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Genghis Khan
03-09-11, 06:16

I have never been to Argentlna or BA before. I have over the last ten years mostly concentrated my mongering to Europe (where I live) or Brazil (mostly Sao Paulo) , but BA is a city I have wanted to visit for a long time for various reason one of them being the chicas.

Brazil is a wonderful country for a monger because of the general attitude of the women towards turning tricks for money. If you have the right connections a lot of well known models and tv-stars are available. You can see a TV-hostess and find her really hot or pick up a magazine at a newsstand and see a model on the cover who you really like and if you have the right connections and ask for these girls many times they will be available. This is of course very low key and costly but it exists. It is not something you will find advertised or written about in any forum with any details.

My question is if something similar exists in Argentina / BA. If so would someone who can help me into this world send me a PM!

If I am ever going to be tempted to go anywhere but Brazil I would need something similar.


Rock Harders
03-10-11, 06:07

The answer to your question is that yes, with the right connections, many models from men's magazines and trashy TV shows ARE available for rent by the hour / night / weekend. As you can imagine these trophy girls do not come cheap and are probably in the range of the upper echelon Cafe Foto girls. If you know any well-established lawyers, business executives, and / or politicians they should be able to get you connected with this type of high end discreet set up. In Argentina, much like Brasil, there is almost nothing that money cannot buy.


Rock Harders

Genghis Khan
03-11-11, 16:09
I wonder if Roxanne has the contacts to help those you want entry into this world?


03-13-11, 02:32
I'm down for this. Doesn't matter how much $$. Anybody with the right connections?

03-13-11, 11:06
The correct answer to your questions is made by RH.

I have no connections with that part of the scene and as an advice, be sure that whoever promises you to make the connection won't be a "pobre chanta" like TL.;)

It won't cost you any money with me, because in these 9 years that I've been working in the forum, I never promised to get something I wasn't able to and when I delivered it, it was always for the amount of US$10. 00.;)

Enjoy your trip to Argentina and whatever else you may need, I'll be glad to help.

Kisses, Roxanne.

Wild Walleye
03-14-11, 16:37
The first guy to roll out the welcome mat is usually TL. He is to Argentine pussy what a truffle hound is to truffles.

03-14-11, 21:46
The correct answer to your questions is made by RH.

I have no connections with that part of the scene and as an advice, be sure that whoever promises you to make the connection won't be a "pobre chanta" like TL.

It won't cost you any money with me, because in these 9 years that I've been working in the forum, I never promised to get something I wasn't able to and when I delivered it, it was always for the amount of US$10. 00.

Enjoy your trip to Argentina and whatever else you may need, I'll be glad to help.

Kisses, Roxanne. Dear Roxana,

There are some overly aggressive individuals that harm to this forum, and all those who want to work.

Roxana, as you know. Here we say "a palabras necias, oídos sordos."

I think that would be great, that Mr. Jackson, you should avoid or invite to "retire" to any member of this forum, rude, aggressive and lacking in education in all aspects.

Too. That a forum member, is feeling affected by some type of drug!

All he does is attack, and disrespect to everyone in the forum, not only escorts.

Respect for other people, should be, is the fundamental principle of this forum. A person can spread their ideas, but with total education!


03-15-11, 03:34
I respect the people that deserve it and I help ALL the working girls make money!

I do not receive anything in return!

My girls make a shitload of money because I help them!

I respect them and I deliver the goods!

No bullshit baby!

Everyone loves me!

I am here to HELP the boys have fun in BA!

Now I'm going to go fuck my 18 year old girlfriend so have a nice night girls!

Be nice and I will PROMISE to do the same!


Genghis Khan
03-15-11, 07:10
I hope some of the moderators will clean up this thread so it can get back on track.

Regarding what is being discussed here my thoughts are this. The people wanting to and being able to afford paying for the types of services this thread is about would normally be well educated people working in a well paid profession. At the same time the girls in this type of service tends to be very low key because they generally don't want anyone to know they turn tricks.

So if we add low key and respectful, educated manners as attributes a person needs to have to be in the business of providing these types of services, TL certainly has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is not such a provider.

Sorry TL but your behaviour is scaring your potential customers away. Roxanne seems more like the choice to me because she is at least upfront about she can't do and her track record with my friends is outstanding. That is why I asked her for this in the first place.

PS! I am still searching for these services, so if anyone can make believable that they can help me, I would be appreciative.


03-15-11, 13:51
Tejano Libre. Is true, my English is not perfect. But my education is!

Please. Stop drug! Truly. Is ending, with what remains of you!


03-15-11, 15:40
Greetings Everyone,

I recently cleaned up this thread by deleting a number of pointlessly derogatory posts, as well as a number responses made by other forum members to these deleted posts.

This cleanup process is not perfect, and it's possible that I may have inadvertently deleted a few otherwise legitimate posts. If you find that your own report was also deleted, please don't take it personally.



03-15-11, 23:01
I hope some of the moderators will clean up this thread so it can get back on track.

Regarding what is being discussed here my thoughts are this. The people wanting to and being able to afford paying for the types of services this thread is about would normally be well educated people working in a well paid profession. At the same time the girls in this type of service tends to be very low key because they generally don't want anyone to know they turn tricks.

So if we add low key and respectful, educated manners as attributes a person needs to have to be in the business of providing these types of services, TL certainly has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is not such a provider.

Sorry TL but your behaviour is scaring your potential customers away. Roxanne seems more like the choice to me because she is at least upfront about she can't do and her track record with my friends is outstanding. That is why I asked her for this in the first place.

PS! I am still searching for these services, so if anyone can make believable that they can help me, I would be appreciative.


Let's get back to the business at hand.

I told you and everyone else that I can deliver the goods.

If your willing to pay the 10,000 to 20,000 dollar fee it can be done.

Maybe someone like Cynthia Fernandez or Andrea Rincon?

Both ultra hot but I hate petite spinners like Cynthia!

One is very tiny and the other one is voluptous.

What your asking for is not that hard to come-up with.

It's who you know!

This board, as life, is about BROS Before HOS.

Also, I'm not scaring potential customers away because I do this for free!

I have 2 people that I will see this week and I will ask around.

They have a combined 40 years in the entertainment, nightclub, hooker business so if they can't do it nobody can.

If your looking for the ¨Eye's Wide Shut ¨type of parties then maybe it will be a bit harder to break into that scene.



P. S. Ale seems to be hung-up on this drug thing and like I said, I have never met her so who know's how she pulled this out of her ass?

Genghis Khan
03-16-11, 05:12

I don't know you nor Roxanne, but a few of my friends recomend her highly so I do trust her when she is telling what she can and can't provide.

At the same time you seemed out of line, maybe not so much by what you were trying to say but by how it was phrased. The language you used.

As you surely understand when this kind of money is involved trust is a very important factor. Can you understand that since I don't know you and all I have seen from you are the posts in this thread, that the way you have written your posts is not a good way to start establishing a trustworthy connection. I am not going to bring a suitcase full of cash to BA, handing it over to you and wait in my hotel room hoping that you can arrange the girls we have agreed on.

But since I don't know you and since my first impression is only built on the posts in the few posts in this thread, you should have the chance to correct the impression if it is wrong.

The ball is in your half of the court now. Your move.


Wild Walleye
03-16-11, 11:39
Putting all of this in a little perspective?

GK, what exactly is it that you wish to accomplish? Bang one or more 10s or nail some chica that is locally famous? If your after the former, I'd suggest focusing on non-famous 10s and seeking the assistance of TL and others on this board. You should be able to find 10s for a lot less than famous chicas. If you are seeking famosas, you will need to find a conduit with proper access.

I have known many chicas in Bs As with bodies comparable to the two celebs mentioned by TL (although maybe not with the same ripped'ness of Andrea Rincon's abs) and many with better faces (this is all subject to personal tastes). Twice (in Bs As) , I have had both comparable face and body on the same chica. I don't recall the exact details however, neither cost more than AR$500 (or so). I have seen 9-10s at Madahos and Black, although I have not endeavored to take them out from either place. My experiences with Madahos' chicas has been mixed. The chicas from these two places will cost more than AR$500. The dancers at the clubs are normally 10s (at least the bodies) and they can be taken out for a higher price than the club chicas. You can check the respective threads for more details.

My primary concern about high-profile, celebrity-type chicas is that along with the nice package there might come a gigantic attitude. I'd hate to drop some monster coin on a chica and get the vibe from her that she may have stepped in shit. I'd at least want some confirmation as to the services to be provided and maybe a reference or two on quality of services. Tapping Andrea Rincon's cola would be a lot less appealing if she kept asking if I was finished yet.

It's your money and your fantasy, I wish you well with it.

03-16-11, 16:52

Do not abuse your words. Because in my country. ERES TU "VISITOR" UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SAY? Avoid legal problems: YOU ARE. EXTRANJERO- DROGADICTO Y PROXENETA. OK! TEN CUIDADO.

AlejandraTL is an Argentinean citizen, not US citizen, even though he grew up in Texas. He was born in Argentina.

Genghis Khan
03-16-11, 18:40
Wild Walleye,

What I whish to accomplish? I want to make sure before I leave home that all the girls I have set up is a 10. I basicly live half across the globe and take the time off to play a week every six months. I don't want to risk wasting my time by leaving to chance what I might meet at a club. I have learned over the years that I am extremely picky. At the same time I have no time for personal relationships at home, so the sex I have is pretty much what I buy on my bi-annual trips. So I want the girls I meet on my trips to be spectacular. To be sure I am also prepared to pay more. That way I am certain to level which is possible that I don't waste my time.

When it comes to what you call trophy girls and their performance, my experiance from Brazil is that these girls want to stay low key and not let their close to them know they turn tricks. In order to be able to build a trustworthy relationships with their clients not publicly announcing their identity and what they are doing they need to provide good service otherwise they can't rely on their clients and their secret is not safe.

I go to the clubs too but at night. The "trophy girls" are mostly set up for daytime.


Meforu 2000
03-16-11, 19:25
Chocolates mmmmm I wish Argentina had chocolates worth eating, everyone needs to take care in Argentina, perhaps Alejandra you get someone in your apartment and will not leave, like the people that take apatments that the goverment gives out to the poor so they can live. And the policsia just stands in a line and get hammered by women and children. Gh I can get you Susana Himenez for $ 10, 000. 00 you interested?

But it's half deposit and half when you see her.

I can get you the peresident for cheeper LOL. Your best bet is go to Brazil you know the movment.
TL i'm getting there the 28 you alive during the day ? or dick deep in chicas ? would like to have a beer with you you sound like a guy that likes a good time . una picada con cervesa boludo , y le rompemos los culos a las nenas lol pero no con Alejandra porque ya selo rompistes lol , but i say it with respect.


Wild Walleye
03-16-11, 19:40
Thanks for the additional info, which will help us to help you.

Do you speak Spanish?

Just as a personal aside, I don't base my hunting on price or looks alone. I consider myself choosy but adventurous. I've spent long nights searching and others I have found a chica in the first 5 mins and headed home with her. For me, it is much more a question of knowing when I see it. Unless it is really late and I am just look for a port in the storm, in which case my standards go out the window. While I might be in a position to pay much more than I often do, the research, discovery and occasional disappointment are all part of the experience. I also don't like being taken advantage of just as much as I don't like wasting money. If I can buy the same 65" Sony plasma at two different places with the same reputations for service and a price differential of US$1, 000, I am going to have an extra $1, 000 in my pocket when I sit down to watch my new TV. Additionally, while I may not enjoy the dismal services that I have experienced, on rare occasion, they help to make the truly spectacular encounters that much better.

Wild Walleye,

What I whish to accomplish? I want to make sure before I leave home that all the girls I have set up is a 10. I basicly live half across the globe and take the time off to play a week every six months. I don't want to risk wasting my time by leaving to chance what I might meet at a club. I have learned over the years that I am extremely picky. Thanks, that makes it much easier to understand. I would also assume that in addition to nailing beautiful chicas, you might like them to at least pretend to be interested in the activities and provide good service.

At the same time I have no time for personal relationships at home, so the sex I have is pretty much what I buy on my bi-annual trips.So what you are saying is, you're married. Don't worry, so long as you're not the governor of a mid-Atlantic state, your secret is safe with us.

So I want the girls I meet on my trips to be spectacular.You will have to do more than just pay. You will have to do your home work. I must say that I enjoy the hunt, it is like antiquing. Some times you find a timeless beauty in a rather down-market setting.

To be sure I am also prepared to pay more.I can appreciate that. However, paying more doesn't always guarantee better service.

That way I am certain to level which is possible that I don't waste my time.In addition to repeating that paying more doesn't guarantee better service, please keep in mind that this is Argentina and there are plenty of chicas who will gladly separate you from your cash and leave all of your bodily fluids right where they are.

When it comes to what you call trophy girls and their performance, my experiance from Brazil is that these girls want to stay low key and not let their close to them know they turn tricks. In order to be able to build a trustworthy relationships with their clients not publicly announcing their identity and what they are doing they need to provide good service otherwise they can't rely on their clients and their secret is not safe.There exist similar chicas in Argentina, however, I think that there are certain assumptions made about the really hot ones who can pay their own bills and don't have another job.

I go to the clubs too but at night. The "trophy girls" are mostly set up for daytime.GKThere are trophies at some of the clubs (Madahos and Black, in my experience) however, without foreknowledge of their performance, you might not get the quality of service that you desire.

So to be more clear, you are looking for a UTR10GTFYS or "an under the radar ten guaranteed to fuck you silly." In this case, I think that you are looking for private stock. That's a whole different can of worms.

03-16-11, 20:31
[QUOTE=Meforu 2000; 416226]Chocolates mmmmm I wish Argentina had chocolates worth eating, everyone needs to take care in Argentina, perhaps Alejandra you get someone in your apartment and will not leave, like the people that take apatments that the goverment gives out to the poor so they can live. And the policsia just stands in a line and get hammered by women and children. Gh I can get you Susana Himenez for $ 10, 000. 00 you interested?

But it's half deposit and half when you see her.

I can get you the peresident for cheeper LOL. Your best bet is go to Brazil you know the movment.

TL I'm getting there the 28 you alive during the day? Or dick deep in chicas? Would like to have a beer with you you sound like a guy that likes a good time. Una picada con cervesa boludo, why le rompemos los culos a las nenas LOL pero no con Alejandra porque ya selo rompistes LOL, but I say it with respect.

Jajajajajaaja. Muy gracioso!


03-16-11, 20:35

I can not stand more than an assault on your side! I'll see you in BA. Honestly, I'll find you. Anyone is MACHO distance. Stop talking about me. I've tired. ENDS HERE! Take care of your stuff.

Do not abuse your words. Because in my country. ERES TU "VISITOR" UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU SAY? Avoid legal problems: YOU ARE. EXTRANJERO- DROGADICTO Y PROXENETA. OK! TEN CUIDADO.

AlejandraYes Dear,

I apologize if I have offended you or if you have misunderstood my form of speaking or writng.

I do it to be entertaining.

I do not want to fight with you or anyone else!

Unfortunately I am an Argentino but I am not a drug addict or proxeneta.

Zero drug use since BEFORE Chirstmas!

More than 3 months clean!

And I have witnesses that will attest to this fact.

Zero profit from Chicas.

I just try to help out the boys on this board.

Take Care,


P. S. I want to thank the boys that have sent me their p. M's of support!

03-16-11, 23:51
Yes Dear,

I apologize if I have offended you or if you have misunderstood my form of speaking or writng.

I do it to be entertaining.

I do not want to fight with you or anyone else!

Unfortunately I am an Argentino but I am not a drug addict or proxeneta.

Zero drug use since BEFORE Chirstmas!

More than 3 months clean!

And I have witnesses that will attest to this fact.

Zero profit from Chicas.

I just try to help out the boys on this board.

Take Care,


P. S. I want to thank the boys that have sent me their p. M's of support! Tejano Libre.

I am not "Dios" to forgive. But it is important for me, that leave of absence respect for the people of the forum, and also to my.

Muchas gracias,


03-17-11, 02:05
If someone can hook me up with Cinthia Fernandez.... I would be very interested.

At least once if the price wasn't outrageous. I know I'm dreaming, but you never know until you ask....

Thank you

Genghis Khan
03-17-11, 14:34
Wild Walleye,

You wrote that the money is no guarantee to a spectacular experience and you are certainly correct. You also wrote that "trophy girls" can be found in the clubs too. You are certainly right on that too.

First I need to add that I used the term "trophy girls" because it was used by somewhere else here to describe what I am looking for. I am however not refering to the club girls when I use that term. Your use of that term is different from what I meant when I used it. I am speaking about semi-professionals making enough money on their normal business to not having to turn tricks to be able to make ends meet. I am talking about girls who are well known for their looks through their normal profession and wants to add to their income by sometimes attending clients who are educated enough to be a respectful gentleman and are trying to make it a good time for the girl too. The club girls in any country is too hardcore to fit into that category normally becaue their clients are hardcore too. Hardcore and perfection is as far away from each other as it can possibly become in my opinion.

I am not looking for anything personal from this girls. Its all about the experience with her. The experience involves around how good time I think we had together both in and outside the bed as our experience. When it comes to price vs experience, I think an experience would need to be devided into two different parts: looks and performance. An inexperienced monger would normally place more importance on looks than performance and as more experiance is gained normally the weight shifts more and more towards performance until you grow cold and uninterested of the whole thing. I think that is when the search for the spectacular starts because anything else is just uninteresting and a waste of time. In that search for the spectacular you are looking for absolute perfection in both looks and performance. To acheive this more money is normally involved because girls able to fit this category know they are worth more and the mongers in this caregory think it is better to pay more than to waste time on searching for perfection where it never can be found anyway because of how hard core the girls become in the clubs.

When I can choose the girls from home before I go I know that 50% of the experience will be perfection because I have chosen girls with what I think is a 10 lookswise whereas when I go to a club I know nothing except the fact that the girls always are too hardcore to fit into the perfection category of performance. What do you thinks gives the best odds of finding what I am looking for? I am in no doubt.

I think this might be the best description of my frame of mind.


Genghis Khan
03-17-11, 14:45
I forgot to mention that I am not looking for these "trophy girls" because I am looking for the trophy to show off to others or to make myself feel good because I fucked that famous woman everybody is lusting for. I am not from Brazil or Argentina and would not know much of a trophy these girls are. The names thrown around in this thread means nada to me. I have no clue who they are.

What I am looking for is perfection and according to my experiance with this types of girls is that you have a better chance of finding it with them. The looks part can easily be reviewed from home and the performance part is usually less hardcore. It might cost more money but who in their right mind searching for perfection in anything will be surprised that the cost is more.

Nidyan Febreat and Larissa Riquelme are examples of girls I could have chosen if they were available. They could be the doughters of the Argentinian president for all I care, so I have no idea of availability here. It is just an example of what I am talking about. The other girls mentioned in this thread are of no interest.


03-17-11, 15:27
Tejano Libre.

I am not "Dios" to forgive. But it is important for me, that leave of absence respect for the people of the forum, and also to my.

Muchas gracias,

AlejandraOK Dear!

In the future I will do my best to respect everyone on this forum!

I expect the same in return.

Thank You for Your Co-operation!


03-17-11, 16:12
Hi Genghis,

I'll throw in my two centavos. I think that your last post clarifies what you are looking for, but I also think it is somewhat different from your original post which was:

Brazil is a wonderful country for a monger because of the general attitude of the women towards turning tricks for money. If you have the right connections a lot of well known models and tv-stars are available. You can see a TV-hostess and find her really hot or pick up a magazine at a newsstand and see a model on the cover who you really like and if you have the right connections and ask for these girls many times they will be available.Followed up today by:

I forgot to mention that I am not looking for these "trophy girls" because I am looking for the trophy to show off to others or to make myself feel good because I fucked that famous woman everybody is lusting for. I am not from Brazil or Argentina and would not know much of a trophy these girls. The names thrown around in this thread means nada to me. I have no clue who they are.

What I am looking for is perfection and according to my experiance with this types of girls is that you have a better chance of finding it with them. The looks part can easily be reviewed from home and the performance part is usually less hardcore. It might cost more money but who in their right mind searching for perfection in anything will be surprised that the cost is more.

Based on that, it sounds more like you are looking for a high end escort service rather than some sort of introduction to the upper echelon of pay-to-bang in order to bag some **** from a telenovela or nudie rag. Like Brazil, everyone here has their price, but unlike Brazil, everyone may not really be happy about it.

I agree that what you are looking for you aren't going to find in a club. But unfortunately, I also don't think you will find it on this board. One word used earlier in this thread is "discretion." Though some are more discreet than others, discretion is not really a virtue of this board. I think you've witnessed that already in this thread.

Also, most of the mongers on this board are pretty cheap. I am not saying that is a bad thing. I am a big fan of Cocodrilo, which is the diametric opposite of what you are looking for. It's just that what you are looking for, a high-end, discrete escort service, is not the kind of thing that would generally show up on Argentina Private.

Genghis Khan
03-17-11, 17:30
Hi Genghis,

I'll throw in my two centavos. I think that your last post clarifies what you are looking for, but I also think it is somewhat different from your original post which was:

Followed up today by:

Based on that, it sounds more like you are looking for a high end escort service rather than some sort of introduction to the upper echelon of pay-to-bang in order to bag some * from a telenovela or nudie rag. Like Brazil, everyone here has their price, but unlike Brazil, everyone may not really be happy about it.

I agree that what you are looking for you aren't going to find in a club. But unfortunately, I also don't think you will find it on this board. One word used earlier in this thread is "discretion." Though some are more discreet than others, discretion is not really a virtue of this board. I think you've witnessed that already in this thread.

Also, most of the mongers on this board are pretty cheap. I am not saying that is a bad thing. I am a big fan of Cocodrilo, which is the diametric opposite of what you are looking for. It's just that what you are looking for, a high-end, discrete escort service, is not the kind of thing that would generally show up on Argentina Private.
Hi, Schmoj.

There is no contradiction between the two quoted statements. It is not because she has been in a television show or on a magazine cover that I would choose such a girl. It is because she has caught my eye and looks close to my view of perfection. I don't want her because she is on TV or because she is on the magazine cover but because of how she looks.

Secondly I agree to your opinion of this not being the proper place to start looking for something like this. However I am do not know Argentina and this would be my first place to start searching because its the only place I know. Like its sister Brazilian forum was my first place to start searching for this info on Brazil before I thourgh several chains of contacts found what I am looking for. It only takes someone who might not be into it himself but knows someone.


03-17-11, 18:09
If someone can hook me up with Cinthia Fernandez. I would be very interested.

At least once if the price wasn't outrageous. I know I'm dreaming, but you never know until you ask.

Thank youHey Esten,

Old buddy! How are you?

In my opinion ¨High Performance and High End ¨ONLY applies to Italian and German sports cars that have 2 doors , 2 seats , and get really shitty gas mileage!

I am going to try to find out this evening about Ms. Fernandez but I think you will find the asking price to be outrageous!

Getting Stronger Everyday!


03-17-11, 20:17
I’ve also heard that Roxanne get a kickback from the girls she sets up. I have no direct knowledge of it, since I have never used her, or need her, since my Spanish is good enough. I have just been told by a few people.Greetings everyone,

For the record, I can state from many years of personal knowledge that Roxanne does NOT and never has taken a kickback from any of the girls for whom she makes appointments.



03-22-11, 01:18
Hey Esten,

Old buddy! How are you?

In my opinion ¨High Performance and High End ¨ONLY applies to Italian and German sports cars that have 2 doors. 2 seats, and get really shitty gas mileage!

I am going to try to find out this evening about Ms. Fernandez but I think you will find the asking price to be outrageous! Hey TL! I am good. Hope you are doing well.

Yes, I am sure a date with Ms. Fernandez would be rather expensive, if even possible. But damn she is Cynthia Fernandez ! LOL. I posted about her back in 2007. She did an interview once where she said she had offers but wasn't interested, but things could change, you never know.

Now I do realize that is a very wishful request, so tell you what, as a second choice I would 'settle' for Pamela David.

OK TL so now I've made it easy for you. If you can't get Cynthia then Pamela will do. I'M COUNTING ON YOU MAN !!!