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View Full Version : A Zanny month in Buenos Aires

07-06-11, 13:02
Hi, I am Zanny, a young Aussie travelling around. I have decided to stop in BA for a month and rent an apartment. In the past I first mongered in Australian massage parlours, which is about US$220 an hour, then I tried out New Zealand, which is cheaper, about $150 an hour. Then I discovered forums on Thailand (Pattaya-addicts) andthe Philippines (piatnight) and so I went there, and I have a trip report on PA about my adventures there if you want to read that over here: http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/topic/64260-popped-my-asian-cherry-massive-trip-report/

This is my first time in South America, so I chose to go to Peru, where I just travelled around doing the tourist thing with a friend (with benefits) , now I am in Argentina, then I am going to Santiago, then off to Europe to try out all the debauchery in German Partytreffs.

Realistically my preference is more for the dark skinned, short, skinny but big real tits, nice ass kind of girls you would find more of in Columbia and Brazil, however as I am travelling solo, I did not feel safe in going to those coutries on this trip. I also want to take the opportunity to bang some white chicks, as I have been doing asians for a long time. Looking at the photoshopped websites, there seems to be many agreeable girls in BA. Hopefully forum members with experience can help me find the diamonds.

My budget for this trip is As Cheap As Possible. Every 30 dollars I do not spend is another day sitting on a beach in Thailand eating noodles, drinking Mai Tais and banging LBFMs in 2012.

So, here we go:

Day 1: Arrived late evening in BA, little delay but at least I got here, with the ash cloud you never know. After paying $100 aussie tax for a 1 year multi entry visa, the line for customs was huge. Eventually got through and there was no one to collect my form so I just walked out. Had found in the plane next to me other aussies headed to my hostel, and they had booked a private taxi, so I jumped in there and we split it, nice start. I was tired so I just found a takeaway pizza place, then went to bed.

Woke up with a cold. Not good. Feel like shit as I type this. This is due to my immune system being compromised after food poisoning in Peru. My friend eats a Guinea pig for dinner and she is fine, but my chicken burger has me puking 5 times, go figure.

Today was apartment, SIM card and Jackson's dinner party day. I had found a place on Craigslist listed by the owner, a 1 bdrm on santa fe in recoletta for $880 a month. It compared well to what was on offer through the apartment rental websites, where there might be issues organising inspections, many do not have wifi, etc. I inspected it after lunch and found it to be really nice, with everything I needed: quiet at the back of the block, queen bed, nice mattress, heating. 3 MB unlimited wifi. 32" LCD with English cable channels, and an audio system with surround sound, washer and dryer, full kitchen, balcony, spare single mattress and more. Just an apartment without utils is $1100 in OZ so once I bargained him down to $850 plus $400 bond it was a win for me, plus I could stay for not 28, not 30 but the full 31 days of July. The guy was cool, I knew my bond would not disappear.

I still wanted to check out the Jackson mansion so I told him I would call him that night. Now to sort out a SIM card for my iPhone. After researching I found the most helpful info at:http://travel.ceoblues.com/archive/2010/december/prepaidmovistar

My new apartment was only a few blocks from this big movistar shop, so I followed the instructions and it all went according to plan, except that there was a big queue, and it took the girl ages to get it all setup in their DOS database, so all up it took at least an hour. At least now I have a number you can all reach me on to hang out. (15) 5036 5105 and I can have mobile data on my phone if I want, yay.

After this I did not want to go all the way back to San Telmo just to come back to Recoletta for Jacksom's party, so I just hung at McDonalds which has free wifi with no password which is nice.

I arrived at the mansion promptly at 8pm, and met the guys who were there, and more arrived later, including Jackson, who was out getting meat. Most of the guys I met, I do not know their forum names, only their real names, except for TejanoLibre who was there, and very friendly. Everyone was very friendly actually, and funny as well as intelligent. Some of the attendees live here permanently and some were visiting, either staying as guests of the mansion or elsewhere. The group of guys really know their history, current affairs and geopolitics, so I really enjoyed listening to them talking and arguing and as my area of knowledge does not really include south america, it was quite interesting.

Dinner itself was excellent, the meat was really delicious and plenty to go around. Unfortunately as I had a cold, I did not have much to drink or feel like going to a club after dinner, even though I was invited. Another time for sure!

Day 2-6:

Checked out of my hostel and moved into my apartment on Friday morning. Really happy to have all these amenities for less than $30 a day. I read on the forum that the Citibank ATM would let me take out cash with no fees, however my card just does not want to work at the non-banelco atm's at Citibank. So I have only been able to withdraw 1000 pesos per transaction and pay 16 pesos each time I do that. I wish I could take out 4000 at a time or even 2000 would be better.

Once I paid for the rent, first thing I did was go shopping at Carrefour, and lucky I did that because my cold turned into a full blown flu, and I have not left the apartment from Friday afternoon until now on Wednesday because I could barely move! I have been here for a week, and seen none of BsAs nor have I had any pussy!

I still have a nasty cough but tomorrow I am going to get out there and start getting some action because I am sure most people reading this only care about the section where the sex begins, and I feel like this has been a wasted week.

07-06-11, 16:12
Cool story! Unfortunately I have to leave today back to Germany, coming back in November, but I am interested to see how your month ends.

It's a great city. Wish you a lot of "Hot experiences".