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View Full Version : Concealed carry handguns

07-08-08, 18:06
I have talked to the Argentina Embassy in DC. The consulate informed me if you have a concealed carry permit issued by a municipal or State authority in the United States you can apply for that permit to be recognized in Argentina and can legally carry a concealed weapon while in Argentina.

I have started that paper work.

My question is if you are involved in a situation where in self defense you use that weapon and shot or kill someone while in Argentina, does anyone know what the law is in this regard.

Is it the same as the States, does anyone know of any situation like this and what the potential repercussions are?

Not looking for trouble, just want the assurance of not becoming a victim to any assult during my trip.

Thanks in advance for your responce.



07-08-08, 18:46
There has been a discussion about this very topic before. Better search the forum for it.

Do you want to carry it because you think Argentina is unsafe? If that is the case, why are you coming here in the first place? If you have never been here before, well maybe it would be wise to come over to see for yourself first if it is needed to carry a gun.

But your best source of information regarding this issue is Aqualung.

07-08-08, 19:49
I have a NY State concelaed weapons permit and am also a former NYS municipal police commissioner. Sadly, like our country's liquor laws, there are fifty different laws on the books regarding the carrying of concealed weapons, with New Jersey and Massachusetts being at one end of the spectrum and Texas and Montana being at the other end. When you go to google and type in concealed weapons carry or words to that effect, you see many websites devoted to this topic. The bottom line is that in States with strict gun laws, those States generally fail to recognise any other States carry laws. Thus NY's carry permit is not recognised by any other State since NY refuses to recognise any other States; ergo, there is no quid pro quo. However, a Texas or Florida carry permit is recognised by 18 other States.

If you use a weapon in any State with reasonably strict carry laws, the subsequent police inquiry must show that A.) A rational person would have felt their life was in extreme peril if they were in your position when you made the decision to draw and fire your weapon; and that B.) If circumstances permitted, you gave the attacker warning before shooting him or her. Massachusetts goes to the extreme of stating you must have retreated to point where you had no where else to go before employing deadly force. This ruling came down when a female shot a burgler through her bedroom door rather than retreating into her bathroom - the furthest point she could have retreated to.

Hope this helps a little. Shane

07-08-08, 20:09
Is it the same as the States, does anyone know of any situation like this and what the potential repercussions are?Chances are that you'll end up in jail. You may be acquitted after a few hearings, but you'll go into hell (slow justice) not worthy the USD 200 you may carry around.

If your concern is being stolen, then don't carry much value around and you'll be fine. If your concern is being battered or bullied, then avoid conflictive suburbs and shady neighborhoods.


07-08-08, 20:29
Ask the ¨Taffie¨. Or Aqualung. He knows everything about this subject.

I can promise you that Argentina does not give a shit whether you have a concealed weapons permit in one of the fine 50 or all of the goddamn 50 fucking states!

It's not a fucking international driver's permit!

Legal carry or not, if you use it you will lose it. Your freedom that is!

Kill the mf on the street, in your house, etc, etc. And you will go to jail.

If you get out, his relatives will hunt you down! You will get sued. AND KILLED!

If it's a minor, you're super fucked!

Man, this ain't TEXAS boys!

The other day a man in Houston killed 2 losers that were breaking into his neighbor's house. I LOVE IT!

It was'nt even his property and they let him go! WOW!




07-08-08, 20:36
Well, I have a friend with an international killing license, his name is:

Bond, James Bond.


Very Good Advise Andres.

Wild Walleye
07-08-08, 21:47
I have been around guns my entire life from hunting and target practice to working with friends in law enforcement and military applications.

I have had carry permits offered to me in multiple states (and by a federal agency) by friends in positions of authority. I refused them all and never carry (except in the wilderness) for three reasons: 1) the chances of truly needing it are so remote and can be made even more remote by using one's head, 2) by not carrying you have removed 100% of the chances that some unintended consequence will result from your weapon (bad judgment call on your part, accident, misuse, etc. And 3) even if used lawfully, the repercussions can ruin your life.

I have lived major metro areas in the US and Europe and traveled extensively around the globe, I have even been known to skulk around the Recoleta at 3 or 4 in the morning, and thankfully I have had only had a few scrapes with unsavory types. Each of those incidents would potentially have been much worse if I was packing and possibly avoided if I had been more careful.

Two last thoughts I will leave you with are if you bring one to Bs As, you stand a decent chance having it lifted from your bag as it passes through the baggage handlers at EZE. Also, as one of the previous poster's mentioned, the system will favor the local and the headlines will read "American cowboy snuffs one of our best and brightest"

My suggestion is put the other "gun" to work while in Bs As.


07-08-08, 21:56
Anyone that would walk around a strange country that doesn't speak there language with a firearm is a stupid CockSucker.

But guns in Capital Federal, no way dumb fuck.


07-08-08, 22:18
Here is the official Arg webpage regarding weapon laws and registration for various uses in Arg. One of the few I have every seen with english option.


07-08-08, 22:41
Please heed the words below, they are full of common sense and from real experience of the commentators.

Another point. A lot of the clubs in BA have metal detectors and security at the door because of fear of hold-ups. So if you step inside the door at Cattos or Madahos or Blacks (possibilities, I don't what their present policies are) you may set off an alarm and have local security descend on you and they will not care what kind of permit you may have. Another scenario is to go into a privado and take your clothes off and have the girl see you with a piece strapped to your foot or something. I guarantee she will not be interested in your explanations, she will head out of there as fast as she can, seeing you for some kind of mafia or criminal and local security (that is the cocaine nut cake in the basement or some gorilla down the street or the police will be there very shortly and they will not care one iota about your permit. Either.)

The best thing you can do for your security in BA is to stay out of bad areas and have a wingman and use taxis point to point, and as Andres says, don't keep large sums on your person. Concealed weapons are not the answer to anything in BA.

Punter 127
07-08-08, 23:17
I have a NY State concelaed weapons permit and am also a former NYS municipal police commissioner. Sadly, like our country's liquor laws, there are fifty different laws on the books regarding the carrying of concealed weapons, with New Jersey and Massachusetts being at one end of the spectrum and Texas and Montana being at the other end. When you go to google and type in concealed weapons carry or words to that effect, you see many websites devoted to this topic. The bottom line is that in States with strict gun laws, those States generally fail to recognise any other States carry laws. Thus NY's carry permit is not recognised by any other State since NY refuses to recognise any other States; ergo, there is no quid pro quo. However, a Texas or Florida carry permit is recognised by 18 other States. Hi Shane,

I think your info is a little out dated, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont all recognize New York gun permits. I also think if you do a little checking you will find that Vermont has more relaxed gun laws that Texas and Montana, considering Vermont does not even require a permit to carry a concealed gun. I also think you will find that ILLINOIS is just as abusive of second amendment rights as New York and New Jersey.


If you use a weapon in any State with reasonably strict carry laws, the subsequent police inquiry must show that A.) A rational person would have felt their life was in extreme peril if they were in your position when you made the decision to draw and fire your weapon; and that B.) If circumstances permitted, you gave the attacker warning before shooting him or her. Massachusetts goes to the extreme of stating you must have retreated to point where you had no where else to go before employing deadly force. This ruling came down when a female shot a burgler through her bedroom door rather than retreating into her bathroom - the furthest point she could have retreated to.

Hope this helps a little. Shane This has also changed in many places, several states have passed “Castle Doctrine” "Castle laws remove the duty to retreat from an illegal intruder when one is lawfully in one's home. Most of these states also have “stand-your-ground clause, or no duty to retreat” laws. I think over thirty states have these type laws now.


I totally disagree with Stormy ’s reasoning, but I ’ve had a concealed carry permit for over thirty years and I think self defense is a God given right, however I do NOT recommend carrying a weapon in a foreign country. If something did happen you would never get a fair deal from local officials. It would however be interesting to know if they would issue you a permit.

07-09-08, 01:01
If your concern is being stolen, then don't carry much value around and you'll be fine. If your concern is being battered or bullied, then avoid conflictive suburbs and shady neighborhoods.

AndresWell said, Andres. Nothing like what could happen that would require carrying a gun is worth 200 pesos. Just give it to them and avoid killing or getting killed. Too many people want to show they are tough dudes, macho and can't be pushed around.



Daddy Rulz
07-09-08, 01:52
Well said, Andres. Nothing like what could happen that would require carrying a gun is worth 200 pesos. Just give it to them and avoid killing or getting killed. Too many people want to show they are tough dudes, macho and can't be pushed around.


StowePersonally I like the H & K, good rate of fire, with a big enough slug to put them down. I carry a glock 10 as a back up in a spring clip on my waist and a Remington 20 gage cut down in an ankle holster.

It's not the 200 pesos but the principle.

Stowe is a butt fucking pussy of a pervert

07-09-08, 14:48
So let's see if I have this straight. The object if you use the weapon against some thug, gang, or whatever criminal is to not call the police or get caught.

Which means don't just wound them and leave a possible witness, double or triple tap them and leave the area asap.

Just kidding.

I am a retired CID officer (military) and have carried a weapon, because I was required to most of my life.

So I guess it's just become a habit. But I will leave my weapon at home on my trip.

Thanks again for your thoughts and advice.


Daddy Rulz
07-09-08, 15:09
That the best bet is not to just kill them but as Bobby D said in the "Untouchables" "I want their families DEAD, I want their houses Burned!" Kill them for 3 generations and sleep peacefully.

Stowe is still a pussy!

By the way happy big street day to everybody. Today Argies the world over are starting huge traffic jams in honor of their big street.

07-09-08, 20:08
I got still applies.

From basic training years ago.

This is my rifle and this is my gun.

This is for killing and this is for fun.

So I will bring my fun gun. Lol

Wild Walleye
07-10-08, 03:04
DR: Haven't carried one of those since my ride into, and subsequent stay in, the green zone. Little bulky and rather loud retort for the streets of Bs As. Certainly made me feel more comfortable at the gas pump in Fallujah.

G10 is definitely what you want when life is on the line (unless matching wits with a Sicilian-then you want iocaine powder) Short of that, run fast or kick some ass hand-to-hand. Really depends on an on-the-spot risk assessment -- and number of beers ingested.

Give me a TSB (telescopic baton) and some dirtbag getting out of line and I'll give you a version of So. America's funniest home videos.



Personally I like the H & K, good rate of fire, with a big enough slug to put them down. I carry a glock 10 as a back up in a spring clip on my waist and a Remington 20 gage cut down in an ankle holster.

It's not the 200 pesos but the principle.

Stowe is a butt fucking pussy of a pervert