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View Full Version : Speaking english in Buenos Aires

02-06-11, 02:23
I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english?

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.)

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)

El Perro
02-06-11, 11:33
You can get by in Buenos Aires without speaking spanish but it certainly complicates things. Particularly if you know next to nothing. Learning some of the words / phrases that you can find here on AP would go a long way in helping out with escorts.

As for Sao Paulo I've heard the same, in fact I've heard they are proud of their particular dialect there and aren't into impressing Brazilians from other cities much less foreigners. Kinda like New York City.

I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english?

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.)

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)

02-06-11, 13:22
Gysell, who participates here (RedHot) , speaks English herself (note that she is not on the program so far as I know) has at least two girls who speak very good English, Vero and Nicole.

I don't have personal experience with them but I think that some of the girls who participate here also speak decent to very good english.


I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english?

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.)

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)

Rubiks Cube
02-06-11, 20:13
You'll be ok not speaking Spanish. There are very few girls that speak great English but many speak some English. You will have a better time if you learn some Spanish. It will also come easier with a naked tutor than a book

Wild Walleye
02-08-11, 16:34
I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english. Problem? If you can't speak Spanish, I would guess that you don't understand it when spoken, either. Therefore, you are inoculated from all but the most basic, spoken chica drama.

All you need for fun in Bs As is a finger (to dial the phone or ring a doorbell) and your pecker. If you can ring a doorbell and dial the phone with your dick, you don't necessarily need the finger.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.Add New Port to your list of clubs. I'd suggest privados including Junin 1633, Uruguay 343, Ste Fe 1707 and Gysell's. I would also do some reading herein and make a list of indies to entertain at your place (or theirs).

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.That all depends upon what you would like to communicate. Are you looking for a life partner, with whom you can spend your remaining days or someone to lick your balls and make you feel like a teenager?

If the former, you will definitely run into some obstacles. If the latter, you will be fine.

There is little need for you to communicate the basics. All of the chicas in question already know generally what you want and that you will likely enjoy it if they give your member lots of attention. Therefore, you need to acquaint yourself with basic phrases for transacting business and requesting the specific things that you would like.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english? I know that there are some but none of the chicas that I have brought home from any of the clubs has known more than a couple of words in English.

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.) If I can do it, so can you.

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)While not an absolute truism, the majority of chicas seeking fame and fortune via an 'entry' level position in the 'relaxation' business hail from the underprivileged socio-economic strata. One of the 'privileges' they often miss out on is learning a second language.

02-08-11, 17:24
If you have interest in some of the internet website girls, an easy way to start your trip might be using Roxanna's "translation service" under the Hot Links on the left side of the Forum page. She will call the girl and make the arrangments for them to come right to you at your desired time and place, no need to speak Spanish at all. I used her services my first couple trips with excellant results, and the fee was quite reasonable.

You can branch out from there, but this might be a good way to get a couple under your belt first.

Have fun!

Wild Walleye
02-08-11, 18:03
Florencia (the infamous Luli from Junin 1633) was up until recently on the Ceilo Private website. I just checked and her photos are not there (maybe on vacation). She speaks very good english and I don't recall her having too many 'don'ts'

Miami Bob
02-08-11, 22:59
NOT A DRAMA QUEEN. She is just a slender pleasant young lady who does a very good+ job consistently. There is a certain benefit towards good+ consistent service with zero complaints. She is not the very hottest girl in town-but she is a very pretty warm woman. She is easy for a newby without spanish. She will not lecture you about woman's rights, but just make you happy. She never tried to unionize nor sought special rates because she has some english.

I have been shocked reading an irate woman threatening to "out" a memebr for requesting bare back FS. A top gatita is a professional who keeps all things related to the bedroom private. Jazmin fits this to a tee. She's a sure thing for a newbie who want to relax with a good looking girl in her 20's who know what GFE means.

02-09-11, 17:42
You can definitely get by without speaking Spanish, although, personally I think you'll be missing out on some of the experience. One of the first things you should do is post up at one of the expat bars (like El Alamo) and make some friends. It will be a help. I've seen past forum members go without Castellano with success (even seen one get in some brutal arguments with cabbies over route ripoffs.) , I don't see why it shouldn't work for you. As far as the english speaking putas... in my opinion, the better their english, the worse the experience. Hand gestures are a mostly universal language. You'll be surprised how much you can get accomplished using them with a few learned words and phrases.

Wild Walleye
02-09-11, 18:30
I suggested Jaz to him in a contemporaneous PM.

02-17-13, 18:59
if you have interest in some of the internet website girls, an easy way to start your trip might be using roxanna's "translation service" under the hot links on the left side of the forum page. She will call the girl and make the arrangments for them to come right to you at your desired time and place, no need to speak spanish at all. I used her services my first couple trips with excellant results, and the fee was quite reasonable.

You can branch out from there, but this might be a good way to get a couple under your belt first.

Have fun!where is this translation service link? I don't see it anywhere. Thanks.

02-17-13, 19:59
Never stops to amaze me how many guys missing out of what this town have to offer from fear of going out of their comfort zone!

I lost cont of the guys I see hanging with ugly bags at Orleans or getting ripped to pieces by predatory women at Black or Madahos.

Also it never stops to amaze me people choosing the same old girls that other guys do because they speak some English, be it "Sonja the hedgehog queen" "Oral Annie" or whatever they all are called.

Does speaking Spanish make it easier to have a good time? Sure!

Is in necessary? Fuck no!

At any one time there is a few of the guys from the board in town and all you have to do is link up with on of them a day or two. Fuck there is even a dinner in the house nearly every week! Or you can take the easy road and go with oral Annie like everyone else. It is your choice.

After all we all have that Freedom, jeje.

I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english?

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.)

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)

02-17-13, 20:28
I want to spend a month in Buenos Aires and explore all it has to offer, if you know what I mean.

My problem is I only speak english.

After going through a lot of the postings, I plan on visiting Black and Madahos and some private apartments.

The main concern I have is that I won't be able to communicate with the escorts.

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the escorts at Black and Madahos speak english?

Is the trip a lost cause unless I learn to speak spanish? (which is a tall order for me, because I am trying and it isn't going well.)

(As a side note, I was planning a trip to Sao Paulo but several people told me that the percentage of escorts there who spoke english is almost zero, so I decided not to go.)

Actually I have met a lot more Brazilians that Speak English than I have met Argies that speak English but these were educated Brazilian tourist and not hookers.

Sao Paulo is hyper dangerous And Stranger is correct in that there is usually someone down here on vacation or working that is willing to hook up with you and help you out.

I am on a permanent vacation here in BA so you can always send me a pm and I'll be glad to show you around , I've got the time and it's what I do.

The percentage of hookers at Black and Madaho's that speak more than 3 basic English phrases must be around 3% .

Translate, locate and negotiate ;I'm a Tour Guide and happy to be of help.

Take Care.


Day Tours and Sex Tours , sure is fun !

02-17-13, 21:01
Does speaking Spanish make it easier to have a good time? Sure!

Is in necessary? Fuck no! After all we all have that Freedom, jeje.100% correct! Just ask any chica here that knows me and my spanish-portuguese-english mix LOL.

Gato Hunter
02-17-13, 22:42
Speakng Spanish and an ounce of streets marts can get you rather deep in the rabbit hole.

02-18-13, 07:19
Speakng Spanish and an ounce of streets marts can get you rather deep in the rabbit hole.Very true, not a lot of spanish is needed, but a little bit helps. I know people who do quite well with no spanish. It seems to amuse the chicas! (hand language!

02-19-13, 08:13
Very true, not a lot of spanish is needed, but a little bit helps. I know people who do quite well with no spanish. It seems to amuse the chicas! (hand language!Hey don't worry about it... I was in BA last year and had zero problems not knowing any spanish and I'm heading back in four weeks time.

As long as you can make yourself understood, you will be fine. Just be confident, playful and fun with the girls. At the end of the day, they don't care you can't speak spanish, they just want to be treated right and paid right. Start with Jackson's cheat lists and go from there... Just be confident... They know what you want and all you have to do let them know is that you're up for it... Though having an understanding of spanish is very helpful, it isn't necessary. The only difficult is with telephone escorts but there are people on this board that can help with that. I stuck with private apartments. Enjoy your holiday and once again just be confident.

Stay away from those clubs such as Blacks... Complete waste of time... Also read all the recent posts here as at the minimum you will get a flavour of what to avoid.

Gato Hunter
02-19-13, 10:47
I would not be able to pull off what I'm doing this weekend me and 8 chicas VIP disco.

Stop being typical EEUU citizens leave your comfort zone learn a second language. You might win a few short term battles in the long run you will loose.

02-19-13, 18:00
You'll be taking a long flight. Make the most of your time and learn:

! THE NUMBERS: practise until you are intelligible.

2. Greetings. E.g. Yo soy una estrella de rock.


Wild Walleye
02-25-13, 17:26

Hola. (pronounced "oh-la" "Hello.

Cuanto? (pronounced "quant-toe" "How much".

Completo? Do you take it in the back door?

Bucal sin? Will you blow me without a condom?

Acabo in tu boca? Can I cum in your mouth?

Hasta la vista. Bye.

I've managed to have some fun with severely limited Spanish.