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Stan Da Man
05-10-10, 22:57
For the past two years, I've been receiving a number of different requests to "friend" this or that pro chica on Facebook. So, I'm wondering how you guys deal with that.

To my way of thinking, there are three possible responses:

1. Ignore them. Or, a more humane way would be to just respond that you don't do Facebook and leave it at that.

2. Friend them with your real name, e-mail, etc. Why not? Who cares if the whole world knows that all my friends are hotties from South America. No one's going to ask too many questions. Plus, some of the best times in the world are spent with these gals.

3. Create some alternate identity to friend them and keep that account separate from anything else you do. Setting up a new e-mail address is easy. But who's picture do you use?

At any rate, I'm wondering if any of you guys have received similar requests and, if so, how you deal with it. Personally, I don't do Facebook, so there may be an easy way to set this up that I don't know about. All the chicas I'm talking about are good people and repeats. I've traded emails with them from time to time. But, do I want a Facebook page where all my friends are chicas from BA and Brazil, and they can then all see each other? In some ways that seems bad, and in some ways that seems really good.

Other than this, I really have no use for Facebook and don't plan on setting up a "true" personal account for high school or college friends, or business colleagues. That explains why I'm a novice at this. If some of you guys are Facebook pros, let me know how you handle this. Thanks!

05-11-10, 03:43
I have Stan and I ignore them, I'll get 3 or 4 a month.

I have to much visibility as it is now, I don't need more.


Marco Porteņo
05-11-10, 14:38
I'd opt for #3 and use a picture with sunglasses on or something like that.

05-12-10, 08:14
A lot of the chicas in Paraguay and Brazil use Orkut.

05-14-10, 06:33
Stan, like you I started getting a few of these requests a couple of years back from repeat chicas, from different sites. I'd never had the time or inclination to bother with Facebook, but WTF, I decided to set up an account with my own name & e-mail like your option 2. For a while it was quite fun - one or two of them were putting a lot of photos up and there are worse places to be on a wet winter Sunday in SP. Handy also to keep tabs that they haven't put on 30 pounds or shaved their hair off or grown a beard etc between visits. More recently though I've gone with Exon's approach and just ignored - life's too short, especially when some of the "friend requests" are from girls I've never even heard of.

On the visibility thing, if you're worried about using your "regular" mail address, you can create friend lists and play around with the customised privacy settings under the Account tab to limit what other people (including your friends) can see. On the default settings you're wide open - I never had problems but Facebook is designed for social snooping and anyone who knows your e-mail can look you up. If I had the time and inclination, I'd start afresh with your option 3, at least with a separate e-mail address. If your favoritas are one big happy family (and so they should be if you've managed them well) run with the open settings and you've got your own ciber harem! If they're the jealous types, customise the friends privacy setting to "only me". I'm a novice too in this area so there are probably other and better ways.

As I've mentioned elsewhere in another post, exchanging mail addresses with pro chicas is great for staying in touch, and some will morph into amigas, but one day you're going to get a "cry for help" that you'll need to decide how to deal with.

PS I just had a random browse on one of my favoritas' Facebook pages, and one of her friend links took me to just about the hottest S American lingerie site I've come across. Phew! So maybe it does have its uses after all.


Wild Walleye
05-14-10, 12:27
That can't (by ordinary means) be traced back to you. Once you start giving it out to chicas, you might as well give it out to the world. I posted a while back that I received an email from Zelina about her new pics. She had cc'd about 300 chicos (not bcc) I looked through them and while I could tell most were 'anonymous' there were a bunch that were not (work, personal, full name, etc) Thankfully, I used an anonymous one.

Stan Da Man
05-17-10, 16:47
Thanks, all. I've had various surreptitious e-mail addresses for years and only give one of these out to chicas in South America. I agree that this is a wise precaution. That said, some of these gals have still managed to find the legit e-mail address, and others have found phone numbers.

One of the differences with Facebook, however, seems to be that nearly all the accounts I've seen have pictures. I guess you can have an account without pictures, but that seems to defeat the purpose. I just thought there might be an effective strategy for dealing with this, but it sounds like there isn't. Once you've got your picture out there, it doesn't much matter if you use a noga-email address. You're still publicly accessible, even if there's only a remote chance of it turning up.

In the final analysis, it would be fun to mess around with these chicas on Facebook. But, Exon's probably right -- there's too much exposure already. Why put yourself out there further?

05-17-10, 17:03
As someone who does not use facebook, may I ask how one goes about locating chicas in facebook that are working out of BA. I have no idea how to even start such a search.


Stan Da Man
05-17-10, 17:22
As someone who does not use facebook, may I ask how one goes about locating chicas in facebook that are working out of BA. I have no idea how to even start such a search. Thanks.Hi Shane,

There may be a way to do this, but I don't know how. That's not where I was coming from.

Facebook comes up when a chica asks for your e-mail address, as they do from time to time. Then, a few weeks or months later, the chica sends you an invitation to your e-mail address to "friend" them on Facebook. If you've already got a Facebook account tied to the e-mail address you gave them, you just accept the invitation. You don't look for them; they look for you. I suppose you also could work it the other way around if you had your own Facebook account and their e-mail address.

I'm not a Facebook user, either, so that's about all I can say. Perhaps Lucas can weigh in on this since he definitely seems like he understands how Facebook works. But, I don't know of a way to use Facebook to troll for BA pro chicas, and that wasn't the intent behind starting this thread.