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06-28-09, 17:38
Are the poll's closed yet & Who's winning.


06-29-09, 01:06
Who Won.


Stan Da Man
06-29-09, 01:20
But rigged vote from suburban slums has not been "counted" yet, so it's a long way from over: http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN2834957820090629

Joe Hernandez
06-29-09, 01:24
K won't win but if he does, it will be not end there.

Stan Da Man
06-29-09, 12:15
But rigged vote from suburban slums has not been "counted" yet, so it's a long way from over:

http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN2834957820090629It's official -- a pretty resounding defeat. The election in 2011 should be very interesting. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aVRleA6zts7s

Joe Hernandez
06-29-09, 13:38
I wonder more about whats going to happen in the next 2 years. Due to the election the country is not manageable now$ and with a 30 to 50% decline of the production of the main crops Argentina is probally due for a huge financing problem at the end of 2009 or early 2010.

Joe Hernandez
06-29-09, 13:39
Recent memory also tells you that after a mid term loss the corruption is through the roof. And I don't think it will be different this time

06-29-09, 14:12
The way I understand it, this new crop of politicians will not take office until December. Quite a Lame-Duck Congress. Seems like a very long time before one form of horse-shit is traded for another.

Joe Hernandez
06-29-09, 14:49
The way I understand it, this new crop of politicians will not take office until December. Quite a Lame-Duck Congress. Seems like a very long time before one form of horse-shit is traded for another.That's because the election were brought forward 4 months.

Kirchner resigned from the Peronist Party. He will retire.

Stan Da Man
06-29-09, 16:40
Kirchner resigned from the Peronist Party. He will retire.Then who will run the country until the election in 2011?

Oh, that's right, his wife is technically the President. But doesn't that mean that Mr. Kirchner was already retired before this latest run at the Senate? So confusing.

I agree with the previous comment about stepped up looting. Hasn't Kirchner already given himself the casinos and racetrack licenses in BA? That was before he started looting. Watch what he gives himself now that he's taking the gloves off. He'll probably start by re-privatizing all the pensions, but all the money will end up in his account. Once the looting's finished, he can start to pillage. At least it's always interesting.

Joe Hernandez
06-29-09, 23:10
Then who will run the country until the election in 2011?

Oh, that's right, his wife is technically the President. But doesn't that mean that Mr. Kirchner was already retired before this latest run at the Senate? So confusing.

I agree with the previous comment about stepped up looting. Hasn't Kirchner already given himself the casinos and racetrack licenses in BA? That was before he started looting. Watch what he gives himself now that he's taking the gloves off. He'll probably start by re-privatizing all the pensions, but all the money will end up in his account. Once the looting's finished, he can start to pillage. At least it's always interesting.Let's start with giving back the US$500.000.000 of Santa Cruz.

He will probally go to the senate and become a no name like former president Menem. As long as he is in the senate or congress he has impunity, always easy once somebody else becomes president.