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01-27-09, 19:44
I was walking on Paragay the other nigth around 12:30 and I was kooked by the portier to have a look a Josephin. He introduce me to a small room, next to the street. A chica came close to me, had me seated on a sofa and told me that to go upstair, the price is 60 pesos for my drink and 150 for the one of the chica.

I said OK, but what do I get for that price?

She replied "everything is possible, striptease, massage".

So I asked what is exactly included in the price of 210 pesos and she kept saying "everything is possible".

Meantime, 2 other chicas came close to me, one handing a glass full of?

So I refused the glass, stood up and was about to leave. But the 3 chicas tried to block the exit saying "don't push me, don't push me". So I pushed them (gently) and went out.

The portier did not help me, but he did not help the girls either, in fact he looked pretty embarased.

Conclusion: AVOID

01-27-09, 22:30
I was walking on Paragay the other nigth around 12:30 and I was kooked by the portier to have a look a Josephin. He introduce me to a small room, next to the street. A chica came close to me, had me seated on a sofa and told me that to go upstair, the price is 60 pesos for my drink and 150 for the one of the chica.

I said OK, but what do I get for that price?

She replied "everything is possible, striptease, massage".

So I asked what is exactly included in the price of 210 pesos and she kept saying "everything is possible".

Meantime, 2 other chicas came close to me, one handing a glass full of?

So I refused the glass, stood up and was about to leave. But the 3 chicas tried to block the exit saying "don't push me, don't push me". So I pushed them (gently) and went out.

The portier did not help me, but he did not help the girls either, in fact he looked pretty embarased.

Conclusion: AVOIDYep, Avoid all those little shit-hole rip off places like that.

They intice you in, have a couple cuties sit around you, bring drinks and before you know it, you've got a huge bill to pay in about 5-10 minutes.

I speak from experience and from that of friends.

01-28-09, 00:21
In my first trip to BA I got fucked in a place just like that. Think the bill was over 700p for nothing. I thought about fighting my way out, but I probable would have got my ass kicked.

After that I found X, that's where I got all my girls on my first trip.

I've been to Rio and a few other places before my first trip to BA and If I do not remember a scam like that. So they got me. Never happened again. I see a shit hole like that I leave. No way are the girls going to stop me, I'll walk right through them.

01-28-09, 13:12
Yep, I've been running around the world for years and the only other scam like that I've experienced was in Mexico.

In BA, I kind of sensed a scam, so I was leary to begin with when I entered the club.

I specifically said, and I do speak spanish, that I was just taking a look and was not going to buy anything.

I soon as I entered the place though, three chicas sat me down and I saw a waitress approaching with 4 drinks on a tray.

I just bolted as quickly as I could.

Never again. Beware amigos.

01-28-09, 17:02
I was walking on Paragay the other nigth around 12:30 and I was kooked by the portier to have a look a Josephin. He introduce me to a small room, next to the street. A chica came close to me, had me seated on a sofa and told me that to go upstair, the price is 60 pesos for my drink and 150 for the one of the chica.

I said OK, but what do I get for that price?

She replied "everything is possible, striptease, massage".

So I asked what is exactly included in the price of 210 pesos and she kept saying "everything is possible".

Meantime, 2 other chicas came close to me, one handing a glass full of?

So I refused the glass, stood up and was about to leave. But the 3 chicas tried to block the exit saying "don't push me, don't push me". So I pushed them (gently) and went out.

The portier did not help me, but he did not help the girls either, in fact he looked pretty embarased.

Conclusion: AVOIDThis is by far the nastiest trick in the fucking book boys!

This is how it goes:

A semi-cute girl or a carnaval barker at the door of the sleeze-pit will entice you to enter the dive with a ¨no compromiso. ¨

Now he may say ¨just loook, jest lookey. My frend ¨

Pleeeze, you see de place, no compromiso, no compromiso. I give jew dis card and jew sign and dent jew com back wit a 60% diecuento!

You say:

O. K man, I am only going to take a 30 second look and I'm done!


Two (2) ugly, short, indian sluts will arrive at your side and the waitress will have three (3) glasses of muck on a tray along with a nice, inflated bill for your's truly!

Cost of this ¨leetle looksey¨ without compromiso is about $270.00 fucking
pesos if your lucky!

Your choices:

1. Pay, feel like shit, tell everyone you know that BA sucks and never return.

2. Buy another round for the house like some of the brain-damaged mongers might do!

3. Call the police. Tell them to call the police like I did.

4. Just say no baby! And get out of Dodge!

****** Of course, options number 3 and 4 are a little more exciting when BIG UGLY, the house knee breaker is standing right in front of your face! *****

Very likely to meet BIG UGLY at any of these places at this moment in your ¨no compromiso my frennnd ¨ experience.

These are just a few of the places that I know of in Micro-Cento that provide this exciting experience:

1. Pelegrini and Cordoba - next to X. Called Montecarlo.

2. Suipacha and Cordoba - no name, some neon signage. OPEN BAR?

3. Cordoba. Next to Chakra. Used to be Pussy Club, then Club K, now?

* They are all owned by the same asshole! *

4. Florida and LaValle - underground with access from either street.

5. Esmeralda and LaValle - Cheops? Egyptian logo looking King Tut.

6. Pelegrini and LaValle - next to McDonald's. Called ¨Croupier¨

Etc. Etc. Ect.

Basically any place that offers you a business card that requires you to enter the dive for the card to be signed by management before you can have it will rip you off!

There are no exceptions!

Yesterday I was in a particularly foul mood and I was so tempted to take the girl's offer so I could go and vent. But I did'nt!

Anybody want to go with me so we can play the dumb, helpless tourist routine?

I'll bring my new Remington Hog-legs!

Take Care,


P.S - Jackson , please relocate this thread under the proper heading as you deem necessary .

01-28-09, 19:49
This is by far the nastiest trick in the fucking book boys!

This is how it goes:

A semi-cute girl or a carnaval barker at the door of the sleeze-pit will entice you to enter the dive with a ¨no compromiso. ¨

Now he may say ¨just loook, jest lookey. My frend ¨

Pleeeze, you see de place, no compromiso, no compromiso. I give jew dis card and jew sign and dent jew com back wit a 60% diecuento!

You say:

O. K man, I am only going to take a 30 second look and I'm done!


Two (2) ugly, short, indian sluts will arrive at your side and the waitress will have three (3) glasses of muck on a tray along with a nice, inflated bill for your's truly!

Cost of this ¨leetle looksey¨ without compromiso is about $270.00 fucking.

Pesos if your lucky!

Your choices:

1. Pay, feel like shit, tell everyone you know that BA sucks and never return.

2. Buy another round for the house like some of the brain-damaged mongers might do!

3. Call the police. Tell them to call the police like I did.

4. Just say no baby! And get out of Dodge!

****** Of course, options number 3 and 4 are a little more exciting when BIG UGLY, the house knee breaker is standing right in front of your face! *****

Very likely to meet BIG UGLY at any of these places at this moment in your ¨no compromiso my frennnd ¨ experience.

These are just a few of the places that I know of in Micro-Cento that provide this exciting experience:

1. Pelegrini and Cordoba - next to X. Called Montecarlo.

2. Suipacha and Cordoba - no name, some neon signage. OPEN BAR?

3. Cordoba. Next to Chakra. Used to be Pussy Club, then Club K, now?

* They are all owned by the same asshole! *

4. Florida and LaValle - underground with access from either street.

5. Esmeralda and LaValle - Cheops? Egyptian logo looking King Tut.

6. Pelegrini and LaValle - next to McDonald's. Called ¨Croupier¨

Etc. Etc. Ect.

Basically any place that offers you a business card that requires you to enter the dive for the card to be signed by management before you can have it will rip you off!

There are no exceptions!

Yesterday I was in a particularly foul mood and I was so tempted to take the girl's offer so I could go and vent. But I did'nt!

Anybody want to go with me so we can play the dumb, helpless tourist routine?

I'll bring my new Remington Hog-legs!

Take Care,


P. S - Jackson, please relocate this thread under the proper heading as you deem necessary.READ THIS SHIT! Keep it up on the board for a while or it will get lost and the neophytes will get unfucked!


P. S - Madaho's is good. Chanel's is honest? Argentine economy sucks, Gyselle is cool, crime is tough. Weather sucks, Black is expensive, Exon cusses, X is stiil the best that was, what else do you need to know?

Let's Think about having fun, chasing girls and avoiding getting unfucked!

Oh yeah, the Sheraton is downtown, Obama won, next!

01-29-09, 02:17
I'm pretty sure I stopped in this club Josephin on my last trip. I was walking by and decided to check it out for some amusement. I knew it was almost certainly not a good place. But sometimes you want a little adventure.

The girl outside was pretty enough and I let her escort me in. Once inside another girl took over and the other girl went back to the door. Guess everyone has their role. The second girl was somewhat business like and wanted me to go over to a couch and sit down. I made it clear I would listen to her explain the club but was not going to buy anything. BTW, this is all in the front section, full lights on, couches near the window and a little kitchen area with fridge across the room. I suspected the main part of the club was in the back (though never saw it). So we sit down and she starts explaining things. She is facing the window (which is curtained) and I'm facing the inside. At one point while this chick is talking, all of a sudden she claps her hand. One loud clap. And continues talking. She must think I'm a complete idiot to give such an obvious signal right in front of my face while she's talking to me. Sure enough, right after the clap I see an older woman behind the kitchen counter open the fridge and start pouring some coke into a plastic cup. Talk about entertainment! Well I let the girl talk for another 10 seconds then get up to leave. Of course she tries to make me sit down again, but I see the older lady about ready to walk over with the coke so I quickly tell the girl no thanks ciao and walk out the front door. It was too easy! Freakin amateurs!! What a hoot!! It was fun.

01-29-09, 02:27
Remember the signal boys and girls.

When you're in an unknown club and some chick is explaining things to you and she claps her hands, that is your signal to leave.

01-29-09, 12:16
Remember the signal boys and girls.

When you're in an unknown club and some chick is explaining things to you and she claps her hands, that is your signal to leave.My idiot friends walked into one of these places right next to the Claridge. I went to my room to drop off some cash and returned fifteen minutes later. They were already in for about 360 pesos and arguing their way out.

The fun part was the Eric Estrada looking bouncer with the body of George Costanza bowing up on my three friends when I came in and was standing behind him.

He dropped whatever equalizer he had in his hand when he turned around and saw 6' 4", 290 lbs of unimpressiveness that is me. He dropped whatever he had in his hand, and I kicked it under a table.

My friend threw down $100.00 on the tale as a stupid tax and we ran like little girls on a dine and dash adventure. Classic!

04-23-10, 01:22
After all the advice I've read in the past two weeks about the "They bring you in and sit you down, and then the drinks come." - You think I would have known better. But it was my first time, and things happened way too fast. I even told my buddie - enter the door and wait - scope it out. But the hot chick visual went to my pants and.

My buddy was smart enough to leave his wallet at the hotel.

I told him - lets just check out one of these places - ill bring the cash, and well role the dice.

Well, the dice went bad.

We walked in, nice looking brown eyed young beauty, in lingerie. Oh shit - my big head gave way to the smaller one. They sat me down. Clapped the hands and the drinks came.

LOL - get this - I had a safeword for my buddy - and as soon as the drinks came - I called it right away when the drinks were put on the table. When they brought the drinks, I tried getting out before any higher tab would have to be paid.

I tried tipping them all and leaving - Nope - they wanted all my money - even pulled out my buddies pockets - it was great.

But I earmarked the money as 'risky' before hand so I knew what I was getting into (300p=77$ roughly) - had to see the bullshit for myself I suppose.

I was also pretty lit - so even though it was semi costly - it was an exciting experience. Big bouncer etc. I guess I won in a small manner - well not really - but they wanted $460p from their stupid menu. They got 300p.

Ha - hope I don't have the same problems trying to pick up the independents at the regular bars. I'm am trying to negotiate a price up front.

THUS ADVICE - Unless you are drinking a bunch with your buddy - prepare correctly by removing unnecessary cash - and really want the first hand experience - please. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Great story for the office back home I suppose.

Wild Walleye
04-23-10, 12:15
After all the advice I've read in the past two weeks about the.I really shouldn't ask this question because I did virtually the same thing at a club in Soho London way back when I was first learning the ropes. That said, I had already read about Soho clip joints, knew what the potential outcome might be and yet I still fell prey to the barker's call.

The short story: club was down stairs, fat, ugly 'dancer' (I look better in a g-string than she does) and a bill for about 100 quid before I had even seen some flesh. Intense adrenaline rush as I politely said F-U and dashed for the stairs to a chorus of hags yelling "security!' By the time I got to the barker, I was near full stride and was more than happy, if the need arose, to drop a shoulder and floor him. I think he sensed my intent and stepped to the side.

What a rush. Been there, done that, don't need to do it again.

Now, in Bs As and with the resources contained herein, there is absolutely no good reason (other than looking for a rush and a potential beat-down) for anyone to step foot in one of these places.

There are 6-10 reputable biloches extensively reviewed on these fine pages; WT's list of 130+ privados, many of which are tried and true places; and countless reviews of independent chicas.

04-24-10, 15:11
I really shouldn't ask this question because I did virtually the same thing at a club in Soho London way back when I was first learning the ropes. That said, I had already read about Soho clip joints, knew what the potential outcome might be and yet I still fell prey to the barker's call. Been there, done that too. Brings back the bad memories. If you're young and desperate, you'll try anything. In Soho they'd put their best girl on the door in something revealing, to sucker you in. The joints were nearly always in the basement, so you couldn't bale out easily if you didn't like what you saw. Even the beer they served you was fake non-alcoholic piss. I remember visiting one of these places (circa 1990) when I was going through a really depressed phase. Thought I'd get to see a girl taking her clothes off but it didn't happen. Waved the girls away before they sat down (once they sit, you're done for) Made myself watch while unsuspecting tourists were ushered in. After 5 mins desultory conversation with a girl, they'd get the tab and you could see the look of horror on their faces. The other girls just sat around looking utterly miserable and an air of depression hung over the place like a wet blanket. It was like half an hour in hell - slashing my wrists would have been better therapy. Enough to put you off P4P for life. Luckily I soon discovered the latin cultures where sex wasn't something dirty and exploitative, and started climbing the ladder. Most of these places in Soho are thankfully gone now. The council started revoking the licenses and the lap dancing clubs started opening in the late 90s. You can still spend a fortune there but at least you get to see a beautiful naked girl shaking her tits in your face.

In Bs As, agree, there are so many other options even if you don't want to leave the microcentro. If you want the excitement of visiting somewhere slightly seedy (and I can identify with that) you'll find plenty listed in AP where you won't get ripped off. Hats off though to Cybcomm for giving the heads-up that this sort of stuff can happen to you here as well.

04-27-10, 01:39
I visited a club in Soho years ago, but I was able to get out without paying more than a small entrance fee. It was an ordinary chick at the entrance not a hottie, but she was easy-going, no pressure, and the admission was cheap so I decided to have a look. When I got downstairs a hostess seated me at a table and I fortunately had the whereabouts to ask for the price list. These places are ripoffs but I believe they have to maintain an accurate price list by law. When I saw how outrageous the drink prices were I asked the hostess why, and she seemed a bit offended that I'd ask. I got up and left before any girls could sit down next to me or bring me a drink. I was probably lucky they didn't move quicker.

Not as exciting as some other stories, but enough for me to see first-hand the types of scams going on here. Going into some of these places can be an adventure.