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View Full Version : My last night's incident with a chica from La Madeleine

11-29-09, 13:49
Warning: This is a long story with a lesson that I have learnt in the end. By-pass this report if you are not interested.

Last night I arrived at La Madeleine around midnight. There were no other AP mongers around. I took a seat in one our usual tables outside. I immediately noticed a nice looking chica in the table in front of me. I have never seen her before. I would say she is at least two to three notches above the normal chicas that work here. Let me try to describe her in details. Her name is Viviana (or something close to it), Argentine, late twenties, about 5'5" with heels on, long light brown hair, plump but not obese figure, and a set of double D tits. Had a boob job, not for enlargement but to lift them up. The boys are still very natural looking. If it weren't for the scare around the nips, one would swear they have never gone under the knife. Came from the provincia Santiago, have been working in BsAs for about a month, usually at some Recoleta Cafes and sometime at La Madeleine. The reason I think she is at least two or three notches above any chicas here because her face bears some resemblance of model/TV hostess Brooke Burke (http://www.brookeburke.com/). Viviana has a noticeable light color mole just off the center of her chin on the left. Some of you might be laughing right now thinking a Brooke Burke look-a-like working at La Madeleine, impossible. Well, I can show you some pictures I took of her next time when you see me. If it weren't for her plump figure, her looks can easily get her into the higher end clubs.

So back to the night. Viviana and I immediately exchanged looks and smiles. In five minutes I asked her if I could join her at her table. Five minutes of the usual small talk. Then we started to negotiate coming back to my apartment. She started with $250. I counter offered with $200 for two hours. She accepted it. Then I said I always pay afterwards. She asked why, I gave her my reason she agreed to it. Around that time, four of my AP amigos arrived at La Madeleine. They sat in a few tables away from us. So I told my chica I want to say hi to my friends first. One guy at the table told me he had an experience with that chica before. He enjoyed his time with her but she does not do BBBJ. Oh well, too late to back down now. I went inside the restaurant to pay for our drinks, then to downstairs to the bathroom mainly to pop a vitamin in my mouth. Returned to my chica and vamos.

Walking back on the way to my apartment three blocks away, Viviana was very affectionate, smiling, some light kissing, and holding hands. In the elevator we embraced into DFK. When we got into my apartment, we started to undress each other on the living room with our clothes scattered throughout the room. I spare you all the details of the actual session but it went quite well. She delivered everything as expected sins BBBJ which as I mentioned I got the intel on that ahead of time. She stayed for slightly over two hours as promised. I mentioned to her about her resemblance of Brooke Burke. I even googled Brooke Burke on the computer and showed them to Viviana during our breaks from the session. Then we sat down on the couch both buck naked. I light up a cigarette, she doesn't smoke BTW. After my smoke, I excused myself to the bathroom for a number one and brush my teeth and rinse. When I returned, we went back to the bedroom to continue the session.

When we were done and I get my money to pay her. Here is when the problem started. Now let me tell you that I am a person who keeps track of all my expenses in an Excel Spreadsheet when I travel, down the last cent I spent. The spreadsheet also keeps track of how much I have left down to the number of different bills and coins I have. The spreadsheet just add up the total together. I also fold my bills in order with all the "Presidents" facing in the same direction with the large bills folded inside. I don't why I do it but it's like a hobby to me. I guess I may be a closet accountant in that sense. Anyway, so I knew I had one $100 bill in my pants pocket and I got another $100 bill from my secret stash in the apartment to pay her. When I reached for my money in my pants pocket, I immediately noticed I only have 10's, 5's and 2's in the pocket. A quick check on my spreadsheet I found out $180 were missing. One $100, one $50, one $20, and one $10 bills to be exact. I told the chica I have a problem and some of my money is missing. I did not accuse her of anything. I searched the area where I laid down my pants. Then I told her this is not good, and said to her "Digame" She said she did not take the money and opened up the purse and showed me the content. She said I could search her purse but I knew that was useless. So I just paid her $200 from my secret stash. I walked her back to the street. On the way back, she was still acting OK and gave me the glances like she was sorry that it happened. We parted at La Madeleine and said I had a good time with her, my missing money was a bad situation, and I wish that it hadn't happened. She responded me too.

Facts: I am not outright accusing this chica for stealing from me because I have no proof and did not catch her in the act. Let me just state the facts. First like I mentioned, I knew exactly how much money I had in pants pocket and $180 was missing from it. Those missing bills were folded in the inside. Two other remote possibilities that I could have lost that money were either the bills fell out when I paid the waiter at La Madeleine or when I reached for my vitamin on the way to the bathroom. But that's unlikely because the missing large bills were folded inside. The smaller bills would have to fall out first. In the apartment, I did excuse myself to the bathroom for about three minutes with the chica sitting alone in the living with my pants laying right next to her. That's her only opportunity I can think of.

Puzzled: If the chica did steal the money from my pants pocket, I don't understand why she would do that. I mean she left me with barely any money. If I did not have any money stashed away, how did she expect me to pay her?

Lesson learnt: After more than 30 monger trips to BsAs alone, I have learnt different precautions to protect myself. This is the first time I have money missing with a chica involved. When I take a chica to my apartment, I normally stash all my pocket money away when the chica goes to the bathroom. But the opportunity did not present itself because she did not go to the bathroom. In the future, I will hide my money on my way to get the drinks from my kitchen or even excuse myself to the bedroom first. Never leave money in the pants pocket again.

Conclusion: I had a nice time with this chica up until the point when I found out some of my money was missing. It ended up costing me $380 for two hours for a Triangle / Newport quality chica. If she has a slimmer body, she probably can make it even at Madohos or Blacks. I might have considered repeating with her, but now obviously I doubt it.

Afterthought: I have learnt another monger lesson to protect myself in the future. I am still alive with no physical harm. So I lost $180 but I'll live to monger in another day. I can easily waste more money than that on any given trip with bad sesions. I guess it eases the pain by thinking it cost me $380 for two hours with a near Madohos quality chica. So I still came out ahead in that sense.

I close this report by saying can not outright accuse this chica for my missing money because I have no proof. She was a very pleasant chica even after the incident has occured. The cynical part of me would say it was all part of an act. The gullible part of me would say her behavior before and after did not reflect that.

Happy mongering and be safe,


Member #3320
11-29-09, 18:41
I will like to add here that La Madeline proved very unlucky for me in 2008.

I picked up a nice looking chica in Sept.'08 and took her to my home. I had a nice session. After the session, she got dressed up and ready to go. Just before, when she was leaving and we were standing in the living room, she asked me to bring her something from the bathroom. I barely went in the bathroom for 1 minute. This one minute was enough for her to steal a Sony Ericsson cellphone which I had received along with the apartment. Now being a experienced monger, I am always very careful with money and objects when a chica is in the apartment. In fact, I had hidden the cellphone before the session had started. At the end of session, I had taken the phone out to check time, missed calls etc. So I was not entirely careless. However, the chica was too good in her stealing ability to trick me by asking me to fetch her something from the bathroom and creating an opportunity for her self to steal the cellphone.

She left the apartment with the cellphone! Within 2-3 minutes I realized that she has stolen the cellphone. I immediately got dressed and went running out. She had already covered a lot of distance! However, I got a tip from the gatekeeper in which direction she had gone. I jogged down in her direction on this cold winter night fretting and fuming that I allowed it to happen. Now look at my luck that night! I saw and located her on the street. I was running. She turned back and saw me coming after her. To her luck, she was on a corner. She got the opportunity to disappear from my line of sight for 2 minutes. I reached her and she was shivering in fear. I told her point blank in Spanish that she has stolen my phone and I want it back! She said, search me! I searched all over, very thoroughly at 3 am in a cold winter night in Las Canitas. Can you believe it, I NEVER found the phone on her. And then I thought, maybe I over reacted and that the phone is still inside the apartment!

I let her go, retraced my steps back and went home to eventually realize that I was wrong and she had indeed stolen my phone. I further realized that for 2 minutes when she was out of my line of sight, she had the opportunity to hide the phone in a bush nearby where I searched her. After, I left her, she happily recovered the phone from the nearby bush and went away home with it!

The phone loss was harsh for me and my rental agent threatened to keep my 1000 US$ deposit if I did not arrange the exact same phone. It spoiled my vacation as I felt very miserable of loosing 1000US$ for a 100$ phone. And henceforth, the next few days was spent in trying to arrange the phone. To my GREAT luck, my good friend "Sportsman" who till that point of time, I only knew via the forum agreed to help me out. I then bought the same model sony ericsson phone from ebay, USA for 100US$ and shipped it to "Sportsman" who further carried it to Buenos Aires and ultimately the phone was arranged and my security money reimbursed in total.

But all said and done, the fuck with that La Madeline chica was definitely not worth the hassle I had to go through to ensure I don't loose 1000US$. Loosing 1000US$ would not affect me financially but the fact that I felt that I did not deserve to loose 1000US$ for a 100US$ worth miserable old phone is what spoiled my mood and vacation and made me question my decision to pick street chicas and bring them to luxury apartments (the kind I always stay in). In my opinion, all chicas at La Madeline are street chicas with no one really taking any kind of warranty for their integrity. Its fool hardy to let them enter the confines of your apartment. It just needs a slip up of 1~2 minutes for a viable opportunity to get available for them, to cause some financial damage to you once they are inside!

Yes, mongers can tell me and sportsman to be extra smart, extra cautious. Yes, yes, we know it all. Both of us are highly experienced mongers and world travelers. But, like I said, the integrity of street hookers in BA is not something which should be tested!

My advise to newbie mongers. Take chicas from La Madeline to Transitorios. I have experienced that inside a Transitorio, its much simpler to keep all your objects in your line of sight for the entire duration and that the chances of getting swindled inside a transitorio is much much lesser than inside the confines of your apartment, where one tends to go more in a relaxed less cautious mood!

However, chicas from Privados, Madhos, Black etc can definitely be considered (arguably) much much safer to be left alone inside the apartment for 1~2 minutes unlike the street hookers.

Just my two cents! Hope this helps!

Gato Hunter
11-29-09, 19:27
However, chicas from Privados, Madhos, Black etc can definitely be considered (arguably) much much safer to be left alone inside the apartment for 1~2 minutes unlike the street hookers.Thinking like this is how you get robbed.

All chicas are ladrons in training, just don't trust anyone. I find it much easier that way. When you let your guard down that's when you get bit.

I bang lots of these sorts of girls and i have had weird shit almost happen.

Member #3320
11-29-09, 19:32
Thinking like this is how you get robbed.

All chicas are ladrons in training, just don't trust anyone. I find it much easier that way. When you let your guard down that's when you get bit.

I bang lots of these sorts of girls and I have had weird shit almost happen.Your statement is arguable in the context of the matter. I guess, no woman selling her body for money can be trusted, simply because of the fact that it shows she is desperate for and in need of money! As simple as that!

However, if one wants to enjoy fucking a chica in his apartment, I guess I would go for chicas under management rather that street hookers!

Gato Hunter
11-29-09, 19:51
I am sure there are chicas out there that are perfectly honest. I would like to think I know of one personally. Listen to this situation.

I have been banging a girl down here for over three years. She does not work in any club, or post on the net. I met her through a friend and I have never posted about her. I email her when I am not down here etc. I will bang her next time and the time after that. I would like to relax with this girl, but I don't even want to give her a chance to steal from me. If she did it would mess up a relationship with someone who even though I pay for sex a friend in the end.

I gave her a cheesy 30U$D mp3 player because the old shitty iPod I gave her two years ago gave up finally. Two days later when she was in school her "friends" stole it out of a bag inside of her bag while she was talking with the teacher in school.

She now trusts no one.

If you don't give them a chance to steal then there is an exponentially less chance of not getting ripped off.

11-30-09, 00:53
Reading all details of HOW you got fucked.

Learn spanish.

Don't be prepotent.

Act as a good man.

Have fun.

Sorry, it is not necessary writing a big poem about having been screwed.


Rock Harders
11-30-09, 05:33

The bottom line with the mongering hobby is that if a girl is willing to fuck you for money, she is willing to fuck you out of money. This is especially true if you are an older, out of shape monger with limited local language skills; chicas have absolutely no fear of these types of mongers. I never give any chicas, even chicas I have been doing regularly for many years, the opportunity to get their hands on unattended cash. I do not even give non-pro chicas access to unattended cash. Thievery is part of Argentine culture and these chicas would steal a $100 peso note if their own mother dropped it on the floor.


Rock Harders

11-30-09, 12:05
DUH! This gave me a bad reputation for being careless. The fucking chicas always woke up before me!

When I lived in Cali, I had a BIG house and had many gringo guests. They would come home at 1 or 2 am - if they left the house at all. I would party until dawn and come home with one or two girls - I have a very very big bed:)

Th bitches always woke before any of us, and there was ALWAYS something missing. I usually had to cover the costs of the stolen cell phones, etc.

11-30-09, 12:58

Thanks for sharing your report, sorry to hear about your loss! My wallet is in my pants pocket and I always take them into the bathroom with me while showering. I learned my lesson from a massage parlor incident which I have reported in the forum.

Happy Mongering!

11-30-09, 16:44
After hearing of your trouble with chicas, I will tell a little joke that fits this section better than the jokes thread.

An old man travels to a third world country and decides to get a Ho, so he goes to the nearest cabaret and picks a girl, when negotiating prices she says 300 pesos for you. He replies, Nope, the most I am paying you is 100 but I will give you the best sex of your life. "You're crazy, you are 60 years old, how will you do it? "

The old man tells her: "Well If I don't give you at least 3 rounds you get 500". The chica very intrigued, finally accepts and they go to his room.

True to his word the man gives her the shag of her life, and after round ones the girl is fascinated so she tells him, "you're a great lover I can't believe you are so fit, you almost do it like a 20 year old". The man replies: "That is nothing, give me a 30 minute nap and we go for round 2, but I need you to take my willie between both your hands". "Deal" she says.

30 minutes later he wakes up and goes for round 2, he asks her to put Mr Willie into her hands, again after half an hour he repeats her dose.

To make a long story short, he does her 7 times, she's more tired than him but decides to ask him: "Wow, that was something but tell me why do you ask me to put my hands around your weener after we do it, does it give you extra endurance?". "No, but it keeps your hands off my wallet!"

11-30-09, 20:14
Hey Jackson,

Are you going to do something about this?


I was your " rental agent " on that trip. If you lose an apartment owner's property, you HAVE to replace it.

I offered to refund the majority of your deposit while the owner waiting for you to replace the property you lost or had stolen from you.


I told you you could buy another phone, it just needed to be the same make. You went to see prices and you realized Argentina cell phone prices are 2 or 3 times what they cost anywhere else. So you went on Indian ebay and got a used phone.

This used phone arrived a week after you left the apartment. I had to physically go pick it up at Le Madaleine from Sportsman at 1 in the morning.

The normal practice when this happens is, the agent subtracts the cost of restocking the lost, stolen or broken item directly from the damage deposit.





The phone loss was harsh for me and my rental agent threatened to keep my 1000 US$ deposit if I did not arrange the exact same phone. It spoiled my vacation as I felt very miserable of loosing 1000US$ for a 100$ phone. And henceforth, the next few days was spent in trying to arrange the phone. To my GREAT luck, my good friend "Sportsman" who till that point of time, I only knew via the forum agreed to help me out. I then bought the same model sony ericsson phone from ebay, USA for 100US$ and shipped it to "Sportsman" who further carried it to Buenos Aires and ultimately the phone was arranged and my security money reimbursed in total.

Wild Walleye
12-02-09, 02:57
I must admit that once or twice, I have broken anti-thieving-chica-protocol.

There are often two challenges (for me) to maintaining good security measures, throughout chica engagements.

First, on occasion, I might have a little wine with dinner and while I am not usually falling down (before 5pm) a couple glasses of wine can start to fire up the feel-good response, you begin to think that the odds of something going wrong are smaller than they really are and taking care of certain details seems to be less important.

Second, when you start to feel the onrush of endorphins and other goodies (triggered by close proximity to a hot chica) you can further exacerbate the above alcohol-induced weaknesses.

With these two things in mind, my room is prepped before I go out. There is nothing of value (other than my clothes (in closet and on my back) suitcase and the contents of my pockets) left where it could be stolen. Everything is in the safe except one world phone, Arg phone, ATM card and enough cash to get me what I need (my pocket contents) I keep a little extra cash out of the safe and tuck it under a sweater or underpants in case of unforeseen propina gets between me and what I want. With the exception of my pocket contents, these items are difficult to steal and probably not that appealing to the thieves.

When we return, I will opportunistically stash phones, cash and card in different spots. That way if she has motive and opportunity, the losses are mitigated.

Jaimito Cartero
09-15-10, 03:36
I have a $10 cell phone that I buy a sim card for it everywhere I go. If it gets stolen, oh well, $10 is gone. You have to be a bit proactive to keep the chicas hands off your money. Off the top of my head, I can't recall any chica in Buenos Aires ripping me off. I think if you make sure that temptation is out of the picture, it helps greatly.