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View Full Version : Reina -- Queen of Ass

10-07-09, 23:12
I really needed a real massage because I was in a lot of pain after another very rough weekend. I called my usual favorites, but at the last minute they were all busy—serves me right for waiting.

I cruised the internets looking for someone who did sports massage and Reina came up. Wow. Not pretty. I didn't care, I needed a good massage, she was free, so I set up an appointment.


The massage was reasonably good and it was obvious that she had skills, but try not looking directly at her. She's short and fire-plug shaped and the photos on her page are probably photoshopped to get them to look that good. Still, my body feels a whole lot better.

She asked me if I would like a relax and I was like, what the hell, sure. She brought out a condom and I was afraid, but it wasn't for me, it was for her; specifically, her finger. She asked me politely "colita?" Now for those of you who think that letting a girl near the exit is "gay," you really need to experience an orgasm while your prostate is being massaged. I shot huge load and she had me bucking and trembling. So if you decide to see her and she asks you "colita?" Say it loud and say it proud "Si! Por favor!"

I think the 200 pesos was far too much and I'd probably only return if my regulars were busy again, but it was a damned good orgasm and a pretty skilled massage.