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View Full Version : Cristina K bans Adult Classified Ads

Rock Harders
07-06-11, 06:33


I have never personally took advantage of the plethora of adult services ads that are present in Clarin, La Nacion, etc but now it looks like Cristina's feminazi agenda will be curtailing their proliferation. There is no heat in half the schools, the public hospitals are full of cats and you give your urine samples in soft-drink bottles, but there is plenty of time and money to fund the enforcement (including hiring the obligatory noquis) of this ridiculous law.



07-06-11, 13:13
That should increase demand for website advertising.

I guess it's time to install that classifieds ad module I've been reviewing.



El Perro
07-06-11, 15:34
More of CFK's "we know what's best for you" agenda. No smoking, no salt, no sex ads. Of course she ain't alone, the proliferation of these arrogant assholes across the world is frightening. This sex ad thing is just anti-sex mentality plus she's sticking it to Clarin anyway she can. The excuse she uses of cutting down on the "slavery" issue is completely bogus. I don't think slave chicks are ponying up $ for Clarin ads.

The bad and the good. Since hiring Nilda Garre to be the "security" minister there have been some good things done. Garre is actually trying to clean up the crooked cop problem (good luck!) , but she is also part of CFK's morality police. Have you ever seen a picture of the chick. She looks like she hasn't sucked a dick in decades.

07-06-11, 15:44

"The creation of a new authority to monitor the advertisement of sexual content, will be part of the justice minister office and will be in charge of researching and punish the felonies"

As any other policy, this will be extended to the digital media. I consulted about this, so I guess the websites will be censored as well.

Hopefully, talking about prostitution, it's not affected.

Argentina used to be about prostitutes, soy, and bife de lomo, and it looks like now it's going to be only about soy and bife de lomo.

07-06-11, 15:47
The bad and the good. Since hiring Nilda Garre to be the "security" minister there have been some good things done. Garre is actually trying to clean up the crooked cop problem (good luck!) , but she is also part of CFK's morality police. Have you ever seen a picture of the chick. She looks like she hasn't sucked a dick in decades.She probably was a working girl, and that's her angry face. She looks too bad in the picture to be admitted in a privado.

07-06-11, 18:58
Bang On Jackson!

Lets stick it to the feminazi christina and turn.

Her rant into a capitalist enterprise.

As a user of the Clarin, I'll now turn to.


Where sex worker ads are posted.

I'm sure the enterprising Argies will find a way to

Circumvent their fascist government. Soon,

You will wade through small 2 x 3 inch photo ads for

Sex all over the sreets.

The beat goes on.


07-06-11, 20:35

Meforu 2000
07-07-11, 21:10
I had some good luck with the ads in the clarin, lot cheaper than the web and lots of private apts. Will hate to see it go but I got some good contacts out of it and I still have some numbers to call when I go there, hope they don't change the numbers.

07-08-11, 19:38
I had some good luck with the ads in the clarin, lot cheaper than the web and lots of private apts. Will hate to see it go but I got some good contacts out of it and I still have some numbers to call when I go there, hope they don't change the numbers.I think that the girls will ALL become massage therapists and will advertise as such to get around the law.


The escort sites will fill-up untill they are shut down also.

And yes, they do change their numbers unless it's a land line!

The hand-outs on the street may also proliferate.


07-09-11, 05:28
Hey, and with a little bit of luck TL's little black book will become a telephone directory!

I think that the girls will ALL become massage therapists and will advertise as such to get around the law.


The escort sites will fill-up untill they are shut down also.

And yes, they do change their numbers unless it's a land line!

The hand-outs on the street may also proliferate.


07-09-11, 22:37
Hey, and with a little bit of luck TL's little black book will become a telephone directory!Funny that you should mention that!

Jackson is going to put together an Escort Site that will be tied in to Tejanolibre. Com.

The site will redirect traffic between Argentina Private and Tejanolibre. Com.

We will fill the Escort Site with the best girls that we can cum all over, I mean bring together.

My " Black Book " may be a list of "Premium Tang" and will be placed accordingly.

Now I want votes :

If Master Jackson allows me to fill-up his Escort Site and I team up with World Traveler, our GOD; will you Boys come and see us?

Have I ever failed you?

Clean and Bored,


P.S - I hope I have not let the Cat out of the bag , J !

Hoping to work with you soon !

07-09-11, 22:44
Hey, and with a little bit of luck TL's little black book will become a telephone directory!If you really need TL's list of street putas then it's safe to say YOU HAVE NO GAME! LMAO! Happy Mongering All. Toymann

07-09-11, 22:57
If you really need TL's list of street putas then it's safe to say YOU HAVE NO GAME! LMAO! Happy Mongering All. ToymannLike I said :

One day you and I are going to have a serious difference of opinion!

Who lives in Ba?

Who has to pay to get laid?

Who is the most read?

IALMAO as you would say!

Damn "Jar Heads", got to love them!

Take Care,


P. S. Be careful with what you wish for because you may not like the answers !

Your "Favoritas" are in my book and in my bed !

I guess what your saying is that if you have no game you have to pay .
If you take them off the street then we won't fuck them.

07-10-11, 13:47
The new "decreto" tries / wants to block and stop any comercial advertisment for any comercial girl.

Including websites.

So maybe in the close future, every working girl will be streetwalking to do his job.

Plaza de Mayo could be a good zone, right where the new decrete was produced. Maybe Banco Nacion aside could be changed in a transitory hotel.

07-10-11, 14:32

Your "Favoritas" are in my book and in my bed.Must be back on the drops again dude! LOL! You have never even met any of my top 5 dude. But keep dreamin! Happy Mongering TL. Toymann

07-10-11, 15:03

The US congratulating the "feminazi" on the ban. Interesting, right?

07-10-11, 15:46
Reprinted from perfil.com.

CFK banned by decree Rubro 59

He said that "it is a crime" ads offering sexual, but I had a bill opponent. A crusade against Hannibal F. Clarin launched on his blog.

05. 07. 2011.

Cristina prohibited sexual want ads bypassing Congress. A crusade of Hannibal F. against Clarín.

President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner signed this afternoon the decree 936, which prohibits ads for sexual solicitation, the famous "Heading 59" qualifiers in the press. The head of state signed the norm during a ceremony held this afternoon at the Casa Rosada, as part of measures against trafficking.

"The decree represents a major step. Rubro 59 sexual solicitation of a crime and deep discrimination to the status of women as such," said the President. However, the president did not hide who hurt this decree: "These ads let you huge profits at newspaper companies."

Specifically, the large revenues deducted as the daily Clarin, published daily multiple pages with these ads in its print edition. The President was accompanied by chief of staff, Aníbal Fernandez and Justice Minister, Julio Alak, who has under his órbitaa Office Rescue and support people affected by this crime.

However, the prohibition of such notice was already provided for in a draft law on trafficking in persons who developed opposition lawmakers and more than one year is postponed by the ruling party in congressional committees. On this issue, the deputy of the Civic Coalition, Fernanda Gil Lozano, one of its founders, had an encounter with Anibal Fernandez when the officer went to Congress.

Gil Lozano reported that "the government wants to take other initiatives and that the ruling puts obstacles that always want to take advantage of the circumstances and recorded their solution on their own initiative."

"I thank the President who has taken our project to develop the decree," said Gil Lozano today in a statement ironically.

The lawmaker said "would have been much better" than the ruling party in Congress would support the initiative launched by the Civic Coalition "because it is always better that these measures have the force of law."

On its website staff, Aníbal Fernández wrote on September 9, 2010 an article entitled "Trafficking and item 59, the two windows in the news," in which he criticized the "double standard" for reporting the daily Claríand trafficking cases in the newspaper while publishing numerous sexual want ads.

"In the area 59 of his ads, which corresponds to the offer of sex, 'flagship' media empire (.) notices published 6774, an average of 63 pesos line (.) represents the tune of over a million pesos a month,"the officer fired national portal.

According to the chief of staff wrote,"the Clarin exceeds the exercise of double standards for entry into what Gregory Batenson defined as the Theory of Double Bind a function to explain the interactional phenomenon that schizophrenic communication occurs."

07-10-11, 15:53

EEUU congratulated the President to ban Rubro 59.

Ambassador Vilma Martinez made by letter.

08. 07. 2011 | 19:06.

Cristina received a congratulatory letter from USA Ambassador Vilma Martinez.

The USA ambassador in Argentina, Vilma Martinez, today sent a letter to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in which it recognized "their commitment to the fight against human trafficking both for sexual and labor."

Martinez said this is the sanction presidential decree 936/2011, which prohibits the classified ads in media that offer sexual services, as the "Heading 59". The ambassador said that the rule is "a different measure to address the issue of trafficking" and held that "many countries will appreciate seeing the effects that this decree brings to the fight against this crime."

The diplomatic representative recalled the expressions of President Barack Obama, in the sense that countries should join "as a global community to provide security, protect victims and punish traffickers." And he stressed: "To fight against modern slavery and trafficking is a shared responsibility."

Noting that one of the biggest commitments of his leadership of the USA Embassy in Argentina was "working with its government and civil society to raise public awareness" of such a scourge, said: "I have personally seen the great Argentina's progress in combating trafficking in persons since the first convictions of traffickers to the establishment of several shelters to assist victims,"he said.

In the letter, the ambassador highlighted the joint work of both governments "to train judges, prosecutors, labor inspectors and members of security forces in investigative techniques and identification of victims as well in order to achieve effective sentences for traffickers." He also noted that lawmakers in both countries "were able to exchange experiences on legislative amendments" that were the basis for legislation on trafficking.

Finally, Martinez felt that both the USA and Argentina "much remains to be done to dismantle national and international networks of traffickers, accomplices and convict those providing care to victims."

"We move forward together, sharing our actions to reduce this scourge that affects more to the poorest sectors of society and vulnerable," the ambassador concluded his letter.

Source: Office of the President

07-10-11, 15:56
Reprinted from http://fortunaweb.com.ar/%c2%bfes-constitucional-el-decreto-que-prohibe-avisos-sexuales/

Is it constitutional decree that prohibits sex ads?

How far will impact the Internet and what is read.

Opinion. By Martíand Carranza Torres.

The presidential decree that prohibits the publication of notices sex, as it is, is unconstitutional because it affects the guarantee of freedom of expression and exercise of the legal industry. In fact, the President signed the standard is likely to be challenged in the courts.

It is forbidden to charge for sex in the country if the decision is free and consented to by who offers the service. In fact, Argentina legislation does not consider prostitution a crime.

Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime, but will not be solved with the restriction notices. In particular, it is affected in the sexual and personal freedom of the people who are victims because they are deprived of their liberty in all dimensions. But it is clear that a person who freely decides to charge for committing a sex is not illegal.

The advertising of such ads is perfectly legitimate. This analysis does make the "unconstitutionality" lack of effectiveness of the measure makes it irrelevant, because here the State claims the power to say only what is (or not) is a notice offering prostitution.

In legal terms, the decree is "untimely," because it represents an effective measure to meet the end that says. Trafficking is an organized crime: the crime perpetrated by those acting from the underground will continue to do is publish notices or not.

Internet censorship

In Argentina, the agency responsible for regulating the local domain is NIC Argentina, a unit of the Argentina Chancellery. According to its powers, may terminate any domain ending in."Ar" that does not comply with current legislation through an administrative act, without a warrant.

If sites hosted on foreign servers and extra-Argentine domain, the State would be entitled to block access to the local network. However, the country has not yet been any cases of this nature. For now, only countries like China, Egypt and Iran are those from the central block access to foreign websites.

If the government manages to effectively censor these messages, open the door to censorship of any content posted on the Internet or print media only with a decree. Finally, there is still yet know what will happen with the offer of paid sex through social networks that operate in Argentina, do you also will be subject to sanctions?

* Lawyer specializing in computer law and technology. Study Director Carranza Torres & Asociados.

El Perro
07-10-11, 16:11
"According to the chief of staff wrote,"the Clarin exceeds the exercise of double standards for entry into what Gregory Batenson defined as the Theory of Double Bind a function to explain the interactional phenomenon that schizophrenic communication occurs."


What an amazing crock of shit. Firstly, it is Gregory Bateson, not Gregory Batenson. And, his theory of double bind communication precipitating schizophrenic illness has absolutely zero bearing on the matter at hand. If he was alive he would laugh his ass off at these idiotic "intellectual" dilettantes.

It's going to be four more years of these arrogant fascists, who with a probable near landslide election result, will feel emboldened to carry out more of this kind of insanity. The nutjob broads are running Argentina now. We would have been better off if Kirchner had lived, believe it, or not.

07-10-11, 18:22
Must be back on the drops again dude! LOL! You have never even met any of my top 5 dude. But keep dreamin! Happy Mongering TL. ToymannIt's ALL fun!

Damn Drops were not allowed into the country a while back so I guess that's a good thing.

Have Fun,


07-10-11, 21:44
BairesGirls reacted and registered www.bairesgirls.net And platynum. Com. Ar also made some changes.

07-11-11, 03:22
CFK speaks about double moral in the media and the truth is she and the corrupt politicians are the ones who don't have morals.

How is it going to stop prostitution the banning of sex ads in rubro 59? Working girls will become streetwalkers or they start paying youngsters to give free leaflets or business cards in streets corners. Tell me something: If prostitution is not a crime in Argentina, how on earth is publishing sex ads a crime, felony or even an administrative offense? What CFK is trying to do is restricting free expression, she wants to become the ruler and referee of what is going to be published in the papers and what is banned. Today they ban sex ads, tomorrow opposition to the government, bad news, criticism, etc.

Talking about double morals let me put it this way, if she is really interested in making women's life better then why did she steal the pension funds some time ago. How about corruption? I haven't been in AR in some time but for what I hear things are worse, not better. How about CFK keeping inflation in check? How about giving social security or pensions to sexual workers? Hell I think they would agree to pay taxes if they were regularly checked for STDs, got day care centers, etc.

The govt says people don't choose the life they want to live, hell in latin America it is specially true since government is causing social and economic conditions to worsen so decent life for all the citizens is increasingly difficult, they are the problem not the solution.

What is going to happen in the future? My guess is women will have to face harder working conditions, ostracism from society, specially from other "decent" women, more STDs, more violence because they will have to look for clients in worse places and conditions and probably less pay if economic problems get worse.

I think the Netherlands approach to prostitution is far more civilized than the feminazi agenda being pushed in all of America from US to Patagonia. My country recently legalized a similar act, which is even worse because there are jail penalties for the offenders who publish sex ads in papers, however the law hasn't been enforced so far which is not uncommon in México.

My last question is What about Gigolos? What about trannies? Do they need Momma CFK's protection from ugly bad men and sex offending dominatrices? XD.

I don't know if this law is constitutional for the newspapers but if AR has signed International treaties regarding Labor possibly even the sex workers unions or even the male working girls could litigate because it affects their right to work.

What do you guys think?

07-11-11, 03:55
CFK speaks about double moral in the media and the truth is she and the corrupt politicians are the ones who don't have morals.

How is it going to stop prostitution the banning of sex ads in rubro 59? Working girls will become streetwalkers or they start paying youngsters to give free leaflets or business cards in streets corners. Tell me something: If prostitution is not a crime in Argentina, how on earth is publishing sex ads a crime, felony or even an administrative offense? What CFK is trying to do is restricting free expression, she wants to become the ruler and referee of what is going to be published in the papers and what is banned. Today they ban sex ads, tomorrow opposition to the government, bad news, criticism, etc.

Talking about double morals let me put it this way, if she is really interested in making women's life better then why did she steal the pension funds some time ago. How about corruption? I haven't been in AR in some time but for what I hear things are worse, not better. How about CFK keeping inflation in check? How about giving social security or pensions to sexual workers? Hell I think they would agree to pay taxes if they were regularly checked for STD's, got day care centers, etc.

The govt says people don't choose the life they want to live, hell in latin America it is specially true since government is causing social and economic conditions to worsen so decent life for all the citizens is increasingly difficult, they are the problem not the solution.

What is going to happen in the future? My guess is women will have to face harder working conditions, ostracism from society, specially from other "decent" women, more STD's, more violence because they will have to look for clients in worse places and conditions and probably less pay if economic problems get worse.

I think the Netherlands approach to prostitution is far more civilized than the feminazi agenda being pushed in all of America from US to Patagonia. My country recently legalized a similar act, which is even worse because there are jail penalties for the offenders who publish sex ads in papers, however the law hasn't been enforced so far which is not uncommon in México.

My last question is What about Gigolos? What about trannies? Do they need Momma CFK protection from ugly bad men and sex offending dominatrices? XD.

I don't know if this law is constitutional for the newspapers but if AR has signed International treaties regarding Labor possibly even the sex workers unions or even the male working girls could litigate because it affects their right to work.

What do you guys think?OMG!

I'm just a Gigolo and everybody knows me!

What is our world coming to?

You can't stop the oldest profession in the world!

Reminds me of a story :

Before we had "Coke working girls" we had "Fire working girls."

The Cave dudes that had "Fire" had ALL the Chicas!

Nothing has changed!

If you have the fire in the cave the Chicas will come!

They are trying to put out our fires!


P.S - Barney Ruble and Fred Flinstone had the Chicas man ! Fire , food and sexy cars ! Nothing has changed in 1 million years !

07-11-11, 04:09
"According to the chief of staff wrote,"the Clarin exceeds the exercise of double standards for entry into what Gregory Batenson defined as the Theory of Double Bind a function to explain the interactional phenomenon that schizophrenic communication occurs."A textbook example of "doublespeak".

Gato Hunter
07-11-11, 22:35
I just traveled to Seattle and they are doing something similar there. The mayor has banned all funding for advertizements from the city in the two papers that have adult ads. The city advertized concerts, plays etc that were happening at the city owned arena.

This whole thing is being spearheaded by Ashton and Demi.

Do they really think that banning advertizements will magically fix everything and when they wake up it will be as they wished? Its just going to drive it underground, and encourage pimping.

Holland is doing the same thing by banning the sale of pot to foreigners in Amsterdam. There is just going to be some dude outside the coffee shop selling.

07-11-11, 22:41
I don't see how the can stop online adds. The servers can easily be located outside of Argentina. I am sure there are many countries that won't respond to Argentina request to shut down a site. And if they do, the site can just be moved to a different server.

07-12-11, 00:53
I don't see how the can stop online adds. The servers can easily be located outside of Argentina. I am sure there are many countries that won't respond to Argentina request to shut down a site. And if they do, the site can just be moved to a different server.You're right that the Argentina government would find it virtually (no pun intended) impossible to shut down a website that was hosted in a foreign server. However, if they could trace the owner of the domain name or whoever was paying the server bill to someone who was living in Argentina, or if they "followed the money" by simply posing as a potential advertiser on said website, the Argentine government could target said individual for further legal action.

Wild Walleye
07-12-11, 02:46
You're right that the Argentina government would find it virtually (no pun intended) impossible to shut down a website that was hosted in a foreign server. However, if they could trace the owner of the domain name or whoever was paying the server bill to someone who was living in Argentina, or if they "followed the money" by simply posing as a potential advertiser on said website, the Argentine government could target said individual for further legal action.Much depends upon the laws of the hosting country, where the transaction takes place (I. E. Paying server bills, ad bills, etc).

For example, most of the ads for Russian comfort women are hosted outside of Russia, for exactly those reasons.

07-12-11, 18:51
There are lots of well known local chica sites that are up and running, to include those like www.adoos.com.ar that originate in BA.

07-12-11, 19:49
"Rep. Chris Smith, R-N. J, one of the authors of the law that established the report and offered protection to trafficking victims, said he was "deeply disappointed" that China was given a political waiver despite its ongoing and expanding problem of human trafficking, particularly sex-trafficking of women and girls."

Politicians who pay for sex are a rarity today (heavy sarcasm). Former Governor of NY Spitzer for example was a strong crusader against prostitution cause it served his career as attorney general, but was a high paying client of a prostitute.

Any person that wants to be a leader should not be a leader as they often are seeking to serve their own selfish interests and not those of the general good.

What all this banning does is create the illusion of action / concern (like sweeping a dirt floor). All that it does is cause a small portion of AR money to be spent in some other country hosting the servers (Brazil, Paraguay, etc) as has been pointed out. All some enterprising monger has to do is create an app that will do the same thing via a smartphone and then what could the government do? Put a surveillance tap on all smartphones? Block internet traffic? Eventually Argentina could end up a police state like China. Perhaps it would be possible to through in some monkey wrenches into Cristina K's regime, bring unwanted media and legal pressure on her. I am not sure how convoluted the AR court system is but what if a large enough number of lawsuits regarding free speech were filed against her (or perhaps even for her pension swindle)? I'm not talking about a winning outcome but just something to suck up her time dealing with it (sort of like being stung by a hundred ants vs one big bear).

I don't know but it just seems like Cristina K is as bad an egg as her husband and needs to get tossed.


"I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.". Thomas Jefferson

07-12-11, 20:51
Much depends upon the laws of the hosting country, where the transaction takes place (I. E. Paying server bills, ad bills, etc).

For example, most of the ads for Russian comfort women are hosted outside of Russia, for exactly those reasons.That all depends on the law of the country where the service is provided / managed from. There are countries in the world who define in their laws that it does not matter where the server is located, but it does matter if the site is managed from the country it is targeting.

Since I am not familiar enough with the Argentine law it is very hard to say if this decree is applicable to the "off-shore" sites or not. There are very few "cheap" hosting companies in Argentina with their hardware in Argentina. So if this decree is not applicable to off-shore servers, than most of the sites would not have a problem. (Except for Bairesgirls and Platynum which are hosted in Argentina.)

07-12-11, 22:55
CFK wants to be president again and are looking for the women voters of this country."Your husband spend more time at home because he can't call prostitutes or smoke in bars with friends"

Stan Da Man
07-12-11, 23:06
I may be jaded in my view, but I have to believe that Cristina's tactics aren't really about trying to protect women or stop trafficking. If that's what she was trying to accomplish, you would see a similar effort directed at the boliches and privados.

She declared war on Clarin and other newspapers about two years ago. Taking away advertising revenue and possibly readers is just one more way to do that. I would submit that this is what her campaign really is about.

Has she actually gone after any of the online sites, or has she just paid lip service to that idea? Perhaps she has a dual motive, but she's been taking swipes at the newspapers for some time now. It would make sense if this is part of that same campaign, just dressed up in drag as a moral crusade. Just my two cents. I haven't followed the issue closely beyond what's been posted here, so I'll be the first to admit that I could be way off target.

07-13-11, 00:47
This thing will go away like the Fibertel decree to get Clarin. SOS from a two bit dictator.

Looks like its constitutionality is already being challenged.


07-13-11, 02:05
I may be jaded in my view, but I have to believe that Cristina's tactics aren't really about trying to protect women or stop trafficking. If that's what she was trying to accomplish, you would see a similar effort directed at the boliches and privados.

She declared war on Clarin and other newspapers about two years ago. Taking away advertising revenue and possibly readers is just one more way to do that. I would submit that this is what her campaign really is about.

Has she actually gone after any of the online sites, or has she just paid lip service to that idea? Perhaps she has a dual motive, but she's been taking swipes at the newspapers for some time now. It would make sense if this is part of that same campaign, just dressed up in drag as a moral crusade. Just my two cents. I haven't followed the issue closely beyond what's been posted here, so I'll be the first to admit that I could be way off target.Trying to appease Obama and appear legitimate.

Immediately received a positive response by the American Government's Mouthpiece at the Embassy here.

Also a woman!

CFK is also a woman so it does make sense.

Italian Prime Minister outlawed sex with underaged girls but he still fucks them!

I love his style!

Likes to pull a cork every once in a while too!

Can't trust anybody that won't have a drink every once in a while.


El Perro
07-13-11, 10:05
CFK doesn't give a rat's ass about appeasing Obama or the states, particularly before an election. As Gysell points out, she is looking for women voters, and as others have pointed out, this is part of the Kirchnerites ongoing huge to the death battle with Clarin, and some other newspapers. I think some of this may die down after the election, but on the other hand, CFK is filling her administration now with arrogant little facist shits who know better how you and I should live.

07-13-11, 17:06
CFK doesn't give a rat's ass about appeasing Obama or the states, particularly before an election. As Gysell points out, she is looking for women voters, and as others have pointed out, this is part of the Kirchnerites ongoing huge to the death battle with Clarin, and some other newspapers. I think some of this may die down after the election, but on the other hand, CFK is filling her administration now with arrogant little facist shits who know better how you and I should live. Totally agree

Wild Walleye
07-29-11, 19:25
CFK doesn't give a rat's ass about appeasing Obama or the states, particularly before an election.I'm no scholar of Argentine politics, but don't candidates, for any office, usually run away from the US and towards folks like Chavez in the run up to an election? That said, there is an awful lot of political crap that gets in the way of legitimate business, in Argentina (apologies for stating the obvious).

As Gysell points out, she is looking for women voters,I always find it funny when cracking down on prostitution is served up in pre-election posturing (particularly in the US).

In the US, It is almost always a pure sop to voters usually driven by local politicians looking to score points by making busts and 'cleaning up' the streets (all this while violent crime receives no more attention) and playing to women voters (who could never fathom the need for this type of companionship. Which is why it exists). I can't imagine too many people fall for it, but it happens all the time."They" must have done the calculus and determined that hookers don't tend to shoot cops, so its a win-win. If one of your cops gets hurt or killed actually fighting dangerous criminals before an election you get a negative double whammy (city is unsafe and you are getting you people hurt / killed) which is not good for politics (or the cop).

In the case of Argentina, I thought that men are supposed to get some 'cultural' slack regarding scratching one's itches, so why pick on pros?

and as others have pointed out, this is part of the Kirchnerites ongoing huge to the death battle with Clarin, and some other newspapers.With all of the acrimony and attacks directed at Clarin, I can't imagine too many people will think that Christina is cleaning anything up rather, I would expect frightening clarity regarding the fact that she is continuing to abuse the office in order to in order to fulfill personal vendettas. It is consistent with the attack on Clarin's licenses in that they are trying to destroy the businesses that fund the organization. This is directed at weakening Clarin by taking away their sources of revenues and profits. The fact that it damages other unrelated private citizens (I. E. All the other publishers and related business) doesn't even merit a thought. That is pretty scary stuff and a large part of why Argentina remains off the table for many global investors.

If I was a voter, I would be a little afraid of that kind of power.

I think some of this may die down after the election, but on the other hand, CFK is filling her administration now with arrogant little facist shits who know better how you and I should live.It is all about controlling the individual and continuing 'his' dependence upon the government.

08-16-11, 13:09
Greetings from Cristina, Rocky:
