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View Full Version : Would You Marry a Working-Girl?

04-14-09, 13:50
It's time for a new poll boys!

Pure and simple:

Would you marry a working girl for whatever reason. Love, sex, children, family, etc?

Assuming that you could get her to quit the business and be your wife, lover, etc.

I have lived with and dated several working-girls and some of my buddies have married chicas so this is an interesting poll to me .

In other words try NOT to offend any of the boys with negative or biased opinions .

Here we go with the choices:

1. Yes, if she quits the biz.

2. Never in a million.

3. Yes, but she can keep working.

P.S - Jackson , can you please post this as a poll ?

04-14-09, 14:04
It's time for a new poll boys!

Pure and simple:

Would you marry a working girl for whatever reason. Love, sex, children, family, etc?I'm assuming you mean a girl who is in the Biz now and whom you meet in a "working" situation. It might be different if the girl was at some point in the past a working girl, but has long since quit. I have a cousin who paid her way through law school turning tricks. When she got her first job she actually had to take a significant pay cut. She is one of the coolest people I know and if she weren't my cousin, I'd consider her as much as I'd consider anyone else.

Also, the poll needs another category: "I wouldn't marry ANYONE. Working or not."

04-14-09, 17:00
I'm assuming you mean a girl who is in the Biz now and whom you meet in a "working" situation. It might be different if the girl was at some point in the past a working girl, but has long since quit. I have a cousin who paid her way through law school turning tricks. When she got her first job she actually had to take a significant pay cut. She is one of the coolest people I know and if she weren't my cousin, I'd consider her as much as I'd consider anyone else.Is she cute? Can I have her telephone number?

Just for once I'd like to be able to fuck a lawyer, rather than have a lawyer fuck me.

04-14-09, 17:27


Daddy Rulz
04-14-09, 18:40
I knew guy who did it (their first date was a "date") and it has worked great so far, 5 years and counting. She wasn't a born gatto though but rather somebody with limited skills who loves sex and got paid doing it. Her sister on the other hand is a born shark, being a gatto isn't something she does it's something she is.

So it would depend on the girl and their would be a lot of years between "not working" and getting married.

04-14-09, 20:28
Maybe 8 years ago when I first started traveling for mongering purposes. I would have been happy with a TJ street walker. Not anymore.

I don't even trust regular girls these days.

It took me years to figure out that you get married to start a family or increase your wealth. Just for the love of it doesn't exist or does it ? I get confused.

I am almost 40 with no financial ability to support a family and I doubt any women would want me as her boy toy.

The answer would be "yes" but only for an hour!

04-14-09, 20:32
I knew guy who did it (their first date was a "date") and it has worked great so far, 5 years and counting. She wasn't a born gatto though but rather somebody with limited skills who loves sex and got paid doing it. Her sister on the other hand is a born shark, being a gatto isn't something she does it's something she is.

So it would depend on the girl and their would be a lot of years between "not working" and getting married.I was thinking that you could just roll off of the sweaty sheets at the Privado and get down on one knee while whipping-out an (8) karat diamond.

Yes, of course it all depends on the Chica and a lot of other circumstances but: Why or Why Not?

Hell, you would'nt have to wait in line anymore!

Do chime in boys!

The USA is fucked and Obama can't help you so let's talk some Chica Talk!

I do APPLAUD the snipers in Somalia!

Hell Yes!

Obama - 3 Pirates - 0!

El Queso
04-14-09, 22:00
If one is the marrying type, the only thing that should really matter is meeting someone who "does it" for you.

As far as, for example, marrying a woman who has slept with a ton of men - the only virgin I ever fucked was when I was 15!

The biggest issue with marrying a working girl would be finding one that doesn't have larceny in her heart. I've known working girls that have worked for years and are very decent people, and I know working girls who are fairly young and have only worked for a few months who would steal your kidney given half a chance.

To me, a working girl's past career itself doesn't need to enter the decision process.

04-14-09, 22:07
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for 200 pesos an hour?

My pal who introduced me to BsAs has married a gal from Paraguay (here in BsAs) recently.

And I just met a guy from Idaho last night who is jumping through all the hoops to get her and her kid (and a kid they had together here) back to the USA.

In both cases there are two or more kids.

My hats off to them but I think they watched to much Star Trek when they were young.

Language barrier, culture barrier, the whole latin irrational temper issues, $$$ and not to mention one person will have to migrate from their homeland and family and re-adjust from WalMart to Tienda or vice/versa.

These are all obsticales with a NON-CHICA! Add in the "Chica Factor" and both of you are going to know the other is pre-disposed to fuck around.

Better only one knows.

Beat me, whip me, walk on me with your stileto high heels, pour hot wax on me and then marry me. Please I beg you.

That's the only reason I could think of for such a move.

I personally took some time to visit my "favorita" in Paraguy and the *&%$! treated me like we had been married for 15 years already!

Did not matter that I brought an arm load of gifts or my tired sorry ass from northern USA to stinking Asuncion just to see her.

Needless to say we got an in airport divorce.

Sorry to be so jadded, but I say date her for a year at least to see if is worth the effort.


PS: Skip Asuncion!

04-14-09, 22:50
I am loving this question since I have some modest, tangential experience but I think relevant nonetheless.

First, hats off to Beezer's airport divorce visual. You have to love that one and it made me laugh!

As I reflect as I type as a 40 something, I realized the error of my ridiculous ways when I was in the 30's. Married yes and relentlessly looking for the "thrill of the kill" (though 80% pay to play admittingly) and just the damn fine out of wedlock sex. Well, my ego got the best of me for a split second and I fell for a provider on one of my trips to BA 7 years ago. She was gorgeous, a lot of fun, fed the ego and of course professed "she was in the business only to pay for law school". 6 months into a relationship and a bit of shuttle diplomacy, like most relationships, the toe curling sex, the 3am wake up calls, the damn excitement of it all simply wore off. I was on the precipice of leaving my wife and pulling this trixie back to the States. Spent several thousands of dollars on attorneys working on the post nuptial exit stuff and the immigration issues in. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, I could sense that this chick, for all of her early Black's glory (I know, value mongers flame me in another post please) was aging mentally, emotionally and otherwise for the worse. In other words, the baggage this gal brought into the business, sorted through during the business, and of course pre-immigration was way to much.

This business warps the mind of love providers and love buyers in many respects. Sorry, that is the fact. Period. There is no way a long term relationship could be established that would last to make both people happy built on the fact that the initial first date was in a whorehouse or at Madaho's.

So back to me in my 40's, enjoying the best of two damn possible worlds. I simply love the variety of delving through Argentina (and neighboring countries) bumper crop each year.

If you are thinking of marrying one of our bumper crops, ram your head into the nearest grain silo, step on a pitch fork, splash you face with water from the pig's trough - just don't damn follow through.

(you have to like all of those farmer allusions, no!


Member #3320
04-15-09, 03:07
Its a very interesting poll question. I must be honest to admit that I have considered marrying working girls many times in my life. I have been in many many relationships with non-working girls and I ultimately found out that basically every girl with a good looking pussy is a ***** who is selling herself in one way or the other to woo the man and get his attention / his money / his protection etc etc.

Coming back to the poll question, thanks to my experiences with non-working normal girls (doctors, lawyers, business managers, architects) etc, I weigh all girls equally. Working or non-working! I found that with experience that they are all "working girls" in one way or the other! If I had found a real nice working girl 10 years ago, I would have perhaps married her. But now after much traveling, increased maturity, worldly sense, street-smartness, I think no girl, working or non-working type is worth marrying!

However, if I have to marry, I will not think twice in marrying a working girl who is good in bed, submissive, knows how to cook, knows fashion, gives me freedom to try other women as well, does not demand too much money from me etc etc.

To put on record: I came extremely close to marrying working girls as follows:

Aa) At age of 21, a Chinese girl.

Bb) At age of 23, a Honduran girl.

Cc) At age of 24, a Colombian girl.

Dd) At age of 26, a Filipina girl.

Ee) At age of 29, a Polish girl.

Ff) At age of 32, a Venezuelan girl.

Gg) At age of 33, an Indian girl.

All these relationships with working girls were juxtaposed with my relationships with normal well educated girls. However, I never ended up marrying anyone, working or non-working, and as of today I am really glad about it.


Joe Vato
04-15-09, 21:27
My married friends cannot believe the wonderful experiences that I have while I travel and hit it up with pros and non-pros. They are all tied down to the family. Yes, marry if you are serious about starting a family. Be careful. If it does not work out you will still have a family to support and the wife is out of the picture. Too big a risk for me to take at this point in my life.

With all due respect to the married sort. Everyone is different. I just feel lucky because I can go where I want, when I want and do what I want to do at anytime. Best of all with whomever I want. Nothing wrong with the idea to marry a working girl. Just realize that just like a stripper in the USA, they come with a ton of baggage. Remember, in the long run, it is far cheaper to rent them!

El Joe Vato

04-15-09, 22:13
A few years ago Charlie Sheen (son of Martin Sheen) was busted in LA with a hooker.

The press was badgering him for an explaination of why he would hire a hooker when he had such a lovley wife at home.

His answer was precious.

He said.

"I do not pay a woman only for their service, I also pay them to leave"

Seems somehow conected to this topic.

Do we really want them to stay?


Rock Harders
04-16-09, 00:54

Somebody came up with this quote, and I use it all the time, and truly try to live by it:

"If it fucks, floats, or flies, rent it, don't buy it"


Rock Harders

Rock Harders
04-16-09, 20:39

Actually Sidney is wrong, I generally prefer to fly my girls into Buenos Aires from said countries on his private Gulfstream IV, which he rents to me for the Shylock price of $100,000 per hour and a training session at Megatlon. However, I won't consider myself in any real trouble until I start paying for their fake tits like SOMEBODY I know!


Rock Harders

04-16-09, 20:58
-you never get the red light out of the girl.

04-17-09, 15:27

Somebody came up with this quote, and I use it all the time, and truly try to live by it:

"If it fucks, floats, or flies, rent it, don't buy it"


Rock HardersYou need to give credit to Exon for that one.

04-18-09, 01:14
What's the point of bringing sand to the beach?


Actually Sidney is wrong, I generally prefer to fly my girls into Buenos Aires from said countries

Rock Harders
04-18-09, 01:59

Well, I go on mongering trips to Colombia and Brasil about 3 times each per year, and I always seem to meet plenty of chicas that want to visit Buenos Aires. I like having them stay with me for about 2 weeks, fuck them until I've had enough, and then send them back to where they came from. This has worked out well enough the 2 or 3 times I've done it. I have never been to Panama (except to the airport) but what I believe Sidney is referring to is a Panamanian girlfriend I had in Buenos Aires who he saw a few times at my office. She was a hot girl, a former Miss Playa Blanca Panama contestant, but unfortunately she was a bad alcoholic and I suspect coke head and she very sadly died a few months back in Panama of CO poisoning. The Brasilian girl I brought to visit (she came several times) I had to throw out on the street with all her luggage at 5am on her birthday. Ironically, I just received a call today from the Colombian chica, crying, (I think Sidney met her too) and she told me she is in Cartagena on the beach and that she is going to start fucking other guys because she thinks I am fucking other girls; I told her "ok" and hung up the phone.


Rock Harders

04-18-09, 03:00
Now that I understand the " plan ", it sounds pretty well thought out. Much more so than buying them tits. No offense Ex.


Well, I go on mongering trips to Colombia and Brasil about 3 times each per year, and I always seem to meet plenty of chicas that want to visit Buenos Aires. I like having them stay with me for about 2 weeks, fuck them until I've had enough, and then send them back to where they came from. This has worked out well enough the 2 or 3 times I've done it. That sounds more like it.
She told me she is in Cartagena on the beach and that she is going to start fucking other guys because she thinks I am fucking other girls; I told her "ok" and hung up the phone. btw. Now that Sidney has met her, it is only a matter of time before he " hit's " that.



Rock Harders
04-18-09, 12:28

The difference is that I have never flown anyone (including myself) first class and I never buy any gifts or wardrobes for the chicas. SOMEONE (not going to mention any names) actual does and has bought fake tits for their chica (s).

Have fun in Cartagena Sid, it's a great mongering town if you like ice cold hard core putas, no DFK, no BBBJ, no BBFS, and absolutely no GFE! You better get on line with about 50,000 cruise ship tourists!


Rock Harders

04-18-09, 14:16

The difference is that I have never flown anyone (including myself) first class and I never buy any gifts or wardrobes for the chicas. SOMEONE (not going to mention any names) actual does and has bought fake tits for their chica (s) Have fun in Cartagena Sid, it's a great mongering town if you like ice cold hard core putas, no DFK, no BBBJ, no BBFS, and absolutely no GFE! You better get on line with about 50,000 cruise ship tourists!


Rock HardersBefore I take a side here, are the fake tits a depreciable item? I mean the entertainment expense for Travel & Meals is only partially deductible.

Someone here has been hurt by a Colombian Girl. You need to meet Mayra from Medellin for the DFK, BBBJ, GFE. She's like wet sauerkraut in my hands. (Blazing Saddles Reference)

And remember, fifteen is my limit on Schnitzengruben. Bitte Baby!