View Full Version : Adrian Salbuchi - What is to come for the World
A bit scary in part 2
part 2 below
I think Salbuchi is slightly overpessimistic, even tho he s right on the analysis of the mechanisms of the crisis. For Argentine people, it s easy to understand because what is going on in the US is similar to what they experienced in the 90s.
Will this lead to a global war? This would be an eventuality if the USA were managed the way they were at the beginning of the 21st century and kept an autistic imperialistic stance. From what I observed, the psychology changed and the warmongering choice experienced since 2001 just disgusted a majority of its population from the nationalist path.
This is a cards redistribution crisis. The decision centres are moving eastwards. Western countries won't be able to take global decisions for their sole profit anymore at the cost of developing countries pride and stability.
What we saw at the G20 was interesting. First of all, this summit united 20 countries and not 8 anymore. Even tho interests were sometimes totally opposite, the tone was to collaboration. French / American, Japanese / Chinese, Russian / American antagonisms abandoned.
Should we all rush to our banks to withdraw our meager economies? This would be the best way to actually accelerate a collapse. Panic = meltdown.
This is a philosophical crisis as well. The model exported by the US is predatory and ignores human realities. As explained by Salbuchi, Finance should be at the service of human activities. We have currently a reverse order: human beings are at the service of finance.
One of the reasons for this is the demographic inbalance in western economies. For baby boomers to be able to retire, funds need to demand higher and higher yields, since there are fewer and fewer active people to pay for more and more inactive ones. The burden of previous generations life style is postponed on the shoulders of younger ones. This would be sustainable if our demographic growth was very positive but for comfort and productive reasons, this is not the case.
Global economic rules have to be changed to find a new balance. Fiscal paradises are demeaning governments power of intervention. Finance has to be subordinated to populations general interest. The majority of human population has to be represented in global decisions. In other words, a first step to a global management of resources.
This is also a monetary crisis. The currency of one sole country can t be used for global transactions. This gives an untolerable economic advantage for that economic zone. This country can print illimited cash uncorrelated with it s real economic growth but the value of its currency is maintained artificially afloat to keep trades going. This has to be changed in favor of a basket of currencies representing all economic zones involved in globlalization.
Yes, the money injected right now is totally virtual and is meant to compensate the desapearance of speculative values of assets on real estate and stock exchange. Yes, the destruction of wealth and jobs will mechanically induce violence. The first signs are being observed in the USA with the repetitive group murders over last weeks. But if we are aware of the necessity of dialogue and fair international deals, those localised violences can be controlled and global conflicts avoided.
There are possible outways to this crisis. Tremendous growth oportunities lie in eco friendly technologies, nano technologies, genes ingeneering. But for this to happen, money needs to go to investors, not being confiscated by a minority of parasitic rentiers.
Also looking for new energy storage breakthroughs in the next 3 to 5 years. Was hoping this would be EESTOR but so far nothing on that. New types of energy storage like EESTOR would help immensely.
I still think Salbuchi is right in the sense that if you have money don't park it in a bank (what smart Argentine does that anyway - learning the lessons repeatedly one keeps only enough to pay current bills"at risk" and on deposit with a bank) Gold, Silver, Real Estate, Oil. In that order.
I am also concerned about the G20's desire end to Uruguay's tax haven status. I like Uruguay:)
04-09-09, 17:56
A bit scary in part 2
part 2 below to an Argentinean on Financial issues is kind of like going to Ted Bundy for Dating tips.
But, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I am also concerned about the G20's desire end to Uruguay's tax haven status. I like Uruguay:)A day after being placed on the "bad" tax haven list, Uruguay was taken off the list. Somebody must have realized they had some money over there.;)
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