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View Full Version : A visit to a chica's family home

11-04-10, 16:03
I had the unique experience of visiting the home of an independent girl. I'm not talking about one of the local apartments we have all been to, but a little place in Quilmes where there are no gringos, only locals. I want to relate the experience to other members.

First, I speak almost no spanish and understand very little. I have been with this girl many times, and she is my personal favorite, so she will remain anonymous. She keeps asking me to go home with her after our sessions, and I have run out of excuses, so I agree. We take a taxi from Retiro at about 3am, and its about a 30 minute ride. Arriving in Quilmes, the taxi driver stops on the main road and will not continue onto the side streets. My personal safety radar has been activated at this point because we have to walk the rest of the way.

The side streets are dirt with little wood-lined, open gutters on both sides carrying grey water. The structures are all dilapidated concrete and cement block with tin roofs. Stray dogs and cats everywhere. There's not many people out, and those few give me a good hard look as we pass by. We walk about 15 minutes, maybe a little over 1 km off the main road. Her place is down a little alley. Theres a padlock and chain on a main gate, which is a wire mesh over metal frame door. Then her door is tin over a metal frame with no seal of any kind.

Her house consists of about 300 square feet of space with concrete floor and walls and a tin roof. Glass in 2 windows and a tin covered slider in the other. One full size and one twin size bed, a couple of dress of drawers, a small table for eating, and that's it for furniture. Kitchen has small fridge, stove, washer, and a sink. Bathroom has a shower head protruding from an electric tank heater, which I don't think was working, and a plastic toilet over a hole in the floor. You pour a bucket of water down the toilet to "flush" it. Exposed wires everywhere. There's cold running water that comes from plastic piping. No space heating that I can see. She takes pride in trying to keep it neat and as clean as possible, but a simpler, more basic home is hard to imagine. As long as I am sequestered in this little house, I feel perfectly safe, but I am not looking forward to walking out of her neighborhood.

She makes me breakfast, and a really nice lunch, we have great sex as always, then its time for me to go. I'm wearing sunglasses, a faded t-shirt and khaki pants, black shoes, and a small backpack. I stand out like a black boulder in a snow field. There's lots of people out and about now, and everything kind of stops as we walk by and the locals give me the hairy eyeball. About halfway to the main road she says "no mas hablas" so I keep my mouth shut and look straight ahead. At the main road there's an auto repair shop, and she goes inside and arranges a ride for me back to Retiro. She reminds me not to speak until I'm out of the neighborhood, and the guy drives me to my hotel. Uneventful.

In retrospect I have very mixed feelings about the whole thing. I am honored that she invited me to her home, and the experience was enlightening. It kind of puts a lot of things into perspective. For one, some of these girls are living in true poverty. They are dirt poor, and that's quite sad. I will likely be invited again, and I would be tempted to go, but that brings me to the key point.

How close did I come to getting my ass kicked? Even though people stared at me, nobody threatened me, nobody approached or even talked to me during those walks in and out of the neighborhood. Am I just lucky? Am I really in danger by being there? I would really like to hear from some local guys who understand the culture, and hear about others similar experiences. Cheers.

Jaimito Cartero
11-05-10, 18:26
An interesting report. I've seen similar neighborhoods when we did the soup kitchen tour. I've also gone back to chicas real houses before in other countries, and it's often pretty horrid. I always took it as a compliment that they felt comfortable enough to show me.

I've even been in places out in the boonies that had no running water, or electricity. Talk about rough!

Joe Vato
11-05-10, 21:16
I also was invited to the home of a chica that works out of an apartment on Corrientes. The next day was her day off. She wanted to take the bus but I insisted on a taxi. I started to wonder about her neighborhood since I asked about ten taxi drivers to take us to her home. Finally, one agreed. He drove for about forty-five minutes. There was a point where he refused to continue. So I paid him and we started walking to her home. We had to walk through what seemed like a garbage dump with dogs running wild. We came to a dirt street with small homes on the sides that were really more like shacks since most of them were built of concrete blocks.

Her place was very small. Basically one room. When we visit BA as mongers we tend to stay in the city center. We go to nice restaurants and clubs and never see how the poor people really live. It is true. These girls that work at the privados and boliches are very poor. We may think that they make alot of money but they do not. Most are supporting children. It is indeed a hard existance. This is why I make it an absolute point to treat these ladies with respect and kindness. Goes a long way since most of them do not see this often. BTW, I bought her a phone for her birthday since she was always going all out to please me. Instead of a tip I asked her what she might be able to use. The following day was difficult to find a taxi. You can forget it when you are out there far from the city. I had to go to three different remises before one agreed to take me back to the city. They are careful with who they do business with since it is commom for them to get robbed by people they do not know. It was a good and enlightening experience for me. I am fluent in Spanish so I did not have a problem with anyone but I would not be out on the streets at night.

Joe Vato

11-06-10, 02:16
Interesting stories, thanks for sharing. Definately puts things in perspective.

11-06-10, 03:48
I also was invited to the home of a chica that works out of an apartment on Corrientes. . I am fluent in Spanish so I did not have a problem with anyone but I would not be out on the streets at night.

Joe VatoSo for a guy who essentially speaks no spanish, I'm still wondering about whether to venture out there again. If she is respected in her neighborhood, and I believe she is, then I would guess there wouldn't be trouble as long as I was with her. I don't want trouble for her, either.

Also I agree completely with your observations on kindness and respect. It pays huge dividends with these girls.

Thanks for the story, Joe.

Member #3320
11-06-10, 04:30
Thanks for sharing the stories.

It gives a very firm understanding on the whole situation in BA.

11-06-10, 11:49
I've been to a few of those places myself, its the reason I over pay.


Punter 127
11-06-10, 14:05
I've been to a few of those places myself, its the reason I over pay.

ExonDoes this mean you've come to the conclusion that 'over pay' is cheaper than totally remodeling a chicas apartment? Oh but wait, you had to pay her even after you remodeled her apartment, sorry I forgot. ROFLMAO

11-06-10, 18:45
Does this mean you've come to the conclusion that 'over pay' is cheaper than totally remodeling a chicas apartment? Oh but wait, you had to pay her even after you remodeled her apartment, sorry I forgot. ROFLMAO It was money well spent, I got much more enjoyment out of her then I ever paid her. Moreover She will always have a nice apartment to come home too no matter how bad her day was.

Poverty is a horrible thing, thats the reason most these girls become prostitutes, they live in absolute poverty. Its also the reason I won't "Haggle" with these girls over $50 peso's, (Like Some People I Know), hint, hint.


Punter 127
11-06-10, 19:06
It was money well spent, I got much more enjoyment out of her then I ever paid her. Moreover She will always have a nice apartment to come home too no matter how bad her day was.

Poverty is a horrible thing, thats the reason most these girls become prostitutes, they live in absolute poverty. Its also the reason I won't "Haggle" with these girls over $50 peso's, (Like Some People I Know, hint, hint.

ExonA famous monger once told me 'it doesn't take any brains to spend money'. Hint Hint. .:rolleyes: LOL

11-06-10, 20:07
. . . I always took it as a compliment that they felt comfortable enough to show me.That's the way I interpret it as well. I don't take it lightly because it shows a great deal of trust on the girl's part.

I'll say this as well. I have yet to turn away a girl over just $50 pesos. I've proven the famous monger's theory that 'it doesn't take brains to spend money' numerous times. The little head with no brain takes over when I'm in BsAs. Ha!

11-06-10, 21:26
A famous monger once told me 'it doesn't take any brains to spend money'. Hint Hint. .:rolleyes: LOLNor does take any brains to be "Stupid" either.


11-07-10, 01:39
Stay classy guys

11-07-10, 08:33
Over the years I have visited quite a few homes of working girls. Some were quite nice, even nicer then my place. Others lived with family, usualy with the family having no idea what their real jobs were. But most lived very poorly. Usually because they sent all their money home. I often think that the famillys of these chicas abuse the hell out of the poor girls. I know one dominacana who sends 500 $ dollars a monthly and the mother is always asking for more while she can live comfortably for 200 dollars a monthly. (She has her own house and does not pay rent) The mother thinks she has a gold mine and the poor girl is killing herself "mining the gold"!

Punter 127
11-07-10, 10:06
Stay classy guysExon and I have been friends for a long time and we're just bantering. So you don't really need to concern yourself. But hey if we ever need a referee we'll give you a call.

Punter 127
11-07-10, 10:10
Over the years I have visited quite a few homes of working girls. Some were quite nice, even nicer then my place. Others lived with family, usualy with the family having no idea what their real jobs were. But most lived very poorly. Usually because they sent all their money home. I often think that the famillys of these chicas abuse the hell out of the poor girls. I know one dominacana who sends 500 $ dollars a monthly and the mother is always asking for more while she can live comfortably for 200 dollars a monthly. (She has her own house and does not pay rent) The mother thinks she has a gold mine and the poor girl is killing herself "mining the gold"!I tend to agree with you, it's like that in most of the 3rd world countries that I've visited. But you have to wonder about the families not knowing, do they really not know or are they just looking the other way? For example I've known chicas who were sending home more money then the job they claimed to have would pay, and yet the family will keep asking for more money. How could the family not figure it out? I think they play the don't ask don't tell game sometimes.

11-07-10, 12:57
Exon and I have been friends for a long time and we're just bantering. So you don't really need to concern yourself. But hey if we ever need a referee we'll give you a call.Punter is my very good Monger buddy. He helped me lay the new carpet for the Chica's apartment I renovated for her, ($1,500 USD), He also knows I'm a "Sucker" for these Girls.


P.S. I've oftened called him a "CockSucker", but he's really "Not", he's a good friend.

11-07-10, 14:32
Does this mean you've come to the conclusion that 'over pay' is cheaper than totally remodeling a chicas apartment? Oh but wait, you had to pay her even after you remodeled her apartment, sorry I forgot. ROFLMAOAnd...

She wouldn't even fuck him in her newly remodeled apartment, but instead insisted that they go to a nearby transitorio.


11-07-10, 20:02
I tend to agree with you, it's like that in most of the 3rd world countries that I've visited. But you have to wonder about the families not knowing, do they really not know or are they just looking the other way? For example I've known chicas who were sending home more money then the job they claimed to have would pay, and yet the family will keep asking for more money. How could the family not figure it out? I think they play the don't ask don't tell game sometimes.Maybe they do or maybe they don't. Remember these are not the most intelligent people. They also think people in other countries are ALL rich. Or maybe they just don't care as long as they get their new TV.

11-08-10, 01:56

She wouldn't even fuck him in her newly remodeled apartment, but instead insisted that they go to a nearby transitorio.

DOUBLE ROFLMAO! People that live in "Glass House's" shouldn't throw Rocks. CockSucker.


P.S. But she did try and rent it to me on a subsequent trip. The relationship ended when she tried to borrow $25,000 USD so she and her brother in law could go into the shoe manufacturing business.

11-08-10, 06:43

P. S. But she did try and rent it to me on a subsequent trip. The relationship ended when she tried to borrow $25,000 USD so she and her brother in law could go into the shoe manufacturing business. Typical. The more you do for them, the more they want. They look at you as if you are a bank with unlimited ressources.

11-08-10, 15:02
...so she and her brother in law could go into the shoe manufacturing business.Brother-in-Law?

Yea, sure.

11-08-10, 17:44

Yea, sure. Sucking Cock again My Friend. Save Me a place at the table for Thanks Giving dinner.

Sportsman called me last night, evidently he'd been Mongering in Germany with Punter 127, both these guy's are "World Class" Mongers, try and save him a place too. If your not all booked up.


11-08-10, 19:24
Sucking Cock again My Friend. Save Me a place at the table for Thanks Giving dinner.

Sportsman called me last night, evidently he'd been Mongering in Germany with Punter 127, both these guy's are "World Class" Mongers, try and save him a place too. If your not all booked up.


You may recall, after last year's dinner wherein you arrived with three uninvited "guests", all of whom left immediately after eating the main course to attend another party, that you are permanently prohibited from inviting anyone to the Thanksgiving dinners.

In other words, Sportsman would be most welcome to attend this year's Thanksgiving Dinner, but he should contact me directly to make his own reservation.



11-08-10, 19:29
People that live in "Glass House's" shouldn't throw Rocks. CockSucker.


P. S. But she did try and rent it to me on a subsequent trip. The relationship ended when she tried to borrow $25,000 USD so she and her brother in law could go into the shoe manufacturing business. What "Glass House" are you referring to?

I had a who girlfriend refused to move out of an apartment that I had rented, but I've NEVER had a chick refuse to fuck me in an apartment that I was paying for.

11-27-10, 13:57
I have since gotten feedback from a few members about visiting these neighborhoods and the consensus seems to be that it may be ok during the day, but it isn't safe at night. Its the walk from the taxi to the girl's house where you're exposed. Probably best to decline future invitations.

12-28-10, 21:36
I have since gotten feedback from a few members about visiting these neighborhoods and the consensus seems to be that it may be ok during the day, but it isn't safe at night. Its the walk from the taxi to the girl's house where you're exposed. Probably best to decline future invitations.Absolutely, nobody's safe at night in those neighborhoods, not even the locals. I wouldn't test my luck going there many more times at 3-4am. During the day it's quite different, but of course there's rougher neighborhoods where you can't even be safe in broad daylight.