/noticias/album1/20080423193629_0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.suissehebdo.com/__n190208__economie-princesse_des_pauvres3A_maxima_de_hollande_encourage_le_micro_credit_dans_son_argentine_natale.html&h=430&w=287&sz=21&hl=fr&start=1&um=1&tbnid=iISOnH-QSOYwbM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=84&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaxima%2Bde%2Bhollande%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dfr%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

06-27-08, 04:54
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. I fucked her when she was in high school.

06-27-08, 11:38
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. I fucked her when she was in high school.Got anything to back that up dickhead?

El Perro
06-27-08, 11:45
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. I fucked her when she was in high school.Yeah, I always got a kick out of that Semper Fi tattoo. Wild chick.

El Perro
06-27-08, 12:16
Not to mention Roz Carter. She seduced me once on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Got me in the sack and blew me so hard I sucked half the sheets up my ass.

06-27-08, 17:47
Of course I didn't fuck Jackie Onassis. I also did not fuck Elizabeth Taylor, Katherine Hepburn, Meg Ryan, Giselle Bundchen, Ayn Rand, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. I did fuck (a couple of times) a dwarf hooker (not a midget) in Denver by the name of Li'l Bit who later got murdered, if that helps.

But I would fuck Cristina. She's got those big lips so probably CIM would be the best idea. Or fuck her with most of her clothes on, pull out at the last minute, and jizz all over her fancy blouse.

06-27-08, 21:00
God knows that we have ALL paid for worse than Christina. And we liked it!

Continue to do so on a regular basis!

So no more bullshit!

There was that time that I was with Bush's daughters in Austin one night.