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View Full Version : Travelling Trip

Hot Dog
03-28-09, 08:48
I am making a report of our recent trip, not because I have anything much new to offer, which I don't, nor because I can type, which I can't, but more because I don't see many "travelling" reports; so I apologise in advance for being repetitive but we get plenty of coverage on the cost of taxis. I can never get my head around people reporting world wide that locals (taxis, beach boys, street vendors etc) are continuously trying to rip them off. All service suppliers are in the business of charging as much as they can. Frankly my negotiations in S. America are as nothing compared to trying to keep my accountant, banker, pension adviser, lawyer etc etc under control: these are the real negotiating sharks.

Our small team are Romantics and aside from visiting the night clubs we always call out for take away to enjoy in our hotel where we share a small sitting area for interviews. We prefer to avoid the ten times a day privado girl and head for the internet girl; who may or may not be a privado girl; but you can target low use independents by concentrating on those with only a single cell number beginning 15. These I like to think are used rather less, and provided you can get hold of them, are generally available at a time suitable to you, or at least say they are. I see other romantics popping up occasionally on the international site; sterling work being done recently in Shanhai by Hereandthere post 4664 where in one session he seduced a soapy girl from going through the motions into an active and willing participant. Our "Romantic Movement" is looking for great and proactive sex with repeats rather than a series of fresh encounters. We aim to daty or pocket rocket them until they are gagging for it so they behave like a Brazilian; who as someone said recently on the Brazil forum, "the thing about Brazilian girls is that they do you"; Argentinean girls I think need to be coaxed into doing you. So after about 3 sessions a day for a couple of days we try to make a decision re a travelling companion who is simpatico and tranquille during the day and a monster in the sack.

We then take them travelling for a few days sport. Our day time search for monogamous life in the Arg is only broken by bouts of promiscuity in the clubs at night.

Prices are definitely up on a year or two ago. What was an easy AR$150 (us$50 at the then 3 to the peso) for short time internet has been replaced by an easy AR$200 (US$60 at the now 3.3) That goes for the triangle too. AR$150 is certainly still available with harder negotiating or repeats but we seemed to settle on a speedy 200 negotiated down from 250 or 300. Internet girls who you just have to have and who have a madam will demand 400 (half for her half for the girl) which is unchanged for many years. I hope my "face" is saved and "respect" awarded me (see Daddy Rulz and Combo-home page) in terms of not negotiating down to the last peso by the fact that I have our "guide" do it for me. This was explained to me on a trip last year by a girl in Black who spoke English and got the hots for my wallet by saying that my Porteņo, showed me respect, so she did too. We prefer that the financial outcome is satisfactory to them, prior to doing battle. When we travel if there is any misunderstanding about cash (which there always seems to be) these are taken up with our Porteņo rather than with us.

Both nights in Bue we went to Black and were frankly disappointed. To some extent this is being jaded; once you been there a few times you expect the earth and whilst it is always a spectacular site, drink costs are prohibitive so stick to local beer; all those plastic tits and rather less than service orientated hauteur can and did leave us thinking that for 600 pesos we would rather try our luck in the triangle (Hook & Cattos) which rarely fails to deliver at a third the cost. In Black I counted around 40 girls in Feb. Mid week at about 1am with only 6 or so guys, half of whom didn't look as though they were shopping. Either most of the girls have an alternative income stream or I can't believe that prices won't have to fall. From the numbers I saw they can't get laid more than once a week. We didn't bother with Madahos partly time and partly as have never had much success there. Hook and Cattos also pretty empty. Both nights we were the only people in the one on the right viewed from the street.

I hate plastic tits and it is some indication how long a girl has been working. A reasonably successful girl can pay for plastic in 6 to 9 months in the business. This is probably a bit longer if they have a madam which a lot do when they start. Madams offer some protection as to their whereabouts and pay for photos and internet presence. After a year or two they can handle it themselves or at least have the confidence to take a few days off to go travelling or to do "private" repeats at their own price. Contacting a girl therefore with two fixed lines and a mobile (begins with 15) means you are contacting an organization which probably can't remember the girl in question's working name and will certainly send an alternative if your choice is not available. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. Most photos are sufficiently enhanced to make recognition difficult. Some girls seem to be run from a privado type operation and may or may not actually work in the privado but the good thing here is that the prices are far more realistic ie they probably only add 50 peso to the in house cost, whereas an answering service might want double the girls price.

When we negotiate travelling we offer AR$600 a day (ie the equivalent of 3 sessions) and then round it up so say 4 days for 2500 or 2600. Enough girls jump at this to make it a good deal and therefore some guarantee they will show up at the crack of dawn on the appointed day to fly out. It's more than a fair price and net of tax is close to a good months clerical salary. There needs to be some thing built into the price for child minder etc and fear of travelling with a virtual stranger (they are pretty nervous when they turn up in the morning); this is hugely helped by two or more travelling together and by having our tame Porteņo along too. Interestingly whilst we were waiting to pay bills and get bags in the hotel foyer, two of the girls sat opposite each other without speaking. Well I thought all locals kissed hello without so much as a by your leave but I (with no Spanish) had to introduce G and L before they shyly said hello; you would think that as they both knew what the other was there for and they are after all in the hospitality business (hello; what your name, where you from) that they might have got chatting. However, after 4 days they were good friends.

Well G had a madam and as so often wanted her half up front and she was lurking around the corner from the hotel to collect. This meant G was actually working for half what L as an independent was working for.

G turned into a real trouper and much to the amazement of the rest of us, her employer was managing up to 5 times a day standard service bare back and bbbj which she was instigating and enjoying with mucho gusto. So much so that after one particularly drunken asado in an idyllic location, he had her in the back of the van whilst I merely made out like a frustrated teenager on a grassy knoll nearby. You can imagine that when we got back to the hotel I did not help unload the van and instead took L firmly and rapidly in hand and did some ravishing of my own. Aside from this I took L at a more leisurely pace until day 2 when she said mid flow that she wanted it in the arse but "slow to begin" (her best English) She seemed to orgasm pretty successfully like that and certainly loved the pocket rocket as well. On our last day I had enjoyed what I had decided would be my last session with L with an early evening outing as we were up at 5am. Porteņo guy was off colour and not out to dinner as he had a long drive the next day. This meant that we all had to make a greater effort to communicate. L said she wanted to confess something and hoped I wouldn't be angry. She and G then managed to get across that whilst she was 21 she did not have an 18 mth old child. Instead she had 3 children aged 6, 4 and 1 with two, what sounded like, quite supportive men. I couldn't have cared less especially as I wasn't planning on being the third supportive male and enquired politely after her domestic situation, which was pretty good aside from the fact she was trying to get squatters out of a couple of flats left to her by her adoptive parents.

For some reason she seemed relieved and so to bed, get some sleep, early start, panties on, back turned. Well I was in about the 40th hour of a vitamin C ingestion and as I dozed off to sleep, that arse started snuggling into my crotch. We were bound for further adventures but there is a limit. After more and more insistent snuggling I nosed the panties aside and rode flat doggy bare back to riotous screaming from both of us. For us Romantics, chica instigated sex is a win win and after four days I had just won one. Chalk me up.

03-28-09, 13:05
Great read HD,

Links to the respective girls web ads might be nice.



03-29-09, 03:17